Youth Unemployment Poverty and Marginalism-Turkey

Facts on youth unemplo yment poverty and marg inalism; Turkey 12.06.2014 Skopje-Macedonia EU Info Center

Transcript of Youth Unemployment Poverty and Marginalism-Turkey

Facts on youth unemployment poverty and marginalism; Turkey


EU Info Center

Youth Unemployment

●%16.6: share of youth population among 76.7 million people●822.000 unemployed youth(2014 jan.)●550.000 unemployed youth (2013 apr.)●535.000 unemloyed youth (2012 apr.)●%22 unemloyment rate among youth●NEETS: %32; highest among 40 countries among according to ILO.

Poverty in Turkey

●Poverty* rate:2.27 % (2012)●Per capita income: $ 13,466 (2012)●Human development index:0.722 (90th among 187 countries, lowest among OECD)●More poor (5.88 %) in rural areas

*who earns less than $ 4,3 a day accord. PPP

Marginalism(women,poor at the bottom, disabled, LGBT...)

●When discounting for inequality HDI falls 22% percent●Gender inequality index: 0.366 (68 out of 148 countries)●14.2 % of parlimentry seats are held by women

Marginalised (cont.)

●More than 12 % of population is disabled.●More than 36 % of disabled are illiterate.●Job market participation is mere 22%.●Employment rate is 1 in 5.●The situation is even worse for disabled women.●More than 2/3 of disabled do not satisfied with current policies and situation.