Youth in Transition: The challenges of generational change in Asia


Transcript of Youth in Transition: The challenges of generational change in Asia

Youth, cultures and societies in transition:

The challenges of growing up in a globalized world

Jeffrey Jensen ArnettJournal of Adolescent Research


We areTamanna Jahan Disha

Reun TanzinMarzia FatemaNishat ZareenSarah Ahmed

▸The term youth transition deals with the different types of transitions that young people go through from childhood into adulthood.

▸Essentially, there can be 3 sorts of youth transitions.

- School-to-work transition (completing full-time education and securing full time paid employment.) -Family transition (moving from dependence upon the family to relative independence.) - Housing transition (leaving home and living away from parents.)

Global Youth Tansition

👨Young people have dependably needed to make the move from youth and puberty to adulthood, in all spots and all circumstances. It is a natural piece of human advancement, to achieve adolescence, grow full physical and sexual development, and enter into a full grown-up status.

▸ 👨Virtually, every society has some means of recognizing the transition to adulthood e.g. age of marriage or birth of the first child or making legal distinctions that check a certain age as the isolating line amongst adolescence and adulthood (Arnett, 1998; Arnett, in press)

Globalization is perhaps the word that best

portrays the condition of the world in the early 21st century. No part of the

world today is untouched by


.▸ It has both positive features and negative features. The central feature of transition that today’s youth are facing is that, ‘transformations in identity’ i.e. how people think about themselves in relation to social environments.

▸ There are four aspects of identity that stand out as issues related to youth in transition in a globalizing world.

I. most youth in the world now develop a bicultural identity, one rooted in their local culture and the other stemming from an awareness of their relation to the global culture.

ii. the pervasiveness of identity confusion may be increasing among young people in non-Western cultures. As their local culture changes in response to globalization, some youth find themselves at home in neither the local culture nor the global culture.

iii. In every society there are youth who choose to join self-selected cultures with like-minded persons who wish to have an identity that will be untainted by the global culture and its values.iv. identity explorations in love and work are increasingly stretching beyond the adolescent years (roughly 10-18) into a post-adolescentperiod of emerging adulthood, roughly ages 18-29.

Bicultural Identity

▸ Bicultural identity is the condition of being oneself regarding the combination of two cultures, possessing a local identity and a global identity. Their global identity allows them to communicate with people from diverse places when they travel from home, when others travel to where they live, and when they communicate with people in other places via media technology (such as e-mail).

Identity confusion

As local cultures change in response to globalization, most youth manage to adapt to the changes and develop a

bicultural or hybrid identity that provides the basis for living in their local culture

and also participating in the global culture.

▸ Identity confusion among young people may be reflected in problems such as depression, suicide, and substance use. A variety of cultures have experienced a sharp increase in suicide and substance use among their young people since their rapid move toward joining the global culture.

Self-selected Culture

globalization it threatens to create a homogeneous worldwide culture. But cultural diversity will continue to exist because,

some youth will choose to become part of a self-selected culture that provides more meaning and structure than the global culture. Most youth jump with enthusiasm onto the global bandwagon, but there will always be those who will seek

deliberately to mark themselves off asdifferent, as people who refuse to join the herd. Some do this by

joining a self-selected culture of fellow dissenters.

“ Often these self-selected cultures have a religious basis. In In global culture religious values exist in one

form that is “value of tolerance”, it means that religious values should not be a source of discrimination or


“self-selected cultures may also be non-religious.

For example: In Samoa there has been a recent revival of the traditional rite of decorating the bodies of male

youth. Previously this ritual was essential to show sexual attractiveness and to achieve adult male

status. But nowadays they practice it so that their indigenous culture might not be absorbed by the

global culture

The Spread of Emerging Adulthood

“Another worldwide change promoted by globalization is visual in the timing of the transitions to adult roles

such as work, marriage, and parenthood. The timing of these transitions is occurring later for youth in every

part of the world. Because of Globalization young people increasingly gain control over their own lives as

a result they choose to wait longer to enter marriage and parenthood. The median ages for these transitions are in the late twenties in every industrialized society.

“ a. Instability is a characteristic of emerging

adulthood.b. Self-focused exploration of possibilities in

love, work, and worldviews

Characteristics of emerging adulthood

“▸ Globalization spreads emerging adulthood because globalization promotes economic development and a

high level of economic development is necessary in order for a period of emerging adulthood to exist. In

developing countries emerging adulthood exists only for the young people of wealthier segment of society.

What will be the future of globalization for today’s youth?

“Globalization is creating pressure upon

local cultures to move toward the global norm.

Even if cultures continue to maintain their diversity, it seems not possible

that the diversity will be as great as it was prior to globalization. All cultures are moving toward certain common

characteristics that they did not have in common in the past.

Will the entire world ultimately be integrated into a single GlobalCulture?

All cultures are moving toward certain common characteristics that they did not have in common in the past. Despite having a common base, culture will continue to vary because of different psychological offered by individualism and collectivism.

It seems that all cultures have elements both and but the balance between them varies widely. With increased economic development, the basis for the balance of individualism and collectivism that is chosen in any culture becomes less economic and more psychological.

World’s most highly developed nations are more individualistic.

Developing countries will likewise choose different balances of individualism and collectivism as they industrialize and become more integrated into the global economy. All of them will become more individualistic as a consequence of globalization, but that does not mean that their youth will become as individualistic.

Now.. What could be the challenges for Bangladesh

Youth Population growing up in a globalized world?

Impacts of the globalized world on Bangladeshi Youth Population

The globalization process offers bothopportunities and poses challenge for Bangladesh.It has both positive as well as negative impacts.The positive impacts include :▸ Influence on parliamentary democracy and adult

franchise, ▸ A global outlook and modern mindset of the people,▸ the positive effect on education, environment▸ women emancipation,▸ access to IT, ▸ the entrance into global trade, marketing and

Impacts of the globalized world on Bangladeshi Youth Population

(cont’d)▸ joint-venture entrepreneurship and the availability of

high quality and low cost products. The negative impacts include ▸ the downfall of local industries and products and

competitiveness resulting in local unemployment,▸ the threats to the survival of culture, community

norms, ethics and values,▸ the widening of the gap between the rich and poor;

and the foreign dominance and dependency oninvestors.

Conclusion:Culture is constantly changing its path through the journey of civilization. Now it is the burning question what is going to take place under the pavilion of speedy civilization. Our culture will be lost its glamour when our next generation will open their door. Globalization, a name of reckless truck where our young generation find for the secured seat. Their choices allow them to expand their identity that will exist forever. Otherwise globalization takes part in every traditional steps of culture for the betterment of youngers.

Reference:1. Gale, Fay, and Stepanie Fahey. Youth in

Transition the Challenges of Generational Change in Asia. Bangkok: Regional Unit for Social and

Human Sciences in Asia and the Pacific (RUSHSAP), UNESCO, 2005.

2. Hussain, Sharif Md Abul. "Challenges of Globalization: How Bangladesh Can Adapt Itself to Reap the Best Benefits in the 21st Century." MIST Journal: GALAXY (DHAKA) 3.0 (2011): n.

pag. Web.

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