You belong to me

You Belong with me Analysis

Transcript of You belong to me

You Belong with meAnalysis

This establishing shot shows two houses. They are a certain distance apart. This creates symmetry and shows that they are very different.The shot is from a low angle and shows these houses as being important, probably the artists house and another important character.

Here is the first shot of the artist. She is wearing typically nerdy and geeking costumes. This shows her as being quite modest and reserved. This video is a televised bard. It tells a story and leads the viewer through a path.

Here the artists narrates and sings into a comb. She dances and jumps around her bedroom, this adds a fun and childish tone to the video. The shot is very colourful and the filter is very saturated. This shows the video is uplifting and bright. This keeps within the pop genre.

This shot of the boy she desires, is from behind his window. This creates a wall between them and shows that they are separated. In comparison to the size of the shot. This shows that at this point in the video she has little to do with him.

In this shot we can see the artist behind car window, this show also creates gap between her and the boy. She seems distanced and sad because of this. In no way is the artist shown provocatively or and instead she is being sold for her music and not looks in this part of the video.

This final shot shows the artist in a clean white dress and being centre shot. She is the most important thing in the shot. She stands out due to her dress and this finally sets her aside from everyone else. She is now being sold as an image as well as a singer. This brings the story to a neat close and wraps it up as if it were a book. It allows the video to have a finale.