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第 4 章 科技题材翻译

Chapter Four

Translation of Sci-tech Varieties

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LED ( Light-emitting Diode 发光二极管)FM ( Frequency Modulation 调频)

watt (瓦特 )Roentgen rays (伦琴射线)

transistor ( transfer+resistor 晶体管) escalift ( escalator+lift 自动电梯)

cross-bedding (交错层)cross-fertilization (异花受精)

heat wave (热浪)loop line (环形线路、回线)

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①The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night.

(试比较 The earth rotates on its own axis, which causes the change from day to night. )

②The conversion operation is of limited duration.

(试比较 It doesn’t take long to convert it. )

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①As detection systems improve, future versions could be installed at nuclear and chemical plants and key transit centers.

②The seedling stake is protected against deterioration with a coat of special paint.

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①Vibrating objects produce sound waves, each vibration producing one sound wave.

②Radiating from the earth, heat causes air currents to rise.

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①Injection molding involves injecting molten plastic into a mold.

②Vessels leading to the heart are plumbed in and receive oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood, which is warmed to just below normal body temperature.

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①Let P1 be the initial pressure. (设 P1 代表初始压力。)

②Consider a high pressure chamber. (假设有一高压室。)

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①Numerical control machines are most useful when quantities of products to be produced are low or medium; the tape containing the information required to produce the parts can be stored, reused or modified when required.

②The degree to which poor nutrition affects susceptibility to colds is not yet clearly established, but an inadequate diet is suspected of lowering resistance generally.

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( 1 )无人称( impersonal )

( 2 )语气正式( formal in mode of speech )

( 3 )陈述客观、准确( objective and accurate in statement )

( 4 )语言规范( standard in language )

( 5 )文体质朴( plain in stylistics )

( 6 )逻辑性强( strict in logic )

( 7 )专业术语性强( concentrated in technical terms )

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这里需要特别明确的是以上提到的科技英语的特点,无论是词法特点,还是句法特点,还是总结的七条共性之处只是相对的,而非绝对。 EST 是一个大范畴,若从专业 / 正式程度划分,根据方梦之先生的研究,科技英语可以分为:科学论文( scientific papers ),技术文本( technical prose/document )以及科普文章( popular science )。

以上我们提到的特点主要是针对正式程度比较高的科学论文以及技术文本而言,因此对 EST 的文体特点分析不能范以偏概全的错误。当然也不能说科普作品以及程度较低的技术文本就没有以上的特征,只是这里有一个相对程度的问题。


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1. 词的翻译

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☺ e-commerce (电子商务)

☺ third-generation mobile (第三代移动电话)

☺ optical valley (光谷)☺ wide area network

(WAN)(广域网)☺ 节水农业( water savin

g agriculture ) ☺ 磁悬浮( magnetic levit

ation )

volt (伏特) ampere (安培) joule (焦耳) watt (瓦特) vitamin (维他命) radar (雷达) sonar (声纳) copy (拷贝) engine (引擎)

直译 音译

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J-particle ( J-粒子) X-ray ( X光, X-射线)

N-region ( N区,电子剩余区,电子导电区)

S 形弯道( S-turning )丁字尺( T-square )工字柱( I-column )

kilowatt (千瓦) decibel (分贝 megavolt (兆伏) microampere (微安培)

valve gear (阀装置)

Einstain equation(爱因斯坦方程)

行译 混译

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比如, “肺活量”的英译文不是 lung capacity ,而是 vital capacity; “瞳孔”的英译文不是 apple of one’s eye ,而是 pupil; “保质期”的英译文不是 storage period ,而是 shelf life; “ 特许权使用费”的英译文 不是 fee of special permitted rig

ht ,而是 royalty; 列车中的“慢车”的英译文不是 slow train ,而是 local train; 电子学专业术语“串扰”不是 interference ,而是 crosstalk 。

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隐形眼镜水轮机 高清晰度电视交流电 合成纤维 方向盘 compound eyestamp duty

contact lenshydraulic turbinehigh definition TValternative currentsynthetic fabricssteering wheel复眼印花税

invisible glasseswater turbinehigh transparency TVindirect currentcompound fabricsdirection wheel混合眼邮票税

Correct Wrong

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transmission : [无线电 ] 发射,播送; [机械 ]传动,变速; [物理学 ] 透射; [医学 ] 遗传

operation : [ 机械 ] 操作; [计算机 ]运算; [医学 ] 手术; [军事 ]作战

eye : [ 海 ] 风吹来的方向; [气 ] 风眼,中心; [植 ](马铃薯等的)芽眼,(菊科等的)花盘; [物 ]光电池,光电管

positive : [电 ]正极的; [数 ]正的; [语 ] 原级的;[医 ](试验)阳性的; [机 ](机件)运动精确的,无磁滞现象(或反冲)的; [摄 ]正片

negative : [电 ] 阴极的; [数 ] 负的; [医 ] 阴性的;[摄 ] 负片,底片

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四、汉译英时,部分相同的汉语科技词语翻译成英语时需采用不同 / 特定的词语或表达。比如以下的“…厂”就是一个典型的例子。

工艺美术厂 食品厂 化肥厂 化工厂 电缆厂 大型轧钢厂 钢铁厂 炼油厂 发电厂 印刷厂

art handicrafts workshop bakery and confectionery chemical fertilizer plant chemical works electric wire and cable factory heavy rolling mill iron and steel plant oil refinery power plant printing house

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无线电器材厂 船舶修理厂 酒厂 毛纺厂 棉纺厂 电影译制厂 电影制片厂 仪表厂 造纸厂 电缆厂 服装厂

radio appliance factory ship repair yard winery woolen mill cotton mill film dubbing studio film studio instrument and meter plant paper mill electric wire and cable factory clothing/garment factory

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flow chart 、 microelectronics 、 cybernetics 、guided missile 、 three-dimensional agriculture 、white agriculture 、 super-hybrid rice 、 high-fidelity ( hi-fi )、Morse code 、 Babbitt metal 、Rockwell hardness test 、心率不齐、贸易自由化、国际收支平衡、生态农业、经济作物、电离作用、静电复印机、数字图像处理、弹道导弹、同步加速器、生物传感器、定向天线、潜望镜


Translate the following words

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2. 句的翻译

(一)顺句驱动。当源语长句内容的叙述层次与目的语基本一致时 , 可以按照原文的顺序翻译成目的语。


2.1 科技英语长难句的翻译

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But now it is realized that supplies of some of them are limited, and it is even possible to give a reasonable estimate of their “expectation of life”, the time it will take to exhaust all known sources and reserves of these materials.

本句表达了四个层次的意义 : A. 可是现在人们意识到…; B. 其中有些矿物质的蕴藏量是有限的; C. 人们甚至还可以比较合理的估计出这些矿物质可望存在多少年; D. 这些已知矿源和储量将消耗殆尽的时间。根据同位语从句的翻译方法,把第四层意义的表达作适当的调整,整个句子可以翻译为 :





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Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity.

本句共有五层意思 : A. 铝直到 19世纪才被人发现; B. 由于在自然界找不到游离状态的铝; C. 由于它总是跟其他元素结合在一起; D. 最普遍的是跟氧结合; E. 铝跟氧有很强的亲和力。按照汉语的表达习惯通常因在前,果在后,这样,我们可以对原文语序进行适当调整而翻译成 :

铝总是跟其他元素结合在一起,最普遍的是跟氧结合,因为铝跟氧有很强的亲和力。由于这个原因,在自然界长期以来一直找不到游离状态的铝,直到 19世纪铝才被人们发现。




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Calcium is important for reducing osteoporosis-linked bone loss in older people, and vitamin D-which the body makes naturally through exposure to sunlight-plays a vital role in helping the body absorb that calcium.

翻译本句和下句时需要把定语从句 which the body makes naturally through exposure to sunlight 以及同位语 a property of absorbing considerable energy before fracture 从主句上分离开来,单独处理。

钙对于减少老年人因骨质疏松引起的骨质流失有重要作用,而维生素 D则在促进钙的吸收方面起到关键的作用。人体一般通过晒太阳可自动合成维生素 D。




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Also in development are micron-size sensors—known as “smart dust” or “motes”—//that can be sprinkled around pipelines, unguarded borders and utility plants to monitor intrusions or the release of biological aerosols, chemicals or radiation.

同时在开发中还有微米大小的传感器,称之为“灰尘精灵”或“小尘埃”。 //这些传感器可被散落在管道旁,疏于设防的边境上以及公共设施旁以监控任何非法闯入行为或者故意泄露生物浮质、化学制品或辐射的行为。



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  The poor are the first to experience technological progress as a curse which destroys the old muscle-power jobs that previous generations used as a means to fight their way out of poverty.

    本句按顺序有以下三层意思: A.穷人第一个体会到技术进步给他们带来的伤害; B.技术进步取代了传统的体力活;C. 这些传统的体力活是数代人赖以为生、摆脱贫穷的途径。根据逻辑关系采用重新组合的翻译法,再对个别词语翻进行适当润饰,翻译如下。





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2.2 汉语句子的翻译

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尽管几乎所有的生物都能分解有机营养物作为能源,但只有大约 50万种物种能通过我们称之为光合作用的太阳能固碳作用制造这些营养物。

While nearly all living things can break down organic nutrients for energy, only about half a million species can compound those nutrients through solar-powered carbon fixation technically termed photosynthesis.



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物理学中一个引人注目的部分统称现代物理学, //包括电子学、原子和核现象、光电学、 X 射线、放射学、物质和能量的相互转换、相对论以及与电子管有关的现象和现代无线电波等。

A ( An ) fascinating/interesting part of physics is known as modern physics. //It is a general term for/This includes electronics, atomic and nuclear phenomena, photo-electricity, X rays, radioactivity, the transmutation of matter and energy, the theory of relativity, phenomena associated with electron tubes and modern electromagnetic waves etc.



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Concrete is artificial stone made out of portland cement and inert filler materials technically known as aggregates, both of which are mixed together with water to a plastic consistency and placed in forms to harden and gain strength.

合译 科技汉语中的几个短句可以考虑采用“合译”法译成英语长句,以达到结构紧凑的效果。


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(一)科技文本中专业术语多,而且部分专业术语专业性很强,同样的专业术语在不同的专业领域中呈现的意思可能也不完全相同,就算同样的专业术语在同样的专业领域中意思也可能不尽相同,比如 power 一词在机械动力学里就有“力”、“电力”、“电源”、“动力”、“功率”、“机械工具”等意思,因此译者必须要有相当的专业知识和专业意识,这一点也同样反映在篇章翻译中。

2.3 在科技文本句子的翻译过程中,还需要注意以下几点。

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Fiber optics continues to be the transmission line of choice for harsh environments. This latest example: ITT’s Electro-Optical Products in Roanoke, Va., has installed a six channel 4-km cable underground in what it refers to as a “generally water filled duct”. Though such immersion might be sudden death for a conventional electrical cable, the fiber, made of electric material, is not bothered. More than 10 Mb/s can be handled by the installation at the Navy air station in Norfolk, Va.

光导纤维仍然是恶劣的环境下优先选择的传输线。最新例证为:弗吉尼亚州罗恩诺克布的 ITT 公司下属的电子光学产品分公司敷设了一条长达四公里的六信道光缆,埋在地下一个被称为“经常浸满水的管道中”。普通电缆这样浸泡在水中就会立即损坏。然而,由电力材料制成的光缆则不会出现此问题。弗吉尼亚州诺福克海军航空站安装的此类光缆装置的传输能力可大于 10Mb/s。


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这是一段关于光导纤维性能卓越的报道。虽然报道没有涉及光缆传输专业知识,但由于涉及到通讯行业,仍有部分专业词汇,如 fiber optics (光导纤维), transmission line (传输线), a six channel cable (六信道光缆), electrical cable (光缆)。另外译者还必须知道 Va. 就是 Virginia (弗吉尼亚州)的缩写。


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Such a pairing of peak and volume is estimated to have a recurrence interval of 1:100 years. 这一洪峰和流量的重复周期估计是一百年一次。 这一洪峰和洪量的重现期估计为百年一遇。



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The edges of the beams were in general unstable and broke off during blasting, or were so loose that they had to be removed by scaling. The mission portions had to be reestablished with concrete.



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The successful launching of China’s first experimental communication satellite, which was propelled by a three-stage rocket and has been in operation ever since, indicates that our nation has entered a new stage in the development of carrier rockets and electronics.

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科技英语中常含有被动语态和非人称句。据语言学家统计,在物理、化学、工程类英语教科书里,在全部限定动词中至少有 1/3使用被动式,一般专业性较强的科技英语中较少使用人称句。相比之下,科技汉语中常使用主动语态,可使用无主句,翻译时需要作相应的转换。

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The raw material of puddling steel is cast iron, which is first heated to a liquid or semi-liquid state. The silicon, manganese and carbon ore are then oxidized by wind blowers or the addition of fine ore powder so that the carbon content is lowered to within the limits of steel composition. Puddling steel is mostly low-carbon steel. When the process is well controlled it could also be medium-carbon or high-carbon steel, or it might be wrought iron.

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The reason why deep-level boring is the invariable practice is to avoid interference with the complicated system of gas, water and electricity mains, telephone conduits, and drains and sewers, found under any great city. Also the tubes are engineered as far as possible under the center of main streets in order that there may be a minimum of possible damage by vibration to buildings above, and this explains the numerous sharp curves in some tube system.

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The 21st century is an age of electronic networks that will bind us together. Whether we like it or not, we are bound tightly together in our social and economic life. We realize that advanced electronic networks enable us to overcome the barriers of time and distance and take advantage of business opportunities never before imagined.

The world of networks has opened up an entirely new field of possibility and progress, and brought us into an unprecedented age of networked intelligence. This new age of networked intelligence promises that we are able to combine our knowledge and creativity for breakthroughs in social development and economic growth.


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From then on, humans would increasingly take their living from the controlled production of a few plants, rather than getting a little here and a little there from many varieties that grew wild——and the accumulated knowledge of tens of thousands of years of experience and intimacy with plants in the wild would begin to fade away.

Multiple reflections, mistakes, and diffraction effects at the edges of the sample are generally considered the main source of errors. To enhance the measurement accuracy, special attention must be paid to the choice of the radiating elements, the design of the sample holder, and the sample thickness and location between the two radiating elements.

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文学文本具有较大的开放性,文本中含有很多“空白”( vacancy )及“未定点”( indeterminacy ),有待读者(译者)自己去理解和阐释。在对文学文本的理解过程中,译者带着自己的“合理偏见”和“期待视野”介入文本,文本的意义就会得到重构和重建。经过译者与原作的“协商”,一个新的文本,即译者的“原作”产生,而译者的“原作“必定不是作者的原作一模一样的摹本。这也正从一方面说明了文学翻译的“再创造性”。相比之下,科技文本所传达的是客观真理、客观事实,因而拒绝主观性和臆断性,也拒绝语言的模糊性和复义性,而是力求准确以及解释的唯一性。

3. 篇章的翻译

3.1 科技文本 VS 文学文本

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提到篇章的翻译,就不得不提到一个问题——译者的“语篇意识”。所谓语篇意识,就是在翻译研究和实践中始终强调篇章在交际过程中的完整性( wholeness )和一体性( unity ),毕竟在实际翻译活动中,译者处理的并不是一个个孤立的词句,而是有相互关联的词句按照一定格式,为了一定的交际意图,组成的语篇。译者首先是读者,并且是带着一定目的和意图的特殊读者。语篇的意义不是业已存在、固定不变的;语篇所包含的只是一种“意义潜势”( meaning potential ),其意义是译者与原文语篇进行互动交流的结果,因此译者必须能动地介入原文语篇,这样原文的意义方可“释放”出来,从而实现意义从不确定到确定的动态转换过程。这里给我们的启示就是,在科技语篇翻译的时候,译者应当首先充分认识和理解原文语篇,切忌看一句译一句。

3.2 语篇意识

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拥有良好的语篇意识还需注意两个概念——衔接( cohesion )和连贯( coherence )。衔接是语篇表层的语言现象,而连贯指语言的内在逻辑结构,是语篇构建者认知过程的反映。衔接的主要手段有词汇衔接( lexical cohesion )、替换( substitution )、省略( ellipsis )、连接( conjunction )、照应( reference )。衔接是构句成篇的重要条件,任何译者在翻译句子、段落以及语篇时都必须用好“衔接”这个手段。同时译者应该充分认识到源语和译语在衔接方式上的异同,并且在双语互译中进行必要的调整。

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If the ends of a conductor are connected to a low-reading voltmeter and the conductor is moved into the field of a magnet as shown in Fig. 5-1, a momentary reading will be noted on the voltmeter. As the conductor is withdrawn from the field, the meter will deflect momentarily in the opposite direction. If the conductor is held stationary and the magnet moved so that the field cuts the conductor, the same results are obtained.

原译:如果把一根导线的两段接到一个低数伏特计上,并使这导线往一个磁场里移动(如图 5-1 ),在伏特计上会看出一个瞬间的读数。当这导线移出磁场时,这测量仪表的指针又会瞬时地向相反的方向偏转。如果让这导线固定不动,而移动磁铁使磁场切割这导线,也会得到同样的结果。

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这是一篇已发表的译文,文中将原文中许多冠词都相应地译了出来,反而破坏了译文的衔接效果。改译考虑到汉语语句衔接的特点,即汉语少用英语指示照应中的 the所对应的“这个”、“那个”等指示代词,汉语的指示照应通常呈现隐性状态。因此在翻译时,译者需注意指示照应在隐性和显性之间的转换。

改译:如果把一导线的两端接到一个低读数的伏特计上,并将该导线往磁场里移动(如图 5-1所示),就会在伏特计上出现一个瞬间的读数。当导线从磁场里撤出时,伏特计指针便会瞬间向反方向摆动。如果保持导线静止不动,而移动磁铁使磁场切割导线,也会出现同样的情况。

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Insects have inhabited the earth for well over 300 million years, and during that time they have evolved into an almost unbelievable variety of species. The astronomical numbers involved in any discussion of the insect world are difficult for the imagination to grasp. There are probably more than a million different species of them, compared with a mere 20,000 species of all other animals, and according to the best estimates roughly 1018 individual insects are living at any given time.


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Most insects are completely harmless to man, and many are directly beneficial. Only about one-tenth of one percent of the insect would consist of species harmful to man, but throughout human history these have been a persistent threat. Many infectious diseases are transmitted to man by insects. Perhaps even more important, insects are man’s principal competitors ( indeed his only serious competitors ) for food. Nearly forty percent of the world’s food crops is destroyed by insects each year.

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The battle against harmful insects have been fought for thousands of years, but man has never gained more than a transitory advantage. Whenever man has concentrated in significant numbers and practiced any form of agriculture, the insect population has inevitably risen because man’s crops and domesticated animals have provided a rich source of food for them. Efforts to reduce or eliminate harmful insect populations are on record from as far back as 1000 B.C. An unease balance has occasionally been abandoned to the insects in hopes that the remaining yield would be sufficient for human needs. Whenever various circumstances, including man’s own mismanagement of the environment, have upset this balance and allowed the insect population to explode, the result has been a graphic demonstration of man’s inability to attain mastery over insects.

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The methods employed to control the growth of undesirable insects can be classified as biological, chemical, cultural, reproductive, mechanical and physical control.

None of the above types of control, used by itself, has ever proved to be more than a temporary solution to the insect problem, but an integrated approach utilizing combinations of these methods can keep insect populations down to a point where farming remains economical. No method, however, offers any hope that unwanted insects will ever be eliminated altogether.

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• 科技论文的标题反映了一篇论文的主题思想或基本观点。在翻译科技论文标题时必须要作到忠实于原标题,用词精当、准确,具有良好的可读性,符合原文中心思想和主旨,并且应尽量作到言简意赅。根据国际标准组织( ISO)的规定,中文论文标题一般不超过 20个汉字,英文论文标题不超过 10个英语单词。如果标题过长,通常要分成主标题( title )和副标题( subtitle )两部分。

1. 科技论文的翻译

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• 对于论文标题的大小写问题,一般有两种情况。( 1 )论文标题每个英文单词的首字母均大写,但含 5个或 5个以下字母的介词、连词则不需要。当然如果介词、连词位于标题首,其首字母一律大写。物主名词的首字母一律大写。( 2)论文标题首的第一个字母大写,其余除专有名词及缩略词外均小写。目前,第一种书写格式用得比较普遍,第二种格式的使用也有增多的迹象。

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1. 论冶金学的起源和发展2. 转炉和含锌铅高炉尘泥的物性和物相分析3. 电流环时序方法在 PWM整流器中的应用 4. 空间机构计算机建模与分析方法5. 基于二维成像的三维物体形状特征分析 6. 一种用于透明计算的数据一致性方法 7. 中国公路交通系统的物质代谢分析


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1. Metallurgy: Its Origin and Development 2. Analysis of Intrinsic Properties and Phase Condition on

Converter Sludge and Bearing-Zn-Pb Blast Furnace Sludge

3. PWM rectifier using a time sequencing method in the current control loop

4. Computer modeling and analysis of spatial mechanisms

5. Shape features for projected 2D images based 3D object recognition

6. Block-based data consistency method for transparent computing

7. Material metabolism in the Chinese highway traffic

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论文摘要是对一篇论文中心思想以及主要观点的简短而清晰的概括。论文摘要的目的就是让读者概览文章大意,迅速了解文章主旨。一般来说,学术论文的摘要应该具有高度的信息浓缩性、准确性和独立成篇性。一篇中文学术论文的摘要一般不宜超过 300汉字,英文论文摘要在 150 词左右为宜,摘要中不宜包括本学科的常识性内容,当然更不可包括论文没有涉及的内容。

关键词是为了文献标引工作从论文中选取出来以表示全文主题内容、信息款目的单词或术语。关键词的选取要能反映论文的主题思想和核心概念。每篇论文宜选用 3到 8个关键词。

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首先,时态的选择。英文科技论文摘要常用一般现在时用以表达所述内容的客观性和可持续性。一般现在时主要用于说明论文研究目的、研究内容以及研究结果等。当然摘要中如果涉及作者在过去某一时间段中的调查实验则视情况使用一般过去时或现在完成时。这里值得一提的是 EI 数据库主张用过去时态叙述作者先前的实验等工作,用现在时态叙述作者结论和观点。

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【中文摘要】 为识别中国公路交通系统发展循环经济的关键环节,采用物质流分析方法评估了中国公路交通系统的物质代谢。结果显示, 2005年中国公路交通系统的物质总输入为 521M t ,向环境排放的污染物量约占资源投入量的 28.3%; 2001—2005年,污染物排放量以年均 9.63%的速度快速增长。中国公路交通行业的发展模式仍然是资源消耗量大、利用效率不高 ,污染排放重的粗放型线性发展模式,这给公路交通系统的土地、能源等资源以及生态环境带来了巨大的挑战。为此,中国公路交通系统应重点从基础设施的建设及运营关键环节入手,开展节能减排,推进循环经济的发展。

【中文关键词】公路交通 ; 物质流分析 ; 循环经济


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Abstract: To identify the key links of circular economy development on Chinese highway traffic, this paper analyzed the material metabolism of Chinese traffic using a material flow analysis (MFA). The results indicate that the total material input into Chinese traffic was 521 Mt in 2005, with 28.3% being emitted as pollution, with average increases of 9.63% from 2001 to 2005. Chinese traffic still follows a linear development pattern with large resource consumption, low efficiency, and significant pollutant emissions, which greatly challenges national land and energy resources, and the environment. Therefore, the Chinese traffic system needs to promote circular economy through energy savings and emission reductions and control in the field of infrastructure construction and operation.

Key words: highway traffic; material flow analysis (MFA); circular economy

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【中文摘要】 为了提高大容量脉冲宽度调制 (pulse-width modulation, PWM)整流器的电流环带宽,将一种新的采样 -计算 -更新时序方法应用于电流环。新方法利用高速微处理器的运算能力,消除了电流环中的计算延时,但同时限制了整流桥交流侧电压矢量的幅值,降低了电网电压升高时 PWM整流器对交流侧电流和直流母线电压的控制能力。利用 PWM整流器功率因数可调的优点,在电网电压升高时控制 PWM整流器从电网吸收一定的无功功率,可以对此进行一定的补偿。实验表明,新方法的应用显著增加了电流环带宽 ,配合对无功电流的控制,提高了 PWM整流器的性能。

【中文关键词】 PWM整流器;电流环;带宽;无功功率

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Abstract: The bandwidth of the current control loop in high-power pulse-width modulation (PWM) rectifiers is increased by a time sequencing method for sampling, calculating and updating in the current loop. A high-speed microprocessor is used to eliminate the calculational delay in the current loop. However, the method imposes some limitations on the output voltage on the AC side, which degrades the capability to control the AC current while maintaining the DC voltage when the utility voltage increases significantly. With its tunable power factor, the PWM rectifier can absorb reactive power from the grid in this situation to compensate for the degradation. Test results show that the method significantly increases the current loop bandwidth and improves the PWM rectifier performance while controlling the reactive power.

Key words: PWM rectifier; current loop; bandwidth; reactive power

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提到产品说明书,一般包括电器说明书( appliance instructions )、食品说明书( foodstuff instructions )、药品说明书( directions/package inserts )、化妆品说明书( cosmetic instructions )等。


2. 产品说明书的翻译

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对于药品说明书的翻译最好还是对比研究《中国药典》和《英国药典》( British Pharmacopeia, BP)、《美国药典》( the Pharmacopeia of the United States of America, USP)在措辞、表达方法等方面的异同,在汉译英时,应该注意效仿 BP和 USP里面的表达模式。

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ST858/ST858L 5-Band Stereo Radio Cassette RecorderDynamic power output is 18W total. Sharp MW/SW1/SW2/SW3/FM Stereo radio reception on the St858. The ST858L delivers superb MW/LW/SW1/SW2/FM Stereo band reception.Full auto-stop and Automatic Quick Program Search ( AQPS system ) . Full information LED indicators. A wide-stereo 2-way, 4-speakers system. Wow & flutter 0.1%(WRMS ) .Frequency response: 30Hz-16kHz( Cro ) .Power supply: AC110-127/220-240V,50/60Hz; 9 D-size batt.; external DC 13.5V with the adaptor.Dimensions: 520(W) *331 ( H) *147( D) mm.


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ST858/ST858L 五波段立体声收录两用机本机的最大输出功率为 18瓦。ST858 可接收中波、短波 1 ,短波 2 ,短波 3 以及调频立体声广播,ST858L 可接受中波、长波、短波 1 ,短波 2 以及调频立体声广播,收音灵敏度高。本机配有全自动停止装置,节目快速自动搜索系统( AQPS系统)。本机采用发光二极管显示器,双声道四扬声器的立体声系统。音颤率: 0.1% 。频率响应: 30Hz-16kHz 。电源:交流电 110-127/2200240伏, 50/60Hz ,也可外接 13.5伏直流电源(须配置电源适配器)或使用 9节 D型电池。规格: 520 (宽) * 331 (高) * 147 (深)( mm )

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AntistinePROPERTIESAntistine either attenuates or suppresses the effects of histamine, which plays a major role in provoking allergic disorders. It is upon this experimentally confirmed ability to antagonize histamine that the indications for Antistine are based.INDICATIONSUrticaria; food allergies; hay fever; vasomotor rhinitis; itching due to skin diseases, including eczema, pruritus, and serum sickness.ADMINISTRATION AND DOSAGE△TABLETSAdults: 1 tablet, 3-4 times daily.Small children: 1/2 tablet, once daily.Children of school age: 1/2 tablet, 2-3 times daily.The tablets should be taken during meals and swallowed whole with a little fluid.△AMPOULES1 ampoule is given each time by intramuscular or slow intravenous injection, 2-3 times daily. For children the doses should be correspondingly reduced.NOTESince Antistine may cause temporary drowsiness, caution is indicated when it is employed, for example, to treat drivers of vehicles. Like other antihistamines, Anitstine, too, may give rise to allergic reactions. In such cases, the preparation should be withdraw.


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安地司丁功能:安地司丁可减弱或抑制组胺作用。组胺是引起过敏性病症的主要原因。本品的适应症是根据实验证明的抗组胺作用的原理来确定的。主治:荨麻疹、食物过敏、枯草病、血管舒缩性鼻炎、皮肤瘙痒症(包括湿疹、瘙痒和血清病)等。用法用量:片剂:成人一日 3-4次,每次一片。幼儿一日 1次,每次半片。学龄儿童一日 2-3次,每次半片。本片剂在饭前或者饭后用水整片吞服。针剂:用于肌肉注射或静脉滴注(滴注速度不宜过快),一日 2-3次,每次一瓶,儿童剂量酌减。不良反应:本品可能引起短时嗜睡,特殊人群(如汽车司机)慎用。同其他抗组胺类药物一样,部分患者可能对本品有过敏性反映,此时应停止用药。

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• 专利,即法律保障创造发明者在一定时期内由于创造发明而独自享有的权利。专利权,即法律确立的专利权人对其发明创造在一定期限内所享有的专有权。发明创造人将其发明创造的专利申请,按一定的法律程序提交国家主管部门受理和审查,对于符合专利法规定的发明创造,国家颁发专利证书,授予专利权。

3. 专利文献的翻译

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• 专利文献一般具有以下一些明显特征:( 1 )专利文献的格式统一规范,高度标准化;( 2)专利文献通常融技术性、法律性和经济性于一体;( 3)专利文献传播的一般都是较新的且先进的技术信息,论述完整准确,技术内容比较可靠;( 4)专利文献数量巨大,涉及的领域多;( 5)专利文献具有时效性和地域性。多数国家规定专利文献自专利申请日起最多保护 20年。一旦专利文献失去法律效力,该专利即进入共有领域,成为人们的共有财富。

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• 对于专利文献的翻译应坚持内容和风格两方面的忠实。译者应熟悉不同语言文化中专利文献的结构以及措辞等方面的特点,注意译文遣词造句的规范性和专业性。由于专利文献一般比较正式,因此译文应注意同样保持原文正式的语言风格,避免歧义,达到清晰、流畅、准确。

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1. Reference is made to our corresponding application No. 38658/97 filed 31st May 1997.

2. This invention relates to methods for audio signal amplification and to audio amplifier circuit and power supplies therefore.

3. Fig. 2 to 5 are schematic diagrams illustrating different embodiments embodying the inventive concept.

4. The operation of the embodiment of fig. 2 is identical to that fig.1.

5. Figures 6 to 8 are perspective views of three alternative embodiments ( key-holder ) of the invention.

6. Figure 1 is an embodiment of the present invention.


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1. 请参阅我们在 1997年 5月 31日登记的与此有关的申请书,其申请号为 38658/97。

2. 本发明介绍的是音频信号放大的方法、音频放大电路及其电源。

3. 图 2至图 5为本发明具体机构的电路图。 4. 图 2 的工作原理与图 1相同。 5. 图 6至图 8是本发明三种不同形式的钥匙套的透视图。

6. 图 1 是本发明的具体结构。

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• 从专利英语文献的语言特点考量,专利英语文献带有浓厚的法律色彩,用词庄严、严谨、准确、精练,比如法律用词 herein (在此处,在这种情况下)、therein (在那里)、 wherein (在哪里,在哪方面)、 thereafter (此后)、 hitherto (迄今)、hereinabove (以上)等在英语专利文献中就很普遍。


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• 在专利文献中,相同的词语在不同的上下文中可能具有不尽相同的含义, embodiment 就是一个非常典型的例子,翻译时需要注意。比如, embodiment 可以理解为“例子”、“实例”、“方案”、“试样”、“方法”、“装置”、“元件”、“器件”、“电路”等含义。几个不同的单词(词组)也可以翻译成大致相同的含义,如 relate to, be concerned with, pertain to, deal with都可以理解为“介绍”、“关于”、“涉及”、“叙述”;What is claimed is…(What I claim is…; What we claim is…; We claim…; I claim… )可翻译成“请求权项”、“要求承认某人的所有权”、“专利权要求范围”、“本专利的权项范围是…”、“我们(我)申请的专利是…”。

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royaltyprior artSer. No./appli. No.preferred embodimentaccompanying drawingsectional viewclaimsinventorassigneereferences citeddata of applicationdate of grantdate of issue


Supplementary words

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date of publicationgrace periodplant patentdesign patentextension of term of a patentfiling feefirst-to-file principlepatent agentpatent officepriority claimpriority declarationscope of protection


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formal examinationlawsuit of a patentnon-obviousnesspatent familiesprescriptionregistered trade markjoint applicantsinventive stepdivisional applicationreexaminationjoint patenteeseffective filing date


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• 科普作品,简言之即普及科学知识的作品。科普文本的正式程度相对较低,而且科普作品在内容上着重常识性、知识性和趣味性,读来深入浅出、通俗易懂。可以说科普文本介于正式科技文体和文学文体之间,融科学性与文学艺术性于一体。

4. 科普作品的翻译

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• 关于科普作品的分类,若按题材划分,科普作品可以是有关自然科学( natural science )的,也可以是有关社会科学( social science )的,其所采用的体裁形式可以是多样化的,如小品文、散文、科技新闻报道等。若按读者群划分,科普作品可以是面向半内行的,也可以是面向普通大众的,前者往往带有比较浓厚的科技色彩,而后者则具有较强的文学风格。

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• 对于科普作品的翻译,应该坚持准确达意、通俗易懂、兼具文采的原则翻译科普作品应该既要保留原文的科学性,也要注意原文的艺术性。译者同时应该明确科普作品的读者群体是针对儿童的,还是面向成人的;是写给半内行看的,还是写给一般大众看的。在了解了这些情况之后,译者在译文的表达中就应该据此在语言措辞、行文风格等方面作出相应的调整,以符合译入语的整体翻译生态。由于科普作品的主要目的是普及科学知识,只是言语措辞等方面更多了一份“平易近人”的文学性,因此译者在翻译时必须把握好科技翻译和文学翻译的量度,使译文具备科学性的同时更多一份可读性和艺术性。

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The Beginnings of Astronomy

Early men were also greatly interested in the stars they saw twinkling in the sky at night. What they did not realize was that the stars were also present during the daytime, but their light was not visible because of the brilliance of the sun. How did they discover this?

There is one event which does enable us to see the stars in the daytime. It is the total eclipse of the sun, when the moon passes in front of the sun and hides it from view. When this happens, the sky becomes dark enough for the stars to be seen. Total eclipses of this kind do not occur very often and are not likely to be seen from the same area more than once every fifty four years. One can imagine what an awe-inspiring sight it must have been for an early man, who would remember the event for the rest of his life.

So man watched the movements of the sun, the moon and the stars and wondered about them. It was practising the oldest branch of science——astronomy.



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有这么一种情况的确可以让我们在大白天看到星星,那就是日全食。所谓日全食,就是月球运行到太阳和地球的中间,太阳全部被月球遮挡,此时太阳光线不能照射到地球上来。因此当日全食发生的时候,天空就暗了下来,自然也就能看见一闪一闪亮晶晶的星星了。日全食难得一遇,同一个地方每 54年一般也只能看到一次。不难想象这对于古人来说一定是一次多么惊心动魄的体验啊,或许他们这一辈子都不会忘记呢。


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The earthworm is a useful animal in that it is food for other animals on the ground and beneath the ground it makes rich soil for fields and gardens.

Earthworms can dig holes and make soil loose and porous, thus enabling air and water to be sent to the roots of plants more easily. Besides, these holes are also good for the drainage of soil.

Earthworms also drag into their holes wilted leaves, grass and petals, which can fertilize soil when they are rotten.

Earthworms can hardly be paralleled by any other animal in the making of new rich topsoil. It is estimated that 50,000 earthworms can make approximately eighteen tons of rich soil on an acre of land within just one year.

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Greenhouse Effect Climatic conditions are delicately adjusted to the compos

ition of the Earth’s atmosphere. If there were a change in the atmosphere—for example, in the relative proportion of atmospheric gases—the climate would probably change also. A slight increase in water vapor, for instance, would increase the hear-retaining capacity of the atmosphere and would lead to a rise in global temperatures. In contrast, a large increase in water vapor would increase the thickness and extent of the cloud layer, reducing the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth’s surface.


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The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has an important effect on climatic change. most of the Earth’s incoming energy is short-wave length radiation, which tends to pass through atmospheric carbon dioxide easily. The Earth, however, reradiates much of the received energy as long-wave length radiation, which carbon dioxide absorbs and then remits toward the Earth. This phenomenon, known as the greenhouse effect, can result in an increase in the surface temperature of a planet. An extreme example of the effect is shown by Venus, a planet covered by heavy clouds composed mostly of carbon dioxide, whose surface temperatures have been measured at 430℃. If the carbon dioxide concentration were halved, the Earth would become completely covered with ice. Another equally respectable theory, however, states that a halving of the carbon dioxide concentration would lead only to reduction in global temperatures of 3℃.

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If, because of an increase in forest fires or volcanic activity, the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere increased, a warmer climate would be produced. Plant growth, which relies on both the warmth and the availability of carbon dioxide, would probably increase. As a consequence, plants would use more and more carbon dioxide. Eventually carbon dioxide levels would diminish and the climate, in turn, would become cooler. With reduced temperatures many plants would die; carbon dioxide would thereby be returned to the atmosphere and gradually the temperature would rise again. Thus if this process occurred, there might be a long-term oscillation in the amount of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere, with regular temperature increases and decreases of a set of magnitude.

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Some criminologists argue that the burning of fossil fuels has raised the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and has caused a global temperature increase of at least 1℃ may in reality be only several regional temperature increases, restricted to areas where there are many meteorological stations and caused simply by shifts in the pattern of atmospheric circulation. Other areas, for example the Southern Hemisphere Oceanic Zone, may be experiencing an equivalent temperature decrease that is unrecognized because of the shortage of meteorological recording station.

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