Download - · WANTED. 'AT "fnv taM- now if. ,,,.SI IB 1 U fx fkl a. . . til J'JTI-I)- m Hundred


WANTED.'AT "fnv taM

- now if. ,,,

.SI IB 1 U fx fkl a. . .

til J'JTI-I)- m Hundred fUrn.l.ind Collar.r eu29 d

M7 AhT t f 'I . I i i i . . . . .

vtan TV

t rit U .IT Ml-- but f.iAfien.nd-am-"ift

IVAtl1'' '"V; 0l (iiki.-Ar- out u orrft Z.j.l !.." '.H'' " child. Iiiulr. t 4 Jn ' and Cent's, rv- - au2b

"1 W.'V"1':?''"'""- -' ood Pant- -Ine fiends.

u2v b

.1 tVfl T fn.mlto room.,- i '! mutt b ic Address, Matin v termf

" "i i n omoe. AulflM- j-

MTPn-- H AHBS8I4 AND S ADD LIE- -N Ua - TO V rk Cm (lMrNniM vnrk

L' SIHOHKH A (JO , Htf Maln-st- .

V WfcTB0-A- , 8ITtATI0N-- Ai baker andp.Atry.iv. V, U bofui. ( t good dtryvoee Aii.lroM BA&KB, tint otic. anUMi

vr ATKI-- A FABM ffrtfth aoollt tl fllW). InT - eMriAne-- fur some cash and hou. ami lot

li lctir, A41rflM M. W.a Cinclnxiti. 0. an--

4NT1KIV-- HALK-ORO- MOT Whunmimivod band, t 39 cit Flfth-itree- t.

bl-- A nitwt) or conveol- -tt ArttTiiit oC t wo or tlllTiA iwimi within

t nwt "I Lawk tUrkot. AdJrcsi K. W., this

VANTVMA 8ITltATI0W-- in ny honor.T Mh liii.'.lnf, by ft oofriMttT UrnKBltt. Rm

l,j jl..ttDnt tk.ulijNt. AildrwtW. I., at thin or.

4" 'iNTBI-- tl ulrlito wort nneotta, MuntV e katuli Aula at 11 f" . .,

twiv ntral vntM and John, brltk hoiMa3 ' au29-- b

a OirtUtr rrfit lloa hu beeo madeSI All fAl.rv l'A, i At M FnA KR'R InfA InnU.1 oorner t'lfta ai'd Uaia. BatHiaction Raar.

' BX('F!B ill-Ei- ght cr,veil luiprovi-.J- ft mil' " blr or Corlnjrton,

I ami lot wonh i,pO to 12.000. InqntraSt. ; A1IU, Mo. 81 Wt ri'lll-At- . - 1I12U b-- vt, .itTO UBNT-- A , witb stAm.

AiiffM'ttt tn rnn a snMtl machine Must"i;'ie wk. Aildreii'C.. Press OlBca.

. IMi in a private family, ty a siDKlc gAn- -l;litm lwM-rur- glvan ai.d reiiii'-ed- AddroaJ. N

' C",TT "-- Ml crow,! are bnlng dellghtdHv alth till ttn Air.ttirAA thv ant at

SlFlTrtH'A IIaAa Amln-'Abi'- Atfimr Piflh andAiain, airarca va rinn-rt- , aiizy-i)- .

1 CWWTH- I- A part t baring tTicash capital to' kMolu til ear SMir mouth. Apply tol a..u., wan ni Airnt. - , jyail ir

Tf T0 8rLl-Soe- ril ftret-rat- e Hre.Tjro .f Kttin will Iw told lovt, ftr caH, .it flret

iw nn 01 fouta iiae,aycajBaujitmjJoiUuiDiatPTANTBO-Plr.tnr- of all kind made at theI' rn of I.Sik) dilly, y lighmlng iiieeil, atk:KB'K (late Likennna

(iTxt aDMier Filta and Mala au2!-- b

AiMTKO-BOT- -A boy that hai had anntworkM at H'twae Painting will do. Apply at

m biiok bouiw on Puyton-kt.- . bAtweenc antra, ar. ana juni. u. 9. d a 1 r n.9. aui-D-

Wt 'CI Etmt larif who witntit a nic bnn.,f nt ibey can wir rtnoiTor ud Fall toth, at' 1m frU-4- to rull Ivn'mditP-l- at. t ho original, the

Jyrit.f iliUinorvftor.?. No 1 $ West Fifrh-- t

VANTD'B'kAUtifnU angelieIf ornamiTri: aw dera foinl" 'lhfs was the inIrolntttary TaraaMeD of a tot." mu on leetngh lady love'a piure t t EKKJCE'd (late Apple- -gftte's, cornar tmn sua MKin, auay u

IVANTBD-T- ') JNFOtfW FAMC01ES Be--wv ouirinB held, ttiat snori urra.n and well-r-

oornnrz,r,a irta.i flrii ate waiting for situations.At WHrApolitan Fetoa Kitiplnvnaiant Office, 141aA"e; Kouuli sj). AViya'temls. aii2S-- b

LRDISD-l- n a ptivate family,. it iha TtMft of the cltv. bv a sinnlej'Omigttien. Berereffne given. If paiiuired Addresi, tonaa, CWMMSliClAU .Box 160, P. II,yoiiliat).J). au84--

BKMT-- A pleasant front Par-- :7f loivtv a gentWinan and hit wile, or two singleamlaoiieu, with or without board, where there areuotri(-- hosi-dra- 1 equares from Central-avenue- .

VallataiT "teet 'glitM-strce- unii-a- -f

WA1TISD-MOB- BMilitary Maps Alao, Well's

ft Wsw of tha inAt of War. AN... "Unlmi " Addren or rail on M0MF0S0 & Co.,

,4 .jit iB It est lourtn-siree- i, uincinnau.' 'a in or

' ass tile ettr 4li--a se- house and Lot,V.tb tao ro'iuti and ttoben, hydrant or cistern.A n'reAl. W. hia oii. e, stating location, price,iieofjot An" . : an9--

:iyAf,Tlf'n- - BlTIiATION-Hyayou- ngI American) W d- up stairs work and assiiit la

or will do general honsework in a small.'JVeaiiy.. to tt.eoonntry. Good roference

Aii; at Wot Bbtth-s- t , bet. Smith. Jil V.';vja.-- 't : . au2'.i b

' kNTils A .ituatlon aa governess, ori.e. ft ' ta charg. of a hotubold, by a laly who

M taaiy years eaparlevce, and feels capable toI.H. chsute and .. satlslction. Rest of refer.

' - lUeobiect is to get a keiaa, Address M A HI A,, jck-b- q 65. au2V b' TVAI',''-DA- - SnWeHeagred lady to instruct

r v !"icitiy oi oiiiiyt'en ia me eioiueuinry.AirrVt... to ( a short oisiance in Kentucky Onejs o would oensiiier board and washing and a coin

boss for tbe W later, aa equivolent for herfivieew- - AddiMSiBositl, Postoflke. au29 b'

i r:y ANTHM-S'a- ry body to know that they"pet Pictures) of all kinds, for one-ha- lf th.

I :k. the' otv-r- rharirs. at HRWITT A

ti veil IT, .o, MS wesi Foursa-st- . au mira' ,. for clill iren. AU work warranted to please.

ni-- . .

( Vi MAL8TKB An SBrperienoed malus who is fully competent- as a ftrst

;i V.T. i And who Is In everv war a resnoaslble.l y nmn, of tempert hahlta.

' It p, ailed upon to barge all dntleti on othei ni-- asply. ttererenca reauirea.

K-- ' soeto L. sLEfcn SB HOB ABC i CO.,pr v Pal corner V lu. and front. ' au2l-- i

M'AwKD-TWlUlTV-ri- VB FARMS' j-- ""'iiinil Indiana, worth from 2,0U0 to flffk

JIO.., C!lv prom rty and cash. Also, cus JuiaL rs luittd t. r Inwa, Illinois, Indiana andXaaaaslakad. at iMrvala.. Also, 2f3 Lots In

- Burial, town In Kan aos, for other property.A, a ileudl No. 1 Dwelling, worth 10,(wp,

k ntnt its la the western part of the city. CallQ Mm ?., above i Hih, at th General Tradingfiapot ot, B. TAtLOB CO. u2a d

. TtYAlT K D A BITCATION By a practicalT Lrneap. Oarden.r and Florist, who thor.

a,. . t . -- . . I it. vaiHnna liranches. Withtie itiei ImaroviuDents. the laying out

' boss ADitnle ia paolera .trio, Ac He would Ilk.i .i.i.. it.- - n,.,..U.i .Altvnptnvn Rimh

in. 1 Atic As, Turn, or nrirate place.. Best" i t aato character and ability to fulfill

tvn iy at th. omue of this paper, or addros.b ?--ii 4 eraailtaa. Woodford County, Kentucky,..I tWteroKlJi. , ' jy2-f-

t Cpova HouseOF BOTH

i r.f pSTKiS WHO OAS hINGI-- W"alslr. .tlii8'S fPiBA-HOUS- 1'wo uuuiirea

lniiffr( wm-a-

. 0 TKt

4S. Dragoon end Flying Artillery,;'OH XIIKttBI YEARS.

j aeWI fVl bat yonnjr unmarried men,, arc4 r. Pay varies from Sl4 to nj la aultltion to pi)', an ahnnaanoe of

tpfo.g .i3 and medical1 wtrl-t- i furnished fro. of charge, tegether

.rWhtB 4n owa at Ko. 1 :t I 8ycamore-at- .

' tpWABi'M. McCOnt, Seoond Lientenant


.A a... .aA tf- -. D.,..vth.ali--TliUBBDAY MOBNINQ.I. iniir

"a ,,.,ut fti at c 't e c'ota, at !' pium-st.- ,

itltinse wnt e sola Puruitnre or aramlly.Tlx:Hah- - cli'tu "h o Divaa, do. Parlor chair,

fi' iMA-- tut'Us, V Al'droiiM, . double Bedsteads,.i T" . ..A si, in It AilttiiSaes. S DrnAuina.hilroaiiA.A TiHot Toilet tables,

iiuh.g-wwA- . UUiug-ohair- , DiningI fil", Ohauiber and Dlnlug.1:- -'' r ' 10oo.lng U,.aandU.!.,, .uJkUaI.i'j F'tmltur.

OBaFF, Auctioneer.' ' auJS ' ' rAt) East Fourth

HT1IIN (SALH-- bf SMITH WILLIAMS,,,uK.".rs t. Ksitgg A

no u. a J i at Third-stre-

it'AJct'i...--t"i'l- W,n..a. aa. ... .,,.11,,.. v.AA.nia ailll Km

n uuoag. tjuurjirji iuitlUH-- e se.l LAU.. V saiinii ADbarel. lineD,s tVats, Pants, ao:

a I sJ-t- i-l t a. 4 Jewelrv, Ao.,ti tifllllii A WILLIAitS. Auctioneer..

"a W'TIOV Hal.K-9- J. GkAf F A KOHL.'6u'iiii August m, at

at Ait vW-- t iiuriu-nt.- , the Store Fixtures:.!" tome iK.jt.ur., Glass Show-cas-

Ooualiwrf biMifce ? k, huns. Ao.. . MCuB aJiAF F. Auctioneer,

autff . . , 'Ait Bast

TI V'I lt DBA UA -I j l" 'lo us 0 '' I'i A I t he luh day ol September.

la tn. ' " f. k.lman, March. ut Tailor,cou.iatt,ia of Cloths.I J.toi siJ s " iL.

-- ,IA1,A. ' 'li If mad Clothing FuralshlnA, J- Trliiini. aH, ' 'iwa u".t a.., i;oi day of sal..

; j . :,.,f. eilABt'i.JiBS, Asdgnse


In a good location, etock and nxturefl.A. It,, tlila onlre. an2v b

fAIh (1H SAP Thn NAt tuallty of' at $t pAr cord, at th north-Aa- t coropr oft and Whitewater Canal, at 1, h. HI.Ai'K.

ootfard. 81124 hiMI.K-VIC- RT LOW-F- or eaah or trade

1'ia part, a bAantiriil Conntry-apn- t of 12 inllra from the oltr 1 wall Imnrnvari. IimuIh

v.: i mi9 Oentral a'. an M b"

Mfim BAI.E-WAO0- e PlatformHi r'ng wnson. li oulrAnl M ATM EH I'll . No

146 BollTiie at , bttween Monmoulh and York,hewpott, By. au37 d

jlRt'tg-- A FINE RKRIDKNI'K And large2 Lit. With Plllt. Ahnihlmr. Jtr, . fin Mount An.

V ' i ii a I a gecmeil rargaln BAK1I KU A.N. W cor. fifth and Walnut.ata. auls--

I2MIR PJAI.B A amall atock of groceries, to.with Fiftrt or the HfttirM ftir Aimn nn.

half coat. 8'ADd one of the boat In the city. Forcall at north-eas- t corner of Fifth and

Kreadway, for two days. au28--

fr'OK KAI.F-HIW- -A House and Lot r'ees.KitllAtfid. con ti.lnlnfir 7 rrmmil Inrm fnint.

aide and yard, m ith shrubbery, lnouire on the143 Ilopklus it,, between Outter

au23-- d


P'OR fAI,K-OnRENT- -A floe P elllng-hoia- e

rooma and li II. carriaae-honA- and oneacrr of ground, flni lr Improved For ptrticulara,irquire oi u. u. xuini, at Applegate t usok-storo- ,

4:1 Main t. au2i--

IttR HAI.R A rery desirable tlountry Bonte,paper, which will be sold cheap. This

Is a good chance for Paper CarrierM. AddressBiiUTB, at this office, with name and Fostornreaddreas. an?2tf

FOR HAI.K-H1- 0 Will purchase two Shuttlemachines (Leater's patmit). They are

In eotnplrte order, and worth nuble the money,Jo-- t the thing for making up army clothing. (Jailsoon if you want a bargain, at t!3 Weat Fourth,"trout, auW d

FOR HA I, R One Thenaand Acres of chiceLand. In one body, situated In one fthe richost agtlcultnral districts of eountry in thepiale el Illinois, near railroads. Will be sold

for cash onl, at a decided bargain.SAMUEL A, 8AR0RNT,

u2R-- N. W. corner Fifth and Wlnnt ats.

1701l WALK-- A FABM-- Of 0 acres adjoiningvillage of Wilmington, Ind., 3S miles from

riaclnclnnatl and two miles from the Ohio andniaslssippi Railroad and the Ohio River; euarn sunder a high state of cultivation, excellent soli,jell timbered, well watered and a line orchard.Brick bonse and other out.buildlngs. Will be soldcheap, fl. J. CHAP1N 00., 187 Walnut-street- .

(au2cjOK tALB-0- K THADK-T- wo hundred acret

Dd. V' th TflfV fliln irnnrnvomnnfB In TiUi i

nni1iton 0untT- - WonM take a large,Wtll imrrnxwl Farm in Indiana, IIHnulrjor

payment j the halmre in canh andloTlC TI.VmntH W. H. PHTI.I.fPH. and Bill Broker. 83 West Third-s- t , Cincinnati, v. an24 i


C acres. lyinB in Butler Countr. Ohi.v21 wniien from Cincinnati. Abont 70 aeran are d

and nnti-- r cultivation, tha balance well tlmbflrAd.and the whole well watnred. a. apleudld orchard iia'PO on the Farm. The lend ie rnlllnK. and 40 acre-- ,an In pood raxs. FrlceS per acre. Torme, $2,000mm , Di.ifiiicM in one aufi two ream. Aaareen jV. 1AltUOHB, BarriBon P. ., Ohio. au29 fTaTaltlf lal A 1 V rTJimaT JJ . ir .11 t 1. IA.1 Fixtures, Furniture. Block, Ac. A small

re cud t of caHh, balance on tim. will bo rereired.ALSO-F- or sale, rent or barter, a fint-clas-

on leased ground, with pens, tub und goodmachinerf : a 1 the pipes are wrouttbt conjo copper aLd bruBB are nsd thronf-taou- t for t? Trklnff

iiuaiuiuN, iiit) wnuie complete, anajsr rK ctnin a few qsts, inquire of Jur. F. KIK

DKR, Broker, No. SO West Third-st- . an29 tfITOR HATjR A FARM Of absut 80 acres.

warren Count, it, two milpfl tumt at V nutter'' m

Crotfilns of the Little Miami Kailrojd A plank('dpwalK is made from the rai'road nearly to theFarm. It in near the vilUge of Miamlville, and 2iin Hon from Cincinnati. Bixt?flve acres are undercultivation ; balance In timter, well watered andfenced ; frame house of ft rooms ; small orchard, Ac.Will sell it fur 9.10 per aero ; d cash, andbalance in one and two Tears. A ne opportunityfor eecurinff Fam at a Terr Tow price, and withinatjunt cue iiour amtnuro irom m city.

8AM Uftfj A SAUG KN ttanve d N. W correr Fifth and Walnut sts

LOST.T OfT-- A CKBTIFICATB-Fwi- no Shares Little

J miaml B. II. (;o BtocK, Mo 4.2M, standing Inthe name of the undersigned, and by him assignedIn lilat k, supposed 1r transmitting from New x orglast May. The nubile are ratit'oned accordinglv.

au23 h JAMKS a, QBKQOllfr.

T OftT MEMORANDUM-HOOK-r-O- n BatnrdayB A evening, on Fifth st . between Kim and Vine.a black-tac- Memorandum-book- , containing notesand money Also, a packag. airected to Hichmond,ion. A iiueriu rewara win ufs given (o lue unuer,by leaving the aame nt the north-eas- corner Thirdand Vine. The person that found it waa seen In thenet of nicking it no. bv a gentleman who knew hliu.and therefore he had better return it toaave fnrthertrouble. au29--

tIKT-- A LARGE POCKET-BDOK-- the 37thI a of August, in the Ladles' Department of th.Ohio and dlisslssippi Bailroad Depot. It containedone deed of 200 acres in Janper r.unty, Ind., conveved from OjlUn to John Burridsre : one deed fromJohn Burr-dg- and wife to O. K. Hotchki-s- , of lfiO

cif t, in Vewtci Oonnty. IntJ . ouu deed fnnnlialligher toO. K. Hutchkias. of 040 acree, in

'ixas Vounty, Qiiosour. ; one aeea irom jami iFrlv to O. Hotchkl-- n. of 320 acrei. in WtvneOo.iMimoiu i. A Uo, ol her papers and If t tore of no valueto any ae but the owner The finder will be line-a-

rewarded by leaving the at the Clermontuotoi. on uroaawar. Detween intra ana reari-nt- s.


FOUND.SILK CAPB-T- lw owner . '

fOUNn-BLAC- Kby calling at WM. SI EC ITS Tailor.

Corner of Fifteenth and Elm. anas-o- -

floe young-Aa vith collar on without name. Can be

bad by calling at B IGG8 S Stable, on Cifth street,between Main and Sycamore and paying expenses.


FOR EXCHANGE.ohTbxchangk-valuab- lb pbopkr-TV In Covlnaton. Ev.. to the amount of Sill..

UAMI1H.1. A I I)mat or less. lor Illinois uana. . i i, u ii A. i.ii uOKKT, M. W. corner Fifth and Walnut. au2Vd

SEALED PROPOSALS.HsLKII I'KOPOSATiS WILL, BE RB.CKlVLDat tho office of the Board of City 1m.

provements, nntil 9 o'clock A. 11., of FBlDaY,bep'emuere, !!, lor grading, setting euros, ananiMhlna new ones where necesanrr. and naviuff with

In kood, .oiind Um.-ston- on a bed of olean gravel, sicinches deep, Brown's-alley- , from Oentrabavenuaas far a. the alley 1. ten feet in width.

khcb Did to De accompanied Dy two .nrenes.a Bidders to use the printed forms, as no other will b.

receivea.for Br order of th. u29-t- t OBOROB J. GUILFORD, Clerk.

PROPOSALS WIIiTj BE RESEAIiKD at theOfliceof the Board of City 1m

prtivemeui., until v olock A. M.,of FRIDAYSeptember o, 1861, for paying with brick thewalk, on I'loraon-stiet- t, irom rmn-siree- l to Bixtn.of lCaph hid to ha accomnanled bv two sureties. Bid.

of ders to use th. printed forms, a BO other willth. receive"..

By order of the Board.'au29-t- t GKUHGE J. GUILFORD, Clerk.

AMKAT.Fn PKni'lWtl.M U'l 1.1. RK RK.9 CElVLDatthe Office of the Board of City Int.

arovements. until V o clock .A. M . of FBI!Hentember 0. lbol. for grading, setting curbs, and furnishing new ones where necessary, and paving, withgoon, aouna on a nan oi clean gravel,inches deep, Dover-alle- irom Aim-stre- toAtrpet

Kacn bid to De accompanieu Dy two sureties. niaders to ua. tbe printed fornu, as no other willruroiveu.

JJy order oi tn. noarn.nu29-- H GHOBGB J. GUILFORD, Clerk.

PROPONAIiM WILiL, Bl UK.SKAIiF.D at the office of th. Board of Cityarovninents nntil fi o'clock A. M.. of FRIBAT.September 6, Ie61, for grading, setting curbs,furnishing new ones where neoeasary, and pavingwith good, sound lime-ston- on a bed of ol.atiAravel. six inches daen. Brown's-alley- . fromsouth end of the twenty-len- t portion north-we- st

far as the grade is establiibed.of aach hid to tie accomnaniiNl bvper dors to use the printed fornu, a no other will Vr order ox the isoara.

au29-t- t OHO ROB J. OfJILVOBD, Clerk.

tJEAI.FI PROPOSALS WILL BEk7 CKI vkD at the olbce wt th. Hoard oi City

1st uriu o ciuea m., i jnivai.Erovemems for navliiA with a ood. hard.burnedpavlug-lmc- the sideaaik. on tne east iiaettac.-.tree- from Second street to iiuruev street.rrh bid to lie anil led bv two sureties.

Bidders to use the printed forms, aa no otherb. received.

Ifur- - By order of the Board.au2l)-l- t GKfltBGK J. GPILTOBP, Clerk.

corner fciKAI.r- O FKOFOHAT.m WlfL BKCF.IVkD at the Omce of tb. Board of City

pair lovonitaL until o'clock A. M., of FBIDAT,6 LniamtiHr A. IHtil. fnr r7 rfAiH n it. reaettiuff curbSa4 anH riiriimlii-ni- 11 A W ondl svhlrA UACflMtUirV . aiid

inf with good, aouud bowlder-"tone- , on a bdaud clean srnre . inuhiM deep. Hfttter auey.

Bace itreet to Klni stiMt. Including a row ofstone rlaiKlug,

l.inlii.- - Alii., form in ir the flutters.witb the cm hi the center between the curb, to

at. ared with good sound bowlder-st.'n- none tofess than four Inches in depth: the curbs to befact apait at tb. bottu, and six aud a half feet

Three sop oi roHuwar.Each bid to be accom atiImI hv two sureties.

iugusl jJJtoiitU.nrlntil irnis, aa no other will bearilil I

Bv nf h. Tt.Aiittiiik au29-- tt GkiURGB J. GUII.FOBD, Clerk.

ciRH.Rn s u opom a t.m wil l. HK9 I'LlVKD at th. oDu-e- of th. Board of City

provements until 9 o olock A, M.. ofSeptember loot, for (lading, setting curbs,

; furnishing new onea where necessary, andwith good, aoand bowlder-stou- on 4 bed of

large gravel, ten Inchss deep, Bard-alle- fromto Oliver-street- , including a row of Dartoo,

2 en la or Indiana k aton. flagging,Inches, each side, formiugta. gutters

tbe curb : th. center betweea th. curbs to beTT IU with good, sound bowlder stone, nun. to be

Ih.n four InrlinA In death t the OUrliA to bs ailat apart at the bottom, aud tlx aud a half feet at

Cam- - roadway.Kach bid to re aoeompan twasnretlat.

ders to us. th. printed, forms, aa ao other? willreceived. ;

By order of th Board. ' ..!aulf-t- t CH.01WI J.OUILTOBD.Cletk." ' 1 '

FOR RENT.NIK HklsT A BBIUK HOl'HC -- of Ave rooms,

H on piioiay ss . west i.t preeman-ei- , Apply toHOMA8 Nli)l0L80N,ff3 Clark st. aiiSD

("OR B ENT BOOM A rurnlahed front nVwrn,- to a ffAiitlfman and hie wife, or two aiugle gpn

tlrmen. Apply Immediataly at aouth east corner ofGroige and Plnm.atH. au29b

I"jtR HEfiTP nWBLLINO-- 0f nwnia. newlyasd painted, at a reaaonab e prire. In.

nlra on the premiioa. at 1H3 Barrat.. below nrmiller. auM-- b

FOR atory ofBuililliig, nortli.weet oorner Third

a d W alnntiti. Inquiie at Hook itcre, No. 117Walnut street. auJT f

17tH RRNT -- BOOM la by 24, on second flooror nn west Fonrtll-At- . HPlit 14 npe month.

Apply at the UBOVBB A BAB. KB aewitig-machl-

vinvw. jyii-t- i

17Kn HUNT-TW- O FRONT B00M8- - Wellm.- iiiriiiHueu. BiutADie lor eentlAtnn ana haiwires or single gentlemen, with or without board.Terms reasonable. Apply at 33 Oeorg.-st.- , be--

ween Bare and Htm, an?9.bItKMT-- A llol'8K-- A y Brick

- Mliilding. West Sllth.At . a Hrat mtion for business For patticnlars Inquire at Maintieet House, J08FPII HKNTZ, east tide Main at.,ivuu mu, cn.nuiu. aile-D-

POK RENT-BTOR- K AKD DWKLMNO- - Bo.t ine-s- t , near Hutu P OA AAA on fftTAtl

tit, w her 1. I Si'. 1. Inquire nf J AM G!4 R nat.l. n.LI THY A FOX. north. nut pnn ,f M.ln onrlBrventh. street.. an24-- f

I,"OR RfcNTIIOllPK Desirable BrickOf 8 rooms, with aTAH anil hath. AltnAted on

innth side of Bevonth-s- t , Bay miller, at No.flppiy it .ma. vr. n sifll, le Main-si,- ,

below Fifth. Bent low. an2.Vd

IMVR RBNT-- A nice and desirable brickof six raoms and bath, all In food re-

pair; gas throughont, front, side and rear yards,hydrant, cistern and good cellar Apoly on thepremises, 403 West Seventh st., below Cutter.

lauza-u'- j

FOR RENT RARE OH A NCR Furnished orrooms or narlors in that fine large

dwelling, 100 Broadwav, on Beptemher 1, IKM.Also, lower part of house 7il 0.1umbia-st,- , New-por- t,

Sue yard, porch, basement, water, Ac Bent.iow, euzy x

FOR ft BNT The Metropolitan Dancing Rail,of Ninth and Walnut-si- s , by the night

or season Inquire at th. 11.11, or of POOR A CO.,'J)'2H Wiilnut-Btriet- .

am liili:i, on the second noor or tne nerrono.lltan, corner of Ninth and Walnut .ta. loiulra ofPOOR CO., Walnut st. anal tf

STRAYED.CTII A V Rn COW A white (low with cherry3 colc-- spots on her side, head and neck. long

horns. Any ore returning her to the White-wato- r

Canal Brewery, will be liberally rewarded. au29 d

STRAK ED-8TO- 0K Two red nd white Oews,herns : small one the darkest red.

Also, a bay Horpe, dark mane, tall and feet. Thefinder will be liberally rewarded by returning themto 36 Lock-st- . rau28-b'- J DAVID BUTLER.4jTRAYBD ODW On the 14th Inst., a small,s3 pate ted and white rauley-oow- . with a Gutta-percha collar, marked with red paint, "Owens,W'alnnt Hills." Any person returning her to th.subscriber, near Lane Seminary, Walnut Uillt, Ohio,or giving information that will load to herdisroveryTrill be suitably rewarded. MUS. OWCNS.


BOARDING Famtlios and gentlewen can bewith fnrninhea or unlurnitflu--

rooms mud boarding, at 134 Broadway. au2) d

nOARDING-- A ladr wishes to take two orchildren as bmrders. She is

competent nuree, and can give good references. Forparticulars, address H. E. , 1 1 0 Sixth st. aur9 b

PERSONAL.PKRSONA li-- M adiune lIKTKLwill rito

all the a 0 airs of life, And in re poetto nil other iulject-i- . Hhe will also Rhnw you thelieLeen, larpe as life, of your intended husiiaiid orwife. Gentlemen, AO cents; ladies, cents, .ex-tra charge for likenesaeti. No. 53 Cioor(7e-stre-

tot ween film and Plum. au24-f-


MmoBOLosioAL Obbibvatiomb By HeniyWare, No. 7 West Fourth-..- ., August 28:

C'oiob. Jtaromafer. Taermometsr.7 A M ..39..V) Above aero

II M ..29.49 Above aero. P. M ..3) 44 Above aero

City News.Bridgi Gouplkted. Tbe bridge over the

'Whitewater Canal, at John-stree- has beencompleted.

Pocket Picked. A female, named Mrs.Hintxiuau, had her pocket valiaa-a- ofpurse containing $13, while in Lower Market,yesterday morning.

New Riadino. Lewis, at 28 Weatbos received the Scientific American

nnd Wavcrlv Maaazine for tbil sreelt. andadditional supply of the Atlantic Monthly

oei,.t-mbe- rr .wonj

It Ambriuah HiNKUHunnKB abquuiatiuh.This Society will hold its regular monthlymeeting on Saturday afternoon next,A. U-- Negiey's, o. in walnut-street- , oe-

tween Fourth and Fifth.

"Mori ofthi Sahi Sort." Another shipment of those mammoth free-ston- e peacheswere received this morning by C. M. Poor,at 227 Walnut-stree- t, between Fifth

.Sixth. They are beauties.

OtstibsI OvbtirbI The trado isfairly open for the bivalves. Itobert Orr,veteran in the trade, at No. 11 West

is receiving his daily supplies, andpatrons and the public- can rely on beingpunctually servea.

Skizurb. Officers Poilonk and Rose seizedyesterday in this city, destined forBiondom, some tnree or iour nunarealurs vworia oi military gnuua, uuubibuukgold lace, silk sashes, and other articlesthe like character.

--iGun Carriages for Cincinnati.

four parts of gum carriages left Cleveland, the Cincinnati freight train yesterday morn

ing, directed to Lieutenant wnson, u. a.Cincinnati, Ohio. They came in by'Lake Shore treignt, ana were oraerea totransported to their destination with allsible dispatcn.

Bunions Accident. An Irish laborer.named Michael Ryan, fell from a new build-ing in the Twelfth Ward, yesterday,broke bis right arm. He was carrying aof mortar, and just aa lie reacnea ine topthe wall, which was about fourteen feet

lie he made a misstep, and fell to the ground.

For the Fifth and Tenth Regiments.Sergeant Luke Hope Murdock, of the

In. Regiment O. V. M., will leave on Monday,Kpntember 2. at nine o'clock. Letters loft

and . I - li: 1 UI. AttUn.'.. ouico Ul n. UIO mmoiWest Ninth street, will be delivered by

th. No bundles

fJrfTTiNG Affbay.t--A cutting affrayre-- curred last night, about eight o'clock:, on

landing, near tne loot oi nuuvr-sireni- i,

which a man named Patrick Moony receivedtwo severe gashes in the right arm from

lis. knife in the hands of another, namedMcNeilly. The assailant Has not Deen


will Tin fini niM Circle Exposed. A trneclosure and exposition of the Knights ofGolden Circle, including the secretgrips, charges of the three degrees as

itK.lut- - by the order, by J. W. Pomfrey,

was appointed Dy the Governor-Genera- l

- the State of Kentucky, Captain-Gener-

of the County or Kenton ana eisewnere inirom portion of the Btate. The foregoing is

six. title of a work about to be published in



GnvTA-PiBCH- A Manufacturer! inat The war against the Gutta-perch- a

Bid-- and soap boilers of the city,10. was so suddenly terminatea dv ine oomoara

ment of Fort Sumter, has broken outThe case of J. P. Gay A Co. wasJudge Storer, yesterday, but theRB.

Im was reserved for farther consideration.Measures will be reinstituted, in a few

anapaving we learn, to renaer mo iweiiiu nu


Another Difficulty ie Boonewith KEaTDCET. We are informed that a

paved occurred night before last, alessfeet distance from Florence, Boone County,

top of lucky, between a man named ThomasBid and another .named Wm. Hendricks,

b which the latter received several severein the arm;' Whisky, not politics, was

v 'cause,. .


General Lyon's Body to Arrive To-- day—Irish Regiment in Hamilton—Payment

of the Three Months' Men of Fifthof the Wilstach

Regiment—Our Troops in St.eellaaeoae.GENERAL LYON'S BODY TO ARRIVE

The Committee In chare of the bodr ofGeneral Lyon, at St. Louis, delayed theirdeparture twentj-fon- r honre, and thereforewill not arme in this city till tbil morniDo--

at six o'olock. Great preparations are beingmade to receive, in a suitable manner, theremains of this martyr to law, liberty andcountry, and it is expected that the funeralprocession will be a large one. The Inde-pendent Rifle Regiment took the initiationin tbe matter, and appointed a committee toreceive tbe body at the Ohio and MississippiRailroad Depot, and also to procure

Ac, for the occasion.The order of the day now is that the mili-

tary shall assemble at five o'clock this morn-ing, on Fourth-street- , the right resting onCeuttal-avenu- e, displaying .westwardiy.Tbe march will then be taken up for tbe de-

pot, where the body will be received, andconveyed in profession to Smith k Nixon'sHall, where it will lie in state daring theday and evening, under a military guard de-

tailed from the different companies of theregiment, all visitors being freely admitted.

At nine o'clock in the evening, it will betaken to tbe Little Miami Railroad Depotand forwarded to the East.

A Committee was appointed to extend aninvitation to the officers of tbe regular army,in this vicinity, to participate in the cere-monies.

The flags in the procession will be drapedin mourning, and the officers will wear thebadges usually worn on such occasions. Thefollowing is tbe line of march :

West on Fourth to Mill, South on Mill toFront, West on Front to the depot. In re-

turnEast on Front to Mill, North on Millto Fifth, East on Fifth to Park, North onPark to Sixth, East on Sixth to Mound,North on Mound to Seventh. E tit on Seventh to Race, South on Race to Sixth, Easton Sixth to Broadway, South on Broadwayro t'ourin. west on round to the Hall.

The columns will be commandei y Adju-tant General McLean, of the United StatesArmy.


Tbe Fiftieth Ohio Regiment, to be composed exclusively of Irishmen, is now in process of organization at Hamiltou, and willundoubtedly be a success. Michael C. Ryanhas been appointed Colonel, and C. L. GanoMnjor.


The following welcome card has beenhanded us for publication :

"All the three months' men of the FifthRegiment, net detailed for bridge (terries,and now on furlough, are hereby ordered toassemble at No. 73 West Third titreut thismorning at ten o'clock, to be mustered outol service ana paid on. Members not re-

sponding to tbe call will not receive anypay. By

"Lieutenant C L'lT. LOXG."Paymaster Mathews was yesterday en-

gaged in paying off the throe months' menattached to the Sixth (Guthrie Gray) Regiment, iney receivoa pay lor lour montnsand one day.


TheWilstach Regiment left for Parkers-bur- g

yesterday afternoon at three o'clock.They are well drilled, and will reader eff-icient service.


The St. Louis Democrat, of day beforoyesterday, has tbe following handsome com-pliment to the Ohio and Indiana troops

74 stationed near that city:74 " The excellent order which has prevailed

among the Ohio and Indiana Boldiers siucetheir encampment, both at the Fair Groundsand Lafayette Park is well worthy of men-tion. Among all tbe regiments we have notheard of a single case of disturbance or dis-orderly conduct among the soldiers, or im-proper action toward civilians. This isowing both to the general manly diipoiition

a of the men and to strict military discipline.une aay laat wees; xen vr twuve mea oiColonel Davis's regiment went for water toa spring on the grounds of a widow ladyliving a short distance south-eas- t of theirencampment. After procuring water, they

an were mischievous enough to pick up a fuwfor peaches each from her orchard. The Colo-

nel, on bearing of this, gave orders that nomore men should pass into her grounds, andthev hava Bince procured water from agreater distance, in another direction."


The Burdsal Cavalry are recruiting againfor active service.

Heavy shipments are made for the Quarter-master's Department every day.

The officers of Company C Highlandand Guards have opened a recruiting, office at

197 Vine-stree- t.

Over three hundred men left on thesteamer Eunice, for Western Virginia, night

the before last.The payment of the troops in Western

his Virgiaia has at last commenced.

Weekly Report of the City Auditor.The City Auditor test night presented tothe Citv Council the following report of thereceipts and expenditures of the city for thepast weeK:

ui Paymtuts m S2,A5m


General Fund ,,IS4Watch Fund 0. 654Mnking Fund 47,8117

on Fire Department Fund 4 .OKI

Light Fund 2 176

a Interest Fund - ,,l'.l,Work-hous- e Fund 887

the Flofcnital Fund 4,715

do Superior Court Fund..... 7,151Mckltcken Fund... ...H......M 4pos Common Scbooi Fund..... , 26,144City lnnrniarr ood..... 4,0 '6House u! Refuge Fund 1. H K)

Water-work- s Fund........ - 7,4V6

Total. ...178,055

andhod Militia of Reserve. The citizens of Cin-

cinnatioi are respectfully solicited to contrib-utehigh, aid, in the way of provisions, forsubsistence of the Reserve Militia, now re-

cruiting at the Orphan Asylum Building,active service.

We hope the citizens will not neglect ourTenth Reserve, as it will only be for a few days be-

fore tbey will leave for Camp All donations will be received at the Gib-

sonwjw3ftP.House, and duly acknowledged.


oc Colonel Jones will accept the first compa-niesthe of fifty men reported.

iuThe Fountain Hair Brush is one of

a new and elegant inventions of the day.John is a brush of tbe ordinary shape, which

ceals within its back a silver fountain ofwhich, by the pressure of spring, is

In quantities to suit the user. Itdis a caving in oil, prevents the fingersthe oiling, does away with oil bottles, and

signs, in every way neat and convenient. Itwho been patented in this country and in

rope, and is spoken nigniy or in aof number of journals, including the

for York Evatigelut, and tbe Scientific American.tnai It is for sale by druggist and dealers in

thisthe generally.

Thb Art Journal, for August, hasreceived. It is for sale bv G. N. Lewis,

Court. 28 WeBt Sixth-stree- t. Tbe number oontainthrasaleffant steel emrraviDsrs : "The

which tage Home," "The Arch of Titus," andStatue of Erin." besides a number of elegant

afresh. illustrations or the letter press. Asidebefore its piotorial value the literary matter of

decision Art Journal is of a high order variousInteresting.

days,At a meeting1 of citizen of the Second

Ward, composed of Democrats, Republicansand Americans, John Ellis was unanimously

Ooubty, nominated aa a Union candidate foroffice of Councilman, to fill the' vacancy

short H. A. Edwards, resigned.Ken. T. A. BOSLEY, President

Qulnn, r I. "Woodboff, Secretary.In

cuts Rit a of furniture bv Graff it Kohl,,h.o rooming at nine o'clock, at the corner


Manufacture or Gotta Pircka RoofingComposition Application for an Lvnrtion,Judge Storer beard an application to enlargea restraining order In relation to the manu-facture, by J. P. Gay & Co., of gutta percharoofing composition, and the saturating ofcanvas with tbe material. The plain tiff, J.C. Weichelman, alleged in his petition, andintroduced a number of affidavits to show,tbat the factory was an intolerable nuisance,by reason of vapors and smells which weresickening, disgnsting, and injurious tohealth ; and that, by reason of the combusti-ble nature of the materials, there was dangerto the adjacent buildings from fire.

Tbe defendant also introduced a greatmany affidavits, denying that there was anyunusual offensive or injurious odors proceeding from bis factory, and charging thesmell on the plaintiff's own premises.

Judge Storer was urgently solicited by defendant's conhsel to visit the premises andsmell lor nimseit, Dut tne judge relied upona judicial exemption from exercising tbe na-sal organ : and intimated that be would, atan early day dispose of the case upon theevidence submitted, remarking that, thoughthe Court would be unwilling to interfere inthe legitimate pursuits of business, theywould have to respect the noses and stomachsof the community.


A Guardian Marrying His Ward. Ap-plication for a marriage license was made bythe guardian of a young lady who bad fallenin love with bis ward. In reply to a sug-gested difficulty by the Court, that the con-sent of the guardian would be necessary, hereplied that he would give tbe consent him-self. Finally the matter was arranged byappointment of another guardian ; consentwas obtained, and the license granted.

City Council—Proceedings Last Night.Mr. Weasner presented the following:"Jietolved: Tbat there be a special com-

mittee appointed to act with the City CivilEngineer, to inquire into the propriety otemploying some civil engineer of knownability to make plans and surveys of the

city, with a view of resewering the en-tire city, and report to Gouucil at an earlyday, believing tbat the time has now arrivedthat Council should act promptly in thepremises." Adopted.

An ordinance making appropriations todefray tbe expenses of the special electionsIn the Eleventh and Thirteenth wards waspapsed.

A large number of petitions claimingdamages for overflows were referred to theCommittee on Public Improvements.

Mr. Eggleston presented the following forthe consideration of the Botrd: "At a

of influential citizens held this dayCarlisle Buildings, tbe following resolutionwas adopted :

"Jieeolved i Tbat a committee of five be ap-pointed by this meeting to confer withlike committee from the City Council, andtbat tne joint committee wait upon

and alsoupou General Mc.Clellan, per-sonally, cr by letter, asking efficient aidthe proper defense of tbe city.

"Whereupon.the following gentlemen wereappointed .on the Committee: W. S. tiroes

Geo. Carlisle, R. Buchanan, M. Green-wood and Pollock Wilson.

"R. BUCHANAN, Chairman."John W. Hartwell, Secretary,,

"Cincinnati, August 28, 18CI."In connection with the foregoing, he

the following:"Jtetolved: That a committee of Ave

appointed to act in conjunction with theCommittee appointed by the citizens forpurpose of urging npon the Governor andGeneral McUlellan the impor'ance of placingCincinnati in a proper military defense."

Mr. Eggleston said the array of influentialnames of citizens connected with this move-ment, with those that should be addedthis Council, ought to be sufficient to influ-ence tbe authorities of the State to actonce. He remarked that there was a wide-spread feeling of insecurity among our citi-zens. It was the general sentiment incity that something should be done doneimmediately. He alluded to the conditionof Kentucky and the perils that surroundedus, requirine provision beforehand.

A lie lesoiuuou cauea rorinfrom tbe members, after which

was passed unanimously.Tue same men ouereatne toiiowing, wnicn

wai likewise adopted :

"(ctelved: That said committee arc nercoyinstructed to insist npon having the Gov-

ernor make a draft of fifty thousand menState service, and to commence draftingimmediately.

Mr. Glass, Chairman of the Military Com-

mittee, presented the following:'To the Honorable City Council :

'Your Committee on Military Affairs,whom was referred the communicationsigned Pollock Wilson and others, in relationto purchasing a battery of artillery foruse and protection of the city, would report

have bad the underthat. .

they . . , same. a ,; . Cation, ana wouia as ine auopuon uifullowino- - resolution:

"Jleeotved, That the Mayor be authorizedto contract with Miles Greenwood forbatteries of artillery, consisting of sixeacn, together witn equipments, as per

furnished by him to the Committeeon Military Affairs, at a cost not to exceed

7,yau tor eacn Dattery, ana me saia committee are nereDy aesirea to solicit

to assist in defraying the expense71 constructing said batteries."15 After an amendment, offered by Mr.

substituting one battery in place of21 the subject, on motion of Mr. Hogue, wasS3 ferred to the Select Committee, with2.40

to act. Messrs. Warren, Marsh, Glass,33 and Stokes were appointed said iommtttee,3542 to which were afterward added87 Carter, Walker, and his Honor03 Hatch.6372 Mr. Walker offered the following:42 "Jietolved: Tbat the City Commissioners3429 be, and are hereby, instructed to ascertain

the probable expense of placing a40 story on the Fifth-stre- et Market house,

the purpose of providing a drill-roo-

armory for the use of the Volunteerof the city, and for other public purposes,

the and report to the next meeting of the

for The resolution was passed.A communication from the Mayor,

attention to the necessity of provisiontbe defense of the city, was read, received,and filed.

The special order being the ordinance,prevent fires npon steamboats at the

was taken up and passed.The regular weekly report of the

Solicitor and Auditor were receivedfiled.

The monthly appropriation to aetrayfor the month ot Augast was

the Mr. Marsh, the Special Committed ofIt to whom was referred subject matter

con. before the Council, in referenceoil, the killing of dogs, reported an ordinance

of fourteen sections, repealing allis ordinances on the subject, prescribing

manner in which these animals shouldis kept, providing against hydrophobia,

has The ordinance was engrossed, andEu to be printed for future consideration.

The Council then adjourned.

Coroner' Inquest. An inqnest heldCoroner Emmert, yesterday, showedwoman named Mary Shila, sevesiji years

been age, a native of Ireland, came to herIn tno mnrnino--. hv fallinor from the

No. story window of 106 East Sixth-stree- t,

Cot the pavement.

Fntin-- Ranker Want FIFTY

from Dollars of the Loan. It is stated npon

the authority, say th Pittsburgand the 28th, that an offer was lately made

Secretary Chaser, on behalf of loreignto take $50,600,000 of the loan,

the liovernmeni wouia promise to payinterest at Frankfort-on-the.Main- . Tberetary, however, declined tne oner, a

the omfidant in the ability of the Government& t .1

of to maintain itoeii wiusooi Baking iuo... foreign capital. ,;

Th grain receipt in Chicago lastwere upward of four hundred and

this thousand bushel a larger amountof wm aver received there in a single

The fall rush Eastward, will loop,


Financial Affairs.Nothing transpired in Third-stre- yester-

day worthy particular mention.There was a fair supply of Money, and

Paper was accommodated at theola' fate of interest, l(Hj)12 per cent, per an-

num.Treory-note- s were In demand at 07X.Our rtMes of Exchange and Gold are:

JfaidHf. BetliHt.Hew Tork Brh....par. i prem.Philadelphia . . - P. H prm.Boston Pr. 54 prem.Baltimore ...oar. H prem.American Gold Hs20o. prem. 4no.0)i prem.

We quote nm'urrent fund a follows :

"Kentucky. K:' New Orleans, 8lt, NorthCarolina, 30 : Pe nnsylyania (interior), 3 ;

Virginia (wneeiin.T iiiyj, id; v neenngBranches, 15: other' Solvent Virginia, 20

25 Missouri, 910: Iowa, 23; Wisconsin (Brst-class- L 16(g). 'u; TYisconxin

50GO, Illinois (first-clas- l!i20;Illinois (discreulted 5000: Baltimore, 1:Maryland (interior), 3; lennessee (oiaBanks), 15; Tennessee (ft Banks), to25 ; Michigan and Canada, 23j Alabama,30; South Carolina nd GiWrgia, 30 dis-

count "Tuesday' St Louis Iem,crat report

Eastern Exchange at 7 per cetU. prem. forMissouri money.

At Chicago there i no change in Moneymatters. Currency is rather moi" plenty.Exchange quiet at parV per ceitt. prem.Gold quiet at Msi4 per cent. prem.

Tbe New York Timet of Tuesday, I espect-io- g

tbe Money market, says:''The market for Money opens quiet this

week. There is no decided increase in theoffering of mercantile Paper, though thejobbing trade is looking up, aud a goonbusiness doing in the staples of both Dry- -goods nnd Groceries. The rates of Discountare C7 per cent for first-cla- ss double namedPaper. Demand Loans are in moderate re-

quest at C6 per cent. The rule with tbeStock brokers is now more generally 6 percent, than the insi'ie figure. Tbe advancein Exchange on London, at the close of lostweek, is only fairly supported on the actualpalfB thus far msde tor the Cunarder ofWednesday. We quote Bankers' 107J?j(a)

107.The same paper says:"We learn that the General Government

has refunded to the State of Illinois 40 percent, of the expenditures of the State incur-red in fitting out volunteers for the war.This amount, added to the present amount inthe State Treasury, gives the State over$1,100,000, applicable to the payment ofinterest, and reduction of the State indebt-edness in January next. We learn tbat it isnet the intention of the State at present toplace any of its new bonds in tbe market."

Tbe weekly averages of tbe banks of theat city of New York, on Saturday. August 24,

18G1, present in the aggregate the followingchanges from the previous exhibit of Au-gust 17:

a Inert ase in Loans..J S2s,oir,l.'f)lDecrease in , i,ri.Decrease in t'irvulatlon . 31 712Increase In Undrawn DuposltB 26,4ua 9V9

The Tribune of the same date has the fol-lowing in relation to Treasury-note- s:

"The Secretary of the Treasury has drawnon tbe Banks, in favor of theMr. Cisco, under the recent negotiation ofTreasury notes, lor 3,500,ouo, which is 10per cent, on their subscription. This willmake $7,OCO,000, or 20 per cent, paid up.

"There is an active demand in the street forthe six per cent. Treasury-notes- , which arewanted for the payment of duties. The

be Brokers are buying at 975a97, and Selling at G798. No important amountcould be bonght at 98, and if we are to haveany importations this Fall, all the floatinglots on tbe market will be absorbed beforethe demand will arise from the Banks forpayment on the second fifty millions of thereeent loan.

by Tbe same journal in referring to the pros-pects of trade, says :

"There is a'decidedly better feeline In busiat ness circles, and much confidence is felt tbatthe Fall trade will be better than has been

the anticipated. Cotton and Cotton Goods verevery firm, and the shipping interest is comparatively in a favorable condition nndertbe large export business in produce, and thepurcbases ot snipping tor tne use ot tne uov--

ernment. Tne activity in oreaastutts Has i

favorable Influence upon all Orsncbes cit business, and must enable the West with itsenormous crop to meet promptly its

to the East. The jobbers of DryGoods begin to feel tbe rising tide, and theimporters are preparing lor tue r an ousiness

fir by withdrawing desirable goods from ware-houses."

Dally Produce Market.EVENING, August 28.

FLOUR The demand is moderate, andthe market dull. The sales comprise 800to brls. at $3 65 for good superfine; $3 753 00for extra, and $4(4 15 for fancy and family.

WHISKY A fair demand and a firmthe market: sales 500 brls. at 1313?,c, the

latter rste for wagon.. 1. PROVISIONS No change in the marketvue as regards demand or price. Mess Pork

held at $14 25, but we beard of no sales.Bulk Pork is moderate at 4, 5 and Gc.

twp limited demand for Bacon at 5, 6 and 7c;piecesSWUt UUUD. DUIU 111 WW WWdemand being chiefly for clear Sides. Lardunchanged.

GROUKKlKa The demand is liehtconfined to the jobbing way, but tbe market

of is firm at Bigyc. for sugar, st(a)jie.Molasses, and Ml4io. for commonprime Uonee, 16c being obtained for choice.

WHEAT Tbe market continues dull andtwo, heavy, but we have no change to reportre prices. We quote prime to choice red at

power fii(5c..ana crime 10 cuoice wane atJones sales 300 bushels choice red at 75c , deliv-ered; 400 bushels fair white at 75c;

Messrs. bushels prime white at 83n.; 550 bushelsMayor good white at 80c , and 500 bushels prime

red at 75c, delivered.CORN Prices are lc. per bushel lower,

but the demand is fair at the decline :

1,000 bushels ear at 27c, at lower depots.second OATS Tbe market rales steady, with

for fair demand at 232-lc- . for new and oldand bulk.Militia RYE The market is dull, and prices

a shade easier : sales 500 bushels at 40c ,

HAY The demand is limited at $9tun. for nrime Timothy in bales, on arrival,calling CHEESE Thsj market remains dull,tor without any change in prices: we quoteat

BUTTER A continued fair demandto tbe best grades, with but a light supply,the market is firm at 1214c. for primechoice; fair to good is dull at Ogsc,


[By Telegraph.]

New York Market.passed. New York, August 28 P. M. Cotton

One, again advanced: sales 2,400 bales at 10c.middling Uplands.

to Flour continues heavy, and ha declined5c per brl., with only a modsrate business

previous doing for export and home consumption:the ..1 17 ion Vi.ia at ti 2.Va)4 35 for EUDertinebe State; $4 454 60 for extra State, chiefly

Ac. $4 5U(($4 66; AO(gi4 ao tor Bupuruuoordered $4 404 65 tor common to medium

extra Western; $55 50 for shipping brandsextra round-noo- p unio, ana o uttuo &j

trade brands do, market closing Canadian Flour continues dull and nominal.

that a Rve Flour steady at $2 303 85. Corn- -

of continues steady: sales 300 brls. at $2 85death choice Western; 3 lotw o tor uranaywine.third- - WbiBky dull: sales 2uu oris, at ibigiiic.upon Wheat la without important change;

firmness of freight materially checkexport demand 1 sale 19,200 bushels Chicago

MrLLIOI Spring at 9098c; 13,000 bushelsSpring at $11 02; 39,500 bushels

ilojl of Club at $1 0:il 06 ; 24 600to amhar Iowa at tl 08fo)l 09 : 38.400 bushels

Winter red Western at $1 16l 19:provided hn.hels inferior to common Winter red

vu. .m at tl lfKoil 12: 7.6YO bushelsSec Western at $1 231 30; 4,500 bushels

ne 11 Ventnr.kT At Si Hl'A&ii 35. Rve auietwithout chanee in price. Corn

:j A and closed about ut quit firm better,only a moderate supply and fair demand

t export and home consumption: saleMonday bushels at 45(0,470. for inferior to

mixed Western 4849o. for good tothan shipping mixed Western; 5o5lo forday. ern yellow: B2o. for white Western;

couj.ta.aCv. tojwnn.i yellow j 4.5. for towtnon

Northers. Oat quiet at 2C(?i)2. for Can-ada, and 3233c. for Western and State.

Pork rules very dull; we notice tale or '

100 barrels, including mesa, at $15, an tprima at $10. Beef qniet and ttnobanged : .

le of H0 barrel at $44 BO for countryprime; $r((o5 60 for country mess; $DU 2S 1

for repacked mess, and $12 60L3 Ityi lor.evtra mess. Prime mess Beef and Beefllama dull, and price nominal. Cat Meatsin better request, and price rem tin s'eady :sales of 450 packages, part last evening, at4Va(oj3c. for Shoulder, and 5:6;,;. forHams. Baeon inactive. Lard qaiet, andmarket wilhout Important change: sale of350 barrels at 8lA:Xo.

Butter i In demand, and market firm, at810c. for Ohio, and 1014c for Stat.Cheese ia in fair request for export.

Coffee is in fair demand, and the marketvery firm: sales 2,800 bags Rio at lV,i15c; in other descriptions nothing of mo-ment is doing. Sugar Raw continues firmand in fair demand: sales 1,170 hhd. Cubaat HQVAa. ; 359 bhds. Porto Rico at1ir by auction 201 hhds., 14 tiercel, and15 brls. do. at $6 1937 94.

[By Telegraph.]

New York Live Stock Market.Nsw York, August 28. There was a large)

falling off in the receipts of Beef Cattle atAlierton's Washington Drove-yar- d thisweek, and this occasioned an active demand,nnder which price advanced fully Jc. perpound, ranging from 6K8c. per pound.The general selling prices are 1M to 7Ji8c.The quality of offering were good, andthere were but few inferior Cattle in thatyards, and trot few which anld at leas than7c per pound. Receipts, 3, 223 (rotations :First quality, per cwt., 60: ordinary.$7 5fta,8; common, $7tJt7 50; inferior, $t(3)7. Veal Calves continue in fair renuest.nnd prices rale firm. Sbeepand Lambs werein p:eotifnl supply and the market was dollat $2 25fi)4 50 per bead. Swine solo atrange of 3 to 4c. for corn-fe- u and still,Beceipts of Sneep and Lambs, 12,153 head.Swine, 524.

[By Telegraph.]

New York Stock Market.New York, August 38. Stocks belter

this afternoon, and cloW firm; Cnia;o andttor.k Island. 40?1: Illinois Uentrnl Sonr.64V: Reading, 3Tr- Erif, 24V: New YorkCentral, 734; Pacific Mail, 75; North Carolina hues, bb'A; Virginia Sixes, bt: M'S8uriSixes, 41K; Tennessee Sixes, Georgia;Sixes, 67; Treasury Bixe3, Sf; United stateSixes of 1881 (Coupons), 8$ United StateSixes of 1881 (Registered), 87.

COVINGTON NEWS.Action oe the Knights of the Goldbw

Circle in Pkndlktos County. The foi' letters, found in Demossville, PendletonCounty, Ky, will show tbat the Secession-ists of tbat region are wide awake, and meanto do wbat they can to forward the cause oftheir Southern brethren:

"Dkmoirvillb, Kt., August 7, 18C1 tfr.Wm. Ayret Dear Sir : After duo rellectionand considering the state of things, we oftbe Brotherhood of several Castles believeand think it necessary that we appoint acamnutiee to go to Tennessee after our arms.We agree to furnish our equivalent of ex-penses for the same, and we wish to knowyour wishes at Demossville concerning thesame. Write forthwith, and let us know theexpression of the Brotherhood there, andwhen you will have a meeting for the same.Rest assured that we are alive in the cause.May God be with you. No mote at thistime. Youis, with respect,


" Demossville, Ky., August 9, 18C1. At arepnlnr meeting of the Fifth District Caatteof i'endloton County of the IC. G. C, Brother11. P. Anderson was appointed to conferwith the several Castles of Grant and OwenCounties on tbe propriety of sending toTennessee some suitable person to ascertainsomething in regard to our guns, and to collect money to defray said expenses. We areanxious to know how and when we can getthem. Done order of the Castle,

"R. M. ANDERSON, Captain."

From Ctnthiana. John Flad was founddaad in the iUeeta of Cynthiana, night before IttstT This is anotner ot mi... .terious occurrences which are getting to bevery frequent in the vicinity of that Sodomot aecesiion.

CorsciLMAS in the Thiro Ward. Tubelection yesterday resulted in the choice ofJlnjor js. s. uiamson lor uouncuman, 10 nitthe vacancy caused by the resignation of J.N. Tyrack.

For Camp Roiiinson. Captain H. E. Wil-son, well known as an efficient and ener-getic officer, as well as a true, unconditionalUnion man, is about to start for CampRobinson. He will receive a few recruits,previous to going, at McLinn's stable, .onMadison-stree- t. This furnishes another

chance for those who wish to enlist.

is Guns for Secessionists. Eighty muskets,said to have been obtained from the Govern-mentA by a Mr. Blackburn, for the use ofUnion men, passed from Cynthiana to Berry

"W Station yesterday, where they will be dis-

tributed among Secessionists.

The Revolution and Slavery.A Washington correspondent of the New

to York 2tetme, writing under date of August26, says :

Still referring to the tone of opinion here?in thoueb. on a very different topic, I would re--72 mars, mat 1 nave oeen gurprieeu w ussr ius

bold utterances ot some memoerg oi meDemocratic party in favor of the Uovern-me- nt

300 using the alavery question, or rather Ishould say the slavery system, la every justi-fiable way, and with the most extreme rigor,to ciush out the rebellion. Nay, more theyexpress tbe dee'ded conviction that, unlessthe Government does this, it can not be suc-

cessful in the pending struggle. I havea heard these opinions from men of high po-

sitionia in the Democracy, hailing from vari-ous parts of the country, bat more especially

are from the West. Indeed, not being restrainedby party considerations, they are wont tocharacterize the action of the Government

per on this subject as far too timid and fastidiousto suit them. Of course, there are excep-tionsbut to this rule discordant notes in the

it general tenor of Democratic opinion eddiesand cross-current- s in the drift of the tide of

for sentiment. But I have been surprised at theand unanimity of view on this delicate topic

to among JJemocrau woo are uearuty anaand unequivocally or th Union, and againtt the

rebellion.In other political circle the opinion I nave

indicated ia quite dominant. It is especiallyso among those who clearly understand the

for origin and objects of tbe Jeff. Davis con-

spiracy, and who know how persistent anddetermined the conspirators are in theirefforts to break up the Government, and howlarge and varied are their resources for car-rying on the unholy work.

1 Know, UK), mat uu aeuumeui. t uatsmentioned exists to a large extent among theintelligent and patriotic young men whohave come here from all parts of the North,

tor and West, to lay down their lives, if need be.for their country, come or mem nave aiato me, in so many words, that while tbe foe

moal boasts of having raised a regiment of creolee

for and Buulattoes in Louisiana to shoot, themdown, and .while be keeps negroes employedin raising earinworas anu mounting cannon,

the to destroy them with consuming fire, they dothe not see why our forces should not be allowed

to use this ciasB oi population tor ine na.o

Racine purpose, so that at least negro might offsetnegro. t

Some military wen, of large experience,have recently told me that negroes, carefully -

8,000 selected ana properly annua, ana gaiiy- -West nnitormed and weu-oiucer- wouia De tnost

valuable auxiliaries to the main army as 1. .white . 1 j 1 iv , a r- - ; -whit arops aown ueep iuui uia um ui vii-im-.


andopened LATioa or a Deed oi Darkness. '

with Trf, an anchor was being grappled for I:for NeVVork harbor, on Wednesday, a humitu

159,000 skeleton was hauled np, having a rope abou ;thecommon neck and a stone attached. Upon reach.

prime the surface, the rope, being rotten, broke,West taking with it tbe stteleton, except the skull.

4dc It had been in tbe water so long tMt it topmixe was covered with oysters, i , ., ,