
Halle Evans L. M. Raymond, MA UWRT 1103 July 6, 2015 Writing Prompt #1: Early Reading Memories One of my earliest memories of learning how to read is being three years old sitting at the dining room table in my Godmother’s kitchen struggling to decipher words in children’s books. At the time, my parents both worked long hours so I would spend most days at my Godmother’s house. When I was there, my Godbrother, Jimmy, would also be there. While his mother cooked he found old books for me to try to read. While I fought to understand the words on each page, the two would bicker back and forth whether I was too young to begin learning to read. “When she’s at daycare, they learn shapes and colors, this is too much!” she’d say. He’d retort that if I learned earlier I’d be better at it. This conflict happened most days but everyday that I was there I continued to read and ended up getting better everyday.


writing prompt #1

Transcript of WP#1

Halle EvansL. M. Raymond, MAUWRT 1103July 6, 2015Writing Prompt #1: Early Reading MemoriesOne of my earliest memories of learning how to read is being three years old sitting at the dining room table in my Godmothers kitchen struggling to decipher words in childrens books. At the time, my parents both worked long hours so I would spend most days at my Godmothers house. When I was there, my Godbrother, Jimmy, would also be there. While his mother cooked he found old books for me to try to read. While I fought to understand the words on each page, the two would bicker back and forth whether I was too young to begin learning to read. When shes at daycare, they learn shapes and colors, this is too much! shed say. Hed retort that if I learned earlier Id be better at it. This conflict happened most days but everyday that I was there I continued to read and ended up getting better everyday.Another thing that I remember that helped me learn how to read was the Harold and the Purple Crayon series. I do not recall going a day without reading one of those books throughout kindergarten and first grade. I cherished those books as a child and read them daily. Even on weekends I would carry around a small pink backpack with two or three of the books in it wherever I went with anyone. I would walk around the grocery store with my mother, sit in the cart, and read. Once the cart started to fill up I had to walk beside it and I remember walking into things multiple times. Even once my reading ability grew for me to read tougher material, my parents had to hide the books so I wouldnt read them.