Your 10 Secrets to DETOX for Great Digestion - Yoga For...

Top 25 office snacks! Your 10 Secrets to DETOX for Great Digestion Eliminate bloating, gas, constipation, weight-gain, poor digestion & brain fog... and get back to feeling like YOU! Oce Survival- Oce Snacks. All rights reserved by Sarah Harrison.

Transcript of Your 10 Secrets to DETOX for Great Digestion - Yoga For...

Page 1: Your 10 Secrets to DETOX for Great Digestion - Yoga For daily yoga-massage. ! This is THE tool to detox success. Experience

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Your 10 Secrets to DETOX for Great Digestion

Eliminate bloating, gas, constipation,

weight-gain, poor digestion & brain fog...

and get back to feeling like YOU!


Office Survival- Office Snacks. All rights reserved by Sarah Harrison.

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Copyright, Sarah Harrison, 2015

All rights reserved.

Nourish Humanity- Cubicle Heaven- Office Snacks. All rights reserved by Sarah Harrison.

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Thanks to all my teachers.

You are many.

You are deeply appreciated.


Nourish Humanity- Cubicle Heaven- Office Snacks. All rights reserved by Sarah Harrison.

Page 4: Your 10 Secrets to DETOX for Great Digestion - Yoga For daily yoga-massage. ! This is THE tool to detox success. Experience

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10 Yoga Secrets to a Toxin free Body: Let's get started... Yes! You CAN enjoy a life you love, lose weight, increase energy, and cut sugar cravings... AND you can do it while releasing the toxins that keep us sluggish and unhealthy. I know, I’ve done it.

!I’m a yoga teacher who once upon a time suffered from feeling badly all the time. I didn't look my best, and I sure didn't feel it.

!I had too much weight; low energy; bad skin; mood swings; sluggish digestion; I couldn't remember anything; and I felt like my brain was foggy all the time. I was tired all day and had trouble sleeping and feeling rested at night, like I never deeply relaxed in my body. I felt anxious, stressed out over little things that never used to bother me, and sometimes felt depressed too. My body felt bloated, squishy, and heavy. My skin was overly sensitive, and even prone to acne, especially when I ate some foods like wheat or dairy. I wanted to relax, wanted to be happy, wanted to feel good in my body but never felt like I could totally turn off and enjoy life.

I needed to find the solution- a way to get back to feeling like life was good again. A way back to feeling like ME.

Nourish Humanity- Cubicle Heaven- Office Snacks. All rights reserved by Sarah Harrison.

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…It turns out my body, like most of ours in our modern society, had been accumulating toxins for years. I didn't know I was slowly becoming toxic, making myself sick and unhappy simply because I didn't know the simple changes I could make to detox and keep the toxins that were keeping me from enjoying life from building up in the future.

!Wanting to learn more I studied human physiology, worked for a naturals pharmacy, became a yoga teacher, took courses in holistic nutrition, worked for seven naturopathic doctors, ran a digestion-specific yoga studio, taught digestion workshops, and now work as the resident yoga teacher at a large raw food detox retreat center all to learn what worked for me that I'm here to share with you here..

Through this 10 year journey I learned the exact steps and specific secrets I needed to detox easily to enjoy life again and love the journey of sharing these secrets with others just like you. My weight dropped, my mood lifted, my career took off, and I met the wonderful man I now get to love deeply. The most beautiful part of it all though was that when my body got rid of its toxic burden I felt myself able to be deeply present in my life and able to build the foundation for a life I really enjoy on a day to day basis, regardless of what’s going on. Without addressing the toxins my body was carrying I’d probably still be feeling foggy, imbalanced, squishy, spotty, unhealthy, and unhappy.

The key?

Nourish Humanity- Cubicle Heaven- Office Snacks. All rights reserved by Sarah Harrison.

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The 10 Simple Yoga Detox Secrets outlined here will show you the easy to follow daily detox steps so you can finally look and feel like yourself again. Making these simple but important life shifts means you will decrease the risk of diabetes and heart disease, support stable hormones (ie minimizing PMS and menopause symptoms), reduce anxiety, improve symptoms of depression, enable to you exercise with more ease, and to wake feeling rested and ready for the day. Your body will naturally slip into its optimal weight, build muscle mass and release fat stores, and allow the ‘stress-induced belly fat’ to melt away leaving you with a body that serves you in creating a healthy well-rounded and joyful life. Your skin will brighten, your mind will clear, and your mood will rise. In short, following the secrets outlined in this book will mean that you will have a body that supports your joyful life.

!Follow these 10 Simple Detox Secrets and your body will naturally release the toxins that keep us stressed, sick, sluggish, heavy, dull, tired, foggy, constipated, and unhappy. Instead as you release the toxic burden that's been keeping you down you'll notice more energy, brighter skin, balanced weight, great digestion, clearer thinking, deeper sleep, improved health, easy relaxation and, if you choose, abundant happiness. !I wish for you all the blessings to follow your heart, your intuition, and your gut on what really will help you to build for

Nourish Humanity- Cubicle Heaven- Office Snacks. All rights reserved by Sarah Harrison.

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yourself a life that you deeply enjoy, and the body that will carry you through this beautiful journey.

!Here are the detox secrets you’ve been waiting for:

Your 10 Secrets to DETOX for Great Digestion…


Nourish Humanity- Cubicle Heaven- Office Snacks. All rights reserved by Sarah Harrison.

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Secret # 1: Relax… it’s ok. !Ever eat when you’re stressed? Notice any of the following: Digestive problems? Gas? Indigestion? Bloating? Brain fog? Sluggish low energy? Mood swings?Sugar cravings? Water retention? Weight gain? …especially when you stress-eat?

!Wouldn’t it be great to eat and feel relaxed and happy, without these symptoms?


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The skinny: Relax before eating to stop toxins before they form. !

Here’s why relaxing before eating will minimize or even solve digestion-upset and the host of related problems listed above….When we’re in stress-mode all the time our bodies do two conflicting things: 1. We eat to change our feelings from bad (stress) to good (saratonin happy-chemical released from the brain from eating).

2. Our digestive system slows or even stops to divert energy from the ‘rest and digest’ function to the ‘fight or flight’ function, in case our stress-response is indicative of real danger (which 99.9% of the time, it’s not). (This is why I created the DVD, Gentle Yoga for Better Digestion, included in this detox package. Lucky you!)!So, as a result of eating while stressed we end up with digestive problems. Our bodies can’t process this energy properly so it holds onto it causing undigested material to simply be sitting in the gut fermenting and causing gas and bloating along with the auto-toxicity from having undigested material literally rotting

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inside your gut creating brain-fog, low energy, water retention & mood swings. Then, when it finally can digest it, our bodies store this energy for later use causing weight gain.

!On top of that, when your body is stressed you use up sugar-stores, causing your body to crave quick-energy (ex: breads, pastries, and sugars) leading to sugar cravings, over-eating, and in many cases a yeast imbalance making all of the above worse.

!By comparison, think about the sense of deep satisfaction that comes from really enjoying your food. You know, that first bite of a delicious meal, where you savour and taste every nuance of your food. It tastes SO GOOD!

!What’s the difference?



Nourish Humanity- Cubicle Heaven- Office Snacks. All rights reserved by Sarah Harrison.

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By pausing to be grateful for your food and your life following secret #1 not only will you enjoy your food more, but you also won’t need to reach for seconds helping to create your optimal weight. By eating mindfully and with gratitude you’ll avoid toxic buildup, and be on your way to creating a body that naturally releases toxins daily.

!Here’s how you make it easy: !1. Relax.

2. Pause & eat mindfully.

3. Just eat.!

1. Relax before eating ANYTHING:Before you put anything in your mouth close your eyes and take five deep breaths down into your belly: "1. LOVE, 2.HEALTH, 3.HAPPINESS, 4.THANK YOU, & 5.MMMMMM."INHALE 1: Say silently to yourself "LOVE". EXHALE 1: Feel the LOVE that's there (it's there, I promise, AND it'll grow bigger with time).

!INHALE 2: Say silently to yourself "HEALTH".EXHALE 2: Feel the HEALTH that's there (see note above ;))

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!INHALE 3: Say silently to yourself "HAPPINESS".EXHALE 3: Feel the HAPPINESS that's there (yup, that's there too.)

!INHALE 4: Say silently to yourself "THANK YOU". EXHALE 4: Feel the GRATITUDE that's there (you have such a good life!).

!INHALE 5: Say silently to yourself "MMMMMMMM".EXHALE 5: Feel the PEACE that's there (it's always there, underneath).

!2. Pause & eat mindfully. Once you've relaxed the body & mind with 5 deep breaths enjoy your food oh so much with mindful eating. 1. Pause to notice what your food looks like. (So colourful!)

2. Inhale the aroma. (Mmmm.)

3. Take a bite and really taste all the flavours. (Delicious!)

4. Chew thoroughly and notice the texture change.

5. Smile and enjoy each bite. !By simply noticing the food you're eating will automatically bring you into a place of presence. It's in a present state that you're able to feel the love, health, happiness, and gratitude that's there

Nourish Humanity- Cubicle Heaven- Office Snacks. All rights reserved by Sarah Harrison.

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inside you. Your body will relax even deeper. Your food will nourish and heal you. You will let go of toxins and keep them at bay.

3. Just eat. Don't multitask while eating. Just eat. No Facebook, no TV, no iPad, no phone. This good habit will help interrupt “mindless eating” that leads to stressful eating and eating too much (both of which as we've talked about, will lead to toxic buildup in your body and the nasty health effects that follow.) !The point: These three simple steps will change your system from stressed to relaxed enabling your food to be digested and absorbed by your body preventing toxins from being formed from stress-eating. Most people report less gas and less bloating, and that they eat less (and tend to lose weight) because they're more satisfied by less food and notice when they're full.



Nourish Humanity- Cubicle Heaven- Office Snacks. All rights reserved by Sarah Harrison.

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Secret #2: Enjoy daily yoga-massage.!This is THE tool to detox success. Experience ease in elimination, relief from bloating, a clear vibrant complexion, more effective detox, and tons of energy by incorporating this one secret into your life.

The skinny: Massage your body daily with Yoga for Digestion. !!

Want to ensure the toxins you're releasing from your body are actually being eliminated? You need to move everything along. After teaching yoga at a digestion-specific wellness clinic and studio and working with hundreds of individuals over a number of years I discovered the optimal yoga massage routine for removing toxins from the body gently and created the video "Gentle Yoga for Better Digestion" included for you here in this package.

With this video training you'll be able to follow along from home or work and relieve toxin-producing stress and have ease in

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elimination. You'll notice a decrease and even total elimination in bloaty-belly, and brain-fog and you'll know that your body is detoxing from all the little nooks and crannies on the inside so you have beautiful skin and tons of energy, every day.

!Why it works is simple: When we're stressed, our digestion slows or stops, we get 'food sludge' built up in our intestinal tract, this creates a toxic environment in our gut that leaks out into our blood and we get all the nasty effects of a toxic body like brain fog, bad skin, premature aging, gas and bloating, and hormonal imbalance.

By comparison when we are relaxed our body goes into "rest and digest mode" sending blood and cleansing oxygen to our digestive organs and triggering easy elimination of your poop & the toxins that go with it.

!This video training physically massages your digestive organs directing blood to your digestive tract mimicking your natural rest and digest mode. The result? Your body goes into REAL rest and digest, relaxing you & triggering internal cleansing for hours afterwards. To help even more these exercises physically move along any stuck (constipated) material preventing future gas, bloating, or toxic formation. The cherry on top? You'll also enjoy a wonderful relaxation effect that will help you to feel and look great right away!

Nourish Humanity- Cubicle Heaven- Office Snacks. All rights reserved by Sarah Harrison.

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!How to make it easy to enjoy daily massage & digestive relief with yoga for digestion: !There are two practice lengths to choose from:

1. A full 56 minute TotalBodyRelax&Detox yoga massage video.

2. A time-saving 15 minute BreathworkOnly yoga video.Both of these videos are easy to follow and teach you how to massage away toxins from the inside using gentle yoga and your own breath.

!Step 1: Look at your calendar and choose 3x 1-hour time slots for this week to practice the full video. First thing in the morning, on your lunch break, or in the evening as you wind down are all good choices. Set an alarm for yourself to go off 15 minutes before so you don't have to worry about forgetting.

Go ahead and do that right now.

!Want to practice but don't have an hour?

The 15minute "Breathwork only" training included in this package is a great daily detox that can fit into every schedule and supplement the longer practice (or those days when you Oops! now only have 15minutes):

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1. Download the Breathwork Only video to your tablet, smartphone, or computer. 2. Set an alarm (right before lunch is an amazing de-stressor and will prepare your body to absorb your delicious nourishment to follow) video included in this package. !Note: Whatever time you pick make sure it's at least 30minutes after eating and that you have access to a quiet space where you won't be disturbed. !Step 2: When your alarm goes off, unroll your mat and enjoy your yoga self- massage. You'll really notice the difference in your day and your stress levels (low!), and how your body looks and feels. By incorporating daily relaxation your body will let go of stress more easily in the future and won't get stuck in the toxin-producing fight-or-flight mode. It's a quick and enjoyable way to let go of stress and remind the body it's ok to relax and let go.

Want to relax even more? Light candles, close the door, let people know you'll be unavailable for a little while.

Over time you'll get to know the practice by heart and can move onto the "minimal audio" version for even deeper relaxation.

!Want faster deeper results? Practice more often! Whether the full 56min video, or the breathwork only daily

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practice will speed up and deepen your results big time. Schedule & set an alarm to set yourself up for daily success.


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Secret #3: Crunchy is good. !Ever get “backed up”? Experience ease in elimination, a clear vibrant complexion, fewer toxins and tons of energy by incorporating this one secret into your food choices.

The skinny: Make your meals 75% vegetable based, and RAW wherever possible. !

Raw food, especially vegetables contain fibre, enzymes, and temperature- sensitive vitamins that are essential to your healthy digestive and skin functioning. If you eat a majority of vegetables (75%) you’ll be eating tons of digestive-supporting fibre, and double bonus for raw veggies as you’ll also be consuming the essential enzymes and vitamins that we miss if we eat only cooked food (as both enzymes and many vitamins such as vitamins C & B denature with the heat of cooking).

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Here’s how you make it easy to add detoxifying raw veggies to your daily detox diet:

1. Breakfast: Yummy smoothies!!Buy a box of organic spinach greens, pull out your blender, and make a healthy energy filled smoothie to start your day right! Add greens and any other fruits and veggies you enjoy. Here's my fave:

Detox smoothie recipe: With a blender, Magic Bullet, or Vitamix add 2 cups fresh (organic) spinach, 1 chopped carrot, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 1/2 frozen banana, 1/2 fresh avocado, 1/2 cup almond milk. Blend and enjoy! !Want a chocolate variation? Try adding cocoa. Yum!

!2. Lunch: Deluxe greens with all the fixings.

!Enjoy a big healthy salad with all your detox-friendly favourites each day at lunch.

Pre-make a week's worth of baby greens salad or cabbage coleslaw in (glass) travel containers. The night before add some protein and carbs to tomorrow's lunch:

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Protein: Try adding nuts, seeds, eggs, lean organic ethically raised meat, wild fish, or marinated organic tofu. Carbs: Add pieces of baked yam or 1/4 cup wild rice. Want a touch of sweetness?: Add a handful of fruit like chopped strawberries, apple slices, or dates. Dressing: Make your own oil and vinegar with quality flavoured balsamic vinegar and cold pressed olive oil.

!Want to mix it up? Try a veggie-loaded wrap with hummus & either a corn tortillas or romaine lettuce wrap. !3. Dinner: Add energy soup to your healthy dinner.

Raw detox soup is one of the best ways to support your body's nutrition and hydration so your system can detox. This recipe originally came from Anne Wigmore, the original deep detox queen, and I learned it while preparing food at Body Mind Detox Retreats, a detox retreat based upon Anne's legacy. Enjoy a bowl with dinner every night for great digestion, incredible nutrition, and gentle everyday detox.


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Raw energy soup recipe!

In a blender or vitamix combine:

1 avocado

1/2 yellow onion

1/2 cup lentil or pea sprouts

2 tbsp miso soup paste

1/7 cup wakame (or other seaweed)

1 large carrot

1 inch of peeled ginger

1 clove of peeled garlic

1 lemon (add more if you'd like, but generally at least 1 whole lemon's worth)

Spices of your choice to taste (I love adding mustard, cayenne, and curry powder to mine. About 1/2 tsp each :))

Blend till mostly smooth.

!Enjoy this soup alongside a healthy protein and a yummy salad, hummus, or crudite.

Ex: one salad with nuts, one veggies and hummus, one avocado and rice-cakes, and one yam with salsa and feta cheese on it… add in a protein, fruit & fresh spinach shake, and a plate of raw or steamed veggies with chicken and you’re good to go. Yum!

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4. Snacks. Enjoy a healthy mid-day snack or greens juice at ~3pm.

See the 25 delicious snack suggestions at the end of this ebook for more ideas on healthy foods to supplement your diet with (yes! chocolate too!)

!A Note on Fats.

While good fats are highly nourishing for the body too much fat can slow or stop your body from detoxing and saturated fats (meat) or trans fats (from fried foods) can create a toxic environment within the body. Instead, enjoy good quality fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, flax oil, nut oils (including nuts themselves) and avocado oils (in the avocado) in small amounts. (Think 1-2 Tbsp of quality fat/ meal total) and skip fried foods and high-fat meats.



Healthy fat sources


Nuts & seeds (ideally soaked overnight)

Lean meat/ fish (trim excess fat- see note on meat below)

Healthy oils (Stick to olive, coconut, grapeseed, high quality fish oils, or nut oils). Note: if you’re going to cook with oils, stick to coconut oil as it can sustain the high heat without turning into a dangerous trans-fat.

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A Note on Meat. Meat can slow or stop the body's natural detox. I'm a big fan of vegetarian eating but if you choose to eat meat follow these guidelines:

!1. Eat less. Consume max one small piece of animal protein per day. About the size of the palm of your hand is optimal.

We don't need nearly as much as we think we do! Even athletes, while needing a bit more protein than the average person, eat lean sources of protein and still don't require as much meat as the average American eats.

!2. Enjoy healthy meats. Avoid red meat, pork, highly salted meats like jerkies and sausages, and processed meats (like luncheon meats). These are very difficult for your body to digest and can stop the detox process. Choose chicken, turkey, wild game, and fish instead.

!3. Avoid factory farmed meats. Factory farmed meats are usually pumped full of synthetic growth hormones to make the animals grow faster and are highly toxic to our bodies too so choose a local organic farm or a butcher that can verify where your meat comes from, and that the animals don't come from factory farm settings. Not only are factory farms

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deeply cruel to the animals themselves but their meat is flooded with fight or flight hormones that then enter your body too!

Save yourself the headache and heartache and if you choose to eat meat, eat small amounts of local and organic ethically raised meat.

!4. Supplement with non-meat protein:

Start first by adding these protein-rich foods to your diet in your smoothies, salads, and evening meals. As you're ready, begin to substitute out meat in one meal/ week with the protein rich alternatives listed below and expand slowly from there until you're eating meat in just one meal/ day, and perhaps just a few meals/ week. Experiment with what works for your body's health. More energy means you're on track! Enjoy!






Fish Yes, technically a meat too, but a solid substitute for red meats when transitioning to a diet that will allow for the everyday detox to occur. Note: Avoid tuna, swordfish & farmed fish. Look for labels that say "sustainably harvested wild"

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!A note on dairy and gluten:

Both dairy and gluten are known allergens for many people meaning that your body actually views this food as harmful creating toxic inflammation, mucus, and bloating. If this is the case you'll notice a huge difference by removing these foods from your diet. Try it out. Go dairy & gluten free for 21 days and notice the difference it makes. If you have more energy, brighter eyes, clearer skin and fewer toxic symptoms then keep it out and choose instead the easy yummy alternatives listed below: !Use the following charts to help transition into a dairy & gluten free lifestyle:


Dairy Substitute

Cheese Soy cheese, cashew cheese, nutritional yeast

Cow's milk Goat's milk, Soy milk, Almond milk, Rice milk, Hemp milk

Yogurt *Ok for some bodies. Replace with non-dairy or goat's milk yogurt or non-dairy kefir.

Gluten Substitute

Wheat breads & baked goods Gluten-free baked goods.

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Wheat tortillas Corn tortillas, gluten free tortillas, whole romaine lettuce leaves(Note: gluten free tortillas don't tend to fold as easily. Steam them lightly by placing them in a damp hot towel for 1minute before folding to avoid cracking.)

Wheat flour Replace wheat flour with a mixed gluten-free baking flour (I like Bob's RedMill) or depending upon what you're baking you can use a combination of one or more of the following: rice flour, corn flour, oat flour (gluten free), quinoa flour, coconut flour, or millet flour.

Barley, Regular oats Replace glutenous grains with rice, quinoa, gluten-free oats (they dust regular oats in wheat flour so to avoid this get gluten free oats... it'll say on the package)

Gluten Substitute

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Secret #4: Hydrate and let go. Want to look in the mirror and think, “Wow I look great!”…?

Avoid the premature aging, constipation, overeating, toxic buildup and water retention that that comes with dehydration and instead use secret #4 to look and feel your best.

!The skinny: Enjoy 6-10 glasses of water daily to flush toxins and drop excess water weight. !

TIP: Often we think we’re hungry when really it’s our body saying we’re dehydrated and thirsty.

!Improve the look of your skin and release even more toxins by staying hydrated, and then letting that water whisk toxins away.


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Here’s how you make it easy to hydrate and let go:

Enjoy fresh filtered water, or try one of these yummy water-based hydrating recipes to enjoy the experience even more!

!-Alkalizing (zero calorie) lemonade.


-1L fresh filtered water

-1 fresh lemon

-1 dropper full of liquid stevia

-adjust to taste

!Delicious swamp water.


-1L water

-1/8 cup chlorophyll

-1/4 cup unsweetened natural not from concentrate pure cranberry juice (Triple Jim’s Organics is a good product)

-1 dropper of liquid Stevia

!Chia Bubble-tea.

High in protein, Omegas, and just plain deliciousness this drink will keep you going all afternoon.

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Add two tablespoons to a shaker-cup of alkalizing lemonade, delicious swamp water, or fresh orange juice.

Shake it up and wait for 5 minutes. shake again and enjoy this drink that’s reminiscent of bubble tea. For best effect, sip with a large straw.


A fermented drink that's easy, low cost, and wonderful for creating healthy gut-flora. Healthy gut flora helps to decrease they body's toxicity, prevent bloating, heart-disease, and overall digestive health. It smells a bit 'cabbagy' but is oh so good for you (and I personally really love the taste).

!Here's how to make rejuvelac at home:

Take 2 cups of organic green cabbage & cut into 1"x1" squares. Add 6 cups of filtered water and blend.

Put in a glass or ceramic container and put a screen overtop. Leave on your counter for 2 days.


Add the juice of 1 lemon.

Optional: Blend in some ginger.

Put in a covered non-plastic container in the fridge to chill.

Enjoy over 3-4 days (It actually gets healthier with time, but it also gets more pungent. I suggest starting a new batch on day 2

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and every 4 days after that. Note: If you have extra you can also pre-make and freeze it to be used later if you run out.)


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Secret #5: Create a healthy gut. !Ever get gas, bloating, or indigestion? Acne, eczema, or dry spots? Concerned about cancer, heart-disease, or premature aging?

Do yourself a favour. Create a healthy gut and start eating fermented & probiotic rich alkalizing foods!

!!The skinny: Eating fermented foods is medicine for your gut.

!Creating a healthy gut loaded with good probiotic bacteria will help decrease brain fog, bloating, and indigestion, plus help immunize your body against harmful toxin-producing bacteria buildup in the future. Not only do fermented foods support healthy gut flora (which combats the formation of toxins & bloating in the first place) but they're also naturally alkalizing. Alkalizing foods have been seen to support a cancer-resistant body that can deal with free-radicals, toxins and carcinogens much easier.

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Eat at least 2 servings of fermented foods each day.

!Here’s how you make it easy to create a healthy gut:

Add (non-dairy) yogurt or kefir to your morning smoothie.

Enjoy your rejuvelac when you first get home each day.

Have a big bowl of energy soup with raw miso at dinner each night.

Have a big fork-full of sauerkraut with your lunch, snack or dinner.

Lightly sauté tempeh with a bit of tamari (gluten-free soy sauce) and add to your dinner at night.


Fermented probiotic rich foods

Raw sauerkraut/ kimchi

Rejuvelac (see recipe above)

(Non-dairy) probiotic yogurt & kefir




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Secret #6: Ditch cravings. !Ever opened a bag of chips and suddenly found you’re at the bottom of it? Or how about that box of cookies that without realizing it you’ve eaten 3/4 rows of? Wouldn’t it be nice to have control over our eating? To not in one mindless eating moment sabotage all the healthy habits we’re cultivating? !We can, by substituting two toxic things out of our diets… Fried foods & white foods.

!The skinny: Sub-out fried and ‘white’ foods that feed bad gut bacteria & cravings will stop too.

You know the Lays potato chip ads that said, “Bet you can’t eat just one!?” They’re right. Fried food and “white” high starch and refined sugar foods are deeply addicting to the body, create an acidic environment in your body where toxins can easily grow, and are very high calorie. This is because the 'bad' bacteria in your gut is actually what's craving these foods. By subbing-out fried and white foods for healthy, largely raw & probiotic rich

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foods (see Secrets 1,3,4,5 for how-to) you'll kill off the craving-causing bacteria and your cravings will naturally fade into a thing of the past. !If you consume refined sugar or refined "white" carbs such as white flour, white rice, or white potatoes in more than minute amounts your body WILL have a sugar high, a sugar crash, and be much more susceptible to “yo-yo” and “stress-weight” as your body tries to store all the sugar that’s coming in in waves as fat on your stomach, between your organs, and as a pad on your lower back.!Fried foods are highly toxic as they generally contain rancid oils, addicting salt and sugar and are high in carbs and trans fats which 'plug up' your system and cause toxins to be created.

!To avoid the pain of cravings, highs, lows, and weight gain simply do the following… !Here’s how you make it easy to ditch cravings:

1. Replace, don’t take away. !Telling yourself you CAN’T have something leads to a deprivation mentality. Telling yourself you CAN have this other thing leads to enjoyment and satisfaction.

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Replace white bread with brown bread. Replace white potatoes with sweet potatoes. Replace potato chips with kale chips or baked brown rice chips. Replace white sugar with unprocessed sugars like dates, honey, or maple syrup. Replace cookies and ice-cream with fruit and quality deep dark chocolate (85%+ Yum!).

!2. Choose fresh over packaged. Sugar is highly addicting to the body and companies make a lot of money off of people’s sugar addition and adding hidden sugars to many common foods.

To avoid sugar highs & lows and the cravings and weight gain that comes with it, choose fresh over packaged wherever possible. This will help you to know exactly what’s in your food and to be able to avoid hidden sugars and make informed decisions easily. !!3. Make substitutions slowly.

Most people don't stick with lifestyle changes for one simple reason: they change too much too quickly. Rather than making one big sweeping change to your diet and lifestyle instead make small easy changes over time. Pick one food each week and replace it with a healthier alternative. Pick one lifestyle change each week and incorporate it. One step at a time. Not only will this help you to make stress-free lasting changes that will keep you healthy and happy over your lifetime, but you'll avoid

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unpleasant detox symptoms (like headaches, nausea, skin rashes, and crabbiness) that can happen if you detox too quickly. While these symptoms do go away within a few days save yourself the headache (literally) and instead make small changes that you'll love for a lifetime.

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Secret #7: Sweat. Daily.

!Love the look of healthy soft dewy skin? Want to avoid premature aging? Sweating releases built up toxins easily from your body's biggest organ: your skin! Not only that, but by releasing toxins from your skin you'll prevent toxins from harming your beautiful complexion keeping you looking bright and fresh at all ages.

!The skinny: Sweat daily to release toxins & have beautiful glowing skin. !

Here’s how you make it easy: !Pick a way to sweat each day. Make sure it's something you love (and therefore will stick to!) and induce a sweat for 20-30 minutes each day through:

1. Exercise.

2. Rebounding (mini-trampoline).

3. Sauna.

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4. Hot bath or un-chlorinated hot tub.

5. Yoga for Digestion on the Biomat. Want a totally passive way of burning calories, detoxing, stimulating the relaxation response, relieving muscular pain, & burning off aging stress on a cellular level? ...Check out the BioMat. It’s an infrared crystal mat that you can sit on all day at work, or turn on high to get a great sweat during your yoga for digestion practice. Either way it helps you to passively burn calories, release toxins, and reduce stress. It totally saved me when I had adrenal fatigue, was gaining weight, and had low energy. Plus you can sleep on it! For more information visit:


Note: Avoid sweating 1.5 hours prior to bed as the raised body temperate that accompanies it can make it hard to sleep at night.


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Secret #8: Let yourself be regular. !Want to know your body is eliminating yesterday’s food easily, avoiding belly-building toxic ‘backup’ and the host of negative effects from that? Want to avoid the negative effects of too many toxins in your body (like weight-gain, skin problems, brain-fog, low-energy, and mood-swings)? Want to ensure that all your quality nutrition is getting absorbed by your body giving you maximum health for your food dollars?

!Then once every season, clean out the pipes:

!The skinny: Cleanse every 3 months.

By giving your body a break from digesting you’ll not only likely experience short-term weight-loss, but you’ll allow your system to cleanse itself of toxins, creating a ‘fresh slate’ inside. Each season consider doing a nutritional cleanse like the “Wild Rose Detox” (found at most healthfood stores).

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Choose a cold-pressed juice cleanse like those found at

!Or, visit a cleansing retreat centre like where I have the pleasure of teaching detox yoga all summer.

!To make these results go even farther have a colonic from someone like my mom Tamara:

!Whatever method you choose, cleanse at the start of every season and give your body a total reset.


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Secret #9: Make nutrition easy. !Sometimes people tell me that they’re doing a good job of eating healthy meals, lots of organic raw fruits and vegetables, enjoying probiotics, sweating and drinking their water but they hate worrying about eating EVERYTHING you’re “supposed to” every day. To help “buffer” your body and ensure that you’re getting everything you need daily follow Secret #9: Make nutrition easy by taking a high-quality multivitamin, probiotic, & fish oil supplement each day.

The skinny: Take a high-quality multi-vitamin, a probiotic, and an omega oil supplement daily so your body can repair, cleanse, and release what it no longer needs.


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Fish oil (or vegan substitute: Udo's Oil) is a source of your daily omega 3/6/9 which is necessary for healthy skin, hair, and nails on the outside and supports healthy tissue production and detoxification on the inside.

!A high-quality multivitamin has been shown to support good health and healthy weight as your body has regular access to all the goodies it needs for cellular repair and detoxification.

!A quality living probiotic (kept in the cooler) will support the formation and maintenance of healthy gut flora preventing constipation, candida yeast formation, and other forms of toxic buildup.

!By taking this one step you’ll ‘top up’ your food- based nutrition, support healthy skin and enjoy the knowledge that you don’t have to worry about counting vitamins and minerals in your food. As long as you’re eating healthy, a multivitamin daily will top up the rest.


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Here’s how you make it easy:!Put your fish/Udo's oil/probiotic in your morning smoothie (open the probiotic capsule) and keep your daily supplement by your blender so you remember.

Not sure which kind to get? Visit your local health food store for support in choosing the right brands for you. Choose quality and types of probiotic & oil that have been stored in the healthfood store's cooler.

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Secret #10: Eat often and never be hungry. !Ever been so hungry by the time you get to dinner that you eat WAY more than you mean to, hardly tasting the food on its way in… only to realize too late that you’ve eaten too much, of food thats not healthy, and are now really uncomfortable? Yup, been there. By comparison, imagine never feeling hungry so you can really enjoy and taste every bite, never being tempted to overeat because you never feel the pain of hunger, but instead live perpetually satisfied. You’re able to enjoy the foods you want, feel light, have tons of energy, and naturally stay at a balanced healthy weight where you look good and feel great. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

!Turns out it’s easy… If you follow this one tip, you’ll avoid hunger pains and go a very long way toward getting off the yo-yo roller coaster and being able to take control of your weight, all while enjoying food more often.


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The skinny: Eat every 2 hrs. !

The reason we keep eating after feeling really full is because your body gets a major spike in blood-sugar levels, only then to have them dip. Even though they’re unnaturally high (due to an overabundance of food) when they begin to dip toward normal our body thinks we’re going toward a blood sugar low… so, it auto-corrects by asking you to (unnecessarily) eat more. Because your body keep telling you to eat (or you don’t but you feel like you’re depriving yourself) and you end up with stretchy pants or a button undone because you’ve overdone it. Decreased energy, increased weight.

!If you follow Secret #8 and eat every 2 hours you’ll keep your blood sugar at a stable level so that you can eat consistently and never feels like it’s deprived or want to over-eat, but instead feel comfortable and satisfied, allowing you to enjoy your food fully without the urge to eat more than you really need to.

!Rather than eating 3 large meals, choose 6 small snack-size meals each day, or if you prefer 3 meals (the size of 1-2 fists) and 3 smaller (raw) snacks. Choose mostly raw and organic foods wherever possible. You'll let go of toxins because your body won't be overtaxed from large sluggish meals filled with "junk" like processed sugar, white flour, or excess salts or unhealthy fats. Your

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energy will increase because you won't be using it all up trying to digest huge meals. In short, by eating this way your body will have the energy to do what it does- lets go of toxins, and creates vibrant health, naturally.

Here’s how you make it easy: Take a watch, smartphone, or portable timer and set an alarm for every 2 hours, starting at breakfast.

By setting an alarm for yourself you’ll be off the hook for thinking about food; instead, you’ll simply be able to enjoy your next meal when the buzzer goes off. This saves you from clock watching and from missing a snack/meal (and then feeling over hungry and overeating later).

!Enjoy 3 meals and 3 small snacks/ day.

Make portions no larger than 1 fist (or less) for snacks and 2 fists (or less) for meals. Ensure you follow the 75% veggie secret to support creating a daily detox in your increasingly healthy body.

!Concerned about overeating or too many calories?

TIP: For help identifying calories with ease try the Smartphone/ Tablet application “MyFitnessPal” which will track calories for you and save your favourites making it really really easy to get the knowledge you need to succeed and stay on track!

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Snack smart:

Use the 25 snack ideas listed at the end of this ebook to snack wisely and support your toxin-releasing, energy building nourishment success while enjoying every bite.


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Enjoy this process of a gentle daily detox and the optimal health and vibrant energy that you want will find you. Use the 10 daily detox secrets above to heal your body & use the following top 25 snacks to jumpstart this new way of eating.

!!With much love and encouragement for your health and happiness.



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The Detoxifying Snack Line Up (& recipes)…


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1. DARK CHOCOLATE Surprise! Something this delicious CAN be ok to eat!

Yup.. in moderation REAL DARK chocolate contains a TON of health benefits! (RAW? UNSWEETENED? BONUS!)

Benefits of chocolate:

Great Skin: Contains skin-plumping bio-flavanoids

Helps defend against cancer: High in anti-oxidents

Literally makes you happy! Pre-curser to seratonin and dopamine, the brain chemicals that cause you to feel happy

Better brain-function: Contains good fats like oleic acid needed for brain function

Helps prevent heart-disease: source of resveratrol, a powerful anti-oxident for heart-health!

*Note: This doesn’t mean gorge on Hersheys or Count Chocula. AVOID milk or white chocolate, chocolate with fillings (mint/ caramel), cakes or other baked products that claim to contain

dark chocolate, or poor-quality chocolate as all of these are more likely to be full of sugar and bad for you additives.

Get the good rich dark stuff and enjoy!

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2. NUTS Nuts are BRAIN FOOD. Filled with minerals, protein, and if still raw (not roasted/ salted) full of good fat for your skin and brain tissue. Some raw nuts like almonds are considered to help the body defend against cancer formation, and walnuts and cashews

have been linked to lower cholesterol.

!TIPS: Avoid ‘flavorings’ which may

contain chemicals or colorings.

Raw is better than roasted!

Bulk is fine, but purchase from stores with busy bulk food sections so the nuts

will be fresh.

Better still, purchase raw packaged nuts with “best before” dates.

Bought too many? Freeze them!

Raw nut-mix.

Try A Good Portion brand or Dandi-Pack.


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Great for skin, heart-health, and balancing blood-sugar. May reduce the risk of neurological disorders like dementia.


Excellent source of fibre

High in vitamin E (anti-oxidant)

Helps stabilize bloodsugar and insulin response.

Helps lower bad LDL cholesterol.

Improves gut flora leading to better digestion.


Rich in Iron- helps carry oxygen to cells and prevent anemia.

High in Zinc- Boosts immune function and eye health.

Source of magnesium- Relieves muscle tension and essential for memory and preventing memory loss with age.


Highest nut source of Omega-3 anti-oxidents to fight inflammation (This helps to defend against heart-disease, cancer, and premature aging.)

Source of manganese which helps relieve PMS symptoms.

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Great for heart health- decreases plaque-buildup & reduces LDL cholesterol.

Reduces the risk of neurological diseases like Lou Gehrig’s.

!Brazil nuts:

Just ONE brazil nut has your day’s selenium- helps defend against breast, prostate, and bone cancers and helps prevent the growth of cancerous cells.

NOTE: Too much selenium is harmful so no more than 6/day.

!Macademia Nuts:

Heart-Happy! Very high in “good” mono-unsaturated fatty acids which help to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and overall cholesterol levels. !Pistachios:

Full of gamma tocopherols- fight lung & other cancers.

Potassium- improves nerve function and muscle tone.

Vitamin B6- improves mood and immunity.

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The perfect way to avoid the 3pm energy dip!

Eat a SMALL portion of trail mix at 2pm to help maintain consistent blood sugar. This means fewer cravings and it’ll be easier to say “no thanks” to Birthday cake.

*NOTE: pre-portion trail mix; it’s quite high in calories.





Fiber, vitamins, and minerals

Only unsulfured fruit

Fruit with no sugar added

Raw, unsalted nuts & unsweetened fruit

Combine 70% fruit with 30% nuts for optimal digestion.

Avoid peanuts (commonly contain mould)

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Yummy combos: !-Natural dried cranberries (tart!) with dried cherries (sweet!) and cashews. Tastes like a cherry tart!

-Natural apple rings and walnuts. (Enjoy with a small piece of cheese if you’re ok with dairy. )

-Banana chips, dried coconut, and pecans with RAW unprocessed cacao nibs (for amazing anti-oxidants that taste like chocolate banana cream pie)

-Mango, Dates, and Pumpkin seeds (sprinkle with a spice-rub).

!Try creating your own!


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4. SEAWEED Seaweed is AMAZING for your body. Naturally full of minerals that are difficult to obtain from other food sources meaning it’ll fill you up in more ways than one!

Note: if you’re sensitive to iodine (adult acne) you might want to avoid seaweed as it’s known to aggravate existing bumps if eaten in excess.

!Roasted Seaweed

-Grab a “snack-pack” of roasted seaweed sheets to nibble on. They kind of dissolve on your tongue and have some of the salted- oilyness of chips. Different flavors available.

!Dried Seaweed sheets

-Not only are these practically calorie-free but have none of the oils and all of health benefits of the roasted kind. The larger more durable sheets are perfect for scooping up dips like hummus or putting sandwich fillings in for a gluten-free wrap!!

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-5. SUPERFOOD BARS These tasty treats are filled with natural goodness with the sweetness (& cocoa nibs!) to fill a craving but with energy that will keep you going all afternoon.


•Choose bars where 100% OF THE INGREDIENTS listed are FOOD.

• 7 ingredients or less is best. Look for: acai, spirulina, gogi, maca, dates, cacao (nibs), coconut oil, flax, hemp, chia, berries, greens, cinnamon.

•Avoid “protein” bars (generally full of sugars and animal hormones).

•Avoid anything with artificial sweeteners (ex: splenda, aspartame, sucralose)

!Great brands:

• Try Laara bars in apple-cinnamon, coconut cream pie, or double chocolate...

• Kind Bars

• Pure Bars


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Or, create home-made “Chocolate PowerBites” (Play & sub your favorite superfoods!)


• 1 1/2 cups pitted dates

• 1/4 cup cocoa

• 1/4 cup hemp hearts

• 1/3 cup ground flax

• 1/4 cup chia seeds

• 1/4 cup flax seeds

• 1/2 cup coconut

• 2Tbsp coconut oil

1. Place all ingredients in food processor and blend until smooth

2. If it seems too dry, add a tbsp of warm water

3. Scoop & roll into small balls

4. Refrigerate in an air-tight container to enjoy that week, or freeze for longer-storage

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6. SESAME SNAPS! !Home-made sesame snaps:

A far cry from the store-bought kind, one of these delicious morsels freeze well and will keep you going from 2pm until dinner time.

!Recipe for home-made sesame snaps:

1 cup unsweetened dried COCONUT3/4 cup raw CASHEW NUTS (soaked overnight) 1/2 cup RAW ALMOND BUTTER1/2 cup RAW HONEY (unless giving to children under 8y/o or an elderly person, in which case use pasteurized honey) 1/8 cup RAW UNBLEACHED COCONUT SUGAR2/3 teaspoon gluten-free VANILLA1/3 teaspoon CELTIC SEA SALT 1.5-2 cups raw SESAME SEEDS (soaked overnight) 4 tablespoons CHIA SEEDS (optional) !Directions:

1. In a food processor, pulse cashews & coconut until it forms a rough mixture.

2. In a saucepan, heat gently (to just soften and combine… not to boil!) almond butter, honey, coconut sugar, vanilla, & salt.

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3. In large bowl combine cashew-coconut mix, almond butter mix, sesame & chia seeds.

4. Line an 8x8” glass pan with parchment paper & press firmly. Bake at 300˚F for 20 minutes. Cool and put in the fridge to chill. Once chilled, cut into small bars. Seal & store in the fridge.


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7. KALE CHIPS: Bought or homemade, these “chips” are nutrient dense, kid friendly, and deeply satisfying!

Recipe for home-made kale chips:

1/4 cup liquid coconut or olive oil 1/4 cup nutritional yeast

1/8 cup maple syrup

3 Tbsp coarse dijon mustard (prepared)

1/4 tsp sea salt

2 bunches of raw organic green kale


Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Set your oven to the lowest temperature it can go.

De-stem kale and rip into pieces approximately 1”x1” or slightly bigger (but not bigger than 2”x2”)Combine all the ingredients (except for the kale) in a bowl. Add kale to the mixture until it’s evenly coated. Then, lay coated kale out on the baking trays in a single layer (note: you may need more trays to do a second bake).

Put trays in the oven & stuff a kitchen cloth in the oven door to keep it slightly ajar (allows moisture to escape).

Bake for 30min or until crisp. Check periodically. You want them dehydrated, but not yet turning brown (brown= burnt= inedible.

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8. GRANOLA! Remember as a kid reaching for Cereal right out of the box? Nibble on healthy granola as an office snack blast from the past!

Tips: Low sugar- nothing with “frosting”. As unprocessed as possible. You should be able to SEE individual ingredients.

YES! to: Organic, gluten-free, no-sugar-added, whole-oats, flax, sweetened with apple-sauce, maple-syrup, or honey.


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Try this recipe and make it yourself:!Granola Recipe Ingredients:

4 cups rolled oats

1 cup applesauce

3Tbsp cinnamon

1/4 cup nuts (any kind- soak overnight)

1/4 cup seeds (any kind- soak overnight)

1/4 cup dried fruit (any kind)

1/4 tsp sea salt


Pre-heat oven to 300*F Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Spread granola mix onto the baking sheets in a thin layer. Bake for ~20 minutes or until crisp, stirring occasionally.


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9. FRUIT Grab an apple, pear, nectarine, orange or kiwi and go... or get creative!

Sliced pears or apples dusted with cinnamon

Frozen grapes or blueberries- Add to water or nibble on their own!

Bananas with nut butter- great energy and protein!

*Wrap in a (gluten-free) tortilla and warm in the toaster for melty deliciousness!

Watermelon with fresh mint- fresh breath and refreshing!

*To turn into an awesome salad, add a bit of feta cheese and pine-nuts!

Feeling exotic?...

Try Papaya with lime; Mango with chili powder; Pineapple with honey-yogurt; Dragonfruit; pomegranate; lychee fruit.... the list goes on... mmmmmmmmmm


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Tip: pair fruit with a little yogurt, nuts, or a piece of cheese to avoid a blood-sugar spike and help to stabilize blood-sugar.

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10. AVOCADO Eat alone, sprinkle salt and pepper, squirt a bit of hot-sauce, nibble with a tomato, add sea-salt, or turn into 1minute guacamole!

My fave: Avocado on (brown) rice-cakes!

!*Try different kinds of BROWN rice-cakes but keep to the natural varieties like seaweed, sesame, or sea-salt (Coloured seasonings usually contain chemicals- skip them!)!

1 Minute Guacamole!

1 ripe avocado (soft and green inside- no brown)

Equal parts of your favourite salsa.


...Yup, it’s that easy.

Eat alone, on salad, with rice-crackers, veggie-crackers, or cut toasted corn tortillas into wedges. MmmMmmmm.

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11. NUT BUTTERS These stash well in a drawer with a spoon or slather on apples, rice-cakes, or drizzle over granola or oatmeal. Yum!

!Try these types or make your own with raw nuts in a food processor!

*Cashew-butter, *Almond-butter, *Pumpkinseed-butter, *Macadamia nut-butter *Hazelnut-butter, *Walnut-butter, *Pecan-butter

!Apples with Healthy Chocolate Nutella-butter!


4-parts natural hazelnut butter

1-part maple syrup (you can sub honey or agave if needed)

1 part cocoa- powder (ideally organic)

Drizzle over sliced apple. Enjoy!


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AVOID PEANUTS (*peanuts often contain

denatured mould)

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12. FROZEN BERRIES OR GRAPES Have a freezer at work? Keep a bag of (organic) berries, cut fruit, or grapes to snack on when you want something sweet.

Blueberries help to stabilize blood-sugar, are filled with skin-plumping anti-oxidants, and contribute to an easy, happy good mood!

!Tip: pair frozen fruit with a little yogurt or a piece of cheese to further stabilize blood-sugar. Less sweet berries like blue-berries are natural blood-sugar stabilizers.



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13. DIPS Enjoy these simple protein-rich dips with veggies or rice-crackers or pita, with lunch, in soups, on salad, or just a scoop on its own!


Edamame Dip

Yogurt- based dip

Black-bean dip. Try this simple Hummus recipe*:In a food processor, combine:1 large can chick peas, 1/8 cup sundried tomatoes (drain the oil & pat dry), 1/8 cup marinated artichokes, 1/8 cup artichoke marinate (that it comes in) 1/4tsp seasalt. Blend until smooth.

!Enjoy with fresh TOASTED (not fried) corn-tortillas Simply take few fresh corn tortillas and put them in the toaster/ toaster oven until the edges crisp. Enjoy warm! (…No fridge/ toaster? Toast a few that morning and put in a container... prepare same day otherwise they’ll dry out.


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14. SHAKE IT UP Raw Protein Shake!

Shake up your Vitamin/ Anti-oxident/ Greens/ Probiotic/ Protein... Have a shaker cup in the your drawer, add a scoop with water/ (almond) milk and shake shake shake. Mmmmmm.... energy!


-Use the magic-bullet mini-blender to mix fresh fruits with yogurt or almond milk. Keep the magic bullet mixer in your desk! Experiment with banana, fruit, or add fresh veggies like spinach or carrots! Adding hemp or chia seeds is also a winner.


The brands I drink: VEGA shake Vegan, mixes easily, delicious... probiotics too! (I personally love the chocolate or plain vanilla. Note: vanilla chai is the best-seller but fair warning... you have to like the taste of stevia to enjoy it ;) ) or GreensPlus Multi-Plus: Your Greens, Your Protein, Your multi-vitamin. Start off slow and build to a full serving with this one to avoid a strong “releasing” effect.

Note: I’m not a big advocate of most standard whey protein powders as they’re highly processed, hard on your liver/kidneys and often contain additives plus a big no if you’re sensitive to whey (dairy) BUT, if you get a great RAW NUTRITIONAL POWDER that is high in protein then GREAT! This is an IDEAL BREAKFAST for LASTING ENERGY or 3PM PICK ME UP instead of coffee or sugar!


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15. PICKLED & FERMENTED Great for digestion!

Note: If you have heartburn don’t fret... usually it’s caused by NOT ENOUGH acid, so try these with each meal, or add a

tablespoon of apple-cider vinegar to your salads. Of course, continue to consult your doctor, but I know many people who just adding healthy acids to their diet cured their heartburn entirely!

-Olives (any kind- I love olives stuffed with pimentos… just be mindful of raw garlic at the office ;))

-Pickled veggies (pearl onions, beans)

-Sauerkraut (fermented- just a forkful each day will help feed your body’s healthy gut bacteria, minimizing gas & bloating & sugar cravings! Don’t eat more than 1/4 cup/ day though as your body may detox too much and you’ll feel funny.)

!Like sauerkraut but want some spice in there? …Try “kim chi”!


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16. TWO-BITE BEAN BROWNIES Protein rich and not too sweet, these nibbles will satisfy the 2pm sweet craving without spiking your blood sugar, creating instead nice sustainable energy for the afternoon. Make these yummy nibbles in bulk and freeze either in small ready to go baggies or in small containers. Kids love them too!

!Black-bean brownies recipe Ingredients:

1+3/4 cups soaked & cooked black beans (well rinsed & drained)

2 eggs

3Tbsp coconut oil

3/4 cup cocoa powder

1.4 tsp sea salt

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 cup dates

1.5 tsp baking powder

(Optional: Top with crushed walnuts or pecans) !!!

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Preheat oven to 350 degrees.Lightly grease 2x MINI muffin tins (24 minis in total)

In a food processor, mix all ingredients (except topping) and once smooth evenly distribute into the trays.

!Optional: Sprinkle with crushed walnuts, pecans or chocolate chips.!Bake for 15-20 minutes. After 15minutes, stick a toothpick in one to see if it comes out dry. If there’s batter on the toothpick, keep going. Once they’re done, cool for 30 minutes before removing from pan. Store in the fridge in an airtight container or make more and freeze.



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17. EDAMAME, ANY WAY IT COMES Spiced, salted, raw, cooked or plain these young soy beans are great as healthy snacks that are full of fibre, blood-sugar stabilizing protein, and a variety of minerals to help sustain your body’s health.

!Note: Limit your soy consumption to one serving/ day (or less if you’re taking estrogen in the form of hormone replacement or an estrogen-focused birth control pill) While it’s really healthy in moderation, go easy on soy products (like edamame or tofu) as they contain phytoestrogens which can mimic estrogen in the body and always choose non-GMO, organic soy products.

!Experiment with:

-Dried edamame beans

-Indian-spiced edamame (or chickpeas, or peas!)

-Warm in the pod with sea-salt

-Make hummus but substitute cooked shelled edamame beans instead of chickpeas


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18. VEGGIES IN A MUG Soup, broths, and juices are some of the easiest ways to pack in your veggies and minerals for the day. Simply pour (warm if needed) and enjoy!

Choose from these favourites:

-Vegetable juices (fresh, raw, and home-made is of course best but… experiment with low-sodium options, or better yet have a stash of cold pressed greens juices in your fridge. If cold-pressed feels too pricy, try HappyPlanet juices, they’re usually available at Costco at a lower price.)

- Vegetable broth (Either make home-made vegetable broth, or combine veggies with leftover chicken, beef, or turkey bones to make bone broth- a crockpot makes it easy!Alternatively, choose store-bought. Wolfgang Puck’s vegetable broth is my favourite for sure!)

- Tetra-pack soups... choose soups with the fewest number of ingredients, and where you recognize all of them. (Organic if possible.)

- Raw "Energy Soup" (See secret #2 for recipe).!

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Try this simple vegan creamy butternut squash soup recipe!


1 large butternut squash- halved and cooked

1 medium onion, chopped

4 cloves of garlic, chopped

1 can coconut milk

1Tbsp coconut oil

1 Tbsp cinnamon

1Tbsp nutmeg

Salt & pepper to taste. 1Tbsp raw miso paste.

Preheat your over to 375F. Cut a butternut squash in half, scoop out the insides. Take deep-dish glass baking dish and fill with 1.5” water. Put the butternut squash halves facing down in the dish. Bake for 25minutes, until soft. Remove and let cool. !Meanwhile, sauté the onion and garlic in a pot with coconut oil over medium heat. When the onions have turned translucent, add the cinnamon and nutmeg and coconut milk (and if you’re using it, add the better than bouillon stock paste). Scoop out the now cool butternut squash and add to the pot along with the miso paste. Blend using a hand-blender. Salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!

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19. TEA -Green tea of any type... HIGH in Anti-Oxidents

Try: Pomegranate-green (for a morning zing)

Matcha (for early afternoon energy)

Mint-green (for tummy soothing)

!Tea Misto Recipe!

Make a cup of tea, and then heat up 1/2 cup of (non-dairy) milk. Pour together and you get a frothy delight. Earl Grey is a fantastic tea for this, or try decaf vanilla bean.

!Want something good for you that’s closer to coffee?

Try chicory coffee!


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20. WATER WATER WATER WATER (& drinks with a whole lot of the stuff)

Filtered, fresh, skin-plumping, energy-boosting, disease-fighting, detoxifying, serve every cell in your beautiful body WATER! 8 glasses/ day will keep you hydrated, alert, happy. AND, since people often confuse hunger for thirst, if you’re reaching for water you’ll be less likely to reach for calories.

But... if you’re not keen on plain H20 (yet!) try my delicious zero-calorie alkalizing lemonade, swamp-water, or even Chia bubble-tea. Mmm.


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- Alkalizing (zero calorie) lemonade.


-1L fresh filtered water

-1 fresh lemon

-1 dropper full of liquid stevia

-adjust to taste

!Delicious swamp water.


-1L water

-1/8 cup chlorophyll

-1/4 cup unsweetened natural not from concentrate pure cranberry juice (Triple Jim’s Organics is a good product)

-1 dropper of liquid Stevia


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Chia Bubble-tea

High in protein, Omegas, and just plain deliciousness this drink will keep you going all afternoon.

Add two tablespoons while stirring to a shaker-cup of cold liquid. (Alkalizing lemonade, delicious swamp water, or fresh orange juice.)

Shake it up and wait for 5 minutes. shake again and enjoy this drink that’s reminiscent of bubble tea. For best effect, sip with a large straw.

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21. CRUDITÉS (aka cut up veggies)!We all love carrots and dip, but try cutting up tomato, yellow pepper, zucchini, brocccoli, cauliflower, celery, or snap peas for easy, healthy, low-calorie snacks. Want some healthy fat in your diet, choose avocado. Sprinkle any of the above with your favourite spices and a squeeze of lemon, any of the dips listed above or simple eat them alone.!

To make this easy for work, take 5 tupperware container, put 2Tbsp of water in each and then cut up and distribute a week’s worth of veggies. This way you’re all done ahead of time. Easy! !

!Don’t like raw? Steam them!!

Want fresh veggies at home? Cut up carrots and celery and place them in a glass with water in the fridge to stay fresh and crisp!!


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22. ORGANIC, HORMONE-FREE YOGURT/ KEFIR!If, and only if, your body digests dairy without any problems (gas, bloating, acne, digestive concerns, water retention, inflammation, cough, brain fog etc etc) then enjoy small amounts of unsweetened yogurt (with fruit) and kefir (fermented and so so good for you!) !

You can make your own yogurt & kefir using organic milk. Simply buy a yogurt or kefir starter and follow the directions. After you're made the first batch you can use extra yogurt or kefir to make your next batch even more easily. !

!Want non-dairy yogurt & kefir? Use almond, hemp, cashew, or rice milk!!

!Home-made almond milk:!

Soak 1 cup of almonds 8 hours or overnight.!

Drain the soaking water. Blend 1 cup of almonds with 6 cups of fresh filtered water and a tsp of vanilla.!

Using a 'nut milk bag' or cheesecloth pour the 'milk' through the bag or cheesecloth so the almond meal stays in the bag and your 'almond milk' goes in your jar or bowl. Then, use the leftover almond meal in your morning smoothie!

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23. NON-WHEAT WHOLE GRAINS Rather than reaching for rancid tortilla chips or nutrient-devoid white bread choose BROWN rice and other whole grains like quinoa, oats, or amaranth over wheat or fried grains every time. These have a lower glycemic index so won’t spike your blood sugar as much but still be mindful to limit your carb consumption on its own.

!Brown Rice or quinoa

Brown Rice cakes or crackers

Quinoa chips

Rice bread- toasted

Corn tortillas

Steel-cut Oatmeal for breakfast

!Note: These are still high in calories and carbohydrates so limit their consumption to 1-2 servings daily and avoid artificial flavourings. Let’s be real: your body needs SOME carbs, but mostly it needs carbs from fresh fruits and veggies so mostly focus on those... just enjoy these options from time to time.


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WHAT!? No, not the microwaved junk... Buy organic kernels and follow this yummy-mummy popcorn recipe! It’ll keep in ziplock bags in the desk drawer for weeks. Try small baggies for portion-awareness. While the fat on popcorn does curb the blood-sugar spike a little, eat with vegetables or protein to maintain balance.


1/4 cup (organic) popcorn kernels

1 Tbsp coconut oil


VEGETABLE OIL it’ll turn into a trans fat when heated

which will sap you of energy.)


Either use an air-popper, or... melt coconut oil in a large pot with a lid on the stove on medium. Once melted, add kernels, turn to medium-high, and once you start to hear popping shake continuously until popping slows.

Enjoy alone or sprinkle your favourite toppings. Some great sinless options below. !

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Popcorn Variations:

-Melted coconut oil with seasalt

-Sea salt and a teeny bit of maple

syrup (kettle-corn!)

-Dust parmesan (*Avoid if dairy is

a challenge)

- Your favorite spices: (Try: garlic basil, cayenne, ginger-turmeric, or italian)

- Sprinkle nutritional yeast

- Spritz soya sauce (or tamari or Braggs for a gluten free option)

-Crumbled Seaweed


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25. YOUR OLD-TIME FAMILY FAVE Choose ONE. ONE thing that you love from home that’s an absolute 10. This could be grandma’s oatmeal cookies, cold pancakes, tuna salad, or a latte in the afternoon. Whatever it is that feels like home that you ADORE. !If (by chance) it’s not very healthy choose not to eat it often, but whenever you do EAT IT WITH TOTAL JOY! In fact, EN-JOY!

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Packaged snack guidelines:!I love the old adage "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." Packaged foods often have hidden ingredients or ingredients that are made in a lab, not from the earth.

Follow these guidelines: No more than 7-ingredients. Make sure you can pronounce them all! The closer food is to its original whole form the better! Avoid preservatives like sulphur or artificial sweeteners like aspartame! Nothing that ends in -ose (these are all sugars!)


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Notes if you’re following a grain-free or gluten free-diet: !Gluten free & grain free are wonderful ways to reduce inflammation, minimize sugars, keep gut flora in check and stabilize blood sugar. Substituting is always welcomed! Try iceberg lettuce in lieu of rice crackers, seaweed nori sheets in lieu of wraps, and toasted soybeans in lieu of popcorn. Grilling eggplant rounds makes for amazing pizza or (veggie) burger bottoms. Experiment, play, and enjoy the journey of keeping your blood sugar stable and your body at ease.

!!Key foods to buy organic: !Tomatoes Berries Lettuces Broccoli & cauliflower Red & green peppers Apples & other orchard fruit !*worry less about fruit with a thick skin. Environmentally it’s still better to buy organic but very few pesticides reportedly seep into the fruit itself so for financial reasons fruit with skin that you peel and discard is a good choice for non-organic.

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Additional Tips for success:!Don’t make drastic changes. Instead, make one small change each week. Perhaps begin by choosing one of these healthy snacks for your regular 2pm snack, then, one by one swap out unhealthy foods for these suggestions. !Plan a little. Choose 2 or 3 snacks you’d like to have in your lunches this week and go grocery shopping for what you need, and prepare them before. As you build these snack-meals into your life and get used to this way of eating let yourself pre-plan each day’s food so you have a good balance and get to eat the foods you enjoy, keeping in mind the 75% veggies rule. !Don’t stress about it. If you stress or make it hard you won’t stick with it. Make it easy and take one small step at a time… your waistline, your mind, and your energy will thank you! !!

In summation, eat food, not too much, mostly plants and enjoy each moment of this beautiful life! !


Nourish Humanity- Cubicle Heaven- Office Snacks. All rights reserved by Sarah Harrison.