Xenophobia 2

Xenophobia What is?, An important xenophobe attack, When does it start?, Why does it happen? How can we help?

Transcript of Xenophobia 2

Xenophobia What is?, An important

xenophobe attack, When does it start?, Why does it happen?

How can we help?

What is the xenophobia?

• An unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or the people who are from another race

“Why this happend?” Is this the most important question that the foreigners do when the hatred becomes in harassment, scorn or hits and insults

An important xenophobe attackIn the first half of the XX century , was specially tragic the murders of millions of people only with the reason “ I hate foreigners and dont deserve to live” The Nuremberg’s trial ends this horrible term but the reallity is that the nazis, neonazis and racism attacks continues with more strength in the recession’s moments, likely for the hate xenophobic. Nowdays the international community knows about how much the xenophobia grows in our society and made murders and attacks very violents

For example :

The attacks that the American police does against the black people http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/2425929/0/nueve-ciudadanos-negros/muertos-por-policia/eeuu-ocho-meses/ -

Why?The reasons are

• The color of the skin

• Etnia

• Sex

• Age

• Culture

• Religion

• Ideology

How can we help?

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZhAMo2kTCU