Download - 2017 · 3 Welcome to the 2017 school year at Elim hristian ollege, one school on two sites! We are so glad to have you and your family as part of our school community.


Student Handbook

Golflands Campus



Table of Contents Pages





Vision Statement/Principles/Arise/Values



At school/At home/Mufti Days

Before School Rules/ Lunchtime Rules/Playground Rules

Expectations for Student Behaviour/Golflands Campus Behaviour Management/Expectations for

Classroom Use

Digital Citizenship


Term Dates/Bell Times/ARISE Parents/Assemblies/BYOD

Complaints made against Teachers

Emergency Evacuations/Homework/Illness or Accident/Lateness

Leave or Absence/Library/Lunches/Messages to Students During School Time

Movement To and From School/Newsletter/Office Hours/Parent Involvement

Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences

Prize Giving Ceremonies/Property/Queries/Reports/School Fees/Donations/School Links/


Staff Only Days/Student Counsellor/Telephone/The School Day/Toilet Blocks/Uniform - Regula-

tion Details/Hair/Uniform

Uniform sales/Second hand items/Visitors/Withdrawing from Elim/What to do if…



Appendix 1 - Procedure: Internet Acceptable Use

Appendix 2 - Agreement: Internet Acceptable Use Agreement

Appendix 3 - Blended Class/BYOD Agreement

Appendix 4 - Student Contract

Appendix 5 - A Brief History of Elim Christian College


Welcome to the 2017 school year at Elim Christian College, one school on two sites!

We are so glad to have you and your family as part of our school community. In fact

this is your school and we look forward to a wonderfully productive partnership.

Students I encourage you to allow God to challenge, shape and grow your character

this year. It is the depth and quality of your character that will open doors for you,

enable you to face hard situations and to help you pursue your dreams. I love the

ARISE Elim culture that repeatedly emphasizes Achievement to be the best you can

be; taking Responsibility and acting with respect; being Inspired in your thinking

and developing an impressive backpack of skills; all laid on a deep foundation of

Christian character and Elim values.

Again this year you will hear the right time, right place, right thing and right attitude

message. We make no apology for this because you must be highly focused to

achieve academically and grow socially, emotionally and spiritually. With dogged

determination we take seriously our responsibility to facilitate your highest growth

in all areas.

Murray Burton MNZM





Elim Christian College community aims for each student to be inspired, responsible, academically and practically skilled lifelong learners, living their Christian values and exploring their God-given potential, to achieve personal

excellence for God’s glory.

ARISE to a future and a hope.

This Vision Statement is displayed in each classroom and is an integral part of all classroom programmes and activities.


The ARISE strategic framework is one of the tools the College has developed to guide its development.

The heart of this strategic framework is described by the word A.R.I.S.E.

A Achievement We want all students to achieve their personal best.

R Responsibility We want all students to be self-disciplined, diligent citizens and life-long


I Inspiration We want all students to have fun learning, celebrate success with an attitude

for excellence.

S Skills We want all students highly skilled and equipped to make a creative and

innovative contribution to society.

E (Elim) Christian


We want all students to have a foundation of Biblical knowledge expressed

vibrantly in Christian values and character.


Elim Christian College Community (Staff, Parents, Guardians, Caregivers, Whanau) seeks:

1. To provide an excellent Christian education, developing well-balanced young people with a view of life

fashioned and unified by GOD’S WORD.

2. To promote and teach the Lordship of JESUS CHRIST, the fullness of the HOLY SPIRIT and the ultimate

authority of GOD’S WORD in all aspects of the school and life in general.

3. To facilitate excellent stewardship of spirit, mind and body, where the whole person is developed in a

“whole of life” context producing disciples who are released in their God-given gifting and calling.

4. To enable each student to achieve personal excellence in a wide range of educational endeavours.

5. To cultivate servant leadership in students and equip them for work and service in the world of the

twenty-first century, having a Christian philosophy of life, values and standards.

6. To provide high quality facilities and equipment, in a warm, friendly, open, and disciplined environment.

Elim Christian College aims to provide a stimulating environment and programmes which:

1. Contributes knowledge, skills and experience relevant to contemporary society.

2. Engenders school spirit and a sense of community where there is respect for the dignity of each individual

(made in the image of God), and where self-esteem, self-discipline, diligence, initiative, tolerance and

caring are actively fostered.

3. Provides a balanced Biblical World View curriculum providing a wide range of subjects and learning


4. Acknowledges and respects the uniqueness of the individual assisting them to become culturally sensitive,

caring, tolerant and accepting of others.

5. Encourages students to become self-motivated and self-disciplined, committed to the pursuit of excellence

and with high personal standards of endeavour and achievement, behaviour, manner and dress.

6. Ensures there is effective communication between school and parents to enable home and school to work


General Aims



Elim Christian College community aims for each student to be inspired, responsible, academically and

practically skilled life long learners, living their Christian values and exploring their God-given potential, to

achieve personal excellence for God’s glory. ARISE to a future and a hope.


Consistent with a Christian World View - High Expectations; Treaty of Waitangi; Cultural Diversity; Inclusion;

Learning to Learn; Community Engagement; Coherence; Future Focus.


Respect for God


Respect for People



Respect for God’s World

Ecological Sustainability

Respect for Faith and


Excellence Justice

Respect Mercy

Respect for Knowledge,

Understanding and Wisdom





Achieve your best: Using

language symbols and texts

Be Responsible: Managing


Be an Inspired thinker:


Use your Skills to serve:

Participating and


Display Elim Christian

character: Be an example of Christ. Relating to others.




Arts: Music, Drama,

Dance, Visual Arts

Health & PE



Social Science




Digital Citizenship


Elim Christian College Curriculum



Christian Worldview

The Curriculum reflects a Christian Worldview underpinning all areas of learning.

High Expectations The curriculum supports and empowers all students to learn and achieve personal excellence, regardless of their individual circumstances.

Treaty of Waitangi The curriculum acknowledges the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and the bicultural foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand. All students have the opportunity to acquire knowledge of te reo Maori me ona tikanga.

Cultural Diversity The curriculum reflects New Zealand’s cultural diversity and values the histories and traditions of all its people.

Inclusion The curriculum is non-sexist, non-racist, and non-discriminatory; it ensures that students’ identities, languages, abilities and talents are recognised and affirmed and that their learning needs are addressed.

Learning to Learn The curriculum encourages all students to reflect on their own learning processes and to learn how to learn.



The curriculum has meaning for students, connects with their wider lives, and engages the support of their families, whanau and communities.

Coherence The curriculum offers all students a broad education that makes links within and across learning areas, provides for coherent transitions and opens up pathways to further learning.

Future Focus The curriculum encourages students to look to the future by exploring such significant future-focused issues as sustainability, citizenship, enterprise and globalisation.


Respect for God, Self and Others

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ Matthew 22:36

‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Matthew 22:39


Parents who send their students to Elim Christian College do so as a matter of personal choice. In so doing, they

make a firm commitment to support the philosophy, goals and practices of the school and agree to abide by its

policies and procedures, in particular:

1. Support the teacher as the classroom manager and learning facilitator.

2. Send students to school on time and pick them up after school on time.

3. Respond promptly to school communications which require a reply.

4. Expect students to be responsible for their own behaviour and take some responsibility for their own


5. Send students to school encouraging them to have a positive attitude toward learning by expecting them to

do their best work at all times.

6. Send students to school clean, healthy, rested and adhering to the uniform dress code.

7. Encourage respectful attitudes towards school and all staff.

8. Become involved in school programmes, activities and events wherever possible.

9. Review and sign any papers on which the teacher requires a parent signature.

10. Encourage systematic study and celebrate positive student performance and effort.

11. Seek to provide conditions at home conducive to study and homework.

12. Attend parent-teacher-student conferences.

13. Support the disciplinary measures recommended by the college.

1. Students are expected at all times to do their best and are responsible for achieving their maximum

learning potential. Students are expected to work within the school policies, procedures and rules.

2. Christian Living is expressed in respect for others, respect for the possessions of others, loyalty to one

another and above all, loyalty to God.

Respect for others includes honesty, kindness, consideration, and caring for others, and in

particular those who are weaker, younger, quieter, or less able.

Respect for possessions of others means articles will not be interfered with, damaged, or

borrowed without the owner’s permission.

Loyalty to God and obedience to His will means that there will be a dedication to work towards

what is worthy and pleasing to Him.

Student Guidelines

Parent Commitment and Responsibilities


3. At school, students are required to:

Uphold and respect Christian values at all times.

Obey and respect all staff members.

Be where they are supposed to be at all times - timetabled.

Use good manners, treating others with respect, courtesy and fairness.

Respect the rights and property of others.

Be responsible to care for all materials, equipment, furniture and fittings.

Behave in a safe manner at all times.

Show good sportsmanship.

Follow playground and game rules.

Aim for their personal best, work with determination and enthusiasm and allow others to do the


Work neatly and in an orderly manner.

Complete assigned work, on time and at an acceptable level.

Make up work missed during absences.

Develop self-discipline and exercise self-control in all situations.

Accept the consequences of their own actions.

PE uniform for PE classes.

4. At home, students are required to:

Deliver all written notes or letters from the school promptly to parents and if required, return them

promptly to school.

Complete homework to the best of their ability and return it on time.

5. Mufti Days

We expect that students will dress appropriately and sensibly for all mufti days.

No bare midriffs showing.

No item of clothing should have inappropriate slogans.

No coloured hair.

Student Guidelines


1. There is no supervision at school until 8:15am. Early students are to wait outside the hall on the steps until

8.15am, when the Duty teacher opens the hall.

2. All students must be in the hall between 8.15 and 8.30am. All students arriving on the Kiwi and

Beachlands/Maraetai buses must go to the hall and wait until 8.30am.

3. Students must not play ball games/tag or run around in the hall. Sit or stand quietly in groups until the bell

goes. At the 8.30am bell students are dismissed to walk quietly to their classrooms.

Before School Rules

Lunchtime Rules

1. All students must be seated whenever they are eating at morning tea and at lunchtime. Students sit inside

the classroom or on mats just outside the classroom.

2. At the beginning of lunchtime, students must sit down and remain seated until the 12.10 bell has rung.

Students then put up their hands to await dismissal by the teacher who checks that all rubbish has been

picked up; the area is left clean and tidy and then dismisses the student.

3. When the bell rings at 12.40pm, the playground Duty teacher ensures the hand bell is also rung

throughout the playground and the Field Duty Teacher blows a whistle. This ensures all students have time

to prepare for the afternoon session starting at 12.45pm.

Playground Rules

1. Balls are to be used only on the field or the court and not near classrooms or on the playground. No kicking

balls on the court.

2. No riding of bikes/scooters/skateboards in the school grounds. Students put their helmets on and wheel

their bike/scooter/skateboard out of the grounds before riding home.

3. Students are not allowed to retrieve balls without permission, etc. from road, building site, car park or

roof. Report the missing ball etc. to the Duty teacher for retrieval.

4. Students must stay within the fenced off boundary limit at all times.

5. Walking only under the verandahs.

6. Students may be in the hall only under ADULT supervision.

7. Keep clear of gardens so no plants will be spoilt.

9. All uneaten lunches must be taken home and rubbish put in bins. Students must be seated whenever they

are eating.


10. Students are not permitted in classrooms at interval or lunchtime unless with a teacher.

11. In Terms 1 and 4 students must wear a hat. The hat is to be worn correctly and should be a royal blue

bucket hat for Y1 - 4. Any student not wearing a hat must stay under the shade of the verandah.

12. The Adventure Playground can be used by all students but care must be taken to respect each other’s

safety, especially on the roundabout – see roster.

13. Valuable items, toys and large sums of money are not to be brought to school. These items should never

be left in classrooms or schoolbags. The school cannot be held responsible for lost or stolen property.

Y3-6 students’ iPads should be stored in the lockable cupboards in the classrooms.

14. On wet days, play quietly in the classrooms. No digital devices are to be used. Tidy up carefully at the end

of the break. Listen and obey your wet day monitor.

The school code of behaviour is based on common sense, concern for others and acceptable standards of

behaviour. We believe that young people must learn to accept full responsibility for their own actions and to

realise that what they do often affects other people and often has a negative impact on the school’s image.

1. The college has the strong expectation that the high standards of behaviour and dress will be upheld, not

only while students are at school but also at other times when students are readily identifiable as

belonging to this school.

2. Therefore, parents/caregivers, when signing the enrolment form, acknowledge acceptance of such rules

and regulations and of the school’s right to enforce them. These rules will be enforced while students

are at school, in school uniform, moving to and from school, and at all school activities or school related

activities including sports fixtures.

3. Elim Christian College retains the right to implement disciplinary action towards any enrolled student for

inappropriate behaviour or conduct. This applies outside of school hours from the time the student leaves

home (i.e. parent’s care) until the time the student returns home (i.e. into his/her parents’ care). This

policy also relates to all associated school activities and whether or not the student is dressed in mufti or

school uniform.

4. A condition of entry to Elim Christian College is that students abide by the school rules. In the event

that a student’s behaviour consistently breaches the rules or if a student commits a serious offence, the

privilege of attending Elim Christian College may be withdrawn through the appropriate application of the

discipline system in accordance with Ministry of Education Guidelines for Suspensions and Stand-downs.

5. Knives or any other weapons, dangerous or offensive items, fireworks, cigarettes, matches, cigarette

lighters, alcohol, illegal drugs, party pills or pornographic material are prohibited and consequences of

disregarding this rule are extremely serious. Any prescribed drugs brought to school must be handed into

Playground Rules

Expectations for Student Behaviour


the office, with a parental letter, by the students. Any student in possession of scheduled drugs not

prescribed to them is considered to be in possession of illegal drugs.

6. Disrespectful behaviour such as harassment, abuse, rudeness, insolence and bad language will not be

tolerated whatsoever. The consequences of any behaviour of this type are serious and will be enforced.

7. Graffiti, vandalism or abuse of school property or property belonging to any student is prohibited. The

consequences of these actions are serious and will be enforced.

8. Dishonest behaviour such as theft or cheating is unacceptable and carries serious consequences.

9. Students are encouraged to socialise in groups. Exclusive relationships are forbidden while the students are

within the jurisdiction of the College. Affectionate physical contact between students is not permitted.

These rules will be enforced while students are at school, in school uniform, moving to and from school,

and at all school activities or school related activities.

10. All students cycling to and from school must wear safety helmets. Cycling in the school grounds is


Collaborative Classroom Management

At Elim Christian College, we support a collaborative classroom management style. The emphasis is in ‘How can I

help this student to return to, and stay on the right road as we journey together?’

Management Strategies Include:

1. Students participate in structuring the classroom.

2. Children help each other identify and practise discipleship skills.

3. Teachers use guided problem solving procedures to plan the way forward together.

4. Where boundaries are repeatedly challenged, consequences will be implemented to reinforce appropriate


5. For serious misbehaviour contact will be made with parents.

6. Restoring of relationships by encouraging apologies and reflection on their own actions, are important

steps we take in any situation of conflict.

Our goal is restorative justice - to provide long term influence on values, behaviour and student’s ability to take

responsibility for their own actions. We endeavour to establish Godly personal standards for each student, and the

courage and integrity to uphold and promote responsibility within the school community.

Expectations for Student Behaviour


Golflands Campus Behaviour Management Chart

All classes have a Visual Traffic Light Display with adhesive/magnetic student name labels; a Tino Pai Sticker Chart

and a set of Tino Pai Star Cards.

Classroom Management



Tino Pai Light - This is given to students who go above and beyond what is expected of them. At the

end of the day, students receive Tino Pai Award sticker for excellent behaviour if they are still on the

purple light. When a student has gained 10 stickers, they may receive a small prize or certificate from

the teacher. Students also receive a Tino Pai Star Card. This card is placed in the Tino Pai Star Box in

reception. At the Celebration Assembly every Friday afternoon, three Tino Pai Star Cards will be

drawn. Each student will receive a $5 tuckshop voucher.



Expectation Light - All students start the day on green light.



Warning Light - Students must put their name on the orange light, then stand next to the teacher and

explain why they have been moved to the warning light. Student remains on the orange light all day.

Red Red light 1

Teacher decides appropriate consequence for the misbehaviour, e.g. Red bucket/letter of apology/

letter to parents/stay in at lunchtime, etc. Y0-2 teachers: note Red Light in student’s homework book

for discussion at home.

Red light 2

Teacher sends student with enough work for the next block and a note of explanation to their Team

Leader’s room (or other Team Leader if not available) for time out. Teacher discusses the situation

with Team Leader and then either emails/phones/contacts the parents/caregiver to discuss the issue.

Student completes a Behaviour Journal and Thinking Plan. Copies sent home to parents for discussion

and signing. Notify the Assistant Heads of Golflands Campus, Neetha Mudhan and Angela Rees of this

communication. Information is then entered into Kamar (SMS).

Red light 3

If a Red Light is received in a day or any other serious misdemeanour occurs in the classroom, the

student is sent to Golflands Campus Assistant Heads. The Assistant Heads will contact the parents and

follow through on the incident with consequences. Student completes a Behaviour Journal and Think-

ing Plan. Copies sent home to parents for discussion and signing. An incident form is filled in and the

data entered into Kamar (SMS).


Digital Citizenship

Expectations for Classroom Use

1. The classroom is a place of learning and must be kept clean, tidy and quiet.

2. Teachers’ offices are for their own private use.

3. The utmost respect for furniture and equipment is expected. Markings on desks are not permitted ever.

Such behaviour will be the subject of disciplinary action. Furniture must be left neatly set out after use.

4. Balls are not to be played with inside the classrooms or on the veranda. Food must not be left in


5. No students should be inside classrooms during playtime or interval unless in the company of a teacher.

6. It is culturally inappropriate to sit on desks where learning takes places or on tables where food is

prepared or consumed.

We aim to have confident, respectful and safe students in the online environment. The school is committed to

ensuring all staff and students interact responsibility, safely, respectfully and fully in keeping with biblical standards

and Christian character. Defining, training in and monitoring of digital discipleship is a significant work project for

Elim Christian College. We acknowledge and empathise with parental concerns and ask you to join us on the

journey of digital discipleship.

We require all parents/caregivers and students to sign the Internet Acceptable User Agreement and return it to

school before access to the internet is granted. Failure to adhere to the principles of the agreement could mean

internet access is withdrawn or other consequences put in place.

General Information and Procedures

2017 TERM DATES Term 1 : 7 February - 13 April

Term 2 : 1 May - 7 July

Term 3 : 24 July - 29 September

Term 4 : 16 October - 14 December


General Information and Procedures (continued)

8:50 am Classes Commence

10:40 am Morning Tea

11:00 am Class Continues

12:00 pm Lunch

12:45 pm Class Continues

1:45 pm Afternoon Recess

2:00 pm Class Continues

3:00 pm Classes Conclude

2017 BELL TIMES (Y0-6)


There is a Y0-6 assembly in the Golflands Campus Hall on selected Fridays at 2:00pm to 2:50pm. Parents are very

welcome to attend the assembly.

On a Monday morning at 8:50am to 9:10am, we have a Worship Assembly in the Golflands Campus Hall, where

students come together for a time of singing and celebration.


The use of iPads are now being actively integrated into learning activities.

iPads must only be used for planned educational activities between 8.30am and 3.00pm. Any device found to be

being misused will have it confiscated. This includes break times and common rooms. No argument – no

exceptions! The device will remain with the Head or Assistant Head until the parent personally arranges to come

to the relevant campus and request its return. Students may approach the campus office to phone out. Such

requests will be decided on a case by case basis. On a school trip, the teacher in charge will make it clear before

the trip what the boundaries regarding the use of mobile devices are.

The school is not responsible for the loss or damage of personal devices. Each student takes responsibility for

their own device. The sharing of devices is not encouraged.


This group is a great way for parents to become actively involved in school life, giving support and helping with

fundraising. Each year we rely on these wonderful parents to run activities, raise funds, pray for and assist the

school. Parents who wish to join should contact [email protected] and watch for notices in the




All complaints made in writing and signed will be investigated by an independent senior member of staff. As a

general rule, hearsay from parents or students will not be investigated if the person making the comment or

complaint is not prepared to ‘own’ it.

It is appreciated that students may feel vulnerable or fearful and may not wish to be identified as the initiator of a

complaint and choose to remain anonymous. This may apply in particular for complaints of a serious nature. In such

cases a preliminary investigation may take place before a more formal investigation is initiated. At this point, (with

rare exceptions) the person(s) making the complaint will need to ‘own’ the complaint.

However, in all complaints, the principles of Natural Justice must apply.

The principles of natural justice are, in effect, a set of rules that a decision maker must adhere to when making a

decision that will affect a person’s rights, obligations, or interests. There are two principal rules of natural justice,

both of which operate within schools. They are:

A person may not be a judge in his or own case.

Briefly, this means that there should be no bias in any decision making.

A person’s defence must always be fairly heard.

This means that the accused person is entitled to know who is making the accusation and the accused person must have sufficient time to prepare a defence.


Each term a trial evacuation is held. Staff and students follow well-documented instructions based on best practice models. Following each trial a review is held.


1. Teachers set and mark homework regularly.

2. While it is acknowledged that each subject may generate different kinds of homework, such homework

will be:




Reasonable in length

General Information and Procedures (continued)


3. Each day students are required to note down the homework in a book or diary set aside for that purpose. A

system whereby parents initial the homework diary to indicate knowledge of its contents may be used.

4. At the beginning of each year teachers will inform parents of the kind of homework they expect from their

students that year and the approximate length of time to be spent on it, daily or weekly.

5. Where students are failing to do homework teachers will inform parents EARLY.

6. Where parents repeatedly have difficulty getting students to do homework, please contact the teacher


7. Following are the homework guidelines for each class: (Mon-Thurs; 4 nights/per week)

Year 1 - 4 15 - 25 minutes

Year 5 - 6 25 - 30 minutes

If there is no set exercise for a particular subject area on any night, then students must be encouraged to

revise work to date or read widely within their subject area.


The medical rooms are located beside the office. Teachers send students to the medical room if they feel unwell or

have been injured. All teaching staff and administration staff hold First Aid certificates and are trained to deal with


If a student becomes ill in class and does not improve within half an hour, parents are contacted to collect the

student. Please keep the school up to date with all your contact details. Emergency caregivers should be listed on

your child’s file. Please email [email protected] with any changes to contact details.


We ask that all students arriving at school after 8.50am, sign in on the electronic tablet at the office. The office staff

will assist smaller children with this. Parents will be contacted where ongoing patterns of lateness continue. Our

expectation is that all students are on site before 8.45am.

General Information and Procedures (continued)



Students who have an outside appointment, e.g. doctor, dentist, etc. or who are seeking to be

excused from some activity such as sport, must bring a note from parents to be given to the class/form teacher. Students are to be signed out by the parent/caregiver on the electronic tablet in the school office. The parent/caregiver will be issued with a “Parent Pass” by the office staff, which will allow the parent/caregiver to collect their child from the classroom.

If a student is sick on a school day, they should remain at home and a parent/guardian should phone the office before 9.00am to advise the school of the absence. When the student returns to school, a written note should be sent explaining the absence.

A note explaining other absences must be given to the class/form teacher when the student returns to


Extra Family Holidays. Parents are asked to try to plan their family holidays during the set holidays. If

this is impossible to avoid then requests must be made to the Deputy Principal in advance, in writing.

Extended Absence. In order to keep a student’s place in the school, fees must continue to be paid if a

student is to be out of school for an extended holiday or overseas trip.

Please take note that if your child is suffering from vomiting/diarrhoea they need to be kept home for at

least 24 hours to prevent the spreading of viruses.


The Library is open daily during lunchtime and during afternoon recess. During class time, the Library is

timetabled for teachers to use, to teach Library skills to their class. Library books are issued for two weeks and

can be renewed. The number of books allocated to be borrowed per year group is as follows:

Year 0-1 1 Book Year 2 1/2 Books Year 3-6 4 Books

Books may be loaned for the school holidays. See the Golflands Campus librarian for further information.


In 2017, the Golflands Campus canteen will be operated by The Champion Tuckshop. Students can purchase

morning tea and/or lunch directly from the canteen. Parents can also go online to register for online ordering

service. Refer to the school website for more information.


In emergencies, an important message can be conveyed to a student during school time through the school

office. It is not appropriate for parents to go directly to the classroom during the teaching time.

General Information and Procedures (continued)



By law, students are under the authority of the school from the time they leave home until they return. The

behaviour of students and their appearance in public is therefore the concern of the school.

Walking School Bus

There are several walking school buses at present at Golflands Campus. Contact our Travelwise Co-ordinator, Brieta

Groenewald for more information—[email protected].


If you need to drive, please observe the following guidelines:

1. Please do not drop-off or pick-up in any of the local cul-de-sacs around the campus.

2. To avoid U-turns in front of the school, please use Golflands Drive loop.

3. Always use the Kea Crossing to cross the road.

4. Do not wave or call your child across the road.

5. Drive slowly near the school and watch out for pedestrians and cyclists.

6. Parking: Staff cars and buses are the only vehicles permitted to park on the Golflands Campus site. The

drop-off bay in front of the office is for buses only.

7. Please ensure that you do not park across driveways and are parked 1m from any driveway or vehicle



Cycling and scootering are easy and fun ways to add exercise into your daily routine. Walk your bike into the

school grounds and store in the racks provided outside the library.


Our school is served by Kiwi Coach Buses and Howick and Eastern Buses.

Private buses from the South Auckland area: Kiwi Coach Buses also provide a bus service to the school from the

South Auckland area. For route and timetable information contact: Calvin West on 636 5232 or

School Bus Services: Bus services from the Maraetai and Beachlands area are available. For route and timetable

information contact: Howick and Eastern Buses on 273 3660 or

Shuttle Bus from Botany Campus to Golflands Campus: There is a shuttle bus available from the Botany Campus

to the Golflands Campus for 70c per trip. A $7.00 bus card with 10 bus trips for the shuttle can be purchased from

General Information and Procedures (continued)


the Golflands or Botany Campus office. In the morning, the shuttle leaves Botany Campus at 8:10am to bring

students to Golflands Campus. In the afternoon, the shuttle leaves Golflands Campus at 3:10pm to take students

to Botany Campus.


Each week, Mothers and Fathers gather to pray for the school. There is usually coffee, sometimes cake and always

lots of chatter as the Mums share prayer needs and praise reports. Staff and parents are invited to pass on

anonymous prayer needs to the prayer group. It is the vision and desire of Mums/Dads in Prayer group, that that

every child be covered in prayer each day and that they have an opportunity to encounter God in a significant way

along with a positive school experience.

Our Mums meet on a Monday at 8:45am to 9:45am in the library (children welcome) and on a Thursday at 9:00am

to 9:30am in the meeting room (unfortunately children are not able to attend this session). Dads’ prayer time to

be advised at a later stage.


A link to the full school newsletter on our website, celebrating student achievement and informing parents of key

school-wide messages, is emailed weekly via school-links. Parents should ensure that at all times the school has

their current e-mail address.


The school office is attended from 8.00am – 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

Contact Numbers: Office 538 0368

Fax 273 1451

Email [email protected]


Postal Address: PO Box 58 644, Botany, Auckland 2163

Street Address: 94 Golfland Drive, Golfland, Auckland


There are plenty of opportunities for parents to become involved through Mums-in-Prayer, helping in the Library,

assisting with school camps, transport for offsite school activities, helping with sports teams, serving on the Board

of Trustees, working bees (see Mrs Carr) and many more. We welcome and greatly appreciate your help. Any

parents / caregivers who are involved in this way will need to complete a police vetting application form. These

forms are available for the school office.

General Information and Procedures (continued)



Parents, teachers and students have the opportunity to speak together regarding the student’s progress. In

addition, any time during the year parents may discuss their child’s progress by making an appointment to speak

with the teacher after school. To arrange a suitable time please contact the school office. It is not appropriate for

parents to be involved in lengthy discussions with staff between 8.30-8.45am. Parent/Teacher/Student

Conferences for Y0-6 are scheduled for Term 1 2017.


Golflands Campus have various prizegiving ceremonies. Students must dress in correct school uniform, no excep-

tions. 2016 cup holders are requested to return the cups at the end of Term 3 so that we can send them for en-

graving for this year’s recipients.


1. All clothing and personal property must be clearly named.

2. Personal property that is found lying around will be brought to the office. A lost property box is maintained

in the administration area. In general, unnamed items left at the end of each term will be given to a second-

hand outlet.

3. The belongings of others may not be interfered with or borrowed without permission.

4. Any damage to school property will be reported to the Property Manager. Careless and irresponsible

behaviour will result in the payment of all or part of the costs involved in damage and breakage.

5. Valuables: e.g. watches, jewellery, should never be left in bags or classrooms, but be deposited at the

school office for safe-keeping. The bringing of additional and often unnecessary, personal items to school is

strongly discouraged. Cash or cheques should not be left in the classrooms or school bags. The school

cannot be held responsible for any lost or stolen property.


Most queries/concerns can be quickly attended to by a student’s class teacher. However, if there is further

concern, please phone the school office to speak to or make an appointment to see either Ms Neetha Mudhan or

Ms Angela Rees. Occasionally situations may arise which require “fast-tracking” this procedure for immediate

discussion with the Deputy Principal or Principal. In this instance, please phone the Principal’s PA to co-ordinate an


General Information and Procedures (continued)



Year 0 - 3

In accordance with the requirements of the National Standards, we are required to report when approximately

one year, two years, and three years at school and at a half way point between each of these times has been com-

pleted. As you can imagine, these times will be different for each child, depending when they started school.

Towards the end of each term, those students who have reached a milestone during the term or at the very begin-

ning of the next term, will receive either an interim report (a half year report) or an end-of-year report.

Mid-Year Reports: Year 4 – 6 : July

End of Year Reports: Year 4 - 6 : End of Term 4


Attendance Dues: $2,640.00 (including GST) per child, per annum, payable directly to Elim Christian College


Special Character Donation: $355.00 per child, per annum, ($85 in Term 1 and thereafter it is $90 each term),

payable directly to the BOT, Elim Christian College. Parents/Caregivers are reminded that the Special Character

Donation is used for the purpose of delivering and nurturing the Christian faith of our students, developing in

them a biblical worldview with corresponding values and standards. This is not funded by the Ministry of Educa-

tion. This tax deductible Special Character Donation is the only contribution that the school receives from Parents/


All new enrolments to the college will be required to pay their first term in advance. At the completion of the first

term, payments for the remainder of the Attendance Dues for the year will be required on a monthly basis to the

Proprietors as per their financial arrangements.

Further costs will be incurred for materials used in subjects such as Visual Art and Technology, Physical Education,

for camp and trips.


The school uses the web-based communication tool “school-links”. We use this tool to directly communicate to

parents/caregivers via email and text regarding important events and notices. Parents/caregivers can book parent

teacher interviews directly on-line, when they are being held. Once signed up to the site (

you are allocated an account. It is important that you keep your contact details up-to-date so as not to miss any

important information.


It is parents’/caregivers’ choice where they purchase their child’s stationery from. However, all stationery is

available to purchase online from OfficeMax. A link has been established on our school website which connects

General Information and Procedures (continued)


you to OfficeMax. Stationery lists are available on our school website as well as the OfficeMax website.


Students do not attend school on staff only days. These days have been set aside for staff professional

development and will be advertised well in advance in the school newsletter. The support and co-operation of

parents and caregivers is most appreciated.


The school has 2 part-time guidance counsellors. If parents would like their child to have an appointment, then

please contact the campus office and staff will log the request.


Students are only permitted to use the phone for emergencies, not to request parents to bring equipment/

lunches/sports gear etc. left at home. Arrangements to visit the homes of friends or any similar arrangements

must be made outside school hours. Calls to mobile phone numbers are actively discouraged.


Students need to be at school by 8.40am to be ready to start at 8.50am. At the end of the day students should

leave the site promptly or be collected from the gymnasium area. No children should remain at school without

parent supervision after 3.30pm. All unsupervised students after 3:30pm will be placed in ARISE PM at the

parents expense.


The toilets are not play areas – they are service areas. They are not to be used as meeting centres or for any other

purpose than that for which they are designed.


A condition of enrolment at Elim Christian College is an expressed willingness to comply with the personal code of

presentation for students, which is strictly enforced at all times. The College considers it essential that staff,

parents and caregivers support these regulations to ensure that at all times and in all circumstances, each student

is correctly presented in all respects. Consistent failure to comply with the regulations will place the College in the

unfortunate position of having to review the particular student’s enrolment under its disciplinary code.

The aim of the college with regards to personal presentation is to have all students presented to a high

standard at all times without the extremes of fashion, fads and personal preferences. We consider this to be

non-negotiable. Compliance with such expectations will greatly assist students and staff to focus their attention

on educational endeavours and prepare students to be fine examples of respectability, self-discipline, manners

and general decorum in the community.

General Information and Procedures (continued)



Sweets/lollies/bubble or chewing gum: students are not permitted to consume such items at school, including

all school events and functions. If brought to school, such items will be confiscated and serious consequences will




Fashion Accessories: please note the following expectations:

Students are not permitted to wear jewellery other than one small, plain stud or sleeper in each ear lobe

(for girls) and a watch (girls and boys). Rings, necklaces, bracelets, wristbands and sunglasses are not to

be worn. No exceptions!

No makeup in any form is permitted at any time or at any school event. (Excludes Senior Ball).

No nail polish is to be worn. False or extended finger nails are not permitted.

Body piercing (nose, eyebrows, tongues, etc) and tattoos are not permitted.

Hair must never be presented or worn outlandishly or in a style or look that will draw attention to the wearer.

Please note the following expectations regarding hair:

Hair must be the student’s natural colour. It must not be coloured, highlighted or streaked at any time or

for any reason while attending school. Fringes may not cover students’ eyes.

For girls whose hair reaches the collar, it must be tied up at all times – this includes to and from school.

Hair tie colours are blue, black or white only.

Hair for boys must not reach the collar and must be off the face at all times. As such, it is not permitted to

be tied back.

Neither girls nor boys are permitted to have their hair in a braided or dread-lock style.

No exemptions for hair irregularities will be given to students returning from a special event or holiday.

General Information and Procedures (continued)


Uniform: please note the following expectations:

Students must wear correct school uniform at all times during the day, including when travelling to and

from school. This is a firm expectation of the school.

At no stage should items of uniform be worn in a dirty or unnecessarily crumpled state. Rips, tears,

damaged seams and the like must be mended before returning to school the following day.

No non-regulation uniform and/or accessories of any colour or description are permitted at any time. We

refer particularly to white socks, under-garment t-shirts which show at the neck or below the polo shirt or

jacket, higher heeled shoes and non-regulation scarves.

Shoes must always be kept clean and well polished at all times. Non-regulation jerseys and sweatshirts are

not part of the official uniform and cannot be worn.

Parents will be contact if students who repeatedly infringe uniform rules.


All items of school uniform may be worn summer or winter as appropriate to the weather conditions. It is not

necessary to purchase every item of uniform listed below. Students and parents may choose those items which

best allow them to be comfortably dressed in full school uniform at all times.

Please note:

The school scarf is the only scarf permitted to be worn in Terms 2 and 3 for winter uniform.

No T-shirts or undergarments must show around the neck or below blouses or shirts.

In Terms 1 and 4, all Year 0-6 students must wear a regulation uniform sun hat when outside. Any student

not wearing a hat must stay under the shade of the veranda.

Year 1-6

Girls Black drill skort.

Elim logo royal blue short sleeve polo shirt.

Knee length socks only, to be worn with closed-in shoes (no ankle socks)

Hair ties plain black, royal blue or white

Boys Black drill shorts.

Elim logo royal blue short sleeve polo shirt.

Black crew socks.

General Information and Procedures (continued)


Girls and Boys Black unisex track pants with reinforced knees. (available only from John Russell)

(To be worn in Term 2 and 3 Only)

Long sleeve polo shirt (To be worn in Term 2 and 3 Only)

Elim logo royal blue polar fleece

Plain royal blue bucket hat (Compulsory Term 1 and 4).

Black polar fleece beanie (Not compulsory).

Raincoat, royal blue or black.

Elim PE Shirt

Elim PE Shorts

Shoes Black polishable, lace-up shoes with no trim of any colour. No sneakers or canvas shoes.

Black sandals of any style with back strap. (No trim of any other colour). Jandals and

high heels are not allowable.

(If an item is not on the list, it is not permitted)

General Information and Procedures (continued)


General Information and Procedures (continued)


General Information and Procedures (continued)


All uniform requirements can be purchased from John Russell Menswear.

Address: 9 Moore Street, Howick

Phone: 534 9373

Hours: Monday – Friday 9.00am - 5.30pm

Late night Thursday until 8.00pm

Saturday 9.00am – 4.00pm


We no longer sell second hand items on behalf of parents. ARISE Parents hold a second hand uniform

sale twice yearly.


It is a legal requirement that ALL VISITORS/Including PARENTS to the school site during the day MUST first

report to Reception, sign in on the electronic tablet and wear a visitor’s badge before entering classrooms or

playground areas. They must sign out again before leaving the school site. In an emergency, if a child’s lunch/gear

has been forgotten, parents may bring it to the school office and the runner will take it to the classroom.


A leaving form available from the school office must be completed by all students prior to leaving the


Under our school’s policy, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing of your intention to

withdraw you child from school. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in a penalty fee of

one half term’s fees being payable to the Proprietors.

A leaving certificate is issued only to senior students who are leaving school to enter the work-force or

tertiary education.


General Information and Procedures (continued)


Are unable to come to school

Phone office prior to 9.00am each day you are absent and leave a message on the school absence line.

Are late to school

Bring a note to office and sign in on the electronic tablet.

Are ill whilst at school

Go to office after telling your teacher.

Lose something

Check lost property with Office staff.

Have been absent

Note to the office receptionist on the day you return.

Have an appointment during school time

Students need to be signed out at the office by a parent/caregiver. Please remember to sign in on return.

Have a request for leave

Bring a letter from parents to Deputy Principal requesting leave.

Have an accident

Report to duty teacher or the office.

Change address or telephone number

Inform school office.

Want to talk to the Principal

See the Principal’s P.A.

Need to talk to the Assistant Heads of Golflands Campus

Ask at the office for an appointment time.



The College is governed by a Board of Trustees comprising of the Proprietors of Elim Christian Centre, College

Principal, a Staff Trustee, Parent Trustees and a Student Trustee as follows:

Mr Chris Bethwaite (Chairperson) Mr Hayden Briscoe (Proprietor Trustee)

Mr Richard King (Deputy Chairperson) Mr Bill Kathagen (Proprietor Trustee)

Mr Murray Burton (Principal) Mr Lloyd Ratnaraja (Proprietor Trustee)

Mr Dawie de Vaal (Parent Trustee) Mr Mark Mack (Staff Trustee)

Mrs Jiun Singh (Parent Trustee) Miss Tamzyn Rijns (Student Trustee)

Mrs Daisy Johanas (Parent Trustee)

We are a member school of the New Zealand Association of Christian Schools.


Principal Mr Murray Burton

Deputy Principal Mr Gary Johnstone

Assistant Principal (Botany Campus) Mrs Carol Pottow

Assistant Head of Golflands Campus Ms Neetha Mudhan

Assistant Head of Golflands Campus Ms Angela Rees

Head of Intermediate Miss Wendy Potter

Dean Mrs Mandy Heim

Dean Mr Mark Mack

Dean Mr Mark Naidoo

E-Learning Leader Mrs Chhaya Narayan


Administration Mrs Lisa Snary

Administration Mrs Louise Aickin

ARISE PM (Director) Miss Yin Huang

People to Know


People to Know

Enrolments Administrator Mrs Lindsay Ridenour

Enrolments Assistant Mrs Shelley Barrett

Finance Manager Ms Caroline Samsom

Finance Administrator Mrs Mona Joynt

International Homestay Co-ordinator Mrs Aileen King

International Student Co-ordinator Mrs Jeanette McClean

Library / ESOL Mrs Claire Galbraith

Principal’s PA Mrs Raewyn Openshaw

Property Manager Mr Dave Mitchell

Counselling Team:

Counsellor Mrs Yvette Britten

Psycho-therapist Mrs Jayne Pollock

Sports Co-ordinator Mr Mark Castledine

Head of Learning Support Ms Barbara Langridge / Mrs Robyn Powell

Literacy / Numeracy Activator Mrs Barbara Carr

Network Administrator Mr Aidan Matson


Mrs Cathy Gray Y0-1 (Team Leader)

Mrs Laura Foster Y0-1

Mrs Evelyn Bycroft Y0-1

Mrs Brieta Groenewald Y1

Miss Sarah Tait Y1

Mrs Tania Calvert Y2 (Team Leader)

Miss Min Hee Lee Y2

Mrs Sue Borrie Y2

Mrs Zelda Vermeulen Y3 (Team Leader)

Miss Moselle Brown Y3


Mrs Emily Bagrie Y4 (Team Leader)

Mrs Anna van Leeuwen Y4

Mrs Coralee Kemp Y4

Mr Shane Hutchinson Y4

Mr Neil Ackermann Y5 (Team Leader)

Mr John Caetano Y5

Mrs Helen Bartlem Y6 (Team Leader)

Mrs Ah Young Lim Y6

Mrs Jackie Eksteen Specialist Teacher

Mrs Candice Briscoe Release Teacher

Mrs Yolanda de Jong Release Teacher

Mrs Allanah Steele Release Teacher

Mrs Annami Blom Release Teacher

Mrs Larissa Schick Release Teacher


Mrs Lisa Harris Mrs Heather Kamsteeg

Miss Hannah-Jane Thorne Mrs Alyssa Hadfield

Mrs Sui Ling Kok Mrs Alison Lange-Smith


Mrs Kathryn Eng

Mrs Teu-lah Theron

Mrs Lisa Jackson

People to Know



Use of the internet at Elim Christian College by students is to only be for educational purposes.


To facilitate a safe learning and teaching environment.

To support and uphold the special character of the college.

To make staff and students aware.


The internet at Elim Christian College is to be used ONLY for educational purposes.

Students are only to access the internet under the guidance and instruction of a teacher.

Students are to turn off the computer or device’s display immediately and report it to the teacher if

anything inappropriate comes up on the screen.

ANY use of internet for purposes other than that above will result in access being removed for that

user and disciplinary action being taken where necessary.

Each user is responsible for their user name and password. It is to be kept safe at all times. Each user is

responsible for access and actions taken through their account. Any user concerned that their account is

being used by another student must report it immediately to the IT Services Department.

No device may be used to attempt to gain unauthorised access to hardware and/or network resources.

The internet is only allowed to be accessed through the school provided wi-fi.


Although the school places high emphasis on internet safety and security, each user must be a responsible user. Although every effort is made, the school CANNOT guarantee complete filtering and will monitor the use of the internet to track use and compliance to the Acceptable Use Agreement.

Appendix 1: Internet Acceptable Use Policy




(Year 3-6)

To be read and signed by every student and their parents/caregivers.


I have read the Elim Christian College Internet Acceptable Use Policy as outlined in the Student Handbook. I agree

to follow the guidelines laid down. I understand that if I don’t follow these guidelines I will be denied access to the

Internet at Elim Christian College and I may face other disciplinary action and/or legal action.

I agree not to access inappropriate material on any device on the school network.

I agree not to share my password with other students or use another person’s account without permission.

Student Name: _______________________________ Room: ____________ Year Group: ______________

Student Signature ___________________________________ Date: ________________________________


I have read the Elim Christian College Internet Use Policy as outlined in the Student Handbook. I understand that

Internet access is available for educational purposes only. In exchange for such use I hereby indemnify and keep

indemnified Elim Christian College and its personnel against any and all claims and damages of any nature arising

from my child’s use of the Elim Christian College network. (This includes all programmes, the Internet and e-mail).

This includes claims that may arise from the unauthorised use of the system to purchase products or services.

I will instruct my child regarding any restrictions that I wish them to obey that are in addition to the restrictions set

forth in the Elim Christian College Internet Use Policy. I will emphasise to my child the importance of following the

rules for personal safety.

I give permission for my child to have access to the Internet and certify that the information contained in this form

is correct.

Parent/Caregiver Name: ____________________________________________________________________

Parent/Caregiver Signature: ____________________________ Date: _______________________________

Appendix 2: Internet Acceptable Use Agreement (copy)


Appendix 3: BYOD Agreement (copy)

BYOD Agreement

(Bring Your Own Device)

I respect that…devices are used at school to enhance my learning,

So I will…only use my device for learning purposes.

I will only use my device when there is Teacher direction and I will allow my teacher to see what I am doing.

I will make sure my device is fully charged before bringing it to school.

I respect that…my device is valuable,

So I will…lock my device at break times, or when there is no Teacher supervision.

I respect that…the school is covering the cost of internet data,

So I will…not download apps or music at school, unless requested to do so by my Teacher.

I respect that…the internet is a crazy place and not all websites are appropriate,

So I will…inform my teacher immediately if anything comes up that is inappropriate for me to view at school.

I understand that…I am responsible for my device,

So I will…bring it to school at my own risk.

I respect that…these terms and conditions are to ensure safety and appropriate use of my device,

So I will…respect any consequences if I do not follow these terms and conditions.

My device will be removed until the end of the day if I am not using my device appropriately.

If I have had my device removed 3 times, the next time I use my device inappropriately, my device will

stay at home for a week.

Any serious inappropriate use of devices will go straight to the Assistant Head(s) of Golflands Campus..

I agree to follow these terms and conditions.

Name Signature Room Date

I allow my child to bring their device to school and agree with these terms and conditions.

Parent Name Signature Date


Appendix 4: Student Contract (copy)



(Year 1 - 6))

NAME _______________________________________________

ADDRESS _____________________________________________

YEAR GROUP __________________ ROOM ________________

In conjunction with my parents, I have read, understood and will comply with and support the ‘code of personal

presentation’ (uniform requirements) and expectations for standards of behaviour at Elim Christian College, as

outlined in the College Handbook. I agree to accept the authority of all staff, to respect them at all times and

support in full the rules and standards of the school.

I acknowledge that I am at school for the purpose of furthering my academic education, becoming the best I can be

in every area of my life, enhancing my character development and preparing positively for my contribution to

society. I will at all times, give of my best and will work diligently and respectfully under the instruction and

guidance of my teachers.

I will endeavour to be a positive role model to my peers and Golflands students within the school and lead by ex-


Signed _________________________________ Date ________________________________

For Parents/Guardians

We understand that according to the Education Act 1989, Section 72a, Board of Trustees can make the wearing of a

school uniform compulsory. The Act provides that the Board of Trustees can make any bylaw it thinks necessary or

desirable for the control and management of the school. Requiring a compulsory uniform and code of presentation

is a bylaw or rule. Failure to comply on a daily basis will be constituted as ‘continual disobedience’ which, under the

‘Guidelines for Principals and Boards of Trustees on Stand-downs, Suspensions, Exclusions and Expulsions’ June

2003, presents as grounds for suspension.

I have read the handbook with particular respect to the ‘parent commitment’ section, the expectations for

standards of behaviour and the ‘code of personal presentation’ (uniform requirements). I understand the intent

and terms of this contract and I will do all I can to assist my son/daughter to uphold them.


Appendix 6: A Brief History of Elim Christian College

Elim Christian College was established on site in 1995 and integrated into the state school system in 1997, with

Elim Christian Centre as the proprietor. The establishment of a Christian school for children of Elim Christian

Centre was part of the original vision.






















Elim Christian College aims for each student to be

inspired, responsible, academically and practically

skilled life-long learners, living their Christian values

and exploring their God-given potential to achieve

personal excellence for God’s glory.

ARISE to a future and a hope

Elim Christian College

Botany Campus Golflands Campus

159 Botany Road, 94 Golfland Drive,

Botany Downs, Botany Downs,

Auckland 2010 Auckland 2013

Ph: 09 538 0368 Ph: 09 538 0368

Fax: 09 538 0367 Fax: 09 273 1451