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  • Agenda IT QCSS

  • IT (EAI, DW)Web Service IT Application(), , , (Data) (Information), (Knowledge) .


  • IT GE . . , .

    E-Bay . 1 . .

  • IT Current IT CharacteristicsFuture IT CharacteristicsFuture IT Major Points Computing IT Computing ITConnectivity: /Digital Interface:

    Intelligence , IT , DW-Data (Data)EAI-Application(XML)

  • IT Web ServiceWebsitesE-Services Dynamic brokering link E-Services E-Services hotelwebsiteairlinewebsiterentalcarwebsitehotelwebsiteairlinewebsiterentalcarwebsitereservationE-ServicesweatherE-Servicesrestaurantreservation E-Serviceshotelbooking E-Servicesairlinebooking E-ServicesBROKERBROKERYOUReservationE-ServicestravelE-ServicesairlinebookingE-ServicesweatherE-ServicestravelE-ServicestravelE-ServicesrestaurantreservationE-ServiceshotelbookingE-ServicesairlinebookingE-ServiceshotelbookingE-ServiceshotelbookingE-ServicesWeb Services

  • IT , ,

    (EDI, EAI, B2B) Web Service

  • IT . . . (Data -> Information -> Knowledge) . . . . .Summary


  • /(ERP)/ ()

  • - . CEO/CIO . .

  • - !!! DBMS .

  • % CIO ? .-


  • Summary

    ERP . => => DW, CRM, MIS . . . . . .

  • DBMS /

  • SQL Server, Oracle DBMS . (, , ) . . . .

  • DBMS .Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 DBMS. DBMS () . . .

  • /

    24, 365 . . DBMS . ., .DB . (View Point) . DBMS DBMS .

  • ( )

    . .

  • DB


  • QCSS Spotloght SQL Server Database AnalysisLoad Testing and Data GenerationSQL TuningQuest Central for SQL Server


    (bottleneck) DB , , Database Administration, Performance Diagnostics, Space Management, SQL Tuning Enterprise Manager

  • QCSS Spotloght Performance Management Performance Diagnostics (Spotlight on SQL Server) SQL Server Process Flow Monitoring Graphical Flow Detail Drill-down Instance Alarm DBA -- Active Sessions, SQL, Lock Tree Latches -- Disk I/O, Memory , Transactions, Roll-back -- : CPU, Disk, Memory

  • Spotloght

  • QCSS SQL Server QC NavigatorQC Icon ToolbarSQL TuningSpace ManagerPerformance DiagnosticsDatabase AnalysisScript RunnerKnowledge XpertFoglight Web ConsoleSQL Server CompareSQL Server EMSQL Server Query AnalyzersSQL Server Profiler

  • QCSS SQL Server SQL Server ToolSQL SQL SQL Activity Top x SQL : x Top SQL SQL Activity Graph : SQL Active Graphic Explain Plan : SQL Explain Plan Visual Object Editor Objects Editor : Graphic Object SQL Editor : SQL ,, Extract DDL Utility : DDL

  • QCSS Database Administration

  • StealthCollectSQL Server Database SQL Server Memory Gathering Log Collector, Middleware, Rep Process Performance AnalysisQuest Central Console StealthCollect Log Recent Mode SQL Server MonitoringHistory Mode SQL Server MonitoringSystem Level Database Level Session Level(Dimension) SQL LevelSQL TuningPerformance Analysis SQL Tuning Advice SQL QCSS Database AnalysisData

  • StealthCollect CollectorStealthCollect MiddlewareRepository Manager SQL Server Memory Data Sampling Instance Session Activity Trace SQL Server Dynamic View Query Overhead Historical DB Repository Loading Long-term Repository Option Enable Oracle Instance QCSS Database Analysis

  • QCSS Database AnalysisPerformance Analysis

  • Overview SQL Server Database Resource Trend Waiting System Level Detail System System Level Database Level Top Session Database Session Top Session List Session Resource Session SQL Datafile I/O Database I/O Wait Datafile List Datafile I/O Wait Time QCSS Database Analysis

  • QCSS Database AnalysisRecent Mode Instance View

  • SIDSerial#Logon TimeDB UserStatusActive TimeCurrent SQLProgramCPU UsageCPU waitI/O WaitNetwork WaitBuffer WaitLock WaitLatch WaitOther WaitLogout Time Session QCSS Database AnalysisRecent Mode Top Session

  • QCSS Database AnalysisRecent Mode Instance View Data file I/O

  • QCSS Database AnalysisRecent Mode Instance View Current Session

  • SQL Server Session Detail , Resource QCSS Database AnalysisRecent Mode Instance View Individual Session Mode

  • Dimension SQL Statement Program DB User OS User Client Machine Action Module Command TypeView ShortCut Jobs User Defined View Compare QCSS Database AnalysisRecent Mode Instance View

  • Time Activity Type : Instance, Dimension , Jobs -> Activity Activity Instance Job Instance Job ? SQL Performance Program Time Range Pre-defined Instance Dimension Dimension Metric QCSS Database AnalysisRecent Mode Compare

  • History Data Reporting Activity Throughput Tops Trend Time BreakdownQCSS Database AnalysisHistorical Diagnostics Report

  • Database Analysis

  • QCSS Load Testing and Data Generation , , . Load Generator DBA , . , Load Generator (plug-in) (end user) , . , QA . .

  • 1. Performance Analysis, SQL R-Click Tune SQL SQL SQL Tuning Lab 2. SQL SQL Tuning Lab Editor Window Copy Schema Owner Execution Plan Schema Objects (Table, Column, Index )3. Tuning Advice Advice : Advice List Auto Tune : Tuning Advice User Tune : User Manual 4. Compare Scenario Original SQL Advice SQL Execution Plan 5. Execution Statistics Original SQL Advice SQL Graphic 6. 7. Tuning Resolution QCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • Offensive SQL FindActive Time Sorting SQL Tuning SQL CPU Usage, CPU Wait, I/O Wait, Latch Wait, Lock Wait, Network Wait, Buffer Wait, Other Wait, Execution SQL QCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • Tuning Step Navigator-> SQL Details Offensive SQL SQL Tuning Editor CopyOriginal SQL Original SQL Execution Plan Detail Object Describe Scenario QCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process Offensive SQL Find

  • Auto Tuning SQL Details Tuning Scenario Toolbar QCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • Auto Tuning View Advice Tuning Scenario Advice QCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • Auto Tuning Explain Plan Tuning Scenario Explain Plan GenerateQCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • Auto Tuning Compare Scenario Generate Explain Plan Tuning Scenario QCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • Auto Tuning Execute Tuning Scenario QCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • Auto Tuning Execution Statistics Tuning Scenario Graphic , Detail QCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • Auto Tuning Execution Result Tuning Scenario Matrix QCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • Manual Tuning with Expert Advice SQL Details and View Advices SQL Tuning Advice Tuning Toolbar Advice Type Filter SQL Rewrite Filter DDL Advice Filter Other AdviceQCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • Manual Tuning with Expert Advice Compare Scenario Advice Original SQL QCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • Manual Tuning with Expert Advice Execution Statistics Advice Original SQL DDL Script DDL Script Index Advice Virtual Index QCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • Manual Tuning with Expert Advice Execution Results Advice Original SQL QCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • Manual Tuning with Expert Advice Best Practice Advice Original SQL QCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • Original SQL Advice SQL Total Elapsed Time / Original SQL Tuning SQL 97% Performance QCSS SQL TuningSQL Tuning Process

  • SQL Tuning

  • .

    Why are we meeting today - contextChallenges:Long cycle between releasesLack of field enthusiasm for SQL ServerPartners waiting for Yukon need to update their apps to remain competitiveLow level of marketing resources for BI compared to competition leading lack of awareness

    Opportunities:BI continues to help get traction in competitive environments as a key surround strategyCompanies investing in BI with continued market growth opportunityNo clear leader - fragmented marketWe have superior technology and greater investment levels than other players

    We are doing a lot today, but there is so much more that we can do that is the point of this discussion.

    Why are we meeting today - contextChallenges:Long cycle between releasesLack of field enthusiasm for SQL ServerPartners waiting for Yukon need to update their apps to remain competitiveLow level of marketing resources for BI compared to competition leading lack of awareness

    Opportunities:BI continues to help get traction in competitive environments as a key surround strategyCompanies investing in BI with continued market growth opportunityNo clear leader - fragmented marketWe have superior technology and greater investment levels than other players

    We are doing a lot today, but there is so much more that we can do that is the point of this discussion.

    DBMS .

    Data .DBMS .

    % - (DBMS) ? DBMS .% - QCSS IT / .