Zeke Williamsxcchelseamasters.com/wp-content/uploads/Documents/zeke-sponso… · Zeke Williams...

Zeke Williams Sponsorship Opportunity Become a member of my championship team, as I con4nue to pursue the dream of becoming an Olympic gold medalist in crosscountry skiing. Through sponsorship, you’ll join forces with other leaders to support one of the top amateur athletes in OAawaGa4neau. Zeke Williams [email protected] Blog: http://zek3r.blogspot.ca/ 819-671-9623 Sponsorship Benefits Connec4on Par4cipa4on Recogni4on Inspira4on

Transcript of Zeke Williamsxcchelseamasters.com/wp-content/uploads/Documents/zeke-sponso… · Zeke Williams...

Page 1: Zeke Williamsxcchelseamasters.com/wp-content/uploads/Documents/zeke-sponso… · Zeke Williams Sponsorship Opportunity! Become!amember!of!my!championship!team,!as!Icon4nue!to!pursue!the!dream!of!

Zeke Williams Sponsorship Opportunity  

Become  a  member  of  my  championship  team,  as  I  con4nue  to  pursue  the  dream  of  becoming  an  Olympic  gold  medalist  in  cross-­‐country  skiing.  Through  sponsorship,    you’ll  join  forces  with  other  leaders  to  support  one  of  the  top  amateur  athletes  in  OAawa-­‐Ga4neau.    

Zeke Williams [email protected] Blog: http://zek3r.blogspot.ca/ 819-671-9623

Sponsorship  Benefits          Connec4on        Par4cipa4on        Recogni4on          Inspira4on  

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Key  Facts  •  Born  in  1993  in  London,  Ontario    •  Lives  in  Cantley,  Quebec  •  Height:    5O  11in  (178  cm)  Weight:  158  lbs  (72  kg)  •  Res4ng  Heart  Rate:  50  bpm  •  Although  I’m  listed  in  the  race  results  as                

Ezekiel  Williams,  call  me  “Zeke”    

Family  •  Eldest  of  six  skiing  siblings  (three  boys,  three  girls)  •  My  mom  is  the  high-­‐energy  glue  and  oil  that  

keeps  our  family  running  smoothly  •  My  dad  is  an  English  prof  at  Carleton  University,  

and  is  a  volunteer  coach  at  Nakkertok    

Skiing  Profile  •  Started  XC  skiing  at  four,  and  have  been  training  

year-­‐round  since  age  11  •  Proud  member  of  Nakkertok  Nordic,  the  largest  

ski  club  in  Canada  •  Aggregate  Champion  at  Canadian  Na4onals      

(2011  and  2013)  •  Represented  Canada  at  2013  World  Juniors  •  Member  of  the  Quebec  Ski  Team  since  2011  •  Favourite  events:  Freestyle  (skate  ski)  sprints              

&  15  km  Classic    

Off-­‐snow  •  Part-­‐4me  student  at  Carleton  University            

(double  major  in  Math  &  Physics)  •  Part-­‐4me  employee  at  Fresh  Air  Experience  •  Volunteer:  Nakkertok,  Sportcafé,  Camp  Fortune  

Mountain  Bike  Trail  Work  •  Grade  8  Royal  Conservatory  of  Music  (Piano)  •  Role  Models:  Devon  Kershaw,    J.R.R.  Tolkien  •  Favourite  Books:  Dune;  Ender’s  Game;  The  Tiger    

2013  –  Junior  A  category  (18-­‐20  year  olds)  1st  -­‐  Aggregate  Champion  at  Canadian  Na4onals  1st  -­‐  Canadian  Na4onals  1.6  km  (Classic)  1st  -­‐  Canmore  Alberta  Canada  Cup  1.6  km  (Skate)  1st  -­‐  Sovereign  Lake  Bri4sh  Columbia  Canada  Cup  20km  (Classic)  2nd  -­‐  Canadian  Na4onals  10  km  (Skate)  2nd  -­‐  Canadian  World  Junior  Try-­‐outs  1.4  km  (Classic)  3rd  -­‐  Canadian  World  Junior  Try-­‐outs  20  km  (Skiathlon)  3rd  -­‐  Canadian  World  Junior  Try-­‐outs  15  km  (Skate)  Represented  Canada  at  2013  World  Juniors  (Czech  Republic)    

2012  Junior  A  category  (18-­‐20  year  olds)  2nd  -­‐  U.S.  Na4onal  Cup  (SuperTour)  Finals  1.6  km  (Classic)  3rd  -­‐  U.S.  Na4onals  1.6  km  (Skate)  3rd  -­‐  Canadian  World  Junior  Trials  1.4  km  (Skate)    

2011  Junior  B  category  (16-­‐17  year  olds)  1st  -­‐  Aggregate  Champion  at  Canadian  Na4onals  1st  -­‐  Na4onal  Champion  10  km  (Skate)  1st  -­‐  Na4onal  Champion  15  km  (Skate)  1st  -­‐  Canadian  Eastern  Champion  800  m  (Skate)  1st  -­‐  Canadian  Eastern  Champion  15  km  (Classic)  

Recent Successes

“Zeke  has  the  poten4al  to  be  as  successful  as  Devon  Kershaw  or  Alex  Harvey,  and  help  further  establish  Canada’s  place  as  an  emerging  force  in  Nordic  Skiing.”          

Mike  Vieira,  Training  Center  Coach,  Alberta  World  Cup  Academy  

Zeke Williams

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This  Year:    •  Qualify  for  World  Under-­‐23  Championships        

(Val  di  Fiemme,  Italy)  •  Place  in  the  top  3  Under-­‐23  athletes  at  

Canadian  Championships  •  Get  “carded”  (government  funding)      Longer-­‐term:    •  Make  Senior  Men’s  Canadian  Na4onal  Ski  team  •  Compete  at  Winter  Olympics,  beginning  in  2018    •  Podium  on  the  World  Cup  Circuit  •  Complete  university  degree  •  Leverage  experiences  and  educa4on  to  pursue  

a  career  in  Academics  

Strategy  for  Success  Like  many  high-­‐performance  athletes,  I  use  a  “pyramid”  system  of  goals  to  help  me  succeed.  At  the  base  of  the  pyramid  are  the  many  liAle  goals  that  I  set  myself  at  the  beginning  of  each  week  and  each  month,  while  at  the  top  I  have  my  long-­‐term  goals  that  I  will  achieve  several  years  down  the  line.      

2013  Budget:  Alberta  World  Cup  Academy  I’ve  been  selected  to  join  the  Alberta  World  Cup  Academy  in  Canmore,  star4ng  May  2013.  This  is  a  cri4cal  and  exci4ng  next  step  in  my  development  as  it  will  provide  me  with  higher-­‐level  coaching,  more  concerted  training  and  support,  and  help  drama4cally  accelerate  my  growth.    The  cost  to  pursue  my  dreams  this  year  will  be  about  $25,000.  I’m  contribu4ng  about  25%  of  this  from  work  and  savings.  

On  the  basis  of  a  successful  year  ahead  in  2013/14,  I  may  become  eligible  for  federal  and  provincial  funding  that  would  contribute  up  to  70-­‐90%  of  these  costs.    I  will,  of  course,  con4nue  to  look  towards  sponsorships  in  the  years  ahead,  to  augment  this  support.  

Training  center  &  racing     $12,000  

Food   $5,000  

Accommoda4on   $5,000  

Travel   $2,000  

University  (Distance  Ed)   $1,000  

Total   $25,000  


That’s me

Page 4: Zeke Williamsxcchelseamasters.com/wp-content/uploads/Documents/zeke-sponso… · Zeke Williams Sponsorship Opportunity! Become!amember!of!my!championship!team,!as!Icon4nue!to!pursue!the!dream!of!

Zeke  has  the  potenVal  to  be  as  successful  as  Devon  Kershaw  or  Alex  Harvey,  and  help  further  establish  Canada’s  place  as  an  emerging  force  in  Nordic  Skiing.”        -­‐-­‐  Mike  Vieira,  Development  Team  Coach,  Alberta  World  Cup  Academy  I  would  welcome  the  opportunity  to  meet  with  

you  to  discuss  a  custom  package  that  may  beAer  address  your  specific  interests.  

Notes:  1.   Logo:  Size  and  placement  of  logo  on  team  suits  is  subject  to  team  standards.  These  will  be  

confirmed  2.   Individual  updates  will  be  via  phone  or  email  and  provide  you  with  an  update  on  Zeke’s  

training  and  racing  season  to  date.  3.   Ski  and  wax  lessons  will  be  provided  at  the  Nakkertok  Nordic  Ski  Club  in  Cantley,  Quebec  4.   Year-­‐end  dinner  event  will  be  hosted  in  OAawa  in  the  spring/summer  of  2014.  I  will  provide  a  

slideshow  and  summary  of  the  past  year,  and  discuss  plans  for  the  year  ahead  5.   Speaking/MeeVng  ParVcipaVon:  I  would  be  happy  to  meet  with  you,  your  employees  or  other  

community  organiza4on  to  share  my  story,  talk  about  seqng  and  reaching  goals,  or  simply  providing  a  young  person’s  perspec4ves  on  sports,  community  or  other  topics  


Individual   Bronze   Silver   Gold  

1.  Your  logo  on  Zeke’s  racing  suit1   -­‐-­‐   -­‐-­‐   -­‐-­‐   Yes  

2.  Your  logo  on  Zeke’s  warm-­‐up  suit1     -­‐-­‐   -­‐-­‐   -­‐-­‐   Yes  

3.  Your  logo  on  Zeke’s  website   -­‐-­‐   -­‐-­‐   Medium   Large  

4.  Social  media  men4ons  (blog,  TwiAer…)   -­‐-­‐   1x   4x   12x  

5.  Individual  update2   1   -­‐-­‐   1   2  

6.  Ski  with  Zeke  /  Technique  lesson3   -­‐-­‐   1  hour   1  hour   2  hours    

7.  Wax  lesson3   -­‐-­‐   ½  hr   ½  hour   1  hour  

8.  Signed  racing  photo   Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes  

9.  Zeke’s  Team:  Year-­‐end  dinner  event4     -­‐-­‐   Yes   Yes    

10.  Speaking  /  Mee4ng  Par4cipa4on5   -­‐-­‐   -­‐-­‐   2  hours  

Sponsorship   $100+   $500   $1,000   $2,500  

Sponsorship & Benefits  Connec4on          Par4cipa4on            Recogni4on            Inspira4on