Wynnstay Autumn Seeds Brochure

www.wynnstay.co.uk SEEDS AUTUMN 2015


Autumn drilling in 2015 looks certain to be a critical time for many arable and mixed farms in the UK. The current marginal economics of arable cropping focuses more attention on correct variety choice than we have seen for several years. There are a number of very important new introductions which could have a key role in improving profitability over the next year or two. In the feed wheat category in particular the significant step forward in yield offered by Reflection will make this a very important newcomer. In the quality wheat sector KWS Lili offers both a yield improvement over the popular feed wheats of today, coupled with an excellent opportunity to add value, crucial in finding a way forward in the current climate.

Transcript of Wynnstay Autumn Seeds Brochure

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EEC Standard

HVS Standard

Hi-Gene Seed

These pictures show the possible contamination levels for each grade of seed. They show the maximum number of impurities in 1kg of cleaned seed.

Hi-Gene seed is a name synonymous with seed of a high genetic potential and free

from contamination. The table above shows the potential problems that can be bought

in when seed is produced to the normal certified standards.

Our seed is grown predominantly in the western region whereas most other seed

companies produce their seed in the eastern counties where Blackgrass is a widespread

problem. Why take the chance of allowing this very problematic weed to become

established on your farm?

The standards shown for Hi-Gene Seed shows that potential problems are minimised.

This guarantee of purity is backed up by reports from official seed testing stations

which very frequently show our seed to be totally free from any impurity at all.

Top Quality Cereal Seed at Competitive Terms


HI-GENE SEEDActual FiguresAutumn 2014

GERMINATION 85% 85% 90% 97.5%

Freedom From Weed Seeds - - 99.9%

Varietal Purity* 99% 99.7% 99.9%


Non Cereals 14 2 1

Other Cultivated Cereal Species 14 3 1

Ergot 6 1 NIL

Wild Radish/Corn Cockle 6 1 NIL

Wild Oats 1 NIL NIL


Autumn drilling in 2015 looks certain to be a critical time for many

arable and mixed farms in the UK. The current marginal economics of

arable cropping focuses more attention on correct variety choice than

we have seen for several years. There are a number of very important

new introductions which could have a key role in improving profitability

over the next year or two. In the feed wheat category in particular the

significant step forward in yield offered by Reflection will make this a very

important newcomer. In the quality wheat sector KWS Lili offers both a

yield improvement over the popular feed wheats of today, coupled with

an excellent opportunity to add value, crucial in finding a way forward in

the current climate.

We believe that there will be specific interest in varieties that can be

grown at lower cost, varieties that can attract added value and as always

varieties have a crucial role in maximising yield potential. We very much

hope that you find the information in this booklet of interest and that it

helps in getting the variety choice right in the majority of situations. We

look forward to discussing the options in more detail with you.

We are well aware of your need to source top quality inputs at the best

terms and will do all we can to ensure that our seed is produced to the

highest standards, delivered on time and priced at a very competitive

level. All we ask is that you please give us an opportunity to discuss and

price up your autumn seed requirements and then it is up to us to get the

offer right.

Richard Torr

Wynnstay Seed Sales Manager

*Subject to the quality of the input seed purchased from a third party

www.wynnstay.co.uk t:01939 210777

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3Wynnstay Group Plc AUTUMN CEREAL SEEDS 2015


Two modern, high capacity seed production plants:

• Wynnstay, Shrewsbury, Shropshire

• Woodheads, Selby, Yorkshire

• Up to 600t of cereal seed produced per day

• Delivery structure covering all of England and Wales

• Top quality seed delivered on time

• Huge range of varieties from all major UK breeders

• Excellent advice on variety choice and seed treatment options

• One of the UK’s top range of grass seed mixtures

3rd largest seed producer in the UK

Join us every year at the


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Wynnstay Group Plc AUTUMN CEREAL SEEDS 2015 5


When selecting a 1st wheat variety to grow on a medium to heavy land, most varieties can be considered and the agronomics and marketing options will have a large part to play in that decision. However, there are several positions in the rotation where the number of viable options is restricted and previous performance on farm, and in trials, can help find the winners. Our recommendations for these situations are shown below.

What to grow for early drilling.Early drilling is defined as drilling before September 15th. After this date almost all varieties are safe to sow, but when going earlier it is essential to pick a variety with slow development, stiff straw and good disease resistance, particularly to Eyespot. Other than the slightly outclassed options of Claire and Scout there are only two varieties to consider.

Grafton is a very strong variety for early September. It’s straw strength is second to none and other attributes are ideal. It had its best year ever in 2014 and the early maturity is highly valued in creating an entry for oilseed rape.

Revelation is also suitable for early September sowing. It yields better in the east than the west. It is slow to develop and has one the best all round disease packages. Late maturity may put some growers off.

What to grow as a 2nd wheat.There is one variety that stands out as a 2nd wheat and that is JB Diego. It has proven itself time after time over the last few seasons and when treated with Latitude seed treatment it has been yielding just as well as first wheats on many farms. If looking for alternatives consider Relay and Evolution as feed varieties, though Evolution has got an inherently low specific weight which can be a concern. If looking for a quality wheat there are not big differences in many of the breadmaking wheats in the 1st or 2nd wheat position, though the biscuit wheat Britannia could be worth a look.

What to grow on light land.There are certainly differences in how varieties cope with the ‘stressful conditions’ associated with growing wheat on the lighter soil types. Conqueror has been favoured by some but is very dirty now and off the pace for yield. Leeds would be a sensible option for most. It has Istabraq as a parent which always yielded in dry conditions and Leeds has inherited this characteristic. Reflection looks to have great potential with early indications of a huge yield potential on light soils and KWS Lili appears to perform well on all soil types.

What to grow for late drilling.Varieties for late sowing need to have the vigour to get up and go from colder conditions. Duxford was often used but the variety has now been over taken and suffers badly with disease. Evolution is a variety that establishes well and ‘wakes up’ in the spring a little earlier than most. If looking for a quality wheat Skyfall should do well. If sowing from early November onwards it would be sensible to consider a spring wheat, or possibly the variety Belepi. Belepi is a cross between a spring wheat and a winter wheat and has a very low vernalisation requirement. With spring wheat in the cross this variety gets out of the ground quickly and it is relatively early to mature too.

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CRUSOE Cordiale x Gulliver Limagrain 4.2%

Crusoe was first introduced in 2013 and proved to be very popular in 2014. It offers a slight yield improvement over the incumbent Group 1s and brings much improved disease resistance including a rating of 9 for Yellow Rust and a 6 for Septoria Tritici. Crusoe also has a clear advantage over the other Group 1 varieties of a higher protein content, improving the chances of hitting the full specification. It is slightly later to mature than other bread wheats.

KWS TRINITY (Grafton x Einstein) x Timaru KWS 3.7%

An excellent combination of yield, quality and agronomics, this newly recommended ‘Dynamic Wheat’ from KWS offers them all. The variety has great potential to be a leading bread making variety, currently having a provisional Group 1, excellent disease resistance and yields equal to those of Group 4 feed varieties. A relatively low protein content will need careful management, particularly where yield potential is high.

SKYFALL C4148 x Hurricaine RAGT 7.8%

This variety was newly available for 2014 and has already developed into a major UK wheat. It’s status as a Group 1 has now been confirmed by NABIM. It has the same treated yield as JB Diego, the UK’s market leading feed wheat, and offers a clear 6% more yield than the established breadmaker Solstice. The protein content is lower than most Group 1s and whilst Skyfall has a reasonable Hagberg level it is rather susceptible to sprouting so should be given priority at harvest. It must not be sown early due to rapid speed of development.

GALLANT (Malacca x Charger) x Xi19 Syngenta 1.3%

Gallant has lost market share recently, mainly to Crusoe and Skyfall. However it is still a useful variety and is recognised as having a superior Hagberg rating, demonstrating its durability in difficult harvest year. It can be grown as a 1st or 2nd wheat and importantly it has very early maturity, similar to Cordiale. This helps to spread the harvest workload and also offering an entry for oilseed rape. Disease resistance is moderate, like Solstice. Protein contents have been variable on farm.


KWS LILI (KWS Horizon x Timaru) KWS 4.1%

Another new ‘Dynamic Wheat’ from KWS offering excellent grain quality and high yields. This newly recommended Group 2 will appeal to those who are looking to gain a premium for their wheat whilst still achieving top yield. The variety is short and stiff, has excellent disease resistance and is well suited on light and heavy land. KWS Lili boasts an excellent hagberg and specific weight. It offers a huge step forward in yield in breadmaking wheats, out yielding Diego, our most popular feed wheat, by 3%.

CORDIALE (Reaper x Cadenza) x Malacca KWS 2.6%

This variety has excellent Group 2 quality and often achieves premiums close to the Group 1 varieties. With an early maturity and good performance as a 1st or 2nd wheat it has developed as a popular choice as an entrance for oilseed rape. Not suited to early drilling and low/average ratings on some diseases.

2015 UK Seed Market Share

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BRITANNIA (Robigus x Cassius) Limagrain 1.0%

A newly recommended Group 3 soft biscuit wheat which adds something interesting for growers looking for end market sales opportunities. This is the highest yielding biscuit type with a treated yield equivalent to Group 4 feed varieties. Along with high yields, Britannia has excellent foliar resistance and provides a good grain sample. The straw strength is not the best so may not be suited to very fertile sites.

SCOUT (Z435 x Deben) Senova 1.0%

Scout is a very good candidate for the early drilling position. It is a slow developing variety, has stiff straw and good Eyespot resistance - all very important for early drilling. Scout has excellent biscuit quality but a slightly disappointing yield rating which now looks a little outclassed for situations other than early drilling, or where the variety is specifically requested by end users.

ZULU (CEB 99080 x Claire) x Robigus Limagrain 2.5%

Zulu has its best yields in the North and Eastern region. The variety should find particular favour in these regions with a high yield and grain quality to suit flour millers, distillers and exporters. The straw appears to respond well to growth regulators and Zulu has Blossom Midge Resistance.



LEEDS - SOFT Robigus x Istabraq KWS 4.3%

Leeds is one of very few high yielding feed varieties that couples top yield ratings with an excellent specific weight (77.7 kg/hl). This helps make the variety suitable for distilling and export as well as being a quality feed variety. Disease ratings are a bit of a mixed bag with possibly the best Fusarium resistance on the list but with poor Mildew and Brown Rust ratings. Leeds seems to perform particularly well on lighter soil types, a characteristic inherited from its parent Istabraq. A good option for late sowing, particularly after maize.

REVELATION - SOFT (Alchemy x Claire) x Shepherd Limagrain 6.1%

Revelation performs very well in the North and Eastern regions where its potential for distilling will also be useful. Last growing season the variety was very clean on farm and yielded well. It has stiff straw, excellent Eyespot resistance and is relatively slow to develop so looks to be a useful wheat for the early drilling situation. It has excellent Rust disease resistance (9 & 8) and is not susceptible to any of the major diseases, but late maturity will reduce its appeal for some.

VISCOUNT - SOFT Robigus x Canterbury KWS 1.2%

This variety has developed a useful following in the Northern regions where it is widely used for distilling and often finds its way into biscuit and cake grists. It should be given priority at harvest as it can be susceptible to sprouting and is therefore less favoured in the western region.

BELEPI - SOFT Robigus x Samoa J.Blackman 1.4%

Belepi is not on the HGCA list but offers growers a very interesting alternative for later sowing. It is a winter wheat crossed with a spring variety and has a wide sowing window from late October to early April. It is one of the earliest varieties to mature even in the late sowing window so could be a useful entry for oilseed rape when sown in October/ November. Yields have been recorded between Invicta and Santiago.

2015 UK Seed Market Share

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REFLECTION - HARD (Denman x Oakley) Syngenta 8.0%

Reflection is a very exciting newly recommended variety. It is the highest yielding wheat on the HGCA list and performs particularly well in the Western region where it out yields all others by a clear 5%. As well as a boost in yield for growers, Reflection is very manageable because of its strong agronomics. It boasts a high specific weight, has excellent straw strength and is early to mature. Recent high yielding wheats come with problems around late maturity or poor grain quality but with no such ‘baggage’ Reflection will attract huge interest in 2015 and beyond. Possibly not the best second wheat but unbeatable in a first wheat position.

COSTELLO - HARD W151 x W134 Senova 0.4%

This newly recommended variety will be in extremely limited supply for 2015. It has stiff straw and one of the highest untreated yields on the list which demonstrates its very robust all round disease package. The other attribute that sets Costello apart is the highest specific weight of any wheat on the list, including all the bread making types. Costello also has the highest Hagberg of all the feed varieties which suggests it should maintain its quality even in a wet harvest year. A useful new introduction offering an improvement in yield and quality for Diego growers. KWS KIELDER - HARD Brompton x Oakley KWS 1.2%

Kielder has only moderate disease resistance, being particularly weak on Mildew and Yellow Rust, a low specific weight and late maturity, but where yield is the main driver it may still find a place on farms with high input regimes. It yields best in the North and is a little behind Santiago and Evolution in the West.

EVOLUTION - HARD Smuggler x (Robigus x SJ5558) KWS 7.1%

This variety was newly available for 2014 and offered much improved disease ratings. For those targeting top yields Evolution is safer to grow with a 9 for both Yellow Rust and 8 for Brown Rust and a 6 for Tritici. Grain quality is relatively poor and maturity is rather late. A good option for late sowing as it is a vigorous variety and is quick to wake up in the spring.

JB DIEGO - HARD 3351b2 x Stru 2374 Senova 9.9%

Diego has developed into the UK’s most popular wheat variety. It has achieved that status by proving to be one of the most consistent varieties that yields well over varied seasons, on light and heavy ground and 1st or 2nd wheat. It reliably produces very good grain quality and has disease resistance ratings that are acceptable rather than outstanding. It can be sown from the middle of September onwards. Should be the number one choice for 2nd wheats.

GRAFTON - HARD Cordiale x W97 KWS 2.0%

Grafton is a very useful variety and possibly had its best year ever in 2014. Whilst it has a lowish yield potential for a feed wheat it has the shortest and stiffest straw available so suits high yield potential situations where lodging pressure may be high. Grafton is early to mature which helps spread harvest workload and offers an opportunity to establish rape afterwards. For those who establish rape after a 2nd wheat it is worth noting that Grafton yields quite well in this situation. Grafton has a very slow speed of development which when coupled with the stiffest straw and ‘Rendezvous’ Pch1 Eyespot resistance, makes it the ideal choice for early sowing. It has a very high hagberg and a superb specific weight.

RELAY - HARD Gladiator x Vector R.A.G.T 3.2%

Relay is currently one of our most popular feed varieties. It can be grown as a 1st wheat or a 2nd wheat, it has short, stiff straw, good disease resistance (including a robust 9 for Yellow Rust a 8 for Brown Rust and 6 for Septoria Tritici) and has a good specific weight and Hagberg for a feed variety. Higher tiller numbers than most other feed varieties which helps with ground cover and can help to suppress grass weeds.

KWS SANTIAGO - HARD Sherborne x Oakley KWS 6.4%

Santiago has gained a reputation as one of the most consistent yielders on farm. It does however, have a few issues. Disease resistance is poor to moderate, it is later to mature, it has a relatively low specific weight and a low Hagberg rating suggests it may be prone to sprouting in a wet harvest. However the yield potential as a 1st or 2nd wheat cannot be ignored and Santiago has proved itself to be very consistent, yielding well in very different seasons, on different soil types and across all the UK regions.

DICKENS - HARD (Equinox x Charger) x Defender Secobra 4.0%

Dickens offers some sort of middle ground on grain quality and yield between the top yielders like Evolution, and better quality wheats like Diego and Relay. Dickens has good resistance to Rust diseases but is susceptible to Septoria Tritici and Eyespot. Straw strength is moderate, though should be manageable for most growers. Good 1st and 2nd wheat yield ratings and performs best on lighter soils.


2015 UK Seed Market Share

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End-use group NABIM Group 1





Soft Group


Hard Group

4Scope of recommendation UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK N UK UK UK E&W UK UK UK UK UK E&W UKFungicide-treated grain yield (% treated control)United Kingdom (10.0 t/ha) 102 102 99 97 96 105 101 97 104 102 101 101 100 98 97 105 103 102 102 98 107 106 106 105 105 104 104 103 102 101 100 3.5East region (10.0 t/ha) 101 102 99 99 95 105 101 98 105 102 101 101 99 98 95 105 103 101 103 97 106 106 104 106 104 104 105 103 102 101 100 2.0West region (9.9 t/ha) 103 100 99 99 96 105 102 99 102 101 99 100 98 96 95 103 100 101 101 98 109 104 103 105 104 103 104 102 103 100 100 3.0North region (9.5 t/ha) 104 [103] 95 95 97 [105] 100 96 [102] 103 101 [102] 101 - 98 107 104 103 103 98 [107] 106 107 105 107 [102] 107 107 101 102 101 3.3Main market options (The specific attributes of varieties are different so, whenever possible, varieties should not be mixed in store)UK breadmaking Y P Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UK biscuit, cake-making - - - - - - - - Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UK distilling - - - - - - - - - [Y] - Y [Y] [Y] - [Y] Y - [Y] [Y] - - - - - - - - - - -

ukp bread wheat for export - - Y Y Y [Y] [Y] Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

uks soft wheat for export - - - - - - - - [Y] [Y] Y - [Y] Y Y Y [Y] [Y] Y [Y] - - - - - - - - - - -

Grain qualityEndosperm texture Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard HardProtein content (%) 11.8 11.4 12.4 12.0 11.9 11.1 11.4 12.0 11.4 11.2 11.2 11.1 11.3 11.3 11.6 11.0 11.1 10.9 11.1 11.2 10.6 10.7 10.8 11.0 11.0 11.5 10.8 10.9 11.1 11.3 11.5 0.3Hagberg Falling Number 280 337 259 305 258 281 291 316 209 219 217 223 242 239 230 206 229 193 237 243 228 184 199 155 236 314 202 201 304 272 289 25Specific weight (kg/hl) 78.1 77.1 77.5 77.0 77.9 76.5 79.6 78.9 76.7 75.6 76.1 76.0 74.8 76.1 77.8 77.7 75.8 73.7 75.8 77.1 77.4 74.2 73.8 74.9 76.2 80.5 75.1 75.4 77.7 76.4 77.9 0.9Agronomic featuresResistance to lodging without PGR 8 7 8 7 8 7 7 7 6 6 5 7 7 7 8 7 8 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 6 7 6 8 7 8 8 0.9Resistance to lodging with PGR 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 7 6 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 7 8 7 8 7 7 8 7 8 8 8 8 0.7Height without PGR (cm) 81 81 80 81 90 80 84 78 87 87 86 83 88 86 84 85 84 84 87 87 80 88 81 85 85 80 82 84 87 80 75 1.7Ripening (days +/- Solstice, -ve = earlier) +0 +1 +1 -1 +0 +2 -0 -1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +3 +1 +2 +2 +3 +2 +1 +2 +0 +2 +3 +2 +0 +1 +2 +1 +0 +1 -1 0.7Resistance to sprouting [4] - [6] [7] [7] - [7] [6] - [5] [6] - [7] [5] [6] [6] [4] [5] [5] [6] - [5] [6] [5] [5] - [6] [6] [7] [6] [5] 0.8Disease resistanceMildew 6 9 7 6 4 9 6 6 6 7 8 8 5 4 6 3 6 6 7 [8] 7 6 5 4 8 8 3 6 6 6 7 1.6Yellow rust 6 9 9 5 4 7 6 5 8 9 8 8 8 6 9 7 9 8 6 7 6 9 4 6 9 9 6 9 8 9 6 0.9Brown rust 8 8 4 6 5 5 5 4 5 4 6 6 6 5 7 4 8 9 6 4 9 8 8 6 8 7 7 3 5 8 4 1.4Septoria nodorum [5] [5] [6] 5 6 [6] [5] [5] [5] [6] [5] [6] 5 [6] 6 [6] [6] [6] [5] 5 [6] [6] [5] [6] [5] [6] [6] [6] 6 [5] [5] 0.8Septoria tritici 6 5 6 4 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 6 7 5 6 5 6 5 4 5 6 4 5 5 6 5 0.5Eyespot [6]@ [7] 5 5 4 [5] [5] 5 [4] [5] 5 [6] 5 5 6 5 9@ 4 5 6 [6] [5] 6 5 4 [4] 4 4 4 4 6@ 1.5Fusarium ear blight 6 7 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 0.4Orange wheat blossom midge R - - - - - - - - R R - - - R R - R R - R - R R - - R R - - -

Breeder/ UK contactBreeder RAGT KWS Lim SyP Lim KWS SyP KWS Lim Lim KWS RAGT Lim Lim Sen Mom Lim RAGT Lim Lim SyP Sej KWS KWS Sec KWS KWS KWS Bre RAGT KWS

UK contact RAGT KWS Lim Syn Lim KWS Syn KWS Lim Lim KWS RAGT Lim Lim Sen KWS Lim RAGT Lim Lim Syn Lim KWS KWS Agr Sen KWS KWS Sen RAGT KWS

Annual treated yield (% control)2010 (9.9 t/ha) - - 98 98 96 - - [96] - - 105 - 101 [94] 97 105 107 106 103 98 - - 110 104 105 - 106 106 102 104 100 2.82011 (10.1 t/ha) 97 - 98 95 93 - 99 95 - 104 107 - 104 [96] 96 106 106 109 103 99 - 110 110 106 108 - 108 103 101 102 96 2.72012 (8.9 t/ha) 104 103 96 102 97 107 104 100 104 100 97 107 93 [99] 94 107 99 94 102 94 114 104 98 106 103 107 99 101 102 97 102 3.22013 (9.8 t/ha) 104 [99] 99 95 99 [101] 102 98 [101] 101 99 [97] 99 - - 103 101 103 100 [99] [101] 105 108 106 107 [102] - 103 102 102 [99] 3.52014 (11.4 t/ha) 103 101 101 96 96 105 100 98 104 102 101 99 100 [100] [97] 104 102 101 [103] 101 106 105 103 104 104 103 [101] [103] 104 [100] [104] 2.5Rotational positionFirst cereal (10.4 t/ha) 102 102 99 98 96 106 101 98 104 102 102 102 100 98 97 105 103 103 102 98 108 105 105 105 105 104 104 103 102 101 100 3.7Second and more (9.0 t/ha) 102 102 98 97 96 102 102 97 105 102 100 100 98 - 96 104 101 100 102 97 105 107 107 106 105 103 106 105 103 101 100 3.6Sowing date (most trials were sown during October)Early sown (before 15th Sept) (10.4 t/ha) - - - 96 94 - [99] - - - - - 99 100 97 [104] 105 103 106 [101] - - 106 107 104 - - 104 104 104 102 5.9Late sown (mid-Nov to end-Jan) (9.6 t/ha) [97] - [99] - 94 - [98] 97 - - 103 - [99] - - 107 [100] 101 [102] - - [107] 104 [107] 106 - - [103] - [98] - 5.3Soil type (about 50% of trials are on medium soils)Light soils (9.5 t/ha) 104 [102] 99 95 96 [106] 102 96 [102] 103 101 [102] 101 98 97 106 102 103 104 98 [109] 106 105 106 106 [105] 105 105 104 102 100 4.7Heavy soils (10.4 t/ha) 102 102 100 98 96 106 101 98 105 102 102 101 100 - 95 104 103 103 101 97 107 106 105 105 103 105 106 101 102 100 98 4.3Agronomic featuresLodging % without PGR 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 8 6 12 4 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 4 2 3 4 1 8 1 2 1 1

Lodging % with PGR 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 6 2 7 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 2 1 3 3 0 3 1 2 1 0

Latest safe sowing date # End Feb [End Jan] End Jan

Mid Feb

End Jan

[Mid Feb]

[Mid Feb]

Mid Feb

[Mid Feb]

End Feb

End Feb [End Jan] Mid

FebEnd Feb

Mid Feb

Mid Feb End Jan End

FebMid Feb

Mid Feb

[Mid Feb]

[Mid Feb]

End Jan

End Jan

End Jan [End Jan] Mid

FebMid Feb

End Jan

Mid Feb Mid Feb

Speed of development to growth stage 31 (days +/- average)Early Sept sown [-8] - 0 -2 -2 - [-2] -3 - [-2] [-4] - -1 +4 0 -3 [+4] -1 -2 +1 - [-2] +4 +7 -0 - -4 +1 0 -3 +2 7.8 Early Oct sown [-4] [+1] +1 -5 -4 [+3] [-1] -4 [+3] [-1] -2 [-1] -1 +1 -1 -3 +3 -1 -3 +3 [0] [-1] +2 +1 -4 [2] -6 +3 -3 +1 +2 5.9 Early Nov sown [-1] [-1] -3 -2 -1 [+2] [-1] -4 [+2] [+1] +1 [+1] +1 +2 +1 0 +1 0 0 +3 [-1] [-1] +2 0 -2 [-3] -4 0 -2 0 -0 4.2

*Full list available from at www.hgca.com

This is not the full HGCA Recommended List. Some of the less popular varieties have been excluded.

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End-use group NABIM Group 1





Soft Group


Hard Group

4Scope of recommendation UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK N UK UK UK E&W UK UK UK UK UK E&W UKFungicide-treated grain yield (% treated control)United Kingdom (10.0 t/ha) 102 102 99 97 96 105 101 97 104 102 101 101 100 98 97 105 103 102 102 98 107 106 106 105 105 104 104 103 102 101 100 3.5East region (10.0 t/ha) 101 102 99 99 95 105 101 98 105 102 101 101 99 98 95 105 103 101 103 97 106 106 104 106 104 104 105 103 102 101 100 2.0West region (9.9 t/ha) 103 100 99 99 96 105 102 99 102 101 99 100 98 96 95 103 100 101 101 98 109 104 103 105 104 103 104 102 103 100 100 3.0North region (9.5 t/ha) 104 [103] 95 95 97 [105] 100 96 [102] 103 101 [102] 101 - 98 107 104 103 103 98 [107] 106 107 105 107 [102] 107 107 101 102 101 3.3Main market options (The specific attributes of varieties are different so, whenever possible, varieties should not be mixed in store)UK breadmaking Y P Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UK biscuit, cake-making - - - - - - - - Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UK distilling - - - - - - - - - [Y] - Y [Y] [Y] - [Y] Y - [Y] [Y] - - - - - - - - - - -

ukp bread wheat for export - - Y Y Y [Y] [Y] Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

uks soft wheat for export - - - - - - - - [Y] [Y] Y - [Y] Y Y Y [Y] [Y] Y [Y] - - - - - - - - - - -

Grain qualityEndosperm texture Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard Hard HardProtein content (%) 11.8 11.4 12.4 12.0 11.9 11.1 11.4 12.0 11.4 11.2 11.2 11.1 11.3 11.3 11.6 11.0 11.1 10.9 11.1 11.2 10.6 10.7 10.8 11.0 11.0 11.5 10.8 10.9 11.1 11.3 11.5 0.3Hagberg Falling Number 280 337 259 305 258 281 291 316 209 219 217 223 242 239 230 206 229 193 237 243 228 184 199 155 236 314 202 201 304 272 289 25Specific weight (kg/hl) 78.1 77.1 77.5 77.0 77.9 76.5 79.6 78.9 76.7 75.6 76.1 76.0 74.8 76.1 77.8 77.7 75.8 73.7 75.8 77.1 77.4 74.2 73.8 74.9 76.2 80.5 75.1 75.4 77.7 76.4 77.9 0.9Agronomic featuresResistance to lodging without PGR 8 7 8 7 8 7 7 7 6 6 5 7 7 7 8 7 8 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 6 7 6 8 7 8 8 0.9Resistance to lodging with PGR 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 7 6 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 7 8 7 8 7 7 8 7 8 8 8 8 0.7Height without PGR (cm) 81 81 80 81 90 80 84 78 87 87 86 83 88 86 84 85 84 84 87 87 80 88 81 85 85 80 82 84 87 80 75 1.7Ripening (days +/- Solstice, -ve = earlier) +0 +1 +1 -1 +0 +2 -0 -1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +3 +1 +2 +2 +3 +2 +1 +2 +0 +2 +3 +2 +0 +1 +2 +1 +0 +1 -1 0.7Resistance to sprouting [4] - [6] [7] [7] - [7] [6] - [5] [6] - [7] [5] [6] [6] [4] [5] [5] [6] - [5] [6] [5] [5] - [6] [6] [7] [6] [5] 0.8Disease resistanceMildew 6 9 7 6 4 9 6 6 6 7 8 8 5 4 6 3 6 6 7 [8] 7 6 5 4 8 8 3 6 6 6 7 1.6Yellow rust 6 9 9 5 4 7 6 5 8 9 8 8 8 6 9 7 9 8 6 7 6 9 4 6 9 9 6 9 8 9 6 0.9Brown rust 8 8 4 6 5 5 5 4 5 4 6 6 6 5 7 4 8 9 6 4 9 8 8 6 8 7 7 3 5 8 4 1.4Septoria nodorum [5] [5] [6] 5 6 [6] [5] [5] [5] [6] [5] [6] 5 [6] 6 [6] [6] [6] [5] 5 [6] [6] [5] [6] [5] [6] [6] [6] 6 [5] [5] 0.8Septoria tritici 6 5 6 4 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 6 7 5 6 5 6 5 4 5 6 4 5 5 6 5 0.5Eyespot [6]@ [7] 5 5 4 [5] [5] 5 [4] [5] 5 [6] 5 5 6 5 9@ 4 5 6 [6] [5] 6 5 4 [4] 4 4 4 4 6@ 1.5Fusarium ear blight 6 7 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 0.4Orange wheat blossom midge R - - - - - - - - R R - - - R R - R R - R - R R - - R R - - -

Breeder/ UK contactBreeder RAGT KWS Lim SyP Lim KWS SyP KWS Lim Lim KWS RAGT Lim Lim Sen Mom Lim RAGT Lim Lim SyP Sej KWS KWS Sec KWS KWS KWS Bre RAGT KWS

UK contact RAGT KWS Lim Syn Lim KWS Syn KWS Lim Lim KWS RAGT Lim Lim Sen KWS Lim RAGT Lim Lim Syn Lim KWS KWS Agr Sen KWS KWS Sen RAGT KWS

Annual treated yield (% control)2010 (9.9 t/ha) - - 98 98 96 - - [96] - - 105 - 101 [94] 97 105 107 106 103 98 - - 110 104 105 - 106 106 102 104 100 2.82011 (10.1 t/ha) 97 - 98 95 93 - 99 95 - 104 107 - 104 [96] 96 106 106 109 103 99 - 110 110 106 108 - 108 103 101 102 96 2.72012 (8.9 t/ha) 104 103 96 102 97 107 104 100 104 100 97 107 93 [99] 94 107 99 94 102 94 114 104 98 106 103 107 99 101 102 97 102 3.22013 (9.8 t/ha) 104 [99] 99 95 99 [101] 102 98 [101] 101 99 [97] 99 - - 103 101 103 100 [99] [101] 105 108 106 107 [102] - 103 102 102 [99] 3.52014 (11.4 t/ha) 103 101 101 96 96 105 100 98 104 102 101 99 100 [100] [97] 104 102 101 [103] 101 106 105 103 104 104 103 [101] [103] 104 [100] [104] 2.5Rotational positionFirst cereal (10.4 t/ha) 102 102 99 98 96 106 101 98 104 102 102 102 100 98 97 105 103 103 102 98 108 105 105 105 105 104 104 103 102 101 100 3.7Second and more (9.0 t/ha) 102 102 98 97 96 102 102 97 105 102 100 100 98 - 96 104 101 100 102 97 105 107 107 106 105 103 106 105 103 101 100 3.6Sowing date (most trials were sown during October)Early sown (before 15th Sept) (10.4 t/ha) - - - 96 94 - [99] - - - - - 99 100 97 [104] 105 103 106 [101] - - 106 107 104 - - 104 104 104 102 5.9Late sown (mid-Nov to end-Jan) (9.6 t/ha) [97] - [99] - 94 - [98] 97 - - 103 - [99] - - 107 [100] 101 [102] - - [107] 104 [107] 106 - - [103] - [98] - 5.3Soil type (about 50% of trials are on medium soils)Light soils (9.5 t/ha) 104 [102] 99 95 96 [106] 102 96 [102] 103 101 [102] 101 98 97 106 102 103 104 98 [109] 106 105 106 106 [105] 105 105 104 102 100 4.7Heavy soils (10.4 t/ha) 102 102 100 98 96 106 101 98 105 102 102 101 100 - 95 104 103 103 101 97 107 106 105 105 103 105 106 101 102 100 98 4.3Agronomic featuresLodging % without PGR 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 8 6 12 4 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 4 2 3 4 1 8 1 2 1 1

Lodging % with PGR 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 6 2 7 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 2 1 3 3 0 3 1 2 1 0

Latest safe sowing date # End Feb [End Jan] End Jan

Mid Feb

End Jan

[Mid Feb]

[Mid Feb]

Mid Feb

[Mid Feb]

End Feb

End Feb [End Jan] Mid

FebEnd Feb

Mid Feb

Mid Feb End Jan End

FebMid Feb

Mid Feb

[Mid Feb]

[Mid Feb]

End Jan

End Jan

End Jan [End Jan] Mid

FebMid Feb

End Jan

Mid Feb Mid Feb

Speed of development to growth stage 31 (days +/- average)Early Sept sown [-8] - 0 -2 -2 - [-2] -3 - [-2] [-4] - -1 +4 0 -3 [+4] -1 -2 +1 - [-2] +4 +7 -0 - -4 +1 0 -3 +2 7.8 Early Oct sown [-4] [+1] +1 -5 -4 [+3] [-1] -4 [+3] [-1] -2 [-1] -1 +1 -1 -3 +3 -1 -3 +3 [0] [-1] +2 +1 -4 [2] -6 +3 -3 +1 +2 5.9 Early Nov sown [-1] [-1] -3 -2 -1 [+2] [-1] -4 [+2] [+1] +1 [+1] +1 +2 +1 0 +1 0 0 +3 [-1] [-1] +2 0 -2 [-3] -4 0 -2 0 -0 4.2

*Full list available from at www.hgca.com *HGCA Recommend List 2015/16

All yields on this table are taken from treated trials receiving a full fungicide and PGR programme

UK = recommended for the UK

C = yield control (for current table)

E = recommended for the East region

*= variety no longer in trials

E&W = recommended for the East and West regions

[ ] = limited data

N = recommended for the North region

Sp = KWS Cashel is a specific recommendation for end-use as a corrective wheat with high gluten strength.

# = Latest safe sowing date is the advised latest sowing time to give a sufficient cold period for flowering.

Key to Breeder and UK contact codes

Agr = Agrii (www.agrii.co.uk)

Lim = Limagrain UK (www.limagrain.co.uk)

Sej = Sejet, Denmark

BA = Blackman Agriculture

Mom = Momont, France

Sen = Senova (www.senova.uk.com)

Bre = Saatzucht Josef Breun, Germany

RAGT = RAGT Seeds, UK (www.ragt.co.uk)

Syn = Syngenta UK Ltd (www.syngenta.co.uk)

KWS = KWS UK (www.kws-uk.com)

Sec = Secobra, France

SyP = Syngenta Participations AG (www.syngenta.co.uk)

LSD = Least significant difference

Average LSD (5%): varieties that are more than one LSD apart are significantly different at the 5% confidence level.

® = “HGCA RECOMMENDED LIST” is a registered trademark of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board

On the 1-9 scales, high figures indicate that a variety shows the character to a high degree (e.g. high resistance)

Comparisons of varieties across regions are not valid.

R = believed to be resistant to orange wheat blossom midge (OWBM) but this has not been verified in RL tests

@ Skyfall, Revelation and Grafton are believed to carry the Pch1 Rendezvous resistance gene to eyespot but this has not been verified in RL tests

Varieties no longer listed: Chilton, Cocoon, Duxford, Panacea and Tuxedo

Varieties are in order of highest UK treated yield within end-use groups.

Y = suited to that market

[Y] = may be suited to that market

P1 = first year of recommendation

N = recommended for the North region

P2 = second year of recommendation

Page 14: Wynnstay Autumn Seeds Brochure


KWS CASSIA (Eden x Carat) x Saffron KWS 13.5%

KWS Cassia remains a very popular variety even though it has a few weaknesses. Higher yielding two row feed varieties are now available and Cassia does have relatively poor resistance to Rhynchsporium and Mildew. However the consistent yields, bold grain with a good specific weight and longish, stiff straw help to keep Cassia popular on farm.

KWS INFINITY Cassia x Retriever KWS 2.5%

Infinity is the top yielding two row on the HGCA list and is available for the first time in 2015. It has good Rhyncho resistance but is susceptible to Mildew. It has a good specific weight though Tower and Cassia will have a larger grain size.

KWS TOWER Retriever x Saffron KWS 14.3%

This variety was new in 2014 and has the same yield as KWS Glacier but longer, stiffer straw. It performs equally well on light land and heavy land and has the lowest screenings losses, demonstrating well that it produces a very bold sample. It has the same straw strength and maturity as Cassia with improved disease ratings, though Net Blotch resistance is poor. Will be our most popular variety in 2015.

14 www.wynnstay.co.uk t:01939 210777


SY VENTURE DH9525 x Retriever Syngenta 7.5%

SY Venture is the UK’s most popular winter malting barley, it is high-yielding with excellent malting potential and is resistant to BaYMV. It has full approval from the IBD (Institute of Brewing and Distilling) for the production of malt for brewing. Unlike most other malting types it has relatively stiff straw and also a very good specific weight.

TALISMAN Flagon x Retriever Senova 4.2%

Talisman is the highest yielding malting barley available. It has provisional approval from the IDB for the malt production for brewing. Like many successful malting varieties the straw is long and only rated as a 6 for standing ability, so will suit the traditional malting barley grower rather than the ‘dual purpose’ barley grower.

CASSATA Opal x NSL 96-7517 Limagrain 1.6%

Cassata used to be the most widely grown winter malting barley in the UK but it has recently lost market share, mainly to Venture which has a 4% yield advantage and better agronomics. Cassata has very varied range of disease resistance with a good 7 for Rhynchosporium, but poor resistance to Mildew (4), Net blotch (3) and Yellow Rust (2).

2015 UK Seed Market Share

2015 UK Seed Market Share

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Wynnstay Group Plc AUTUMN CEREAL SEEDS 2015 15

KWS GLACIER Cassia x Retriever KWS 28%

KWS Glacier is 2nd only in yield to KWS Infinity as a two row feed type. On heavier soil types it does particularly well where it is number one. It has better Rhyncho resistance than Cassia and is slightly earlier to mature. Whilst the straw is shorter than Cassia it is not as stiff and Glacier did show some signs of brackling in 2014.

MATROS Himalaya x (Carat x Chess) Limagrain 0.9%

Matros is a good choice for those growing two row barley and looking to maximise the yield of grain and straw. The grain yield is similar to the current market favourite KWS Cassia but Matros has the longest straw of the two row feeds and also offers improved resistance to Rhynchosporium (rated 7) and Mildew (rated 7). Tends to produce a thinner grain than Cassia or Tower.

VOLUME HYBRID Syngenta (6%)

Volume hybrid barley is the highest yielding winter barley on the HGCA list. When grown under Syngenta’s guidelines (i.e. lower seed rate, with earlier Nitrogen application, full PGR program) the yield improvements achieved on farm have been higher than the list suggests. The extra vigour of the hybrids along with that ability to ‘scavenge’ for nutrients and moisture seems to enable them to cope with stress situations better, so the greatest advantages of hybrids can be seen on drought prone soils or in second/third cereal positions. Please speak to the seed office for more details of the YIELD GUARANTEE offer.

BAZOOKA HYBRID Syngenta (2.5%)

This is a candidate for next year’s HGCA list and is currently the highest yielding barley available. Bazooka has very strong disease resistance including a 9 for Rhyncho! It also has a stiff straw and importantly a good specific weight of 68.7 kg/hl. Bazooka will be popular with those who are currently growing hybrids and want the top yielding type, and also those who are new to hybrids and are attracted by such a strong agronomic package. Syngenta’s YIELD GUARANTEE is available on Bazooka, please contact the seed office for more details.

2015 UK Seed Market Share

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End-use group Two-row malting

Two-row feed

Six-row feed Six-Row feed

Scope of recommendation UK UK UK Sp UK UK UK UK UK N W UK E UK UK UK UK UK N

Fungicide-treated grain yield (% treated controls)United Kingdom (8.9 t/ha) 99 98 95 94 91 105 104 104 102 102 102 101 101 99 97 107 105 103 99 3.0 108

East region (9.0 t/ha) 100 99 95 95 91 106 106 104 102 103 102 101 102 100 98 107 105 102 97 3.8

North region (8.4 t/ha) 99 95 93 93 89 [105] 104 105 104 104 100 102 100 97 94 107 [108] 105 100 4.1

West region (9.1 t/ha) 96 98 94 93 91 103 103 103 100 98 101 101 98 100 97 107 105 105 100 3.9

Untreated grain yield (% treated control)United Kingdom (8.9 t/ha) 82 77 81 77 76 82 84 83 77 77 85 85 89 81 80 86 88 90 80 5.3 [91]Main market optionsIBD malting approval for brewing use P F F F F - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Grain qualitySpecific weight (kg/hl) 67.9 70.2 70.1 69.0 71.0 68.4 69.9 68.0 66.6 70.2 69.3 71.3 67.9 68.6 70.6 68.7 66.0 66.1 70.5 0.7 68.7

Screenings % through 2.25 mm 3.5 2.5 2.1 1.7 1.5 2.7 1.8 1.3 - 2.5 [1.4] 1.5 2.5 2.2 1.8 4.7 2.1 1.9 2.2 1.1

Screenings % through 2.5 mm 9.0 6.2 5.2 4.1 3.4 6.6 4.7 3.5 - 6.1 [3.4] 3.5 5.9 6.4 4.7 13.1 5.9 4.4 6.5 2.6

Nitrogen content (%) 1.63 1.68 1.66 1.66 1.68 - - - - - - - - - - - [1.70] - - 0.17

Status in RL systemYear first listed 13 12 05 07 99 15 13 14 07 14 13 10 13 11 05 09 15 12 11

RL Status - - * - - P1 - P2 - P2 - - - - * - P1 * *

Agronomic featuresResistance to lodging 6 7 5 8 7 7 6 7 6 6 8 7 7 8 8 7 8 7 7 -

Straw height (cm) 93 85 98 89 98 87 82 89 85 83 90 88 95 87 87 100 92 103 96 2.9 [109]

Ripening (+/-Cassata, -ve = earlier) -1 -1 -2 +0 -0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1 0 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -2 1.0 [-2]

Winter hardiness # [6] 6 5 6 5 - [6] [6] 6 - 6 5 6 6 5 6 - 6 6 -

Disease resistanceMildew 6 6 6 4 6 3 3 5 5 5 6 4 7 6 3 5 4 8 4 1.8 6

Yellow rust [7] [6] 7 2 6 - [7] [7] 8 [9] [6] 5 [5] 7 7 6 - [6] 7 2.7 9

Brown rust 6 5 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 5 7 7 6 6 6 6 7 5 0.9 6

Rhynchosporium 6 4 6 7 5 6 5 5 4 5 5 4 7 6 4 7 6 6 7 1.4 9

Net blotch 5 5 4 3 5 5 6 4 5 5 6 6 5 6 7 6 5 7 6 2.1 7

BaYMV R R - R - R R R R R R R - R - R R R R - R

Breeder/ UK contactBreeder Sen SyP SyP Lim Lim KWS KWS KWS Sej Lim Lim KWS Sej Sen KWS SyP KWS KWS KWS Syn

Soil type (about 50% of trials are medium soils)Light soils (8.4 t/ha) 101 98 95 94 92 106 104 106 104 104 101 101 101 99 96 107 105 103 100 3.3

Heavy soils (9.3 t/ha) 100 101 93 95 91 106 106 105 101 101 103 101 100 100 98 107 104 104 97 5.4 [1]

Agronomic characteristics [0]

Lodging % without PGR 8 2 15 1 4 5 7 4 7 13 1 3 5 0 1 5 1 3 3 -

Lodging % with PGR 4 1 9 0 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 0 2 -0 0 3 0 0 2 -

Malting quality

Hot water extract (l deg/kg) 308.5 308.4 305.5 305.7 305.3 - - - - - - - - - - - [286.8] - - 2.2


[ ] = limited data* = variety no longer in trialsAll yields on this table are taken from treated trials receiving a full fungicide and PGR programmeLSD = least significant differenceAverage LSD (5%): Varieties that are more than one LSD apart are significantly different at the 5% confidence level.

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End-use group Two-row malting

Two-row feed

Six-row feed Six-Row feed

Scope of recommendation UK UK UK Sp UK UK UK UK UK N W UK E UK UK UK UK UK N

Fungicide-treated grain yield (% treated controls)United Kingdom (8.9 t/ha) 99 98 95 94 91 105 104 104 102 102 102 101 101 99 97 107 105 103 99 3.0 108

East region (9.0 t/ha) 100 99 95 95 91 106 106 104 102 103 102 101 102 100 98 107 105 102 97 3.8

North region (8.4 t/ha) 99 95 93 93 89 [105] 104 105 104 104 100 102 100 97 94 107 [108] 105 100 4.1

West region (9.1 t/ha) 96 98 94 93 91 103 103 103 100 98 101 101 98 100 97 107 105 105 100 3.9

Untreated grain yield (% treated control)United Kingdom (8.9 t/ha) 82 77 81 77 76 82 84 83 77 77 85 85 89 81 80 86 88 90 80 5.3 [91]Main market optionsIBD malting approval for brewing use P F F F F - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Grain qualitySpecific weight (kg/hl) 67.9 70.2 70.1 69.0 71.0 68.4 69.9 68.0 66.6 70.2 69.3 71.3 67.9 68.6 70.6 68.7 66.0 66.1 70.5 0.7 68.7

Screenings % through 2.25 mm 3.5 2.5 2.1 1.7 1.5 2.7 1.8 1.3 - 2.5 [1.4] 1.5 2.5 2.2 1.8 4.7 2.1 1.9 2.2 1.1

Screenings % through 2.5 mm 9.0 6.2 5.2 4.1 3.4 6.6 4.7 3.5 - 6.1 [3.4] 3.5 5.9 6.4 4.7 13.1 5.9 4.4 6.5 2.6

Nitrogen content (%) 1.63 1.68 1.66 1.66 1.68 - - - - - - - - - - - [1.70] - - 0.17

Status in RL systemYear first listed 13 12 05 07 99 15 13 14 07 14 13 10 13 11 05 09 15 12 11

RL Status - - * - - P1 - P2 - P2 - - - - * - P1 * *

Agronomic featuresResistance to lodging 6 7 5 8 7 7 6 7 6 6 8 7 7 8 8 7 8 7 7 -

Straw height (cm) 93 85 98 89 98 87 82 89 85 83 90 88 95 87 87 100 92 103 96 2.9 [109]

Ripening (+/-Cassata, -ve = earlier) -1 -1 -2 +0 -0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1 0 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -2 1.0 [-2]

Winter hardiness # [6] 6 5 6 5 - [6] [6] 6 - 6 5 6 6 5 6 - 6 6 -

Disease resistanceMildew 6 6 6 4 6 3 3 5 5 5 6 4 7 6 3 5 4 8 4 1.8 6

Yellow rust [7] [6] 7 2 6 - [7] [7] 8 [9] [6] 5 [5] 7 7 6 - [6] 7 2.7 9

Brown rust 6 5 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 5 7 7 6 6 6 6 7 5 0.9 6

Rhynchosporium 6 4 6 7 5 6 5 5 4 5 5 4 7 6 4 7 6 6 7 1.4 9

Net blotch 5 5 4 3 5 5 6 4 5 5 6 6 5 6 7 6 5 7 6 2.1 7

BaYMV R R - R - R R R R R R R - R - R R R R - R

Breeder/ UK contactBreeder Sen SyP SyP Lim Lim KWS KWS KWS Sej Lim Lim KWS Sej Sen KWS SyP KWS KWS KWS Syn

Soil type (about 50% of trials are medium soils)Light soils (8.4 t/ha) 101 98 95 94 92 106 104 106 104 104 101 101 101 99 96 107 105 103 100 3.3

Heavy soils (9.3 t/ha) 100 101 93 95 91 106 106 105 101 101 103 101 100 100 98 107 104 104 97 5.4 [1]

Agronomic characteristics [0]

Lodging % without PGR 8 2 15 1 4 5 7 4 7 13 1 3 5 0 1 5 1 3 3 -

Lodging % with PGR 4 1 9 0 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 0 2 -0 0 3 0 0 2 -

Malting quality

Hot water extract (l deg/kg) 308.5 308.4 305.5 305.7 305.3 - - - - - - - - - - - [286.8] - - 2.2

Key to Breeder and UK contact codes:KWS = KWS UK (www.kws-uk.com)Lim = Limagrain UK (www.limagrain.co.uk)Sej = Sejet, DenmarkSen = Senova (www.senova.uk.com)SU = Saaten Union UK (www.saaten-union.co.uk)Syn = Syngenta (www.syngenta.co.uk)SyP = Syngenta Participations AG (www.syngenta.co.uk)

® = “HGCA RECOMMENDED LIST” is a registered trademark of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board

Page 18: Wynnstay Autumn Seeds Brochure

18 www.wynnstay.co.uk t:01939 210777

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Wynnstay Group Plc AUTUMN CEREAL SEEDS 2015 19



First recommended over 20 years ago Gerald is still a popular variety. More recent introductions certainly offer improvements in yield but have not been able to couple that with good grain quality so Gerald still has a place.


Mascani has proved itself to be a reliable alternative to Gerald and is now the number 1 variety. Whilst the yield is slightly lower than Gerald it has far superior disease resistance and very similar straw characteristics. With the highest kernel content, best specific weight and best hullability Mascani is recognised as a top quality oat. Early to mature.

DALGUISE Senova 10.4%

Dalguise has good grain quality and very early maturity but this comes at the expense of poor mildew resistance and particularly poor crown rust resistance. Yields are very similar to Gerald but the long straw is rated as 4 for resistance to lodging, the weakest on the list.

















on $










Variety type Conventional husked varieties

Naked varieties

Scope of Recommendation UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK

UK yield (% treated control)Fungicide-treated (8.3 t/ha) 109 105 101 101 98 77 74 71 5.1Grain qualityKernel content (%) 72.3 73.0 75.9 73.7 78.1 - - - 1.0Specific weight (kg/hl) 50.2 49.6 54.4 53.4 54.5 63.7 65.2 65.0 1.1Screenings % through 2.0mm 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.0 1.5 37.8 15.2 14.9 3.6Agronomic featuresResistance to lodging - [9] [4] [6] [6] [9] - [5] 1.8Straw length (cm) 106 86 116 112 111 85 110 112 3.1Ripening (days +/- Gerald, -ve = earlier) -0 +1 -1 +0 -1 +1 -0 -1 1.1Disease resistanceMildew [8] 4 4 3 6 3 [9] 4 1.9Crown rust [6] [3] 3 5 8 [3] [5] [5] 1.8Treated yields with and without PGR as % treated controlWith PGR (8.3 t/ha) 109 106 101 101 98 77 74 71 4.9Without PGR (7.9 t/ha) [103] [95] [101] [105] [94] [78] [77] [72] 28.1Breeder/ UK contactBreeder IBERS IBERS Sen IBERS IBERS IBERS IBERS IBERS

UK contact Sen Sen Sen Sen Sen Sen Sen Sen

Status in RL systemYear first listed 14 10 03 93 04 10 14 00

RL status P2 - - - - - P2 -

HGCA Recommended List® WINTER OATS 2015/16

All yields on this table are taken from treated trials receiving a full fungicide programme On the 1-9 scales high figures indicate that a variety shows the character to a high degree (e.g. disease resistance) P2 = second year of recommendation IBERS =Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences [ ] = limited data Sen = Senova (www.senova.uk.com) C = yield control (for current table) RAGT = RAGT Seeds (www.ragt.co.uk) R2n = RAGT, France (www.ragt.co.uk) LSD = least significant difference Average LSD (5%): varieties that are more than one LSD apart are significantly different at the 5% confidence level ~ A race of crown rust has been identified which may affect Mascani but infection levels in trials have been low so far $ Balado and Fusion are dwarf varieties ® = “HGCA RECOMMENDED LIST” is a registered trademark of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board

2015 UK Seed Market Share

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20 www.wynnstay.co.uk t:01939 210777



Incentive was our most popular hybrid in 2014 and looks full of potential on farm. It has a very high Gross Output in both the East/West region and the North. Whilst it is reasonably tall it has very good stem stiffness, good light leaf spot resistance and is one of the more vigorous hybrids to establish.


This newcomer for 2015 has the highest Gross Output available. With that yield it is a very strong candidate for next years’ Recommended List and also has useful agronomics – i.e. medium height, very stiff straw and good resistance to both Stem Canker and Light Leaf Spot. Average maturity. Wembley will be popular for this autumn.


If the recommended list was ranked in order of yield not gross output Arazzo would be at the top of the list. It has consistently produced very high yields for the last 3 years. Arazzo is particularly vigorous to establish and quick to wake up in the spring. It also has good resistance to Verticilium Wilt; a disease of increasing importance.

HARPER Hybrid Bayer

This vigorous hybrid has good agronomics and is the highest yielding variety with early maturity. It also has the best rating available (8) for Stem Canker and good Light leaf spot resistance. An excellent agronomic package.

PR46 W21 Hybrid Pioneer

A tall yet very stiff strawed hybrid that has demonstrated tremendous consistency over the last few seasons. It was the variety with the highest gross output on the HGCA list but with newer higher performing varieties now available it is likely to lose favour. Medium maturity and relatively poor Stem Canker.


Most very high yielders have relatively late maturity but Avatar is earlier to harvest and helps spread the workload. It has very similar straw characteristics to Excalibur and has relatively vigorous autumn and early spring growth. Relatively poor Stem Canker resistance.

DK EXALTE Hybrid Monsanto

This variety from Monsanto has excellent polygenic phoma resistance and genetic resistance to podshatter reducing yield losses and volunteer issues. It is one of the highest yielding DK varieties available, has medium maturity and straw characteristics that are very similar to the old favourite Excalibur.

MARBLE Semi Dwarf Hybrid LSPB

A high yielding semi dwarf that was up for HGCA recommendation in 2014 but failed to make the list. It offers a useful improvement over the yield of Troy and comes with the added benefit of the best Light Leaf Spot resistance. Being very short and stiff this one should stand whatever you throw at it.

TROY Semi Dwarf Hybrid DSV

Troy is the highest yielding of HGCA listed semi dwarf hybrids. It has been very popular on farm for the last few years as it progresses the low biomass story to the next level. More vigorous and slightly taller than most semi dwarfs.

PX113 Semi Dwarf Hybrid Pioneer

This is a very short semi dwarf type and as such can very much speed up the harvest process with less biomass going through the combine. It has a yield potential of around 101% but it is very stiff in the straw, relatively early and has good resistance to Light Leaf Spot.

MENTOR Hybrid (Club Root Resistant) LSPB

Historically those who need a Club Root resistant variety had to tolerate a yield penalty but Mentor offers a huge yield increase over the resistant varieties currently available and now sits alongside top performers like Harper on the HGCA East/West list. It is has a relatively short and stiff straw but is quite weak on Stem Canker.

CAMPUS Conventional KWS

A very high yielding conventional variety newly recommended on the HGCA list. It offers top hybrid type yield levels in a conventional variety, therefore making it a cheaper variety to sow. It was the highest yielding conventional variety in trials last year and ranks very highly on both the East/West list and the North list, clearly demonstrating its consistency and suitability for the whole UK. Campus has the highest oil content of all the non-hybrid varieties. On the HGCA list.

BARBADOS Conventional KWS

This variety is a very high yielding candidate for the North list but has shown good results in other regions. It has exceptional disease resistance with 8s for both Light Leaf Spot and Stem Canker. Like its parent Cabernet it is late to flower and relatively late to mature.

CUBIC Conventional Low Biomass

Cubic has been a very popular variety in the West, particularly with larger growers. The earliest maturing variety available which helps get the combine rolling. When in trials with HGCA it was one of the top yielders in the West. A true low biomass variety.

CLEARFIELD VARIETIESWe are able to offer a range of ‘Clearfield’ hybrids for those situations where Charlock and Runch are present to such high levels that rape production may not be viable using conventional herbicides. Clearfield varieties have tolerance to specific Imidazolinone herbicides. Please call the seed office at Shrewsbury or Selby for further details.

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NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW * * * * * Described

























tor $

















































Variety type RH RH RH Conv Conv RH RH Conv RH RH RH Conv RH RH RH Conv Conv RH Conv RH Conv RH Conv Conv RH RH RH RHScope of recommendation UK UK UK UK UK UK E/W E/W E/W E/W Sp E/W UK E/W E/W E/W E/W E/W E/W UK E/W Sp E/W E/W UK Sp Described

Gross output (yield adjusted for oil content) as % control

Fungicide treated (5.3 t/ha) 109 107 107 107 106 106 106 106 105 104 103 103 103 102 102 101 101 101 101 100 100 99 99 99 98 95 4.7 95 110Seed yield as % controlFungicide treated (5.0 t/ha) 108 106 108 107 105 105 108 107 103 103 102 103 102 104 101 102 102 100 100 98 99 100 99 99 98 95 4.3 96 109Agronomic featuresResistance to lodging 8 8 8 [8] 8 8 [8] 8 [8] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 7 8 0.3 8 9Stem stiffness 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 9 8 7 9 8 8 8 8 7 8 7 9 8 6 9 7 8 6 8 0.5 9 8Shortness of stem 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 7 6 8 8 7 6 6 6 0.3 9Earliness of flowering 7 6 7 6 6 7 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 7 6 7 6 8 5 6 7 6 5 6 8 7 0.4 4 7Earliness of maturity 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 6 5 0.4 6 5Seed quality (at 9% moisture)Oil content, fungicide treated (%) 46.0 46.0 44.2 44.4 45.6 45.7 43.6 44.0 46.0 45.1 46.0 45.1 45.4 43.9 45.7 44.5 44.2 45.3 45.0 45.8 45.6 44.5 45.0 44.5 44.6 44.4 0.3 44.0 45.5Glucosinolate (µmoles/g of seed) 12.9 10.4 12.3 11.6 11.2 10.1 12.0 10.3 9.0 10.0 10.2 10.0 10.6 10.9 12.6 12.2 12.8 10.1 10.1 9.7 10.5 12.0 10.4 11.9 11.8 10.4 10.6Disease resistanceLight leaf spot 6 6 7 5 6 6 5 4 5 6 5 6 6 5 5 5 6 5 6 6 5 6 5 5 6 7£ 0.8 6 6Stem canker 6 5 6 5 5 4 4 4 8 8 3 6 5 3 3 5 [4] 4 6 [4] 6 4 9 5 8 4 1.2 5 6Breeder/ UK contactBreeder Mon DSV Syn Mom Mom LSPB LSPB Mom Bay BayR Lemb Lant DP DSV DP KWS LSPB LSPB DK DSV DK LSPB KWS Lant DK LSPB DK LSPBUK contact Mon DSV Syn KWS KWS DSV RAGT KWS Bay Bay LSPB Els DP DSV DP KWS LSPB LSPB DK DSV DK DSV KWS Sen DK LSPB DK

Annual treated gross output (yield adjusted for oil content) as % control2011 (6.2 t/ha) - - - - - 100 - 100 - 104 - 103 101 104 103 100 97 103 103 99 99 102 99 97 100 93 5.3 972012 (4.4 t/ha) [105] [107] [103] [107] [101] [111] [105] [118] [102] [99] [104] [100] 104 103 102 102 102 99 100 98 98 100 97 100 94 93 7.0 962013 (5.3 t/ha) 104 105 108 107 107 107 106 104 108 105 102 109 106 103 102 101 105 102 101 102 101 98 105 99 99 97 4.2 952014 (5.4 t/ha) 116 111 110 108 109 110 108 107 105 106 105 99 102 101 101 102 - 101 98 - 101 97 96 - 99 97 5.6 93AgronomyPlant height (cm) 157 150 147 152 154 154 150 139 152 151 148 144 154 145 153 145 154 148 148 156 135 134 139 151 149 155 2.8 126 146

Harvest method - gross output (yield adjusted for oil content) as % controlSwathed (6.0 t/ha) [106] [107] [104] [105] [105] [111] [103] [106] [104] [104] [108] [102] [103] [102] 103 101 98 [99] 100 98 98 [96] [101] 97 98 96 9.2 [90]Desiccated (5.3 t/ha) 114 110 108 107 107 106 105 105 105 105 104 105 103 103 102 101 102 102 101 100 100 100 99 99 98 95 4.2 97

HGCA Recommended List® WINTER OSR 2015/16

[ ] = limited data Key to Breeder and UK contact codes Bay = Bayer CropScience (www.bayercropscience.co.uk) Els = Elsoms Seeds (www.elsoms.com) Mom = Moment, France Sen = Senova (www.senova.uk.com) BayR = Bayer CropScience Raps (www.bayercropscience.co.uk) KWS = KWS UK (www.kws-uk.com) Mon = Monsanto UK Ltd (www.monsanto.com) Syn = Syngenta UK Ltd (www.syngenta.co.uk) DK = DEKALB (www.dekalb.co.uk) Lant = = Lantmannen SW Seed, Sweden Pick = Mike Pickford DP = DuPont Pioneer (www.pioneer.com/uk) Lemb = Lembke, Germany RAGT = RAGT Seeds (www.ragt.co.uk) DSV = DSV UK (www.dsv-uk.co.uk) LSPB = LS Plant Breeding (www.lspb.eu) ® = “HGCA RECOMMENDED LIST” is a registered trademark of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board

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NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW * * * * * Described

























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Variety type RH RH RH Conv Conv RH RH Conv RH RH RH Conv RH RH RH Conv Conv RH Conv RH Conv RH Conv Conv RH RH RH RHScope of recommendation UK UK UK UK UK UK E/W E/W E/W E/W Sp E/W UK E/W E/W E/W E/W E/W E/W UK E/W Sp E/W E/W UK Sp Described

Gross output (yield adjusted for oil content) as % control

Fungicide treated (5.3 t/ha) 109 107 107 107 106 106 106 106 105 104 103 103 103 102 102 101 101 101 101 100 100 99 99 99 98 95 4.7 95 110Seed yield as % controlFungicide treated (5.0 t/ha) 108 106 108 107 105 105 108 107 103 103 102 103 102 104 101 102 102 100 100 98 99 100 99 99 98 95 4.3 96 109Agronomic featuresResistance to lodging 8 8 8 [8] 8 8 [8] 8 [8] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 7 8 0.3 8 9Stem stiffness 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 9 8 7 9 8 8 8 8 7 8 7 9 8 6 9 7 8 6 8 0.5 9 8Shortness of stem 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 7 6 8 8 7 6 6 6 0.3 9Earliness of flowering 7 6 7 6 6 7 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 7 6 7 6 8 5 6 7 6 5 6 8 7 0.4 4 7Earliness of maturity 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 6 5 0.4 6 5Seed quality (at 9% moisture)Oil content, fungicide treated (%) 46.0 46.0 44.2 44.4 45.6 45.7 43.6 44.0 46.0 45.1 46.0 45.1 45.4 43.9 45.7 44.5 44.2 45.3 45.0 45.8 45.6 44.5 45.0 44.5 44.6 44.4 0.3 44.0 45.5Glucosinolate (µmoles/g of seed) 12.9 10.4 12.3 11.6 11.2 10.1 12.0 10.3 9.0 10.0 10.2 10.0 10.6 10.9 12.6 12.2 12.8 10.1 10.1 9.7 10.5 12.0 10.4 11.9 11.8 10.4 10.6Disease resistanceLight leaf spot 6 6 7 5 6 6 5 4 5 6 5 6 6 5 5 5 6 5 6 6 5 6 5 5 6 7£ 0.8 6 6Stem canker 6 5 6 5 5 4 4 4 8 8 3 6 5 3 3 5 [4] 4 6 [4] 6 4 9 5 8 4 1.2 5 6Breeder/ UK contactBreeder Mon DSV Syn Mom Mom LSPB LSPB Mom Bay BayR Lemb Lant DP DSV DP KWS LSPB LSPB DK DSV DK LSPB KWS Lant DK LSPB DK LSPBUK contact Mon DSV Syn KWS KWS DSV RAGT KWS Bay Bay LSPB Els DP DSV DP KWS LSPB LSPB DK DSV DK DSV KWS Sen DK LSPB DK

Annual treated gross output (yield adjusted for oil content) as % control2011 (6.2 t/ha) - - - - - 100 - 100 - 104 - 103 101 104 103 100 97 103 103 99 99 102 99 97 100 93 5.3 972012 (4.4 t/ha) [105] [107] [103] [107] [101] [111] [105] [118] [102] [99] [104] [100] 104 103 102 102 102 99 100 98 98 100 97 100 94 93 7.0 962013 (5.3 t/ha) 104 105 108 107 107 107 106 104 108 105 102 109 106 103 102 101 105 102 101 102 101 98 105 99 99 97 4.2 952014 (5.4 t/ha) 116 111 110 108 109 110 108 107 105 106 105 99 102 101 101 102 - 101 98 - 101 97 96 - 99 97 5.6 93AgronomyPlant height (cm) 157 150 147 152 154 154 150 139 152 151 148 144 154 145 153 145 154 148 148 156 135 134 139 151 149 155 2.8 126 146

Harvest method - gross output (yield adjusted for oil content) as % controlSwathed (6.0 t/ha) [106] [107] [104] [105] [105] [111] [103] [106] [104] [104] [108] [102] [103] [102] 103 101 98 [99] 100 98 98 [96] [101] 97 98 96 9.2 [90]Desiccated (5.3 t/ha) 114 110 108 107 107 106 105 105 105 105 104 105 103 103 102 101 102 102 101 100 100 100 99 99 98 95 4.2 97

[ ] = limited data Key to Breeder and UK contact codes Bay = Bayer CropScience (www.bayercropscience.co.uk) Els = Elsoms Seeds (www.elsoms.com) Mom = Moment, France Sen = Senova (www.senova.uk.com) BayR = Bayer CropScience Raps (www.bayercropscience.co.uk) KWS = KWS UK (www.kws-uk.com) Mon = Monsanto UK Ltd (www.monsanto.com) Syn = Syngenta UK Ltd (www.syngenta.co.uk) DK = DEKALB (www.dekalb.co.uk) Lant = = Lantmannen SW Seed, Sweden Pick = Mike Pickford DP = DuPont Pioneer (www.pioneer.com/uk) Lemb = Lembke, Germany RAGT = RAGT Seeds (www.ragt.co.uk) DSV = DSV UK (www.dsv-uk.co.uk) LSPB = LS Plant Breeding (www.lspb.eu) ® = “HGCA RECOMMENDED LIST” is a registered trademark of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board

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TUNDRA - New Winter Bean is a big step forward

Winter beans are the classic pulse crop for heavier land that is difficult to work in the spring. Though the preferred method of establishment is by drilling, ploughing-in remains an option. Early crop development reduces their susceptibility to early summer drought.

Tundra winter beans will be a new name to most growers but this variety will be widely grown in the next few years. It has the same agronomic characteristics as current favourite Wizard but offers a 9% yield improvement, a very significant boost. Importantly it has a pale hilum so will suit the human consumption export market and the seed size is slightly smaller than Wizard which will need to be taken into account when drilling.

With the 5% Ecological Focus Areas (EFA) requirement under CAP greening rules, as well as the new Crop Diversification rules (CD), we are sure to see the area of winter beans increase from 2015 onwards. Pulse crops also have a positive effect on the whole farm rotation, providing substantial benefits to subsequent crops, particularly cereals or oilseed crops. They provide a disease break for cereals and oilseed rape, and require no nitrogen fertiliser as sufficient nitrogen is fixed from the atmosphere.

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Hybrid rye is a relatively new concept to most of us but those who have grown it, or even seen it, can’t fail to be impressed. It has a huge yield potential and whilst it offers a viable alternative to maize, most growers see that maize and rye complement each other very well in the rotation.

It is principally used for biogas production in AD plants in the UK and other areas of Northern Europe. However work is being conducted to investigate the suitability of hybrid rye as a forage crop too. We await developments in this area and would be pleased to hear from potentially interested growers who may be prepared to try the crop this autumn.

Hybrid rye is highly robust and will cope with most situations, especially drought prone conditions. However, maximum yields come from regions with higher rainfall and heavier soils and here rye is best suited.

Rye fits well within an energy beet or maize rotation. It can be planted relatively late and in some situations could be taken early to allow second cropping with energy beet or maize, providing a double biogas or forage crop opportunity.


Easy to manage

High DM yields

Acts a winter cover crop

Cab be drilled late after maize or beet

Could allow double-croppping

Spread harvest and drilling workloads

Improves gaseous output from maize

Higher DM content than maize or beet


Lupins are a very rich source of protein, highly valued within the animal feeds industry and offer great potential for feeding on farm. As a legume the crop can be used to contribute to your EFA area under greening in the same way that peas and beans can. They are traditionally spring sown, but as such the varieties available are either too late for many areas of the UK, or not of a high enough yield potential to be viable. We are continuing to examine new potential spring varieties but also are keen to look at new varieties of autumn sown lupins.

When sown in the autumn the crop is much earlier to mature and has a higher potential yield. The main threat to winter lupins in the UK could be the ever present battle against slugs, which seem particularly partial to lupins. However, in the right situation this crop has huge potential and we may be able to help in sharing some of the risk at this stage of the crops’ development. If you are interested in growing lupins this autumn, we have new varieties available and would be very keen to work with you in investigating their potential for the UK.

Please call the seed office on 01939 210777 for further details.

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We have seen a huge increase in the area sown to cover crops in the last few years. This development has been driven by the need to improve soil structures, capture nutrients, enhance fertility, reduces soil erosion, reduces weeds and soil borne pests. The area of cover crops looks set to increase dramatically in 2015 as newly introduced ‘Greening’ legislation includes Catch crop and Cover crops as options to achieve the necessary Ecological Focus Areas (EFA) on farms in England (currently not included in the rules for Wales).

RULES FOR COVER CROPS GROWN FOR EFAThe rules for Catch Crops and Cover Crops are the same other than the time period that the crops have to occupy the ground.

Catch Crops from 31st August to 1st October

Cover Crops from 1st October to 15th January

Crops must be sown with a mixture of at least one cereal and one non-cereal from the following list:(Cereal - Barley, Oats and Rye. Non Cereal - Mustard, Vetch, Lucerne, Phacelia)1ha of Catch Crop/ Cover Crop counts as 0.3ha of EFA

Most of these cover crops are designed to be incorporated into the soil but some offer the potential to be foraged or grazed. (These mixtures will be marked with a ).

There are many different motivations when looking to sow Cover Crops either for EFAs or for soil improvement but the following list of Wynnstay Cover Crop Mixtures should present a useful option for the majority of situations. However we are very happy to supply straight ingredients or alternatively supply bespoke mixtures which can be quoted individually.

Please call the seed office on 01939 210777 for more information.


These vetches were sown in mid September but have well formed root fixing nodules.

CC1: taken in early December. Crop was sown in mid September.

EFA Catch crop31 Aug- 1 Oct

EFA Cover crop1 Oct - 15 Jan

Forage option

CC1 ** *** no

CC2 ** *** yes

CC3 **** *** no

CC4 **** ** no

CC5 n/a n/a yes

CC6 n/a n/a no

CC7 n/a n/a no

Mixture Suitability


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CC180% Black Oats 15% Vetch 5% Phacelia Seed rate 35 kg/haThis mixture performed very well from autumn 2014 sowings and we expect it to be our most popular for EFA compliant situations. It produces a huge biomass with the rapid growth from the black oats quickly gets to knee height whilst producing a mat of fibrous roots. The vetch will fix Nitrogen in the soil and the small seeded phacelia branches out to help smother weeds. The mixture is not frost hardy and all will collapse after a keen frost, helping to speed up the mineralisation process. Suitable for where oilseed rape is in the rotation.

CC2*80% Rye 20% Vetch Seed rate 40-50kg/haThis mixture will be slightly slower to establish than CC1 but will give good ground cover. It is frost hardy and can be left to produce an early grazing or forage option in the spring as the rye will grow at lower temperatures than other species. Seed rates will vary depending on the situation with higher rates being used where the crop is to be utilised after the EFA period ends. As with CC1 this mixture will produce a dense root mass and Nitrogen levels will be boosted for the following crop.

CC360% Rye, 15% White Mustard, 15% Brown Mustard, 10% Phacelia Seed rate 25kg/haThe mustards in this mixture will establish quickly and, along with the rye, give excellent ground cover to help suppress weeds. It will suit the Catch Crop option where there will be a biofumigant effect from the mustards if they are incorporated into the soil quickly. If grown in the Cover Crop situation the white mustard is not frost hardy and, in most years, it will not make it through the winter.

CC470% Rye, 30% White Mustard Seed Rate 30kg/haThis is a low cost option that is more suited to the Catch Crop situation where the crop is not in the ground for very long. It can be left for the Cover Crop period if required; where the frosts are likely to take out the mustard and help speed up the mineralisation. The rye is hardy and will provide good ground cover and an extensive route mass.


CC5*60% Rye, 20% Italian Ryegrass, 10% Vetch, 5% Crimson Clover Seed Rate 70kg/haThis mixture should produce a large biomass even when sown in September. It is winter hardy and allows the option to graze or cut in the spring, or the mixture can be incorporated into the soil to boost organic matter.

CC670% Black oats, 15% vetch, 5% Fodder Radish, 5% Brown Mustard, 5% Phacelia

Seed Rate 30kg/haThis diverse mixture will suit many situations where the priority is soil improvement. The different species are producing roots at varying levels in the soil profile, helping to reduce soil compaction whilst also boosting organic matter through extensive root and top growth. The glucosinolates in the mustard and radish will help reduce nematode numbers when incorporated and the vetch will also fix Nitrogen.

CC750% Ethiopian Mustard 40% Oilseed Radish 10% Forage Rape Seed Rate 15 kg/ha

A mixture that produces a wide range of glucosinolates which help to reduce soil borne fungi and nematodes numbers. Provides high biomass, deep tap roots, good soil cover and has good winter hardiness. Ideal for early autumn sowing and incorporation in the spring.

CC1: taken January 15th 2015

Lower seed rate to left of cane allows rape volunteers to establish.

BESPOKE MIXTURESWe can also supply bespoke mixtures to suit your exact requirements using any of the ingredients shown plus many more such as Berseem clover, Crimson clover, Fodder radish, Oil radish, Tillage radish, etc.

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Active ingredient ProthioconazoleTebuconazole


Prothioconazole Clothianidin

Silthiofam Fluquinconazole Prochloraz

Fluquinconazole Prochloraz

Fluquinconazole Fludioxonil Tefluthrin

CROP USE Wheat Barley Oats/Trit Wheat Barley Oats/Trit Wheat Barley Oats/Trit Wheat Barley Oats/Trit Wheat Barley Oats/Trit Wheat Barley Oats/Trit Wheat Barley Oats/Trit Wheat Barley Oats/Trit Wheat Barley Oats/Trit Wheat Barley Oats/Trit


Fusarium Seedling Blight p p p p p p p p p p p

Loose Smut p p p p p p p p

Bunt p p p p p

Leaf Stripe (barley) p p p p

Covered Smut p p p p

Seedling Net Blotch p p p

Ergot (p) (p)

Blue Moulds (p) (p)

Take-All p p p p p p p

Early Yellow Rust p p p

Early Septoria Tritici p p p


Aphids - BYDV p p p

Wireworm p p p p p p

Slugs (grain hollowing) p p p

Wheat Bulb Fly p p p p

Gout Fly p


Early Manganese Deficiency p p p

Enhanced Root Growth / Establishment

p p p

REDIGO PROThis product has replaced Redigo as our product of choice as a ‘single purpose’ on wheat. Redigo Pro is the latest seed treatment from the leading seed treatment

manufacturer Bayer and offers excellent protection against seed and soil borne diseases. It can also be used on barley though Kinto is considered to be a better


KINTOAn excellent “single purpose”, our product of choice on winter and spring barley. Protects against seed and soil borne diseases.

DETERAn insecticide offering protection against aphids carrying BYDV (Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus), wireworm, where grass is in the rotation, and a reduction of grain

hollowing from slugs. Very useful if sowing early when aphids are more active or where slug numbers are high after rape. Also gives some protection against gout

fly, Wessex flea beetle and frit fly.

LATITUDEAlways applied with a “single purpose” product and often with a Deter insecticide also. Gives excellent reduction of Take-all. Used on 2nd/3rd and subsequent

wheats where Take-all risk is high. Particularly useful if sowing 2nd/3rd wheat before mid October. Has shown a dramatic improvement in second wheat yields

over several years.

JOCKEYSeed borne disease control plus good activity against Take-all. Also gives some control/delay of spring disease infections (Rusts and Septoria). Used on 2nd/3rd

wheats, particularly if using varieties that are weak on Yellow Rust resistance.

GALMANOThe active ingredient in Galmano is straight Fluquiconazole, the same as Jockey but without the single purpose product. This means it can be co applied with

Redigo Deter. Available at full rate to replace Jockey in 2nd and 3rd cereals or at 2/3 rate as an Epona product on 1st wheats with poor Yellow Rust resistance.

AUSTRAL PLUSSeed and soil borne disease protection plus an insecticide to protect against wheat bulb fly and wireworm. Wheat bulb fly can be high after early harvested crops

(e.g. Vining peas or early potatoes). Can be used as an alternative to Redigo Deter for Wireworm protection where grass is in the rotation.

MANGANESEApplied in addition to any other treatment option. Helps to control Manganese deficiency in autumn and early spring. Improves establishment and winter

hardiness. A very useful back-up to foliar applied Manganese in areas of deficiency.

EPONAA reduced rate of Fluquinconazole used solely as a 1st wheat product to give some early season control of foliar diseases such as Yellow Rust and Septoria Tritici.

Particularly useful on varieties that have very low resistance to Yellow Rust.

KICK OFFKick-Off contains a high level of phosphate plus a good level of zinc both of which stimulate speedy root growth and development. Coupled with these, it contains

manganese at 60% of the inclusion rate of most standalone manganese seed treatments.

TURBOThis is a new seed treatment product from Verdesian Life Sciences. The main elements included are Zinc and Phosphite which themselves act as bio stimulants

and encourages root growth and therefore the ability to increase nutrient uptake in the crucial establishment phase. Early assessments of TURBO look very


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The Wynnstay range of grass seed has grown to become one of the most popular ranges of mixtures in the UK. As well as attracting new customers this growth has been driven by an increased trend towards repeat ordering, one of the most positive indicators that our customers are pleased with the product, performance and value of the mixture range.

You can visit us online at www.grasslandseeds.co.ukWynnstay supplies a range of Short, Medium and Long Term Grass leys as well as a full range of root seeds.


One year quick growing grass mixture. If you want a silaging grass seed mixture with very fast establishment and even quicker growth, Fast Grass is the mix for you - the Westerwolds content makes it grow tall and fast for high productivity giving exceptional yielding and quality cut.


1-2 year bulky silage grass mixture. If you want up to four cuts of high quality grass silage, Tower will not disappoint. Tower grass seed mix is made up of 100% Italian ryegrasses, which grow at the lowest temperatures of all agricultural grasses therefore growing earliest in the spring and latest in the autumn.


3 year grass mix with red clover for high energy silage and aftermath grazing. If you want to finish lambs faster or cut a high protein silage, Squire will suit your needs. Hybrid ryegrasses are included in this mix, these are quick to establish, have high yields, high water soluble carbohydrate (sugar) contents and can last up to four years.


3-4 year heavy grass production with early grass growth. Fortress is a grass seed mixture with good early spring growth suitable for an early cut or graze. This is a very quick growing grass ley ideally suited to cutting with some light grazing, so if grazing is your priority have a look at the grass mixture Shield.


4 year quality grazer with silage potential. Shield grass seed mix is ideal for short/medium term grazing; it has good ground cover and very quick regrowth from the hybrid ryegrass. Shield grass seed mix will produce a high quality first silage cut around the third week of May in a normal year.


4-6 year intensive dual purpose grass mix. Sovereign is our best selling grass seed mixture simply because it is specifically designed for intensive management of both cutting and grazing so suits most livestock farming systems as it’s so versatile.


Long term cutting and grazing grass mix. Imperial grass seed mixture is made up of all late perennial ryegrasses to give excellent first cut silage. Late perennials also make the grass mix less likely to produce stemmy seed heads in the summer so Imperial maintains a lush leafy sward throughout the grass growing season


High sugar grazing with early bite. A long-term grass mixture with good early spring growth making it ideal for turning ewes and lambs out onto. The high diploid content in the Crusader grass mix aids to creates a very dense base to the sward.


Long term dual purpose grass seed mix. Herald is a versatile grass seed mix for cutting and grazing, it produces a very dense sward so is ideal for turning ewes and lambs out onto in early spring


Long term cutting and grazing grass mix. The blend of intermediate and late perennials gives great flexibility for both cutting and grazing for potentially over 6 years


Long term dairy pasture for rotational grazing. Majestic grass seed mixture has a high proportion of Tetraploid ryegrass to give maximum grazing potential for your dairy enterprise.


Proven long term cutting grass mixture. Royal gives good aftermath grazing from the Tetraploid content.

Grass & Root Seeds Booklet 2015 OUT NOW!

We also supply seeds for:

l Organic Leys l Over Seeding Mixtures l Root Seeds l Amenity Seed l Environmental Schemes

For advice on grass mixtures and grassland management please phone the seed office on 01939 210777 and speak to one of our seed specialists.

Grass and Root seed can also be ordered at any of our Wynnstay stores or online at www.grasslandseeds.co.uk

HORSE AND PONY MIXESLong term Horse and Pony Mix

Our horse and pony mix has be designed specifically to handle horse and pony grazing and can also be shut up to make sweet smelling quality hay. (We can also add herbs to the mix to add minerals and trace elements to your long term horse pasture.)

Short Term Hay Mix

This short term hay/haylage mix will provide excellent quality high yielding crops for up to two years.

Long Term Hay Mix

This 5 – 6 year hay/haylage mix is a well-balanced mixture that only contains Diploids which will ensure an even conditioning of the hay sward.


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WYNNSTAY ARABLEAstley Park, Astley, Shrewsbury,

Shropshire, SY4 4RT

t: 01939 210777

Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the details supplied in this booklet are correct, Wynnstay cannot be held responsible for any misleading or inaccurate information. E & OE.

Wynnstay (Agricultural Supplies) Ltd • Eagle House • Llansantffraid • Powys SY22 6AQ Registration No: 5009019

Part of Wynnstay Group Plc, Eagle House, Llansantffraid, Powys, SY22 6AQ Registration No. 2704051

Telephone: 01691 828512 • Fax: 01691 828690 • Email: [email protected] • www.wynnstay.co.uk Registered in Wales and England Vat Reg No. 168 7221 87





For more information please call your loacl Wynnstay Representative or contact one of the following:

Annie Savage Arable Sales 01939 210777 [email protected]

Paul Crump Arable Trade Manager 01939 210777 [email protected]