Download - Τρίτη 5 Οκτωβρίου Τετάρτη 6 Οκτωβρίου 2 ρογραμμα 4ο Φεστιβαλ... · PDF file19.06-20.38 Αφιέρωμα σον σκηνοθέτη Τάσο

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    20.35-21.05 21.08-21.59 , 51 22.01-22.57 - 56 23.00-00.08 Sugar Town The Day After 68 00.11-01.11 60 01.14-02.29 75

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    9.00-9.27 27 9.30-10.22 - 52 - 10.25-10.49 24 10.51-11.21 [video] 30 /- 11.21-11.55 34 11.58-12.24 26 12.27-13.45 78 13.45-14.45 60 14.50-15.25 35 15.28-15.39 Ali Project 11 The Rouch Cats 15.41-15.51 - 10 18.00-18.14 - 14 18.17-18.47 - - 30 18.50-20.22 - 75 20.30-21.10 40 21.13-21.40 The Eye of Beauty 27 21.43-23.03 x x 83 23.05-00.47 102

    09.00-09.54 ZORRO 54 09.57-10.24 27 10.27-11.19 52 , Massimo Pizzocaro 11.21-12.12 51 12.15-13.11 - 56 13.15-14.23 Sugar Town The Day After 68 14.27-15.27 60 15.30-15.36 6 Z 15.39-15.50 11 15.53-16.19 26 16.21-16.41 20 16.44-17.14 30 18.20-19.16 - 56 19.19-19.32 - 13 19.35-20.35 - 60 20.38-21.13 20 35 Active Cine 4 21.15-22.05 50 22.08-23.28 80 23.31-00.31 60 00.35-01.50 75

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    09.00-09.15 14 09.17-09.47 - 30 09.50-11.22 26 11.25-12.05 40 12.08-12.35 The Eye of BEauty 27 12.38-14.01 83 14.04-15.04 60 15.30-16.57 27 16.00-16.52 - 52 - 16.55-17.30 35 17.33-17.45 Ali Project 11 The Rough Cats 17.48-17.58 - 10 18.00-18.24 24 18.27-18.57 [video] 30 /- 19.00-19.34 34 19.35-20.49 74 20.50-22.08 78 22.10-23.52 102

    8 8

    9.00-9.54 A Place Without People 54 9.57-11.00 Colossi of Love 58 11.00-11.26 26 11.29-11.57 28 12.00-12.09 9 12.11-12.55 44 12.58-14.02 64 14.05-15.26 - 76 15.30-15.57 27 16.00-16.15 15 18.00-18.30 - 30 18.33-19.03 -- 30 19.06-20.38 - 92

    20.40-21.30 21.30-21.45 Into the Garden of Glass and Steel 15 21.48-22.09 Live Show 21 22.11-22.32 21 22.35-22.39 ; 4 s22.41-00.01 80 00.04-01.06 62

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