Download - -Why do I always fall for the bad girl? -You didn’t know she was a bad girl. -I knew she wasn’t good. -Do you have anything a little bit stronger? -Thank.


-Why do I always fall for the bad girl?-You didn’t know she was a bad girl.-I knew she wasn’t good.-Do you have anything a little bit stronger?-Thank you. Let me rephrase this: Why am I attracted to a person I know isn’t good 。-I happen know the answer to this ; Because you’re hoping you’re wrong. And she does something that tells you she’s no good, you ignore it. And every time she comes through and surprises you, she wins you over and you lose that argument with yourself that she’s not for you.-Exactly.-And on top of that, there’s the old standby: I can’t believe a girl like that would be actually be with a guy like that me. You know what she said to me tonight? She said she finished in Santa Fe after two days and has been staying with whatever-his-name-was, which means she’s been right here in town, which means when I spoke to her this morning on her cell and she said ;” I am looking out of my window and it’s snowing.” She was in Santa Monica. What did she do, go to That must make them both scream with laughter. And in the meantime, I sent her Christmas gift to Santa Fe yesterday. I stood in line at FedEx to make sure she got it on time. Classic, right? Look, I don’t wanna ruin your Christmas Eve. You don’t have listen to this.-lt's okay. l like the company

fall for sb =be attracted to sb, fall in love with sb 爱上某人, 迷恋e.g. They met, fell for each other and got married six weeks later. 一见倾心

win sb over/ round (to sth) 获得某人的支持 / 好感 (尤指通过劝说)

e.g. She is against the idea, but I am sure I can win her over.

rephrase phrase=express in words v. 措辞表达

e.g. How shall phrase this/

an elegantly phrased compliment 措词优雅的赞语

stand in line = stand in a queue 排队

-So how about some food? Shall l make us a little Christmas fettuccine? -Sure. -Listen. l know it's hard to believe people when they say, " l know how you feel," but l actually know how you feel. You see, l was seeing someone back in London. We work for the same newspaper and then l found out that he was also seeing this other girl, Sarah, from the circulation department on the 19th floor. lt turned out that he wasn't in love with me like l thought. What l'm trying to say is, l understand feeling as small and as insignificant as humanly possible, and how it can actually ache in places that you didn't know you had inside you, and it doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get or gyms you join or how many glasses of chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends, you still go to bed every night going over every detail, and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. And how in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy? And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he'll see the light and show up at your door.  And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new and you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again, and little pieces of your soul will finally come back. And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted, that will eventually begin to fade. -Well, fuck. You need this more than l do. That's what you're doing here? -You're getting over somebody? -Yeah. This is me in good shape. -ls this the guy who sent you pages from his novel? -Yeah. He needs me. -So he stays in touch? -All the time. -So that makes it impossible to forget him, which is great for him but sucks for you. -You see how great your life is compared to mine? -Okay, let's go. l'm making you some fettuccine. lt is Christmas Eve, and we are going to sit out on that patio, gonna make ourselves a little fire, gonna pop some bubbly, and we are gonna celebrate being young and being alive.

-You with me, Simpkins? -Miles. -You really are an incredibly decent man. -l know. That's always been my problem.

see somebody =date somebody

circulation department 发行部 e.g. a newspaper with a daily circulation of more than 1,000,000 circulation 1. 血液循环 2. 流通 3. 报纸杂志等的发行量

humanly ad. By human means, within human ability 人力所能及的范围e.g. the doctors did all that was humanly possible 尽最大的力量

go over sth 检查核对, 仔细研究温习e.g. You’ll have to go over the figures again, they don’t add up. You have to go over the textbook for tomorrow's exam.

convince sb of sth =make sb feel certain 使某人确信 / 明白e.g. How can I convince you of her honesty? I was convinced (ie sure) I saw you there, but it must have been sb else.

see the light =to understand or believe something after much difficulty/doubt. 明白,领悟

“You‘re getting over somebody?” 你来这里是为了忘掉旧情人? get over sb 恢复常态(如病后,受惊之后,结束与某人的某种关系之后)e.g. I was still getting over Peter when I met and fell in love with Harry. 情思未断

suck v. to be disgustingly disagreeable or offensive. 厌恶令人极不愉快或令人讨厌 e.g. It sucks.

fettuccine n. 意大利宽面

chardonnay n. 一种白葡萄酒

patio n. an outdoor space for dining or recreation that adjoins a residence and is often paved院子;天井

pop some bubbly 开瓶香槟

bubbly 多泡的 , 起泡的 Champagne. 香槟酒

pop v. 发出清脆的爆破声e.g. pop maize/corn 爆玉米花

1. 在接下来的 10 天中,为争取尚未投票的选民的支持,我们要更加努力

(the undecided voters, win sb over)

1. ① 他因没得到那份工作大失所望,不过他会想开的

② 他刚跟女朋友分手了, 不过他会忘了她振作起来的

( get over sth/ sb)

3. 他对白天发生的事情细加反思

( go over sth)

4. 她的一番话使我确信她是无辜的 (convince)

1. 在接下来的 10 天中,为争取尚未投票的选民的支持,我们要更加努力

In the next 10 days we will be working hard to win the undecided voters over

2. ① 他因没得到那份工作大失所望,不过他会想开的

He is very disappointed at not getting the job, but soon he will get over it.

② 他刚跟女朋友分手了, 不过他会忘了她振作起来的

He just broke up with his girl friend, but soon he will get over her.

3. 他对白天发生的事情细加反思

He went over the events of the day in his mind.

4. 她的一番话使我确信她是无辜的

What she said convinced me of her innocence/that she was innocent.
