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Συγγραφή - Επιμέλεια: Μανώλης Μαρκίδης

Σύμβουλος ανάπτυξης εκπαιδευτικού υλικού:

Βασίλειος Ραφτόπουλος


«Συνδικαλιστική κατάρτιση και ενίσχυση κοινωνικών δεξιοτήτων εργαζομένων ιδιωτικού τομέα που εκπροσωπούνται

από την ΓΣΕΕ στις 2 Περιφέρειες Σταδιακής Εισόδου, στις 3 Περιφέρειες Σταδιακής Εξόδου και στις 8 Περιφέρειες


Οριζόντιες ξενόγλωσσες ικανότητες εστιασμένες στο

χώρο εργασίας: Αγγλική Γλώσσα


«Ταξιδεύοντας στο εξωτερικό»

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Περιεχόμενα Ενότητα 6: Ταξιδεύοντας στο Εξωτερικό ...................................................................................... 3

Σκοπός ................................................................................................................................. 3

Προσδοκώμενα Αποτελέσματα .................................................................................................... 3

Λέξεις – Κλειδιά ............................................................................................................................ 3

Υποενότητα 6.1: Packing your bags ......................................................................................... 4

Υποενότητα 6.2: Travelling ........................................................................................................ 6

Υποενότητα 6.3: Travel information ......................................................................................... 8

Υποενότητα 6.4: Hotels and restaurants ................................................................................ 10

A. Hotels .............................................................................................................................. 10

B. Restaurants ..................................................................................................................... 11

Υποενότητα 6.5: Shopping – countable and uncountable nouns. .......................................... 12

Σύνοψη ............................................................................................................................... 18

Γλωσσάρι ............................................................................................................................... 18

Ακουστικά κείμενα ...................................................................................................................... 21

Πηγές για περαιτέρω μελέτη ...................................................................................................... 28

Βιβλιογραφία .............................................................................................................................. 28

Βιογραφικό σημείωμα συγγραφέα ............................................................................................ 28

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Ενότητα 6 : Ταξιδεύοντας στο Εξωτερικό


Η επάρκεια στη χρήση της Αγγλικής γλώσσας αποτελεί αναμφίβολα

απαραίτητο εφόδιο για όποιον θέλει να ταξιδέψει στο εξωτερικό για

προσωπικούς ή επαγγελματικούς σκοπούς. Η χρήση της Αγγλικής διευκολύνει τις

ανάγκες επικοινωνίας μας από το να ζητήσουμε πληροφορίες και οδηγίες έως το να

παραγγείλουμε σε ένα εστιατόριο, να κλείσουμε εισιτήρια ή ένα δωμάτιο ξενοδοχείου

και να κάνουμε ψώνια.

Στην ενότητα αυτή θα εξετάσουμε διάφορα παραδείγματα χαρακτηριστικών

διαλόγων που αφορούν συνηθισμένες περιπτώσεις καθημερινών συναλλαγών ή

συνδιαλέξεων. Θα εξετάσουμε μέσα από αυτούς το λεξιλόγιο, τις φράσεις και τη

γραμματική που χρησιμοποιούμε σε αυτές τις περιπτώσεις. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση θα

δοθεί εδώ σε μία ποικιλία θεματικών ομάδων λεξιλογίου όπως: φαγητό, διαμονή,

ψώνια, και συγκοινωνίες.

Προσδοκώμενα Αποτελέσματα Να αναπτύξετε την δεξιότητα επικοινωνίας στα Αγγλικά.

Να αναπτύξετε τις δεξιότητες παραγωγής προφορικού λόγου και κατανόησης

γραπτού και προφορικού λόγου.

Να αναπτύξετε την ικανότητα αποτελεσματικής επικοινωνίας με άτομα στην

προσωπική και επαγγελματική σας ζωή.

Να αντιληφθείτε πολιτισμικές διαφορές μεταξύ των λαών.

Λέξεις – Κλειδιά

Απαραίτητα ταξιδιού - Travel essentials

Ταξιδεύοντας / Μέσα μεταφοράς - Travelling – means of transport

Ταξιδιωτικές πληροφορίες - Travel information

Ξενοδοχεία και εστιατόρια - Hotels and restaurants

Ψώνια / αριθμήσιμα και μη αριθμήσιμα ουσιαστικά - Shopping / countable and

uncountable nouns

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Υποενότητα 6.1: Packing your bags

1.Σκεφτείτε: a. Here are some things that people always take with them when

travelling. Match the ‘travel essentials’ with the reasons.

1. I never leave without a moisturizer.

2. We always take a travel alarm clock.

3. My essential is a corkscrew.

4. I never travel without my cassette recorder.

5. I make sure I take travel sickness pills.

6. I wouldn’t travel without earplugs.

a. We often have to get up at dawn to catch flights.

b. I record my feelings, listening to them brings back more memories than a


c. Long flights, hot sunshine, and hotel air conditioning rally dry out my skin.

d. They’re great for getting to sleep in noisy hotel rooms and planes.

e. I’m a hopeless traveller – I get carsick, airsick and seasick.

f. I was once delayed at an airport in Bulgaria, and the only thing I had to

drink was a bottle of wine.

b. What are your travel essentials?

2.Διαβάστε το κείμενο και απαντήστε: The extracts below are from guidebooks to

Iceland and Zimbabwe. Read them and match them to the countries.

1. There are three things that no traveller here should be without: a tent, a

sleeping bag and a torch. Take a tracksuit for mornings and evenings in game

parks, with shorts for the daytime. A jacket and warm socks are a good idea as it

can get cold at night. Other items which will be handy are a small travel alarm, a

basic first aid kit, a water bottle, a towel, a camera, a penknife and any batteries

that you need. Take insect repellent, sun cream and a money belt.

2. Warm clothing will be of great importance to everyone. Between May and

September you should take several pairs of thick socks, heavy windproof gloves,

high-protection sunglasses, a wool hat, a jumper, hiking shorts, wool shirt and

trousers ( jeans are cold and uncomfortable when wet ), and a waterproof jacket.

Travellers in winter need to prepare for arctic conditions. If you’re camping,

take your own stove, and as much dried food as possible.

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Imagine you are going to one these countries. How many things have you got

already, and what would you need to buy?

3.Ακούστε και απαντήστε: a. Listen to seven dialogues. Are they before, during

or after the holiday.

before during after what second person says








b. Listen again and write what the second person says. Underline the phrasal verb in

each sentence.

4. Άσκηση: Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings.

1. set off

2. make up

3. get back

4. pick up

5. put on

6. look forward to

7. get into

8. check in

9. take off

10. get in

a. return

b. expect something good to happen

c. wear

d. enter

e. register on flight / in hotel

f. leave the ground ( airplane)

g. begin a journey

h. arrive

i. collect something / somebody

j. think of idea / decide

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Υποενότητα 6.2: Travelling

1.Σκεφτείτε: Write as many words/ phrases as you can under these headings in three



places things people Events


suitcases passengers you check in

2. Διαβάστε και απαντήστε:

a.Read Megan’s email. Where is she? What happened?

Hi Joe

Finally got here. The journey was awful, the flight was delayed and the service

appalling. We were diverted to Vladivostok because of engine trouble. The

terminal building was closed and there was total lack of information.

Touched down at Bangkok five hours late! Then we had to wait 40 minutes for

them to take us off the plane – at 3.00 am!

Luckily, the hotel is great and the beach is marvelous. Be jealous!

See you soon


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b. What travel problems do these words refer to? 1. delayed= flight

2. appalling 3. diverted 4. closed 5. lack 6. late

c. Read about Megan’s return flight. Complete the sentences with these prepositions.

down of off on into to

1. We checked ____ the flight in good time.

2. But we were delayed due ____ engine trouble.

3. We got ____ the plane two hours late.

4. And we eventually took ____ at 2.00p.m. – five hours late.

5. But then we were diverted ____ Delhi.

6. There was a severe lack ____ information.

7. When we landed, we all got ____ the plane.

8. They made sure that no one was ____ board…

9. …because ____ the danger of fire.

10. We finally touch ____ in London seven hours late.

3. Σκεφτείτε: Dean is travelling home from Tel Aviv, Israel, to Gatwick, UK. Look at

the notes he wrote while he waited in Athens airport.

Try to think of what happened by putting the notes in the right order.

___arrived in Athens – left for 30 minutes on the plane

___waited 40 minutes at Athens terminal – no information

___two hours into flight diverted to Athens – problems with the engines

___passengers refused to get back on same plane

___took off 17 hours late – technical fault

___crew taken off before passengers

___total delay 40 hours

___finally checked onto Peach airline to Gatwick

4. Ακούστε και απαντήστε: a. Now listen to Dean talking to a reporter about his

experience and check your ideas.

b. What are the main things he complains about?

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Υποενότητα 6.3: Travel information

1. Σκεφτείτε: You are going to hear someone calling National Rail Enquiries. Think of

two questions you expect to hear.

2. Ακούστε και απαντήστε: Now listen and put the dialogue in order.

___ Single or return?

___ When for?

___ Oh, standard

___ Hold on a second … right, there’s one at 10.00 from Kings Cross, which reaches

Edinburgh at 3.21, or there’s one at 10.30 whish gets in at 4.06.

___ Thanks for calling. Bye.

___ and how much is it?

_1_ Hello, National Rail Enquiries, Tracy speaking, how may I help you?

___ Return, please.

___ This Sunday, at around 10.00

___ First or standard?

___ That’s £66.00, and there are no time restrictions on that ticket.

___ Oh, hello, I’d like to ask about trains from London to Edinburgh.

___ OK, thanks very much.

3. Διαβάστε και απαντήστε: Read ‘Rules for traveling on the tube’ and complete the

text with these words:

and because but if otherwise so when

Rules for traveling on the tube

A. __If__ you are going to travel by tube, you have to buy a ticket before you get

on the train 1.______ you can get arrested and fined.2.______ you need a

ticket to get through the gates anyway 3.______ it’s quite hard to forget!

B. 4.______ you first get into a tube station, 5.______ you need to ask for

directions, then you have to go to the ticket office. 6.______, buy your tickets

from the machines, 7.______ it’s much quicker.

C. 8.______ you’re on the train, you mustn’t look at anyone else, 9.______ you

certainly mustn’t talk to anyone, 10.______ everyone is very suspicious of

everyone else. 11.______ you can read 12.______ look at the adverts and


Which of the rules is not an official one?

4. Ακούστε και απαντήστε: Gilly is phoning the tourist information office of Boston.

1. Look at her notes and make the questions she needs to ask.

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Visit Boston

weather’s like late Aug.?

shopping facilities?


sports /leisure facilities?

hotels – recommend booking in advanced?

car hire?


recommend things to see /do?

2. Now listen to her conversation and tick the things she asks on her notes.

3. Listen again and make notes on what information the clerk gives her.

4. Gilly uses expressions like OK / Oh, fine, etc. to help the conversation go well

by showing that she is listening / understands. Look at the listening script at the

end of the lesson and find seven more such expressions.

5. Gilly uses phrases to introduce her questions and refer to a change of topic.

Look at the listening script again and complete the sentences.

a. ____________________ if you can ( help me).

b. ____________________ of coming over to Boston in August …

c. and ___________________ if you could give me some information?

d. I was wondering ________________ tell me what’s the weather like?

e. With _______________ to swimming, do you have any beaches?

f. _______________ hotels, should I book in advanced?

6. Would you like to visit Boston? What would you do if you went there?

Βιωματική δραστηριότητα: Ας υποθέσουμε ότι πρόκειται να ταξιδέψετε από το

Λονδίνο στην Αθήνα αεροπορικώς. Τηλεφωνείτε σε ένα ταξιδιωτικό γραφείο για να

πάρετε πληροφορίες για πτήσεις. Χρησιμοποιείστε τις παρακάτω λέξεις / φράσεις για

να συντάξετε το διάλογο.

single/return business / economy Saturday morning

direct / via departs / arrives leaves / gets in

cash / by credit card window / aisle seat £ 185 including taxes

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Υποενότητα 6.4: Hotels and restaurants

A. Hotels

1. Σκεφτείτε: You are at a hotel reception desk and would like to book a room. Look at

these dialogues. Can you complete the missing words?

1. Receptionist _____________________________?

Guest A double, please, en suite if possible.

2. Guest _____________________________ ?

Receptionist Yes, a continental breakfast.

2. Ακούστε και απαντήστε: Now listen to the whole conversation and complete the

missing sentences.

Receptionist Good evening madam, how may I help you?

Guest ________________________________

Receptionist One moment, I’ll check.

Guest ________________________________

Receptionist How many nights would you like to stay?

Guest ________________________________

Receptionist Would you like a single, a double, or a twin?

Guest ________________________________

Receptionist Yes, we have a double en suite deluxe.

Guest ________________________________

Receptionist Yes, a continental breakfast.

Guest ________________________________

Receptionist Very good. Could you fill in this card, please?

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3. Λεξιλόγιο: Put the words /phrases in the box under the correct heading.

no towels mini-bar room service leaky tap faulty air conditioning/heating

wake-up call check in /out sheets not changed dry-cleaning late Wi-Fi

gym / sauna satellite TV indoor parking no hot water noisy neighbours

facilities problems /complaints

B. Restaurants

1. 2.

4. Λεξιλόγιο: Match the words in the box with the pictures.

menu ketchup tray tablecloth straw waiter wine glass tip receipt

candles salt and pepper milkshake cutlery wine list paper napkin bill

flowers French fries bin plastic cup hamburger fizzy/soft drink

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5. Σκεφτείτε: Match the questions with the answers.

1. How would you like your steak?

2. Would you like anything else?

3. Could we have the bill, please?

4. Would you like to see the wine list?

5. What would you like to follow?

a. No, thank you. We’ll just have

mineral water.

b. Well done, please.

c. The chicken curry, please.

d. No, that’s all, thank you

e. Yes, certainly sir.

6. Ακούστε και απαντήστε: Put this restaurant dialogue in order.

___ I’ll have the vegetable soup.

_1_ Are you ready to order, sir?

___ The salmon with a salad.

___ I’ll have the vegetable soup, too, please.

___ And I’ll have a steak, I think.

___ Two vegetable soups.

___ Yes, I think so. Darling?

___ Thank you very much, sir. Would you like to see the wine list?

___ And for you, sir?

___ How would you like it, sir? Rare, medium, or well done?

___ The vegetable soup, and to follow, madam?

___ Very rare – blue if you can.

Υποενότητα 6.5: Shopping – countable and uncountable nouns.

1.Σκεφτείτε: What time do these places open and close…?

… in your country

… in Britain

banks supermarkets post offices cafes / bars

restaurants nightclubs smaller local shops

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2. Σκεφτείτε: Look at these labels on products sold in supermarkets. What so you

think they are?

1. Perfect with red meat, pasta, and


Open one hour before serving.

Serve between 16-18ο C

5. Just add milk and sugar for a

delicious and nutritious

start to the day

2. Wash before eating 6. So gentle you can wash

your hair every day.

3. Take two every four hours

7. Allow to stand for two minutes before

removing bag.

Best served with milk.

4. Avoid contact with eyes and skin.

Do not drink

Keep out of reach of children

8. Once opened keep refrigerated.

3. Γραμματική: Μη αριθμήσιμα ουσιαστικά.

Πολλά από τα είδη που αγοράζουμε σε ένα σουπερμάρκετ είναι ουσιαστικά μη

αριθμήσιμα, δηλαδή δεν έχουν πληθυντικό αριθμό και συντάσσονται με ρήμα

ενικού αριθμού. Συχνά αυτά τα είδη τα αγοράζουμε σε συσκευασίες ή με το

κιλό /το λίτρο και έτσι μπορούμε να τα μετρήσουμε. Για παράδειγμα, δεν

μπορούμε να πούμε a milk , a sugar , a water αλλά μπορούμε να πούμε a

carton / litre of milk, a packet / a kilo of sugar, a bottle / a glass of


Μερικά ουσιαστικά έχουν μόνο πληθυντικό όπως trousers, jeans, shorts,

pyjamas, scissors και συντάσσονται μόνο με ρήμα πληθυντικού αριθμού. Για

να τα μετρήσουμε χρησιμοποιούμε τη φράση a pair of.

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Άλλα παρότι έχουν μορφή πληθυντικού news, athletics, billiards, politics

συντάσσονται με ρήμα ενικού αριθμού. Για παράδειγμα, The news is good.

Κάποια από αυτά τα ουσιαστικά είναι αφηρημένα όπως advice,

information, news. Αυτά γίνονται αριθμήσιμα με τις φράσεις a piece / a

bit of. Για παράδειγμα, a piece of advice, a bit of information, a piece

of news.

Οι ποσοτικές λέξεις some, any, no, a lot of /lots of μπορούν να

χρησιμοποιηθούν με αριθμήσιμα και μη αριθμήσιμα ουσιαστικά.

Οι λέξεις many / (a) few χρησιμοποιούνται μόνο με αριθμήσιμα.

Οι λέξεις much / (a) little χρησιμοποιούνται μόνο με μη αριθμήσιμα.

Ορισμένα μη αριθμήσιμα ουσιαστικά έχουν και αριθμήσιμη μορφή αλλά με

διαφορετική σημασία.

Countable Uncountable

a paper = εφημερίδα, έγγραφο

a hair = τρίχα

a glass / glasses = ποτήρι / γυαλιά όρασης

a room = δωμάτιο

an iron = σίδερο ( συσκευή )

(one ) time = (μια ) φορά

paper = χαρτί

hair = μαλλιά

glass = γυαλί

room = χώρος

iron = σίδηρος

time = χρόνος

4. Άσκηση: Match the phrases on the left with the nouns on the right. More than one

choice is possible.

a packet of

a bottle of

a tin of

a can of

a tube of

a piece of

a pair of

a bit of

a kilo of










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At the shops

5. Σκεφτείτε: What shops or places would you buy or do these things in? Match the

actions with the places.

buy jeans

buy painkillers

buy a pair of glasses

have a drink

send a parcel

have a haircut

buy flowers

buy bread

buy fruit

buy a newspaper

buy a ring

clean a suit

change money

buy a novel

buy sausages

at a florist’s

at a clothes shop

at a newsagent’s

at a dry cleaner’s

at a bank

at a butcher’s

at an optician’s

at a greengrocer’s

at a hairdresser’s / barber’s

at a book shop

at a bar / pub

at the post office

at a jeweler’s

at a baker’s

at a chemist’s / pharmacy

6. Ακούστε και απαντήστε: a. Listen to ten requests people made when buying

things. Complete the sentences.

1. Excuse me, can you tell me ________________, please.

2. Excuse me, do you think I could ________________ ?

3. I’d like to buy ________________ .

4. ____________________ Casablanca, please.

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5. Excuse me, could you tell me __________________ the toothpaste,


6. Can I have ___________________ , please?

7. Could you tell me ___________________ ?

8. Could you possibly ___________________ in an hour?

9. Can I __________________ you?

10. Could I ___________________ for this afternoon?

b. Now match the requests with a response below.

a. Certainly. They’ll be ready after lunch.

b. I think it’s in aisle seven. I’ll show you.

c. There you are. Screen two is on the left. Enjoy the film.

d. I think standard 35mm would be fine.

e. Certainly. Would you like 10, 20, or 50 units?

f. Sure. Can I have a look at it?

g. Yes, the fitting rooms are over there.

h. No, thanks, I’m just looking.

i. They’re on the second floor.

j. Is that for a cut or wash, cut, and blow dry?

c. Which shops or places would you hear these dialogues in?

7. Χρήσιμες φράσεις: Look at what people say in shops. Mark who says them. C for

customer and A for shop assistant.

asking trying on paying

1.__ I’m just looking,


2.__ Can I help you?

3.__ What size would you


4.__ Have you got this in

size 12 /a medium?

5.__ I’ll just have a look.

6.__ I’ll take it /them.

7.__ Could I try it /them


8.__ the fitting rooms are

over there.

9.__ Any good?

10.__ It’s a bit


11.__ Do you think I could

try on a bigger/ smaller


12.__ Can I pay by credit


13.__ How would you like

to pay?

14.__ Cash or credit card?

15.__ Your receipt’s in the


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Βιωματική δραστηριότητα: Ας υποθέσουμε ότι βρίσκεστε σε ένα κατάστημα με

ρούχα για να αγοράσετε μια μπλούζα / πουκάμισο. Χρησιμοποιήστε το παρακάτω

πλάνο για να συντάξετε και να διεξάγετε τον διάλογο.

shop assistant customer

Hello /help you?

What size and colour / like?

fitting rooms /over there




How / pay?

There you are / receipt / bag

Thank you / bye

try top / shirt on ?

small / medium / large /blue

Thank you

bit big / smaller?

Yes / how much?

take it

cash / credit card

Thank you

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Στην ενότητα αυτή εξετάσαμε διάφορα παραδείγματα χαρακτηριστικών διαλόγων

που αφορούν συνηθισμένες περιπτώσεις καθημερινών συναλλαγών ή

συνδιαλέξεων. Εξετάσαμε μέσα από αυτούς το λεξιλόγιο, τις φράσεις και τη

γραμματική που χρησιμοποιούμε σε αυτές τις περιπτώσεις. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση δόθηκε

σε ομάδες λεξιλογίου όπως: φαγητό, διαμονή, ψώνια, και συγκοινωνίες.

Γλωσσάρι Υποενότητα 6.1

pack – πακετάρω

essential – απαραίτητο

moisturizer – ενυδατική κρέμα

corkscrew – τιρμπουσόν

travel sickness – ναυτία

pill – χάπι

earplugs – ωτοασπίδες

dawn – αυγή

record – ηχογραφώ

diary – ημερολόγιο

dry out – ξεραίνεται

skin – δέρμα

hopeless – απελπιστικός

delayed – καθυστερημένος

extracts – αποσπάσματα

guidebook – οδηγός (ταξιδιωτικός)

tent – αντίσκηνο

torch – φακός

tracksuit – φόρμα γυμναστικής

game park – πάρκο θηραμάτων

money belt – ειδική ζώνη για χρήματα

clothing – ρουχισμός

windproof – αντιανεμικό

gloves – γάντια

high-protection – υψηλής προστασίας

wool – μάλλινο

jumper – πουλόβερ /φούτερ

hiking – πεζοπορία

shirt – πουκάμισο

trousers – παντελόνι

uncomfortable – άβολο

waterproof – αδιάβροχο

arctic – αρκτικός

conditions- συνθήκες

prepare – προετοιμάζω/μαι

stove – σόμπα

dried food – ξηρή τροφή

set off – ξεκινώ ταξίδι

make up my mind – αποφασίζω

get back – γυρίζω πίσω

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socks – κάλτσες

item – είδος

handy – πρόχειρο

first aid kit – κουτί πρώτων βοηθειών

towel – πετσέτα μπάνιου

penknife – σουγιάς

insect repellent – εντομοαπωθητικό

sun cream – αντηλιακή κρέμα

Υποενότητα 6.2

suitcases – βαλίτσες

passenger – επιβάτης

journey – μακρύ ταξίδι

appalling – απεχθές /απαίσιο

diverted – αλλάξαμε προορισμό

engine – κινητήρας

terminal – κτίριο αεροδρομίου

lack of – έλλειψη

touch down – προσγειώνομαι

luckily – ευτυχώς

marvelous – υπέροχος

Υποενότητα 6.3

rail – σιδηρόδρομος

enquiry – ερώτηση (πληροφορίας)

single (ticket) – απλή μετάβαση

return (ticket) – με επιστροφή

standard (class) – κανονική θέση

first (class) – πρώτη θέση

restriction – περιορισμός

the tube – ο υπόγειος σιδηρόδρομος

get arrested – συλλαμβάνομαι

get fined – παίρνω κλήση (πρόστιμο)

pick up – μαζεύω / παραλαμβάνω

put on – φοράω

look forward to – προσδοκώ

get into – μπαίνω

check in /on – εγγράφομαι σε


take off – απογειώνομαι

get in – φτάνω / καταφθάνω

jealous – ζηλιάρης

eventually – τελικά

severe – σοβαρός

land – προσγειώνομαι

make sure – σιγουρεύομαι

on board – επιβιβασμένος

fault – ελαττωματικός

arrived – αφίχθησαν

crew – πλήρωμα

refuse – αρνούμαι

total – πλήρης

suspicious – καχύποπτος

advert – διαφήμιση

map – χάρτης

facility – διευκόλυνση/υπηρεσία

recommend – συστήνω /προτείνω

book – κλείνω (δωμάτιο /πτήση)

in advanced – εκ των προτέρων

car hire – ενοικίαση αυτοκινήτου

clerk – υπάλληλος γραφείου

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go through – περνώ μέσα από

gate – πύλη

quicker – γρηγορότερο

Υποενότητα 6.4

en suite (bathroom) – μέσα στο δωμάτιο

continental – ευρωπαϊκό

single /double (bed) – μονό/διπλό

twin (bed) – δύο μονά

room service – εξυπηρέτηση δωματίου

leaky tap – βρύση που στάζει

faulty – ελαττωματικός

heating – θέρμανση

wake-up call – κλήση αφύπνισης

sheet – σεντόνι

satellite – δορυφορικός

indoor parking – κλειστό παρκινγκ

noisy – θορυβώδεις

neighbours – γείτονες

Υποενότητα 6.5

local shop – μαγαζί της περιοχής

perfect – τέλειο

meat – κρέας

pasta – ζυμαρικά

avoid – αποφεύγω

contact – επαφή

keep out of reach of – κρατάω μακριά από

add – προσθέτω

nutritious – θρεπτικός

gentle – απαλός

allow to stand – αφήνω να μείνει

script – κείμενο διαλόγου

topic – θέμα

regarding / with regards to – σχετικά με

/σε ότι αφορά

tray – δίσκος σερβιρίσματος

tablecloth – τραπεζομάντηλο

straw – καλαμάκι

tip – φιλοδώρημα

receipt – απόδειξη είσπραξης

candle – κερί

cutlery – μαχαιροπίρουνα

napkin – πετσέτα

bin – κάδος σκουπιδιών

fizzy /soft drink – αεριούχο αναψυκτικό

steak – μπριζόλα μοσχαρίσια

mineral water – μεταλλικό νερό

darling – αγάπη μου

rare / medium / well done – σχεδόν

ωμό/μέτρια ψημένο/ καλοψημένο

haircut – κούρεμα

ring – δακτυλίδι

suit – κουστούμι

novel – μυθιστόρημα

sausages – λουκάνικα

florist’s – ανθοπωλείο

newsagent’s–πρακτορείο τύπου/


dry cleaner’s – καθαριστήριο

butcher’s – χασάπικο

optician’s – οπτικά

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remove – αφαιρώ

refrigerated – διατηρείται στο ψυγείο

carton – χάρτινη συσκευασία για υγρά

a pair of – ζευγάρι

pyjamas – πιτζάμες

scissors – ψαλίδι

a bit of – λίγο

a tin of – κουτί / κονσέρβα

a can of – κουτάκι αλουμινίου

a tube of – σωληνάριο

tuna – τόνος (ψάρι)

toothpaste – οδοντόπαστα

beef – βοδινό

tissues – χαρτομάντιλα

painkillers – παυσίπονα

parcel – δέμα

greengrocer’s – μανάβικο

hairdresser’s – κομμωτήριο

jeweler’s – κοσμηματοπωλείο

baker’s – φούρνος

chemist’s – φαρμακείο

aisle – διάδρομος

screen – οθόνη

unit – μονάδα

fitting room – δοκιμαστήριο

blow dry – στέγνωμα με πιστολάκι

size – μέγεθος

try on – δοκιμάζω

any good ? – είναι καλό;

tight – στενό

credit card – πιστωτική κάρτα

Ακουστικά κείμενα Υποενότητα 6. 1

1. A You look tired.

B Yes, we got back at 3.00 this morning.

2. A There are lots of mosquitos.

B Well, put on some insect repellent.

3. A Are you taking a torch or candles?

B I can’t make up my mind.

4. A Are you leaving tomorrow?

B Yes, I’m really looking forward to it.

5. A Are the photos ready?

B Yes, I’m going to pick them up this afternoon.

6. A It’s 9.00.

B 9.00? We should set off for the airport.

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7. A I’m cold.

B You should get into your sleeping bag.

Υποενότητα 6.2

Reporter Well, eventually Dean, you took off seventeen hours late, which is quite a

delay, isn’t it?

Dean That’s right, seventeen hours late, and then about two hours into the flight, we were told we’d been diverted to Athens due to a problem with the engines.

Reporter So you touched down in Athens, what happened then?

Dean We were then told that we weren’t allowed to leave the plane, and we

were finally taken off the plane probably about thirty forty minutes later,

into the Athens terminal, where we were given really no information at

all for about forty minutes.

Reporter Now is it right that at one point the passengers actually refused to get

back on the flight because there’d been so many problems with it?

Dean Yeah, the majority of the passengers were refusing to get on the plane

because you don’t really want to get in the same aircraft when you were

delayed in the first place due to a technical fault.

Reporter So, what’s the latest now, Dean?

Dean We’re at the airport now, people are checking onto a flight from an

airline called Peach airlines. That’s supposedly taking off at about three

o’clock Athens time, and should be flying straight to Gatwick, so, I mean,

by the time we land in England, if we land on time, this flight will have

been delayed forty hours.

Reporter What do you think of the service, then, so far?

Dean I think it’s appalling, is the only word I can think to describe it, severe,

severe lack of information. I don’t think anyone of the passengers has

seen or spoken to anyone from the airline, and I think the most

disgusting thing even is to see the crew of the plane being taken off to

hotels before any of the passengers …

Reporter It’s ridiculous, isn’t it?

Dean I think it’s their duty to make sure all the passengers, especially when

there’s a lot of children on the flight, a lot of young children, a lot of

families you know, and the crew are just going off. I do think that’s


Υποενότητα 6.3

A Hello, National Rail Enquiries, Tracy speaking, how may I help you?

B Oh, hello, I’d like to ask about trains from London to Edinburgh.

A When for?

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B This Sunday, at around 10.00

A Hold on a second … right, there’s one at 10.00 from Kings Cross, which reaches

Edinburgh at 3.21, or there’s one at 10.30 whish gets in at 4.06.

B And how much is it?

A Single or return?

B Return, please.

A First or standard?

B Oh, standard

A That’s £66.00, and there are no time restrictions on that ticket.

B OK, thanks very much.

A Thanks for calling. Bye.

Clerk Visitor information, can I help you?

Gilly Oh, yes, hello, I wonder if you can, um, I’m thinking of coming over to Boston in

August and I was wondering if you could give me some, um, general

information about sightseeing, etc.

Clerk OK

Gilly I was wondering if you could tell me, late August, er what’s the weather like at

that time?

Clerk Oh, it’s almost impossible to tell but, you know, it could be humid and hot –

into the nineties and above.

Gilly Oh, fine, Ok, so, um, with regard to swimming, er, do you have many beaches or


Clerk Oh, I wouldn’t go into the city to swim.

Gilly Oh, right.

Clerk You can walk on the beaches here, but, er, to swim, I would go north or south of

Boston about an hour or so .

Gilly I see, OK, that’s fine. OK. Regarding hotels, should I book in advanced or can I

just sort of arrive and book once I arrive?

Clerk In Boston?

Gilly Yeah, in Boston itself, yes.

Clerk Oh, no you want to make a reservation for August probably now.

Gilly Right, er, OK. Could you also recommend, um, the main things there are to see?

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Clerk Now, that’s, like, Boston’s a major metropolitan city, I mean, er, we’re known

for our history, with the American Revolution, er, we have many museums,

Gilly Uh huh

Clerk There’s the children’s Museum, the Science Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts,

the New England Aquarium,

Gilly Excellent …

Clerk …excellent shopping, clothes stores, book stores, then parks, and just half an

hour outside Boston there are the forests and lakes of New England.

Gilly I see, so, so it would sort of, suit most people with different interests

Clerk I would think so.

Gilly Good, right, well that’s lovely

Clerk We’re not little you know, not a little town,

Gilly OK, well, thank you very much.

Clerk You’re very welcome.

Υποενότητα 6. 4

Receptionist Good evening madam, how may I help you?

Guest Hello, can you tell me if you have any free rooms?

Receptionist One moment, I’ll check.

Guest Thank you.

Receptionist How many nights would you like to stay?

Guest Two

Receptionist Would you like a single, a double, or a twin?

Guest A double please, en suite if possible.

Receptionist Yes, we have a double ensuite deluxe.

Guest How much is that for two nights?

Receptionist For two nights that’s £25o.

Guest Does that include breakfast?

Receptionist Yes, a continental breakfast.

Guest OK, well that’s fine.

Receptionist Very good. Could you fill in this card, please?

Υποενότητα 6. 5

1. Excuse me, can you tell me where the CDs are, please.

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2. Excuse me, do you think I could try this on?

3. I’d like to buy a new battery for my watch.

4. Two for Casablanca, please.

5. Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find the toothpaste, please?

6. Can I have a phone card, please?

7. Could you tell me what kind of film I need?

8. Could you possibly dry clean these trousers in an hour?

9. Can I help you?

10. Could I make an appointment for this afternoon?

Λύσεις των ασκήσεων

Υποενότητα 6.1

1. 1. –c 2. – a 3. – f 4. – b 5. – e 6. – d

3.a. 1. after 2. during 3. before 4. before 5. after 6. before 7. during

3.b. 1. got back at 3.00 this morning

2. put on some insect repellent

3. can’t make up my mind

4. I’m really looking forward to it

5. pick them up this afternoon

6. should set off for the airport

7. should get into sleeping bag

4. 1. – g 2. – j 3. – a 4. – i 5. – c 6. – b 7. – d 8. – e 9. – f 10. – h

Υποενότητα 6.2

1. Suggested answers

Places: duty free shop, baggage reclaim, airport terminal, departure

hall/lounge, arrival hall/lounge, gate, check-in desk, passport/immigration

control, customs etc.

People: pilot, ground crew, flight attendant, air steward/stewardess etc.

Verbs: take off, land, touch down, arrive, depart, check in, board etc.

2. a. Bangkok / delayed 5 hours

b. 2. service 3. flight 4. terminal building 5. information 6. touch down /


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c. 1. into 2. to 3. into/off 4. off 5. to 6. of 7. off 8. on 9. of

10. down

3. 1. took off 17 hours late – technical fault

2. two hours into flight diverted to Athens – problems with the engines

3. arrived in Athens – left for 30 minutes on the plane

4. waited 40 minutes at Athens terminal – no information

5. crew taken off before passengers

6. passengers refused to get back on same plane

7. finally checked onto Peach airline to Gatwick

8. total delay 40 hours

4.b. delay / lack of information / crew taken off before passengers

Υποενότητα 6.3

2. See tape script

3. 1. otherwise 2. but 3. so 4. when 5. if 6. otherwise 7. because

8. when 9. and 10. because 11. but 12. and

4.3. weather / beaches / hotels / things to see or do

4.5 See tape script

Υποενότητα 6.4

2. See tape script

3. Facilities: mini-bar, room service, wake-up call, check in /out, Wi-Fi,

gym / sauna, satellite TV, indoor parking

Problems /complaints: no towels, leaky tap, faulty air conditioning/heating

sheets not changed, dry-cleaning late, no hot water, noisy neighbours

4. Restaurant: menu, tablecloth, waiter, wine glass, tip, candles,

salt and pepper, cutlery, wine list, bill, flowers,

Fast food restaurant: ketchup, tray, straw, receipt, milkshake,

paper napkin, French fries, bin, plastic cup, hamburger, fizzy/soft drink

5. 1. – b 2. – d 3. – e 4. – a 5. – c

6. See tape script

Υποενότητα 6.5

1. Opening times in Britain:

Banks 9.30 – 4.30

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Restaurants close at 12.00 pm

Supermarkets 9.00 – 8.00 ( some 24 hours)

Cafes ordinary 8.00 – 5.30 trendy close at 11.00 pm

Post offices 9.00 – 5.30

Nightclubs 9.00 pm – 2.00 am

Bars / pubs close at 11.00 pm

Smaller shops 9.00 – 5.30

2. 1. red wine 2. vegetables / fruit 3. medicine 4. cleaning liquid / bleach

5.cereal 6. shampoo 7. tea bags 8. juice /tins of food / jars of food


a packet of – tissues

a bottle of – wine /cola

a tin of – tuna

a can of – cola

a tube of – toothpaste

a piece of – advice / news

a pair of - trousers

a bit of - advice / news

a kilo of – beef


buy jeans - at a clothes shop

buy painkillers - at a chemist’s / pharmacy

buy a pair of glasses - at an optician’s

have a drink - at a bar / pub

send a parcel - at the post office

have a haircut - at a hairdresser’s /


buy flowers - at a florist’s

buy bread - at a baker’s

buy fruit - at a greengrocer’s

buy a newspaper - at a newsagent’s

buy a ring - at a jeweler’s

clean a suit - at a dry cleaner’s

change money - at a bank

buy a novel - at a book shop

buy sausages - at a butcher’s

6. a. See tape script

b. 1. – i 2. – g 3. – f 4. – c 5. – b 6. – e 7. – d 8. – a 9. – h 10. – j

7. 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. C 11. C

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Πηγές για περαιτέρω μελέτη

Grammar Link 4, Maria Karyda, Pearson Education Ltd. ISBN 0-582-50467-8

Face2face Intermediate, Chris Redstone & Gillie Cunningham, Cambridge University

Press. ISBN 978-0-521-60061-3

Practical English for Adults 2, C. N. Grivas, Grivas Publications. ISBN 13 978-960-409-



Clockwise Pre-intermediate, Bruce NcGowen & Vic Richardson, Oxford University

Press. ISBN 0-19-434074-0

Clockwise Intermediate, Will Forsyth, Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-434078-3

Clockwise Upper-intermediate, Jon Naunton, Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-


English 365 Book 1, Bob Dignen, Steve Flinders, Simon Sweeney, Cambridge University

Press. ISBN 978-0-521-75362-3

English 365 Book 2, Bob Dignen, Steve Flinders, Simon Sweeney, Cambridge

University Press. ISBN 0-521-75368-8

Βιογραφικό σημείωμα συγγραφέα

Ο Μανώλης Μαρκίδης γεννήθηκε στη Κύπρο και έζησε στη Λευκωσία και την

Αμμόχωστο τα παιδικά του χρόνια. Μετά το πόλεμο του 1974 μετανάστευσε στο

Τορόντο του Καναδά όπου τελείωσε το γυμνάσιο και λύκειο. Στη συνέχεια σπούδασε

στη Σχολή Καλών Τεχνών του York University. Το 1985 εγκαταστάθηκε στη Αθήνα και

από το 1988 διδάσκει αγγλικά σε παιδιά και ενήλικες.