Download -€¦  · Web viewMake sure that you use the appropriate GUSTAR GRAMMAR and include the vocabulary word ... arroza. Tengo hambre y sed ... 10. Me gusta


Nombre _________________________________________________________________________________ Clase_______

Para Mantener la Salud


PALABRAS POSIBLES:algoel arrozlas bebidasel bistecbuenocada díacaminarla carnela cebollala cenalos cerealesCreo queCreo que sí/nodebeslos espaguetisEstoy de acuerdolas grasaslos guisanteshacer ejercicio el heladohorriblelas judías verdesla lechugalevantar pesasmalola mantequillanutritivolas papaspara mantener la saludlos pastelesel pescadoel pollo¿Por qué?porqueprefieressabrososaludableTengo hambreTengo sedlos tomateslas uvaslas zanahorias


Nombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________

Para mantener la salud: Practicamos #1A. Write a sentence about each picture to identify if you love, like, or dislike it. Make sure that you use the appropriate GUSTAR GRAMMAR and include the vocabulary word.

1. EX: Me gusta la carne. 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________

4. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________

7. ___________________________ 8. ___________________________ 9. ___________________________

B. Write a sentence about what time you eat each meal. Be sure to include the vocab word.


10. ______________________ 11. _____________________ 12. ________________________

C. Circle the letter that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. ¿Qué comida no es buena para la salud? 6. ¿Qué no debes hacer para mantener la salud?

a. manzanas c. papas fritas a. nadar c. correrb. leche d. ensalada b. ver la tele d. levantar pesas

2. ¿Qué comida tiene más grasa? 7. ¿Qué debes hacer para mantener la salud?

a. mantequilla c. papas fritas a. no practicar deportes c. ver mucha teleb. guisantes d. pescado b. comer helados d. comer verduras

3. ¿Qué comida no es una verdura? 8. Tengo hambre. Necesito _____. a. guisantes c. lechuga a. agua c. comer algob. zanahorias d. pescado b. una bebida d. un refresco

4. --Tengo sed. 9. Necesito un licuado.______. --Aquí hay _____.

a. unas uvas c. arroz a. Tengo hambre y sed c. Me gusta el pollo.

b. un plátano d. una bebida b. Tengo hamburguesas d. Zanahoria

5. ¿Qué haces para mantener la salud? 10. Me gusta levantar pesas. a. yo haces ejercicio c. ella hace ejercico a. Estoy de acuerdo. c. Creo que.b. levanto ejercicio d. yo hago ejercicio b. Creo que no. d. A mí tampoco.

D. Place a check in to indicate at which meal the following foods/drinks would be consumed.

D A C D A CEl cóctel de frutas El jugo de tomateLa ensalada El jamónEl helado de chocolate

Las chuletas de cerdo

El melón Los guisantesLa carne asada (grilled)

El coliflor

La torta (cake) El arrozEl tocino El caféEl bistec La limonadaEl pan con mermelada

Los huevos fritos

Las judías verdes El pollo


El sándwich de atún El pescadoEl jugo de naranja La hamburguesaLa sopa de verduras El sándwich de

quesoLos espaguetis El agua mineralEl cereal Las galletas

Nombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________

Para mantener la salud: Practicamos #2A. Answer each of the questions, answer with ‘creo que sí,’ or ‘creo que no’ and explain why.

1. ¿Debes comer desayuno cada día para mantener la salud?___________________________________________________________________________________

2. ¿Debes comer muchas frutas y postres para mantener la salud?


3. ¿Debes ver mucha televisión para mantener la salud?


4. ¿Debes pasar tiempo con amigos para mantener la salud?___________________________________________________________________________________

B.Answer the following questions based on your eating habits. 5. ¿Cuál es la primera comida del día?


6. ¿A qué hora comes la tercera comida del día? ___________________________________________________________________________________

7. ¿Comes una merienda? ¿Qué comes?___________________________________________________________________________________

8. ¿Qué debes beber para el almuerzo?___________________________________________________________________________________

C. For the following sentences, write (L) Lógico or (I) Ilógico. 9. Me gustan los perritos calientes en la cena. __________ 10. Beber 8 vasos de agua cada día es malo para la salud. __________


11. Me gustan las papas fritas sin la salsa de tomates. __________ 12. Me gustan las galletas con arroz. __________ 13. Cuando hace calor, me gusta el té helado. __________ 14. Me gusta beber la lechuga y las zanahorias. __________ 15. Cuando yo tengo sed, yo como el bistec. __________ 16. Cuando yo tengo hambre, yo como el pollo y una ensalada. __________ 17. Para mantener la salud, no debes hacer ejercicio. __________ 18. Las judías verdes son grasas. __________

EC: CREATE ONE OF YOUR OWN!! ________________________________________________Nombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________

Para mantener la salud: Practicamos #3

A. Look at the food pyrmid and fll in with the appropriate food groups.

1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

4. ______________________________

5. ______________________________

6. _____________________________

B. Fill in the blanks in the following statements. There may be more than one correct answer.7. La pirámide nutritiva es la forma más práctica de indicar la comida que

________________________ comer cada día.

8. Es ________________________ comer muchos pasteles y helado.

6. Para mantener la salud, es importante comer de ________________________ los grupos

de la pirámide.







7. No hay muchas grasas en una ensalada de________________________

8. El agua es un________________________ muy buena para la salud.

9. Cuando ___________________________ ________________________ , bebo agua.

10.No estoy ________________________ ________________________ con Antonio. No me gusta

nada correr.

11.________________________ que tengo buena salud. Como bien y hago ejercicio cada día.

12.Me encantan ________________________ porque son sabrosas.

13.No me gusta nada ________________________ porque es horrible.

Nombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________


Answer the following questions while watching the video. If the question in in English, answer in English. If the question is in Spanish, answers in Spanish.

1. What 2 misunderstandings happen in the video?

2. What new vocabulary words did you hear or see? What do you want to know?

3. Según Gloria y Raúl, ¿cuál producto es muy importante para Costa Rica?

4. ¿Qué clase/ tipo de restaurante visitan cuando Tomás tiene sed?

5. ¿Qué piden ellos allí? (pedir= to order)

6. ¿Cuánto cuestan las bebidas en total?

7. Según Tomás, ¿qué es bueno para la salud?6

8. ¿Cuáles actividades hace la gente de San José?

9. ¿Qué come Tomás en el segundo restaurante?

10. ¿Qué preparó la mamá en casa?

Nombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________

Para Mantener la Salud: PWPT y Actividades del VocabularioIntroducción: A. Repeat as you hear each vocabulary word and point to the corresponding picture. Use your vocab list as needed. (Track #1)

B. Listen and answer the questions. (Track #1)1. What does the male student love? _______________________________________________________2. Name 3 things he mentions eating. _______________________________________________________3. Why does Claudia have an unhealthy diet? _______________________________________________

C. Listen and answer the questions. (Track #2)4. What does the male student do to stay healthy? __________________________________________5. What activity does the female student suggest?

___________________________________________ Why? ____________________________________________________________________________________

Actividad 1: ¡Claro que no! For each group of words, cross out the word or expression that does not belong. Then write down at least one word or expression that does fit with the group.

1. el pollo el pescado el arroz _________________________2. las zanahorias los pasteles las judías verdes _________________________3. caminar correr ver la tele _________________________4. malo horrible sabroso _________________________5. la lechuga las uvas las fresas _________________________6. cada día un día todos los días _________________________7. el pan los espaguetis los frijoles _________________________8. la mantequilla el helado la leche _________________________


Actividad 2: ¿Qué prefieres? Ask your partner which of the two foods he or she prefers. Your partner with answer and ask you which one you prefer.

Model: A: ¿Qué prefieres, carne o pescado? B: Prefiero carne/pescado. OR No como ni carne ni pescado. Y tú, ¿qué prefieres? A: Prefiero carne/pescado.

**Want to step it up a notch? Use yo también, yo tampoco, or yo no when responding to B.

Actividad 3: ¿Es saludable? Listen to the students talk about things they do. Circle ES SALUDABLE if they are describing things that are healthy and NO ES SALUDABLE if they are unhealthy. (Track #4)

1. Es saludable No es saludable 5. Es saludable No es saludable

2. Es saludable No es saludable 6. Es saludable No es saludable

3. Es saludable No es saludable 7. Es saludable No es saludable4. Es saludable No es saludable 8. Es saludable No es saludable

Actividad 4: La pirámide. Listen and fill in with the correct word(s). (Track #1)La pirámide _________________ es la forma más práctica de _________________ la comida que ________________________________ cada día. Para _________________ la salud, _________________ comer de todos _________________.

Actividad 5: Recomendaciones. Ask your partner if you should eat certain foods to stay healthy.

A: ¿Debo comer _____________ cada día para mantener la salud?B: Creo que sí OR Creo que no.

Need a challenge? Use drinks/activities instead of foods!! ¿Debo beber café/ caminar …?

Actividad 6: Los buenos consejos. Give advice about healthy lifestyles by filling in the blanks.1. Necesitas beber ______________________________ cada día.2. Debes comer ______________________________ en la cena.3. ______________________________es malo para la salud.4. El jugo de zanahoria es ______________________________.


Need a challenge?

5. Nunca debes comer ______________________________porque ______________________________.6. Para mantener la salud, es importante ___________________________________ todos los días.

Actividad 7: Dictación. Write the sentence you hear. (Track #3)1. _______________________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________________3. _______________________________________________________________________________________4. _______________________________________________________________________________________5. _______________________________________________________________________________________6. _______________________________________________________________________________________7. _______________________________________________________________________________________

Nombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________

Para Mantener la Salud: Actividades de EscucharActividad 5 (Track #6): Listen to a radio announcer as he interviews people at the mall about their lifestyles. Pay close attention to the things that they say they do and eat. What in their lifestyle is good or bad for their health? Match what they say to the pictures below. Then write the corresponding letter in the appropriate column. You will hear this conversation twice. (




Bueno para salud Malo para la salud1. Mariana __________________ __________________2. Jorge __________________ __________________3. Luz __________________ __________________


4. Nacho __________________ __________________

Actividad 6 (Track #7): Listen as students in a health class in Costa Rica present a list of the “do’s and don’ts” of staying healthy. Wjhich are consejos lógicos and which are consejos ridículos? Place a check mark in the appropriate box on the chart. You will hear each set of statements twice. (

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10ConsejoLógicoConsejoridículo

Acividad 7 (Track #10): A Spanish speaking telemarketer calls your home to interview you about the food preferences of teens. He must have gotten your name form your Spanish teacher! He asks you to tell him whether you think certain food items are malo or sabroso. Be sure to listen carefully so that you will be able to use the correct form of the adjective for each item. Write what you would say in the spaces below. You will hear each question twice.

1. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________2. _________________________________ 7. _________________________________3. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________4. _________________________________ 9. _________________________________5. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

Acividad 8 (Track #12): In an effort to improve food in the school cafeteria, students are asked to anonymously call in their opinions about school food. Listen to their opinions and indicate if the statement is true or false. You will hear each set of statements twice.

1. V / F: The student does not like the salads or chicken, but thinks that the desserts are good.

2. V / F: According to the student, the fish and spaghetti at the cafeteria are tasty. 3. V / F: The student likes meat, but does not like the meat served in the cafeteria. 4. V / F: According to the student, the cafeteria serves healthy food.


5. V / F: The student especially likes the fruits in the cafeteria.

Actividad 9 (Track #13): Listen as people call in to ask Dr. Armando their health questions on his radio program Pregunte al doctor Armando. While you listen to their questions and Dr. Armando’s advice, fill in the chart below. Do you agree with his advice? You will hear this conversation twice.




LuisNombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________

Actividades de Escuchar (a continuación)Click on the link or use www. to access this listening activities. If the question is in English, answer in English. If the question is in Spanish, answer in Spanish. You may listen as many times as necessary but do not use a translation device!!

#137: Gabi from Argentina talks about restaurants that of comida rápida.

1. What do you think comida rápida is? ______________________________________________________

2. Why does Gabriela go to this type of restaurant? ___________________________________________

3. What argument does she have against this type of restaurant? ______________________________

4. ¿Adónde vas tú cuando necesitas comida rápida? _________________________________________

5. En tu opinión, ¿hay comida saludable en un restaurante de comidas rápidas? ___________________________________________________________________________________________

#128: Florencia talks about which she likes best, local or international food. 1. What do you think probar means?



2. State one reason Florencia gives for her preference of food. ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What do you think turismo gastronómico means? ___________________________________________

4. A Florencia, ¿qué le gusta hacer? _________________________________________________________

#077: Lisbeth talks about health problems in Guatemala.1. What does Lisbeth state is the biggest problem in health?

__________________________________2. Who does she say this problem affects?

____________________________________________________3. ¿Cuál es el problema de salud más grande de tu país?

_____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

#225: Laura from Spain talks about the traditional Spanish breakfasts that she tends to have. 1. Answer Laura’s initial question in a complete Spanish sentence.


2. What does Laura eat when she’s in a hurry? ________________________________________________

3. ¿Qué es un desayuno típico español? _____________________________________________________

#226: Laura from Spain talks about the delicious typical food that can be found where she lives.1. When is gazpacho commonly eaten?  Why? ______________________________________________2. What are the ingredients in tortilla de patatas?

_____________________________________________3. What are two typical foods eaten in Laura’s city?

___________________________________________4. ¿Cuál es la comida típica de tu país? ______________________________________________________5. ¿Come más carne o pescado? ___________________________________________________________

#250:  David describes several Venezuelan dishes, an arepa and pabellón.


1. For what meals are arepas eaten? ________________________________________________________

2. According to the passage, how might you describe an arepa? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What are some of the ingredients in the pabellón? _________________________________________

4. ¿Cuáles son las comidas típicas de tu ciudad/estado/país? _________________________________

#81:   Listen as Lisbeth talks about being melindrosa.1. What is the argument that Lisbeth makes for not being melindrosa?


2. Challenge question: What do you think that chile pimiento is? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________

LECTURAS: pp168-169 (Frutas/ Licuado/ Fondo Cultural)


A. Pre-reading: Below are some Spanish fruits and vegetables mentioned in Frutas y Verduras. Write their English equivalent on the line.

papaya ___________________ papa ___________________piña ___________________ frijoles ___________________aguacate___________________ maíz ___________________

B. Now read the article Frutas y Verduras and write down at least 6 more new vocabulary words that you could use to talk about healthy recommendations. ___________________ ___________________ ______________________________________ ___________________ ___________________

C. Answer the following questions based on Frutas y Verduras.1. Which fruits/vegetables are originally from the Americas? __________________

2. Which is not originally from the Americas? ___________________3. Which fruits have vitamin A? ___________________4. Which have vitamin C? ___________________5. Based on the reading, which food mentioned do you think is the best for you?

Why? _________________________________________________________________________

D. Read the recipe on pp 169 and answer the questions. 1. V or F: The licuado is a hot beverage.2. V o F: Milk is used in the recipe.3. V o F: You should blend the ingredients for 2 minutes4. What is a blender called in Spanish? ___________________5. What do you think “hielo” is? (use the picture) ___________________6. What are the steps to making a “licuado”? ________________________________,

_________________________________, ________________________________,

E. Read the Fondo cultural on pp 169 and answer the questions.1. Name several foods imported from Chlle. _________________ __________________2. Why do you think that they are imported in the winter months?


PP 196: Read the ad for pizza and answer the questions in the space below.14

PP 197: Read the insert on Las calorías y la salud and answer the questions in the space below.

LECTURA: La comida de los atletas (pp198-199)A. Pre-reading: Skim the reading for at least 6 new vocabulary words that you could

use to talk about healthy recommendations.

___________________ ___________________ ______________________________________ ___________________ ___________________

B. Answer the following questions based on the reading from pp 198-199.

1. What does the reading mention about the number of calories that an athlete should eat? ___________________

2. What are some drinks that are mentioned in the reading? ___________________

3. What should Edwin Tenorio eat after a game? ________________________________

4. What personal information does the reading give about Edwin? (3 facts) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


Nombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________


INSTRUCCIONES: Read the following article about meal times in Spanish Speaking countries. You may NOT use a dictionary.

1. Compare and contrast breakfast eating habits in SSC and the US.Similaridad: ______________________________________________________________________


2. What time can you expect someone in Honduras to eat lunch? ____________________

What about Spain? ____________________

3. Where do people eat lunch? Why? ________________________________________________

4. What do you think the word tarda means? ____________________

5. What time can you expect someone in Argentina to eat dinner? ____________________

How is Spain different? ____________________________________________________________

6. Write down any new vocabulary words.

Nombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________


LAS HORAS PARA COMEREl desayuno: En España y en los países de Latinoamérica, la gente suele1 comer

más tarde que aquí en los Estados Unidos. Como nosotros, ellos toman el desayuno a eso de2 las siete o las ocho de la mañana. A eso de las diez, van a un café o a una cafetería donde toman otro café con leche y un churro o pan dulce.

El almuerzo: El almuerzo es a la una o en el caso de España, a eso de las dos de la tarde. Hoy día, la mayoría de la gente3 no regresa a casa para tomar el almuerzo. Toman el almuerzo en la cafetería de la escuela o en una cafetería donde trabajan. Si no, comen en un café o en un restaurante. Muchos no van a casa a tomar el almuerzo porque hay mucho tráfico. Tarda demasiado tiempo.

La cena: En la mayoría de los países latinoamericano la gente suele cenar a las ocho y media o a las nueve. Pero, en España, no. En España la cena es a las diez o las diez y media.

1 suele (tends to) 2 a eso de (around) 3la gente (people)

ea eso

INSTRUCCIONES: Read the following article about markets and supermarkets. You will need to use a dictionary.

A. Answer the following questions in Spanish!

1. En los países hispanos hay muchos ____________________ donde se puede comprar comida como frutas, verduras, y carnes frescas.

2. ¿Dónde están los supermercados? ________________________________________

3. ¿Qué tipo de productos compra la gente en los supermercados? ________________________________________________________________________________

B. Find an equivalent word/expression in Spanish from the reading. (yes, in Spanish!) EX: las personas= la gente

4. unos ______________________5. nación ____________________6. comestibles ____________________7. sabrosos ____________________8. enlatadas ____________________9. una gran selección ____________________

C. En tu opinión10. ¿Prefieres comprar comida en un mercado o un supermercado? ¿Por qué?


Nombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________


¿MERCADO O SUPERMERCADO?En los países hispanos hay muchos mercados. Algunos son mercados al aire libre. En el

mercado la gente compra los alimentos que necesitan para las tres comidas. Los productos que venden en los mercados están muy frescos. ¡Qué deliciosos!

Hay también supermercados- sobre todo (particularmente) en las grandes ciudades y en los alrededores de las grandes ciudades. En los supermercados venden muchos productos en lata, en paquete o en bolsa. En los supermercados hay un gran surtido de productos congelados.

Adjective Agreement: REPASOA. Fill in the chart with the appropriate form of the adjective. Use your notes if necessary.

Masculine singular

Feminine singular

Masculine plural

Feminine plural

Translation in English

1. bueno

2. deliciosos

3. asquerosa

4. repugnantes

5. difícil

B. Follow the example and make the adjectives agree with the nouns they modify.Modelo: bolígrafo rosado silla rosada vestidos rosados

6. la cena satisfactoria el desayuno ________________ los restaurantes ________________

7. los ejercicios fáciles la dieta ________________ las comidas ________________

8. las verduras horribles los espaguetis ________________ la pizza ________________

9. un cliente trabajador una cliente ________________ unas clientes ________________

10. mucha fruta nutritiva muchos almuerzos ________________ muchas bebidas ________________

C. Translate the following phrases. You WILL need a device for new vocabulary. Don’t forget word order.

Modelo: the red apples: las manzanas rojas11. the delicious strawberries: ________________________________________________

12. the fresh fruit: ________________________________________________

13. the fried potatoes: ________________________________________________

14. my scrambled eggs: ________________________________________________

15. some healthy lunches: ________________________________________________

D. Translate the following sentences.

16. Fats are not always bad for your health.



17. Canned vegetables are disgusting. _________________________________________________________________

Nombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________

RecomendacionesIntroducción: Write the down sentences in the correct order.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Making recommendations: Now look back at the sentences above. If you want to give someone advice about something, here are a few ways to begin your recommendations. All of these expressions will be followed a/an _______________.  In other words, DO NOT _______________the verb that follows.

Debes…. Necesitas…. Tienes que… Es importante…. Es necesario…. Es bueno/malo…. Hay que

No debes… No tienes que… No es bueno….

Practicamos con Familias: Look at the situations below and make recommendations.  Be sure to use a variety of structures and include at least 1 negative for each.  

1. Recommendations for a healthy lifestyle.  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. Recommendations for success in school._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Recommendations for getting into college._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Recommendations for getting along with your parents._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Recommendations for making friends._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Recommendations for taking care of a pet._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Other situation? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________


Recomendaciones: Practicamos

Parte A: There is one error in each of the following sentences. Correct the error.

1. Hay comer comidas saludables.

2. Necesitamos bebemos leche para tener huesos fuertes.

3. No bebe los refrescos.

4. Debes nunca comer muchas grasas saturadas.  

5. Necesario hacer ejercicio.

Parte B. Translate the following sentences. You may need a device for a FEW vocabulary


6. It is important to exercise every day.


7. You have to eat a balanced diet.


8. Running and lifting weights are good for your health.


9. You shouldn’t eat lots of sweets.


10.One must eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.  


Nombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________


Writing prompt: 3BRecommendations para mantener la salud

PROMPT: In an effort to promote healthy living, the Apex Middle School Healthful Living Department has asked you to help reach out to the Spanish speaking community. You have been asked to create a poster with recommendations to live a healthy life. You should write your recommendations in list format (#1, #2, etc). Be sure to include at least 5 recommendations to live a healthy life. Each recommendation should include a different structure.

In order to receive a “Mastery” rating (A), you will need to come up with a creative title give supporting details about EACH of your recommendations include vocabulary/grammar from Chapters 1-3 use varied sentence structures

Practice/Plan here:


Nombre____________________________________________________________________________________ Clase ________


Create a commercial/video/skit with suggestions on how to complete an activity or task. You will need to include at least 10 recommendations (including at least 2 negative expressions). Some possible topics are…

Planning a party Getting ready for a trip Doing well in school Learning to drive Preparing food Wrapping a present Celebrating Day of the Dead Breaking a piñata   Any other topic that interests you (and is approved by me)

Please record the video/skit and share it with me ([email protected]). See rubric for grading specifics. Use the space below to begin writing your script.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



32 30




+ creativity/ uniqueness connection to culture

Content Script includes correct usage of: More than 10

recommendation expressions (wide variety) including 2 negative expressions

Script includes correct usage of: 10 recommendation

expressions. 2 negative expressions.

Script does not all requirements:

Script includes few requirements:

Grammatical Structures

limited minor grammatical/spelling errors that don’t affect understanding

various minor grammatical/spelling errors

overall meaning is conveyed

errors in grammar that affect overall comprehension

spelling hinders overall comprehensibility

Student uses structures that are not representative of Beginning Spanish.

grammatical and spelling errors severely affect comprehension

insufficient information or does not address prompt

Student repeatedly uses structures that are not representative of Beginning Spanish.


mastery of Spanish accent

appropriate pauses errors never prevent

communication self-corrects fluent speech

few pronunciation errors short unnecessary pauses errors sometimes prevent


major pronunciation errors affecting comprehension

major pauses detracting from understanding

errors often prevent communication

pauses/ pronunciation errors severely affect comprehension

Overall Presentation

Student memorizes lines and presents realisticallyAND

Student uses various props to enhance dialogue and audience’s understanding.

Student memorizes lines.

AND Student uses appropriate


Student requires some assistance with lines.

AND Student uses limited


Student requires repetitive assistance with lines.

AND Student does not use
