ww1 By Joel Poppies Poppies were used to represent the wartime heroes that fell in war. They decided...

download ww1 By Joel Poppies Poppies were used to represent the wartime heroes that fell in war. They decided to be represented by a soldier in Flanders's fields.

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Transcript of ww1 By Joel Poppies Poppies were used to represent the wartime heroes that fell in war. They decided...

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  • ww1 By Joel
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  • Poppies Poppies were used to represent the wartime heroes that fell in war. They decided to be represented by a soldier in Flanders's fields that saw the poppies and they started to represent soldiers that died in war After a century people still think about people in wartime
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  • Trenches Trenches were the biggest safety of war. They were used to duck safely and not get shot. Standing around in the middle of nowhere is being a target. Trenches were so common everywhere you walk in south east Turkey, there will be 100 year old trenches everywhere. Disappointing that so much land was used for war.
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  • Anzac Biscuits Anzac Biscuits were another representations of war. They are made on 25 th April Every year. AKA Anzac Day. They are crunchy and they go well with chocolate. They have oats in them. They have certain things in these particular biscuits that cause allergies to some people.
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  • Guns. Guns are the most common weapon in WW1 They were the weapons for soldiers in trenches. Bombs were too heavy to throw all the way to the other sides trenches. Guns were also the weakest type of weapon in ww1 or any wars
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  • Memorials Memorials are used to know which people to remember that went to war from your town or city
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  • War Planes War planes were used to fire missiles and drop bombs. Sometimes when you bomb the bomb blows up I mid-air and you die and fall to the ground. Another person in your side dead. HaHa to the enemy. They smile now Then they are shot down
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  • Hughe Pughe Lloyd My Wartime Hero Is my Great Great Uncle Hughe He had a ? Plane. He survived ww2 and was united by the queen. He is a hero
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  • Cannons Cannons were like guns but were as strong as missles. There was a string and the soldier would burn the tip of the string and when the fire reaches the bottom of the string the sphere will fire out and kill a few enemies
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  • Which Countries went to war Countries in Europe went to war.The ones that went were Germany, Bulgaria, Turkey and Austria-Hungary.
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  • Countries in our side in the great war When the Great war started England was the first country to know. They got people from Australia, New Zealand and Other Countries in Oceania to fight. They were sent to Egypt to get ready. Then War started in Gallopoli.
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  • Austria-Hungary Austria-Hungary is a group of countries including Austria, Hungary and Croatia. That is how much people went to war including Turkey and Germany.
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  • Gallopoli They Arrived at Gallopoli and dodged the Bombs and Bullets while running up the slope. Many soldiers fell during that part of war.
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  • My Letter To Hughe Pughe Lloyd My Great Uncle. Dear Uncle Hughe I have read your letter and decided to write back. I heard you were shipped to the Netherlands 2 weeks ago and last week shot your first German in Berlin (Germany)yah Ive been missing you Ive been at school playing War. We use the equipment in the playground as the trenches. We shoot air guns. While Im playing I think of you. I really miss you. Hope you survive and come back safely Joel
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  • Transportation Ships, Planes and Trains were all used to fight for war. The Ships were for sailing people to war, Planes for bombing and trains were for training bombs and Missiles
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  • Other War Heroes Ronald Edward Bary Ron was a Wing-commander and he was killed a really horrible Death. He was killed a midair blowing up bomb. Then he and his plane was just a huge wreckage at Germany. He was a huge war hero !!!
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  • Thanks for Watching