THE JEWISH DEFENSE ORGANIZATION (JDO) CONTENT ANALYSIS SECTION YOKO ONO’S FRIDAY FEBRUARY 18, 2011 FULL PAGE NEW YORK TIMES AD “IMAGINE PEACE 2011” CONTAINED CODE WORDS THAT REFERRED TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE IN A CLASSICAL ANTI-SEMITIC SENSE IMAGINE PEACE 2011 Yoko Ono Lennon 18 February 2011 Dear Friends, Today, February 18th, 2011, I am 78.I know you are asking many questions on Twitter and elsewhere about what I am really like. It’s something I would love to know, too! One day it will suddenly dawn on us …maybe. The world situation is too urgent for us now to discuss trivial things, like what I eat for breakfast. We are at a point in human history when we have to wake up and realize that the only people who can save the world are us. Every hour that goes by without us doing anything about it affects us, and affects the world that we love so much. In his State of the Union Speech, President Obama said we should do “big things.” Well, we are already doing the biggest thing anybody in the human history could ever hope for. Together, we are creating a world of Peace, Love and Freedom, all while the negative forces try their hardest to stop us. With their power, they want to control the whole world. But we will not let them. That’s big. The way we are doing it is by being conscious of the “Power of Togetherness.” The negative forces do not have that. They are an elitist minority, dipping their heads in arrogant madness. They always play the same game – using violence, changing laws for their convenience, and seducing us with words to get what they want. They say if we do things their way, we will all be rich. Well, that’s not happening. It never will. Once there is great wealth, they will want to


Yoko Ono's full page New York Times ad blames the world situation on a Jewish conspiracy.





IMAGINE PEACE 2011 Yoko Ono Lennon 18 February 2011 Dear Friends, Today, February 18th, 2011, I am 78.I know you are asking many questions on Twitter and elsewhere about what I am really like. It’s something I would love to know, too! One day it will suddenly dawn on us …maybe. The world situation is too urgent for us now to discuss trivial things, like what I eat for breakfast. We are at a point in human history when we have to wake up and realize that the only people who can save the world are us. Every hour that goes by without us doing anything about it affects us, and affects the world that we love so much. In his State of the Union Speech, President Obama said we should do “big things.” Well, we are already doing the biggest thing anybody in the human history could ever hope for. Together, we are creating a world of Peace, Love and Freedom, all while the negative forces try their hardest to stop us. With their power, they want to control the whole world. But we will not let them. That’s big. The way we are doing it is by being conscious of the “Power of Togetherness.” The negative forces do not have that. They are an elitist minority, dipping their heads in arrogant madness. They always play the same game – using violence, changing laws for their convenience, and seducing us with words to get what they want. They say if we do things their way, we will all be rich. Well, that’s not happening. It never will. Once there is great wealth, they will want to


keep it for themselves. They also use fear tactics, saying the world will be in a great mess if we don’t do it their way. Well, the world is already in a mess. Why? Because we followed them. It’s Time for Action. It’s Time for Change. We, the people of the world, are not dumb. We understand what the “Blue Meanies” are trying to do. We just don’t know how to stop it. And wonder if we can at all. But we can! We are doing it. Take a look at this map. Each dot represents millions and millions of people who are all, right now, thinking of Peace: wishing it, voicing it, and hoping that their dream of peace will become a reality. The map expresses what my husband John Lennon and I envisioned. I know he is smiling, thinking of how little time it took for all of us to Come Together. IMAGINE PEACE is a powerful, universal mantra that we should all meditate on. With it, we will achieve the impossible. Hopefully, without bloodshed. Look at all the courageous people who are now being hurt in marches and thrown in prisons for no other reason except for carrying “Peace, Love and Freedom” in their hearts and voicing it. I don’t want you to get hurt. You shouldn’t have to. 7 billion of us, people of the world, have the birthright to live with a healthy mind and body at all times. You should not even get one scratch on you, and you won’t, if you don’t allow it. So keep IMAGINE PEACE in your head. Have a clear picture of where we stand, what we are doing, and where we want to be. Know that we are connected in our hearts and minds. War Is Over, if you want it! I love you! i ii iii yoko Yoko Ono Lennon18 February 2011 We, the people of the world, are not dumb. We understand what the “Blue Meanies” are trying to do. We just don’t know how to stop it. And wonder if we can at all.

Although this line appears towards the end of Yoko’s text it is worth

examining first as it provides the least ambiguous code word. The people of the world are not dumb. They understand the underhanded activities of the Blue Meanies but have no idea how to stop them. They are demoralized. Who were the Blue Meanies in the Beatles movie Yellow Submarine? In the DVD commentary track of Yellow Submarine, production supervisor John Coates stated that "blue" was a play on "Jew." He claimed it was not as a reflection of any anti-Semitism on the part of the filmmakers, but rather as a commentary on the stereotypical casting of Jews as villains. There is also a scene where a Blue Meanie questions some disguised Beatles, asking, "Are you Bluish? You don't look Bluish..." Sounds like “You don’t look Jewish.” With this in mind let’s see if there is other words in this ad that might refer to Jews.

With their power, they want to control the whole world. But we will not let them.

Who are they? They are the Jews. Who has been accused of trying to “control the whole world?” Put “Jewish world control” in quotes and run a search in Google and you get 31,000 hits. For centuries, anti-Semitic propaganda has demonized the Jew as a conspiratorial, manipulative outsider with powers and designs of world domination. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a forgery that supposedly laid out the blueprint for a Jewish world government. Yoko’s “Peace” ad is no different.


They are an elitist minority, dipping their heads in arrogant madness.

Elite is defined as a group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual or economic status. Elitist is a term that is often applied to Jews. The Soviets’ code word for Jews was “rootless cosmopolitans.” Minority is defined as a racial, religious, or national group thought to be different from the larger group of which it is part. This is also applicable to Jews. But the key word here is arrogant an even more frequently used code word for Jews. The Prime Minister of Indonesia stated, "Israel is a small country. There are not many Jews in the world. But they are so arrogant that they defy the whole world." People who express hatred, resentment or fear regarding the Jews almost always focus on charges of Jewish arrogance, elitism and lust for power - all elements in Yoko’s full page “Peace” ad. Although not a run of the mill code word for Jew the use of the word “dipping” here is significant. On the Jewish holiday of Passover it is asked, “Why is it that on all other nights we do not dip [our food] even once, but on this night we dip them twice?”

They always play the same game – using violence, changing laws for their convenience, and seducing us with words to get what they want.

The Jews use in the sense of exploit the violence of the Nazis during the Holocaust to rationalize the existence of the State of Israel. Changing laws for their convenience is a reference to Jewish Congressional lobbyists like Jack Abramoff. “Seducing us with words to get what they want” is another way of saying that the Jews control the media. This is classic anti-Semitism. Type “Jews control the media” in quotation marks into Google search and you come up with 76,000


They say if we do things their way, we will all be rich. Well, that’s not happening. It never will. Once there is great wealth, they will want to keep it for themselves.

The Iranian Hitler Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated: "Although they are a miniscule

minority, Jews have been dominating an important portion of the financial and monetary centers in a deceitful, complex and furtive manner." Part of the Jewish stereotype in America is that Jews are rich. “keep it for themselves” Another trait attributed to Jews in general is that they are greedy and want to keep all the wealth of the world for themselves.

They also use fear tactics, saying the world will be in a great mess if we don’t do it their way. Well, the world is already in a mess. Why? Because we followed them.

Israel has nuclear weapons and according to Ono uses them to intimidate the world. It is no accident that Yoko Ono gave Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu a peace prize founded in her late husband's memory. She stated: "It's possible


that somebody might attempt to murder him, that's the main concern." She wants to keep him safe from the Mossad. Vanunu, a former technician at an Israeli nuclear reactor, served 18 years in prison for divulging information about Israel's nuclear secrets. Ono also gave journalist Seymour Hersh the same $50,000 award. Hersh is the author of The Samson Option, a book that also exposed Israel nuclear


IMAGINE PEACE is a powerful, universal mantra that we should all meditate on. With it, we will achieve the impossible. Hopefully, without bloodshed.

Imagine Peace is a piece written and published by Yoko that is quite ambiguous.

With it she hopes to defeat Israel, hopefully without bloodshed but if that is what is takes Yoko is ready to approve of violence.

This ad is an example of Dog-whistle politics. Dog-whistle politics, also known as the

use of code words, is a term for a type of political campaigning or speechmaking which employs coded language that appears to mean one thing to the general population but has a different or more specific meaning for a targeted subgroup of the audience. The term is used to refer to messages with an intentional subtext. The key to its use is to maintain the option of "plausible deniability." For example the phrase "states' rights", although literally referring to powers of individual state governments in the United States,

are "code words" for institutionalized segregation and racism. Yoko used coded language so that she would not engender an angry Jewish backlash against her in her upper West Side predominantly Jewish neighborhood.

I knew John and Yoko quite well in the early 1970’s. It was many an hour I spent with them on Bank Street. When John left Yoko she would call me for consolation and advice. What caused Yoko Ono to adopt this left/right Jew hatred? Could it have been her ex-husband Sam Havadtoy, the son of Jewish Holocaust refugees who were forced to move to England from Hungary? I first heard of Sam Havadtoy from a sleazy druggie and floor-tiller named Bruce Kirsh whose motto was “I never met a drug I didn’t like.” Long before Yoko hooked up with Sam Havadtoy Bruce told me that he had worked for him on a job that entailed renovating and decorating a town house

owned by the King of Morocco. Sam would form a dummy company wherein everyone would have phony social security numbers then fold the company at tax time then start anew with another bogus company. When Albert Goldman told me Yoko was going out with this bi-sexual interior decorator I could not freaking believe it. Yoko got into this Jew-hating bag after Sam divorced her and Yoko had to make a huge divorce


settlement payment to him. Another possibility is that fascism runs in her blood. YOKO’S FATHER WAS JAPANESE WAR CRIMINAL Yoko had a rather naïve way of looking at World War II and in the early 1970’s was quoted as saying: “If I was a Jewish girl in Hitler’s day, I would approach him and become his girlfriend. After 10 days in bed, he would come to my way of thinking. This

world needs communication. And making love is a great way of communicating.” Yoko Ono is the daughter of a Japanese war criminal who worked with the Nazis during World War II. It seems to me that Yoko has not escaped her fascist heredity. Yoko was born into power and wealth on February 18, 1933 to her parents, Eisuke Ono and Isoko Yasuda Ono at her great-grandmother's palatial estate overlooking Tokyo, with the emperor's compound located nearby. A staff of thirty

servants attended to the family's every need. Yoko's paternal great-grandfather, Atsushi Saisho, was the descendant of a 9th Century emperor and a member of a powerful family which played a role in overthrowing the shogunate system in Japan. Yoko's mother came from a very wealthy family. Isoko Yasuda Ono's grandfather was Zenjiro Yasuda, the founder of the Yasuda Bank and head of one of Japan's richest business cartels. Zenjiro Yasuda had amassed a fortune of more than one-billion dollars before his death by assassination in 1921. It was this cartel that profited from the Rape of Nanking as it was his industries that used the slave labor from Nanking. Following World War II, the Yasuda Bank was dissolved by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers, Douglas McArthur due to its complicity in Japanese war crimes. In the Philippines the city of Manila contains an entire block seized from Ono’s family after the war as reparations. Ono went to the exclusive Gakushuin school, for the Japanese aristocracy. One of her classmates was the Crown Prince Akihito, now the Emperor of Japan. She was in Japan when the bombs fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and told this author that she had to eat grass to survive. Her father Eisuke Ono was working in America prior to Pearl Harbor and left the country possibly fearing that his role as a Japanese spy might be unearthed or that he might have been placed in an internment camp along with his family. During the war he had been working in occupied Hanoi, Vietnam and was imprisoned as a Japanese war criminal after Japan surrendered. The fascist’s wife and children were in Tokyo when it was razed by American firebombs in 1945, killing more than 100,000 people many of whom had taken part in the war effort. Afterwards Ono and her younger brother were evacuated to the countryside.