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    l Thesis statements

    A thesis statement is the sentence that

    tells your reader the subject of your paper

    states the controlling idea of your paper, i.e. it makes an assertion about the subject

    predicts the logical order of discussion you will follow in your paper

    In other words, the thesis statement is the anchor of your essay: with a good thesis statement yourreader does not have to wait until he finishes reading all of your essay to learn what kind of a claimyou are making, what your stance is, or how you are going to prove your viewpoint.

    1. An effective thesis should be a declarative sentence, never an open ended question. Ifyou just ask a question, the reader will have no idea what you are trying to illustrate.

    l Not a thesis statement: What are the disadvantages of living in a big city?

    2. A good thesis should be restricted and focused. It should not be too general or toocomprehensive. If it is too comprehensive, you may not be able to prove it all in oneessay.

    l Too general: Computers have advantages and disadvantages.

    This thesis is too general. How are you going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages ocomputers in one essay? There are technical and economic issues, social effects, time and financiaconsiderations, etc.

    3. A thesis statement should not make an announcement. It should make a claim.

    Announcement: In this essay I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living on your own.

    Revised thesis statement: When considered generally, living on your own is much better thanliving with your family.

    4. A thesis statement should not make a claim that cannot be proved by logical analysis.

    Moral judgment of the writer: Only evil and wicked young people choose to live on their own.

    Such a statement expresses the moral judgment of the writer and cannot be proved in any factual orlogical way.

    Although it is a recommended practice to state your thesis in the introduction part of your essay, youwill see that some writers choose not to state their thesis at the beginning of their writing but tocome up with a conclusion after they discuss the issue thoroughly. Such a practice may be adoptedfor stylistic purposes.

    l Introductions

    Why is the introduction important?

    Your introduction is the part that invites your reader to read your essay:

    it tells your reader what it is about,

    it sets the tone for your essay. In other words, it tells the reader whether your essay will belight, humorous, serious, controversial, etc.

    it shows your reader how your essay will develop. That is to say, there must not be bigsurprises in the development of your essay

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    it helps the reader to make a transition from the conditions he is in to the content of youressay

    it is where the reader decides whether to read your essay or not. In other words, they may putyour essay down if they feel that it is going to be extremely boring (your instructors excludedbecause they have to read your essays whether they are extremely boring or not, they have tocorrect and evaluate your essays anyway)

    l Some tips for writing good introductions

    Think about the question: most of the time you are assigned a topic to write about. Thinkabout the question: your answer to the question will be your thesis. How you prove it will beyour development. Your thesis should be stated in the introduction paragraph.

    You may find it difficult to write an introduction at the beginning. Sometimes you may onlywrite a tentative introduction, continue with the development, then come back and write theintroduction last.

    Pay attention to your first sentence. This is the sentence your reader (your instructor and theexam marker too) reads first. You should make a good impression, and should be careful notto make too many mistakes. If you start your essay with a sentence full of grammar, spellingor vocabulary mistakes, you cannot expect to make a good first impression.

    Avoid making announcements: Do not start with opening sentences such as "In this essay Iwill discuss ..."

    Avoid making "Dawn of man" introductions. That is, whatever topic you are assigned , youshould not start with sentences such as " Since the beginning of history", "Since the beginningof humanity", "Since the industrial revolution", etc. These kinds of statements make only verybroad generalizations, and you cannot start everything with the industrial revolution! It alsoindicates that you do not really have much to say about the topic!

    Since the beginning of humanity young people have had problems withtheir families.

    Avoid using clichs. Clichs mean that you do not have anything new to say.

    Avoid filler introductions: When you do not have much to say about a topic, you list a couple ofsentences one after the other, just to fill the introductory space. If the writer had somethingeffective to say, he would have said it. However, in this example, he is just filling space.

    Many young people choose to live on their own. The number of people livingon their own is increasing. Many people in the cities prefer to do this. There arereasons for this phenomenon. There are also some results.

    l Strategies for writing good introductions

    There is a number of strategies for starting your essays. Sometimes more than one method can be

    used to start your essay.

    1. The funnel method

    In this method, the first sentence is broad and general. It introduces your thesis, and each followingsentence is narrower and more focused. Finally, it narrows down to your thesis. The important thingin this approach is that your funnel should not be too large, because you never will be able to narrowdown. For example, if you start with the beginning of human history to write about young peopleliving on their own, it will take you ages to narrow down. Therefore, your funnel must beappropriately narrow at the beginning.

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    l Example paragraph 1:

    "Animals have been used in medical research for a long time. In recent years animal rightsorganizations have started a controversy whether it is ethical or not to use animals for thebenefits of medical progress. They believe that animals are equal to humans and that theyhave equal rights with human beings. In my opinion, animals as things, have some rights,but humans with their more developed brains are superior to them, therefore ifthere isno other alternative, animals may be used in medical research." (Ezgi Ozer, Adv2003)

    l Example paragraph 2:

    "In life, people pass through different phases. They are born into a family, and then theygrow up and reach puberty. After puberty, they are considered adults. At this time, thesocial burden on people become heavier, and new responsibilities are added to a personsburden. Graduating from a good university, finding a job, getting married and havingchildren are some of these expectations. Most people consider these expectations,especially having children, reasonable and see them as sources of happiness . However, itis my opinion that children are far away from being the ultimate bliss in ourlives; on the contrary, they bring about more responsibilities and restrictions."

    2. Defining a word or phrase

    Sometimes defining a term or a phrase that will be used throughout the essay is a good strategy.However, it should not be a dictionary definition since anyone can consult a dictionary. The definitionyou offer should match your thesis, or the claims you will be making in the essay.

    Example paragraph :

    "The term violence in the family refers to male violence against females. Itmeans that men are generally rude to women both physically andpsychologically. Concerning this issue, a study has been conducted by Family ResearchInstitute in five different geographic regions of Turkey on married women about husbandviolence against wives. The results of this survey indicate that two independent variablesseem to be related to approval of violence." (Derya Aslan, Adv 2004)

    3. Asking questionsUsing questions to attract the attention of your readers is another useful strategy. Then, your essayproceeds to answer the questions you have posed in the introduction.

    l Example paragraph 1:

    "Turkish governments have been trying to join the European Union for years. Despite allthe difficult tasks that have to be achieved in order to join the EU, Turkish governmentsare persistent. Turkish citizens seem to agree with their governments, too. Why are weinsisting on becoming a member of the union then? It is probably because of thedifferences between the happiness levels of Turkish and EU citizens." (Gokhan RemziYavuz, Adv 2003)

    l Example paragraph 2:

    "Who can imagine a world without music? Just as we the humans- appeared, musicemerged as one of our important needs too. It is obvious that music has filled our livesvery effectively in that now it is impossible to eradicate it out of our lives. Who can claimthe opposite? When we are born, the first thing we hear is the lullabies of our mothers.Then, as time passes, we continue to listen to music much more. Of course, we don't listento lullabies any more, but we choose a particular type of music that influences us. Why welisten to music and like the type of the music we like is not a simple phenomenon, on thecontrary, the reasons are much more complex." (Beste Kalender, Adv 2003)

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    4. Turn about

    This strategy involves starting with the idea, belief or opinion that is opposite of your own claim orthesis. You first present the opposite party's opinion, the turn about with a "but or however", andpresent your own point of view. This strategy is especially useful in argumentation.

    l Example paragraph:

    "Reproduction is something that is in the nature of human beings. Giving birth to children,

    bringing them up and when they get older looking forward to them having children are allbuilt in wishes and expectations of almost everybody. But in a limited environment,humans cannot keep expanding their population. There must be some ways tocontrol the population." (Gamze Gumuslu, Adv 2003)

    5. Using an anecdote

    Using a short anecdote is another way to start your essay. If you have a relevant anecdote ready,using it in the introduction will make your essay more interesting and attract the attention of yourreader.

    l Example paragraph:

    "In a myth it is told that once humans did not have gender. They were neither male norfemale. One day they made one of the gods angry and he punished them. He separatedthem into two parts: male and female. Also he put them away from each other to makethem look for their partners all over the world. For centuries and centuries it went on likethat, people searching for the missing part of the puzzle, their missing half ." (Ozge Uraz,Adv 2003)

    6. Using quotations

    Using quotations in the introduction is another effective way to start your essay. If you have the rightquotation that matches your thesis or summarizes what you want to say, it adds flavor to your essayIn the essay below, the author has found a quotation that expresses the exact idea she wants todiscuss, and she builds the whole paragraph around the quotation.

    l Example paragraph 1:

    "Music is maybe the first invention of humankind in which he was firstly inspired by thenature and then completed with his own emotions and senses. By then, music became themost indispensable friend of human kind, but why is it so fundamental?

    Music was invented to confirm human loneliness, says Lawrence Durrell. Although theylive in a society and are labeled social animal by some philosophers, humans are in factalone. They have an inner world which they could hardly express to others or they couldeven hardly identify themselves. Music helps people understand themselves, melodiesmake them wander in their own world and discover the lonely parts of their souls. Peoplewho can understand or identify themselves are no more alone in the world. They find a

    friend which will never let them down, and never will leave them, or a friend from theirinner world. (Sinem Kavak, Adv 2003)

    l The body

    The body of your essay is minimum two-three paragraphs long, and supports /illustrates / explainsthe thesis with the help of evidence, details, facts and examples. How you organize your thoughts ina logical order may depend on your topic and thesis. There are various ways of treating a topic: theessay may be organized in order of importance, in chronological order, or spatial order. It can also bea description, narration, comparison and contrast, cause and /or effect, definition, processclassification or argumentation essay. An essay can be written in one of those methods, or it can be acombination of two or more types. It all depends on the purpose of the essay.

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    For more information on essay types, see Essay Types.

    l Conclusions

    If you have written an effective introduction, and logically developed your essay, the flow of ideasnaturally leads to your conclusion. A good conclusion should round up your arguments and reach afinal conclusion. There are a number of ways you can conclude your essay.

    1. Review its major ideas

    This is the simplest way to finish an essay. You go over your essay, restate the main idea in theconclusion.

    "Music is a great way to relax and be happy in daily life. It is also very useful for musiciansand composers to express their feelings. This is one of the reasons which make musicuniversal; it has nothing to do with age, race or religion. Anyone who wants to listen tomusic, listens to music and anyone who wants to do music does music." (Aysegul Dogan,Adv 2003)

    "As you can see, music makes our lives better. It increases the things we share both withourselves and with others. It helps our loneliness to get smaller and smaller becausesharing is the only way to get rid of our loneliness. That is why music is so important in

    our lives." (Sinem Kavak, Adv 2004)2. Restate the thesis

    Sometimes, conclusions can restate the thesis of the essay. This is done using different words toavoid monotony. In the essay below, the author restates the thesis idea in the conclusion paragraph.

    l Introduction:

    "For a long time there has been a controversy between animal rights supporters andscientists about whether it is right to use animals in experimental research. Also, it is verydebatable whether using animals for such research results in finding a cure for diseases.From my point of view, if there are no other alternatives, and if it is possiblethat this will contribute to science, animals may be used for experimentalresearch."

    l Conclusion:

    "All in all, it can be said that using animals for medical research is ethical aslong as it contributes to scientific development and helps scientists find ways toimprove human health. And this practice is only acceptable on the condition thatnecessary pains are taken and animals are treated humanely." (Ayse Ipek, Adv2004)

    3. Make predictions based on the material in the body of the essay

    "Regardless of what you think, whether you think cell phones are a positive improvement

    or a serious threat; they are becoming a part of modern life. It seems that stationaryphones will gradually decrease in number because of the rivalry of mobilephones. You may think they limit your personal freedom because of accessibility, or youmay feel safe with the help of your cell phone. It is a personal choice whether to buy a cellphone or not and maybe it is a matter of personality too. However, it is going to get moreand more difficult to resist the spread of the cell phone." (Muzaffer Sisli, Adv 2003)

    4. Use questions and quotations

    Using questions and quotations in the conclusion can be a good way to bring your essay to a close. Ifyou can find a quotation that fits your position, the conclusion will sound interesting.

    There are other ways of ending an essay, of course. Whichever method you use, make sure that you

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    reach a conclusion at the end of your essay.

    Never bring up new ideas or start new discussions in the conclusion.

    Do not let your essay finish weakly with a weak conclusion section. A good essay deserves agood conclusion.

    Make sure that your conclusion is consistent with the arguments in your essay. Sometimes youmay get carried away and end up concluding the opposite of your thesis, especially if you donot plan well. Do not let such inconsistency happen.

    Definition Essay

    |Printable version|


    The aim in this essay is to define, explain, and exemplify something. Generally, in definition essays,we try to make the terms that we use understandable for the reader. Our understanding of a termmay be different from the general concept, or we may be focusing on a specific aspect. Giving anexact definition would enable the reader to follow the ideas and arguments in your essay.


    Definition of a term is generally given in the introduction. The development of the essay is dedicatedto the explanation of the term. There are many ways to explain a term. It is also possible to employmore than one of these methods of development. Below are some of the types of organization thatcan be used. To illustrate these types of organization, the term Total Quality Management (TQM) isgiven as an example:

    Explanation of a Process: The steps involved in the implementation of TQM.

    Description: Examples of the kind of labor conflict that TQM is supposed to eliminateor alleviate.

    Comparison/Contrast: Contrasts to other management theories, demonstrating whatTQM is not as well as what it is.

    Cause/Effect: How TQM responds to certain needs in the workplace.

    Narrative: Anecdotal illustration

    After writing the essay, we can check to see whether the term is clearly defined or there are stillvague points.

    Let's have a look at the organization of the sample essay "What is This Thing Called Love?" The writerhas explained the term "love" by explaining first what love is not (comparison / contrastorganization). Here is the analysis of the sample essay:

    Origin and history of the term "love" what love is NOT

    what love ISLanguage:

    Depending on the kind of organization, you can choose certain transitions; for example, if you areshowing the differences between TQM and other management systems, you use on the other hand,whereas, etc.

    Sample definition essay:

    What is This Thing Called Love?

    A wise man once said that love is a wonderful thing. Although this statement leaves sparse room forargument, it does little to define what love is beyond the vague realm of wonderful. It is my duty as a

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    devout romantic to embark upon the seemingly difficult task of defining love by looking at the history,explaining what love is not, and examining the uses of love and the results of that usage.

    The origin of the word is probably the most logical place to start. As with many words in the Englishlanguage, love is a derivative of the Latin word "causemajoraproblemus" which means "You'remiserable when you got it and miserable when you don't." The word was created to explain thebiological phenomenon that existed when certain individuals came into contact with each other andeither remained together or went about their lives separately. Regardless of the outcome, therelationship was usually characteristic of throat lumps, knotted stomaches, weak knees, temporary

    loss of language, sweaty palms, dizziness, sneezing, and occasional nausea. Belligerent insanity alsoresulted. History clearly illustrates this. Can we ever forget the face that launched a thousand ships?Federally expressing Van Gogh's ear? The construction of Le Tour Eiffel? All of these were results oflove and love lost.

    Star-crossed lovers have stated that love is not hand nor foot nor any part belonging to a man.Matrimonial ceremonies also claim that love is not jealous or boastful. Let it be stated here that lovealso is not a gourmet dish, a domesticated animal, or a latest trend. Love is not a strategic defensemechanism nor the best kept secret at the Pentagon. Love is not another seasoning to bottle andstick on the dust-lined shelves of the spice rack. Love is not to be confused with adhesive tape.

    Instead, love is a great counterpart to late, evening thunder storms on hot July nights. Love goes welwith cold pizza on picnic blankets. Love is cold, wet sand between bare toes. Love is a capitalistic sell-

    all for novels, Top-40 pop songs, summer movies, and greeting cards.In its simplest terms, love is a four-letter word. Much like other words of similar letter make up,when expressed it can evoke laughter, pleasure, pain, anger, and virtually any wave of reaction. Lovealso can be confused with feelings of indigestion and gas. Houses have been built, burned, andbanished because of love.

    Definition Essay


    The aim in this essay is to define, explain, and exemplify something. Generally, in definition essays, we try to make the terms thatwe use understandable for the reader. Our understanding of a term may be different from the general concept, or we may befocusing on a specific aspect. Giving an exact definition would enable the reader to follow the ideas and arguments in your essay.

    Organization:Definition of a term is generally given in the introduction. The development of the essay is dedicatedto the explanation of the term. There are many ways to explain a term. It is also possible to employmore than one of these methods of development. Below are some of the types of organization thatcan be used. To illustrate these types of organization, the term Total Quality Management (TQM) isgiven as an example:

    Explanation of a Process: The steps involved in the implementation of TQM.

    Description: Examples of the kind of labor conflict that TQM is supposed to eliminateor alleviate.

    Comparison/Contrast: Contrasts to other management theories, demonstrating what

    TQM is not as well as what it is. Cause/Effect: How TQM responds to certain needs in the workplace.

    Narrative: Anecdotal illustration

    After writing the essay, we can check to see whether the term is clearly defined or there are stillvague points.Let's have a look at the organization of the sample essay "What is This Thing Called Love?" The writerhas explained the term "love" by explaining first what love is not (comparison / contrastorganization). Here is the analysis of the sample essay:

    Origin and history of the term "love" what love is NOT

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    what love ISLanguage:

    Depending on the kind of organization, you can choose certain transitions; for example, if you areshowing the differences between TQM and other management systems, you use on the other hand,whereas, etc.

    Sample definition essay:

    What is This Thing Called Love?

    A wise man once said that love is a wonderful thing. Although this statement leaves sparse room forargument, it does little to define what love is beyond the vague realm of wonderful. It is my duty as adevout romantic to embark upon the seemingly difficult task of defining love by looking at the history,explaining what love is not, and examining the uses of love and the results of that usage.

    The origin of the word is probably the most logical place to start. As with many words in the Englishlanguage, love is a derivative of the Latin word "causemajoraproblemus" which means "You'remiserable when you got it and miserable when you don't." The word was created to explain thebiological phenomenon that existed when certain individuals came into contact with each other andeither remained together or went about their lives separately. Regardless of the outcome, therelationship was usually characteristic of throat lumps, knotted stomaches, weak knees, temporary

    loss of language, sweaty palms, dizziness, sneezing, and occasional nausea. Belligerent insanity alsoresulted. History clearly illustrates this. Can we ever forget the face that launched a thousand ships?Federally expressing Van Gogh's ear? The construction of Le Tour Eiffel? All of these were results oflove and love lost.

    Star-crossed lovers have stated that love is not hand nor foot nor any part belonging to a man.Matrimonial ceremonies also claim that love is not jealous or boastful. Let it be stated here that lovealso is not a gourmet dish, a domesticated animal, or a latest trend. Love is not a strategic defensemechanism nor the best kept secret at the Pentagon. Love is not another seasoning to bottle andstick on the dust-lined shelves of the spice rack. Love is not to be confused with adhesive tape.

    Instead, love is a great counterpart to late, evening thunder storms on hot July nights. Love goes welwith cold pizza on picnic blankets. Love is cold, wet sand between bare toes. Love is a capitalistic sell-

    all for novels, Top-40 pop songs, summer movies, and greeting cards.

    In its simplest terms, love is a four-letter word. Much like other words of similar letter make up,when expressed it can evoke laughter, pleasure, pain, anger, and virtually any wave of reaction. Lovealso can be confused with feelings of indigestion and gas. Houses have been built, burned, andbanished because of love.

    Comparison and Contrast Essay

    |Printable version|


    In this kind of essay, the aim is to show the similarities and differences of two items, two people, twocountries, or how something or someone has changed. When comparing two things, we focus moreon the similarities though we may mention the differences shortly. When contrasting two things, wepoint out the differences between them.

    The most important point to consider while planning a comparison and contrast essay is choosingcomparable items.

    e.g. Middle East Technical University and Bogazici University.

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    We have to make sure that these two items have enough points to be compared. After writing thecomparable points as a list,





    social clubs,

    sports facilities,

    we have to eliminate some of them and choose 2-3 from the list that can lead to full supportedparagraphs.





    Two patterns of organization are possible:

    1. Point-by-Point

    In this pattern, the organization is as follows:

    thesis statement: METU and BOUN are Turkey's two very prestigious universities with some

    differences in their specialties, facilities, and locations.I. specialty

    A. METU

    B. BOUN

    II. facility

    A. METU

    B. BOUN

    III. location

    A. METU

    B. BOUN

    For each of the points of comparison, we compare and contrast the two items.

    2. Block (All of One / All of the Other)

    In this pattern, the two items to be compared and contrasted form two separateparagraphs. In each paragraph the points of comparison are discussed in the same order,as in the following organization:

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    thesis statement: METU and BOUN are Turkey's two very prestigious universities with some

    differences in their specialties, facilities, and locations.

    I. BOUN

    A. specialty

    B. facility

    C. location

    II. METU

    A. specialty

    B. facility

    C. location

    This pattern is mostly used when the amount of information about the items is limited.Also some topics (e.g. Your life before and after the divorce of your parents) lend

    themselves to block type organization.Language:

    The two patterns differ in terms of language as well. While pattern 2 is quite straightforward, pattern1 requires more transitions but the end product is more understandable for the reader.

    Some transitions that can be used for showing similarity:

    similar to, like , both ... and ... ,in addition , moreover , besides, likewise , similarly , in the sameway

    Some transitions indicating difference:

    different from

    in contrast to

    compared with



    on the other hand


    in contrast


    Do not forget that using transitions enables the piece of writing to be coherent; it is easier for thereader to follow our ideas when transitions are used to link them together. However, overuse oftransitions causes a traffic jam and should be avoided. We should be using transitions sparingly (onlywhen necessary).

    Sample comparison contrast essay:

    METU and Bogazici University

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    Almost all high school students who would like to further their academic lives in the university searchfor information about the various universities of Turkey. Among many universities in Turkey, two ofthem are the most popular: Middle East Technical University and Bogazici University. They areconsidered the best. However, since both cannot be THE BEST, their specialties, facilities and locationsneed to be examined in detail to be able to choose the most suitable university for one's educationlife.

    One of the areas that one should investigate is the specialties of the two universities. METU is acomparatively new university (1956). Its aim was to contribute to the development of Turkey and

    Middle East countries and especially to train people so as to create a skilled workforce in the fields ofnatural and social sciences. The first academic program to start education was the Department ofArchitecture. It was followed by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Today, there are 37undergraduate programs in five faculties of METU. Bogazici University, on the other hand, is a veryold university (1863). Its first name was Robert College. It got its present name in 1971. It startededucation by giving Bachelor of Arts degree. Engineering building was built later (1912). Today,Bogazici is known to graduate students who have strong social and business skills.

    The second point we would like to compare is their facilities. METU is widely recognized with itscultural and intellectual facilities. The campus houses pioneers of some clubs such as mountaineeringand scuba diving clubs, which are only two of a total of 25 different social clubs that students canchoose. There is an alumni society. There are two gymnasiums, 7 tennis courts, a closed and an openswimming pool. However, the campus is far from the city center; therefore, there are not many

    places to eat at around the campus. METU has a very good library with hard and electronic copies ofmany books and journals. Bogazici also has a very good library, a swimming pool, a gymnasium andan alumni society that offers many extra-curricular courses, such as fitness, yoga, cooking courses.There are canteens on campus. However, unlike METU, Bogazici is situated in Etiler and it is close toBebek, places popular with young people and there are a lot of places to eat around the campus.

    This brings us to the third point we would like to compare; the campus. The two campuses are quitedifferent from each other. Bogazici campus is quite old; dates back to the second half of 19th centuryThe buildings are very old. Though they are restored from time to time, they have historical valueand their facades cannot be changed. The campus is full of old trees and it has an awesome view ofthe Bosphorus. The campus is quite large. However, new buildings cannot be added so two newcampuses have been constructed. One is called the North Campus and is quite close to the main

    campus. The other is in Kilyos, 40 km away. There are shuttle busses for both campuses. METU, onthe other hand, is modern looking with concrete and red brick buildings. The campus is large enoughto allow construction of new buildings. With many green areas where students can meet and talk, ithas a more academic atmosphere.

    As a conclusion, we can say that METU dwells more on the technical departments and a closedcampus life which enables the students to concentrate on their courses more. On the other hand,Bogazici is very good at social sciences and economics departments and has every facility to create acultural and intellectual environment for the student. One should evaluate ones priorities beforemaking such a choice.

    Classification Essay|Printable version

    Definition:In a classification essay, we organize things into categories and give examples of thingsthat fit into each category. For example, if you choose to write about types of computers(PCs and servers), each of your developmental paragraphs will define the characteristicsof a different computer type.

    Classification criteria:Before writing, it is necessary to decide on the classification criteria. We should thinkaccording to what properties we are going to classify things. The criteria must bediscriminating and the emerging classes should be non-overlapping.

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    In the sample essay about types of computers, the computers are classified according totheir functions and capabilities, as:

    Sample essay analysistopic: 5 types of computers criteria: their functions and capabilities

    1. PCgeneral use by a singleperson

    desktop: permanentlaptop: portable

    2. Workstationused for 3D graphics, gamedevelopment

    powerful microprocessor,additional memory andenhanced capabilities

    3. Serverused to provide services toother computers

    have powerful processors,lots of memory and largehard drives

    4. Main frameused in business enables hundreds of people

    to work together

    5. Super computerused for jobs that takemassive amounts ofcalculating

    very powerful

    Organization:The introduction of a classification essay is quite straightforward. In the thesis statement,you mention that there are (number) types of (something) according to their (properties).In the developmental paragraphs, you need to define each type you mentioned in thethesis. You may also need to show the similarities and/or differences of these types.Giving examples would enable your readers to understand better.

    Language:The common transitions used while classifying are the first kind / type / group, the secondkind / type / group, the third kind / type / group.Sample classification essay:

    Types of ComputersThere are a lot of terms used to describe computers. Most of these words imply the size,expected use or capability of the computer. While the term computer can apply tovirtually any device that has a microprocessor in it, most people think of a computer as a

    device that receives input from the user through a mouse or keyboard, processes it insome fashion and displays the result on a screen. Computers can be divided into fiveaccording to the purpose they are used for and their capabilities.The most familiar type of microprocessor is the personal computer (PC). It designed forgeneral use by a single person. While a Mac is also a PC, most people relate the term withsystems that run the Windows operating system. PCs were first knownas microcomputers because they were a complete computer but built on a smaller scalethan the huge systems in use by most businesses. A PC can come in two types (three ifwe include the Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) that differ from PCs not by the working

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    policy but in appearance as well.): Desktop and laptop. The former is not designed forportability. The expectation with desktop systems is that you will set the computer up in apermanent location. Most desktops offer more power, storage and versatility for less costthan their portable brethren. On the other hand, the laptops - also called notebooks - areportable computers that integrate the display, keyboard, a pointing device or trackball,processor, memory andhard drive all in a battery-operated package slightly larger than anaverage hardcover book.Another purpose for using a microprocessor is as a workstation. The computers used forthis purpose have a more powerful processor, additional memory and enhancedcapabilities for performing a special group of task, such as 3D Graphics or gamedevelopment.

    A computer can also be used as a server. For this, it needs to be optimized to provideservices to other computers over a network. Serversusually have powerful processors,lots of memory and large hard drives.

    A fourth type, a main frame is the heart of a network of computers or terminals whichallows hundreds of people to work at the same time on the same data. It is indispensable

    for the business world.Sometimes, computers can be used for specialized fields as well. The supercomputeristhe top of the heap in power and expense. It is used for jobs that take massive amountsof calculating, like weather forecasting, engineering design and testing, seriousdecryption, and economic forecasting.

    With the increasing demand in different specialties, new adjustments are being made tomicroprocessors and new types of computers that serve different purposes emerge. Inthis ongoing process, it would not possible to put a full stop here. What we suggest is thatit is better to keep en eye on the development of science in this field and keep updating

    our knowledge in order not to be out-of-date like the computers of old times that were asbig as a room.

    Cause and effect Essay|Printable version

    Definition:In this kind of essay, the aim is to explain the causes (reasons) or the effects (results) ofan event or situation.

    e.g. Causes of air pollution (multiple factors leading to air pollution).

    e.g. Effects of watching too much TV (many effects of a situation).

    Sometimes an event causes something to happen, and that situation leads to anotherevent, and it causes another event to happen. This is called the causal chainor domino effect.

    e.g. Use of deodorants will bring the end of the world.

    There may be several causes or effects of a situation. However, in a student essay, it isadvisable to keep the number of major points to 2 or 3, which form separatedevelopmental paragraphs.

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    Organization:Depending on the topic, there may be three patterns of organization:1. Multiple causes-->effectIn this pattern, the organization is as follows:

    thesis statement: Air pollution is caused by the following factors: exhaust gases from cars,

    uncontrolled factory releases, and burning of low-quality coal for heating.I. exhaust gases from cars

    A. government does not have enough control

    B. citizens are not conscientious

    II. uncontrolled factory gases

    A. no regular checks on gases released

    B. factories are inside the borders of residential areas

    III. burning of low-quality coal for heating

    A. no governmental control

    B. other forms of energy too expensive

    Each developmental paragraph is devoted to one of the causes of air pollution. Each causeis supported by two minor supports. While writing, these major and minor ideas should beadequately explained and exemplified as well.

    2. Cause-->Multiple effectsIn this pattern, the effects of a certain situation are explained in separate paragraphs,with the following organization:

    thesis statement: Watching too much TV is one of the major sociological issues of this century,

    which has many effects on the physiology and psychology of people.I. eating disorders

    A. TV meals

    B. obesity

    II. communication problems

    A. more violence

    B. no interpersonal talk

    Again, we have grouped related effects under two main points: physiological and

    psychological. Then, we have supported each effect with two minor supports (A and B).While writing, we should explain these major and minor supports by giving examplesand/or defining what we mean, as well.

    3. Causal chain / DominoIn this pattern, the events lead to one another, as in the following organization:

    thesis statement: Using deodorants with chlorofluorocarbon gas will bring the end of world.

    I. Chlorofluorocarbon gases are contained in most deodorants and released by some factories

    into the air.

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    II. This gas causes the ozone layer to become thinner and finally disappear in patches.

    III. The unfiltered ultraviolet rays of the sun cause overheating in the poles of the earth,

    where the icebergs start to melt.

    IV. The huge amount of water released from the poles leads to a rise in the sea-level.

    V. The sea will cover the land and this will be the end of the world.

    Again, each major point should be supported with examples, statistics that show that

    there are some factories and deodorants that release chlorofluorocarbons, that there is arise in the sea-level, etc.Language:To explain reasons and results, we use:As a result,As a consequence,Consequently,So,SinceAs,

    BecauseOne reason why ...One of the most important reasons why ...The main reasons why ...There are other reasons, too, ...

    Do not forget that using transitions enables the piece of writing to be coherent; it is easierfor the reader to follow our ideas when transitions are used to link them together.However, overuse of transitions causes a traffic jam and should be avoided. We should beusing transitions sparingly (only when necessary).

    Sample cause and effect essay


    Discoveries and invention of devices are always welcome till we, humans, find a way toabuse its benefits and be adversely affected by it. This was the case when WilhelmRoentgen discovered x-ray and within five years, the British Army was using a mobile x-ray unit to locate bullets and shrapnel in wounded soldiers in the Sudan. TV was alsoinvented with positive thoughts in mind there would be no national borders, educationand communication would be worldwide, etc. However, we are now trying to overcome its

    physiological and psychological adverse effects on human beings.One of the physiological effects of watching TV in excessive amounts is eye-strain. It istrue that there are specifications for watching TV; TV should be 5 m. away from the eye,the room should be adequately lit, TV should be placed at the same height with our eyes,etc. However, these do not prevent our eyes from getting tired if we keep watching TV fora long time. Another effect is obesity, which is widely observed in people who likewatching TV and eating snacks everyday (there is even a term TV snacks to refer tofast food that is suitable for eating in front of the TV). TV is such a powerful machine thatpeople cannot get away from it it is addictive.

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    Apart from the physiological effects, TV also causes psychological effects. One is a resultof being exposed to violence. After seeing so many violent scenes on TV, people startconsidering violent actions normal and they lose their sensitivity to their environmentPartly connected to this effect, the interpersonal communication among people decreases.Being insensitive to the suffering of other people causes people to become alienated. Also,after coming home from work people seek to relax in front of the TV, and generally peopleprefer watching TV to talking to each other. This issue is very important since lack ofinterpersonal relationships mostly end with divorces.Shortly, inventions are meant to be beneficial for human beings, if we know how to benefitfrom them. TV is one of such inventions that need to be used for the right purpose only being educated and entertained for a reasonable (according to age) period of time. Wemay, then, be safe from or at least reduce the adverse physiological and psychologicaeffects of watching too much TV.

    ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY|Printable version

    Definition Refuting opposing argumentsOrganization LanguageSupporting our ideas Sample argumentative essay

    Definition: In this kind of essay, we not only give information but also present anargument with the PROS (supporting ideas) and CONS (opposing ideas) of anargumentative issue. We should clearly take our stand and write as if we are trying topersuade an opposing audience to adopt new beliefs or behavior. The primary objective isto persuade people to change beliefs that many of them do not want to change.

    Choosing an argumentative topic is not an easy task. The topic should be such that it should be narrowed down

    XMarijuana should be considered illegal. (Not a good topic because it is too general. Insome medical cases, marijuana is prescribed by the doctors and the patients areencouraged to use it in case of suffering from too much pain)

    Selling and using marijuana in public places should be considered illegal.

    it should contain an argument

    XWe should decide whether we want a bicycle or a car. (our stand is not clear: do wesupport having bicycles or cars?)

    If we are under the age of 30 and want a healthy life, we should definitely get abicycle instead of a car.

    XAre you one of those who thinks cheating is not good for students? (a question cannotbe an argument)

    Cheating helps students learn.

    X Considering its geological position, Turkey has an important geopolitical role in the

    EU. (facts cannot be arguments)

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    Considering its geopolitical role, we can clearly say that the EU cannot be

    without Turkey.

    it should be a topic that can be adequately supported (with statistics, outside sourcecitations, etc.)

    XI feel that writing an argumentative essay is definitely a challenging

    task. (feelings cannot be supported; we cannot persuade other people)

    If you believe that you can find enough evidence to support your idea and refute otherseffectively, you can choose challenging topics as well. You can enjoy writing about suchtopics:

    Cheating is beneficial for students.

    Murat 124 is a very good choice for conscientious drivers.

    Stress is good for the human body.

    Polygamy is quite natural.

    For women, there is no need for men.

    Organization: All argumentative topics have PROs and CONs. Before starting writing, it isimperative to make a list of these ideas and choose the most suitable ones among themfor supporting and refuting.There are three possible organization patterns:Pattern 1:

    Thesis statement:

    PRO idea 1PRO idea 2

    CON(s) + Refutation(s)Conclusion

    Pattern 2:

    Thesis statement:

    CON(s) + Refutation(s)PRO idea 1PRO idea 2

    ConclusionPattern 3:

    Thesis statement:

    CON idea 1 -----> RefutationCON idea 2 -----> RefutationCON idea 3 -----> Refutation


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    The sample essay has been written according to the third pattern.

    Thesis: Do Reiki instead of taking medicine.

    Counter arguments Refutation1. People should trust medicine

    since it is effective andscientifically proven.

    -----> Reiki is also scientifically proven and

    does not have side effects.(refutation method: insufficientclaim)

    2. Serious illnesses such as

    HIV/AIDS and cancer cannot

    be treated without medicine.

    -----> Medicine also cannot treat serious

    illnesses if not diagnosed at an early

    stage. (refutation method:opponents are partially correct)

    3. Reiki, like alternative healing

    methods, requires a lot of


    -----> Reiki requires less time if done

    regularly. (refutation method:opponents are completely wrong)

    Supporting our ideas: This is the most important part when persuading others. We areasking some people to change their beliefs or actions. We should be supporting our ideaswith such facts, statistics and/or authorities that there should not be room for any doubts.Here are some faultysupports we should avoid:

    Thesis: Leaving the university and starting to work is good for the adolescent because

    Feelings, emotional arguments ( it makes one feel much better.)

    Irrelevant examples (wandering off the topic) ( he would then be able to take his

    girlfriend to expensive restaurants.) Oversimplification ( only then would he understand what it means to be an adult.)

    Hasty generalizations (... it is a widely known fact that all adolescents look forward to

    earning money.)

    Unreliable, even false outside sources ( according to www.doubtme.com, 80% of work-

    ing men wish they quit school when they were at university and started working at an ear-

    lier age.)For more mistakes in the logic of arguments, see Fallacies.

    Refuting opposing arguments: Before we start saying that the opponents are wrong,we should specifytheir opposing ideas. Otherwise, it would be like hitting the other personwith eyes closed. We should see clearly what we are hitting and be prepared beforehandso that he cannot hit us back. We can do this by knowing what we are refuting.

    e.g. XSome people may say that adolescents should not leave university education

    however, they are wrong. (what they say is not wrong. Maybe their supporting idea iswrong /irrelevant /insufficient. We should state their supporting idea specifically tobe able to refute it.)

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    Some people may say that adolescents should not leave university education

    because they are not physically and psychologically mature enough to cope with the

    problems of the real world. However, they forget one fact: adolescents can vote or start

    driving at the age of 18 (in some countries even before that age!), which proves that they

    are considered physically and psychologically matureat that age.Language: Signposts gain importance in the argumentative essay. They enable thereaders to follow our arguments easily.When pointing out opposing arguments ( CONs ):

    Opponents of this idea claim / maintain that

    Those who disagree / are against these ideas may say / assert that

    Some people may disagree with this idea.When stating specifically why they think like that:

    The put forward this idea because

    They claim that since Reaching the turning point:



    On the other hand,When refuting the opposing idea, we may use the following strategies:

    compromise but prove that their argument is not powerful enough:

    They have a point in thinking like that.

    To a certain extent they are right. completely disagree:

    After seeing this evidence, there is no way we can agree with what they say.

    say that their argument is irrelevantto the topic:

    What we are discussing here is not what they are trying to prove.

    Their argument is irrelevant.

    Sample argumentative essay:

    HEALTH AND HEALING AT YOUR FINGERTIPSThrow out the bottles and boxes of drugs in your house. A new theory suggests thatmedicine could be bad for your health, which should at least come as good news to peoplewho cannot afford to buy expensive medicine. However, it is a blow to the medicineindustry, and an even bigger blow to our confidence in the progress of science. This newtheory argues that healing is at our fingertips: we can be healthy by doing Reiki on aregular basis.

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    drug boxes we store in our drug cabinet!