Yazd accommodation


Transcript of Yazd accommodation


Yazd was visited by Marco Polo in 1272, who described it as a good and noble city and remarked its silk production. Isolated from any approach by a huge tract of monotonous desert, the vibrancy of Yard is invariably a surprise.

După ce a vizitat oraşul în 1272 Marco Polo l-a descris ca „bun şi nobil”, remarcând în special producţia sa de mătase.Strălucirea oraşului nu poate să nu te surprindă pentru că drumul monoton prin deşert până aici este dezolant

Recognized by UNESCO as holding one of the oldest architecture all over the world

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The Dad Hotel is located in a historic house dating from the early part of the 20th century on the edge of Yazd's historic Old City but still within an easy walk of all the sights. The facade of the hotel facing the street is unprepossessing, but on entering the property, one is taken straight back into Persia’s past.

The existence of special ventilation structures, called Badgirs, on the roofs is a distinctive feature of the architecture of this city (A Badgir is a high structure on the roof under which, in the interior of the building, there is a small pool).

The large, attractive pool has been hidden away in the basement where swimmers - women in mornings, men during evenings - can't offend anyone. On the roof is a cafe that affords views across the city's famous roofs cape.

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The city of Yazd is located in the eastern part of central Iran situated on the high, desert plateau that forms much of the country. Amidst the immense desert, Yazd retains its sterling of old in religion, traditions and architecture.

For a brief period, Yazd was the capital of Atabakan and Mozaffarid dynasties (14th Century A.D.). During Qajar Dynasty (18th Century A.D.) it was ruled by the Bakhtiari Khans.

During the invasion of Genghis Khan in the early 1200’s A.D. Yazd became a safe haven and home for many artists, intellectuals and scientists fleeing their war ravaged cities around Persia.

Set like a crown atop the Orient Hotel, the glass-sided Marco Polo restaurant serves up sumptuous views of the Masjed-e Jameh and surrounding blue-tiled domes Internet image

The geographical features of this region have made people developed special architectural styles.

Almost everything here is made from sun-dried mud bricks

In the older part of the city most houses are built of mud-bricks and have domed roofs. These materials served as insulation preventing heat from passing through.

Orient Hotel, Marco Polo restaurant

In the course of history due to its distance from important capitals and its harsh natural surrounding, Yazd remained immune to major troops' movements and destruction from wars, therefore it kept many of its traditions, city forms and architecture until recent times.

Moshir Al-Mamalek Hotel Garden with restaurant

Created within the garden and pavilions of a Qajar nobleman, the Moshir Al-Mamalek Garden Hotel is a fine example of the traditional architectural style of Yazd.

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Sound: googoosh - DIVA - Taghag; Bavar kon

Text and slides 2 & 22: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foi oreanuş

Nicoleta Leu

Arangement: Sanda Foi oreanuşwww.slideshare.net/michaelasanda
