Web view(a) The Arithmetic and Logic Unit; ALU, Control Unit and Registers (Program Counter; PC,...

January Internal Assessments Subject information sheets for AS Subject Art & Design Information about the assessment Development of final piece in 5 ½ hours on Monday 11 th January. Topic Content Own theme (Coursework Topic: Growth & Decay Urban Life Surfaces of Nature Memories & Mementoes Personal Ideas relating to chosen artists and theme. Recommended revision Strategies and resources Complete coursework up to date Strong development section to develop ideas and test skills Completion of Design Ideas to inform final piece (x 3 total) Recommended revision time: Prep time = dependent on student (Use Xmas wisely, B. Underhill in school on Monday 14 th / Tues 15 th December, N.

Transcript of Web view(a) The Arithmetic and Logic Unit; ALU, Control Unit and Registers (Program Counter; PC,...

Page 1: Web view(a) The Arithmetic and Logic Unit; ALU, Control Unit and Registers (Program Counter; PC, Accumulator; ACC, Memory Address Register; MAR, Memory Data Register; MDR

January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject Art & Design

Information about the assessment

Development of final piece in 5 ½ hours on Monday 11th January.

Topic Content

Own theme (Coursework Topic:

Growth & Decay Urban Life Surfaces of

Nature Memories &


Personal Ideas relating to chosen artists and theme.

Recommended revision Strategies and resources

Complete coursework up to date Strong development section to develop ideas and test skills Completion of Design Ideas to inform final piece (x 3 total)

Recommended revision time: Prep time = dependent on student (Use Xmas wisely, B. Underhill in school on Monday 14th / Tues 15th December, N. Gibbs in on Tuesday 15th

December. Will have lessons 1st week back to develop Designs and discuss final piece plan)

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject Biology

Information about the assessment

The assessment is 1 hour 15 minutes long, covering topics covered over the whole first term. Questions are a range of short and long answers covering AO1, AO2 and AO3.

Topic ContentMicroscopes

Cell transport


Plasma membranes




Observing and measuring cells.

Osmosis, required practical, ratio calculations, ATP and active transport

Enzyme action, specificity,

Structure and function

Extracting organelles

Replication, structure and function.

Cell cycle.

Recommended revision Strategies and resourcesPast paper questionsSummary notes and posters from revision guideKerboodle activitiesAnswering text book questionsSymbaloo from Miss HughesStudy support 3:30 – 4:30 in B2 on Tuesday or E5 on Wednesday.

Recommended revision time: 2 hours per topic

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Atomic Structure:

Can you

define atomic number, mass number, isotopes, relative atomic mass, relative molecular mass

remember the stages in TOF mass spectrometry and explain how each one works

calculate relative atomic mass from isotopic composition data, or from a mass spectrum of an atom

deduce relative molecular mass from the mass spectrum of a molecule

Give the electronic configuration of atoms with atomic number 1-36 and of the common ions of elements 1 - 18

Define 1st,2nd ionisation energy

Explain trends in 1st IE across period (general increase, decrease from Be to B, decrease from N to O) and down group

Explain trends in successive ionisation energies

Explain why isotopes have similar chemical properties

Amount of substance:

Can you:

recall the formulae of simple cations and anions from the name

write balanced chemical equations given all the reactants and products in words

interconvert the units of mass (mg, g, kg, tonnes) and volume (cm3, dm3, m3)

recall and apply the relationship between mass, molar mass and number of moles

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deduce reacting masses and how much of one substance can be obtained from a given mass of another

state the ideal gas equation and use it to relate gaseous volume to number of moles

deduce the number of particles from the number of moles and vice versa from Avogadro's number

recall and apply the relationship between number of moles, volume, concentration (moldm-3 and gdm-

3) of solutions

deduce empirical and molecular formula from suitable data


Can you:

define an ionic bond, covalent bond, metallic bond, and predict the type of bonding present in simple substances

explain the difference between normal and dative covalent bonds

define electronegativity and use it to explain why some bonds are covalent, others polar covalent and others ionic

draw dot-cross diagrams to show ionic and covalent bonding

explain the processes taking place when a solid is heated until it melts and then boils

explain the existence of four different types of substance - ionic, metallic, molecular and macromolecular - and the different properties of these structures (mpt, bpt, electrical conductivity) – using diamond, graphite, iodine, sodium chloride, magnesium and ice as specific examples

predict and explain the shapes of simple molecules, giant covalent structures and ions using the electron pair repulsion theory, limited to 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 electron pairs

predict whether or not a molecule will be polar, and hence deduce the type of intermolecular force acting between the molecules

use intermolecular forces to explain trend in boiling point of simple molecular substances

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Can you:

Define s-block, p-block, d-block elements

Explain trends in size, ionisation energy and electronegativity in period 3 and group II

Predict trends in melting and boiling point of elements in period 3 and group II and explain using the structure and bonding in the elements

Predict and explain trends in electrical conductivity in period 3

Introduction to organic chemistry:

Can you:

Draw displayed formulae and write clear structural formulae for alkanes, alkenes and haloalkanes, containing up to six carbon atoms

Name simple alkanes, alkenes and haloalkanes, containing up to six carbon atoms

Explain the terms empirical formula, molecular formula, homologous series and functional group, and be able to identify the functional group from the molecular formula.

Explain the term isomerism, distinguish between positional, chain and functional isomerism, draw all possible isomers of alkanes, alkenes and haloalkanes for molecules with up to four carbon atoms, and recognise isomerism in larger molecules.

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Can you:

Explain what crude oil is, how fractional distillation works and why it is necessary.

Know the names of the major fractions, and their main uses.

Explain how cracking works and why it is necessary, distinguish between thermal and catalytic cracking and know the conditions, products and uses for both types of cracking.

Be able to write equations for the complete and incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons.

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject

Computer Science

Information about the assessment

This assessment should cover computer systems and algorithms and programming

Topic Content

Structure and function of the processor

Types of Processors

Input, output and storage

Operating Systems

Applications generation

(a) The Arithmetic and Logic Unit; ALU, Control Unit and Registers (Program Counter; PC, Accumulator; ACC, Memory Address Register; MAR, Memory Data Register; MDR, Current Instruction Register; CIR). Buses: data, address and control: how this relates to assembly language programs. (b) The Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle; including its effects on registers. (c) The factors affecting the performance of the CPU: clock speed, number of cores, cache. (d) The use of pipelining in a processor to improve efficiency. (e) Von Neumann, Harvard and contemporary processor architecture

(a) The differences between and uses of CISC and RISC processors. (b) GPUs and their uses (including those not related to graphics). (c) Multicore and Parallel systems.

(a) How different input, output and storage devices can be applied to the solution of different problems. (b) The uses of magnetic, flash and optical storage devices. (c) RAM and ROM. (d) Virtual storage.

(a) (a)The need for, function and purpose of operating systems. (b)Memory Management (paging, segmentation and virtual memory). (C)Interrupts, the role of interrupts and Interrupt Service Routines (ISR), role within the Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle (d)Scheduling: round robin, first come first served, multi-level feedback queues, shortest job first and shortest remaining time. (e)Distributed, embedded, multi-tasking, multi-user and real time operating systems. BIOS.

(g) Device drivers.(h) Virtual machines, any instance where software is used to take on the function of a machine including executing intermediate code or running an operating system within another.

(a) (a)The nature of applications, justifying suitable applications for a specific purpose. (b) (b)Utilities. (c)Open source vs closed source. (d) Translators: Interpreters, compilers and


Recommended revision Strategies and resources

Revision bookRevision bookletsPast exam papersMind MapsRevision NotesLMC PracticeRecommended revision time: 10 hours

January Internal Assessments

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Subject information sheets for ASSubject AS English Language and Literature (combined)

Information about the assessment

AS View and Voices Paper (1hr 30 minutes)Section A: Imagined Worlds (Dracula – 40 minutes)Section B: Poetic Voices (Carol Ann Duffy – 50 minutes)

75 marks in total35 marks for Section A40 marks for Section B

Topic Content

DraculaSection A question stems:Read the printed extract below. Examine how Stoker presents _________ in this extract. The question will always focus on one aspect of the following:

• Point of view• Characterisation• The presentation of time and place/space• Narrative structure

Key terms for this unit:Narrator: a fictional entity responsible for telling the story in the novelStory world: the fictional world framed and shaped by the narrativeCharacterisation: the range of strategies that authors and readers use to build and develop charactersPoint of view: the perspective(s) used in a text through which a version of reality is presentedGenre: a way of grouping texts based on shared conventionsSpeech and thought presentation: the ways in which a character’s speech and through are shown through varying degrees of narrator control.

The extract could be from any part of the novel studied so far – not just the extracts we have focussed on.

A01 (20 marks): Apply concepts and methods from linguistic and literary study as appropriate, using associated terminology and coherent written expressionHere you need to:

• Express ideas clearly• Use terminology associated with this topic and the question focuses

accurately• Make reference to and use the various levels of language analysis as you

explain your ideas and comment on effects of particular choices and narrative strategies that the novelist has used

• Stylistic analysisA02 (15 marks): Analyse the ways that meanings are shaped in textsHere you need to:

• Address the focus of the question carefully and in a sustained way• Comment in detail on the interpretative effects caused by specific lexical,

grammatical, phonological and discourse patterns used by the the novelist• Select parts of the extract carefully and comment on these in detail to

support the points you are making

Examination: Section BPaper 1 Views and Voices: Poetic Voices

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Section B: Students are expected to compare and contrast 2 poems from the Carol Ann Duffy collection, exploring the nature of the poet’s skill in the telling of events and the presentation of people. The poem must be explored from a linguistic perspective. The question should be a comparative one but because students have not spent enough time studying the poems, they will focus on analysing one poem.

Key terms for this unit:Identity: The sense of a distinct self that is held by a speaker in a poemPoetic Voice: the way in which the speaker’s sense of identity is projected through language choices so as to give the impression of a distinct persona with a personal history and a set of beliefs and values.Point of View: The perspectives presented in a text through which a version of reality is presented. Register: a variety of language which is associated with a particular situation of use.

AO1: Apply concepts and methods from integrated linguistic and literary study as appropriate, using associated terminology and coherent written expression. Here you need to:

Express ideas with sophistication and sustained development Apply a range of terminology accurately. Select language levels with sustained relevance and evaluation of patterns.

AO2: Analyse ways in which meanings are shaped in a text. Here you need to:

Investigate closely the construction of poetic voice Explore the writer’s craft and evaluating its role in shaping meaning.

AO4: Explore connections across texts, informed by linguistic and literary concepts and methods. Here you need to:

Evaluate in detail the ways in which poems are similar and different.

Recommended revision Strategies and resourcesDracula: Revise Propp and Greima’s structuralist modelsRevise Leech and Short’s representation of speech continuumRevise aspects of genre – the Gothic, fantasy, sci fi and anti-realismMake revision cards with key terminology on the front and definitions on the back to test yourself. Ensure you aren’t just revising the lexis language level, but aspects of grammar, pragmatics, phonology and discourse structure as well. Select small sections of text from the novel between Chapter 1-10. Set yourself a question using the question stems. Applying linguistic and literary analysis systematically, looking for patterns of language.

Poetry: Revise the poems covered in the lesson. Explore contextual factors surrounding the poems. Create revision cards for key linguistic frameworks.Practise responses to mock questions under timed conditions.

Recommended revision time: At least 2 hours per week.

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject

AS English Literature

Information about the assessmentHow long? 1 hour 30 mins How many questions? 2 questions Style of question? Essay response.

Topic Content

What and Where is this on the specification?

This is a specimen end of year exam produced by the exam board. The format is exactly the same as the one you will sit at the end of this year.

Section A: One question on an unseen prose extract.

Section B: One question comparing a given theme in ‘The Great Gatsby’ and ‘Jane Eyre’.

AO1: Articulate informed, personal and creative responses to literary texts, using associated concepts and terminology, and coherent, accurate written expression.AO2: Analyse the ways in which meanings are shaped in literary texts.AO3: Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received.AO4: Explore connections across literary texts.AO5: Explore literary texts informed by different interpretations.

Recommended revision Strategies and resources

e.g. websites / revision booklets / past papers etc

Ensure you feel prepared to answer exam questions on ‘The Great Gatsby’ and ‘Jane Eyre’.

Read widely and ensure your wider reading notes and timelines are up-to-date.

Practice annotating unseen prose extracts.

Attend all sessions leading up the exam, which will focus on exam skills.

Ensure you feel confident with all five A.O.s (as above).

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject English Language

Information about the assessment

You will be given two questions to answer in this exam. One will focus on language and occupation; the other will look at language and gender.You will be asked to discuss whether language is affected by occupation and whether males and females use language differently (two separate questions).

Topic Content

Language and Occupation

Language and Gender

Look at how different people use language in different ways and how this might be affected by their occupation. Think about theories linked to power, politeness strategies.

Consider how men and women use language differently. Remember to revise and use the various gender theories you have looked at in lessons.

The language levels/frameworks, terminology and concepts from the previous topic are also still relevant in these questions as well – make sure you still use them.

For both of these, be ready to allow the data to dictate which theories and concepts you use – don’t go in with specific preconceptions of things that you are expecting to find!

Recommended revision Strategies and resources

Create mindmaps to help you learn your notes and key terminology.Create flashcards or a personal glossary for terminology revision.Have a look at the Universal Teacher website (www.universalteacher.org).Use the AS level Language textbook that you have been lent.

Recommended revision time: At least one hour a day.

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject GCE AS Economics

Information about the assessment

This will be a full Paper 1 The operation of markets and market failure (1hr 30mins)

Topic Content1 Economic

methodology and

the economic


2 Price

determination in a

competitive market

3 Production, costs

and revenue

4 Competitive and



5 The market


market failure and


intervention in


1. Intro to economics; the economic problem; production possibility frontiers; markets and economies; economic objectives and rationality

2. Demand; price, income, cross elasticities of demand; supply; price elasticity of supply; market equilibrium; price and resource allocation; subsidies and indirect taxes;

3. Production and productivity; specialisation; the costs of a firm; economies and diseconomies of scale; the revenue of a firm; the objectives of a firm;

4. perfect competition; monopolies5. market failure and externalities; merit and demerit goods;

public goods; imperfect information; inequity; immobile factors of production; market failure in monopolies; taxation; subsidies; price controls; state provision; regulation; information provision; government failure

Recommended revision Strategies and resources Making condensed notes from the GCP text book, and trying the relevant exam

questions at the bottom of each page (check your answers in the back of the book)

AQA legacy past papers to practise multi choice technique (ECON1 papers) and essay style questions.

http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/economics/as-and-a-level/economics-2140/past- papers-and-mark-schemes

Recommended revision time: 1-2 hours per day would be fantastic preparation!

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for AS



Information about the assessment

How long? 2 assessments: 1 oral exam: 15 minutes + 15 minutes preparation time 1 written paper ( reading , listening and writing): 4 lessons

How many questions? 1 stimulus card and 1 discussion topic for the oral exam. 2 reading / 2 listening and 1 essay question for the written paper.

Style of question? As above

Topic Content

Transition module & module 1 in the textbook.

‘Youth Culture and Concerns’ in the specification.

All units, topics and grammar covered so far this year.

A full list of these topics and grammar points can be found on the first page of the textbook.

Oral exam: Students will be given a number of questions to consider for the conversation part of the test.

Written paper: Students will need to revise all of the grammar points (green grammar book) covered this year, as well as key vocabulary. This will prepare them for the reading and listening part of the exam.

They will be given strict guidance on how to prepare and write an essay according to the AS criteria, as well as the topic of the essay question.

Recommended revision Strategies and resources1. Revise all vocab from this year - go over each list in your book.2. Revise all grammar points covered in your green grammar book.3. Consult essay advice following the guidance given by your teacher. ‘ How to write

the perfect AS essay’ sheet.4. On the Edexcel website practise as many listening’s as you can to get your ear up to

speed for the exam. Link: http://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-a-levels/french-2008.coursematerials.html#filterQuery=category:Pearson-UK:Category%2FExam-materials

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject


Information about the assessment1 hour and 15 minutesFull AS exam mock – physical and human

Topic Content



You could be asked questions on any of the rivers and populations topics which you have now completed

Please check your topic checklists

Please revise ALL of these topics

Recommended revision Strategies and resourcesAttendance to booster sessionsCGP revision guideRevision packUse of extra reading material booklet

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject HistoryInformation about the assessment

You will be assessed for both French Revolution and the Tudors. Cold War: a 25 mark essay question to be sat in 40 minutes. Tudors: a 25 mark interpretations questions and a 25 mark essay questions to be sat in 1.30 minutes.

Topic ContentHenry VII:

Cold War:

Everything studied since September. The whole of his reign: consolidating power, control of the nobility, government, law and order, finance, foreign policy and religion. Ensure you familiarise yourself with the key debates surrounding government and finace.

Everything studied since September 1945 - 1949: End of World War II, British, US and USSR relations, Yalta, Potsdam, Eastern Bloc, Kennan’s Long Telegram, Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech, The Greek Civil War, the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, the story of the division of Germany, the creation of NATO.

Recommended revision Strategies and resources

Use the revision guide provided to create: Mind-maps and revision flash cards. Ensure you re-read the chapters in the textbooks on Henry VII. Write key dates and facts on post-its note and put them around the house. Complete plans for all 5 of the essay titles given to you.

Cold War: Add all key events to Cold War timeline. Read all relevant chapters in Cold War textbook (or photocopy). Answer practice questions (pack provided in class).

Recommended revision time: You should spend at least 5 hours on each side of the course.

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January Internal AssessmentSubject information sheets for ASSubject


Information about the assessmentHow long? 60 minutesHow many questions? Style of question? Written paragraphs - theory

Topic Content

What and Where is this on the specification?

You will be tested on the following Topics:5 – ICT VS manual methods, efficiency of data processing systems, limitations of data processing systems.7 – word processing; desk top publishing, database software, formats, media & audience, web authoring software8 – network components, networks vs stand alone computers, communication devices, data transfer media, lans and wans, intranet and extranet, networking software

Recommended revision Strategies and resourcesPlease access all resources on Edmodo and refer to your notes Remember to practise writing your answers in full sentences and to always refer to a specific example and scenario if asked for one.

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject Law

Information about the assessment

There will be three essay style questions. One worth 18 marks and two worth 15 marks. There will be one scenario style question worth 12 marks.

Topic Content

Criminal Process including bail and pre-trial procedure

Judicial Precedent

Students must know the entire criminal process from the pre-trial procedure, to whether bail is granted, to the process their case will take through the court and the process appeals take.

Students must have a sound understanding of judicial precedent including the practice statement and other relevant judicial decisions. Students must have a good knowledge of the case law on this area.

Recommended revision Strategies and resources

Text book pages Flow diagrams are useful to map out the criminal trial process. Looking at scenario questions from the textbook to practice different defendant situations.Use revision cards and mind maps to learn cases for judicial precedent

Recommended revision time: Four hours per week.

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for AS



Information about the assessment

75 minute paper, exam questions done under formal exam conditions in classroom.

Module Content

PC1 Ch 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12

PC2 Ch 1, 2, 4, 5

Surds (simplifying expressions & performing arithmetic involving surds).Coordinate Geometry of Straight Lines (solving problems involving distance between 2 points, finding mid-points, gradients, parallel & perpendicular lines, equations of straight lines, points of intersection).Quadratic Functions and Their Graphs (solving quadratic equations, completing the square, translating quadratic graphs, use of discriminant).Simultaneous Equations (one linear & one quadratic equation, intersections of lines & curves, interpreting roots).Solving Quadratic Inequalities.Differentiation & Applications of Differentiation (finding gradient of curve at any point, finding point on a curve with a given gradient, equations of tangents, equations of normals, rates of change, increasing and decreasing functions). Max & Min points and optimisation problems, Integration, Polynomials, Factors, Remainders and Cubic Graphs.

Indices, Further Differentiation (including fractional & negative indices), Basic trigonometry (sine, cosine, tangent functions & their graphs, solving trigonometrical equations e.g. sin x = 0.7, sine rule, cosine rule, area of a triangle = ½ absinC), Transformations of Graphs.

Recommended revision Strategies and resources

Course textbooksClass notesClass handoutsHomework exercises – rework, revisitYou can find explanations of topics on YouTube and Khan AcademyPast papers on school website: Subjects > Mathematics > Revision Material > AS/A LevelRevise actively by doing questions/working on problems.

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject Media Studies

Information about the assessment

1 hour48 marks4 key questions based on an unseen text (print, e media, moving image)The 4 key questions will be on audience, institution, media forms and representations.

Topic Content

MEST1: Investigating the Media.Analysing an Unseen Text

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts

Understanding of critical debates 

Apply knowledge and understanding when analysing media products and

processes to show how meanings and responses are created

Once you have spent 15 minutes annotating the text, you will then be asked to answer

your four questions. You should use theory and key media terminology in your


Recommended revision Strategies and resources

Watch/ read a wide range of media texts. Practice analysing them for deeper meaning.

Use past questions on the AQA website to help with your revision. Revise what you have previously written and be aware of the targets that you

have been set so that you don’t make the same mistakes again. Use revision cards with key terminology written on them; this also includes

theory. Use the MEST1 booklet to help you revise too; this was emailed out to you at the

start of the year.

Recommended revision time:

January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for AS


Further Maths

Information about the assessment

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75 minute paper, exam questions done under formal exam conditions in classroom.

Module Content

FP1Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10

M1Ch 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8

Roots of Quadratics, Complex Numbers, Inequalities, Matrices, Matrix Transformations, Calculus, Series, Numerical Methods

All of M1 (Kinematics in One Dimension, Kinematics in Two Dimensions, Forces, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Connected Particles, Projectiles, Momentum)

Recommended revision Strategies and resources

Course textbooksClass notesClass handoutsHomework exercises – rework, revisitYou can find explanations of topics on YouTube and Khan AcademyPast papers on school website: Subjects > Mathematics > Revision Material > AS/A LevelRevise actively by doing questions/working on problems.

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject Philosophy (RSS04: Philosophy, Religion and Science)

Information about the assessment

Students will answer a part a (30 marks) and part b (15 marks) in 37.5 minutes.

Part a) requires students to show knowledge and understanding on a certain topic within the miracles unit (please see details below). Students are to refer to key thinkers, examples and evidence to show their understanding. Part b) requires students to evaluate a certain topic within the miracles unit. Often students are given a statement and asked how far they agree. Students need to consider different viewpoints and come to a reasoned conclusion.

Topic Content

Miracles Definitions of a miracle- Miracles as signs- Violation of natural law- Event of religious significanceMiracle as a violation of natural law- Examples- What does this tell us about God?- Arguments against miracles as a violation of natural laws- Definition of natural laws, placebo effect, there are no natural laws, quantum mechanics, God of the gaps. Hume’s critique of miracles- Weight of evidence for natural law vs. miraculous event- Testimonies- Witnesses- Conflict between religions- Lack of evidence- Counter arguments to Hume’s critiqueProblems with an interventionist God- Selective God- Problem of evil- Threat to free will- God’s transcendence

Recommended revision Strategies and resources

- Revision material: http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/wiki/Revision:Miracles - Past paper questions: http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/religious-studies/as-and-a-

level/religious-studies-2060/past-papers-and-mark-schemes - Booklet given in class

Recommended revision time: 8-10hours

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject Photography

Information about the assessment

Development of Individual Work in 6 hours on Tuesday 12th January (Digital / manual editing and printing only)

Topic Content

Own theme (Coursework Topic:

Fears & Fascinations

Identity / Obsession

Personal Ideas relating to chosen photographers and theme.

Recommended revision Strategies and resources

Complete coursework up to date – complete work on individual lists provided in final week of term.

Take lots of photos over Christmas Break – as agreed and stated on lists. Ensure that you have plenty of successful photos for photographer sets and images to use for your development.

Recommended revision time: Prep time = dependent on student (Use Xmas wisely, B. Underhill in school on Monday 14th / Tues 15th December, N. Gibbs in on Tuesday 15th

December. Will have lessons 1st week back to review and discuss plan for 6hours.)

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject AS PE

Information about the assessmentHow long? 1 hourHow many questions? Varied by unitStyle of question? Short and long answers(10 markers)

Topic Content

Anatomy & Physiology (WKN)

Acquiring Movement Skills (JGR)

Socio-Cultural Studies (TIN)

Skeleton Joints Movement analysis Muscles Wam-up/cool-down Impact of physical activity Newtons Laws Centre of Mass Stability Motion

The multi store memory Welfords model of information processing Whitings model of information processsing

Characteristics of Surviving ethnic sports and games The reasons for their continued existence and popularity (festival,

local, traditional, isolation, social, tourism, annual/occasional, retention of ethnic identity)

The role of 19th century public schools in promoting and organising sports and games

Amateurs and professionals in the 19th century and today Why has there been a shift from an amateur approach to a more

professional approach? (mass participation, sporting excellence, organisation and administration, government support)

Recommended revision Strategies and resources

Lesson notes & PowerPointRevision Books – you should all have one.OCR website – past papers available.Textbooks available for loan from 0.12.Revision Resources and TasksExam questions from past paper booklet

Recommended revision time: approx. 10 hours

January Internal Assessments

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Subject information sheets for ASSubject PHYSICS

Information about the assessment

You will be assessed on the majority of the topics you have covered to date in Physics. Some of the most recent items in lessons may not be on the test, but please refer to the list below, your revision guide and your class teachers.

The test will be just one exam, taken in a double period. It will include a series of multiple choice and written questions to be as similar as possible to your Summer assessment.

Topic Content




Uses of SI units and their prefixes. You need to be confident with the units given to physical quantities as well as prefixes such as M, k, m, µ, etc.

ParticlesElectromagnetic Radiation & Quantum Phenomena

Progressive & Stationary WavesRefraction, Diffraction & Interference

Recommended revision Strategies and resources

Make sure you complete past exam questions – see insight for details of work set. Make use of resources such as Kerboodle* to check understanding and make use of the revision guide.

If you are using the AQA Physics (A Level Year 1 & AS), the test will cover all of sections 1 and 2 from the book.

*If you cannot gain access to Kerboodle, please email Mr Wood – [email protected]

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject Photography

Information about the assessment

Development of Individual Work in 6 hours on Tuesday 12th January (Digital / manual editing and printing only)

Topic Content

Own theme (Coursework Topic:

Fears & Fascinations

Identity / Obsession

Personal Ideas relating to chosen photographers and theme.

Recommended revision Strategies and resources

Complete coursework up to date – complete work on individual lists provided in final week of term.

Take lots of photos over Christmas Break – as agreed and stated on lists. Ensure that you have plenty of successful photos for photographer sets and images to use for your development.

Recommended revision time: Prep time = dependent on student (Use Xmas wisely, B. Underhill in school on Monday 14th / Tues 15th December, N. Gibbs in on Tuesday 15th

December. Will have lessons 1st week back to review and discuss plan for 6hours.)

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject Psychology

Information about the assessment There are three sections: Approaches, Bio-Psychology, and research methods. You will need to answer every question. You will have 90 minutes to complete this assessment. The number of marks available will be indicated next to each questions, and this will need to be

looked at carefully as an indication of how much to write. There will be 44 marks in total.

Topic Content


Research methods


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Recommended revision Strategies and resources

Firstly read through your notes and essays (with feedback) to consolidate your understanding. Then try and pick a distinguishing feature e.g. classical conditioning and explain it in your own words.

You may also wish to create flash cards with key definitions / mind maps / key study outlines/ posters with colour and pictures.

Miss Lynch will have provided all students with a work booklet for all three sections, if you have not received these, please see Miss Lynch before we break up for Xmas.

If you require extra revision notes, these can be emailed to you by Miss Lynch; just ask.

Recommended revision time: 4hours / section = 12 hours (minimum)

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for AS



Information about the assessment

How long? 2 assessments: 1 oral exam: 15 minutes + 15 minutes preparation time 1 written paper ( reading , listening and writing): 4 lessons

How many questions? 1 stimulus card and 1 discussion topic for the oral exam. 2 reading / 2 listening and 1 essay question for the written paper.

Style of question? As above

Topic Content

Units 1 and 2 in the textbook, which is part of‘Youth Culture and Concerns’ in the specification.

Unit 3 in the textbook which is part of‘Lifestyle, health and fitness’ in the specification.

All units, topics and grammar covered in the units of the textbook outlined in the topics column on the left.

A full list of these topics and grammar points can be found on the first page of the textbook.

Oral exam: Students will be given a number of questions to consider for the conversation part of the test.

Written paper: Students will need to revise all of the grammar points covered so far, and this can be done using the Animo workbook and the Edexcel A level grammar book, as well as the vocabulary. This will prepare them for the reading and listening part of the exam.

They will be given the essay title in advance of the exam along with strict guidance on how to prepare according to the AS criteria.

Recommended revision Strategies and resources5. Revise all vocab from the modules covered - go over each list in your book.6. Revise all grammar points from the modules covered in your Animo grammar book.7. Prepare your essay in advance, following the guidance given by your teacher. ‘ How

to write the perfect AS essay’ sheet.8. On the Edexcel website practise as many UNIT 2: Question 1 listenings as you can

to get your ear up to speed for the exam. Link: http://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-a-levels/spanish-2008.coursematerials.html#filterQuery=category:Pearson-UK:Category%2FExam-materials&filterQuery=category:Pearson-UK:Document-Type%2FQuestion-paper

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January Internal AssessmentsSubject information sheets for ASSubject Sociology

Information about the assessment

There will be two essay questions both worth 20 marks.

Topic Content

Family Policy


Students should look at the family and policy and the relationship between the two.

Students need to understand the functionalist views on the role of Education and be able to compare it to another view such as the Marxist.

Recommended revision Strategies and resources

Text book pages 242 – 250 Page 4 – 10 on EducationRecommend using revision cards and mind maps to learn the Sociologists names.

Recommended revision time: Four hours per week on Sociology Revision.