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David Shaw

Made contact with him in early 1980s through the Stevenage School and expressedinterest in purchasing a copy of his book on St Michael's. As a result, he came overone evening to my house near Berkhamsted with a copy of the book. As I rememberit, we or he, polished offthe remainder of my bottled of scotch before he drove hometo Luton. I purchased the book!


Born in Luton in 1928, David Shaw attended st. Michacl's as a Day-Boy from 1939-1946, becoming aprefectand'the Captain ol Stonc House. Aftcr teaving St. Michael's he obtained his Teacher's Certificate at Borough RoadCollege, Isleworth. and from 1948-1950 u'as conscripted for National Service, rnost of u,hich he spent as aSergeant-lnstntctor in thc Royal Army Education Corps, including a period in France as an Interpreter.

Aftcl dcrnobilisation David entcred King's Collcge,.London, obtaining in 1953 the B.A. (Hons.) in English andA'K'C' in Theology. Having won the Inglis Scholarship (awardcd annually in English) and a University of LondonRcscarch Studentship tenable until 1956, he spent three more ycars at King,s engaged in postgraduate research inlinglish Languagc. and as thc result of subscquent part-time rescuch rvas awardcd the degree of M.A. (with distincrion)in 1958 and his Doctoratc in 196g.

F n tc ring fulltilnc tcach ing in 1 9-56, Davitl was on &c Staff of Hatfield School for four years before retuming toSt' Nliehael's in 1960' succecding l;r. Sebastian as Senior English lvtaster. In 1963 he became Lecturer in (and in 1964tleatl oi-) English and Liberal Studies at Mander coliege, Bedford, and in 1966 was appointed senior Lecturer inI nglish Language at Goldsmith's Colltgc.

Dr' Sharv has no$ returned to work in the Hitchin area, for rvhich he has so much affection, as l{ead ofthe linglish Dcpirlmcnt and Librarian at Princess Helena College, Preston. He has remained a bachelor (which heconsiders man's natural state), still lives in Luton, and lists among his interests Music, writing, Debating, publicSpcaking. Naturul and Loea-l History and Conservation.