WWW .MUM€¦ ·  · 2017-02-23from inside out. When you dive effortlessly within through this...


Transcript of WWW .MUM€¦ ·  · 2017-02-23from inside out. When you dive effortlessly within through this...

What is Consciousness-Based education?Consciousness-Based education was developed by the University’s founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, so that students can develop their total creative potential at the same time they are gaining an outstanding traditional education.At the heart of an MUM education is self-knowledge. Through the Transcendental Meditation technique — a simple, natural, effortless, easily-learned procedure practiced 20 minutes twice — students experience that their innermost nature is an unbounded field of pure consciousness, pure intelligence, pure bliss. This inner field of pure consciousness is the source of all knowledge — the unified field of all the laws of nature that sustains the universe itself.By directly experiencing your innermost nature, your can easily connect each discipline to your own lives and see the underlying unity of all knowledge.What are the benefits for students?As numerous scientific research studies have demonstrated, regular practice of the Transcenden-tal Meditation technique leads to a wide constellation of benefits on all levels of life — mind, body, personality, personal relationships, and social well-being. Benefits important for education include:• increased integration of brain functioning• increased intelligence• increased creativity• improved learning ability• improved memory• improved grade point average• reduced stress• balanced personality growth• improved interpersonal relationshipsThe advanced Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi program, including Yogic Flying, greatly acceler-ates the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation technique by itself.What are the benefits for society?For society as a whole, many studies further show that when small groups of people — just the square root of 1% of the population — practice the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs together in one place, they uplift the quality of life for the whole society.Enlightenment and invincibilityThus our mission at Maharishi University of Management is twofold: To develop the full creative potential of every student, and to create an ideal society — invincibility for every nation and peace for our world family.


Consciousness-Based education enables students to develop their total creative potential, from within, at the same time they are gaining an outstanding traditional education.

All our students, faculty, and staff practice the Transcendental Meditation® technique, a simple, natural, effortless procedure practiced 20 minutes twice each day. This technique directly enhances brain functioning, expands your inner creativity and intelligence, and enriches all aspects of your life from inside out. When you dive effortlessly within through this simple technique, you experience that your innermost nature is an unbounded field of pure consciousness, pure intelligence, pure bliss.

Deep within us is the source of all knowledge — the unified field of natural law that sustains the universe itself. By experiencing and awakening your innermost nature, you can easily connect whatever you study to your own life and see the underlying unity of all knowledge.

The best preparation for a changing worldThe world is changing rapidly. Today’s college graduates can expect to have multiple careers and many different jobs. An education centered only on gaining information cannot prepare you for the changes you will encounter but cannot foresee.

At MUM you receive excellent training in specific fields. But most important for your future is the inner development you gain through daily Transcendental Meditation practice — growth of qualities that employers today are looking for. Hundreds of studies have shown benefits on all levels of life — mind, body, personality, personal relationships, and social well-being. These include:

• reduced stress• increased integration of brain functioning• increased intelligence• increased creativity• improved learning ability• improved memory• improved grade point average• balanced personality growth• improved interpersonal relationships

The advanced TM-Sidhi® program, including Yogic Flying,® accel-erates the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation technique by itself. This program is available to students.

The best way to change the worldAs many studies show, when people practice the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi pro-grams together in one place, they create coherence, harmony, and peace for the whole society. It only takes a small number — just the square root of 1% of the population. This is what we do at MUM. Here is a way to change the world even while you are a student.

BACHeLoRS deGRee PRoGRAMS• Art (BA / BFA)• Business (BA)• Computer Science (BS)• elementary education (BA)• Secondary education (BA)• Individualized Studies (BA)• Literature (BA)• Literature with emphasis

in Writing (BA)• Maharishi Vedic Science (BA)• Mathematics (BA)• Media and Communications (BA)• Physiology and Health (BA)• Pre-Med program (Physiology and

Health - BA)• Sustainable Living (BS)

For a list of graduate programs, please see the back cover.

W W W . M U M . E D U

“The potential of every human brain is unbounded, infinite. Everyone is equipped with the physical machinery in the brain physiology to experience that level of intelligence which is the

ocean of all knowledge, the ocean of all energy, intelligence, and bliss.“Fragmented, intellect-predominant education in uni versities today

does not utilize the total creative potential of the brain. Utilizing only a small part of the brain, such education over time disables other parts of the brain from functioning.

“Through Consciousness-Based education,SM Maharishi Uni versity of Management will take away the inadequacies of education by offering Total Knowledge to unfold the total brain potential of everyone so that human beings may use the full creative potential with which they are really born to live perfection in life.” — Maharishi

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh YogiFounder of Maharishi University of ManagementTM

Maharishi has opened the gateway to enlightenmentfor millions of people in the world for more than 50 years.

M A H A r I S H I U n I v E r S I T Y o F M A n Ag E M E n T

© 2010 Maharishi University of Management. Maharishi University of Management, Transcendental Meditation, TM-Sidhi, TM, Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi,Maharishi Consciousness-Based, Yogic Flying, Maharishi vedic, vedic Science, Consciousness-Based, and Maharishi vedic organic Agriculture, are registered

or common law trademarks licensed to Maharishi Foundation USA, a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization, and are used under sublicense or with permission.


our art program systematically cultures the artistic genius within all students. The program integrates practical training in a vari-ety of visual disciplines with a deep understanding of artistic

principles. Students also learn how Transcendental Consciousness, the unified field — the simplest state of our awareness — is the fountainhead of all creativity, in nature as well as in human life, and how this field can be awakened.

The faculty create a positive, highly supportive environment in which students’ growing cre-ativity can flourish — strengthening their natural inspiration to capture the integrative values of beauty, harmony, and wholeness in works of art.

Sample courses• �Understanding�art:�Culturing aesthetic sensibility by appreciat-

ing art as an expression of the heart, mind, and Self

• Video� ProdUction: Understanding and applying the aesthetics of motion pictures and the technologies of digital video to transform the world with a vision of unbounded possibilities

• drawing� 1: Drawing from within — engaging the principles of observation through the action of drawing

• Painting� 1: growth of the artist through refining perception and enhancing ability to discriminate and integrate

• PhotograPhy�stUdio: Capturing moments of light — learning the essentials of the dark-room and appreciating photography as a tool for refined artistic expression

• ceramics�1: Shaping the unmanifest — creatively addressing form and utility in clay through handbuilding, glazing, and firing methods

•� �scUlPtUre�1: Bas relief — breathing life into matter — exploring the emergence of 3 dimen-sions from the 2-dimensional plane

•� �digital�imaging�and�graPhic�design�i: Exploring the nature of image, imagination, and reality using advanced tools for digital image creation and manipulation

•� �web�design�and�web�animation�i: Creating digital art in a self-interactive universe

“ The artist, just as he promotes life into the lifeless, promotes eternity in time. And this is possible on the basis of living fullness of life.” — Maharishi

M A H A r I S H I U n I v E r S I T Y o F M A n Ag E M E n T


“Inspired students are priceless to the teacher. With our students, who prac-

tice Maharishi’s programs for developing consciousness, I am continually delighted and surprised at how their clarity of mind, quality of heart, responsiveness to the moment, and joy of life emerge in unique creative expres-sion. The overall result is a more fertile learn-ing environment.” — James Shrosbree, MFA

Department Chair

U n D E r g r A D UAT E p r o g r A M S


our students gain an international perspective on business and develop the creativity to be entrepreneurs. They gain the best classical knowledge of management (finance, marketing,

accounting, communication skills, managing people, and so on). And through Maharishi’s technologies of consciousness, they grow in the qualities of leadership

most sought after in business: creative problem-solving ability, communication skills, integrity, stability, flexibility, dynamism, and harmony with others.

They also discover the secrets of how to maximize good fortune — how to experience and enliven the unified field and harness natural law to work for them and their organizations.

Sample courses•� �PrinciPles�of�economics:�Efficiently using resources to promote the fulfillment of indi-

viduals and society

• management�for�sUstainability: Action in accord with natu-ral law — maximizing profit while benefiting the environment

• �career�strategies: Choosing a career to maximize your infinite potential

• �strUctUres� for� sUstainability:� Using powerful quantitative tools based on the underlying orderliness of nature to support improved decision-making in business and environmental management

• marketing� management: Fulfilling evolutionary desires by attracting, delighting, and retaining customers

• bUsiness�law�and�ethics:�Learning to act in accord with natural law and national law — supporting business interactions through con-tracts, torts, and agency law

• hUman�resoUrce�management: Designing systems to attract, retain, motivate, and nurture the organization’s most precious resource

• financial�management: Intelligently directing the flow of funds to achieve the organization’s strategic goals

• �entrePreneUrshiP: Harnessing nature’s infinite creativity to plan and start a small business

• management�and�organization — Understanding the principles of human behavior at the individual, interpersonal, group, and organizational levels for successful planning, organi-zation, and action

“ The advantage of maintaining the liveliness of natural law in the awareness of the manager is that the holistic value of natural law and the specific values of different laws of nature spontaneously remain lively in the manager’s emotions, his thoughts, his logic, his decisions, and his behavior.” — Maharishi


“Our program has a focus on sustain-ability that is a natural outgrowth

of the consciousness of our students and fac-ulty. They do not see the world as compart-mentalized, but as a living whole, each part of which must be nurtured and considered in any business decision. Teaching students who understand the importance and breadth of ethical behavior is a rare pleasure in the competitive and sometimes scandalous world of business.”— Vicki Alexander, JD, LLM,

Department Chair

U n D E r g r A D UAT E p r o g r A M S


Media and Communications

This program starts by developing students’ creativity from within. on that foundation students develop skills in a range of areas, gaining hands-on experi-

ence in a burgeoning field. They also develop a portfolio that shows prospective employers their ability to work at a high level of professionalism.

Students in this major can choose one or more of four tracks:

Video/Audio Production —producing • directing • lighting • videography • non-linear editing • documen-tary production • radio broadcasting • Internet broadcasting

Graphic design / Web design —digital photography • digital image editing and compositing • graphic design for print media • darkroom photography • Web graphics • Web development • Web video • Web animation

Professional Writing —journalism • photojournalism • screenwriting • travel writing • creative writing • writing for the Web • media-related writing

Creative Musical Arts —songwriting • composition • improvisation • performance • music theory • music technology • world music • instrumental and vocal technique • study of sound, creativity, and consciousness

The faculty are experienced professionals, for example Stuart Tanner, an acclaimed producer and director of documentary films for the BBC, national geographic, the Discovery Channel, and others.

Sample courses•� �docUmentary�filmmaking: Developing the means to

explore human life in all its diversity and underlying unity

•� �narratiVe: Unifying and displaying the full range of human experience

•� �Video�ProdUction: Understanding and applying the aes-thetics of motion pictures and the technologies of digital video to transform the world with a vision of unbounded possibilities

“ The Transcendental Meditation technique, by freeing the mind from boundaries, establishes it in the field of infinite correlation. . . . When sender and receiver are established on the level of infinite correlation, information is given and received without distortion; knowledge is most complete and action most rewarding.” — from Maharishi’s

Absolute Theory of Information

“The ongoing move of all communi-cations media to the Web provides

amazing and historically unprecedented worlds of opportunity for today’s new designers, artists, and communicators, who can now easily, cheaply, instantaneously, and powerfully communicate and collaborate on a global scale. Our students have embraced these opportunities with a holistic vision that is going to create a dramatically better world. I believe that is happening because they have deeply connected themselves to the central core of their being.”— Gurdy Leete, MFA,

Department Chair

U n D E r g r A D UAT E p r o g r A M S

Computer Science

Computer Science studies and applies knowledge of the structures and dynamics of information, to provide a basis for the largest and most complex systems created by human beings — the software

systems that organize almost all of modern life. Merging electronics and mathematics, it creates software and computing systems that can accom-plish the previously unimaginable — in communication, computation, management, engineering, industrial design, and artistic creativity.

our students gain knowledge that places them in the vanguard of computer professionals, while developing the basis of successful programming and successful living: full use of the cosmic computer — the human brain, which can directly experi-ence the unified field of all the laws of nature and from there accomplish anything.

Sample courses• �data� strUctUres: Fundamental structures of information at the

basis of all computation

• ��Programming�langUages: The abstractions at the basis of pro-gramming languages — gaining mastery over all languages

• �web�Programming: Software models and methods to represent the dynamics of natural law

• database� management� systems:� Capturing the organizing power of information in structured models, representations, and query languages

• software�engineering: Knowledge is the basis of action — principles and processes for developing large-scale software systems

• �comPiler�constrUction: Connecting name and form — the source of all programming languages in grammar and semantics

• �comPUter�commUnication�networks: Connecting the parts and whole — frictionless flow of information

• �oPerating� systems: The most fundamental level of software — organizing hardware resources into coherent virtual systems

“ The human brain physiology is that hardware of the Cosmic Computer which through proper programming can compute anything.” — Maharishi


“Computer Science is a science of cre-ating dynamic abstractions — and is

thus naturally a process of introspection, of connecting our inner abstract understand-ings of how things work to some symbolic description in a concrete software program or system. Students here can directly relate to this process in its ultimate value, as they experience the abstract levels of natural law within their own awareness during their practice of the Transcendental Meditation program.”— Gregory Guthrie, PhD,

Dean of the College of Computer Science and Mathematics

U n D E r g r A D UAT E p r o g r A M S


Education in the United States, as in most countries today, is beset by problems. These problems will not be fixed by new teaching methods, policies, management, or facilities. They will be solved

only through new and deeper knowledge — knowledge of who we and of how to develop ourselves to the fullest. This knowledge forms the foun-dation of our teacher education program.

Built on this new foundation is an approach to teaching and learning that integrates the best of modern social science from the West with a systematic science of consciousness brought to light from the vedic tradition of India by Maharishi — Consciousness-Based education.

our programs train teachers for elementary and secondary education. They are approved by the State of Iowa and incorporate all regional and national standards. In addition, students become expert in Consciousness-Based education, the most successful system of education in the world.

Using this approach, teachers rapidly develop themselves, while learning how to awaken students’ total brain potential, even as they teach algebra, history, or biology. Their students learn quickly and deeply without stress or pressure. They learn to think and act in accord with natural law, thereby learning to avoid mistakes in life and to follow a path of increasing happi-ness and achievement.

our education students grow in the qualities of ideal teachership — confidence, creativity, resourcefulness, vitality, and kindness. They learn to awaken the unified field of natural law in the world’s children, cultivating their precious potential and preparing them to lead the world to a better time — where every school in the world radiates lasting peace to its com-munity and invincibility to the nation.

Sample courses• �Understanding� learning� and� deVeloPment� in� chil-

dren: The process of intelligence coming to know itself

• �hUman�relations�in�edUcation: Developing ideal communica-tions skills on the ground of infinite correlation

• �teaching�excePtional�children:�Helping each child see the unity in diversity

• �mastering�classroom�management: Leading through the authority of natural law

• creating� a� digital� teaching� Portfolio: Documenting the growth of an ideal educator

“ experience and knowledge of pure consciousness will eliminate the great lack in education. Then both sides of knowing, the knower and the object, will be in the light of knowledge. When both are open to one’s awareness, education will be complete and life will be complete.” — Maharishi


“Teaching is more than showing and explaining. It is illuminating, uncov-

ering, inspiring. At Maharishi University of Management our educators in training are constantly experiencing this illumination, this uncovering, and this inspiration within their own consciousness through the Transcenden-tal Meditation program. How better to prepare them to accomplish the same with others?”— Chris Jones, EdD,

Department Chair

U n D E r g r A D UAT E p r o g r A M S

Literature and Writing

In this program students study the great writers of this age and throughout history — and then, assuming the mantle of authors and poets themselves, express their own interest in the various forms of

creative writing, generating lucid and graceful prose, expressing the pro-found truths of life.

To develop the art and skill of writing, study of great writing is essential. Exploring master-pieces of world literature, students discover the pinnacles of human experience. In these experi-ences students recognize the deepest principles of natural law emerging from the unified field. great literature reveals the rise of peace and happiness for those living in harmony with nature, the inevitability of suffering for those who do not.

on the foundation of Maharishi vedic Science, students recognize the experiences of higher consciousness in the world’s literary geniuses, the glory of creation viewed from poetic conscious-ness elevated to its silent, transcendental beauty, and the commonality of this experience across all peoples, traditions, and times. This study is increasingly meaningful as students’ own higher consciousness develops day after day.

Sample courses• �the� bhagaVad-gita:� the� essence� of� Veda: Studied as the

“complete guide to practical life” from ignorance to enlightenment

• �medieVal� literatUre:� from� beowUlf� to� malory: The lit-erature of the Middle Ages as the unceasing pursuit of Self-knowledge

• �shakesPeare’s�festiVal�of�comedy: The twin themes of Shake-speare’s comic vision — the healing power of love and the world upheld by a divine order

• �romantic� literatUre: The transcendental scope of vedic India finding its path to Europe — the visionary poetry of Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats

• �20th-centUry�eUroPean�literatUre: Turning away from the realists’ superficial materialism, finding solace in the Far East’s transcen-dent wholeness — Yeats, Joyce, Woolf, and Lawrence

• �american�transcendentalism:�Self-determinism and self-actu-alization — the Self as the primary theme in Emerson, Thoreau, Whit-man, Dickinson

• �asian�literatUre:�The spiritual literature of the Far East, from the Tao of Laozi forward

“I feel so lucky to teach writing at MUM, where creativity is fostered in every

way through Consciousness-Based educa-tion. The students are brimful of creative energy and amaze me with their sincerity and the depth and sophistication of their work. Classes are friendly and intimate; we are a family. Students share openly from the heart, and a good number go on to publish, attend graduate school, or pursue writing careers.”— Nynke Passi, MA,

Assistant Professor of Literature and Writing

“ It is this value of literature that will give a new direction to time, because it comprehends timelessness. It comprehends the transcendental reality along with the flow of the boundaries. That is why literature has been, we would say, not only the mirror of the consciousness of any age, but the guiding light of the consciousness of any age.” — Maharishi


U n D E r g r A D UAT E p r o g r A M S

Maharishi Vedic Science (Science and Technology of Consciousness)

From the world’s most ancient continuous tradition of knowledge, the vedic tradition of India, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has formulated the 40 aspects of veda and vedic Litera-

ture into a complete science and technology of consciousness. Veda means knowledge. Maharishi vedic Science offers:• the complete knowledge of natural law, the unified field, the intelligence that administers the

universe• applications of this complete knowledge in education, health, manage-

ment, economics, political science, agriculture, defense, and architecture and city planning.

Students explore the scientific discovery that human physiology is essen-tially consciousness — the expression of the fundamental impulses of natu-ral law, the unified field, expressed in the vedic sounds, the same laws that administer the whole universe.

And all University students learn to read Sanskrit, the language of veda and vedic Literature, the most basic of all languages — the language of nature itself. This gives students a powerful and enjoyable enrichment of personal experience, including enhanced orderliness of brain functioning.

Sample courses• �introdUction�to�sanskrit�and�maharishi�Vedic�science:

Learning the language of nature and understanding principles of natural law

• �higher� states� of� conscioUsness: realizing your full human potential in the growth of enlightenment to its pinnacle in Unity Con-sciousness

• �Veda�and�Vedic�literatUre�in�maharishi�Vedic�science: Sequential expression of natural law, the Constitution of the Universe

• �aPPlications�of�maharishi�Vedic�science: Creating a stress-free, harmonious, prosperous, and enlightened society

• �indiVidUal�benefits�from�the�transcendental�medita-tion�Program: The flowering of creativity, intelligence, happiness, health, and higher states of consciousness

• �fUndamentals�of�world�Peace: Creating coherence in collective consciousness as the basis for world peace

“ The approach to Vedic Science is such that the knowledge gained enlivens that most fundamental value of consciousness from where all thoughts and actions emerge. Therefore, the very methodology of gaining knowledge through Vedic Science is such that as one gains the knowledge of natural Law on the intellectual level, one begins to live that natural law in daily life in a most spontaneous way.” — Maharishi

“Maharishi Vedic Science is the sci-ence of consciousness — the sci-

ence of what it means to be fully human. Courses and programs in Maharishi Vedic Science are life-oriented not job-oriented. You understand and experience your deep-est, most universal nature as the basis for suc-cessful thinking, planning and behavior.”— Tom Egenes, PhD,

Associate Professor


U n D E r g r A D UAT E p r o g r A M S


Mathematics symbolically expresses the fundamental order-

liness of the intelligence that structures the universe, with

its foundation in the unified field of all the laws of nature.

This program combines study of mathematics with its applications in the

natural and social sciences. Students may choose from two tracks, math and science. The pure math-

ematics track prepares students for graduate study in mathematics and physical or social sciences. The sciences track allows half the courses to be in computer science, physics, and other sciences. In both tracks, students understand the full range of mathematics, from its unmanifest source in pure consciousness, the students’ own Self, to its first expression in set the-ory and then to its applied values in science, technology, and the arts.

Sample courses• �infinity: From the empty set to the boundless universe of all sets —

exploring the full range of mathematics and seeing its source in your Self

• �geometry: From point to infinity — using properties of shape and form to handle visual and spatial data

• �calcUlUs�1: Derivatives as the mathematics of transcending, used to handle changing quantities

• �calcUlUs�2: Integrals as the mathematics of unification, used to handle wholeness

• �linear�algebra�1: Linearity as the simplest form of a quantitative relationship

•� �ordinary� differential� eqUations: Describing evolving sys-tems and predicting their future

• �Probability: Locating orderly patterns in random events to predict future outcomes

• �real�analysis�1: Locating the finest impulses of dynamism within the continuum of real numbers

• �algebra�1: Algebraic operations as the self-interacting dynamics of a system

• �foUndations�of�mathematics:�The unified field as the basis of all mathematics and all laws of nature

“ The central theme of modern mathematics is the infinite. In describing infinite structures and infinite totalities, mathematics describes directly the infinite organizing power of intelligence. Mathematics has located consciousness as the home of all the laws of nature and the source of the infinite organizing power that displays itself in the phenomena of space and time.” — from Maharishi

Speaks to Students

“I came here from a tenured position at the largest university in Australia,

because I felt Consciousness-Based educa-tion had solved the major problems of mod-ern mathematical education. The students here were clearly realizing their full math-ematical potential: they were happy, alert, focused, receptive, understanding math-ematics deeply, and, most important, were actually enjoying mathematics. It is such a joy to teach here, knowing that my students will be fully prepared to succeed both in their careers and in their lives.”— Anne Dow, PhD,

Department Chair


U n D E r g r A D UAT E p r o g r A M S

Physiology and Health

This program trains students in the scientific foundation of holis-

tic health, from both the latest knowledge of modern science

and ancient vedic Science. You will explore the scientific prin-

ciples of health in biology, anatomy and physiology, and understand the

essential role of consciousness — the body’s inner intelligence — in pro-

moting health and longevity. This knowledge is from Maharishi’s revival

of the world’s oldest system of natural health care, Maharishi Ayurveda.You will discover that your body’s inner intelligence resides in the field

of pure consciousness and that this field is identical with the unified field of natural law — your own Self. This knowledge is highly practical. You will learn how to awaken the body’s inner intelligence to promote your own good health and vitality through the Transcendental Meditation program, Yoga asanas, diet, daily routine, and other modalities of Maharishi Ayurveda.

Program in Pre-MedicineThe pre-med program includes study of all the modern scientific disciplines necessary to enter medical school, including physics, mathematics, chemis- try, biochemistry, and biology. The focus is the knowledge and application of the sciences relevant for a health care professional, in a rigorous yet enjoyable way, connected to the Self — the unified field of natural law.

The pre-med program aims to prepare students to perform well on the Medical College Admis-sions Test (MCAT), required by all medical schools, as well as to meet the standard entry require-ments for allopathic, osteopathic, naturopathic, and chiropractic medical schools.

Sample courses• �maharishi� self-PUlse� reading: Assessing the body’s inner intelligence through the

touch of three fingers on the pulse

• �diet,�digestion,�and�nUtrition: Enlivening strong digestion and selecting a diet ideally suited to the individual

• biology�i�–�liVing�systems: How life’s dynamic intelligence applies the principles of bio-chemistry, cell biology, and genetics to uphold self-organization, maintenance, and evolution of life

“ The Vedic ideal of health is the state of enlightenment — a perfectly integrated state of mind, body, and behavior.” — Maharishi

“Teaching Maharishi’s knowl-edge of perfect health to

these outstanding, brilliant and eager students is the greatest joy one can imagine. I have been teaching here for 18 years and I feel more vital and enthusiastic each year. The knowl-edge is so practical and profound and our students are so apprecia-tive that one feels privileged to be in the classroom of one of Maharishi’s Consciousness-Based institutions.” — Paul Morehead, D.W.P.,

Associate Department Chair


U n D E r g r A D UAT E p r o g r A M S

“We need to rethink every aspect of human endeavor in the light of

sustainability. Sustainable living is the great work of the next generation, what the major-ity of humanity will be involved with for the next 50 to 100 years. We need to go beyond sustainability to a regenerative and celebra-tory human existence on Earth. The ultimate technology for this work is a human body operating in higher states of consciousness.”— Lonnie Gamble,

Licensed Professional Engineer


U n D E r g r A D UAT E p r o g r A M S

Sustainable Living

The goal of this program is to provide students with the skills,

knowledge, and development of consciousness they need to

help design, build, and maintain sustainable communities at

the local, regional, national, and global levels.our vision is to become the premier sustainability program — to set the standard — in the U.S.

and in the world. This transformation must start from within — enlivening the unified field within the individual and society and thereby bringing life into accord with natural law. only this will create true balance in nature and eliminate pollution and destruction of life.

We offer the most enlightened sustainability program available. Subjects include technologies for preventing war and crime, Maharishi vedic organic AgricultureSM (enlivening the plant’s inner intelligence through vedic sounds), sustainable energy systems such as solar energy, and environmental design to bring every building and city in harmony with the intelligence that admin-isters the universe.

And all this is rooted in developing individual life to higher states of consciousness — so that individual actions nourish the environment — and in creating coherent collective consciousness in society so that governments and corporations cannot even think of continuing with destructive and unethical behavior solely for money’s sake.

Sample courses• �ecology: observing how living organisms maintain perfect order-

liness in their physical environment by efficient use of energy, nutrient recycling, maintenance of biodiversity, and intelligent self-organization

• �systems�thinking: Drawing on total natural law to organize diver-gent perspectives and promote interconnectedness and unity

•� �PermacUltUre� design: Learning to use nature’s intelligence to design and maintain cultivated ecosystems — urban and rural home-steads, food forests and orchards, greenhouse operation, natural build-ings, and alternative energy

•� �the�liVing�soil: presenting a journey into the soil beneath our feet — the true “Last Fron-tier” — so close, yet so poorly understood

• high-Performance�green�bUilding: Shaping the future with regenerative design — buildings that create energy, purify wastes, and harvest rainwater

• ecoVillages�and�intentional�commUnities: Learning about designing and living in ecovillages and intentional communities

“ In Vedic Agriculture we want to combine and align the creative intelligence of Man with the creative intelligence of nature and to use this alignment to create health and wealth from the precious resources of any nation.” — Raja John Konhaus,

Maharishi Vedic Agriculture specialist

MAHARISHI unIVeRSITY oF MAnAGeMenTDegree programs in the arts, sciences, business, and humanities

on the foundation of Consciousness-Based education

For further information:www.mum.edu

Maharishi University of Management • Fairfield, Iowa 52557(641) 472-7000

office of Admissions: (800) 369-6480 or (641) 472-1110The University is accredited by

The Higher Learning Commission - www.ncahlc.org


Bachelor’s degrees• Art (BA / BF)• Business (BA)• Computer Science (BS)• Elementary Education (BA)• Secondary Education (BA)• Individualized Studies (BA)• Literature (BA)• Literature with

Emphasis in Writing (BA)• Maharishi vedic

Science (BA)• Mathematics (BA)

• Media and Communications (BA)

• physiology and Health (BA)• pre-Med program —

physiology and Health (BA)

• Sustainable Living (BA)

Master’s degrees• Sustainable Business (MBA)• Accounting professionals

(MBA)• Computer Science (MS)• Elementary Education


• Secondary Education (MAT)

• Secondary Education Fast Track (MAT)

• Maharishi vedic Science (MA)

Phd degrees• Maharishi vedic Science• Management• physiology

(special research program)

develop your creative potential from within, through the Transcendental Meditation program

Choose from a range of academic disciplines — gain an outstanding traditional education without the stress

And many other benefits: one full-time course per month • professors who love teaching

and really care for their students • active learning and student engagement • a welcoming, positive, supportive community • organic vegetarian meals • a commitment to sustainability

FoR FuRTHeR InFoRMATIonwww.mum.eduMaharishi University of ManagementFairfield, Iowa 52557


office of Admissions:(800) 369-6480 or (641) 472-1110

The University is accredited byThe Higher Learning Commissionwww.ncahlc.org