Download - Violence- threat of or actual use of physical force against oneself or another person Victim- person who is attacked Assailant- person who attacks.



Violence- threat of or actual use of physical force against oneself or another person

Victim- person who is attacked

Assailant- person who attacks another person


Based on 2010 statistics in the U.S.:Every 31-minutes a death by homicide occurs.

Every 14-minutes someone commits suicide.

Every 2-minutes someone is sexually assaulted.

Costs of Violence Costs to Victim

Permanent injuries Death Pain Physical and emotional scars Anger Fear Depression Trouble focusing on future Burden on family

Costs to Assailant Serious injury Guilt or shame Fear of retaliation Criminal charges Court costs Lawyer fees Jail time Trouble finding a job

Costs to Society Financial costs

Healthcare Taxes for law enforcement, courts and

prisons Metal detectors and security for

schools Emotional costs

Fear of violence affects daily living Suspicious of strangers

Risk Factors for Violence Poverty Family Violence Media Violence Availability of Weapons Drug Abuse Membership in Gangs

Violence in Schools Harassment- Unwanted remarks or

actions that cause a person emotional or physical harm.

Bullying- the use of threats or physical force to intimidate and control another person.

Hazing- requiring a person to do degrading, risky, or illegal acts in order to join a group.

Vandalism- intentionally damaging or destroying another person’s property.

Hate Violence- speech or behavior that is aimed at a person or group based on personal characteristics.

Sexual Harassment- any uninvited and unwelcome sexual remark or sexual advance.

 Stereotype- an exaggerated belief or overgeneralization about an entire group of people.

Prejudice- negative feelings about a group based on stereotypes.

 Discrimination- the unfair treatment of a person or group based on prejudice.

Intolerance- a lack of acceptance of another person’s opinions, beliefs, or actions.

How Fights Start Arguments Anger – the root of most arguments

and of many fights Hurt Pride and Embarrassment Revenge – leads to cycle of violence Peer Pressure – more difficult to

avoid a fight if bystanders are present Instigators – people that

encourage fighting while staying out of the fight themselves

Control – desire to have control over another (main reason for domestic violence)

Preventing Fights Recognize the Conflict Early Learn to ignore some conflicts

Be flexible Control your anger

Confront the person wisely Choose a time and place carefully Stay Calm Negotiate a solution

Do the unexpected Provide a way out Be willing to apologize

Helping others avoid fights Mediation Role as a bystander Involve an adult

Violence Quiz. Match the following words with the correct definition:

 1. Hate violence 2. Prejudice 3. Stereotype 4. Intolerance 5.Discrimination

A. Negative feelings about a group based on stereotypes.

B. A lack of acceptance of another person’s opinions, beliefs, or actions

C. Speech or behavior that is aimed at a person or group based on personal characteristics.

D. The unfair treatment of a person or group based on prejudice

E. An exaggerated belief or overgeneralization about an entire group of people.


Unwanted remarks or actions that cause a person emotional or physical harm.


the use of threats or physical force to intimidate and control another person.


requiring a person to do degrading, risky, or illegal acts in order to join a group.


intentionally damaging or destroying another person’s property.

Hate Violence

speech or behavior that is aimed at a person or group based on personal characteristics.

Sexual Harassment

any uninvited and unwelcome sexual remark or sexual advance.


an exaggerated belief or overgeneralization about an entire group of people.


negative feelings about a group based on stereotypes.


the unfair treatment of a person or group based on prejudice.


a lack of acceptance of another person’s opinions, beliefs, or actions.