Year10 autumn term presentation

By Daniella Ajai Year 10 - Autumn Term - Magazines - Homework Project

Transcript of Year10 autumn term presentation

Page 1: Year10 autumn term presentation

By Daniella Ajai

Year 10 - Autumn Term - Magazines - Homework Project

Page 2: Year10 autumn term presentation

Task 1 : Select a genre or magazine whose style you would think would appeal to the target audence of 11-18 year olds

The magazne style that would appeal to the audence of 11-18 year olds is music/Celebrty gossip. This is because of the fact the information isnt too serious and the magazine itself has a more laid back vibe to it . Also because music is a mixed gender topic unlike fashion or sports meaing it woud apeal to both male and female teens.

I think 'VIBE' magazines style would be appealing to 11-18year olds because at first glace the colour and theme of it is brght and bold and catch the eye at first glance. Also reading some of the article titles we can tell that the content is more about celebrities lifes than serous news which would also attract 11-8 year olds.

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Task 2 : Make a list of features for your podcast

1. Teacher of the week

2. Will phones ever be allowed in school?

3. Uniform! Really though?

4. Lunches! What are they really feeding us?

5. Sports star of the week

6. fashion for less!

7. Technology from our aspect!

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Task 4 : Create a name and logo for the HCACP Podcast

Colours of green representing hcacp's school colours but also bold and eye catching

Comic looking font to attract a younger audience

bright colour on a dark background to make the colours more noticeable and vivid

use of a hashtag to relate to a younger audience (social networking - twitter)