Writing Fce Complete-ly Thuyet

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Transcript of Writing Fce Complete-ly Thuyet

  • 7/27/2019 Writing Fce Complete-ly Thuyet


    FCE Writing 2013



    Introduction of the FCE writing paper ....................................................................... 3TYPE 1: FORMAL LETTER .................................................................................... 5

    1. How should I approach the task? .................................................................. 52. Formal letter structure ................................................................................... 53. Useful language ............................................................................................. 54. Sample letters ................................................................................................ 6

    TYPE 2: INFORMAL LETTER ..............................................................................111.

    How should I approach the task? ................................................................11

    2. Informal letter structure ...............................................................................113. Useful language ...........................................................................................12

    TYPE 3: ARTICLE ..................................................................................................141. How should I approach the task? ................................................................142. Article structure ...........................................................................................143. Useful language ...........................................................................................15

    TYPE 4: STORY .....................................................................................................181. How should I approach the task? ................................................................182. Story structure .............................................................................................183. Useful language ...........................................................................................18

    TYPE 5: REPORT ...................................................................................................221. How should I approach the task? ................................................................222.

    Report structure ...........................................................................................22

    3. Useful language ...........................................................................................23

    TYPE 6: ESSAY ......................................................................................................271. How should I approach the task? ................................................................272. Essay structure .............................................................................................28

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    3. Useful language ...........................................................................................28TYPE 7: REVIEW ...................................................................................................34

    1. How should I approach the task? ................................................................342. Review structure ..........................................................................................343. Useful phrases: ............................................................................................34

    TYPE 8: SET BOOK ...............................................................................................371. How should I approach the task? ................................................................372. Set book structure ........................................................................................37a. How should I prepare to write about the set book? .....................................37

    b. Set book structure ........................................................................................383. Useful language ...........................................................................................39

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    FCE Writing 2013


    Introduction of the FCE writing paper

    The Writing paper is paper 2 of the FCE exam and it lasts 1 hour and 20 minutes.In this paper you have to complete 2 writing tasks.

    Task 1 is compulsory - you have no choice and you have to write about 120-150words. This sounds a lot but if we say sentences are about 10 words long then it'sonly about 12-15 sentences. If you have average handwriting it's also only about 12lines. A piece of cake. In task 2 you have a choice of 4 possible tasks and you haveto write just a bit more 120-180 words. You should try to write at least 150 as it isdifficult (but not impossible for a skilled writer) to complete the task and impressthe examiner in task 2 if you only write 120 words. Generally time shouldn't be a

    problem for you in this part of the exam if you have had plenty of practice before

    the exam.

    In task 1 you will be asked to write either a letter or an email. They give you some

    material to read and you must respond to that material with your letter or base your

    letter on the material given. For example, you might have to respond positively to

    an invitation, give or ask for information, express an opinion, give reasons for

    doing or not doing an activity or convey a preference. It's really important to show

    that you understand the reasons you are writing and to whom.

    In Task 2 you could be asked to write an article, an essay, a letter, a report, a

    review or a story in questions 2-4. They are based on general topics such as health

    and fitness, sport, music and so on. Questions 5a and 5b are based on two set texts.

    There will be one question on each of the set texts (so question 5a and 5b). You

    might be asked to write the same kind of piece as in questions 2-4 apart from a


    What are the examiners looking for?

    The examiners are highly trained and have many criteria for marking your writing.

    As a general summary they are looking at the following aspects:

    - Content - Have you included what you are asked to include ?- not just part of the

    required content, but all of it? This is where writing a plan really helps. It takes just

    3 minutes but can save you time when you are writing and help you not to miss

    important information. There's an example at the bottom of the article.

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    - Organization and cohesion - Is it organized? Are all the ideas linked together?

    Does it read like 1 piece of writing or lots of little bits thrown together?

    Paragraphs!!! (Generally speaking 3 is minimum and more than 5 would probably

    be an exaggeration). If you have written a good plan this part shouldn't be aproblem for you.

    - Appropriacy and format - If it's a letter, does it look like a letter? If it's a report,

    does it look like a report? E.g. A letter starts with Dear, a report doesn't. This also

    includes 'register' - this means the level of formality of language - if you are

    writing to a friend you should write more informally, if you are writing to someone

    in authority you should use a more formal style.

    - Range -This is the area you really show off in. You must show that you know a

    variety of grammar structures and vocabulary. This will also make your work more

    interesting for the reader.

    - Accuracy - Mistakes!! Try not to make them! Spelling, punctuation, wrong

    vocabulary, grammar mistakes. When you check your work it's a good idea to

    check at least 3 or 4 times, but each time you check for something different. E.g.

    many people have problems with a/the - so check your work by looking at the

    nouns and seeing if you have the right article or no article. Tenses are tough in

    English, so check through your work by looking at the verbs. Spelling could beanother check. What about checking to find ways to improve your range (see the

    point above)?

    - Target reader. When he or she is checking your work, the examiner puts himself

    in the position of the target reader and wants to see what impression you make.

    Does your letter, email, article, essay etc. have the right effect on the readers? For

    example if you are asked to write a letter of complaint don't be too critical and

    aggressive because this would have a rather negative effect on the reader in real

    life and you may not get what you want - compensation etc. Remember the Brit'sare generally a polite lot. So if you do the same in the FCE exam the examiner puts

    himself in the position of the target reader and will give you a lower mark because

    of the bad effect on the target reader.

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    1. How should I approach the task?What is the purpose of the letter? The task will tell you exactly what you have to

    do. This may include: asking for or giving information; initiating action orresponding to a request; giving feedback on suggestions; making complaints,

    suggestions, or corrections.

    Who will read it? Probably someone who you do not know well, if at all. This

    may be a named individual, or an unnamed representative of an organisation,

    possibly a person in a position of authority or responsibility.

    What style should I use? Be polite. Use indirect expressions, formal linking

    phrases and set phrases wherever appropriate. Avoid being too familiar, or using

    contractions and colloquial language.

    What information should I include? In a transactional letter you will need to

    read all the information you are given. This will include the task itself, plus one or

    more additional texts, such as letters, memos, adverts, and hand written notes. You

    must respond to all the questions and points in the texts or notes.

    2. Formal letter structureDear,

    Paragraph 1 Say why you are writing. Clearly state the subject or

    context.Paragraph 2 Organise all the essential information from the task

    prompts in a clear and logical way in the main paragraphs

    of the letter. You may need to add some extra ideas of

    your own.

    Paragraph 3 Say how you expect the other person to respond to your

    letter if this is appropriate.

    Paragraph 4 More ideas

    Closing expression(s)

    Signing off Yours.,

    First name + surname

    3. Useful language

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    Greeting Name unknown: Dear Sir/ Madam,

    Name known: Dear Mr. /Dear Mrs. /Dear Ms. +


    Reason forwriting

    - I am writing to - I am writing with regard to- I am writing on behalf of...

    Asking questions - I would be grateful if- I wonder if you could- Could you?- I would like/ be interested to know

    Referring to their

    letter/points- As you stated in your letter, - Regarding / Concerning - With regard to


    - If you require any further information, please do nothesitate to contact me.

    - I look forward to hearing from you.Signing off - If Dear+ name: Yours sincerely

    - If Dear Sir/Madam: Yours faithfully,- If Dear + name or Dear Sir/Madam: YoursName Your first name + surname

    4. Sample letters Sample question 1

    You have just seen the following advertisement in your local newspaper:

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    Write yourletter of application to Mrs Green. Do not write any addresses.

    Model answerDear Mrs. Green,

    I am writing in response to your advertisement, which I saw in the Daily News

    yesterday. I would be very interested in applying for this position.

    I am a nineteen year-old student, currently studying Maths at Warwick University.

    I love being with children. I have three younger brothers and sisters, who I

    regularly look after when my parents are at work. They also love sports and games-

    basketball, swimming, tennis, hide-and-seek- and I would be very happy to

    organize similar activities for your children.

    I speak English very well. I was awarded an A grade in the Cambridge First

    Certificate in English examination last year.

    I would be very grateful if you could let me know what the rate of pay per hour

    would be, and which hours during the summer I would be expected to work. I

    could be free everyday if necessary, from the beginning of June until the end of


    If you require any further information, or wish me to attend an interview, please donot hesitate to let me know.

    Yours sincerely,

    Helen Taylor

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    Sample question 2You bought the personal stereo advertised in a mail order catalogue.

    A GREAT LITTLE PERSONAL MUSIC CENTER THAT FITS IN YOURPOCKET! (Very big and too heavy for my pocket)

    This high-quality stereo comes to you at the unbeatable price of $19.99, (not true

    found one for $14.99 in shop) including cost of postage, lower than you will find in

    any shop.

    It comes compete with:

    - Headphones (missing)

    - Convenient carrying case (zip broken)

    - Batteries

    It has a recording facility (didnt work), will pick up any radio station, and plays all

    your tapes (destroyed two tapes) with high-quality sound.


    Write a letter to Home Mail Order, complaining about the stereo, and asking foryour money back, or a new stereo.

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    Model AnswerDear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing in connection with a personal stereo which I saw advertised in yourmail order catalogue. Last week I bought one of these, and I am sorry to say that I

    was very disappointed when I received it.

    First of all, your advertisement stated that the price would be lower than in any

    shop but I saw the same stereo at a price of $14.99 instead of $19.99.

    Furthermore, your advertisement promised that it would be a high-quality stereo

    complete with all necessary accessories. However, when I received it, the

    headphones were missing and there was a broken zip on the carrying bag. As well,the recording facility did not work, and I have already destroyed two tapes that

    contained my favourite musical compositions.

    Finally, you also promised that it would be a compact and portable device.

    However, the stereo was so big and heavy that it could not be carried in a pocket.

    Could you please arrange for me to receive a new one or refund my money in full?

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours faithfully,

    Peter Petrov.

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    Sample question 3

    How much?

    Where in Dorset?

    What time?

    Model answer

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I recently saw an advert for the Sea Creatures and would like to visit the sea life

    centre with some friends. I am writing to ask for some more information.

    My friend and I are all fifteen, so please could you let me know the price of tickets

    for this age group? Your advert does not say exactly where Sea Creatures is. Couldyou send me a map or give me details of your website so that I can find out.

    Finally, dolphin feeding is mentioned in your advert. Please let me know what time

    of day this usually happens.

    I would be grateful if you would send me this information as soon as possible.

    Yours faithfully

    Joe Hall

    SEA CREATURESa fun sea life

    centre for the whole family. Visit one of

    Dorsets finest attractions and meet

    some of the seas most amazing

    creatures. Dont miss dolphin feeding


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    1. How should I approach the task?What is the purpose of the informal letter? To respond to a request for action

    from somebody else, such as to give information or make suggestions.

    Alternatively, it could be to initiate action, for example, to request information or

    invite somebody to do something. The task will tell you exactly what you have to


    Who will read it? The person or people you have been asked to write to.

    What style should I use? An informal style. Slang and colloquial expressions are

    sometimes appropriate, for example, if you are writing to a friend, but not if you

    dont know the person. Contractions are always appropriate.

    What information should I include? In a transactional letter you will need to

    read information which is included in a variety of texts, for example, letters,

    memos, adverts, and your hand-written notes. You must answer all the questions in

    the texts or notes and make reference to any other comments.

    2. Informal letter structureDear,

    Paragraph 1 Begin by asking some personal questions or

    making some personal commentsParagraph 2 Say why you are writing. If you need to change

    agreements or turn someone down, give reasons

    Paragraph 3 Give the information that you have been told to

    give. Add some more details of your own if you


    Paragraph 4 Like paragraph 3

    Closing expression(s) Finish your letter with an appropriate comment.

    Dont just stop abruptly

    Your first name ..

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    3. Useful languageGreeting Dear + first name

    Asking about them Hi! How are things?

    How are you?Hows it going?

    Referring to their news Great news about

    Glad to hear that

    Sorry to hear about

    Giving news Listen, did I tell you about

    Youll never believe that

    Oh, and another thing.

    Making suggestions Why dont you?

    Maybe you could

    How about?

    Closing expressions Well, got to go now.

    Give my love to

    Say hello to

    See you soon!

    Signing off Love,Lots of love,


    Name Your first name

    Sample question:Your Italian pen friend, Antonia, wrote and asked about your lifestyle in England.

    Read part ofAntonias letter and reply.

    I think I have a very healthy lifestyle. I eat a lot of fruit and I get a lot of fresh air.

    My family lives near the mountains, so we often go walking. Last weekend, we went

    rock climbing. I saw a lot of wildlife and I took a lot of photos. What kind of

    lifestyle do you have?

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    Model answerDear Antonia,

    Thanks for your letter. Your lifestyle sounds really interesting! We dont live nearthe mountains so Ive never been rock climbing, but Id love to try it.

    You asked me about my lifestyle. I think Im quite healthy too. I sleep for about

    eight hours every night and I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I like doing exercise.

    Im quite good at tennis and I often go swimming with my friends. Last month, I

    decide to do something different. I did a snorkeling course at our local swimming

    pool. While I was doing the course, I met some really great people! The course was

    hard, but we were all in the same boat!

    Id love to visit you one day. I think wed get on really well!

    Please write soon!


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    1. How should I approach the task?Who will read the article? Readers choose articles that interest them and ignore

    those that look dull.What information should I include? You may have to describe personal

    experiences or express opinions and ideas which people of young age can identify

    with. What you write need not be true.

    What is the purpose of the article? To inform readers about a particular topic in an

    entertaining way.

    What style should I use? The style can be light or serious, depending on who the

    target reader is. Magazine articles, especially for young adult readers, are often

    written in a light-hearted style. The title and opening paragraph should try to

    capture the readers attention. We may use some rhetorical questions: e.g. Can you

    imagine a school where every student enjoys themselves?

    What language should I use? Probably some use of descriptive language and

    language of opinion. There should be some examples.

    2. Article structureTitle - Articles usually have a title. The title should be

    informative (give the reader an idea of the

    subject) and attractive (make the reader want to

    read the article).

    - Think of an interesting title which will makepeople want to read your article.

    Opening - Start your article in an interesting way. You couldask the reader a question or make a strong


    - Should be clearly defined, not too long andclearly linked.

    Paragraph 1 The first paragraph should involve the reader in some

    way. Try to end the paragraph in a way which makes the

    reader want to continue reading.

    Paragraph 2 Build on the interest you have raised in the first

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    paragraph. This may mean answering the question or

    telling the next part of the story.

    Paragraph 3 Use each paragraph to mark the next stage of your


    Ending Finish the article in an interesting way. This could be

    humorous or thought-provoking.

    3. Useful languageEngaging the reader - Have you ever?

    - Do you find that?- Are you one of those people who?

    Making suggestions - Imagine- Lets suppose- Why not?- Have you thought of?- Try...

    Giving examples - Take for example/instanceExpressing opinion - As I see it,

    - To my mind, - I believe (that) - As far as Im concerned- In my view,

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    Sample question 1Your teacher has asked you to write an article for your school magazine about your

    professional achievements.

    Write an article for your teacher.

    Model answerMY ACHIEVEMENTS

    Im very proud of some of the things Ive done in my life. Here are two of my

    greatest achievements!

    Every year, we have a sports day at school. Im not very good at sports and I dontusually win any races. However, two years ago, I decide to get fit. I went running

    three times a week and I joined a karate class. On sports day, I entered three

    running races. I didnt win any of them, but I came second in the 100 metres. I was

    really pleased.

    People have always said that Im good at singing, but Ive never been very

    confident. So, six months ago I started singing lessons. Then my teacher asked me

    to sing in the school concert. I sang a song by AvrilLavigne. I dont think Ill ever

    be a pop star, but I felt it was a real achievement!

    There are a lot of things I want to achieve in my life. My next goal is to pass my


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    Sample question 2

    You have seen this notice in an international magazine.


    Inventions have affected all our lives!

    Write us an article about one invention, explaining whyyou think it is important

    and saying how it has affectedyour own life.

    The best article will be published in the magazine.


    Nowadays, cars have become irreplaceable and people cannot stop using them. Cars have

    been invented to improve the quality of our lives but recently we have become addicted

    to them.

    Not only do we use vehicles to do shopping but we also use them as the way of

    travelling. Getting to work by using public transport is very difficult sometimes,

    dependenton traffic. There are some other advantages of having a car such as spending

    less money on buses and trains.

    My life has changed since I collected my driving license. I have become moreindependent which is very important. I can decide the same day when I want to go andvisit my uncle, who lives in different town. Having a car also is needed if I want to get agood job.There are some disadvantages to having a car such as pollution, increasing noise and

    number of accidents on the roads. I try not to go by car everywhere because I know how

    important is to take care of environment. From my point of view the age of drivers is

    terrifying low. Young people are irresponsible and don't really care much about anything.

    Honestly, I think a car is a good invention but we need to think before using it. The timegoes so fast and must be aware of our future. However serious the problem is, I don't

    think we can stop using car.

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    1. How should I approach the task?What is the purpose of the story? To entertain and interest the reader.

    Who will read it? Your story may be for a competition or a magazine. The taskmay say who will read it, for example, your teacher or other foreign language


    What style should I use? Use a neutral style- not formal but not too informal

    either. Use descriptive language: adjectives and adverbs make a story more


    What information should I include? A good story has an interesting beginning, a

    middle which maintains our interest and a definite end. You need to set the scene

    and choose two or three events to describe in detail.

    2. Story structureTitle ..

    Paragraph 1 -Begin or end your story with the words given, if this is

    asked for in the task.

    -Unless you are writing in the first person, introduce the

    main characters. Say where and when the events took

    place, and give any other important backgroundinformation. Make your beginning interesting so that

    people will want to read on.

    Paragraph 2 Develop the story: event 1.

    Add descriptive detail to make it more real.

    Paragraph 3 Develop the story: event 2

    Add descriptive detail to make it more real.

    Paragraph 4 Bring the story to an end.

    3. Useful languageTime phrases It all began

    It was one of those days when

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    At first

    Some time later,




    In the end,


    Dramatic devices Suddenly,

    All of a sudden,

    Just at that moment,

    Direct speech , said x. . said x

    Verbs withdirect/indirect speech

    Tell whisper shout think cry

    Concluding It had all been

    After everything that had happened,

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    Sample question 1You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that

    the story must begin with the following words:

    As John got off the train, he couldnt believe how cold it was.

    Write yourstory for the competition.

    Model answerJOHNS TRIP

    As John got off the train, he couldnt believe how cold it was. He quickly put on

    his warm hat and gloves and walked carefully in the snow. He looked aroundexcitedly and saw his Uncle Bill at the end of the platform. With him were Johns

    cousins. Alex and Tony.

    The train left the station and John came up to his relatives. He hadnt seen his

    uncle for a long time, but he hadnt changed. He was still short and fat, with a

    round, bald head. They all said hellp nervously and then they laughed and kissed

    each other. The boys started talking loudly and began to walk towards the car.

    Where are your bags, John? asked Uncle Bill, suddenly. John stopped.

    Oh no, he cried, sadly. Theyre on the train! They all looked. In the

    distance, the train was slowly disappearing. John felt so foolish.

    Uncle Bill quickly found a guard and spoke to him. He came back a second later.

    Its okay.he explained. They are going to send them back from the next station.

    They all smiled and John knew it was going to be a great holiday, after all.

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    Sample question 2Your English teacher has asked you to write a story for the college magazine. Yourstory must begin with the following words:

    Alice knew that it was going to be a very special day for her.Write yourstory.

    Model answerAlice knew that it was going to be a very special day for her.

    She knew her name as she had been hearing it for the last nine months.

    She thought it was a beautiful name and she felt very happy each time somebody

    said her name.

    That day she felt really strange.She moved as she never did before. The most

    confusing thing was that even though it had been her room, her space, she felt she

    didn't fix there any more as she was bored with the same things all the time.

    Suddenly, she started hearing people shouting like in a real rush but happy at the

    same time; she hasn't any idea about what was going on in that external world and

    her desires of getting out of that unbearable place were increasing each time. Shehad to work very hard for it but finally she succeeded, she did, she was out. It was

    like a shock but a great adventure and she just cried and cried

    Now she is at home with her parents who take care of her all the time. Besides she

    has brought a lot of happiness to many other people. Certainly it was a very special


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    1. How should I approach the task?Whats the purpose of the report? You may be asked to give information,

    evaluate something, or make suggestions and recommendations.Who will read it? The people who are asking for the report will read. This may be

    an official group or somebody in authority, like a boss or a college principal.

    What style should I use? Be clear and avoid unnecessary detail. Give essential

    information and recommendations. An impersonal style is often appropriate,

    avoiding overuse of the pronoun I.

    What information should I include? Make a number of points in answer to the

    question. Give some description and explanation. Conclude with a personal


    2. Report structureReports should have a clear factual headingand may also have subheadingswhichdivide the writing into shorter sections. The information should be organised and

    presented as clearly and logically as possible, with a short introduction explainingthe aims of the report and how the information was obtained and asuitable conclusion, summing up the information and making recommendations ifnecessary.




    Introduction Use heading: Introduction

    Normally we state the aim or purpose of the report at the


    Avoid repeating exactly the words of thequestion, e.g. the question says recommend

    improvements. The report says how these could be

    made better.

    Paragraph 2: Heading:..

    Paragraph 3: Heading:

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    Paragraph 4: Heading:.

    Conclusion Use your conclusion to summarize briefly. Make

    sure that you express your personal

    recommendation if this is asked for in the

    question. Make points clearly and directly.

    Give reasons for your recommendations.

    3. Useful languageInitial inforation To: From: Subject: orRe: Date

    Headings Introduction conclusion Recommendation

    Introduction As requested,

    This involved visiting/ speaking to

    This report is intended to

    This report looks at / describes

    It is based on

    It draws on

    It uses...Having visited/spoken to

    My findings are outlined/presented below.

    The aim of this report is + infinitive

    The purpose of this report is + infinitive

    Reporting anobservation

    It seems/appears that

    The majority / minority of

    It was found that

    It was felt that

    Quoting According to

    As X said

    In the words of

    Speculating It may / could / might (well) be that

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    Generalising In general

    On the whole

    In the main

    Commenting Interestingly


    As might be (have been) expected





    It is interesting that

    Recommending Having considered the options,

    I would lik eto suggest/recommend

    I therefore suggest/recommend

    You may wish to consider

    I recommend that

    I would recommend+ v-ing

    I suggest that

    It would be agreat idea (for somebody)+ infinitive

    It is recommended that

    (Perhaps) it would be advisable for X to (do)

    (Perhaps) X might /should consider

    Summing up To sum up / To summarise

    On balanceIn short

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    Sample question 1Look at this task:

    An English friend of yours is working on a series of articles called Young andOld around the World which looks at different towns and cities through theeyes of teenagers and senior citizens. She has written asking for your help andthis is an extract from her letter.

    What I want is some first-hand information about what its like to live in your

    town from the point of view of the two different age groups. You would need to

    interview, say, ten people in each category on the main topics of publictransport, entertainment, and shopping and write me a brief report. Could you

    also include a short introduction about your town and give a little summing up

    at the end?

    Write yourreport in about 250 words.


    IntroductionThe aim of this report is to describe and assess the leisure facilities available inGrimthorpe. It is based on information made available by the GrimthorpeTourist Office, and on views expressed by local people who were interviewed.SportGrimthorpe has a wide range of sports facilities, both public and private. Thereis a large modern leisure centre in the High Street and facilities include aswimming pool, a sports hall for judo, fencing and other activities, and tenniscourts. The centre runs courses in all these sports and these tend to be very

    popular. Membership costs 150 a year, which was felt to be rather expensive,

    but a special temporary membership is available to visitors. The publicswimming pool on the outskirts of the town is older, less attractive and oftenovercrowded, but entry is only 1.50.TheatresThere are two theatres in town, the Kings Theatre in Bee Street, which offersmainly serious drama and has a good reputation for its productions of

    Shakespeare, and the Little Theatre in Sea Street which specialises in lighter

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    entertainment and the occasional pop concert. In general, it seems that theKings Theatre is more popular with the older members of the community whilethe Little appeals more to people in their teens and twenties.Museums and Art Galleries

    The City Museum has an extensive collection of maps, pottery and otherarticles connected with Grimthorpes history. The attendants are said to be very

    friendly and helpful, and there is also a small caf with reasonably priced home-made snacks. Interestingly, few of the local people interviewed had ever been tothe museum but it was recommended highly by several tourists.ConclusionGrimthorpe is well provided with leisure facilities for a town of its size andthese are well used by the townspeople on the whole. Sport seems to be themost popular leisure activity, while cultural activities like visiting the museum

    or art gallery appeared to be the least popular among the Grimthorpians whowere interviewed. Perhaps the City Council should consider launching apublicity campaign to show how much these facilities have to offer.

    Sample question 2

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    Your teacher has asked you to write a report on things for young people to do in

    their free time in the area where you live. In your report, you should mention what

    free-time facilities there are and recommend improvements.

    Write yourreport.



    The aim of this report is to outline what young people do in my area in their free

    time, what facilities exist for them and how these could be made better.

    Free time activities

    My town, Beauvoir, is quite small, so it does not have a cinema or theatre and there

    is only one club for young people. As a result, young people have to take the train

    or bus to Nantes, which is about 30 kilometers away if they want these things. On

    the other hand, it is situated by the sea; so many young people spend their free time

    on the beach or doing water sports.

    Other facilities

    Beauvoir has a sports center with tennis courts, a football pitch and a swimming

    pool. There are also a number of cases where young people normally go to meet

    each other and spend their free time.


    I recommend that the town council should set up a youth club where young people

    could meet, do other activities and also see films. This would encourage young

    people to stay in the town at weekends and improve their social life.


    1. How should I approach the task?

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    What is the purpose of the essay? Essays are usually set by teachers for students.

    They give students the opportunity to express their opinions on subjects which may

    be controversial.

    Who will read it? Probably only the teacher will read, but possibly other studentsin your class do.

    What style should I use? Essays are formal pieces of writing. Your opinions

    should be expressed in a clear and logical way. Use discourse markers to make

    clear how your different points are related.

    What information should I include? A good essay includes clearly stated

    opinions supported by well-chosen examples and convincing reasons.

    2. Essay structureThe opening paragraph should establish the general topic of the composition andthe conclusion should give a balanced personal comment on the topic. There ismore than one way of structuring this essay:

    Introduction, arguments for, arguments against, conclusion Introduction, one argument for, several arguments against and obviousconclusion (as in the sample essay 3) Introduction, argument for or against only, conclusion

    3. Useful languageStating an aim I will discuss both point of view and express my own


    Introducing the firstpoint in a list of points



    First of all,

    To start with,

    To begin with.

    Introducing a furtherpoint in a list of points





    In addition,

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    Whats more,

    Apart from that,


    Another point to be made is thatIntroducing a final pointin a list of points



    Presenting two(dis)advantages together

    not only but also

    Presenting two opposingpoints of view

    On one hand,

    On the other hand,

    Expressing result For this reason,

    Because of this,

    As a result,



    Expressing contrast However




    Even though

    In spite of



    In contrast to this,

    On the other side of the argument,

    Giving examples For example

    For instanceSuch as


    Expressing your opinion In my opinion

    As I see it,

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    To my mind,

    I believe (that)

    As far as Im concerned,

    In my view,

    I do believe that

    On balance, it seems to me that

    Expressing someoneelses opinion

    Some people believe (that)

    According to

    It is said (that)

    Scientists argue/claim/ say that...

    Introducing a

    conclusionTo conclude,

    In conclusion,

    To sum up,

    In summary,

    Conclusion The advantages of outweigh the disadvantages.

    Sample question 1

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    You have been doing a class project on the environment. Your teacher has asked

    you to write a composition about the following statement:

    Everybody can help to protect the environment.

    You should state whether you agree or disagree with this statement, explaining

    your reasons clearly.

    Write yourcomposition.

    Model answerThere is no doubt that the environment is in danger. Mankind has caused the

    worlds environmental problems, and only man can solve them. But can we, asindividuals, do anything to help?

    There are many environmental problems that only governments and businesses can

    solve. For example, one of the causes of global warming is pollution from factories

    and cars. Governments must persuade factories to take responsibility for reducing

    their pollution, and car manufacturers to produce cars which do not give out

    damaging exhaust fumes.

    Nevertheless, there are things that individuals can do. Firstly, we can recycle ourused plastic, glass and paper. If we do this, factories will not have to produce so

    much. As a result, there will be less pollution. Secondly, we can use our cars as

    little as possible. This will also reduce pollution. Finally, we can raise awareness

    about environmental issues, and put pressure on governments and businesses to act


    In conclusion, one individual has little effect on protecting the environment.

    However, if we work together, we can all make the world a cleaner place.

    Sample question 3

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    You have had a class discussion on shopping. Your teacher has now asked you to

    write an essay, giving your opinions on the following statement:

    Shops should be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week

    Write youressay.

    Model answerShould shops be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week? I totally disagree with it.

    Of course, if shops were open all day all time, it would be very convenient for us.

    There are some times when we want something suddenly, and how nice it would

    be if we could get that exact thing immediately!

    But think about the other aspect of it. If shops had to be open all the time, someone

    would have to work for those shops. Then people would have fewer holidays

    because of the more work that has to be done, and it would not be good for our

    mental health. What is more, to open the shops even at night, we would have to

    consume much more electric energy, and it is not environmental at all, needless to

    say. Contrary, what we should do is to cut down our energy as much as possible to

    protect our earth.

    To sum up, shops should NOT be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I think

    wed better consider about our environment first, before meeting our selfish and

    individual demands.

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    1. How should I approach the task?Who will read the review? Your review will be read by readers of a magazine.

    What is the purpose of the review? The review is intended to give information tothe reader which will help them decide whether to attend the event themselves.

    What style should I use? Use a style similar to an article which is likely to

    interest the reader.

    What information should I include? Give essential information about the story,

    cast, band members, etc. Say what you like and didnt like about the performances.

    Make a recommendation to the reader about whether or not they should go.

    2. Review structureTitle State the name of the film, play, concert, ect.Paragraph 1 Introduce the topic of the review

    Paragraph 2 Give the positive features

    Paragraph 3 Give the negative features

    Paragraph 4 Finish with a final recommendation.

    3. Useful phrases:Say what you arereviewing

    - The (film, booketc) I would like to review is..- The last Film I saw / book I read was.

    Giving background - This show stars- The play is directed by- The film is about- Its set in.- The story is based on (a book...) ..- Its about..- There are many memorable characters

    including .

    - The main theme of the film is..- - What the film is saying is..

    Expressions which - On the plus side,

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    introduce a contrast - On the down side,- On the one hand,- On the other hand,

    Recommending - Overall, Id recommend- All in all, the film was- I wouldnt hesitate to recommend- I wouldnt encourage anyone to - I would recommend this film to anyone.- Although I enjoyed it, I would not recommend

    it for.

    - Its one of the best (shows) Ive ever seen.- Although I am not normally keen on (musicals),

    I am glad that I decided to go.

    - The (film) lifts you out of your everyday life.

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    Sample questionYou have seen this notice in your school library:


    We want to buy some new books for the library. Have you read a good book in

    English recently? Write us a review of a book you enjoyed, explaining why you

    liked it and why you think it would be a good choice for the school library.

    We will use your reviews to help us decide which books to buy.

    Write yourreview.

    Model answerTHE THIEVES OF OSTIA

    The thieves of Ostia by Caroline Lawrence is the first in a series of books entitled

    The Roman Mysteries and I think its an absolute must for the school library.

    The book is set in the Roman port of Ostia nearly two thousand years ago. It tells

    the story of Flavia and her three friends, and their attempts to discover who has

    been killing the dogs of Ostia and why. Its full of mystery and excitement, and the

    plot has many twists and turns, which make you want to keep reading.

    The book is aimed at ten to twelveyearold native English speakers, but it is

    very popular with older children and would be ideal for teenagers studying

    English. Whats more, it gives a fascinating insight into life in Roman times, so

    readers learn about history as well as improving their language skills.

    After finishing The Thieves of Ostia, students will want to borrow further books

    from the series. By buying it, then, the library would be doing a lot to encourage

    students to read more in English.

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    1. How should I approach the task?What is the purpose of the task? You may be required to express an argument in

    an essay or an article, or to give your opinion of the book in a letter, a report or areview.

    Who will read it? An essay or a report would be written for your teacher or for

    someone in authority. An informal letter is likely to be to a friend. An article or a

    review would be read by the readers of a magazine.

    What style should I use? Follow the notes given on writing styles in the relevant

    Writing Guides.

    What information should I use? In each case, only include information about the

    book which is relevant to the question. Dont be tempted to retell the story or to

    give unnecessary details.

    2. Set book structurea. How should I prepare to write about the set book?

    Get to know the book

    - Read it several times. For 2013, the set books are: William Thackeray: Vanity Fair (Black Cat or any edition) Mary Stewart: This Rough Magic (OUP)- Watch a film version. Make notes about the differences.

    The story

    - Write a short summary of each chapter.- Make a list of the main events.

    The characters

    - Make a list of the main characters. Make notes about their appearance andpersonality. What adjectives could you use to describe them?

    - Make notes about the most important relationship in the book.The time and place

    - Make notes about where and when the story is set.- If it is set in the past, think about any differences there are with the modern


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    Your opinion

    - Write notes about why you like the book. Think about adjectives to describethe story, e.g. exciting, unusual, etc.

    - Write about your favorite part. What happens?Why do you like it?

    - Write about anything you dont like about the book.b. Set book structure



    Paragraph 1 Begin with suitable expressions

    Paragraph 2 Answer part 1 of the question. Refer to the book you want to talk about early


    Give reasons for your opinions.Paragraph 3

    Answer part 2 of the question. Give reasons for your opinions

    Closing expression(s)

    Your first name ..


    Introduction Introduce the subject of your composition in your first


    Refer back to the question

    Paragraph 1 Make a number of points for one side of the argument

    Paragraph 2 Make a number of points for the other side of the

    argumentConclusion Refer back to the question.

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    3. Useful languageNouns used in books Main character villain opening minor characters

    setting ending hero/heroine plot main event(s)

    Adjective to describe

    charactersPositive: kind, generous , clever, sensitive, brave

    Negative: unkind/cruel, mean, stupid, insensitive,


    Adjectives to describe

    the storyPositive: mysterious, exciting, original, interesting

    Negative: ordinary, unexciting/dull, unoriginal,


    Key words:

    Author: the writer of a novel or short story

    Example: The author manages to bring the past and the present together by setting

    half the novel in the eightteenth century, and half in the twentieth century.

    be set in: Most stories are set in a certain time and place.

    Example: The novel is set in eighteenth century London.

    Chapter: Most novels are divided into chapters. These are usually numbered and

    sometimes have a title.

    Example: When we are introduced to Kose in the first chapter, she is lonely and


    ending: the end of the story

    Example: this novel does not offer a traditional happy ending.

    main/central character: a very important character in the story

    Example: Eliza Doolittle, one of the two main characters, is a working-class

    flower-seller who does not speak English in an educated way.

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    minor character: a character who does not play a central role in the story.

    Example: Although Tom is only a minor character, he greatly affects how Angela

    views relationships.

    narrator: the person telling the story

    Example: The narrator of the story is Ishmael, so we see everything that happens

    through his eyes.

    novel: a book which tells one long story.

    Example: The plot revolves around five members of a family sailing across the

    Pacific Ocean.

    short story: Sometimes, the set book will be a collection of short stories. These

    stories are much shorter than novels.

    Example: In the short story The Devil, we see that humans do not always have

    control over their actions.

    twist: a sudden plot development which the reader was not expecting

    Example: The twist in the final chapter, where we discover that Mr. Davenport is

    in fact Helens long-lost father, is totally unexpected.

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    Sample Question 1A J CroninThe Citadel

    You have received a letter from a friend asking about books you wouldrecommend reading. Write a letter to your friend, explaining what you liked or

    disliked about The Citadel. Describe your favourite or least favourite part.

    Model answerDear Ben,

    Thanks for your last letter. Its always great to hear from you!I want to tell you about a really good book Ive read. Its called The Citadel. I like

    it because it shows the difficult decisions people face in real life situations. Its

    about a doctor who works first in a mining area. While there, he starts with strong

    moral ideas about helping poor people get good health care. Later, when he and his

    wife move to London, he uses his medical skills to make money from richer

    patients. These developments make the story really interesting.

    My favourite part of the story is the part where the doctor, Manson, helps to save

    the life of a miner trapped underground. It shows the qualities of bravery and

    intelligence that a good doctor should have. It also illustrates the terrible working

    conditions in the early twentieth century.

    Read the book! Its fantastic!

    See you soon.


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    Sample Question 2Jules VerneAround the world in Eighty Days

    Phileas Fogg and Passepartout travel around the world together experiencingvarious adventures on the way. Write an essay saying which character learns most

    from their journey.

    Write youressay.

    Model answerPhileas Fogg and Passepartout are unusual travelling companions. Their different

    experiences of travel provide the novel Around the World in Eighty Days with

    some of its most fascinating moments. From these experiences, Fogg learns most,

    ending the journey a different person to how he started.

    When we meet the two characters, we learn that Passepartout has lived a very

    varied life. In this sense, he has more experience of the world than Fogg.

    Passepartout gets into many difficulties, such as when he is drugged in Hong Kong

    or kidnapped by indians in America. However, I think that, if the journey

    continued, he would carry on having experience like these.

    On the other hand, Fogg breaks his usual lifestyle by accepting the bet to travel

    around the world. He starts off as a very typical Englishman, with a slightly cold

    exterior. By the end of the novel, however, he has fallen in love.

    To sum up, under the influence of a woman,Phileas Fogg learns to become a

    warmer and more sensitive character by the end of the story.