Wrinkle treatments to fight aging and look your Best.

Wrinkle Treatments BAY AREA PELLEVE.COM

Transcript of Wrinkle treatments to fight aging and look your Best.

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Wrinkle TreatmentsBAY AREA PELLEVE.COM

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Welcome to Bay Area Pellve.com

The San Francisco Bay Area home for Wrinkle Treatments, Skin Tightening, and Facial Rejuvenation.

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Mirror Mirror on the wall…

Wrinkles! You wake up one morning, you look into the mirror, and it hits you.

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Mirror Mirror on the wall…

Whether you're just beginning to see the first signs of aging, or whether you can no longer ignore the tell-tale lines, expression marks, and loose skin that no longer hides your years - wrinkle treatment sooner or later becomes a priority.

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Not You???

Many people both Men and Women somehow believe it won’t affect them.

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Not You???

That it will somehow gracefully pass them by, either not leaving the lines on their complexions or that the lines won’t leave marks upon their hearts.

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Not You???

And for some perhaps it is true, but for many of us this just isn’t the case. It’s not vanity, it’s just the truth in the matter…

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Even the staunchest opponent to beauty treatments is likely to break

down and seek out information about wrinkle treatment at some

time in their lives.

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Today’s Wrinkle Treatments…

The good news is today’s anti-aging cosmetic procedures and wrinkle treatments have much to offer in keeping you looking young for longer, and combating signs of aging including wrinkles, age spots, loose skin, etc.

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Popular Wrinkle Treatments

Let’s take a brief look at some popular treatments for wrinkles. A more detailed look at skin tightening and procedures to fight the signs of aging, restore beauty, and keep you looking your best can be seen on our website.

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Topical Skin Treatments That Reduce Wrinkles

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Wrinkle Cream, Magic Potions and Wrinkle Lotions.

There are many studies indicating that the following ingredients can help to reduce wrinkles and the effects of aging. These anti aging ingredients listed as wrinkle fighters, can be found in popular skin-care treatments both prescription and over the counter.

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Retinoids/Retinol Wrinkle fighter

Tretinoin, known as Retin A is is a prescription strength wrinkle cream that reduces fine lines and wrinkles, repairs sun damage, treats acne, and is an FDA-approved proven wrinkle fighter.

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Retinol a less concentrated form is found in many over-the-counter wrinkle fighter products, wrinkle lotions, potions, and serums.

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Retinol has been in use medically for many years, it’s antiaging and wrinkle treating benefits are well documented.

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Other Topical Skin Care Ingredients worth mention…

There are several other wrinkle fighting ingredients that can help. ( alpha-hydroxy acids,

Idebenone, topical vitamin C) that may be of some benefit. For more information on these

substances, see our website for Wrinkle Creams.Gels Cream s Serums

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Medical and Beauty Spa Treatments

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Medical and Spa Treatments

These include various anti-aging treatments, cosmetic procedures, including wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, and surgical procedures, etc. all aimed at treating wrinkles, tightening skin, and keeping you looking your very best.

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Results Vary…

Results with these cosmetic treatments vary. Each has its own set of risks, rewards, and potential side effects.

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Combination Treatments…

Depending on your expectations, the abundance of deep wrinkles, and accumulated skin damage, a combination of these treatments may be best for achieving the revitalized skin you seek.

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Wrinkle Injections

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Botox. Botulinum toxin works to get rid of wrinkles in an interesting way. It effectively paralyses muscle contractions by disrupting communication between the nerve and muscle.

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By paralyzing muscles that produce the "frown lines, wrinkles, crows feet etc.", a softer less aged appearance is gained, and the further development and deep wrinkling effect in these areas may be postponed.

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Botox injections can last for several months after which time more treatments are necessary to maintain the effects.

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Injectable Wrinkle fillers

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Restylane, Juvederm, Etc.

Restylane, Juvederm, etc., Fat, collagen, hyaluronic acid, and other synthetic compounds all injected into the skin to increase volume and remove wrinkles.

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Restylane, Juvederm, Etc.

These dermal fillers fight loose skin, folds, depressions, etc. by filling in depressions and are injected into deeper wrinkles on your face to plump up and tighten the skin.

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Collagen is the oldest and probably the most well-known of the injectable wrinkle fillers. More recently, hyaluronic acid (Restylane, Juvederm, Radiesse) have stolen the limelight.

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Injections are an ongoing wrinkle therapy and need to be repeated often, as the effect of most fillers is temporary

lasting only a few months.

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High Energy Cosmetic Treatments

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Laser Skin Tightening /Laser Skin resurfacing

High Energy in the form of Light is used to treat skin for tightening and cosmetic enhancement. There are ablative Laser skin treatments (carbon dioxide and erbium lasers) and non-ablative laser treatments.

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Ablative Laser Treatments…

Ablative (skin damaging) lasers remove the top layer of your

skin, stimulating the skin into a healing response while also

treating deeper skin layers and triggering them into natural

collagen production. The effect is to plump up sagging skin and

tighten wrinkles with natural stores of new collagen.

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Laser Resurfacing…

Laser skin resurfacing can be painful. Sedation is often used or combined with anesthetic creams during treatments. Skin treatments may need to be repeated for full effects.

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Skin can take weeks to months to heal, and the side effects can include

permanent pigmentation changes and scarring.

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Non-ablative laser resurfacing

These are lasers that aim to stimulate collagen remodeling

under the skin without damaging the skins surface.

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Non-ablative laser resurfacing

The advantages are that the procedures are nearly painless and there is no extended period

of healing and downtime involved. Several treatments may be necessary to achieve

full results.

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You can learn more about skin tightening, collagen, and laser skin treatments by visiting our



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Heat and Radiofrequency Skin


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Pelleve, Thermage, Ultherapy, etc.

These are all noninvasive cosmetic procedures for tightening and facial rejuvenation.

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Pelleve, Thermage, Ultherapy, etc.

Radiofrequency energy, infrared light sources, and even ultrasound technology can be employed to treat tissues beneath the skins surface, and stimulate new collagen production.

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Pelleve, Thermage, Ultherapy, etc.

These treatments like non-ablative lasers all aim to plump, fill, and tighten the skin by enhancing new collagen production to fill and tighten the deeper skin matrix that has lost its original fullness, tone, and vigor.

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High Energy Cosmetic Treatments…

Treatments vary in intensity, effectiveness, and duration. See the rest of our website for more non-surgical skin tightening or click here now to learn more about Pelleve Radio Frequency Skin Tightening.

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Chemical Peels

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Chemical peel

This cosmetic treatment may employ a number of differing chemicals to chemically damage or “burn" away the top layer of skin.

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Chemical peel

This causes the dermal tissues to replace the burned away skin with new skin of a cosmetically superior nature.

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Chemical peel

The idea is you end up with younger-looking, tighter, healthier appearing, smoother skin. There may also be a tightening effect.

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Depth of Peels…

Peels are classified by the depth that they treat to. Superficial peels may make only the slightest difference in fine lines and wrinkles.

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Depth of Peels…

Intermediate depth peels do a better job of smoothing fine lines but are still not a major impact player when it comes to treating wrinkles.

The deepest peels have the greatest chance of truly impacting fine lines and wrinkles, but also carry the greatest risk for side effects such as scarring and permanent skin pigmentation problems.

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This is a surgical procedure, performed under anesthesia, by a qualified physician. Dermabrasion techniques remove the topmost layer of skin causing new, more evenly textured skin to form in its place.

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Instead of burning the skin away with light energy (like a laser) or chemically burning it away (like a chemical peel) Dermabrasion literally sands it away with an abrasive tool and or compound.

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Dermabrasion can produce excellent results but can also produce significant side effects. Scarring and permanent pigmentation problems are possible drawbacks as well as downtime for pain and healing.

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This is Surgical Dermabrasions little sister. This cosmetic procedure removes only a fine layer of skin and doesn’t treat to deeper layers.

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This anti-wrinkle technique produces modest, temporary results and usually requires a series of treatments to produce noticeable results.

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Microdermabrasion does not change skin anatomy at a foundational level the way high energy treatments do.

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There is no new skin being generated from burning or abrading, or any plumping effects from collagen remodeling, or injectable fillers.

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Wrinkle results if any will be modest at best, though it may make the face feel smoother, look fresher, brighter, healthier, etc.

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Cosmetic Surgery

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Cosmetic Surgery

Face-lift. To put it mildly, cosmetic surgery is extreme. Many people’s symptoms truly don’t require it to get the results they are after.

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Face Lift

If, however your symptoms are advanced with deep wrinkling, skin laxity, and sun damage… Cosmetic Surgery may be the only treatment that will get you the results you seek.

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See our section on non-invasive facelifts first and visit the rest of our

website to learn more about non surgical facial rejuvenation and

modern skin tightening methods.

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Surgical Face Lifts

The face-lift procedure can involve cutting, stretching, removing excess skin and fat in your face, tightening the underlying muscle and connective tissue, and re-draping the skin (stretching it) over the facial features.

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Surgical Face Lifts

Bruising, swelling, pain, anesthesia, and all the associated risks and side effects that go with surgery are to be expected.

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Surgical Face Lifts

Healing times can be lengthy and you may be shocked with the results.

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Surgical Face Lifts Good cosmetic surgical

procedures are still the benchmark that all other cosmetic treatments are measured by. The results are the most immediate and typically last five to 10 years.

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Non-Surgical Options

Cosmetic Surgery like we have said is extreme and it is for advanced skin problems or when you want major changes to your appearance. We encourage you to consider and explore less invasive and radical procedures first as an alternative to plastic surgery.

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Learn More about Wrinkle Treatment, Skin Tightening, Facial Rejuvenation


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Visit the rest of our website for cosmetic surgery wrinkle treatment alternatives that in most cases can get you the excellent results you are after.

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Contact Bay Area Pelleve Today

• We hope that this brief introduction to today’s popular Skin Treatments was helpful for you.

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Contact Bay Area Pelleve Today

• For deeper skin care information, and resources be sure to see the rest of our website at:• http://bayareapelleve.com

to learn more about looking your very best.

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Bay Area Pelleve.com

Contact Bay Area Pelleve today for a consultation with a wrinkle treatment provider near you.

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For the Rest of the Story…

See the full article and Video at: http://bayareapelleve.com/wrinkle-treatments/

See the YouTube Video at: https://
