Years 5 and 6 Topic 1st March - Cuddington and Dinton School

Years 5 and 6 Topic 1 st March The timetable is a little different this week due to our World Book Day celebrations. Monday

Transcript of Years 5 and 6 Topic 1st March - Cuddington and Dinton School

Years 5 and 6 Topic 1st March

The timetable is a little different this week due to our World Book Day



RE: What did Jesus do to save human beings?

Can I use empathy to reflect on what is happening an image?

Look at the image below and its title. Write in the speech bubble

and the thought bubble what a person is thinking or saying. Note

down any surprises puzzles or feelings.

Jesus meeting his mother on the way to the cross.

What surprises you about this


What is puzzling about this image? How does this image make you



Music Rhapsody in Blue (excerpt) by George Gershwin –

Firstly, click on the link below and watch Radzi Chinyanganya introduce the piece and tell us about Gershwin’s love of Jazz and Blues. George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue is full of the sounds and energy of 1920s New York.

George Gershwin – Rhapsody in Blue (excerpt) - BBC Teach

Then watch Pianist Lauren Zhang join the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra to perform Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue (same link as above).

This piece of music is describing something that we hear in cities all around the world even today. Can you guess what it is?

Write down all the things that you image while listening to this piece of music. For example: What does the clarinet sound like? Gershwin thought it sounded like the siren of a police car.

Look at this picture of the New York Skyline. Then listen to the orchestra’s performance of the piece again. what is the music describing? Use your imagination, you are going to draw a city with all its rushing people, transport, noise and what Gershwin called ‘metropolitan madness’. You are not drawing the orchestra and its players and instruments. What does your city look like? Use the music to help you create your sprawling city.


Can I make a bread sculpture based on a plan and design?

Please send us pictures of your bread sculpture when you make it:

[email protected]

Have a look at your bread

sculpture design from Friday.

Can you describe to someone

how you will create your

bread sculpture?

Do not make or bake the bread


Adult supervision required for


Bake for 15 – 20 minutes or until

golden brown. To test bread, tap on

the bottom. It should sound hollow.

Remove from oven and allow to

cool. Don’t forget to take pictures of

your amazing creation!



Bonjour! To access this week’s French learning you will need to go to the following

website and login with the information below:

Username: Cuddin1148

Password: lahome

You will gain access to the Language Angels dashboard. I would like you to choose

the higher-level topic, Unit 1 – A l’ecole.

Step 1: Choose Lesson 5. This is the last lesson in the unit.

Today’s lesson is a listening exercise, where you need to identify the child’s name,

their lesson, the time of their lesson and whether they like it.

The worksheet is downloadable on the site or you can draw your own on a piece of


Write down as much information as you can identify. See how many you get correct.

After you have had a go, play a game to help embed your vocabulary.




2:30pm Mrs Price’s world book day celebration


You can join by clicking on the zoom link sent in the Friday


Friday Topic

Can I evaluate my bread?

Can I design a poster to advertise my bread?

Have a look at the adverts below:

What features can you spot in these different adverts?

Have a go at designing your own poster to advertise your

bread. You can use the planning sheet below to help you

with some persuasive language. Remember to include a

sketch or photo of your bread.