You Are Intuitive - Dr. Cara Gubbins...Soul-Centered Life. In no particular order, they are to Heal...

You Are Intuitive 11 Ways to Access Your Inner Guidance By Cara Gubbins, PhD Spiritual Intuitive Animal Intuitive Pet Medium

Transcript of You Are Intuitive - Dr. Cara Gubbins...Soul-Centered Life. In no particular order, they are to Heal...

Page 1: You Are Intuitive - Dr. Cara Gubbins...Soul-Centered Life. In no particular order, they are to Heal Your Past, De-Stress the Present, and Guide Your Future. This book helps you with

You Are Intuitive

11 Ways to Access Your Inner Guidance

By Cara Gubbins, PhD

Spiritual Intuitive

Animal Intuitive

Pet Medium

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In YOU ARE INTUITIVE, you are going to

Understand the top 3 challenges to accessing your intuition

Discover the 3 keys to living a soul-centered life

Understand intuition and how to develop it to work for you

Connect with 11 tools to use right now to get intuitive info in

your life

And more!

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~A Note from Cara~ Dear Beautiful Soul,

Thank you for joining me on this journey! I am so happy you are reading

this! You are beginning a wonderful adventure in connecting with your soul and

getting guidance from the greatest source – yourself!

All people are born with natural intuitive ability. Intuition is not just in some

of us; it’s in all of us. You Are Intuitive presents 11 different ways to connect with

your inner guidance – and this is just a start! There are many more ways to

connect with your intuition . . . but these should keep you busy for a while. There

is a wealth of information out there; we just need to practice accessing it.

Most people come to me for an Intuitive Reading when they are feeling

Stuck, Stressed and/or Powerless. If you are feeling this way right now, I totally

understand. What I want you to achieve from this book is your own experience

getting guidance for yourself so you have clarity on your next steps, feel peaceful

inside and you are Empowered to have tools that work for you in your own

personal toolbox.

I look forward to helping you connecting with your soul and living your life

in a heart and soul-centered way. I believe that there are Three Keys to Living a

Soul-Centered Life. In no particular order, they are to Heal Your Past, De-Stress

the Present, and Guide Your Future. This book helps you with the third key,

helping you step into tomorrow more clear, confident and excited!

You can use this book on its own or in conjunction with my audio recording

“Access Your Intuition.” Following the steps in the recording will help you turn on

your intuitive center and make receiving your intuitive guidance that much easier.

To your success!

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~The Tools~


“Your inner knowing is your only true compass.” Joy Page

Your ‘Inner Yes’ is a light, happy, excited, upward, outward feeling. You

literally feel lighter in your body.

To use this tool, practice by thinking about something that you love to do,

like dancing or walking in a beautiful place in nature, etc. Pay attention to how

your body feels. When you think about that activity, do you feel butterflies in

your belly? Do you light up inside? Do you feel excited and expansive?

Whatever you notice are the signs of your Inner Yes.

Your ‘Inner No’ is a heavy, constricted, downward, inward feeling.

My Inner No tends to be a tightening in my gut and/or a feeling of dread or

resistance. One of my teachers always reminded me that “if it’s not a yes, it’s a

no!” So, your Inner No can also be a neutral feeling that is not noticeably

heavy or tight, but definitely not a lightening feeling like your Inner Yes.

When using this tool for a question, quiet yourself, ask your question and

notice whether you feel light and more expansive when you contemplate your


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My general rule of thumb is “If it’s not a ‘yes,’ it’s a ’no.’”

“Why are you so enchanted by this world, when a mine of gold lies within you?”



"You have to trust your body to take care of you."

A. J. Langer

After clearing and centering yourself, ask your question and notice what your

body does physically. Watch yourself and you will soon become aware of a subtle tilt

of your head or leaning of your body. Maybe your chest and shoulders move

forward. Maybe your forehead lifts up and forward. If you physically lean forward,

that is a yes. Watch yourself and see what your Body Yes is. If you lean back or

physically withdraw, that is a No. With practice you can begin to notice very subtle

shifts in your body posture – even something as slight as tucking your chin toward

your chest can indicate a Body No message from your intuition.


“When you don’t know what to do, get still. The answer will come.”

Oprah Winfrey

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The word “Clairvoyance” literally translated means “clear seeing.”

Clairvoyance is the experience of accessing information in the form of images,

visions and pictures. Images pop into your mind’s eye. They can be either

literal or symbolic.

To access your intuition using your clairvoyance, first center yourself, then

ask your question and finally, close your eyes and wait for an image to appear.

If the image doesn’t make sense, ask for a clearer image or a clarification

image. The key here is to simply notice what you notice without evaluating or

judging it.

If you think you are having a hard time with this, here is a tip: clairvoyant

images are not as clear and solid as ‘real’ images in the ‘real’ world. Here is an

exercise to give you a sense of what the clairvoyant experience is like: close

your eyes and picture a soccer ball. Next picture a rose. Now picture an ocean.

The images you saw in your mind were visual but most likely not as clear and

solid as your open-eyed vision. That is similar to what you would see when

experiencing clairvoyance.


"If you want to find God, hang out in the space between your thoughts."

Alan Cohen

Meditation is simply quieting the mind. When left to its own devices, the

mind will ramble on and on – some people call it “Monkey Mind.” The trick to

meditation is to give the mind something to focus on so that it doesn’t amuse

itself and keep itself busy thinking thoughts. That’s why many meditations are

about focusing – focusing on breathing or a mantra or a movement or a


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Many people have associated meditation with repeating or chanting the

word “OM.” This type of meditation is called Mantra Meditation. Repeating a

phrase or sound over and over helps clear the mind of thoughts and open the

meditator up to intuitive information. The two Mantras that I like are “om”

and or “om namah shivaya.” Om is the primordial sound of the vibration of the

Earth and om namah shivaya roughly translates into “I surrender to the guru

within me.” Both are wonderful vibrations to connect to!

Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hahn, in his lovely and practical

book “Blooming of a Lotus,” offers dozens of meditations that focus the mind

on breathing and certain feelings contained within words. He starts with a very

simple meditation (Repeating the following phrase as you breathe: Breathing

in, I know that I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know that I am breathing

out.) and gradually introduces more and more complex meditations, each one

more relaxing and yet uplifting than the one before.

Insight into your question may become clear to you during meditation or

after the meditation. Meditation is a practical method for clearing the

channels to receive subtle intuitive guidance.

I actually keep a notepad and pen next to me when I meditate so I can write

down any insights I get (and then I am able to let them go once I write them

down – if I didn’t write them down, my meditation mantra would become “I

gotta remember xyz. I gotta remember xyz.”). I don’t always get insights or

answers when I meditate, but when I do, they are good!


"The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart." Buddha

Clairsentience literally means “clear feeling.” Clairsentience is different

than your inner yes or no. When using clairsentience, you will feel sensations

in body like tightness, pain, lightness or tingling.

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To access your intuition using your clairsentience, first center yourself, then

ask your question and finally, close your eyes and mentally scan your body.

Notice any new sensations or feelings in your body, especially if they might be

related to your question. Again, the key to using clairsentience is to simply

notice what you notice without evaluating or judging it.

When I’m doing an Intuitive Reading, I often find myself saying things like

“It feels like your body wants to dance” and those words come from a feeling

in my body that I can’t express any other way. I feel the urge in my own body

but since I am reading for someone else, I know the feeling is a message for

that person.


“Anything you want to ask a teacher, ask yourself, and wait for the answer in silence.”

Byron Katie

As you might have guessed, clairaudience means “Clear hearing.” When

using this ability, you hear a message or a voice or distinct words in your mind

that are inaudible to physical human ears. Similar to clairvoyant images, the

words you hear clairaudiently may not seem distinct and crisp. And, they may

be confusing, like in the movie “Field of Dreams” in which the main character

hears voices but the messages are vague.

To access your clairaudience, ask your question and then simply listen. Pay

attention to any thoughts you are having, and song that you hear in your head,

etc. Just get quiet and listen.


“Silence is the language of god, all else is poor translation.” Rumi

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Silence is like clearing the slate so you can see something new. It’s like quieting

the mind, so that intuition has a voice. The passage below is written by Ron and

Mary Hulnick for their Ways of Knowing class at the University of Santa Monica.

The words are so accurate and yet so musical, I couldn’t do the material justice by

putting it into my own words!

“Silence is the gateway to profound peace. It is also a doorway to revelation of

the Self. In order to hear the deepest Wisdom of the Heart, it is necessary to give

oneself time and space for contemplation, reverie, and reflection. This involves

cultivating a relationship with Silence. When we withhold the gift of Silence, we

are blocking access to the wellspring of creativity and the Wisdom of the Soul.

After you ask your question, sit in silence for a pre-determined amount of


Simply notice what feelings, images, and/or impressions bubble up within you.

You may want to write them down or you may want to sit with them and

continue sitting in the silence as more impressions come into your awareness.


“Dreams offer themselves to all. They are oracles, always ready to serve as our

silent and infallible counselors.”

Synesius of Cyme

Dreams are available to anyone at any time. They are free. They are yours. You

don’t have to wonder if you can trust the source of the information because you

are the source! Dreams can help you access your unconscious and your higher

knowing and therefor your intuition.

Dreams are a series of images, ideas, emotions and sensations that occur

during the sleeping state, mainly during REM sleep. They can last for a few

seconds or as long as twenty minutes. Dream Interpretation has been around

since 5,000BC!

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Before going to sleep, ask your question and ask for a dream that answers your

question. You can write down your question in a dream journal or on a piece of


When you wake up, write down any dreams you remember, even if you only

remember snippets or random images or feelings.

Next, analyze your dream, but don’t be too literal. Dreams are symbolic, so

analyze your dream from a symbolic point of view, giving your own symbolic

meaning to the images and feelings you experienced in the dream state.

Here’s a fun exercise: write down all the nouns in the dream in a column and

then do word association in a second column next to each word. I did this with a

confusing dream and got a clear message that was accurate and inspiring.

You can also keep a Dream Journal. I’ve kept a Dream Journal for over a year

and a half and I am always surprised when I go back and read it later how

informative and accurate my dreams are. Some nights I have no dreams,

sometimes I have confusing dreams, and sometimes I glean clear meanings from

my dreams. The journal keeps it all together so I can see larger patterns and

remember details that I would otherwise miss.

Here is a valuable key: don’t move when you first wake up and take a moment

to mentally review your dreams. Then write down keywords about your dream as

quickly as possible. Once you’ve gotten the keywords down, then recount all the

details and pay attention to how you feel as you review different aspects of your

dream – this is important information, too!


“Synchronicity is an inexplicable but profoundly meaningful coincidence that

stirs the soul and offers a guiding glimpse of one’s destiny.”

Philip Cousineau

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Synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence of two or more events not likely to

happen by chance. Events are grouped together by meaning, not by time or linear

sequence. The phenomenon was first described and defined by Swiss psychologist

Carl Jung in the 1920s.

The cool thing about synchronicity is that it gives us a glimpse into the great

order of the Universe – the unifying energy field from which our intuition gets its

information. According to Wikipedia, “synchronistic events reveal an underlying

pattern, a conceptual framework that encompasses, but is larger than, any of the

systems that display the synchronicity.”

Jung commented that “when coincidences pile up in this way, one cannot help

being impressed by them—for the greater the number of terms in such a series,

or the more unusual its character, the more improbable it becomes.”

Let me share an example with you. When I first heard about EFT, a friend sent

me an email about it, a separate group of friends talked about it at dinner a

couple days later, and then the same night that I had dinner with friends, I saw it

featured on a tv show. I said to myself “I gotta pay attention to this!” My rule for

most of my life is something comes to my attention in 3 separate ways, I consider

it a synchronicity and evidence of a larger pattern that I should pay attention to.

Now, I stop at two and say “Okay, Universe, I get the hint; I will pay attention to

this now!”

If you even find yourself asking yourself “What are the odds?” you are

probably experiencing some kind of synchronicity.

To use synchronicity to access your intuition, pay attention to unusual events

and open your mind to connections and patterns that are emerging. If you’ve

asked a question, notice how these related events could symbolically be an

answer to your question.

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“When you ask for a sign, you are opening to a level of information,

insight, clarity and knowing that pertains to the Self.”

Dr. Gillian Holloway

When you don’t know what to do, you can always ask for a sign. Define your

sign before you ask your question and make it specific. I’ll share a friend’s story

with you to illustrate how to do this.

My friend was thinking about moving across the country several years ago. She

asked for a hawk’s feather to indicate “yes” she should move. She chose a hawk’s

feather because they were so rare where she lived and she knew that if she saw

one, it would definitely be a sign. While she was teaching, her second grade

students found a hawk’s feather in the school yard and brought it to her, saying

they knew it was for her and that she would like it! She got her sign.

When I heard my friend’s story, I decided that whenever I see any kind of

feather on the trail means ‘yes, you are on the right path’ to me. Now, I often ask

a question before I go for a walk in the park (nature preserve) near my house.

Many times, I have seen a feather in answer to my question.

Your sign can be anything you want. The trick here is to ask your question and

let go of it and let your guidance come to you from the outer world. Trust it!


“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.”

Mark Twain

Procrastination is such a big issue for many of us. There are seminars and

books and all kinds of self-help tools designed to help us stop procrastinating. But

what if procrastinating isn’t the problem? What if what we’re doing or how we’re

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doing it is the problem? What if procrastination is our soul’s way of getting our

attention and telling us that we’re not supposed to be doing whatever it is that

we are procrastinating about? I believe that procrastination is a message from

your soul that whatever you’re procrastinating on is not aligned for you. The

energy is off somehow. Maybe you’re not supposed to be doing it at all. Maybe

you should be doing it later or tomorrow or next week.

If you notice yourself procrastinating, assume it’s a message from your soul

telling you not to do it. Don’t make yourself do it anyway. Let it go for now. You

will come back when the timing is right and the energy is there. And guess what?!

It will be easier and funner and more fulfilling if you do it when the energy is

there. It might even feel effortless!

~Developing Intuition~ Developing Intuition is easy if you are consistent and pay attention. You can

keep an Intuition Log or track your results in some way so you can get feedback

on how you got the insight and how it panned out – how accurate you were. A

few daily habits can help your intuition grow and strengthen, these include

meditation, exercise, yoga and any kind of anti-stress device you have – taking a

walk, talking to a friend, or being in nature. Intuition can be subtle and hard to


When we are stressed, we are not as able to pay attention to that small voice

whispering to us or the little feeling in our gut holding us back or the other subtle

signs of our intuitive guidance. Any activity that helps you slow down, de-stress,

and be aware of the present moment will help you build your natural intuitive

ability. It’s also important that you pay attention to the information you get, trust

it and follow it. That’s part of the process for building your intuitive ability.

Because you want to train your natural ability to chart your own course and make

the decisions that are right for you. You do that by paying attention, noticing and


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One of the biggest challenges for me as I started developing my intuition

(which I am still doing, by the way!) was to follow my intuition even when I

couldn’t explain it logically. If you can let go of understanding, logic, and

explanations, you are ahead in the intuition game!

~Next Steps~ Now that you’ve increased your intuitive ability, you might want to ….

Receive a Soul Alignment Intuitive Reading from me. Soul Alignment Readings are 30, 60, or 90-minute readings that help you understand your life and its challenges from a spiritual perspective, receive clear direction on your next steps, and create the life you’ve always wanted to live. To book your session, please go to Choose the length of your session and click on the appropriate “Buy Now” button. Contact me to set up a time to connect by phone or Skype or over the Internet.

Join me for a Soul Awakening Coaching program. On this journey, you will learn how to strengthen your natural intuitive guidance system even more, connect with the divine in your life, express the truth of who you are in any situation and with anyone, and discover and manifest your purpose on the planet. The program is available as an online group coaching experience, as a group coaching experience plus 6 monthly private sessions with me, and as a customized, private program. To book your session, please go to Choose your journey and click on the appropriate “Buy Now” button. I will contact you with all of your registration details and directions for accessing your life changing material.

Try one of my Online Courses. I offer two 6-week classes that help you get the

most out of your intuition. The first, Opening to Intuition, is the

foundational class that guides you through clearing any energetic blocks to

your intuition and preparing you for receiving intuitive guidance. The

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second class, Amplify Your Intuition, picks up where the first class left off

and gives you the tools and experience to use advanced intuitive tools to

receive your intuitive guidance and conduct and intuitive reading for

yourself. My first online Opening to Intuition class will be held in June

2013. (I’m super excited!) Amplify Your Intuition will be offered beginning

in July 2013 and I hope to offer both of these classes at least twice a year

for a long time to come! I have plans for more classes later this year. Please

check back and visit for more info.

~About the Author~ Dr. Cara Gubbins was born with a natural psychic ability to

which she was highly attuned as a child. Rejection of her

gifts at the age of five by family members caused her to

shut down her intuitive abilities for nearly two decades.

During college, her skills naturally re-surfaced and she

began doing psychic readings for friends in 1985. Since

then she has studied many disciplines of energy readings

and healings, including Matrix Energetics, Reiki, EFT, and traditional psychic

development, including completion of a mediumship class during summer and fall 2012

to strengthen her natural ability to help her clients connect to the spirits of loved ones

who have passed on.

Cara began conducting scientific research as a high school student and she holds

BA, MA and PhD degrees in Animal Behavior, Physiology, Ecology, and Evolution. Cara

and her research have been featured on CNN, the BBC, the Discovery Channel, and

National Geographic Specials. A lifelong learner, Cara recently returned to graduate

school and completed an MA in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in

Consciousness, Health and Healing. She continues to take advanced seminars in

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Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica and graduate classes with her

psychic teacher in Chico, California.

Cara also teaches classes, both in person and online, to people who want to

develop their natural intuitive abilities and explore the ecstasy of their souls. Her classes

include Opening to Intuition, Amplifying Your Intuition, Energy Tools for Pet Lovers,

Intuitive Communication for Pet Lovers and Spiritual Anatomy. Her 6-month Soul

Awakening journeys combine intuitive development with Spiritual Psychology, chakras,

Emotional Freedom Techniques and guided meditations to deeply transform people’s

lives. Her goal is to help women connect with the divine in their lives by tuning into their

own intuitive guidance systems while creating authentic, empowered lives that celebrate

their uniqueness.

Cara also has the ability to communicate intuitively with animals and she combines

her love of animals with her intuitive abilities in her Intuitive practice. She lives with her

husband, their two children, and their Australian shepherd puppy in northern California.