Wurm (2000)

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  • 7/28/2019 Wurm (2000)


    Auditory Processing of Polymorphemic Pseudowords

    Lee H. Wurm

    Wayne State University

    This study compared models of auditory word recognition as they relate to the processing of

    polymorphemic pseudowords. Semantic transparency ratings were obtained in a preliminary rating

    study. The effects of morphological structure, semantic transparency, prefix likelihood, and morphe-

    mic frequency measures were examined in a lexical decision experiment. Reaction times and errors

    were greater for pseudowords carrying a genuine prefix, and this effect was largest for pseudowords

    that also carried a genuine root. While results were grossly similar for bound and free root types, there

    were also some important differences. Regression analyses provided additional support for decom-positional models: semantic transparency, prefix likelihood, prefix frequency, and root frequency all

    affected pseudoword rejection times. The results are most compatible with a modification of Tafts

    (1994) interactive-activation model or a dual-route model. 2000 Academic Press

    Key Words: lexical decision; morphology-language; semantic transparency; speech perception;

    word recognition.

    Morphological effects in spoken word recog-

    nition have been receiving increasing attention.

    English is considered to have only limited and

    irregular morphological structure (e.g., Hender-son, 1985; Jarvella & Meijers, 1983), but recent

    studies have shown that morphological infor-

    mation is used in perception (e.g., Marslen-

    Wilson, Tyler, Waksler, & Older, 1994; Wurm,

    1997). There is of course some morphological

    structure to the language, and different ap-

    proaches could be used by the perceptual sys-

    tem in dealing with that structure.

    The traditional view in formal linguistics isthat nonarbitrary items do not need to be stored

    in the lexicon (Bloomfield, 1933; Chomsky,

    1965; Lyons, 1977). According to this view, it

    is unnecessary to store built, builds, rebuild, and

    other complex relatives of these, because the

    lexicon would already contain the root mor-

    pheme build. The complex forms can be gener-

    ated as needed through the use of word forma-

    tion rules. Reduction of redundancy is the mostattractive feature of this approach; some lan-

    guages have verbs that can assume thousands of

    distinct surface forms even though they differ

    only by inflection and are essentially the same

    vocabulary item (Anderson, 1988). Only the

    base form of such verbs needs to be stored.

    A class of word-recognition models that cor-

    responds to this view can be referred to as

    decompositional (or discontinuous). Although

    there are several examples of discontinuous

    models (e.g., Cutler, Hawkins, & Gilligan,

    1985; Cutler & Norris, 1988; Grosjean & Gee,

    1987; Jarvella & Meijers, 1983; MacKay, 1978;

    Morton, 1969, 1979), the most visible one has

    been the prefix-stripping model of Taft and his

    colleagues (1981, 1985; Taft & Forster, 1975;

    Taft, Hambly, & Kinoshita, 1986). This modelwas developed to explain visual lexical decision

    times for various classes of morphologically

    complex pseudowords.

    According to this model, saying NO should

    take longer for pseudowords with genuine pre-

    fixes than for those without. The difference

    should be even larger when the root of the

    Portions of this research were supported by a National

    Research Service Award from the National Institute of

    Mental Health (Grant F32 MH11721). I thank Cynthia

    Connine, Albrecht Inhoff, Arthur Samuel, Robert Schreu-

    der, Marcus Taft, and an anonymous reviewer for making

    helpful criticisms of a previous version of this paper. Mark

    Aronoff and Mark Pitt also provided useful advice.

    Correspondence and reprint requests concerning this ar-

    ticle should be addressed to Lee H. Wurm, Department of

    Psychology, Wayne State University, 71 West Warren Av-

    enue, Detroit, MI 48202. E-mail: [email protected].


    255 0749-596X/00 $35.00Copyright 2000 by Academic Press

    All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

    Journal of Memory and Language 42, 255271 (2000)

    doi:10.1006/jmla.1999.2678, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

  • 7/28/2019 Wurm (2000)


    pseudoword is a real English root. This is be-

    cause there is a successful prefix strip for Pre-

    fix, Root pseudowords that requires time; for

    Prefix, Root stimuli there is a successful

    prefix strip plus a successful root look-up,

    which requires still more time (deciding that thetwo legitimate morphemes cannot be combined

    with each other to make a word also slows the


    One interesting aspect of this predicted pat-

    tern concerns pseudowords that begin with non-

    prefix strings (i.e., Prefix stimuli). Roots

    should not even be recognizable as roots when

    there are no prefixes to strip off, so root status

    should not have an effect here (see Taft et al.,1986): reaction times (RTs) for the two condi-

    tions should be equal. Taft (1994) later con-

    cluded that it is theoretically possible to observe

    a RT disadvantage for the Prefix, Root

    items if the root is very common and easily

    recognized, as in the visually presented

    pseudoword IBPEOPLE (his example). I will

    have more to say about this following the main

    RT experiment.Some theorists feel that lexical redundancy

    can be an advantage to be exploited, rather than

    a burden (Henderson, 1985). Such authors pre-

    fer the full-listing view, which states that all

    words are stored in the lexicon (Bybee, 1985,

    1995a, b; Jackendoff, 1975). Bybee (1988) feels

    that theorists should not be concerned with stor-

    age efficiency given the capacity of the human

    brain and the widespread idiosyncrasies presentin all languages (see also Sandra, 1994).

    Continuous processing models correspond to

    this view. Words are processed on a strict left-

    to-right basis, with no regard for internal struc-

    ture. Morphological structure and morphologi-

    cal variables cannot affect RTs or error rates.

    The Cohort model (Marslen-Wilson, 1984,

    1987; Marslen-Wilson & Welsh, 1978) is one

    such model, and there have been several other

    arguments in favor of continuous processing

    (e.g., Henderson, Wallis, & Knight, 1984; Ru-

    bin, Becker, & Freeman, 1979; Tyler, Marslen-

    Wilson, Rentoul, & Hanney, 1988).

    Pseudoword rejection should occur as soon as

    the input becomes inconsistent with all words.

    Some interactive-activation models explicitly

    deny the existence of morpheme or word units

    (e.g., McClelland & Elman, 1986; Rueckl,

    Mikolinski, Raveh, Miner, & Mars, 1997; Sei-

    denberg, 1987; 1989; for critical views, see

    Dennet, 1987; Forster, 1994). On this view,

    so-called morphological effects are in fact dueto semantic and form-based similarity, fre-

    quency of occurrence of sublexical letter

    strings, and so on. Most interactive-activation

    models are characterized as continuous, but Taft

    (1994) proposed an interactive-activation ver-

    sion of the earlier prefix-stripping model. The

    new model is behaviorally very similar to the

    earlier one, but Taft found the interactive-acti-

    vation framework more plausible and appealing(the major difference is that a prelexical prefix

    store is not needed). The model has distinct

    word and morpheme units and exhibits decom-

    positional behavior. The equivalent of prefix

    stripping takes place as a consequence of the

    mapping process (acoustic-phonetic or visual-


    Some researchers have argued that some

    words are decomposed while others are not.Wurm (1997) proposed a dual-route model

    based on the idea of parallel, competing pro-

    cesses [cf. the Race model of Cutler and Norris

    (1979)]. In his model, morphologically complex

    words are processed simultaneously as full-

    forms and as analyzed constituent morphemes.

    The decompositional route of the model is sen-

    sitive to variations in semantic transparency, the

    likelihood that a given string is a prefix, andmorpheme frequencies (see below). Other vari-

    ations on the dual-route theme have also been

    proposed (e.g., Anshen & Aronoff, 1981; Berg-

    man, Hudson, & Eling, 1988; Caramazza, Lau-

    danna, & Romani, 1988; Frauenfelder &

    Schreuder, 1992; Laudanna, Burani, & Cer-

    mele, 1994; Laudanna & Burani, 1995; Lau-

    danna, Cermele, & Caramazza, 1997; Schreuder

    & Baayen, 1995; Stanners, Neiser, & Painton,


    Dual-route models have often provided the

    context for the initial exploration of previously

    ignored variables, such as semantic transpar-

    ency (Bergman et al., 1988; Henderson, 1985;

    Smith, 1988; Smith & Sterling, 1982). Words

    such as unhappy are highly transparent, while

    256 LEE H. WURM

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    those such as relate are opaque. There is also a

    sizable middle ground (Wurm, 1997). Recent

    data (Libben, 1998; Schreuder & Baayen, 1995;

    Wurm, 1997) have shown that this variable

    plays a role in word recognition and have more

    generally called into question the defensibilityof an all-or-none theoretical position on com-

    plex word recognition. For example, Marslen-

    Wilson et al. (1994) found that suffixed words

    that do not have a semantic relationship that is

    obvious to current language users are treated as


    In an investigation of visual processing of

    Italian pseudowords, Laudanna et al. (1994)

    introduced another important concept: the pro-portion of tokens beginning with a given letter

    string that are prefixed (e.g., retold is prefixed,

    realize is not). Schreuder and Baayen (1994)

    found that the average value for this variable in

    English was very low and rejected the notion of

    prefix-stripping. Wurm (1997) reported a simi-

    lar average value for this variable (which he

    called prefix likelihood), but found that it inter-acted with several other variables in the recog-

    nition of auditorily presented prefixed English

    words. The nature of the interactions suggested

    decompositional processing for some items.

    The current study extends previous work in

    many ways. First, most previous studies have

    presented stimuli visually. Auditory presenta-

    tion can inform theory in a unique way, because

    the pieces of a polymorphemic stimulus arriveat the listener at different, specifiable times (cf.

    Butterworth, 1983; Grosjean & Gee, 1987;

    Henderson, 1985; Kempley & Morton, 1982;

    Marslen-Wilson, 1984; Morton, 1979; Radeau,

    Morais, Mousty, Saerens, & Bertelson, 1992).

    Second, the critical stimuli in most experi-

    ments have carried bound roots (e.g., -ceive in

    receive and conceive). Overreliance on bound

    roots is a potential problem given recent find-

    ings about the importance of semantics; bound

    roots are semantically empty, at least to nonlin-

    guists, and thus they are not subject to phenom-

    ena like semantic drift (Aronoff, 1976) to the

    same extent that free roots are (free roots are

    those that can stand alone as words, such as the

    build in rebuild). Bound roots are also less

    productive than free rootsthey cannot com-

    bine with prefixes to make novel words.

    Finally, studies of auditory pseudoword pro-

    cessing have not included prefix likelihood or

    semantic transparency, nor have they looked at

    interactions between these variables and mor-phemic frequency measures. This is important,

    because pseudowords are simply potential

    words that happen not to be used; speakers and

    writers coin new combinations as needed, but

    this almost never causes problems for listeners

    and readers (provided the new combination is

    phonotactically legalsee Baayen, 1994;

    Coolen, van Jaarsveld, & Schreuder, 1991;

    Schreuder & Flores dArcais, 1989).Because many studies have used pseudowords

    as critical stimuli (e.g., Caramazza et al., 1988;

    Laudanna et al., 1994; Taft, 1994; Taft & Forster,

    1975; Taft et al., 1986), the use of pseudowords

    allows contact with a large body of literature. The

    current study examines whether the same vari-

    ables that influence word recognition also affect

    the processing of pseudowords.


    This study provides values on semantic trans-

    parency for polymorphemic pseudowords.



    Twenty students from the Department of Psy-

    chology subject pool participated. All were na-tive speakers of English. Participants received

    extra credit in a psychology course.


    Critical pseudowords in this study fell into

    one of four groups, defined by crossing the

    presence or the absence of a genuine prefix and

    a genuine root (see Appendix A). Only the

    Prefix, Root pseudowords with free roots

    were included in this rating study. Pilot ratings

    collected for Prefix, Root pseudowords with

    bound roots were uniformly low. These items

    were dropped from the rating study, but will be

    included in the main part of the lexical decision


    Stimulus construction is described more fully


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    under the next Method section. The stimuli to

    be rated were printed in a rating packet in two

    different random orders.


    Participants made their ratings by writing anumber from 1 to 7 in a blank next to each

    pseudoword. Anchor points on the scale were

    labeled Impossible to put this in a sentence

    (1) and Very easy to put this in a sentence (7).

    Participants were given an example of a

    pseudoword that can easily be put into a mean-

    ingful sentence: The band was interrupted mid-

    song by a power failure (a sentence heard by

    the author on a radio station in Binghamton,

    NY) and one that cannot easily be put into a

    meaningful sentence (transplay). This indirect

    method is one way of getting at the construct of

    semantic transparency, which in the case of

    pseudowords concerns how easily interpretable

    each stimulus is (see Caramazza et al., 1988;

    Coolen et al., 1991).


    Median semantic transparency ratings are

    shown in Appendix B. There was significant

    variation on this dimension, even though the

    stimuli were created by the random concatena-

    tion of a prefix and a root. Median ratings

    ranged from 2 (e.g., transfrost) to 7 (e.g., re-




    Prefix likelihood is a ratio: the numerator is

    the summed frequency (Francis & Kucera,

    1982) of the truly prefixed words beginning

    with a given phonetic string, and the denomi-

    nator is the summed frequency of all words

    beginning with that string in which removal of

    the string leaves a pronounceable syllable or

    syllables. For example, although real begins

    with re-, this word was not considered a prefix-

    stripping failure because the remainder of the

    word (simply the phoneme /l/ in this case) is not

    a syllable. Prefix likelihoods for each prefix

    were taken from Wurm (1997). The value for

    ad-, which was not used in that study, was

    calculated by the methods described in that pa-


    Prefix likelihoods can range from 0 to 1. A

    value of 0 would indicate that no words begin-ning with the string are truly prefixed. A value

    of 1 would indicate that all words beginning

    with the string are truly prefixed. Values for the

    prefixes used in this study are listed in Appen-

    dix C. They ranged from .005 (per-) to .283

    (un-), averaging .07. Wurm (1997) found that

    this variable played a role in word recognition

    despite the fact that most of these values are

    small.A measure of root morpheme frequency

    was needed for Root pseudowords. The Bir-

    mingham/Cobuild corpus (18 million tokens)

    of the CELEX database (Baayen, Piepen-

    brock, & van Rijn, 1993; Burnage, 1990) was

    searched for each root. Frequencies were

    summed across all cases where that root was

    found (e.g., the frequencies of repay, prepay,

    and so on are all included in the root fre-quency for pay). Root frequencies are shown

    in Appendix B.

    Prefix frequencies were calculated in essen-

    tially the same way. Counts for words in the

    Birmingham/Cobuild corpus beginning with

    each (orthographic) prefix string were obtained.

    From these, the frequencies for cases that were

    instances of prefixation were summed (e.g., re-

    play counts but reach does not). Appendix C

    includes the prefix frequency for each prefix.

    Summary statistics for both frequency measures

    are shown in Table 1.


    There have been few explicit discussions of

    possible processing differences for bound vs.

    TABLE 1

    Summary Statistics for Frequency Measures

    M (SD) Range

    Prefix frequency 481 (610) 91881

    Root frequency (free) 192 (216) 4870

    Root frequency (bound) 119 (134) 0619

    Note. Per million tokens, from the CELEX database

    (Baayen et al., 1993; Burnage, 1990).

    258 LEE H. WURM

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    free roots. Most researchers who have ad-

    dressed the issue have concluded that bound

    elements are represented in the same way as

    free ones (Bergman et al., 1988; Emmorey,

    1989; Stanners et al., 1979; Taft, 1994). How-

    ever, Marslen-Wilson et al. (1994) concludedthat bound roots do nothave the same represen-

    tational status as free roots because they lack

    reliable meanings. This experiment includes

    stimuli with both root types.



    Participants were 88 students from the De-

    partment of Psychology subject pool. All werenative speakers of English with no known hear-

    ing problems. Participants received extra credit

    in a psychology course for their participation.


    Yoked quartets of critical pseudowords were

    constructed by crossing /Prefix with

    /Root. These quartets are listed in Appendix

    A. Four lists of stimuli were prepared, eachconsisting of 480 items (240 words and 240

    pseudowords). Each list contained 120 critical

    pseudowords: 30 Prefix, Root pseudo-

    words; 30 Prefix, Root pseudowords; 30

    Prefix, Root pseudowords; and 30 Prefix,

    Root pseudowords. One member of each

    stimulus quartet was assigned to each list, so

    that no participant heard more than one member

    of the quartet. In each of the four conditions,half of the pseudowords came from a quartet

    with bound roots and half came from a quartet

    with free roots.

    The Prefix, Root critical pseudowords

    were constructed by randomly concatenating 1

    of 10 English prefixes with 1 of 60 bound and

    60 free roots. Each root was used once, and each

    prefix was used 12 times (combined 6 times

    with bound roots and 6 times with free roots).

    To create the other 3 conditions, prefixes were

    made into nonprefixes by the substitution of one

    of the phonemes to a different phoneme from

    the same broad class. Readers may notice that

    Prefix strings were repeated more often than

    Prefix strings throughout the experiment. I

    will address this point below.

    Roots were changed into nonroots by the

    same procedure. Phoneme substitutions were

    balanced among early, medial, and late posi-

    tions within the individual morphemes. Item

    durations were well matched across the eight

    conditions (see Table 2).

    Each list also contained 120 fillerpseudowords with no apparent internal structure

    (e.g., *chormal), 120 prefixed filler words (e.g.,

    enslave), and 120 unprefixed filler words (e.g.,

    glutton). The 360 filler items were identical in

    each list. Across the 480 stimuli heard by a

    participant, 49% of words and 53% of

    pseudowords had weak first syllables (the stress

    of all critical items was weakstrong).

    Two- or three-syllable filler words were cho-sen at random from a dictionary, subject to the

    constraint that they be of sufficiently high fre-

    quency to be familiar to the participant popula-

    tion. Filler pseudowords were chosen the same

    way. A randomly-selected two- or three-sylla-

    ble word was changed into a pseudoword by the

    substitution of one or two phonemes with a

    phoneme or phonemes from the same class.

    Three quarters of the filler pseudowords had one

    phoneme change, and a quarter had two

    changes. The position of these substitutions

    were randomly determined. This mixture ap-

    proximated the proportions established by the

    critical pseudowords; matching the proportions

    exactly was not possible, because a quarter of

    the critical pseudowords (i.e., those in the

    TABLE 2

    Mean Item Durations (SD) in Milliseconds

    Total Prefix Root

    Items with free roots

    Prefix, Root 879 (69) 203 (55) 676 (61)

    Prefix, Root 877 (68) 200 (60) 677 (59)

    Prefix, Root 880 (72) 196 (61) 684 (66)

    Prefix, Root 879 (73) 212 (61) 667 (67)

    Items with bound roots

    Prefix, Root 877 (62) 198 (56) 679 (57)

    Prefix, Root 875 (68) 186 (56) 689 (61)

    Prefix, Root 876 (63) 197 (57) 679 (54)

    Prefix, Root 878 (63) 200 (57) 678 (62)

    Note. n 60 items per condition.


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    Prefix, Root condition) had no phoneme


    Stimuli were digitized at a sampling rate of

    10 kHz, low-pass-filtered at 4.8 kHz, and stored

    in disk files. A practice list of similar composi-

    tion, consisting of 100 items, was used prior tothe main experiment. Visual feedback about

    accuracy was given to the participants after each

    trial, but only during the practice list.


    Participants (alone or in pairs) listened to stim-

    uli over headphones in a sound-attenuating room.

    Order of stimulus presentation was randomized

    for each group of participants. An equal numberof participants heard each of the four stimulus

    lists. On each trial, a participant heard a stimulus

    and made a lexical decision by pressing a button

    on a response board with his or her dominant

    hand. Participants pressed one button for words

    and another button for pseudowords.

    RTs were measured from the acoustic offset

    of each item. This approximates the measure-

    ment method used by Taft et al. (1986) and wasnecessary given the goals of this paper. One

    goal was to see if the RT pattern predicted by

    the prefix-stripping model would emerge for

    stimuli carrying free roots rather than bound.

    Another goal, contingent on the first one, was to

    see if models other than the prefix-stripping

    model can explain that pattern of data. Taft et al.

    (1986) reasoned that it did not make any differ-

    ence where the RT measurement began, pro-vided that two conditions were met: First, the

    RT measurement had to start somewhere in the

    root portion of each stimulus, and second, the

    starting position had to be the same point for

    both stimuli that contained a given root. Thus,

    Taft et al. (1986) chose an arbitrary point in

    each root from which to measure RTs. The

    current study uses the analogous method of

    measuring from item offset: the offset of each

    item equals the offset of each root, which is as

    good a point as any according to this view (if

    item durations are well matchedsee Table 2).

    Results and Discussion

    A participant was excluded from the experi-

    ment if he or she had an error rate greater than

    15% or a mean RT greater than 1000 ms. Eight

    participants were excluded by these criteria.

    Analyses reported here were conducted on the

    remaining 80 participants. RTs for trials onwhich the participant incorrectly classified a

    critical stimulus as a word were not included.

    RTs were discarded if they were more than 2 SD

    above the mean for a given participant in a

    given condition (subject analyses) or for a par-

    ticular item (item analyses).

    Analyses of Variance (ANOVAs)

    Mean RT as a function of root status, prefix

    status, and root type (free vs. bound) is shown in

    Fig. 1. The mean error rate for each condition is

    shown above the bar in the figure.

    A 2 (root type) 2 (prefix status) 2 (root

    status) ANOVA was conducted. Pseudowords

    with bound roots had slightly faster mean rejec-

    tion times than those with free roots (292 ms vs.

    FIG. 1. Mean reaction time (RT) as a function of root

    status, prefix status, and root type, in milliseconds (ms).

    Error bars show 1 SEM. Mean error rates are shown above

    the bar for each condition. (A) Pseudowords with free roots;

    (B) pseudowords with bound roots.

    260 LEE H. WURM

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    271 ms), but this difference was not significant

    by items: F1(1, 79) 11.67, p .001; F2(1,

    472) 1.98, p .10.

    Items with genuine prefixes (M 354 ms)

    took longer to reject than those without [M

    209 ms; F1(1, 79) 369.24, p .001;F2(1, 472) 165.35, p .001]. Items with

    genuine roots took longer than those without

    [321 ms vs. 242 ms; F1(1, 79) 120.54, p

    .001; F2(1, 472) 55.86, p .001], and

    the interaction between prefix status and root

    status was also significant [F1(1, 79) 22.80,

    p .001; F2(1, 472) 9.63, p .01]. As

    can be seen in the figure, the disruptive effect of

    a genuine root was even more pronounced in thecontext of a genuine prefix. These last two

    effects are incompatible with continuous pro-

    cessing models.1,2

    Both portions of Fig. 1 fit the overall pattern

    predicted by a prefix-stripping model, except

    for one important difference: RTs for Prefix,

    Root items (M 229 ms) were slower than

    RTs for Prefix, Root items [M 189 ms;

    F1(1, 79) 14.82, p .001; F2(1, 236)

    10.40, p .001]. I will return to this point

    under General Discussion.

    The error rates shown in Fig. 1 follow the

    same pattern as the RTs. The effect of root type

    (bound vs. free, 3.6% vs. 4.4%, respectively)

    was not significant: F1(1, 79) 3.58, p

    .07; F2(1, 472) 1.67, p .10. There was

    a 4.6% difference between Root items and

    Root items [F1(1, 79) 84.59, p .001;

    F2(1, 472) 49.68, p .001]. Similarly,

    there was a 3.9% error rate increase for Prefix

    items, compared to Prefix items [F1(1, 79) 71.10, p .001; F2(1, 472) 36.95, p

    .001]. The interaction between prefix status and

    root status was also significant [F1(1, 79)

    36.41, p .001; F2(1, 472) 16.60, p


    One of the more informative aspects of the

    error data can be found in the Prefix condi-

    tions, which we already focused on in the RT

    analyses. Prefix, Root items had higher er-ror rates than Prefix, Root items [3% vs.

    1%F1(1, 79) 23.38, p .001; F2(1,

    236) 5.83, p .05]. This significant dif-

    ference underscores the RT result: there appears

    to be some activation of the root portion of a

    Prefix, Root item, regardless of whether the

    root is bound or free.

    While the RT patterns were similar for both

    free and bound roots, the prefix status roottype interaction was significant by subjects and

    approached significance by items: F1(1, 79)

    17.23, p .001; F2(1, 472) 3.28, p

    .08. However, this test includes all items, and

    the free vs. bound manipulation has no real

    meaning for the Root items. Therefore, I reran

    the interaction including only the Root items

    (i.e., those in the right half of both panels of

    Fig. 1).Looking first at the Prefix, Root items,

    one sees a small RT advantage for items that

    carried free roots (221 ms 238 ms 17

    ms); for Prefix, Root items, the effect is

    large and inhibitory (442 ms 381 ms 61

    ms in the opposite direction). For this subset of

    the data, the interaction was significant, but only

    by subjects [F1(1, 79) 10.52, p .01;

    F2(1, 236) 1.75, p .10]. The corre-

    sponding interaction on error rates was also

    significant in the subjects analysis only: F1(1,

    79 ) 5.48, p .05; F2(1, 236) 1.30,

    p .10.

    The major difference between Prefix items

    and Prefix items is that in the former case, the

    perceptual system is not expected to attempt


    To ensure that the results shown are not due to differ-ences in the number of auditory neighbors each kind of

    pseudoword has, I calculated the number of words that

    differ from each pseudoword by a single phoneme substi-

    tution. Zero was the median and modal value for all com-

    binations of/Prefix and /Root (78.3% of the stimuli

    had 0 neighbors). Furthermore, number of neighbors did not

    differ significantly across the eight types of pseudowords,

    whether the analysis included only the number of

    pseudowords having 0 neighbors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov

    Z 1.18, p .10) or data for all of the pseudowords

    [2 9.38 (df 7), p .10].2 As mentioned previously, the stimulus-initial phoneme

    strings in the Prefix conditions were repeated more often

    (12 times each) than those in the Prefix conditions (M

    2.4 times each). To ensure that the results obtained were not

    due to this difference in repetition, I recalculated perfor-

    mance in the Prefix conditions using only each partici-

    pants first two encounters with each prefix. While perfor-

    mance on the early trials was slower and more variable, the

    data patterns are consistent with the results shown in Fig. 1.


  • 7/28/2019 Wurm (2000)


    decomposition. Therefore, root type should not

    have an influence here. Decomposition is ex-

    pected in the Prefix cases, and that is where a

    large RT difference was observed. The fact that

    it was items with free roots that suffered such a

    large inhibitory effect in the context of a genu-ine prefix may illustrate the importance of se-

    mantics, discussed earlier in this paper (Libben,

    1998; Marslen-Wilson et al., 1994; Schreuder &

    Baayen, 1995; Wurm, 1997). The regression

    analyses to be reported below lend additional

    support to this idea.3

    Regression Analyses

    RTs were also analyzed using hierarchicalmultiple regression. Only Prefix, Root

    pseudowords were analyzed, because these are

    the only pseudowords for which it was possible

    to get values on all of the regressors. Regression

    models assume independence of observations,

    which does not hold for the current experiment

    because each participant provided more than

    one observation. In repeated-measures regres-

    sion analyses, this is controlled by the inclusionofN-1 dummy variables (79 in the present case)

    that represent the participants. The interested

    reader can refer to Cohen and Cohen (1983) for

    more details.

    After entering the 79 dummy variables, prefix

    frequency and root frequency were found to

    have inhibitory effects on RTs [F(1, 1967)

    8.80, p .01; and F(1, 1967) 8.44, p

    .01, respectivelythe large df value in the de-nominator equals the number of participants

    times the number of relevant stimuli minus the

    number of incorrect critical trials and the num-

    ber of previous factors in the model].

    The prefix frequency effect can be viewed

    one of two ways, both of which rest on the idea

    that processing is more difficult in portions of

    lexical space that are densely populated (see

    Goldinger, Luce, & Pisoni, 1989; Luce, Pisoni,

    & Goldinger, 1990). The inhibitory effect of

    prefix frequency may be a byproduct of contin-uous processing. Prefix frequency is necessarily

    correlated with neighborhood density, so words

    with high-frequency prefixes have more neigh-

    bors than words with low-frequency prefixes.

    Alternatively the prefix frequency effect may

    have decompositional underpinnings. A high-

    frequency prefix usually attaches to more roots

    than a low-frequency prefix does [Wurm (1996)

    found a correlation of .75 for these quantities].In general, then, a pseudoword response should

    require more time if its prefix has high fre-

    quency, because the pool of root candidates

    would be relatively large.

    The root frequency effect agrees with

    Wurms (1997) finding for real prefixed words

    and fits with his conclusion that high-frequency

    roots compete with the full-forms that carrythem. This conclusion, if correct, would suggest

    that the prefix frequency effect is due to the size

    of the pool of root candidates and is not simply

    a byproduct of continuous processing.

    The next effect assessed was that of root type.

    Included in the model ahead of root type were

    the N-1 dummy variables, prefix frequency, and

    root frequency. Pseudowords with free roots

    had slower RTs than those with bound roots[439 ms vs. 374 ms; F(1, 1965) 20.48, p

    .001; this analysis only considers items from

    the Prefix, Root conditionthe overall ad-

    vantage for items with bound roots was 21 ms,

    significant only by subjects].

    The next effect assessed was that of prefix

    likelihood. Items higher on prefix likelihood

    had slower RTs [F(1, 1965) 4.12, p

    .05]. This agrees with the finding of Laudanna

    et al. (1994) for Italian pseudowords, presented

    visually. Higher semantic transparency was also

    associated with slower RTs [F(1, 926)

    9.49, p .01this analysis was done for

    items with free roots only]. These effects argue

    against strict continuous and strict decomposi-

    tional models. The behavior of the perceptual

    3 The possibility that the prefix status root type inter-

    action was due in part to some unidentified aspect of the

    materials cannot be completely ruled out, because the in-teraction was also present in the subjects analysis of Root

    items [i.e., those in the left half of Fig. 1: F1(1, 79) 7.79,

    p .01; F2(1, 236) 1.57, p .10]. This was

    unexpected, because as noted above, the root type manipu-

    lation is meaningless for Root items. However, the effect

    was weaker for these items (3 ms and 42 ms 45 ms)

    than it was for the Root items (17 ms and 61 ms 78

    ms), and both F ratios were less than 1.0 for the correspond-

    ing effect on error rates.

    262 LEE H. WURM

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    system seems to be more flexible than those

    models suggest.

    The next three analyses assessed the interac-

    tions between root type and the main effects of

    prefix frequency, root frequency, and prefixlikelihood. Root type (bound vs. free) interacted

    with prefix likelihood [Fig. 2: F(1, 1963)

    6.13, p .05] and root frequency [Fig. 3: F(1,

    1963) 13.51, p .001]. The figures show

    high and low values based on median splits, but

    these dichotomies were not used in the analyses.

    This is merely a convenient way to show the

    nature of each interaction. A significant interac-

    tion indicates that the slope of the relationshipbetween one independent variable and RT

    changes as a function of the other independent

    variable (Aiken & West, 1991; Cohen & Cohen,

    1983, Tabachnick & Fidell, 1989).

    Figure 2 shows that the cost in processing

    time for items that are good candidates for de-

    composition (by virtue of their high prefix like-

    lihoods) is more pronounced if the accompany-

    ing root is free rather than bound. As was

    suggested in connection with Fig. 1, free roots

    tend to pay a price for their meaningfulness; the

    exact price depends on whether the carrier item

    is a good candidate for decomposition, as de-

    termined by high or low prefix likelihood.

    Figure 3 shows the interaction between root

    type and root frequency. The interaction sug-

    gests that any free root will slow down rejection

    times, but a more complicated situation holds

    for bound roots. First, bound roots never slow

    down processing to the same extent that free

    ones do. Second, the amount of interference

    caused by a bound root is related to that rootsfrequency: the higher the frequency, the more


    One three-way interaction was also signifi-

    cant. Figure 4 [F(1, 1960) 8.07, p .01]

    shows that the two-way interaction shown in

    Fig. 3 depends additionally on prefix likelihood.

    One interpretation of this interaction, based on

    the results of Wurm (1997) for prefixed real

    words with free roots, takes as its starting pointthe assumption that the perceptual system learns

    over time to associate high prefix likelihood (in

    conjunction with other variables) with success-

    ful decomposition. Low prefix likelihood would

    therefore signal an item that the perceptual sys-

    tem should not be inclined to decompose.

    We can understand this interaction by look-

    ing at the fastest and slowest RTs. The fastest

    RTs were for items that are low on prefix like-lihood and carry bound, low-frequency roots.

    These are items that the perceptual system

    should be disinclined to decompose because of

    the low value of prefix likelihood. In addition,

    the roots of these items are bound and low in

    frequency. Therefore, these stimuli can be re-

    FIG. 3. Mean reaction time (RT) as a function of root

    type and root frequency, in milliseconds. Error bars show

    1 SEM.

    FIG. 2. Mean reaction time (RT) as a function of root

    type and prefix likelihood, in milliseconds. Error bars show

    1 SEM.


  • 7/28/2019 Wurm (2000)


    jected quickly. The slowest RTs were for items

    high on prefix likelihood that carry high-fre-

    quency free roots. These are items that the per-

    ceptual system should be inclined to decom-pose, and the resulting root is easily

    recognizable. Pseudowords like this are partic-

    ularly difficult to reject.


    One finding of the current study that should

    be explored more fully is the significant perfor-

    mance disadvantage for Prefix, Root items,

    compared to Prefix, Root items. It is hard to

    determine whether the roots used in the current

    study meet Tafts (1994) underspecified crite-

    rion for root recognizability: the mean fre-

    quency for free roots was 192 (range 4 to

    870), while the mean frequency for bound roots

    was 119 (range 0 to 619). For comparison,

    people [Tafts (1994) example root] has a fre-

    quency of 847. It is also worth noting in this

    context that the observed performance disad-

    vantage was just as large for roots that are

    bound (47 ms, vs. 33 ms for free roots).4 This

    may be inconsistent with Tafts (1994) hypoth-

    esis, insofar as bound roots in general do not

    appear to be as recognizable as free ones. In any

    event, one specific part of the pattern predicted

    by the prefix-stripping model appears to be in-

    correct: genuine roots elevate both RTs anderror rates even for pseudowords that do not

    begin with genuine prefixes.

    The later version of Shortlist (Norris, Mc-

    Queen, & Cutler, 1995) might be able to predict

    this effect. The Metrical Segmentation Strategy

    of Cutler and Norris (1988) was implemented in

    Shortlist to accommodate experimental findings

    (e.g., Vroomen & de Gelder, 1997; see also

    McQueen, Norris, & Cutler, 1994; McQueen,Cutler, Briscoe, & Norris, 1995). Strong sylla-

    bles help determine alignment, which is rele-

    vant because roots in the current study were

    stressed. If strong syllables are used in deter-

    mining alignment between a word candidate

    and the stimulus input, and if such alignment is

    not absolutely crucial in determining activation,

    then Shortlist might indeed predict partial acti-

    vation for the root of a Prefix, Root item. Aswith Tafts (1994) account, though, this expla-

    nation becomes less attractive when we con-

    sider that the root effect held for bound roots,

    too. Individual morphemes are not represented

    in Shortlist unless they also happen to be words,

    so it would be hard to explain the origin of this

    effect for bound roots.

    Another question addressed by this study was

    whether pseudowords with free roots are pro-cessed in the same way as those with bound

    roots. At a fairly gross level of analysis, one

    finds that the performance data in the current

    study were quite similar across root types. How-

    ever, it would be premature to conclude any-

    thing on the basis of those results alone. The

    interactions shown in Figs. 24 and the 65-ms

    main effect of root type in the regression anal-

    ysis indicate that there is something different

    about the processing of the two root types. In

    addition, the potentially very interesting inter-

    action between prefix status and root type4 These effects may in fact be nearly identical in magni-

    tude, because of a small difference in the deviation points

    for stimuli in these two conditions (the deviation point is the

    point at which a pseudoword diverges from all real words in

    the language). If RTs are adjusted to reflect this difference,

    the sizes of the root effects for Prefix stimuli become 34

    ms for items with bound roots and 35 ms for items with free


    FIG. 4. Mean reaction time (RT) as a function of root

    frequency, prefix likelihood, and root type (free or bound),

    in milliseconds. PL stands for prefix likelihood. Error bars

    show 1 SEM.

    264 LEE H. WURM

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    for Root items is worthy of further investiga-


    The current study suggests that while bound

    roots probably are recognizable entities, their

    representations may not be as meaningful or

    richly interconnected as those for free roots.The semantic fields normally associated with

    lexical entries are essentially empty for bound

    roots because they have no clear definitions.

    This would predict less computation time for

    rejecting an item carrying a bound root, which

    is what was found for Prefix, Root


    Tafts (1994) interactive-activation proposal

    offers an attractive starting position from whichto explain these data. That model has a level of

    representation for bound morphemes (i.e., pre-

    fixes and bound roots) and one where all free-

    standing words (including polymorphemic

    words) are represented. Elements that combine

    to make larger words, whether free or bound,

    are interconnected. This would predict the

    muted effects observed for bound roots; they are

    recognizable elements with their own represen-tations, but do not have the same degree of

    interconnectedness or combinatorial flexibility

    as free elements. A number of different dual-

    route models can also accommodate the current

    results (e.g., Caramazza et al. 1988; Frauen-

    felder & Schreuder, 1992; Laudanna et al.,

    1994, 1997; Schreuder & Baayen, 1995; Wurm,


    Future research efforts might use a varietyof strategies to extend what has been learned.

    Manipulating the stress pattern of the critical

    stimuli in different ways would help deter-

    mine whether a model such as Shortlist (par-

    ticularly in its second version, which incor-

    porates the Metrical Segmentation Strategy

    Norris et al., 1995) can be reconciled with

    perception data.

    Another strategy that may prove useful

    would be to use common word beginnings that

    are not prefixes. This would help tease apartvarious classes of models. TRACE (McClelland

    & Elman, 1986), Cohort (Marslen-Wilson,

    1984, 1987; Marslen-Wilson & Welsh, 1978),

    and Shortlist (Norris, 1994; Norris et al., 1995)

    all predict that common, nonprefix word begin-

    nings will have the same processing conse-

    quences as prefixes do, because prefixation ef-

    fects in those models are essentially cohort

    effects. On the other hand, prefix-stripping and

    dual-route models predict that there is some-

    thing special about prefixes; common word be-

    ginnings that are not prefixes will not have the

    same perceptual consequences as actual pre-


    Finally, it should be noted that roots cannot

    always be classified as unambiguously as those

    used in the current study (e.g., Scalise, 1984;Selkirk, 1982; Siegel, 1979). For example, al-

    though English has a free-standing word vent,

    many theorists consider it to be a different mor-

    pheme than the one found in words like invent

    and convent because there is no relationship in

    meaning between those words. Taft and Forster

    (1975) performed one experiment looking at

    this type of root and concluded that the bound

    morpheme -vent and the free morpheme ventwere separate entities, stored separately in

    memory. It might prove interesting for fu-

    ture studies to use not only clearly bound roots,

    such as -ceive, but also some of these less clear



    Prefix Prefix

    Root Root Root Root

    Stimuli with free roots

    adlay [&dleI] adloo [lu] aflay [&f ] afloo

    adlead [&dlid] adlod [lAd] udlead [Vd] udlod

    adlease [&dlis] adlose [lOUs] aklease [&k ] aklose


  • 7/28/2019 Wurm (2000)


    APPENDIX AContinued

    Prefix Prefix

    Root Root Root Root

    adlive [&dlIv] adlave [leIv] odlive [OUd] odlaveadseal [&dsi@l] adseaf [si@f] idseal [Id] idseaf

    adstate [&dsteIt] adstote [stOUt] agstate [&g] agstote

    cobend [kOUbend] cogend [gend] pobend[pOU] pogend

    cobind [kOUbaInd] cobund [bVnd] dobind [dOU] dobund

    cocast [kOUk&st] cocaft [k&ft] jocast [dZOU] jocaft

    codate [kOUdeIt] codape [deIp] todate [tOU] todape

    comix [kOUmIks] cobix [bIks] chomix [tSOU] chobix

    coscreen [kOUskrin] coscrone [skrOUn] cooscreen [cu] cooscrone

    decap [d@k&p] depap [p&p] pecap [p@] pepap

    defit [d@fIt] defot [fAt] sefit [s@] sefot

    dejoin [d@dZOIn] depoin [pOIn] doojoin [du] doopoin

    depay [d@peI] depoe [pOU] kepay [k@] kepoe

    detaste [d@teIst] dedaste [deIst] getaste [g@] gedaste

    detreat [d@tSrit] detroot [tSrut] daytreat [deI] daytroot

    disact [dIs&kt] diseect [ikt] dosact [dAs] doseect

    disbrace [dIsbreIs] disblace [bleIs] kisbrace [kIs] kisblace

    disclog [dIsklOg] disclig [klIg] doosclog [dus] doosclig

    discook [dIskUk] discoop [kUp] tiscook [tIs] tiscoop

    displug [dIsplVg] disklug [klVg] pisplug [pIs] pisklug

    distest [dIstest] distesht [teSt] gistest [gIs] gistesht

    enclaim [enkleIm] englaim [gleIm] onclaim [An] onglaimenfund [enfVnd] enfunt [fVnt] esfund [es] esfunt

    enphrase [enfreIz] enphrooze [fruz] ekphrase [ek ] ekphrooze

    enread [enrid] enreat [rit] elread [el] elreat

    ensell [ensel] enchell [tSel] oonsell [un] oonchell

    ensort [ensOUrt] ensart [sArt] ersort [er] ersart

    percount [p@rkaUnt] perpount [paUnt] dercount [d@r] derpount

    perjudge [p@rdZVdZ] perjadge [dZ&dZ] terjudge [t@r] terjadge

    perlight [p@rlaIt] perlighp [laIp] gerlight [g@r] gerlighp

    perplace [p@rpleIs] perprace [preIs] kerplace [k@r] kerprace

    persearch [p@rsertS] perfearch [fertS] pensearch [p@n] penfearch

    perset [p@rset] persep [sep] pelset [p@l pelsep

    preblock [priblAk] preglock [glAk] dreblock [dri] dreglock

    prebuild [pribIld] prevuild [vIld] trebuild [tri] trevuild

    prechain [pritSeIn] precheen [tSin] plechain [pli] plecheen

    prename [prineIm] prenane [neIn] brename [bri] brenane

    preprove [pripruv] preprooz [pruz] greprove [gri] greprooz

    pretouch [pritVtS] pretaich [teItS] kretouch [kri] kretaich

    rebar [r@bAr] redar [dAr] lebar [l@] ledar

    rebolt [r@bOUlt] rebalt [bAlt] sebolt [s@] sebalt

    recool [r@kul] recoor [kU@r] tecool [t@] tecoor

    respeak [r@spik] resteek [

    stik] kespeak [k@

    ] kesteek restress [ristres] restreff [stref] roostress [ru] roostreff

    retrust [ritrVst] reprust [prVst] getrust [gi] geprust

    transtring [tr&nstrIN] transkring [krIN] tronstring [trOUn] tronskring

    transcut [tr&nskVt] transvut [vVt] pranscut [pr&ns] pransvut

    transfrost [tr&nsfrOst] transfrest [frest] kransfrost [kr&ns] kransfrest

    transprint [tr&nsprInt] transprant [pr&nt] gransprint [gr&ns] gransprant

    transtrace [tr&nstreIs] transkrace [kreIs] branstrace [br&ns] branskrace

    transword [tr&nswerd] transwurt [wurt] troonsword [truns] troonswurt

    unform [VnfOUrm] unforn [fOUrn] ainform [eIn] ainforn

    unheat [Vnhit] unkeat [kit] ulheat [Vl] ulkeat

    266 LEE H. WURM

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    APPENDIX AContinued

    Prefix Prefix

    Root Root Root Root

    unplay [VnpleI] unploe [plOU] usplay [Vs] usploeunsoak [VnsOUk] unsoat [sOUt] udsoak [Vd] udsoat

    unview [Vnviu] unvai [veI] onview [OUn] onvai

    unweigh [VnweI] unzeigh [zeI] eenweigh [in] eenzeigh

    Stimuli with bound roots

    adlect [&dlekt] admect [mekt] aklect [ak ] akmect

    adlude [&dlud] adluche [lutS] aflude [&f ] afluche

    adnounce [&dnaUns] adnounch [naUntS] odnounce [OUd] odnounch

    adstruct [&dstrVkt] adstroct [strAkt] alstruct [&l] alstroct

    advince [&dvIns] adzince [

    zIns] idvince [Id

    ] idzinceadvive [&dvaIv] adveve [viv] udvive [Vd] udveve

    cofide [kOUfaId] cokide [kaId] pofide [pOU] pokide

    cofuse [kOUfius] copuse [pius] tofuse [tOU] topuse

    copone [kOUpOUn] copene [pin] dopone [dOU] dopene

    coprive [kOUpraIv] coproav [prOUv] cooprive [cu] cooproav

    coturb [kOUterb] coturp [terp] choturb [tSOU] choturp

    cozert [kOUzert] cozerch [zertS] gozert [go] gozerch

    defess [d@fes] dejess [dZes] kefess [k@] kejess

    degress [d@gres] degless [gles] tegress [t@] tegless

    demit [d@mIt] demip [mIp] gemit [g@] gemip

    depel [d@pel] dekel [kel] sepel [s@] sekeldevade [d@veId] dezade [zeId] doovade [du] doozade

    devulse [d@vVls] develse [vels] dayvulse [deI] dayvelse

    disdict [dIsdIkt] disdect [dekt] gisdict [gIs] gisdect

    disfect [dIsfekt] dischect [tSekt] kisfect [kIs] kischect

    displode [dIsplOUd] displud [plVd] tisplode [tIs] tisplud

    dissume [dIssum] dissule [sul] doossume [dus] doossule

    distect [dIstekt] dispect [pekt] pistect [pIs] pispect

    distrive [dIstraiV] distroov [truv] dostrive [dAs] dostroov

    encise [ensaIs] enfise [faIs] elcise [el] elfise

    endain [endeIn] enzain [zeIn] ondain [An] onzain

    enpand [enp&nd] engand [g&nd] espand [es] esgand

    entain [enteIn] enyain [jeIn] ertain [er] eryain

    entract [entSr&kt] entroct [tSrAkt] oontract [un] oontroct

    envenge [envendZ] envenche [ventS] ekvenge [ek ] ekvenche

    perflect [p@rflekt] perslect [slekt] derflect [d@r] derslect

    perpute [p@rpiut] perpite [paIt] terpute [t@r] terpite

    persult [p@rzVlt] pervult [vVlt] kersult [k@r] kervult

    pervect [p@rvekt] pervoct [vAct] gervect [g@r] gervoct

    pervise [p@rvaIz] pervose [vOUz] pelvise [p@l] pelvose

    pervolve [p@rvOlv] pervolze [vOlz] penvolve [p@n] penvolze

    preject [pridZekt] pregect [gekt] pleject [pli] plegectpreplore [priplOUr] preplere [plI@r] breplore [bri] breplere

    preproach [priprOUtS] preproce [prOUs] greproach [gri] greproce

    prespect [prispekt] preskect [skekt] krespect [kri] kreskect

    prespond [prispAnd] prespond [spOUnd] trespond [tri] trespond

    prevert [privert] preverp [verp] drevert [dri] dreverp

    recept [r@sept] rechept [tSept] lecept [l@] lechept

    reclude [r@klud] reclode [clOUd] rooclude [ru] rooclode

    rejunct [r@dZuNkt] repunct [puNkt] gejunct [g@] gepunct

    rerupt [r@rVpt] reroopt [rupt] kerupt [k@] keroopt

    resorb [r@zOUrb] resork [zOUrk] tesorb [t@] tesork


  • 7/28/2019 Wurm (2000)





    Rated on a 17 scale, for items with free roots only.b Per million tokens, from the CELEX database (Baayen et al., 1993; Burnage, 1990).


    Median semantic

    transparencya Root frequencyb

    adlay 2 144

    adlead 2 555

    adlease 2 8

    adlive 2 526

    adseal 2 18

    adstate 2.5 152

    cobend 3.5 77

    cobind 5.5 26

    cocast 5.5 148

    codate 5 97

    comix 6 133coscreen 4 48

    decap 6 44

    defit 4.5 151

    dejoin 6 158

    depay 4 441

    detaste 4 22

    detreat 5 168

    disact 5 717

    disbrace 5 49

    disclog 6.5 5

    discook 4 118

    displug 5 16

    distest 4 55

    enclaim 5 202

    enfund 4 70

    enphrase 4 50

    enread 3 571

    ensell 3 153

    ensort 4 40


    Median semantic

    transparencya Root frequencyb

    percount 3 153

    perjudge 3 160

    perlight 2.5 536

    perplace 3 870

    persearch 2 236

    perset 3.5 347

    preblock 5.5 83

    prebuild 5.5 453

    prechain 4 54

    prename 5.5 407

    preprove 6 290pretouch 5 120

    rebar 4 114

    rebolt 7 20

    recool 6 79

    respeak 6 402

    restress 6.5 26

    retrust 6 76

    transcut 4 251

    transfrost 2 16

    transprint 4 103

    transtrace 2.5 26

    transtring 2 5

    transword 2 4

    unform 5.5 771

    unheat 6 168

    unplay 5 650

    unsoak 5.5 23

    unview 4 66

    unweigh 5 35

    APPENDIX AContinued

    Prefix Prefix

    Root Root Root Root

    revide [r@vaId] revike [vaIk] dovide [dOU] doviketranceive [tr&nssiv] transfeive [fiv] tronceive [trOUns] tronsfeive

    tranzide [tr&nzaId] tranzipe [zaIp] granzide [gr&n] granzipe

    transcline [tr&nsklaIn] transcrine [kraIn] troonscline [truns] troonscrine

    transflict [tr&nsflIkt] transfleect [flikt] bransflict [br&ns] bransfleect

    transhort [tr&nshOUrt] transhorp [hOUrp] kranshort [kr&ns] kranshorp

    transtinct [tr&nsstiNkt] transpinct [piNkt] pranstinct [pr&ns] pranspinct

    uncess [Vnses] unpess [pes] aincess [eIn] ainpess

    unfract [Vnfr&kt] unflact [fl&kt] eenfract [in] eenflact

    ungest [Vngest ungesk [dZesk] usgest [Vs] usgesk

    untrude [Vntrud] ungrude [grud] ultrude [Vl] ulgrude

    unvoke [VnvOUk] unveke [vik] onvoke [An] onveke

    unzerve [Vnzerv] unzorve [zOUrv] udzerve [Vd] udzorve

    268 LEE H. WURM

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    ad- .023 9

    co- .010 18de- .008 104

    dis- .092 766

    en- .092 371

    per- .005 484

    pre- .013 56

    re- .067 1881

    trans- .092 47

    un- .283 1072


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