Download - शीत संलयन, टेस्ला, शुल्क ऊर्जा = छद्म विज्ञान ? / Cold fusion, Tesla, Free energy = Pseudo scien..




  • 2 LENR- % *u, u. i3 4 5 * i 8, : ; i> i 4 @ A %A ;; E "i" i, iiF H, u L-E u. 4 i. 4 2013 ; F 4 o>TiU % @V . ii uL i6 M i commercialized LENR i 2016 ? P Q 8 S, Ti 1MW i V "ECAT" iY [ ? , Di ? A i S. 4 , LENR Y 4 u i\ 8; i: u] F o T: i3 ` % a 4 , >bo 5 f o : g h i i j, ki b i m n La *o i 8, p u %q : 1- ib / r F , i 4 s a. 2- i: ]n u 8 i . iiu F 4 u w a ( ku\i ). 3- / xi V@ei o HHO L - o s a V: ; o m z: F V ; {| o j. 4- }x 4 iF, iHu u% ] % x, / L 4 . 5- %i , f @, ; F>i i %q . 6- s 20% H2O 4 s , 7- 4 uV: o, 8-Yi ui , i. >Di ]i^ _ ` ? S & ec ? M i i6 @L d ?,(Ti P i 8M Heaviside fcg ? , ) %, 4 , b > "L i" @Hi a 4 > a 4 % i j, b T k s @ 8, b @ 4 m @i*i o j, iV, u iA a, VT: -Hi- @iAe %. o j - , T: L3i f 4 g s i 8.

    %-% i E i u. 8, ki ur i e4o 4 u / * / L> / ui % ; i> "uk % i3" u% % i *b / i j, u 4 % 8, k :A, S % ? iio ? u c ` ? mn d S. i :A " % 4 s i3", T s 8, is "i3 " 8 @i%i ; 4 ; > , ` i i: %i 8, @Hi i 1000+ F, F, @, ; s n% j, ] ; f i j T 4 g s. ? 8,i, L>, Hi : 4 m s - " i*" u a 8, T ki Ti s * i j i %4 i j.

    o L i Hi @iA L] F, 4 o j, Ti uc 1 @ p iM S i , F a 8, c i p a 4 %%i @Hi u a 4 .

    { ` : @*ui 4 %e ; 8

  • LENR-Cold fusion effect itself has been virtually accepted by mainstream science, & currently in gradual spread to industrial, fringe, & non-western media: Energy produced with basically free fuel + equipment & operation cost. Thermonuclear fusion might take decades for practical use, but experimental unlimited energy success occurred in 2013. No mainstream endorsed commercialized LENR device exists as of Jan 2016, but industrial 1MW electricity generator "Ecat" has been sold under certain pre-conditions

    This could eventually trigger first full science review of currently ridiculed recurring private micro scale use inventor free energy & small commercialized installations, often in relation to LENR: 1-Extracting ambient-radiant energy as electricity, 2-Harvesting reverse voltage power instead of using extra force to cancel it(Back EMF motor), 3-Resonance catalyzed rapid HHO/Oxyhydrogen gas, also as mileage booster of hydrocarbon, 4-Electromagnetic or plasma pulse/vortex creation in confined water/gas, 5-Compressed air, & COP>1 heat exchanger converted to mechanical power, 6-Water Emulsifying processes incorporating far beyond 20% H2O, 7-Harvesting underwater air buoyancy force + gravity, 8-Cavitation heater, etc. They seem to run on mechanics & accompanied by side effects current physics cannot explain(explainable by Russian Torsion physics or Pre-Heaviside Maxwell equations), low cost, & furthermore, are convertible to superior effect new techs that can replace majority of propulsion, weather, medical, psychology, nuclear remediation, & some key mining-industrial-farming processes -IF fully peer reviewed in science

    Still interlocked main Western media censored, but increasing documents/testimony on various open-end pseudo science R&D at Govt/Aerospace/Military/Intel agency with covert private contractors, protected under national security i.e. clandestine program, but to which above organizations executives themselves often have no access i.e. privately controlled black project. This is totally isolated from dead-end public consumption science which is monitored & restricted by science law: e.g. At an advanced nation, even official data indicates, 1000+ inventions in Enviro-Energy-Propulsion-Medical field, many patented, are classified by secrecy law, & applicable to allies. Despite all this, there are subtle but collectively clear signs from majority of establishment to gradually introduce new unlimited Open System paradigm.

    Though both gas-oil-coal based industrial process & alternative energy can remain by innovation, free energy mainstream commercialization is inevitable & it risks social disruption, hence public participation is beneficial to discuss if, or at what rate & how all related tech/info to be officially released & endorsed.


    Ben Rusuisiak, New Nature Paradigm Tech Analysis, Vancouver Canada

  • - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    This presentation might not reflect the view of mainstream media & academia/wikipedia/science consensus; hence attendants/readers are recommended to re-assess the data from own independent perspective

    Free energy or Over-unity in this presentation is defined as seeming: Draw of more energy than exerted to generate Continuous motion without energy input Use of free material generally not considered as fuel

    High likelihood about quoted inventors-scientists(selected from 1000s): 1- Statistical error chance for false effect claims, plus undetected intentional fraud, some organized-coordinated, is a possibility 2- Even greater probability of quality & reliability misrepresentations 3- Significant quality gap between inventions, yet - 4- At least collective majority repeatedly produces claimed effects

    Most effects quoted have accumulative-consistent evidence from unrelated era & source, but mechanics listed are hypothetical

    Currently commercialized company/product names are in Boldface Navy


  • - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada 5

    p06 History of science legal Free energy

    p13 Ten categories of over-unity claims

    p22 Commercialization attempts

    p30 Law of Thermodynamics, Dissident Scientists

    p32 Scalar wave, Standing wave resonance, Torsion field..

    p43 Terahertz & Far Infrared waves, No light required Photo Catalysis

    p48 LENR/Cold Fusion update, Losers & Gainers by its success

    p56 Reduced suppressions, Free energy smooth transition models,

    p63 When LENR/Cold Fusion becomes official mainstream

    p66 If inventor tech & related outrageous claims become mainstream

    p82 Summary & Macro level recommendations


  • 6 Main academia/media in mid-late 1800s forecasted commercialized free energy by early 1900s(Anthony+), 1- Free Ground Earth Battery regularly demonstrated self charging or inducing electricity capacity with minimum moisture, also power generation efficiently of two-points-voltage gap depends on location(Snow, Lockwood, Wilkins, Dieckmann, Strong, Bain, Edard, Haworth, Bear, Mellon,Hicks, Cerpaux, Garratt, Lamont +); invention rush for telegraph use, Along with strong claims of pre-dated telephony & wireless(Meucci, Stubblefield, Tesla+ ), 2- Very low cost Vaccumized Air/Compressed Air engine/residential-industrial system, Trompe/Water Pumps also widely used in France etc(Rix, Mekarski, Hardie, Hoadley, C Hodges+)

    Non earth battery free energy claims mixed: Data lack/Fraud, some can be valid, Involved mainstream scientists till early 1900s, yet no commercialization with reason(p22,23)

    Science legal 1&2 disappeared from schooling/research while other types of free energy(p13-21) & repeated side effects in combination didnt fit with science package then & now; gradually became irrelevant/pseudo science, which matched major business-financial lobby interest then


  • - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada 7

    Same mechanics & side effects repeated by unrelated inventors, but linear progress often limited to recent Western mainstream academia(LENR, Cavitation), also Russia-Soviet had some development(Cavitation, Torsion, Ion heater, Ultrasonic, EM pulse)

    Boiled down to 10 or so base mechanics(p11, p13-21) with similar tendency: Often energy is triggered in by rapid vortex-pressure-voltage-spin, pulse-resonance, plasma-magnetic field, ionization, cavitation, nuclear type reaction, They show up as anomalous or violent cooling/heating, vibration, knocking, spike, surge, implosion as defect & avoided by extra energy/design change Performance seemingly affected by geophysical/cosmo-physical elements, Their side effects are often non-linear & contradict existing basic science laws

    i.e. not closed system?; some techs(p13-21) efficiency fluctuates, by time-location, altitude, humidity, position direction etc; similar to ground-earth battery(p6), Rare cases emotion(Carr, Keely, R Ring, Th Ludwig, D Davidson,Vogel, Seelhofer+)

    Occasional rift:1- Mainstream Western scientist vs 2- Inventor, sidelined & Non-Western scientist(Russia, China+), Some scholars in West as exception(Austria, Italy+



    FREE ENERGY TYPES; staying microscale, seems voluntarily limiting growth, withdrawn etc, but increasing commercialized exceptions(in dark blue) Nitinol engine; Negative metal fatigue temperature shapeshift metal, US Navy backing(Banks, Sandoval, Ginell, McNichols, Hochstein, A Johnson) Ground/tree/plants Electricity harvester(Barbosa, Bryan, Karavas: Voltree, Helder: Plant-e +)(p6), Properly grounded electricity conductive kite or rod extracts atmospheric electricity(G Richmann, Beccaria, Dalibard, De Romas+), easily replicated even by amateurs(p21: f) but completely mainstream ignored ElectroMagnetic(EM) & sound wave electricity converter, Infrared Rectenna (Cummer, Vanke, Briscoe, R Phillips, P Cutler+)(eg RCA Airpower, Already used for military type implants-sensors), Negative resistance/self entraining oscillators in high freq.; microwave, mm-wave etc: ElectroMagnetic wave of any frequency Permanent Tourmaline electrode electrolysis(stops at 950C, Kubo effect), Self generating micro-current minerals: eg Acos Terahertz Face Roller(K Sasaki)+ Solar Chimney: Initial high cost, many benefits: Enviromission, Hyperion Energy+

    a Water-Oil emulsion, Science legal till 30% H2O(illegal: p20); eg Nonox, b Coal-Water Slurry, 30-45% H2O; EET CWS, Vodougol, Ukrheat, 1&2 both discreet fair sized use, Strong in Russia, Ukraine, China, cuts emission, carefully ignored by major Western environmental NGOs & mainstream entities, Atmos clock+, use of self oscillating Torsion pendulum - Electro-mechanical transducer, ambience change, can combine with Foucalt pendulum element, Levitrontype, or Drinking Bird generator, Self running Hydrodynamic heater(p17; G Ivanenko, Bespalko+)


    >>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Bacteria generator; Self-Charge Electrochemical Bio-capacitor(Pankratov+), Microbial Fuel Cell(MFC) or its overunity electrolysis(Microbial Electrolysis Cell - MEC), Magnetotactic Bacteria based types etc. Atomic/Nanogenerators, 24hr Infrared Solar(Hong Liu+), Overunity nano solar(Klimov: US Govt at Center for Advanced Solar Photophysics - CASP), Particulates(Yurth+), Atomic Hydrogen Welding(Langmuir), Negative electrical resistance carbon fibre(D Chung+), SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: often treated the same way as free energy treatment(p22, 23); stopped, stay microscale, large internal only corporate use etc: But again now emerging exceptions, Non UV H2 Photolysis from water by Sn3O4(H Abe+), 50-200%+ increased efficiency engines(Myers, Ogle,Covey, Pogue, Castellini, Brandt, La Force, Hatton, Caggiano, Belland, Holland, Ch Brown, Fish+) by cam timing, spark plug, carburetor+), Pneumatic engine(science illegal, p17,18): Peugeot 208 Hybrid Air(40km/litre, 94mpg), Tata & MDI-lu(Negre), both being shelved, Some Japanese cars mostly sold only in Japan(30km/l+), Volkswagen XL1(100km/l)- only 250units avail with well over $100G, In1920s mainstream predicted 80mpg with test cars 100mpg+ (B Wine, A Wallace+), 95% efficiency Shinsei Electrostatic Motor Coal based Gas/Oil/Direct power: Natural gas like CENfuel(Lloyd & Turner ) & Low Temp Coal Carbonization: LTC, Rexco(Karrick), Improved Bergius method, Micro active at Sasol+ (Lurgi+), EM wave/Ultrasonic use(M Kawabata+), Low fume DCFC(Direct Carbon Fuel Cell, DEHPL+) mechanics avail since 1890s(W Jacques+), Some of IGCC(Integrated coal Gasification Combined Cycle) with in-situ use: high efficiency data can be hidden, Portable ammonia maker from H2O+air by compression cycle etc for engines(J Fleming, (N2H4)Hydrazine Fuel Cell: small, no precious metal, easy high power fuel(Daihatsu co)

  • 10


    >> continued: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: Aluminium Air Battery:1700km+ run range 100kg weight for electric cars(Phinergy) Certain customized Geothermal heating: Heat Pump, Gradient Energy Harvesting etc: e.g. Discarded oil well-mine EGS(Sologen), Downhole heat exchanger use, 300m deep closed loop in high heat area useable even without heat pump cost etc Cooling use OTEC(Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) near some water areas Thorium:US in 70s, Uranium took over, nuclear plant use, far less radiation, re-starting (India, Russia, China, US, Norway, Israel+), portable(Dratch+), Betavoltaics: Tritium Light or Battery(P Brown+), Zinc sulfide or Radium Paint + Solar Cell Hydrothermal vent power extraction: large scale indicated by test success Orimulsion: Water emulsified bitumen by Venezuelan state corp,

    Exotic configurations: Limited to pilot success; Mega Tidal(B Davis+), High rate Heat Recovery(Sterling)(Qnergy, Calnetix+)/ Thermo-electric (Bellezza, L Johnson+)/ Pyro-electric(Hunter+), 90% efficient Nirvana Thermoacoustic, & 30% extra energy saver Fisonic Cavitation(Fisenko), Solar(D Linman-Solar Liquid Power, Gr Watson-SolarCube, Brody, B Willis+), Wind(Aouini-Saphon, Ruijtenbeek-de Archimedes, Ippolito-KiteGen +), Vortex engine(Michaud+), Advanced Compressed air energy storage by full use of both Heat compressed & Cold air released, Pneumatic engine(Negre+, illegal, p17,18), Nanoparticle coated H2O electrolysis (Dopp+), Hydrogen fuel cell by slow oxidizing cheap alloy pellets + water(B Froats), Magnetic Energy Recovery Switch (Shimada+): legal back EMF, Water-carbon rod electric arc gas(W Richardson+), Salt water move MagnetoHydroDynamics - MHD(Rynne+), or ocean tide LMMHD (Koslover+), Deluge Engine(Hageman) runs with 30C difference,

  • - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada 11

    Senior Western scientists followed academic protocol for peer review 1-LENR-Cold fusion: Low Energy Nuclear Reaction -1989, Heat generates as H2 (hydrogen) in water interacts with catalyst(Ni-nickel, Pd-palladium etc) at electrolysis when stimulus applied(heat, current, resonance+)(Pons, Fleischmann), Unexplainable side effects: of helium produced(partly similar to nuclear fusion) but almost no neutron/tritium/x-ray, and no gamma ray 2-Cavitation: Micro bubble fusion / Sonoluminescence / Acoustic-ultrasonic cavitation 2002, Extract energy from imploding & light emitting bubble in liquid by acoustic wave excitation, Semi science legal mechanics(Taleyarkan et al+)

    Both linked via solid state fusion phenomena elements Many repeated previous mainstream claims(LENR since 1925, Cavitation 1978, but above claims made by top mainstream scientists causes serious review Mainstream fusion: some cost $1billion+/yr, highest by far -ICF: Inertial Confinement(US National Ignition Facility+) -MCF: Magnetic Confinement(ITER- Tokamak, 30+ others) LENR & Cavitation quickly proven false, No results fusion$ criticized, yet COP>1 Hydrodynamic + Sonic Cavitation was already commercialized in Ex-soviet nations(p17, p62 ) and scientists win national invention award(Kazakhstan+ : V Kuchin+)


  • - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada 12


    Similar physics law breaking mechanics & anomalies both at LENR-Cavitation & inventor techs, but latter more openly admit

    Past main academics explain related mechanics(Webb, Kelvin, TJJ See, Dirac, Faraday, Whittaker, W Crookes, Poynting, Loschmidt, Kaluza, Maxwell, Myshkin+) Covert compartmentalized inventor type pseudoscience including gravity field propulsion(Bushman, Rosin, Wood, Pawlek, J Black, McCandlish, D Morris+)(p75-81)

    LENR-Cavitation both have large variations, each sub-variation tends to have similarity inventor tech, & although not openly, increasing number of their scientists starting to suspect its link & need for investigation(Jinchuan Shen+) But almost all of following pages inventor type techs were investigated in depth or developed & a few commercialized(eg Potapov, Mustafayev+) by Russian/ex-Soviet university/institute academic: significant diversity allowed unlike West in majority of science(But Soviet banned genetics, cybernetics[eugenics-mind control link, deemed classified covert research], and non-marxist philosophy as bourgeois pseudoscience, Sociological data was falsified for counter intel purpose against West, and while general research itself was more free, data access from West is often restricted)

  • 13


    Micro sized private/commercialized use, often multiple mechanics by inventor 1-11+ 1-Non-moving coil - Radiant energy/Ambient Electricity Inducer(Chernetski, Hendershot, Tesla, Baumann,Craig, Hyde,Thrapp,Adams,Gritskevitch, Moray, J Murray, Hartmann, Flynn+), Often transformer like setting of pair(s) of coils with Magnet/Ferromagnetic core or Bifilar coil in specific position against EM field(opposing, orthogonal+), or Configured for resonance, with separate source & load batteries in circuit, Might involve high voltage + no electricity (P35-36, Scalar wave, Radionics, Antigravity- Godin, Gene altering- Lu Brgin+), After repeated & on-going demo debunking Commercialization started: Steorn Orbo 2-Magnetic Motor- often Back ElectroMotive Force Harnessed (Watson, Schappelle, Kawai, Reed, Heins, Ide, Parendev, Roshcin, Kenyon,Tracy, Tewari, Reed, Christie & Brit, Steinmetz, Ward+), Often DC pulse timed spin of magnet imbedded rotor(Torsion field; p37-46), similar to monopole magnet(Fauble), Can cause weather change(D Wells+) Common in 1&2: Often separate source power & charge battery/capacitor used, Some need external power, Bypass regular self-cancel dipole power circuit to keep asymmetry & electron flow, Energy output exceeds input when reach threshold level, Often 1: mix of Regular & Cold electricity:(Obolensky+), Positive & Reverse energy: Light bulb in water, White light, Rapid battery charge, Fix some dead batteries, Can be single wire & wireless connection, Voltage with 0 current, Invisible force radiates, Device transforms or extracts ambient-thermal energy as electricity from environment?> Absorbs heat, Device can go below 0C, Scalar wave link(p32-39), Might include cone-toroid-pyramid shape circuit, Often capacitor based high DC voltage pulse trigger, Spark gap, Intentional spike (choking effect, also can happens when reg current is switched off) starts rapid inflow, Transverse wave vs Longitudinal wave - negative entropy

  • 14

    3-Overunity H2-HHO-Browns gas production(Klein,Zigorous,Lawton, F Wells, A Blue, Rhodes, Ryan, Raju, Pantone,Pacheco, S Chambers, Kanarev, Y Brown,Vezina, Eaton+), Commercialization fully exists mainly as on-board Hydrogen/HHO generator for combustion enhancing to match Faraday's laws of electrolysis level: mostly scaled down 10-30% gas saver(eg Empire Hydrogen, HHO HFS Pty, WaterToGas, Hydrotechnix, HodPros, CVHHO: 200+ companies), Less disruptive 2-10% saving implied by mainstream market targeters with vague tech explanation(Bluetip Power, dynaCERT+):While openly explained ones debunked & go out of business in N. America (CHEC hydrogen+), they get major support in Europe(h2gogo, Creoproject+). Massive price gap with same quality exists. Non-western major corp. involved(Norinco+), Rare 30-60% saving claims(Shinko-Trans, Maru-shin+), Even 2% saving is impossible in Mainstream West: cannot save fuel by making fuel from running engine, due to unbreakable universal law(p29, 30), Typical auto fuel cell": 12V powered 6-7 flat stainless steel plates per stack, +-unseparated electrolyzer, assisted by EFIE(electronic fuel injection enhancer), PWM(pulse width modulator), MAP(manifold absolute pressure sensor), Distilled water + KOH electrolyte, Gas bubbler etc, So far water only run car(ie overt Faraday law violation) types never continue operation (p22,23): some claim to be told not to(Boyce, Rasmussen, B Williams, S Meyer+);

    100% water run cars arent really by electrolysis?: Resonate entire set with standing wave, Cold electricity by high voltage capacitor spark trigger(p13), Resonating cylinder cavity(p18), Plate gap

  • 15

    HHO related water anomalies: High voltage pulsed water can explode: overunity like & strange phenomena generating Electron Charge Cluster(A Ilyanok+) or similar(appears different on surface) Electrohydraulic Effect(grossly insufficient mainstream mechanics explanation: Graneau+): Generates EM field, double cavitation shockwaves, ultrasound, ultraviolet, x-ray, Significantly increase permeability of rock-soil-peat nutrients & water to plants, Instantly alter metal structure, Chemical catalyst+ (Yutkin, Bekaev+), It's used for precision high end manufacturing(eg Bmax+), or industrial rock to kidney stone crushing etc. Other anomalies: LENR-Cavitation link(M King+), Altering radioactivity(V Roth+), More energy than available gas(A Michrowski+), Vitalized water+

    Not really hydrogen; Water with extra H2 bond or electrons?; Burns in vacuum or underwater(no air intake/exit), Burns sprayed liquid water in open air, adheres to matter, Pressured back to water, Heavier than air - can pour(G Wiseman+), Flame is electrical plasma rather than burning, High powered laser like effect with far lower input: makes metal rust resistant/glazes concrete(eg Best Korea Brown+), Cold flame 130-280C (no bond breaks unlike H2 burning: 2000C+), Direct flame doesnt boil water(B & T Lang+),

    But Incinerates at 1600C, Vaporizes Tungsten(3400C), Disrupts molecule bond(electron breaks off water molecule at matter reaction causing heat:(Eckman+), Implodes in pure form(Suartt, Knudston+), Mix is Explosive: HHO+H2: can call hydroxy/oxy-hydrogen, Much higher quality & almost fumeless faster metal cut + alien matter welding, surface cleaning, ampoule filling etc(eg Epoch Energy+), Improved version of Water Shield/Injection/Steam Plasma cutting, Far more produced than H2 by same energy: low cost


  • 16

    ->> hho gas cont: Mix well with most conventional liquid & gas fuels in industrial boiler-furnace(eg Aquygen+)+: cut emission(50-85%+, less effective on NOx), Engine & exhaust system cleaner(eg E&E HHO+), more power, Rare case water only to run cars(S Meyer, Ahmad, Dingle, Cornish,Yogev, Garret, Leaich, Estevel, Valentin, Mohd Ali, Abd Shukor, Suematsu, Khan, P Lowrie+), Sub form; acoustic vibe Ohmasa Gas: clustered HHO, Flame 700C, Liquid at -180C(O2:-183C H2:-240C), Higher fuel cell performance than H2? Little risk of explosion, Can run combustion engine in vacuum, Easy lost cost

  • 17


    5-Some Air Vacuum/Compressed Air or Steam Engine, Temperature Gap Amplified (Heat)Energy Exchanger/Vortex Tube/Hydrodynamic Cavitation Heater, Hydraulic pumps claim occasional perpetual motion depended on run(L Rogers, Frenette, Minto, Davey, Yeter, Pope, Eskeli, Cahill,R Meyers, Truitt, Willimczik, Tesla, Hill, Karimov, Troyan, Von Platen, Azarov, Alexeiv, Obadan, Potapov+), a few always overunity, Similar to 4 but no plasma, Often abrupt change in cavity,(pressurevacuum: air flow - some oscillates, temperature, evaporation, reheating released cold air), System is low maintenance with less moving parts, Ambient heat converted to mechanical motion(K Rauen+), Anomalous gap in energy used vs harvested to break LOTD (Low Of Thermo Dynamics)? Can involve steam or venturi, examples below:

    Active full commercialization: Disguised but practically free either power generation or hot water(eg FlowGroup), COP>1 heaters: Ion Heater(Stafor+), Similar results with Vortex Induction Boiler(- Yurle), Vacuum Radiator(-.). Cavitation devices: eg Fisonic(pump resonated by geometric two flow mix, similar to Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube), Graviton-M, Dewa Pulse +(spinning rotor/water to pulse)feature overunity pressure or heat, while pure American originated peers hide same abilities (Hydro Dynamics+), Used in overunity" wind power generation: SheerWind-INVELOX,(Allaei), But when efficiency is measured based on affected area(eg COP on Flash Evaporation Cooling), commonly sold air conditioning-fridge-heat pump efficiency goes COP>3(300%) as official common sense, some 6 or 7: This area is highly fudged and energy generation link is avoided by mainstream: this category 5 techs seem to include conversion of this overunity into continuos mechanical motion.

  • 18

    ->>cont.-5-Air Vacuum/Compressed Air Engine, Heat Exchanger etc on overunity element Population Inversion(Thz Ultrafast EM Pulse link, E Paspalakis+) is allowed by LOTD; in Laser it is even precondition, Advanced No-leak Hydraulic Ram(T G Allen-Hydrautomat, Kutienkov+/no incoming water pressure) water lifter, used in mainstream till 1930s

    Core mechanics of category-5 A-Temperature gap of outside vs thermodynamic pressure vortex cycle inside, 1st & 2nd LOTD contradiction, Perpetual motion of second kind effects, Mainstream Part in Russian physics(Kosinov, Filippov, Tsyolkovskiy, Smenkovsky, Oparin, Yakovlev, Lazarev, Buynov, Veinik+), others(Kondepudi+). If it is Thomson Effect, why compressed heated air released & cooler than pre-inserted temperature?, COP>1 by Compressed air + heat created, Kinetic energy by ambient heat & pressure(S Robertson, J Scott, Lindemann+), At right pressure & geometry, overunity steam heat/pressure is norm(Sychikov+) B-Unseen energy tends to show up or flow from low or negative pressure, voltage etc to high, or at vortex outer to centre(Schauberger, H Iijima+), Vortex flow or rapid ambience gap sneaks in vacuum energy by leaking through space?,

    6-Some of Reactionless, Propellantless Drive tech claims overunity effect(Shawyer, Serrano, Menshikov); Scissoring Gyro, Geometric wave Resonator Cavity(EM) or pulsing against space, Inventors + space agencies + private contractor mix, Additionally pseudoscientific by breaking conservation of momentum law, Direct Scalar wave relation(P32-39), Using vacuum fluctuations of virtual plasma? = Zeropoint Energy(ZPE), Electrokinetic force?


  • 19

    7-Gravity or Centrifugal Force + Magnet(motor)(Simpson, Ribero, Ewert, Campbell, Bedini, Rutowski, Milkovic, AlKhooss, Ucros+), Practical some large size various models(eg 20x7x10m piston type), Requires precision: timing, weight balance, some by gravity shielding, also SMOT - Simple Magnetic Overunity Toy model(G Watson, Finsrud+) type perpetual motion in closed loop displayed but low cost energy is currently impractical

    8-Some Hydrocarbon-Water Emulsion Techs claim 50 to almost 100% of H2O as fuel,i.e. water burns, not mere disperser/atomizer: C+H2O ->CO+H2, or HHO Cavitation/HHO tech link(p14,15 -3, p11)(Pillai, Dellschau, Gunnerman, Capra, Franch, Enricht, Globus, Cottell, Chambrin, Kurata, Hommoh, Baranov+), Often produced on site, not pre-made,Some can be used as catalyst(p71-3), Active full commercialization limited to low end level 50-60% water mix(eg Fukai Soken+)

    Discrete large corporate/diesel backing(Kawasaki, NYK, Caterpillar+), Combo mechanics: High pressure, Water-fuel bonder, Plant essence(Tannic acid, Saponin+), Mineral, Magnetization, Electrolysis, Resonance, Lenard Effect, Bioceramic process, Torsion information wave, Minerals, Nanobubble, Sonic & Hydrodynamic Cavitation (venturi), ElectroHydroDynamic spraying etc, Base is established science; widely used for non-energy, Direct water-fuel co-feeding types, Some transmute water to fuel, 30%+ emission cut but not as effective as HHO gas(P14,15)


  • - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada 20

    9-Super Compact Fusion: Dense Plasma Focus/Lawrenceville Plasma Physics(Lerner), Infra cost 0.1% of mainstream fusion, no radiation, use Boron, no H2 isotope, Inventor tech link, US Navy backing, Almost mainstream, Experimental success results since 09, yet difficulty getting funds!, Other aneutronic fusion(Bussard- EMC2 success shelved?, Russia involved covert US company Tri Alpha far better funded by big names: really only 0.5milli second sustained fusion?), Long Sustained fusion itself also confirmed by others regardless of overunity(Max Planck Institute, Lockheed Martin- Fairnsworth link, Maglich- Migma cell),

    10-Underwater Air Buoyancy Power Generator, Pneumohydraulic Engine:(J Kwok, GM Singh, Ribero, Dobrokhotov,Grigoriev,Schrade, Elistratov,W Travis, +)Often large sized 5-30m Water tank(s) in hight, Repeat cycles of air container floating- sinking(Air input at the bottom, which floats up & release air at the top, then weight causes container to sink by gravity), Current model energy input-output ratio 3 to 20:1, Air heating/cooling or compression-expansion elements; Ambient energy sneaked in like compressed air engines? Non western mainstream endorsed; Virtual science legal but far less claims made compared to other utterly illegal techs, Often left out by free energy groups, Active full commercialization & pilot projects(eg Rosch Innovations+)


  • 21

    Other mechanics dont fit to 1 to 10 category; *some of below mainstream approved* 11- Less replicated, some science legal(also p8, 9): Ambience type: a-Crystal-geometry electro inducer(Trawoeger, Grandics+), b-Graphene & Carbon nanotube(CNT) generator, c-Alpha Voltaics: -particle emitter isotope cell(M Meyer, Mace+), d-Negative Resistance Self Oscillator(Sweet, D Smith+), e-EM wave to power converter & battery, often Barium Titanate use(DeGeus, M Reid+), f- Aerial static-ground current flow extractor/Ambient Electrostatic Motor(Lea, Britten, Matchett, Plauson+), illegal version of tree/earth only battery or atmos-pheric electricity extraction (p6, 8), g-Self heating resonating ceramic material, h-Thermionic generator (Hardcastle, Edelson, LG Johnson, Levert+), i-Given # of free energy claims by plasma, hydrodynamic cavitation, cavity resonance, pulse, flow dynamics, too few Magneto-hydrodynamics(MHD) claims(Gritskevitch+): classified for weather mod/space weapon)? Water types: a-Instant H2; Non-oxidizing Aluminium-Gallium based Chemalloy(Freedman+), Ceramic membrane(Bakhir), Monopole magnet(Ehrenhaft), Nano Geometric shape Aluminium (S Khanna*+) +, b-Urine (NH2)2CO or Saltwater Na++Cl-+ H2O overunity" gas(Gamgee+), c-Galvanic-corrosion-overunity water cell(Cater+), self charge-separation water effect, unlike most Water Powered Clocks, d-Rapid water spiral or air mix spin centripetal power(Grander+), e-10,000volt Lenard Effect generator(Kelvin*+)- also linked to ElectroHydroDynamic Electrospray aerosol charge weather modification, f-Resonance water pump(Bentley, Bellocq, Dickinson+) gauges more water lifting than energy applied, g-Magnetic-vacuum water freezer/boiler at room temp.(I Siegel+)


  • 22

    Free energy demo usually witnessed, some thoroughly tested by mainstream scientists on personal or military/aerospace/intel capacity, not academic, using high-bandwidth digital oscilloscope+, Pulse triggered or cold electricity is difficult to measure, Most of volt & amp meter only claims quickly found to be errors(Bailey+), but a few turn out unexplainable, They avoid public comment or say It appears claim is true. Local media or sometimes even national media covers positively: This will change the world, Surely Nobel prize if real !- but often never reported by media again. Inventor tech blanket debunker & lab duplication failure quoted even in alternative energy field Ignored by tenured mainstream academic that allows peer review; free energy is against physics law, if its real we wouldve known it, hence such claims cannot exist

    Free energy researchers(Vesperman, Bearden, C Walter, Frazier, Loder, Aftergood,Tutt, R Nelson, D Kenyon, Manning, L Pea, Bird, Germano, Decker, OLeary, Elswick+) finds typical scenario when inventors attract investor funds for mass production in the past: Suddenly investigated as tax/investor Fraud due to complaints, or Impostors using inventor name with real fraudulent claims(Two most common phenomena at attempted commercialization), Accounts & assets seized, Fines, Dedicated debunker web/handler, Mainstream & some grass roots coordinated frequent made up charges against pseudoscience energy/medical when succeed(K Trudeau, W Kehr, P Binzel, W Travis+) Valid legal process if define pseudo science as hoax-scam, or fake charges as real


  • 23

    ->> cont; free energy commercialization prosecuted: For more prominent ones; National media debunks it as pseudoscience, & investors/local media cancel Inventor helpers start fighting, funds/equipments/documents start missing Backers also warned as financial-industrial security threat by (un)identified groups

    Suddenly classified as national security risk; Tech confiscation(by Govnt division, Intelligence agency, Private security company, Unidentified armed group, or SWAT team) with or without warrant, told to go to jail etc if discuss this event/technology, Police & media usually ignore intervention request(in some way justifiable, but process criteria, decision maker, responsibility, involved party unclear p83), this occurs world wide, not just in West, but happening less and less recently

    With/without patent, large energy users, not producers, tend to buy inventions Their own free type tech invention disappears(Hamburg@Ford, G Low@NASA +) Some inventors continue, without commercialization, micro private based use Litigation, No$, Order/supply cancels, patent bought, military-intel hire, etc+ But now changing: Although mainstream ridiculed or ignored, recently non electromagnetic(non scalable type or only partial free energy device) are increasingly allowed to fully commercialize with no prosecution


  • - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada 24

    Rare cases of prominent politicians, scientists, personnel, magicians vow to testify for validity of invention(Tesla, Moray, Gray, DePalma, Newman, T G Allen, Trombly, H Coler, Ra Mills, Tewari+)

    Actual fraud case seems more likely with no tech details/independent auditing, no inventor face, photo/name/address/video interview; Alleged cases:

    a-Web sales fraud, b-Valid inventor stretching claims / $mismanagement, c-Grass roots or fake invention to discredit/divert free energy movement(ignored by usual replicators), d-High profile group in free energy community collect$ to purchase/develop new tech yet end up postponing/shelving it; infiltrated?

    Yet rare small # of emerging high profile groups seem to function coherently not only for tech disclosure but for whole geo-econo-social open system movement with little influence by interlocked Western mainstream(Thrive movement +)


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    Similarly, scientists assure en masse non-existence of gravity field tech, ignoring several 100s of official military/engineer testimony evidence without investigation, citing indication never exists(Weygandt, Haines, Keyhoe, N Pope, De Brouwer, Bielek, Jo Callahan, Lovekin, Guerra, Hillenkoetter, Wi Smith, La Warren, D Phillips+)

    Callers for investigation labeled fringe theorist or pseudo scientist, losing or compromising academic career(Ja McDonald, OLeary, Friedman, Hynek, Ro Baker+

    Reputed labs/schools/publications have strong tie with reputed = large scientist group-NGO-corporate, often disallow to test/publish certain kind of new science or out of box experiment data as it would break the law(Pollack,Schmidt,Hunter+

    Alleged tenured dismissal, faculty/university warned of funding cut if member studies any non-std-science(B Martin, Jo Mack, CDF-Galtieri, Delborne, MW Ho+)

    Reduced chance for grant/promotion if contradicts above root assumptions even though unrelated to research theme, Differs in non-western nations(Russia, Brazil+, eg Chinas Montagnier funding), or military in West(usually classified)

  • 26


    Self-endorsed circular logic; underfunded experimental research success & theory is blocked from peer review without Western corporate-NGO/media/gov back up, but mainstream rejects it, reasoning it lacks peer review, This combines with occasional fraudulent peer reviews when claims are proven false & claimers lose funding/job, by only based on replication failures & ignored all successes(Mi Schiff+). This stops most researches, but even failure process itself is dubious; eg. Firmly alleged data change to block LENR funding(Mallove+)

    Free energy inventor has never been investigated officially by modern Western full scientific protocol. In turn declared to media: In our entire history, free energy validity has never been found Its a proven scientific consensus

    Influencers can use system to create scientific reality by solely selected convenient evidence(T Gold, Huyghe, McClenon+), Non-scientific/empirical paradigm(Schwinger, Kuhn+), Unprecedented pseudoscience suddenly valid at geo-political events even if all experimental evidence disproves(Ri Gage, Cr Roberts, Da Ganser, BK Partin+)

    This is commonly observed, not exception, across science: Water, Monetary, Gene, Consciousness, Human origin, Peak oil, Biotic only hydrocarbon(p73), TopQuark, Big bang, Climate(p69),Biophoton, Ancient edifice/civilization, Archeology, Medical, Mars/Moon, History of technology-medicine-geopolitics etc

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    Financial groups affiliated NGOs academic control till 1920s, Now diversified funders influence, But asked to cooperate via various means & structures(Glattfelder, Quigley, Bauer, A Sutton, Dale Scott, Chossudovsky, Sm Butler, J Perkins, E Mullins+)

    Large funds inter-funnelling, Secure next power job, Know eachs needs, goals, undisclosed liabilities including shared activities, Some in same club in a club(eg xx network in CFR), Interlocked directorates exec-board swap: Western based majors: NGO, Thinktank, Govt, Corporate, Research institute, Top management consulting co, Senior academic, Investing funds, Commercial banks, Media, Military, Intel+ IMF/WB & advanced nations set condition of $loan/aid to use Western science accepted academia/corporate help for Engineering, R&D, Tech use for their various developments in nations with financial difficulty

    But now public & maverick funded full scale mainstream academia free energy projects on LENR(multiple in US, France, Italy, Japan, Russia), Also research fundraise is allowed quietly(Indiegogo, Fringe NGOs+)

    New raid-seizure proof strategy?- now some of mostly small Pseudo-science tech companies are making affiliated entities, diversifying operations, exec member, clients, backers to multiple nations (eg combo of Western Allies & not so friendlies, neutrals)

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    Mainstream ignored whistleblowing statements(i.e: Sc Bennett, W Colby, W Casey, J Alsop, C Brandon, Agee, Ulfkotte not Snowden, Assange)& released own US etc intel/govt documents indicate(active in mainstream till 1980s, then went classified?) :

    Their dominant factions control of Western allies media activity in key areas, some 3rd world. Govt/Space/Military etc backed by co-operative network of prv contractors & financial group particularly strong tie to US intel(eg PROMIS: M Ruppert+) at certain level, to co-manage critical affairs(D Gibson, Inouye, Stockwell, M Glennon, E Griffin+), or junk science R&D, & science info control as major issue, & pre-informed of major terrorism etc?(Ma Chesney, Wing-Keung Wong, La Schall, Ri Grove+), Non-nationhood interest-seeking cross-border loose alliance is in charge?, (Austin Fitts, Schratt, Casbolt, G Cameron, Ed Mitchell, Aa Russo, Hellyer, J Marrs+) Top executives turned down from briefing including tech program, as classified info under national/NATO security or Special Access Program(Greer, Hill-Norton, Cl Stone+) Through non-straight forward manner, these previously rare types of claims are quietly yet increasingly coming out via some Western alternative media or mainstream non-western in various forms, They often seem to connect to different group strains-agenda & partial disinfo that complicates data identification, but data base is large enough & still usually inter-referenceable by bulk of testimony(D Liszt, To Todd, Se Stone, J Rense, Da Whitehead, Bi Ryan, Jo Conrad, V Eastwood+), More difficult to validate versions: p75-81


  • 29

    Occasional science gap tendency of A-Western media, academia & some 3rd world prv media vs B-Non Western Govt, academia & some media; eg reporting LENR validity

    A- Almost uniform in mainstream US, UK, Cda, Austlia, Germany, Japan, All of Nordics, Most of W Euro, a few in E Euro(Czech+): ie Western NGO ranked least corrupt nations, Wikipedia in ALL languages, large NGOs, Quack Watch etc, Between A & B: a few sci media(Wired, & Industrial journal, Rare gap bet. North America vs Europe(eg: science info encouraging decentralized efficient energy system benefits, or emphasizing negativity test of GMO etc ) B- SOME media/Govt articles in: certain W & South Euro nations(Austria, Ireland, Italy, France, Portugal, Greece+), Some of E Euro, 20-30% of 3rd World nations, Alternative news in West (Gizmo+), Prv media often proWest, but not state(Argentina, S Africa, Ecuador+), MAJORITY: in ME even including western ally Saudi, 70-80% of 3rd world(Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand+), some E. Euro(Serbia, Hungary, Slovenia, Moldova, Ukraine+), Others(S Korea, Turkey+), Brazil, India, Non Western NGOs, MOST: in *Russia/China/Belarus/Kazakstan/Iran/Cuba/Mongolia+; unique as science / medias weak tie to multinational corporate/NGO: *Russia has Pro West debunkers & is divided in disruptive tech like Torsion, or Low cost Petrik Carbon Nanotube+ [eg Academy of Science () vs split off Academy of Natural Science ()], Committee to Combat Pseudoscience(Kruglyakov+) accused of its use to steal type new tech funding(VA Zhigalov+), yet even some prv media(eg +), and more so of Nationalist types; Communist/Liberal Democratic/ruling party United Russia- (B Gryzlov+), govt & state media tend to support unconventional tech


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    LAWS OF THERMO-DYNAMICS: LOTD VS INVENTORS & DISSIDENT SCIENTISTS 1ST LAW: Energy cannot be created or destroyed- only change forms 2ND LAW: Energy always evens out to create a neutral entropy state 1+2: Mainstream interpretation: Must not appear to generate more energy than it is used; Even some of LENR/Cavitation scientists subscribe to Taboo of questioning even interpretation itself of the law in main academia & in turn media, in rare cases scientists group up to appeal for law reformulation, sometimes they are described as delusional, crackpots

    Many inventors & small # of persistent scientists point out fundamental flaw/lack in law of Thermodynamics(LOTD)(Sheehan, Sachs, Keefe, X Fu, Nikulov, Graeff, Godin, Capek, Gordon, Coffey, Molnar, DAbramo +), 1st law is ok, but 2nd law only covers Closed System; there is no real overunity- energy is everywhere

    Closed System: 0 outside energy, no perpetual motion, VS Open System: unlimited ambient & vacuum energy, earth is permanent mega capacitor, constant sea-air move, earth-moon-star orbit, lightning; Law selectively applied, Michelson-Morley, Brillet, Hils vs more extensive or unselective Miller, Silvertooth, D Marett, M Grusenick, + results differ(DeMeo, Allais+): Existence of dynamic aether, radiant energy, self organizing 0pt vacuum, higgs field with force+ >>continue

  • 31


    ->>continuing closed System: Based on unproven(disproven) assumption only current physical reality exists, or TOTALLY ISOLATED from other realities/vacuum, either case it self-contradicts own closed system idea, Vacuum is fluxing, Inverted Population, Brownian motion, Particle angular momentum, Stars curving-torsion, all perpetual

    OR, need Reverse LOTD, Original Maxwell Equations altered by Heaviside, Hertz etc: kept transverse wave & dropped unmeasurable longitudinal electrical wave & 0 vector vacuum EM potentials+(Reed, M Evans,Trupp, Barrett, Grimes, Crowell, Cohen, Bok, Morris, Jeffers, Jefimenko, Flower, Labounsky, Meszaros, Vigier, Ciubotarju, Lehnert, S Marinov+), EM wave could be created from this potentials, hense it could be the base of physical reality(Olariu+), & involves twist or toroid etc(Betrami, F Peat+). Indications financial-industrial group might have staged Heaviside to do so?(Donovan)

    This ignored wave seems to link zeropoint(ZPE)/free energy extraction: TORSION-Field/SCALAR-Potential; unlimited information & energy info carrier that manifests physical effects, BOTH are inter-related: Torsion theory appeared in 1910s(Cartan), formal experiments & application started in 1960s Soviet(Kozyrev+), yet 1900s notably in France similar non-locality, biofield/spinfield, & mind effect created-observed(Luys, Baraduc, Tesla,Radiguet, Ch Ross, Blondlot+), Same cause-effect explanation as dowsing(Bovis, Simoneton, Kervran+), 1950s UK/US by remote non-local radionics. Historically most Torsion-Scalar inventions were made via their mechanics by try & success result, not pursued based on theory(except in Soviet/Russia after 1980s)

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    TORSION-SCALAR BOTH Characteristic examples: 1-Co-exist with, but quality differs from EM field, 2-Non-local/linear, Timeless(Lavrentiev+, 3-Interstellar communication (Zubow-Zubow-Zubow+), 4-Cause template effect:(D Roth+)eg water memory(Peschka+), 5-Bio enhancement (Bergstresser+), 6-Mind effect (Shipov+), 7-Improve Hi-Fi sound quality & standing wave musical instruments(J Suehiro+), 8-CD disc with a sticker or touching by the device contains altered sound quality when played by stereo, 9-Higher electrical/engine etc efficiency & repair effect via electrical supply(F Neubauer+), or via device contacting air/fluid intake/engine oil, 10-Or car engine/braking/balance improvement as device placed at driver seat area(M Wakabayashi+), 11-Blade cuts better(Drbal, M Kawakami+), 12-Very fast ceramic processing, 13-Can halt electronic device function without damage(R Roy+), also 1000s of such anecdotal claims when approached by antigravity craft(T Good, LM Howe, V Chernobrov+), 14-Overunity like - EM wave unaffected anomalous qualities by Circularly Polarized Wave & Light: coil(Shang Chi Jiang, Marletta,W Kaminsky,J Reisert+), 15-Sort of Magnetoacoustic Electrostatic-wave equiv. in nonplasma region, Neutrino link, 16-Propagate thru matter without affecting, Information flow field, or transfer information only & not energy 17-Vacuum as its carrying medium?, Objects in physicality also exist in vacuum as Torsion-field/Scalar-potential; Gravitational-Nutrino wave link(Perebeynos, Fujii, Zubow3 +), 18-Used with Quantum Mechanics for unconventional effects (I Caesar, V Sims+, p35, 36), 19-Measured by: Magnetic sensor inside Faraday cage, Barkhausen Effect, Radionic equipment, Torsion field generator(Kravchenko+), Kirlian photo, Indirectly via water test methods(Krasnobryzhev+)(eg mainstream spectroscopy, or Drop Picture Method+ etc), MRA(Weinstock+), Biofield meter(B Payne+), Psychics/Dowsers,

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    Torsion/Scalar self-oscillation tech devices are often marketed with New Age connotation: Magic stick, Cosmic pendant etc.

    But discreet industrial-commercial success worldwide, Openly endorsed/studied by main corporate/govt/academic in Russia/India/China etc,

    Ignored or called fraud in West, yet Substantial fringe use in DACH: German speaking(majors backing?: Stuttgart Univ?, Schott AG?, Austrian med assoc?+), fair amount of use in US, Canada, UK+, Isolated fringe market but unique strong effect product inventors in Japan etc. Usually web or MLM sales.

    Most Actively Commercialized from Russia/DACH/US. Valid tech use in product is indistinguishable on surface from many less or no effect device,

    SCALAR Wave generated by electromagnetic(EM) field that is simultaneously created & cancelled in the same circuit; Occurs in 1-6 conditions: 1.Phase conjugate pairs, 2.Identical EM waves out of phase symmetry to each other or polarized 3.Mutually opposed direction equal waves, 4.Certain shape, geometry, matter, or its pair, 5.Directed polarized multimode EM radiation via cavity(Cornwall+), ->>continue

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    >>cont. SCALAR wave from phase conjugation 6.Zero EM field inbetween buffer zone(eg between opposed magnets or current, coil circuit pairs, gravity anomaly: eg Oregon Vortex?+) or Coiled toroid even without electricity, Mainstream calls this zero energy as only scalar potential exists(magnitude, voltage) & zero vector(direction,current), But energy do exists(or violates 1st law, AB-Effect), and remains - propagates as POTENTIAL wave(M Evans, Ehrenberg, Vlaenderen, Eckardt, Bischof, Leus, Siday, Monstein+), Also macroscopically measured(Caprez, Varma+), Vector potential itself measured as biologically active(Trukhan, T Kawaguchi, Rampl, I Lyons+) These Pairs of EM waves occur at matter/medium/cavity, & create spontaneous oscillations at multiple specific scalar frequencies(i.e. mediums Characteristic Vibration/Normal Mode/Phonon/Natural Resonance Frequencies: usually same for Mechanical Resonance(ie Acoustic, Orbital+) or EM Resonance(ie Optical, NMR, Schumann+), & they seem to relate directly to free energy(possibly by extraction of vacuum energy?)(P13) & occur in integer multiples. This oscillation/vibration wave bounces back & forth within medium to form non moving looking Standing Wave(Quasiparticle, Phonon). Linked to sonication effects?(p70) This standing wave vibration is Scalar Resonance; a clear example when Scalar field/wave is operating/created, eg: pulsing Cavity resonator/Bifilar-flat coil/Mobius-Caduceus strip+, Doesnt travel in line - creates field, Time reversible, 5th field, also same pattern as DNA


  • 35

    This wave coupling linked anomaly eg: related to overunity, vacuum etc. 1-4(A-D); 1. Cold Electricity link(Stiffler+), 2. Can send or extract energy/electricity wirelessly to the target sometimes oscilloscope undetected if co-resonates(Tesla, S Jackson, Palladino, Ha Muller+), 3. Ultra distance, non-linear & time traverse communication (Zubow3, Tesla+), 4. Radionics mechanics; i.e. following A-D A- Mechanically enhanced voodoo, dowsing, instant pre-diagnosis,

    B-i-Non local version of Time Domain Electromagnetic Method(TDEM) or Advanced level of already science illegal tech commercialization eg Leaf and Stone Resonance, Microlepton, Georesonance etc. Can conduct from ANY distance via wire/wireless (Holography/Quantum entanglement); Every object or point/cell reflects whole universe, yet it has own unique scalar wave frequencies(& EM field freq.), also each specie/type has group frequencies, & they are included in every part of entity(hair, saliva, photo etc). So able to sample this holograph wave, & manipulate it by wave matrix(EM field)(P Tomkins, Pe Kelly, H Lovel, WJ Hale, BA Rockwell, J Gallimore+) ->>continue


  • 36

    ->>cont. non-local Radionics B-ii-Once identify correct Frequency & electromagnetically record it in wave form, physical effect is replicatable by a re-emitting this copied computer software oscillation(eg- Mind-bio integrity & coherence boosting, J Fridenstine+), or Bio state sensing or mining exploration by b scanning them(de la Warr,D Paris+) B-iii-(eg-c Broadcast specific nutrients-minerals needed for crop as info wave to increase agri yield; Y Kronn, von Reichenbach+), (eg-d farm removes pests by placing pesticides on area photo, then modulate into wave form & transmit; mainstream use in 1940s by US State Gov Farm Bureau PA, AZ, CA+, Dow Chemical, UKACO+; Knuth+), Slightly differently done but state backed small use in Russia/Soviet+(Lomonosov, Bobrov+)

    B-iv-Same mechanics used for cell phone/TV/radionic broadcasting by modulating info-voice into wave & send it on a set frequency then it is resonated by cell-TV dial/person, insects etc on same freq. to receive info; no need to be wired, & no magic! B-v-What happens if perfectly run location frequency on matter & resonate it (teleport?) human freq over machine(symbio?), specie embryo over other(PL Ighina, KG Dzang+), C- Works depended on operator: Electric radionic machine works even unplugged D- Radionic scalar diagram on paper only, mind based?(Hieronymus, J Campbell+


  • 37

    SCALAR: OTHER QUALITIES: Vortex connects EM & Scalar wave(Mayl, Tomilin+), Elementary particles interact with both Scalar/EM waves(J Dea, Pulver, Wolff, Imlauer+), commonalities with DNA -Helix, Commercialized SCALAR tech(eg: Aquapol, 90.10., Q-Link, GeoWave, EESystem, Wave Genome, Quantec, Plate Koltsov , Dessert Greening, -Genius, Neurophone, MEDEA 7, Terafight, Water Energizers, Sev-Sports, FIOS-Greenbox, ISEE Energywatch +)

    TORSION field theory(space-time is curved but also twisted & creates torsion): wave/effect generated by: 1-Spin Positioning/Polarization(Tam-Happer Effect) of particle-electron: any matter, 2-Emotion boosted clear thoughts, i.e. subjective in nature, with objective physical basis(Chernetsky, Thorns+) as weak field, but some exceptions: Trivedi Effect, Bronnikov Method, BengstonResearch+, on field effect on bio organs & via matter, molecular change, enhance plant growth, reduce pests, holographic perception, alter DNA etc(Chulin Sun, Reshetnikova, Kulagina, K Nishino, Yan Xin, Kuleshova, Zhang Baosheng, M Manning+), ADDITIONALLY:3-13; 3-Photo(p35, 36), 4-Angular momentum of rotating matter, vortex(V Kotelnikov+), 5-Buried porous solid biochar(not compressed saw dust)or Antioxidant producing microbe mix in sealed container generate anomalous field: extra bio-growth, repel pest-mold-rust, improve combustion-electrical efficiency, acoustic effect+(S Narasaki, Higa+),(eg iyashiro )(also p71-4), 6- Fine Particle Bombardment, FPB(Supersonic Very Fine Particle Shot Peening that fuses with surface) of UV photocatalyst TiO2 on metal or ceramic enables various combustion or bio enhancement field effect directly or via water(decomposes water to Hydroxyl, yet overall antioxidant), >>cont


  • 38

    7-Some geometry shapes; Pyramid (Parr, Krasnoholovets+), Flat triangle(S Iwasaki+), Hexagon or cylinder tube(Grebennikov, S Nomura+), Cone(Frings), Ring(K Wagner+), Golden ratio, Fibonacci sequence (Shaktparonov+), 8-Spin ordering oscillation state(Y Medvedev+), 9-Semantically written words(Speransky+), 10-Shaking, vibrating, hitting etc, 11-Geophysical objects: earth etc 12-EM field(reverse Barnett Effect)(eg; Radio equipments, Electric noise via coil/Benveniste, Wittmann+), Spiral/circular EM process structure itself (Tesla, Haitao Zhang+), Alternating magnetic field(K Komatsu, Y Tkachenko+): i.e. Spinning magnets/pyramid have particularly strong effect: eg Aspden effect (Yurovitzky+),

    13-Mainstream approved geometry phenomena is related to torsion effect? - mostly nano scale(atom mutual positioning, spin-spin interaction, also causing electric activity): eg1 Casimir force (ZPE, quantum energy flux) inducement is affected by Anisotropic-Geometric factors(A McCauley, AW Rodriguez, K Milton+), Quantum vacuum flux accelerated by certain geometry(J Maclay, Hacyan+), Many water related examples: eg2 H2 generating non-sacrificial nano aluminium alloy from H2O(AW Castleman+), eg3 Hydrophobic graphene turns hydrophilic at Single layer vs thicker, by UV-FIR wave irradiation, Extended Capillary action: Self-pumps/sucks up water or molten metal with 130 extra angle entry(S Hendy+)into cylinder carbon nanotube, also Speed of water flow is 1000times+ violation of HagenPoiseuille equation/Fluid Dynamics law(Majumder+),->>cont


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    ->>cont. Torsion generated by 13: eg4 Affects water molecule structure, or sucks up ions, eg5 Water saturated soccer ball shape Fullerene-C60 makes surrounding water molecules to be structured & permanently function as convenient & strong antioxidant(i.e. neutralize radicals & decompose toxins when excessive to organism) even after 100C treatment(GV Andrievsky, VN Khvorostinka+), eg6 -Torsion field link? - Ultrasonic Consolidation(welding) frequency affected by geometry(J Gilbert+), Metamaterials tunable by geometry/positioning

    TORSION field-wave quality(available info in West often limited to Akimov/Shipov's, but large # of academic researchers, papers (10,000+) in Russia, Ukraine+, & recent in China, eg; 1-23: 1-Axial symmetry, 2-Create/influence: from spin-spin interaction upto gravity field(Terletskiy, H Wallace, Torr & Li, R Uchiyama+), 3-Deceptively like Gravitational Wave? but for all sized things: i-Non matter can also generate, ii-unimpedable longitudinal wave, iii-Oscillation of space-time, iii-rooted in Einsteins idea+(but doesnt consume energy, information is treated as timeless +), 4-Like EM wave, each matter/living thing has its favourite & unfavorite torsion wave frequencies, and former has bio enhancement, latter detrimental effects(B Stahovskiy+), 5-Parameter of spin structure included in physical superspace(Wheeler, MA Markov+) 6-Spintronics of all solids & fluids i.e. change-affect spins states:-i Change crystallization: Increase matter density(Kurikom, Furseya+, Link to Spin Wave, Continuous Symmetry, Magnonics(ie properties decided by geometry structure, rather than composition/band matrix) etc, Strengthen-alter steel surface/structure(Shpilman+), similar effect by FPB/WPC Treatment of metals(Y Miyasaka+), Alter quartz crystal frequency(Akimov+), Increase copper corrosion resistance & ductility (Maksimova+), Change magnetizability, or thermal & electro-conductivity(Sokolov+) ->> continue


  • 40

    >>cont TORSION wave quality: 6-ii Super low energy use metamaterial making; 10-50milli watt: information in place of energy causing(Trefilova, Tarasenko, S Chernov+): information = energy?, -iii Mainstream industrial process of Rotational stirring & Rotating(Time Variant) Magnetic Field esp. at resonant frequency(also used for free energy motor P13) for Semiconductor & Metal production(grain alloy effect, Semi-solid metal casting, particularly Thixo-Rheocasting(Ch Vives+), Magnetic Pulse Welding/Forming(eg Magneform, Dana+) link?- not just shockwave effect?, Magnetic refrigeration(with magnetocaloric effect): all are not conventionally fully explainable, Significant change of crystal quality depended on different magnet rotating frequency(B Fragoso+), & Data match with surface change of matter by torsion field(Kuznetsov+), Effective in nanotechnology/polymer manufacturing(J Xingliu+), Opportunity for major cost reduction and production quality improvement (Mayboroda+), Most powerful non-classified Torsion generator?(L Sprink, Ravatin),

    7-Sheldrakes Morphogenic Field?, 8-Travels to past & future, Fifth force (Myshkin+), 9-Biofield-spinfield equivalent (F Brown, Hruby+), 10-Detected by: Metatron (Nesterov), Thermometer mercury, Quartz piezoelectric oscillation, Kozyrev Mirror for motion objects(fall slower: eg1 counter clock spin gyroscope in North hemisphere/ Hayasaka, Polyakov+, eg2. repulsing magnets/Alek+), 11-High efficiency vertical propulsion with no inertia(MA Lobova+), Khrunichev Space involved?, 12-Solid matters weight can be changed & do so nonlinearly when torsion vibe offered(Lavrentiev+) 13-Reduce viscosity of hydrocarbon(Golod+) 14-Suspicion on DNA activation effect? >>cont


  • 41

    >>cont TORSION field-wave quality: 15-Clearest effect at polar regions vs equator(D Savage+), 16-Radioactive matter remediation (Kinderevich+), 17- Spontaneous capacitor charging(Golod+), 18-Best effect on porous matter; wood, brick etc (Nasonov+), 19-Some torsion generator need user specific calibration like radionic device, 20-Overunity heat production, 21-Plasma & ball lightning link, 22-Geometry enhanced supercool water production capability(V Uvarov+)

    23-Torsion field emitting function of specific spin frequency(Info Carrier of chemistry-physics in its absence) can be copied to other matter-space-vacuum like magnetization, Use of Residual or ghost effect: Change quality of mass by info carriers; imprinting medium on molecule spin oscillation- eg: A-Water only: i- Alcohol to get drank with no side effects(Kleinert+), ii-Tan lotion as a Drink(B Johnson), iii-Water based DNA Polymerase Chain Reaction- PCR(A Tedeschi+), iv-Medicine(Surochinski+), but also useable as undetectable Sports Doping(Palyushev+), v- Replication to less structured water(U Holst+), B-Matter;1-Copy medicinal effect to plain powder tablets(Dulnevym+) 2-Duplicate surroundings spin oscillation of organism thru fluid (Aliyev+), 3-Enclosed water in solid container to trigger whole uniform resonance(Fillip-Robin+), 4-Copy or alter crystallization of fluid solutes, 5-Mineral/ceramic/steel carries fertilizer info & water to multiply it (Plocher+), 6-Combustion/electrical efficiency wave emitting ability to another matter, >>cont


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    >>cont Torsion copy-imprint ability 23; C-Others; c1-Haunted site or Psychometry imprint, c2-Imprint effect can be pre-conditioned/amplified by *Schumann resonance in background(+-7.8khz as base freq., ELF- Extremely Low Frequency EM wave:),(Montagnier, G Vitiello+), Also triggers free energy extraction(B Bass, N Wootan+), NOTE: * is quasi Standing Wave resonance in a Massive Cavity/waveguide covering entire Earth surface upto Ionosphere 80km+ above: Considering what small cavity does to rocket(p18) etc, It should have large influence on earth & habitats, & It is to be influenced by planets in solar system: Russia mainstream level idea, also western military/science discussed but media debunks: optional or covert capability of i & particularly ii . (geo-engineering: p78-2A)

    Influencing Schumann Resonance as huge geo-engineering switch(Eastlund, Tesla+), i by EM ELF wave amplified from ionosphere working as long wire antenna by projecting ELF modulated UHF-EHF pulse wave to it from ground (Streltsov, V Sorokin+) etc, at SURA, EISCAT, SPEAR, CRIRP, SuperDARN, GWEN, HIPAS, NEXRAD, JORN SBX-1 etc, or unknown compact facilities/radar stations/ships/radio transmitters/unused 15km+ long power lines: some need freq. etc adjustments. Augmentable by aerosol spray?, or satellite reflector. Other methods: High altitude nuclear EMP, Wave coupling, EM acoustic wave [Scalar], Laser +), ii -Directly enhance/alter brain & bio-functioning of animals/human, Strong phase coherence with cerebral activities(Koenig, Sidrov, Persinger, Robescu, R McCraty+/ also NASA+), hence people-influencing type option exists


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    Torsion vs Thz Similarity: Although it is EM wave, Terahertz(Thz, T-ray) resembles Torsion wave in many aspects. Thz(0.1 or 0.3 - 3, 10, or 30Thz) has also been called Millimeter wave(mmw)/Extremely High Frequency (EHF):(0.03 or 0.1 - 0.3Thz) prior as established name. Some speculate name fudging-change was used by Western medical group & backers to appeal to the mass Thz hasnt been used for medical cure but only good for bio & industrial scanning: Usually Thz naming is segregated from Millimeter/EHF

    Similarity1 Enhanced electrical/combustion/bio function etc as ignored/pseudoscientized mmw effect: fringe Japanese research(even with multinational takeover, Japans tradition continues for their mainstream conglomerates to have some relationships with them as technical sub-contractor to develop pseudo-scientific products & it is fair scale commercialized but usually only domestically, exception: eg Phiten+), & mainstream in Russia/China+, wide range of Medical & Bio benefits(as EHF therapy etc), Tissue regeneration, DNA & matter altering, Mind effect(p75-78) anomalous Industrial process at specific mmw frequency(Epov, Devyatkov, Kirichuk, Strelnikova, XW Du, L Jin, Kulipanov,Q Wu, T Sugi+)eg Emerson Effect. Western mainstream researches some of it(T Globus, Gelmont+) but publicly declares minimal bio benefit >>continue


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    >>Torsion vs Thz: Similarity2 To mainstream science legal T-ray quality(often de-emphasized/ignored): a Low subtle energy & emitted by all matters, b Non-linear resonance, c Bio molecule resonance locates in Thz region, i.e. effective bio coherence creator & indicator(Gurel+), d Astronomical distance H2O, N, C etc detection, e Instantly affect H bonds & solutes molecule in H2O(Havenith+), f Dielectric Relaxation occurs in water with no electric field, g Similarly, causes Kerr & Franz-Keldysh effects(Novelli+) -virtual e- field?, h Metamaterial making, i Quantum hall effect relation(Sarfatti, Shimano+), Similarity3 Idea of imprinting Thz wave to water or silica type matter+ for re-emission: Surveying or scanning takes large energy, but just like catalysis, self oscillation takes no external energy

    Claimed Thz matter imprinting methods; by adjusting imprint frequency to matters absorbable resonating level : 1-Spin polarity change, 2-Alter lattice structure when resonated by pulse or incoherent Thz wave exposure, 3-Cause Thz oscillation in water and soak/coat matter with the water, 4-Oscillation template effect; cause resonance to other matter even not at its exact unique frequency?, (Vollmers, M Tanaka, Shinou, Shima+); Sort of science illegal simpler way of Negative Index Metamaterial making. Enhanced bio effects of Thz charged matter on plastic, fabric, rubber, paint, feather, micro crystals, above 2f & 2g also part of re-emission effect claims by some; free energy?, 5-Can get same effect by coating nano particles of certain minerals like titan - without imprinting?(Y Hirata+)


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    T-ray EM difference from Torsion imprint- eg 1-6; 1-Thz has no coil around imprint media method like Torsion, 2-Some effect quickly fades, or easily loses by x-ray/microwave, 3-Wave blocked by metal; limited imprinting, 4-T-ray treated silica melts snow faster than untreated one, 5-Some bio effect by imprinted matter seems much stronger than torsion, 6-Increase insulation factor & reduce water condensation on glass(Muneta+) 7-Matter imprinting from heat-pressure involves oscillating water(K Hatanaka, K Masumoto+): process differs but Supercritical/Subcritical water is also reported to have some of similar anomalous effect to Torsion field

    Thz(vague definition: 0.1 or 0.3 - 3,10, or 30Thz) vs FIR(3-30Thz): Although same science illegal vitalization, medical use, or self micro current generation effects are commercialized, FIR(Far InfraRed) wave or its bio-mineral info imprinted Ceramic, Fibre, or Plastic is categorized separately from Thz or Torsion as its process differs(eg, Akatsuka FFC, gaiapower jp+): mixing & baking, selected mineral nanoparticle coating etc. Lab data backed effect explanation: Bacteria or mineral baked with ceramic at 1000-1300C, so living organism is supposedly dead, yet its information, FIR oscillation, & generated ion is emitted for 1-5yrs, or max 20yrs+(ongoing), Also note major fringe of new age type products by use of Thz/FIR in Japan(P43) ->> Continue


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    >>cont. This presentation might misidentify Thz vs FIR etc product mechanics due to effect similarity, & by sellers explaining evasively to reduce unbelievability of claims: A) Thz, FIR, Torsion(also can be multiple processed), B) Torsion vs Scalar, C) Frequency crossover bet. Thz & FIR wave, D) Photocatalysis has anomalous versions (mainstream use but largely confined to Japan), mainly Tungsten Trioxide(WO3) or Titanium Dioxide(TiO2) with FPB(P38) treated, doped-modified, FIR+ combo types etc: No-UV-required(science legal), No-light-required(part illegal)+, Their function area sometimes encompasses Thz, FIR, Torsion effects & even exceed(eg Ecoprize jp, Seiwa inc Kogyo, GAINA insulating paint, Platinum Photon, Photo+)

    Commercialized TORSION tech eg(Water related: Merus ring, EOS-2000 System, Dry Floor Stick, Osmosis Skincare, Markov phytococktail, Infoceuticals, BioIT Water, Lohnert Snowplus, Aqvadisk. Others: Device IGA-1, MAXiiMUS, /EM Plastic, Penergetic, Shoo!Tag, Lifewave Patch, Generator series Ehmi, Bhado/Bihadou, Compensatory Magnetic Oscillator, TorsionPia, Progress Industrial Systems, TimeWaver, Bmax. Terahertz: Freshy/SolarSand, Santa Mineral, Spinor Stella, Minimal Catalyst MICA, Yav-1/-1, Ecomile Thz, Q-seal+) Products often imprinted with specific mineral itself or its frequency copy: Guerite, Silica, Maifan, Tourmaline, Shungite, Saugin, Tenko-seki, Limonite, Zeolite, Magny+, Also many herbs, Political leaders/pro athletes known for above medical tech use


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    >>cont. Torsion; Example of Potent Magic Cards mechanics: Muti-layered ferro/paramagnetic symmetry sheets with bioceramic, herbal, cotton, aluminium, silica etc or its vibe, processed by phase conjugated wave(or EM Thz wave?), to alter atom spin structure to create a monopole magnet like vacuum gate,or scalar wave emitter?(Tonomura?, D Wagner?, Koltsov?+), Linkage to other phenomena?; Weissenberg Effect hint, Naturally seen oscillation-spin-spiral in; Low-filled hose water & Boundary layer flow(D Rapoport+),Karman Vortex Street, Honey coil effect, even spiral Eddy current, All could interrelate from atoms angular momentum to star/planet rotation- Coriolis/Rossby Effect- vortex- implosion- carved spacetime free energy thoughts by inventors & dissident scientists: How do new stars get energy for explosion? Discounted Plancks resonance hypothesis, Still denied Unruh Effect Repeated overunity effect of nuclear explosion tests, Aharonov-Bohm Effect ignored in electrical engineering, Even mainstream accepts 100volt/meter charge difference at ground, Sonoluminescence Cavitation-by Casimir force (ZPE)?(Schwinger+), Energy induction?; Shubnikovde Haas-van Alphen, Hall Effect, Atoms electron orbitals are standing waves? ZPE field entrance? + Mainstream skeptics exclusively skeptical about non-mainstreamers; Why believe in groups who only question those who question authority?(Mathis+) Pseudoscience is like jailbroken iphone: shouldnt exist & to be admitted Scientists promoted by proving existing idea, not by questioning it from wider view; 1-Compartmentalized ignorance, 2-Priority on fast profit, grants, career+

  • - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada 48

    LENR is in Virtual acceptance of its effects by mainstream scientists: academically not beneficial to deny 3000+ peer reviewed reports. Different hypothetical phenomena names exists: LENR, LANR(Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reaction), CANR(Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reactions), CMNS(Condensed Matter Nuclear Science) etc., Resonance based Widom-Larsen theory seems to be in lead

    Some scientists focus on trivial effects & unreliability/impracticality as energy source, Conservative groups ignore publicized data & speak as if nothing changed since 1990 (Koonin, Seaborg, Morrison+): quoted/topic ignored by most US-Anglo mainstream NGOs & media(last gate keeper?), but increasingly accepted by Science/non-English lang. media(non western, Europe), Sutble but rare Wikipedia split by language(eg Dutch/German vs English) Official acceptance might come upon agreement on mechanics: how to overcome coulomb force(electrostatic attraction), Helium transmutation in low temperature etc

    Wide range of variation/proprietary tech details, particularly with heat generation: Nanoparticle/film coating, Acoustic cavitation/Sonoluminescence(often with notable radiation-neutron effects), Gas phase, Glow discharge, EM pulse + Known 10+ LENR patents granted in the world -This in itself unrelated to mainstream approval but important when tech is high profile & in major publicized debut state


  • - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada 49


    Considerable overall public presence by Italian and American nationals, US Navy, but high likelihood of many unknown covert/clandestine/classified related research & deployed application involving corporate and nations

    Active research at major corp(Toyota & Aisin, Vattenfall, ENEA, NASA, National Instruments, ST Microelectronics, Boeing, Nissan, Airbus, Mitsubishi Hvy+), At least participated in some level(Shell, US Navy, Chubu Electric, Saipem, Siemens+)

    Mainstream linked research group(SRI, Elforsk-Energiforsk, Continuum Energy Tech, Technova, Kurchatov Ins+), multi billion investing company(Sunrise, Cherokee, Vanterra-TEM, Woodford +), govts(US, Italy, Sweden, Russia, Japan, China +), official recognition by world largest financiers(BlackRock+), unnamed co.: Volvo? ABB? Gates foundation & geopolitically more neutral-diverse Breakthrough Energy Coalition(possibly conservative Western establishment unfavored)?+

  • - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada 50

    As of Jan 2016: Commercialized LENR generators are not mainstream endorsed/reported as valid, Dozen companies could have been running certain type of projects/prototypes/covert sales with a hold up for open full commercialization: 1-15

    1- E-Cat: Energy Catalyzer/Industrial Heat(US)/Leonardo Corp(A Rossi: Italy)& their associates continue a- to claim/indicate expanding pilot & commercial projects(at least 20-100 or more units sold?), b- Web sites: & Green: Australia)- order taking web pages(mostly mainstream ignored) have been active for a few yrs, marketing to industrial users;

    Warranty is COP>6 for 20yrs, Conditional sales: Require routine due-diligence process & compliance by seller set criteria(non disclosure clause tied even to Western intel/military consent?- due to fundamental paradigm changing nature?), Industrial Units: i-1MW electricity generator, ii-Heat generator, and Current release is gathering useful data to feedback in preparation for the mass production which is planned to start late 2016 to early 2017, Residential units & Direct Electricity generator(Ecat-X), pending official release, Replication claimed (Ja Cole, Parkhomov+), Targeted by persistent discrediting work of some LENR research insiders,


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    2 Brilliant Light Power: ex Blacklight Power(R Mills, US) insists mechanics is not cold fusion or LENR, claimed prototype/commercialization ready since 2008 with no products sold, They have been receiving highly unusual mainstream responses(below a-f) as pseudoscientific free energy tech: Compared to over 1000 inventor tech investigated, treatment of this tech shows signs of US (Western) establishment group split. It is possible some kind of preparation took place to allow official free energy(with this tech) from late 1990s but