Year 5 Earth and Space - Beverley Minster Primary

1 Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent Year 5 Earth and Space NB – Health and Safety – NEVER look directly at the Sun. Reference to the Programme of Study 2014 Pupils should be taught to: Describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system Describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth Describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies Use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky How the children should learn science at Upper Key Stage 2 The principal focus of science teaching in Upper Key Stage 2 is to enable pupils to develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas. They should do this through exploring and talking about their ideas; asking their own questions about scientific phenomena; and analysing functions, relationships and interactions more systematically. At Upper Key Stage 2, they should encounter more abstract ideas and begin to recognise how these ideas help them to understand and predict how the world operates. They should also begin to recognise that scientific ideas change and develop over time. They should select the most appropriate ways to answer science questions using different types of scientific enquiry, including observing changes over different periods of time, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying things, carrying out comparative and fair tests and finding things out using a wide range of secondary sources of information. Pupils should draw conclusions based on their data and observations, use evidence to justify their ideas, and use their scientific knowledge and understanding to explain their findings. Suggestions for Working Scientifically Pupils might work scientifically by: comparing the time of day at different places on the Earth through internet links and direct communication; creating simple models of the solar system; constructing simple shadow clocks and sundials, calibrated to show midday and the start and end of the school day; finding out why some people think that structures such as Stonehenge might have been used as astronomical clocks . Further Guidance These opportunities for working scientifically should be provided across Years 5 and 6 so that the expectations in the programme of study can be met by the end of year 6. Pupils are not expected to cover each aspect for every area of study.

Transcript of Year 5 Earth and Space - Beverley Minster Primary


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Year 5 Earth and Space NB – Health and Safety – NEVER look directly at the Sun. Reference to the Programme of Study 2014 Pupils should be taught to:

Describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system

Describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth

Describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies

Use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky How the children should learn science at Upper Key Stage 2 The principal focus of science teaching in Upper Key Stage 2 is to enable pupils to develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas. They should do this through exploring and talking about their ideas; asking their own questions about scientific phenomena; and analysing functions, relationships and interactions more systematically. At Upper Key Stage 2, they should encounter more abstract ideas and begin to recognise how these ideas help them to understand and predict how the world operates. They should also begin to recognise that scientific ideas change and develop over time. They should select the most appropriate ways to answer science questions using different types of scientific enquiry, including observing changes over different periods of time, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying things, carrying out comparative and fair tests and finding things out using a wide range of secondary sources of information. Pupils should draw conclusions based on their data and observations, use evidence to justify their ideas, and use their scientific knowledge and understanding to explain their findings. Suggestions for Working Scientifically Pupils might work scientifically by: comparing the time of day at different places on the Earth through internet links and direct communication; creating simple models of the solar system; constructing simple shadow clocks and sundials, calibrated to show midday and the start and end of the school day; finding out why some people think that structures such as Stonehenge might have been used as astronomical clocks. Further Guidance These opportunities for working scientifically should be provided across Years 5 and 6 so that the expectations in the programme of study can be met by the end of year 6. Pupils are not expected to cover each aspect for every area of study.


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Planning enquires. Children should plan different types of enquiry to answer questions.

Identifying variables. Children should recognize and control variables where necessary.

Secondary sources. Children should recognize when secondary sources will be most useful to research their ideas and begin to separate opinion from fact.

Using equipment. They should choose the most appropriate equipment. Children should take measurements, using a range of scientific equipment with

increasing accuracy and precision.

Collecting data. They should make their own decisions about what observations to make, what measurements to use, and how long make them for.

Recording. They should choose how to record data. Children should record data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and labels,

classification keys, tables and bar and line graphs. They should report and present findings from enquires, including conclusions, causal relationships and

explanations of results (in oral and written forms).

Analysing data. Children should use test results to make predictions to set up further comparative and fair test. They should use simple models to describe

scientific ideas. They should identify scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments.

Making Improvements. They should use their results to identify when further tests and observations might be needed

Preparation for this unit of study Health and Safety - Remind the children not to look directly at the Sun. One of the activities concerns making a sundial. So, if there is a sunny day, make sure you make the most of it and have the activity ready to go. Look out for anything in the news about the universe. It is a great for the children if they can see a link between what they are doing in class and something that they will see in the news. The NASA website should have updates of all things space-related. Night time star viewing. Although sometimes difficult to do because of light pollution and cloudy skies, it would be worth trying to make contact with a local astronomy club who might be willing to come along to your school one evening and help the children to do some star gazing. Alternatively, there are normally companies who will come into school with a planetarium that they can set up in your hall. You could also consider visiting an observatory if there is one near to your school. Resources

Webcam with animation software


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Posters showing the different types of scientific enquiry

A round piece of cardboard about 30 cm across


A compass (for making circles)


Trundle wheel

Information books on the planets in our solar system

Large balls

Pictures of shadows of Earth cast on the Moon (lunar eclipse)

Constellation pictures taken from different places on the Earth

OHP or desk lamp

White polystyrene ball

Length of dowelling


PVA glue

A swivel chair

Gnomon and sundial template

Rounders pole

Key vocabulary

Day and night - Earth, axis, rotate


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Solar system – Star = Sun, Planets = Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune (Pluto was classified as Dwarf planet in 2006)

Phases of the Moon - full moon, gibbous moon, half moon, crescent moon, new moon, waxing ,waning

Moon’s orbit: 29.5 days, lunar month

Orbit, planets, revolve, sphere

Key information for teachers

Universe – The Universe is everything that you can think of!

Galaxies – Stars exist together in places called galaxies. These are so vast that it takes starlight hundreds of thousands of years to travel from one side to the other. Our star, the Sun, exists in a spiral-shaped galaxy called the Milky Way. There are probably at least 100,000 galaxies.

The Milky Way has a concentration of stars near its centre. This gives the Galaxy a central bulge from which arms of stars radiate out. We live in one of these arms. Like all galaxies, the Milky Way is moving; the whole galaxy is moving through space, and the stars within in it are continuously moving around the galactic centre.

Solar system – Millions of years ago, a group of balls of matter were created; the planets in our Solar System. The Sun accounts for 99% of the mass of the Solar System. Order of the planets, starting with the one closest to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus then Neptune. The Solar System is disc-like in shape. The Sun is at the centre and the planets follow individual paths called orbits around it. They all travel in the same direction, but move at different speeds and take different times to complete one orbit. The fact that the Earth travels around the Sun has been accepted for less than 400 years. Although Copernicus is usually credited with disproving that the Universe is Earth-centred, Aristarchus (310-230 B.C.) had the idea first.

Constellations – Thousands of years ago, early astronomers divided the stars into groups and drew imaginary pictures around them so that they were easy to remember. The stars in a constellation are actually unrelated; they only appear to make these groups when viewed from the Earth. An internationally agreed system of 88 constellations is used by astronomers today. Twelve of the constellations are together known as the zodiac. Individual stars are identified within a constellation by a letter of the Greek alphabet. Astronomers use numbers to describe a star’s brightness. The larger the number given to the star, the fainter the star is. Stars classified 1-6 are visible with the naked eye. Polaris, the North Star, lies above Earth’s North Pole. From Earth we see different star patterns over the year as the Earth orbits the Sun.


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Moons – A moon is a celestial body that orbits a planet (Earth has one; Jupiter has 4 large ones and numerous smaller ones).

Key Scientists

1. Aristarchus (310 – 230 B.C.). He was the first to figure out that the Earth travels around the Sun.

2. Nicolas Copernicus (1473 – 1543). Had the idea that Earth revolves on its axis and the Earth and other planets orbit around the Sun

3. Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642). Discovered four of Jupiter’s moons. In 1609 was the first person to make a study of the skies with a telescope.

4. Aristotle

5. Edwin Hubble (1889-1953). In 1924 Hubble showed that nebulae (fuzzy light patches in the sky) were distant galaxies. In 1929 he found the speed of galaxy moves away from the Earth depends on its distance from the Earth. If a galaxy is four times as far away as another, it is moving four times as fast. This is Hubble’s law.

6. William Huggins. Showed that stars are made up of the same elements that exist on Earth.

7. Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin (1900-79). In the 1920’s she proved that stars are made mostly of hydrogen.

8. Arthur Eddington (1882- 1944). He was the first to work out what the inside of a star was like.

9. Professor Brian Cox (1968 -) Contemporary physicist, presents many BBC programmes)

10. Heidi Hammel (1960 -) Astronomer

NASA - Children can also find out more about those people currently working at NASA by visiting their website:


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Learning Expectations Possible Tasks Resources

Hook - Information for another planet! This is an area of science that normally really engages children of this age. It could be that you begin this study with a fictional situation. For instance, by using the animation software on many of the webcams, a colleague could begin your topic by addressing the class as an alien using the webcam via your interactive white board. The ‘alien’ might have discovered Earth via a long distance probe, but has no information about Earth or the planets, moons and stars that are ‘near’ to us other than a few images captured by the probe: (Images of the Earth, Sun and Moon). Thus, the challenge for the children can be to develop an information book/presentation that can be used to inform the ‘aliens’ about our planet. What do you want to know? As a class gather children’ questions about what they want to know about our solar system. These could be recorded on the white board. Being a detective This game is designed to enable the children to first recognise that there are a range of ways we can find out things in science, and then secondly for them to choose the most appropriate method for a particular question Begin by sharing with children the ways in which we can find things out in science. You could show these on the white board alongside a symbol or picture that they would recognise as that method again in the future:

1. Survey – count the number of things 2. Do a fair test - find out what happens to something when we change something about it

whilst keeping all other things the same

Webcam with animation software

Posters showing the different types of scientific enquiry


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Learning Expectations Possible Tasks Resources

3. Classifying – put things into groups 4. Investigation over time – watch or measure something over time 5. Secondary source – use a book or internet 6. Pattern-seeking – looking for a relationship between two things

Each of these different types of enquiry could be displayed on posters at the front of the room. Call out one of the children’s questions. With help, in a group, they can decide which type of enquiry/enquiries would be best for finding out the answer. When asked, one member from each group can place sticker on the poster showing the enquiry that they have chosen.

To be able to describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system. To be able to plan a scientific enquiry to answer a question.

What is in our solar system? How large are they? How far apart are they? The challenge for children is to learn the names of the planets within our solar system, as well as the order in which they occur (starting from our Sun), and have an idea as to how far planets are from the Sun. Drama/modelling - Acting out the order of the planets in our solar system In small groups the children could try to create a mini play to remember the order of the planets; starting with the one nearest to the Sun. For example; the first child (Mercury) can be a thermometer becoming really hot (as they are so close to the Sun). This child becomes so hot that they explode and mercury flies out. The next child, named Venus, is then showered by the mercury. To escape this, this child digs into the earth. However, he/she soon comes across a very cross man holding a mars bar. The mars bar is thrown at Venus, misses, and flies off into the air where it strikes the god Jupiter. Falling back, Jupiter reveals his T-shirt, on which is written three letters: SUN (Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). Video: - ‘Copernicus and Galileo – the movement of the Earth’ This video is a humorous way for children to find out a little about the ideas from Copernicus and Galileo.

A round piece of cardboard about 30 cm across


A compass (for making circles)


Trundle wheel


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Learning Expectations Possible Tasks Resources

What is at the centre of our solar system? Introduce children to the solar system. The following video will introduce children to the Sun. Modelling - Make a model of the solar system This model will help children to learn the names and order of the planets Modelling - Make a scaled model of the solar system - How far is the Sun from the Earth? The following videos will show children how a class modelled the solar system: Making a model will help children to understand the relative size of the planets, and the distance between them. The following website will allow you to work out the size of the models for the planets and the distances from the Sun based on the size of the Sun which you can choose:


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Learning Expectations Possible Tasks Resources For example, by choosing the Sun to be 1000mm (i.e. 1 metre) the nearest planet (Mercury) will have the diameter of 3.4mm and will be over 41 metres away from the ‘’Sun’. The Earth orbiting the Sun The following video animates the Earth year: Recording The children could draw a table, in which they record the diameter of the Sun and the eight planets, the scaled down diameters of these, and the scaled down distances from the Sun. The children could make a model Sun that is 1 metre across, which they can then place on the school field/playground. They could then make, using plasticene, scaled models of the planets (be warned, Mercury is only 3.4 mm in diameter!). The children can then begin to place their model planets the scaled distances from the model Sun. This will prove particularly difficult when they reach Saturn, as this will be over 1 km from the model Sun!

To be able to describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system.

Research - What is it like on the other planets in the solar system? As part of finding out about the orbits of the planets in our solar system relative to our Sun, the children could find out more about what the affect their position has on the conditions on their planets. Children can use books and the internet to find out what it is like on the other planets. Information about each of the planets can be found on NASA’ website: Quick guides to each of the planets can be seen on BBC learning zones:


Information books on the planets in our solar system


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Learning Expectations Possible Tasks Resources

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

To be able to

describe the Sun,

Earth and Moon as


spherical bodies.

To be able to plan a scientific enquiry to answer a question.

Deep thinking time - How can we prove the shape of the Earth, Sun and Moon?

- How do we know the Earth is spherical? Before watching the video above ask the children to think about what evidence they could have used over two thousand years ago to prove that the Earth was spherical.

1. The disappearing ship model. Using a ball to represent the Earth, a small plasticene ship (a hull, decks and mast) and a small plasticene person, the children could try to model how the ship appears to the person as it moves further away from them and over the horizon.

2. Shadows on the Moon. Provide children with pictures of shadows of the Earth on the Moon (lunar eclipse) and ask them to explain what the shadows are and how they are evidence about the shape of the Earth.

3. Constellation pictures from different places on the Earth. Give children pictures of constellations viewed from the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Again, ask the children how this evidence about the Earth’s shape. The following website contains photos of constellations taken from the Southern Hemisphere (New Zealand): . Constellation photos from the Northern Hemisphere can be found at

Recording The children can choose a method of recording to communicate their evidence about the shape of the Earth.

Large balls


Pictures of shadows of Earth cast on the Moon (lunar eclipse)

Constellation pictures taken from different places on the Earth


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Learning Expectations Possible Tasks Resources

To be able to

describe the

movement of the

Moon relative to the


Secondary sources - What is the Moon like? This video introduces the Moon. Pictures of the whole lunar cycle for the date you are doing this unit can be found at: You can look at particular areas on the Moon at NASA’s website: Deep thinking time - How does the shape of the Moon appear to change over time? Allow the children to discuss the following statements:

1. Bits of the Moon fall off and then grow back again 2. The Moon can only be seen at night 3. There is Moon that is a shape of a circle, and there is another Moon that sometimes

replaces it that is shaped like a crescent. Ask children what evidence they could produce to prove or disprove these statements.

Modelling- How does the shape of the Moon appear to change over time? The following video shows how to model the phases of the Moon: Sun must be an OHP/desk lamp, a white ball is the Moon, and the head of the pupil is the Earth. The white ball is mounted on a stick which the child holds up and out. The OHP is aimed at the ball. The child rotates (sitting on a swivel chair) with stick and comments on what he/she can see. (Best done away from a wall to avoid light being scattered back and thus illuminating the dark side.) By rotating slowly, a complete cycle of lunar phases can be observed. When the ball is between the child and the projector this is the ‘New Moon’. Rotating a quarter-turn anticlockwise brings us

OHP or desks lamp

White polystyrene ball

Length of dowelling


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Learning Expectations Possible Tasks Resources

to the ‘first quarter’ in which half the lit face is visible to the child (this is about 7 days into the cycle). Turning further we pass through ‘waxing gibbous’ to ‘full Moon’ when the ball is on the opposite side of the chair from the OHP and the child can see the whole of the lit face (provided the beam is not blocked by their head – a lunar eclipse). Completing the cycle, the white ball passes through ‘waning gibbous’ and ‘third quarter’ back to the ‘New Moon’ position. Recording The children can draw pictures that show how the shape of the Moon appears to change. At home the children can keep a diary of phases of the Moon. Check with information back in class by referring to diaries, newspapers and websites.

Children can produce diagrams showing what part of the moon can be seen at different dates.

To be able to use the

idea of the Earth’s

rotation to explain

day and night and

the apparent

movement of the

Sun across the sky.

To be able to plan a scientific enquiry to answer a question.

Modelling – How do we have day and night on planet Earth? Begin by asking the children how they think we have day and night on our planet? You could also ask them what would need to happen so that we were stuck in day or night. The following video animates the rotation of the Earth: Show the children photos taken of a shadow over a period of time somewhere in the school grounds. Ask them how they think the shadows changed during the day. The first model children can try to make simply involves standing a pencil upright in some blue tac and then passing a torch over the top in an arc. This shows that either the Earth or the Sun could be moving. The second model involves a child sitting on a rotating chair. To begin, shine a torch at them and



Polystyrene balls

Wooden doweling

PVA glue

A swivel chair


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Learning Expectations Possible Tasks Resources

To be able to report a presentation of an explanation.

then move the torch all the way around them. Secondly, keep the torch still, but allow the child to move around. Ask the children which of the actions is the correct model. In order to avoid the misconception of the movement of the Sun creating day and night ensure the children have opportunities to try making one or more of the following models:

1. Plasticene person on a globe. Shine torch at the globe whilst rotating it. The ‘person’ will pass through day and night.

2. Make Earth by using a white polystyrene ball with a piece of wooden dowelling placed through it. Again, stick on person, shine torch and rotate the ball.

3. Just like above, but children can make a paper Mache Earth with a piece of dowelling through it.

To extend these models, pieces of string could be placed down the length of a globe to show some of the longitude lines; divide the Earth in half (at the Greenwich Meridian), then quarters, and finally eighths. There will therefore be three hours between each of the lines. Children could then work out what time it is in different places around the globe when it is a certain time in the UK. Recording Children could draw how we have day and night on our planet.

To be able to use the

idea of the Earth’s

rotation to explain

day and night and

the apparent

movement of the

Problem-solving – How can we use the Sun to tell the time? The children could be challenged to make a shadow clock. They could probably make one that will be reasonably accurate for a few days. After this, they could have a go at putting together a sundial and gnomon. This will allow them to tell the time using the Sun throughout the year (as long as there is enough sunlight!). You will need to look up the latitude of where you are on Earth. (This might have been an activity that they tried in Year 3)

Gnomon and sundial template


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Learning Expectations Possible Tasks Resources

Sun across the sky.

To be able to use the

idea of the Earth’s

rotation to explain

day and night and

the apparent

movement of the

Sun across the sky.

To be able to report

a presentation of an


Pattern-seeking investigation – How does the length of shadows change over day? This might have been something that children have already touched upon when studying shadows. The focus now is trying to enable the children to make a link between the direction and length of the shadows throughout the day with movement of the Earth on its axis. By placing a rounders pole on the playground throughout a sunny day the children can measure the length of the shadow every hour. They could also note down the compass direction of the shadow. Recording

Time of day Length of shadow (cm) Direction the shadow is pointing.







Rounders pole


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Learning Expectations Possible Tasks Resources

As a group, the children could create a presentation for the ‘alien’ explaining the science that they have learnt throughout their studies. This presentation could be shown to the ‘alien’ via the webcam!


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

Year 5 – Earth and Space

Assessing children’s knowledge and understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science

Learning expectation Group 1 (lower ability)

Group 2 (average ability)

Group 3 (higher ability)


To be able to describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system.

To be able to describe

the Sun, Earth and

Moon as


spherical bodies.

To be able to describe

the movement of the

Moon relative to the


To be able to use the

idea of the Earth’s

rotation to explain day


Kent Scheme of Work for Primary Science, 2014, Edukent

and night and the

apparent movement of

the Sun across the sky.

To be able to plan a scientific enquiry to answer a question.

To be able to report a presentation of an explanation.

Children below the learning expectations

Children above the learning expectations