X ray chest

X ray chest Dr. Mamdouh Page | 1 X ray chest 3 2013 X ray of the chest basis in the clinical practice chest X ray is very simple examination low cost very sensitive excellent resolution chest X ray tomography CT isotopes MRI angiography conventional CT MRI interventional techniques biopsies Primitive chest X ray chest quality chest X ray


X ray chest

Transcript of X ray chest

X ray chest Dr. Mamdouh P a g e| 1 X ray chest3 2013X ray of the chest basisin the clinical practice chest X ray is very simple examination low cost very sensitive excellent resolution chest X raytomography CTisotopesMRI angiography conventionalCTMRI interventional techniquesbiopsies Primitive chest X ray chestquality chest X ray X ray chest Dr. Mamdouh P a g e| 2 1 patientwell positioned centralized 2 chest 63 full inspiration 4 adequate penetration X ray postro-anterior view PA view is facing the tube chestAP view PA view heart is near to the film Heart magnification AP view PAAP heart relativelyincreased transverse cardiac diameterleft ventricular hypertrophy consider AP view AP view X ray chest Dr. Mamdouh P a g e| 3 intensive care you consider alsosupine viewhearterect view intensive care heartsizecommentheartlateral view lateral viewheart X ray cardiomegaly for echocardiography if you sayheart echosignsLeft ventricle signsright ventricle significanceventricleatrium please to acquire this knowledgeknowledge daily practice cardiomegaly for echocardiogrpahy and the patient paysEchocardiography X ray conclusionCT 300 X ray chest Dr. Mamdouh P a g e| 4 conclusionappreciated clinician Not to the level examples clinicians lateral view this is left lateral view right lateral view chest PA normal left lateralright lateral copula Chest PA 10 2013 Chest PA Lateral lesion