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[別冊 平成21年(2009年)各研究分野業績発行物等一覧] <分子遺伝研究分野> 「原著論文」

Takashi, Y., Kobayashi, Y., Tanaka, K. and Tamura, K.: Arabidopsis replication protein A 70a is required for DNA damage response and telomere length homeostasis. Plant Cell Physiol. 50, 1965–1976 (2009). Kawai-Yamada, M., Hori, Z., Ogawa, T., Ihara-Ohori, Y., Tamura, K., Nagano, M., Ishikawa, T. and Uchimiya, H.: Loss of calmodulin binding to Bax inhibitor-1 affects Pseudomonas- mediated hypersensitive response-associated cell death in Arabidopsis thaliana. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 27998–8003 (2009). <染色体動態研究分野> 「原著論文」 Kawashima, S. A., Yamagishi, Y., Honda, T., Ishiguro, K. and Watanabe, Y.: Phosphorylation of H2A by Bub1 prevents chromosomal instability through localizing shugoshin. Science 327, 172-177 (2010). Tanaka, K., Chang, H. L., Kagami, A. and Watanabe, Y.: CENP-C functions as a scaffold for effectors with essential kinetochore functions in mitosis and meiosis. Dev. Cell 17, 334-343 (2009). Takemoto, A., Maeshima, K., Ikehara, T., Yamaguchi, K., Murayama, A., Imamura, S., Imamoto, N., Yokoyama, S., Hirano, T., Watanabe, Y., Hanaoka, F., Yanagisawa, J. and Kimura, K.: The chromosomal association of condensin II is regulated by a noncatalytic function of PP2A. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 16, 1302-1308 (2009). Sakuno, T., Tada, K. and Watanabe, Y.: Kinetochore geometry defined by cohesion within the centromere. Nature 458, 852-858 (2009).


「総説」 丹野悠司、渡邊嘉典:姉妹染色分体のセントロメアにおける接着保護機構

蛋白質核酸酵素 54(4), 436-440 (2009)

山岸有哉、渡邊嘉典:ヘテロクロマチンがシュゴシンをセントロメアに繋ぎとめる 実験医学 27(13), 2113-2116 (2009)


方向性の制御機構 蛋白質核酸酵素 54(14), 1842-1849 (2009) <核内情報研究分野> 「原著論文」 Sawatsubashi, S., Murata, T., Lim, J., Fujiki, R., Ito, S., Suzuki, E., Tanabe, M., Zhao, Y., Kimura, S., Fujiyama, S., Ueda, T., Umetsu, D., Ito, T., Takeyama, K. and Kato, S.: Histone chaperone DEK coactivates a nuclear receptor: a functional link to leukemia. Genes Dev. 24, 159-170 (2010). Ochiai, E., Kitagawa, H., Takada, I., Fujiyama, S., Sawatsubashi, S., Kim, M.-S., Mezaki, Y., Tshushima, Y., Takagi, K., Azuma, Y., Takeyama, K., Yamaoka, K., Kato, S. and Kamimura, T.: CDP/Cut is an osteoblastic co-activator of the vitamin D receptor (VDR). J. Bone Miner. Res. 2010, in press. Murai-Takeda, A., Shibata, H., Kurihara, I., Kobayashi, S., Yokota, K., Suda, N., Mitsuishi, Y., Jo, R., Kitagawa, H., Kato, S., Saruta, T. and Itoh, H.: NF-YC functions as a corepressor of agonist-bound mineralocorticoid receptor. J. Biol. Chem. 2010, in press. Son, B. K., Akishita, M., Iijima, K., Ogawa, S., Maemura, K., Yu, J., Takeyama, K., Kato, S., Eto, M. and Ouchi, Y.: Androgen receptor-dependent transactivation of growth arrest-specific gene 6 mediates inhibitory effects of testosterone on vascular calcification. J. Biol. Chem. 2010, in press. Nishikawa, K., Nakashima, T., Hayashi, M., Fukunaga, T., Kato, S., Kodama, T., Takahashi, S., Calame, K. and Takayanagi, H.: Blimp1-mediated repression of negative regulators is required for osteoclast differentiation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107, 3117-3122 (2010). Koyama, S., Wada-Hiraike, O., Nakagawa, S., Tanikawa, M., Hiraike, H., Miyamoto, Y., Sone, K., Oda, K., Fukuhara, H., Nakagawa, K., Kato, S., Yano, T. and Taketani, Y.: Repression of estrogen receptor beta function by putative tumor suppressor DBC1. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 392, 357-362 (2010).


Kim, M., Kondo, T., Takada, I., Youn, M., Yamamoto, Y., Takahashi, S., Matsumoto, T., Fujiyama, S., Shirode, Y., Yamaoka, I., Kitagawa H., Takeyama, K., Shibuya, H., Ohtake, F. and Kato, S.: DNA demethylation in hormone-induced transcriptional derepression. Nature 461, 1007-1012 (2009). Oya, H., Yokoyama, A., Yamaoka, I., Fujiki, R., Yonezawa, M., Youn, M.-Y., Takada, I., Kato, S. and Kitagawa, H.: Phosphorylation of WSTF by MAPK induces a switching between two distinct chromatin remodeling complexes. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 32472-32482 (2009). Fujiki, R., Chikanishi, T., Hashiba, W., Ito, H., Takada, I., Roeder, R. G., Kitagawa, H. and Kato, S.: GlcNAcylation of a histone methyltransferase in retinoic-acid-induced granulopoiesis. Nature 459, 455-459 (2009). Yamagata, K., Fujiyama, S., Ito, S., Ueda, T., Murata, T., Naitou, M., Takeyama, K., Minami, Y., O’Malley, B. W. and Kato, S.: Maturation of microRNA is hormonally regulated by a nuclear receptor. Mol. Cell 36, 340-347 (2009). Zhao, Y., Takeyama, K., Sawatsubashi, S., Ito, S., Suzuki, E., Yamagata, K., Tanabe, M., Kimura, S., Fujiyama, S., Ueda, T., Murata, T., Matsukawa, H., Shirode, Y., Kouzmenko, A. P., Li, F., Tabata, T. and Kato, S.: Corepressive action of CBP on androgen receptor transactivation in pericentric heterochromatin in a Drosophila experimental model system. Mol. Cell. Biol. 29, 1017-1034 (2009). Kouzu-Fujita, M., Mezaki, Y., Mtsumoto, T., Yamaoka, I., Sawatsubashi, S., Yano, T., Taketani, Y., Kitagawa, H. and Kato, S.: Co-activation of ERb by a gonadotropin-induced cofactor. Mol. Cell. Biol. 29, 83-92 (2009). Imai, Y., Kondoh, S., Kouzmenko, A. and Kato, S.: Regulation of bone metabolism by nuclear receptors. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 310, 3-10 (2009). Yoshimura, K., Kitagawa, H., Fujiki, R., Tanabe, M., Takezawa, S., Takada, I., Yamaoka, I., Yonezawa, M., Kondo, T., Furutani, Y., Yagi, H., Yoshinaga, S., Masuda, T., Fukuda, T., Yamamoto, Y., Ebihara, K., Li, D. Y., Matsuoka, R., Takeuchi, J. K., Matsumoto, T. and Kato, S.: Distinct function of 2 chromatin remodeling complexes that share a common subunit, Williams syndrome transcription factor (WSTF). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 9280-9285 (2009). Suzuki, E., Zhao, Y., Ito, S., Sawatsubashi, S., Murata, T., Furutani, T., Shirode, Y., Yamagata, K., Tanabe, M., Kimura, S., Ueda, T., Fujiyama, S., Lim, J., Matsukawa, H., Kouzmenko, A. P., Aigaki, T., Tabata, T., Takeyama, K. and Kato, S.: Aberrant E2F activation by polyglutamine expansion of androgen receptor in SBMA neurotoxicity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 3818-3822 (2009).


Imai, Y., Nakamura, T., Matsumoto, T., Takaoka, K. and Kato, S.: Molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of sex steroids on bone and mineral metabolism. J. Bone Miner. Metab. 27, 127-130 (2009). Fujiyama-Nakamura, S., Ito, S., Sawatsubashi, S., Yamauchi, Y., Suzuki, E., Tanabe, M., Kimura, S., Murata, T., Isobe, T., Takeyama, K. and Kato, S.: BTB protein, dKLHL18/CG3571, serves as an adaptor subunit for a dCul3 ubiquitin ligase complex. Genes to Cells 14, 965-973 (2009). Ohtake, F., Fujii-Kuriyama, Y. and Kato, S.: AhR acts as an E3 ubiquitin ligase to modulate steroid receptor functions. Biochem. Pharmacol. 77, 474-484 (2009). Takada, I., Kouzmenko, A. P. and Kato, S.: Wnt and PPARgamma signaling in osteoblastogenesis and adipogenesis. Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. 5, 442-447 (2009). Takada, I., Kouzmenko, A. P. and Kato, S.: Molecular switching of osteoblastogenesis versus adipogenesis: implications for targeted therapies. Expert Opin. Ther. Targets. 13, 593-603 (2009). Suzuki, H. I., Yamagata, K., Sugimoto, K., Iwamoto, T., Kato, S. and Miyazono, K.: Modulation of microRNA processing by p53. Nature 460, 529-533 (2009). Kawajiri, K., Kobayashi, Y., Ohtake, F., Ikuta, T., Matsushima, Y., Mimura, J., Pettersson, S., Pollenz, R. S., Sakaki, T., Hirokawa, T., Akiyama, T., Kurosumi, M., Poellinger, L., Kato, S. and Fujii-Kuriyama, Y.: Aryl hydrocarbon receptor suppresses intestinal carcinogenesis in ApcMin/+ mice with natural ligands. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 13481-13486 (2009). Zhang, Z., Hener, P., Frossard, N., Kato, S., Metzger, D., Li, M. and Chambon, P.: Thymic stromal lymphopoietin overproduced by keratinocytes in mouse skin aggravates experimental asthma. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 1536-1541 (2009). Miyagawa, S., Satoh, Y., Haraguchi, R., Suzuki, K., Iguchi, T., Taketo, M. M., Nakagata, N., Matsumoto, T., Takeyama, K., Kato, S. and Yamada, G.: Genetic interactions of the androgen and Wnt/{beta}-catenin pathways for the masculinization of external genitalia. Mol. Endocrinol. 23, 871-880 (2009). Ikeda, Y., Aihara, K., Yoshida, S., Sato, T., Yagi, S., Iwase, T., Sumitomo, Y., Ise, T., Ishikawa, K., Azuma, H., Akaike, M., Kato, S. and Matsumoto, T.: Androgen-androgen receptor system protects against angiotensin II-induced vascular remodeling. Endocrinology 150, 2857-2864 (2009).


Suzuki, K., Yamaguchi, Y., Villacorte, M., Mihara, K., Akiyama, M., Shimizu, H., Taketo, M. M., Nakagata, N., Tsukiyama, T., Yamaguchi, T. P., Birchmeier, W., Kato, S. and Yamada, G.: Embryonic hair follicle fate change by augmented beta-catenin through Shh and Bmp signaling. Development 136, 367-372 (2009). Iwasawa, M,, Miyazaki, T., Nagase, Y., Akiyama, T., Kadono, Y., Nakamura, M., Oshima, Y., Yasui, T., Matsumoto, T,. Nakamura, T., Kato, S., Hennighausen, L., Nakamura, K. and Tanaka, S.: The antiapoptotic protein Bcl-xL negatively regulates the bone-resorbing activity of osteoclasts in mice. J. Clin. Invest. 119, 3149-3159 (2009). Honzawa, S., Takahashi, N., Yamashita, A., Sugiura, T., Kurihara, M., Arai, M. A., Kato, S. and Kittaka, A.: Synthesis of a 1alpha-C-methyl analogue of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3: interaction with a mutant vitamin D receptor Arg274Leu. Tetrahedron 65, 7135-7145 (2009). Ishizawa, M., Iwasaki, K. I., Kato, S. and Makishima, M.: Hypergravity modulates vitamin D receptor target gene mRNA expression in mice. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 297, E728-734 (2009). Shiizaki, K., Hatamura, I., Imazeki, I., Moriguchi, Y., Sakaguchi, T., Saji, F., Nakazawa, E., Kato, S., Akizawa, T. and Kusano, E.: Improvement of impaired calcium and skeletal homeostasis in vitamin D receptor knockout mice by a high dose of calcitriol and maxacalcitol. Bone 45, 964-971 (2009). Tsuji, M., Yamamoto, H., Sato, T., Mizuha, Y., Kawai, Y., Taketani, Y., Kato, S., Terao, J., Inakuma, T., Takeda, E.: Dietary quercetin inhibits bone loss without effect on the uterus in ovariectomized mice. J. Bone Miner. Metab. 27, 673-681 (2009). <分子情報研究分野> 「原著論文」 Kawasaki, Y., Tsuji, S., Sagara, M., Echizen, K., Shibata, Y. and Akiyama, T.:APC and Asef function downstream of the HGF receptor and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 22436-22443 (2009). Kawasaki, Y., Tsuji, S., Muroya, K., Furukawa, S., Shibata, Y., Okuno, M., Ohwada, S. and Akiyama, T.:The APC-associated exchange factors Asef and Asef2 are required for adenoma formation in ApcMin/+ mice. EMBO Rep. 10, 1355-1362 (2009). Sagara, M., Kawasaki, Y., Iemura, S. I., Natsume, T., Takai, Y., and Akiyama, T.:Asef2 and Neurabin2 cooperatively regulate actin cytoskeletal organization and are involved in HGF-induced cell migration. Oncogene 28, 1357-1365 (2009).


Kawajiri, K., Kobayashi, Y., Ohtake, F., Ikuta, T., Matsushima, Y., Mimura, J., Pettersson, S., Pollenz, R. S., Sakaki, T., Hirokawa, T., Akiyama, T., Kurosumi, M., Poellinger, L., Kato, S., and Fujii-Kuriyama, Y.:Aryl hydrocarbon receptor suppresses intestinal carcinogenesis in ApcMin/+ mice with natural ligands. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 106, 13481-13486 (2009). Niida, A., Smith, A. D., Imoto, S., Aburatani, H., Zhang, M. Q. and Akiyama T.:Gene set-based module discovery in the breast cancer transcriptome BMC Bioinformatics 10, 71 (2009). Yamazumi, Y., Kamiya, A., Nishida, A., Nishihara, A., Iemura, S., Natsume, T. and Akiyama, T.:The transmembrane nucleoporin NDC1 is required for targeting of ALADIN to nuclear pore complexes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 389, 100-104 (2009). Kawasaki, Y., Jigami, T., Furukawa, S., Sagara, M., Echizen, K., Shibata, Y., Sato, R., and Akiyama, T.:The adenomatous polyposis coli-associated guanine nucleotide exchange factor Asef is involved in angiogenesis. J. Biol. Chem. 285, 1199-1207 (2010). Niimi, R., Matsumine, A., Iino, T., Murata, T., Shintani, K., Nakazora, S., Nakamura, T., Uehara, Y., Kusuzaki, K., Akiyama, T., and Uchida, A.:The expression of hDlg as a biomarker of the outcome in malignant fibrous histiocytomas. Oncol Rep. 23, 631-638 (2010). Nakamura, T., Hayashi, T., Mimori-Kiyosue, Y., Sakaue, F., Matsuura, K., Iemura, S., Natsume, T. and Akiyama, T. : The PX-RICS/14-3-3ζ/θ complex couples N-cadherin/β-catenin with Dynein/Dynactin to mediate its export from the endoplasmic reticulum. J. Biol. Chem. (in press). Roy, B. C., Kohno, T., Iwakawa, R., Moriguchi, T., Kiyono, T., Morishita, K., Sanchez-Cespedes, M., Akiyama, T. and Yokota, J.: Involvement of LKB1 in Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) of Human Lung Cancer Cells. Lung Cancer (in press). Taniue, K., Nishida, A., Hamada, F., Sugie, A., Oda, T., Ui-Tei, K., Tabata, T., and Akiyama, T.: Sunspot, a link between Wingless signaling and endoreplication in Drosophila. Development. 137, 1755-1764 (2010).


<情報伝達研究分野> 「原著論文」 Oishi K., Watatani K., Itoh Y., Okano H., Guillemot F., Nakajima K. and Gotoh Y.: Selective induction of neocortical GABAergic neurons by the PDK1-Akt pathway through activation of Mash1. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 106, 13064-13069 (2009). Hirabayashi Y., Suzki N., Tsuboi M., Endo T.A., Toyoda T., Shinga J., Koseki H., Vidal M. and Gotoh Y.: Polycomb limits the neurogenic competence of neural precursor cells to promote astrogenic fate transition. Neuron. 63, 600-613 (2009). Kuwahara A., Hirabayashi Y., Knoepfler P.S., Taketo M.M., Sakai J., Kodama T. and Gotoh Y.: Wnt signaling and its downstream target N-myc regulate basal progenitors in the developing neocortex. Development. 137, 1035-1044 (2010). 「総説」 Miyata T., Kawaguchi D., Kawaguchi A. and Gotoh Y.: Mechanisms that regulate the number of neurons during mouse neocortical development. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 20, 22-28 (2010). 平林祐介、後藤由季子 : 大脳皮質においてニューロンの数を決定するメカニズム. 細胞工学、28, 45-49 (2009) 桑原篤、後藤由季子 : Wntシグナル. 炎症・再生事典、(2009) 川口大地、後藤由季子 : 神経幹細胞の運命制御に関わるシグナル伝達. 最新医学、64, 1417-1425 (2009) 大西啓介、後藤由季子 : がん治療標的としての PI3K-Akt経路と JNK経路. 最新医学、64, 2176-2183 (2009) 平林祐介、後藤由季子 : ポリコーム複合体による神経系前駆細胞のニューロン分化能制御. 実験医学、28, 444-447 (2010) <細胞機能研究分野> 「原著論文」 Nagano, M., Ihara-Ohori, Y., Imai, H., Inada, N., Fujimoto, M., Tsutsumi, N., Uchimiya, H., and Kawai-Yamada, M.: Functional association of cell death suppressor, Arabidopsis Bax Inhibitor-1, with fatty acid 2-hydroxylation through cytochrome b5. Plant J. 26, 122-134 (2009). Takahashi, H., Munemura, I., Nakatsuka, T., Nishihara, M., and Uchimiya, H.: Metabolite Profiling by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry reveals aberrant


putrescine accumulation associated with idiopathic symptoms of gentian plants. J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 84, 312-318 (2009). Sato, T., Kanda, K., Okawa, K., Takahashi, M., Watanabe, H., Hirano, T., Yaegashi, K., Sakamoto, Y., and Uchimiya, H.: The Tyrosinase-Encoding Gene of Lentinula edodes, Letyr, Is Abundantly Expressed in the Gills of the Fruit-Body during Post-Harvest Preservation. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 73, 1042-1047 (2009). Nakasone, A., Kawai-Yamada, M., Kiyosue, T., Narumi, I., Uchimiya, H., and Oono, Y.: A gene encoding SMALL ACIDIC PROTEIN2 potentially mediates the response to synthetic auxin, 2,4-dichlorophonoxyacetic acid, in Arabidopsis thaliana. J. Plant Physiol. 166, 1307-1313 (2009). Kasajima, I., Takahara, K., Kawai-Yamada, M., and Uchimiya, H.: Estimation of the Relative Sizes of Rate Constants for Chlorophyll De-excitation Processes through Comparison of Inverse Fluorescence Intensities. Plant Cell Physiol. 50, 1600-1616 (2009). Takahashi, H., Takahara, K., Hashida, S-N., Hirabayashi, T., Fujimori, T., Kawai-Yamada, M., Yamaya, T., Yanagisawa, S., and Uchimiya, H.: Pleiotropic modulation of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in Arabidopsis plants overexpressing NAD kinase 2 gene. Plant Physiol. 151, 100-113 (2009). Kawai-Yamada, M., Hori, Z., Ogawa, T., Ihara-Ohori, Y., Tamura, T., Nagano, M., Ishikawa, T., and Uchimiya, H.: Loss of calmodulin binding to bax inhibitor-1 affects pseudomonas mediated presensitive respose-cell death in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Biol. Chem. 284, 27998-28003 (2009). Miyagi, A., Takahashi, H., Takahara, K., Hirabayashi, T., Nishimura, Y., Tezuka, T., Kawai-Yamada, M., and Uchimiya, H.: Principal component and hierarchical clustering analysis of metabolites in destructive weeds; polygonaceous plants. Metabolomics 6, 146-155 (2010). Ishikawa, T., Takahara, K., Hirabayashi, T., Matsumura, H., Fujisawa, S., Terauchi, R., Uchimiya, H. and Kawai-Yamada, M.: Metabolome analysis of response to oxidative stress in rice suspension cells overexpressing cell death suppressor Bax inhibitor-1. Plant Cell Physiol. 51, 9-20 (2010). Takahara, K., Kasajima, I., Takahashi, H., Hashida, S. N., Itami, T., Onodera, H., Toki, S., Yanagisawa, S., Kawai-Yamada, M. and Uchimiya, H.: Metabolome and photochemical analysis of rice plants over-expressing Arabidopsis NAD kinase gene. Plant Physiol. (In press)


Watanabe, C. K., Hachiya, T., Takahara, K., Kawai, M., Uchimiya, H., Uesono, Y., Terashima, I. and Noguchi, K.: Effects of AOX1a deficiency on plant growth, gene expression of respiratory components, and metabolic profile under low-nitrogen stress in Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Plant Cell Physiol. (in press) 「総説」 Hashida, S., Takahashi, H., and Uchimiya, H.: The role of NAD biosynthesis in plant development and stress responses. Ann. Bot. 109, 819-824 (2009). <細胞形態研究分野> 「原著論文」

Shimada, A., Takano, K., Shirouzu, M., Hanawa-Suetsugu, K., Terada, T., Toyooka, K., Umehara, T., Yamamoto, M., Yokoyama, S. and Suetsugu, S.: Mapping of the basic amino-acid residues responsible for tubulation and cellular protrusion by the EFC/F-BAR domain of pacsin2/Syndapin II. FEBS Lett. 584(6), 1111-8. Epub (2010). Suetsugu, S.: The direction of actin polymerization for vesicle fission suggested from membranes tubulated by the EFC/F-BAR domain protein FBP17. FEBS Lett. 583(21), 3401-4. Epub (2009). Taniguchi, K., Takeya, R., Suetsugu, S., Kan-O M, Narusawa, M., Shiose, A., Tominaga, R. and Sumimoto, H.: Mammalian formin fhod3 regulates actin assembly and sarcomere organization in striated muscles. J Biol Chem. 284(43), 29873-81. Epub (2009). 「総説」 Suetsugu, S., Toyooka, K. and Senju, Y.: Subcellular membrane curvature mediated by the BAR domain superfamily proteins. Semin Cell Dev Biol. [Epub ahead of print] (2009). <形態形成研究分野> 「原著論文」 Taniue, K., Nishida, A., Hamada, F., Sugie, A., Oda, T., Ui-Tei, K., Tabata, T. and Akiyama, T.: Sunspot, a link between Wingless signaling and endoreplication in Drosophila. Development (in press) Murakami, S., Dan, C., Zagaeski, B., Maeyama, Y., Kunes, S. and Tabata, T.: Optimizing Drosophila Olfactory Learning with a Semi-automated Training Device. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 188, 195-204 (2010).


Suzuki, E., Zhao Y., Ito, S., Sawatsubashi, S., Murata, T., Furutani, T., Shirode, Y., Yamagata, K., Tanabe, M., Kimura, S., Ueda, T., Fujiyama, S., Lim, J., Matsukawa, H., Kouzmenko, A., Aigaki, T., Tabata, T., Takeyama, K. and Kato, S.: Aberrant E2F activation by polyglutamine expansion of androgen receptor in SBMA neurotoxicity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 106, 3818-3822 (2009). Zhao, Y., Takeyama, K., Sawatsubashi, S., Ito, S., Suzuki, E., Yamagata, K., Tanabe, M., Kimura, S., Fujiyama, S., Ueda, T., Murata, T., Matsukawa, H., Shirode, Y., Kouzmenko, A., Li, F., Tabata, T. and Kato, S.: Corepressive action of CBP on androgen receptor transactivation inpericentric heterochromatin in a Drosophila experimental model system. Mol. Cell. Biol. 29 (4) ,1017-1034 (2009). <細胞形成研究分野> 「原著論文」 Nakada, S., Sakakura, M., Takahashi, H., Okuda, S., Tokuda, H., and Shimada, I.: Structural investigation of the interaction between LolA and LolB using NMR. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 24634-24643 (2009). Narita, S., and Tokuda, H.: Biochemical characterization of an ABC transporter LptBFGC complex required for the outer membrane sorting of lipopolysaccharides. FEBS Lett. 583, 2160-2164 (2009). Tsukahara, J., Mukaiyama, K., Okuda, S., Narita, S., and Tokuda, H.: Dissection of the LolB function; lipoprotein binding, membrane targeting, and incorporation of lipoproteins into lipid bilayers. FEBS J. 276, 4496-4504 (2009). Yasuda M., Iguchi-Yokoyama A., Matsuyama S., Tokuda H., and Narita S.: Membrane topology and functional importance of the periplasmic region of ABC transporter LolCDE. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 73, 2310-2316 (2009). Tsukahara, J., Narita, S., and Tokuda, H.: Real time analysis of lipoprotein transfer from LolA to LolB by means of surface plasmon resonance. FEBS Lett. 583, 2987-2990 (2009). Nishiyama, K., and Tokuda, H.: Development of a functional in vitro integration system for an integral membrane protein, SecG. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 390, 920-924 (2009). Nishiyama, K., Maeda, M., Abe, M., Kanamori, T., Shimamoto, K., Kusumoto, S., Ueda, T., and Tokuda, H. A novel complete reconstitution system for membrane integration of the simplest membrane protein. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (Epub 2010 Mar).



Narita, S., and Tokuda, H.: Sorting of bacterial lipoproteins to the outer membrane by the Lol system. In A. Economou (ed.), Protein secretion: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology Vol. 619) Chapter 7. Humana Press (Totowa, USA) (2010). Narita, S., and Tokuda, H.: Biogenesis and membrane targeting of lipoproteins. In A. Böck, R. Curtiss III, J. B. Kaper, P. D. Karp, F. C. Neidhardt, T. Nyström, J. M. Slauch, C. L. Squires, and D. Ussery (eds.), EcoSal—Escherichia coli and Salmonella: Cellular and Molecular Biology. Chapter 4.3.7. ASM Press (Washington, DC, USA) (2010). <機能形成研究分野> 「原著論文」 Chen, Y. R., Sekine, K., Nakamura, K., Yanai, H. Tanaka, M. and Miyajima A.: Y-box binding protein-1 down-regulates expression of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase-I by suppressing CCAAT enhancer-binding protein-alpha function in mice. Gastroenterology 137, 330-340 (2009).

Okabe, M., Tsukahara, Y., Tanaka, M., Suzuki, K., Saito, S., Kamiya, Y., Tsujimura, T.,

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Esashi, E., Ito, H., Minehata, K., Saito, S., Morikawa, Y. and Miyajima, A.: Oncostatin M deficiency leads to thymic hypoplasia, accumulation of apoptotic thymocytes and glomerulonephritis. Eur. J. Immunol. 39, 1664-1670 (2009).

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「出版物」 堀越正美 著:「スーパーサイエンスハイスクール講義-LET IT BE OR NOT」


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Iwasaki, S., Kawamata, T. and Tomari, Y.: Drosophila Argonaute1 and Argonaute2 employ distinct mechanisms for translational repression. Mol Cell. 34, 58-67 (2009). 「総説」 塩濱愛子, 泊幸秀. RNAサイレンシング. 遺伝子医学MOOK, 15 メディカルドゥ 34-41 (2009). Iwasaki, S. and Tomari, Y.: Argonaute-mediated translational repression (and activation).Fly (Austin). 14 (2009). <創生研究分野> 「原著論文」 Sakuraba, S. and Kitao, A.: Multiple Markov transition matrix method: Obtaining the stationary probability distribution from multiple simulations. J. Comp. Chem. 30, 1850-1858 (2009). Loeffler, H. H. and Kitao, A.: Collective Dynamics of Periplasmic Glutamine Binding Protein upon Domain Closure. Biophys. J. 97, 2541-2549 (2009). Chng, C. P. and Kitao, A.: Mechanical unfolding of bacterial flagellar filament protein by molecular dynamics simulation. J. Mol. Graph. Model 28, 548-554 (2010). <高次構造研究分野> 「原著論文」

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