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HOMEWORK Jack Prelutsky Aranka Rattink Jane Akkal 1

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HOMEWORKJack Prelutsky

Aranka Rattink

Jane Akkal


ContentsTEACHER’S GUIDE..................................................................................................3

For the teacher:...................................................................................................3PRE-READING.........................................................................................................4WHILE-READING.....................................................................................................5POST-READING.......................................................................................................6EVALUATION...........................................................................................................7EXTRA..................................................................................................................... 7ENCLOSURES..........................................................................................................8

Worksheet 1........................................................................................................8Worksheet 2........................................................................................................9Worksheet 3......................................................................................................10



For the teacher:

This lesson is an introduction to English poems and therefore suitable for first year students. Goal of this lesson is to get the students acquainted with poetry and to enlarge their vocabulary. Further it is a first attempt for first years to write an English poem. This lesson is based on a 50 minutes lesson plan. It consists of a pre-, while- and post-reading activity.

Material: the poem (if you don't want to read it out loud, there is a version on Youtube), a dictionary and copies of the worksheet.


PRE-READING (10 minutes)

The teacher starts with a lot of homework written on the smartboard, which should confuse the students. The first thing they would like to know is what is going on? This confusion will give you the opportunity to introduce the subject of the poem namely ‘homework’. You are going to talk about homework with the students but not in the way they are used to but in a poetic way.

Teacher reads the poem ‘Homework’ from Jack Prelutsky.

Homework! Oh, Homework!Homework, oh homework!

I hate you! You stink!I wish I could wash you

Away in the sink!If only a bomb would explode you to bits!

Homework! Oh, homework! You’re giving me fits.I’d rather take baths 

With a man-eating sharkor wrestle a lion, alone in the dark, 

eat spinach and liver, pet ten porcupines, 

than tackle the homeworkmy teacher assigns.

Homework! Oh, homework!You’re last on my list

I simply can’t see why you even exist.If you just disappearedit would tickle me pink.

Homework! Oh, homework!I hate you! You stink!


WHILE-READING (20 minutes)

Teacher, ask student to:- Summarize this poem in one sentence (they are allowed to do this in Dutch).- Compare their answer with one of their classmates.- Match the correct word with the correct picture. Some words don’t match to a picture. Look for the Dutch translation in the dictionary (see worksheet 1). The timetable for this exercise is ± 10 minutes.



1. sink - ………………………..

2. bomb - ………………………..

3. bit/ bits * - - ………………………..

4. give somebody a fit/ fits* - ……………………………………….……………

5. wrestle - ………………………..

6. spinach - ………………………..

7. liver - ………………………..

8. porcupines - ………………………..

9. tackle - ………………………..

10. assigns - ………………………..

11. disappear - ………………………..

12. tickle me pink/ be tickled pink* - ……………………………………….……………

*zoek bij het onderstreepte woord/= een uitdrukking

POST-READING(10 minutes)

Teacher, ask student to:

Try to write a poem. You can do it. Watch!

In the first part write what you don’t like about homework.

In the second and third part write the nice things you really like to do in your spare time.

I don’t like to do homeworkHomework is…………………………………………………………………………………Homework is…………………………………………….…………………………………..Homework is…………………………………………….…………………………………..

I like to do things like…………………………………………………………..…………………………………..and…………………………………………………………..…………………………………..and.. ……………………………………………………….…………………………………..

So, after school I go home!And play/swim/ride/drive/walk….......................(choose 1)with ………….……………………………………………………………………………….



In the evaluation of the lesson with the class you try to discuss their first experience with an English poem.

The teacher ask the student to- Share their opinion. Did you like it or maybe you did not like it, why? - Was it easy or maybe difficult to write a poem about homework?- What kind of poem would you like to discuss the next time?

EXTRAIf the students have time left you can give them a word search (worksheet 3).



Match the correct word with the correct picture. Some words don’t match to a picture. Look for the Dutch translation in the dictionary.


1. sink - ………………………..

2. bomb - ………………………..

3. bit/ bits * - - ………………………..

4. give somebody a fit/ fits* - ……………………………………….……………

5. wrestle - ………………………..

6. spinach - ………………………..

7. liver - ………………………..

8. porcupines - ………………………..

9. tackle - ………………………..

10. assigns - ………………………..

11. disappear - ………………………..

12. tickle me pink/ be tickled pink* - ……………………………………….……………

*zoek bij het onderstreepte woord/= een uitdrukkingWorksheet 2

Try to write a poem. You can do it. Watch!


In the first part write what you don’t like about homework.

In the second and third part write the nice things you really like to do in your spare time.

I don’t like to do homeworkHomework is…………………………………………………………………………………Homework is…………………………………………….…………………………………..Homework is…………………………………………….…………………………………..

I like to do things like…………………………………………………………..…………………………………..and…………………………………………………………..…………………………………..and.. ……………………………………………………….…………………………………..

So, after school I go home!And play/swim/ride/drive/walk….......................(choose 1)with ………….……………………………………………………………………………….


Worksheet 3 WORD SEARCH


assigns computer homework spinachbackpack disappear lesson tacklebell excuse liver teachbits fits math teacherboard glue pencil testbook grade pencilcase workbookclassmate head porcupines wrestleclassroom holiday reading writing

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