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Curso de inglés para niños con profesores en prácticasNombre y apellidos del alumno/a      


Fecha nacimiento      


Primer idioma      

Nivel de estudios en el colegio       (p.ej..1r ESO)

Nombre del padre, madre o tutor/a      



IMPORTANTESi tu hijo/a padece algún problema físico (alergias, intolerancias, etc…) o psicológico

(dislexia, hiperactividad, etc.), por favor coméntaselo al tutor/a del curso o al director del departamento.

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Firma ____________________________________________________ Fecha ________

Test de nivelEl alumno/a tiene que realizar el test de nivel. Devuélvanoslo lo antes posible y, si es aceptado, se informará por correo electrónico cuándo venir a realizar el pago.

Summer Placement Test (11 a 13 años)


Question one:

What time is it? Write in words

Ex. 5.10 It’s ten past five.

1. 8.30 __________________

2. 6.45 __________________

3. 3.15 __________________

4. 12.25 __________________

5. 4.40 __________________

Question two:

Complete the days of the week.

1. Monday_____________

2. T__________________

3. W__________________

4. Th__________________

5. F____________________

6. S____________________

7. S_____________________

Question Three:

Part one:

Put the words in the right list.

Cycling running shopping watching TV

Basketball playing computer games reading tennis

Free Time Activities:______________________________________________



Part Two:

Complete the sentences with the correct family word.

1. My Mum’s mum is my___________________________

2. My dad’s sister is my ___________________________

3. My uncle’s son is my ___________________________

4. My dad’s dad is my ____________________________


Question four: Write sentences with can or can’t

1. Raul: √ play football; X run fast


2. Gemma: √ play tennis; √ dance

3. Montse: X run fast; √ speak English

4. Raul: X dance; √ speak English.

5. Write a sentence about you.


Question five:

Order the words.

1. for breakfast / I / toast / have / usually

2. does / Diana / homework / her / always

3. always / TV / does / watch / Steve ?

4. never / swimming / Tuesdays / he / on / goes

5. basketball / does / she / how / often / play ?

Question 6:

Complete the text with words from the list.Remember to change the form if it is for 3rd person (he/ she)

Do my homework get home have dinner go to bed

Have breakfast go out leave home play on my computer

Have lunch get up

1. I always _____________________at 7.30 in the morning, and

_______________at 8 o’ clock. I have cereal and orange juice.

2. My brother Sam ___________________at 8.30. He usually catches the train to school.

At 12.30pm he __________________________.

3. School finishes at 4.30pm and I _______________at 5pm. After school I


4. Sam doesn’t do his homework first. He __________________or

________________with his friends.

5. We _______________at 8.30pm. I like chicken and salad. I usually

___________________ at 11pm.

Question seven:

Read the text and answer the questions.

My aunt Donatella is from Italy. It is difficult to see her because she doesn’t have a typical routine. She’s a nurse. She usually goes to bed at 10 o’ clock in the morning. She gets up at 3.00 in the afternoon and she has breakfast. On Tuesday and Thursday evenings she goes to English classes but I don’t go; I go to the swimming club. On Fridays I

always go out to the disco but she goes to work at 10 o’ clock. I can see aunt Donatella at the weekends. We sometimes watch a film together on TV.

1. Where is Donatella from?

2. What does she do?

3. Does she have a typical day?

4. When does she have breakfast?

5. When can they see aunt Donatella?

What do they do?



Question eight:

Choose one question and write your answer.

1. Describe your family. (age, appearance, what they like to do)

2. Describe your typical day. What do you do? What time do you do it?

3. Describe your favourite super hero. What do they look like? What can they do?

NOTARecordamos que su hijo/a tiene que acudir a clase con un cuaderno, un lápiz o bolígrafo y, si ustedes lo vean necesario, un pequeño almuerzo. ¡Gracias!