Worship Folder Cover7.18.10

Announcements July 18th, 2010 ♦ 10:15 AM To live as Jesus lived and love as Jesus loved. Please Take Note Prayer 2010 Furniture Giveaway for the International Student Fellowship Ministry is scheduled Saturday morning, August 8th. Please view the insert in your bulletin and contact Bill and Joan Wood with any questions. Please keep Vivian Douglas, Eduardo, Rosita, Ester and Elmer in your prayers as and as they travel to New York and spend a week at music camp. Please pray for Marlo Apple and her family as they mourn the death of her grandmother on July 6th. Pray for God’s peace and comfort to surround them. We are in the process of updating Bethel’s directory. Please review the information in the lobby and make any necessary edits. Please also sign up for a date and time to have your picture taken for the directory. Potter’s Shop will be holding another garage sale at the Dangs’ home, on July 23rd, to raise money for a jungle gym. Please bring your contributions to the church. Libby Dang requests your prayers for a co-worker who is battling cancer and fighting for her life. She has a young family and a husband who is unemployed. Pray for God’s healing, comfort and provision for the family. Barbara Taylor asks your prayers for Ed, a patient who has recently been diagnosed with brain cancer and has a life expectancy of two months unless he undergoes a surgery that could leave him deaf and blind. Please pray for Jean Lanier’s sister, Lisa Kendall, who is home recovering from multiple surgical procedures. Please keep Eunice Gaskins in your prayers. She is at University Hospital recovering from knee surgery once thought risky because of heart problems. Truth and Reconciliation by Graham Burns “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2


To live as Jesus lived and love as Jesus loved. Please keep Vivian Douglas, Eduardo, Rosita, Ester and Elmer in your prayers as and as they travel to New York and spend a week at music camp. Barbara Taylor asks your prayers for Ed, a patient who has recently been diagnosed with brain cancer and has a life expectancy of two months unless he undergoes a surgery that could leave him deaf and blind. Truth and Reconciliation by Graham Burns

Transcript of Worship Folder Cover7.18.10


July 18th, 2010 ♦ 10:15 AM

To live as Jesus lived and love as Jesus loved.

Please Take Note


2010 Furniture Giveaway for the International Student Fellowship Ministry is scheduled Saturday morning, August

8th. Please view the insert in your bulletin and contact Bill and Joan Wood with any questions.

Please keep Vivian Douglas, Eduardo, Rosita, Ester and Elmer in your prayers as and as they travel to New York and spend a week at music camp.

Please pray for Marlo Apple and her family as they mourn the death of her grandmother on July 6th. Pray for

God’s peace and comfort to surround them.

We are in the process of updating Bethel’s directory. Please review the information in the lobby and make any

necessary edits. Please also sign up for a date and time to have your picture taken for the directory.

Potter’s Shop will be holding another garage sale at the Dangs’ home, on July 23rd, to raise money for a jungle

gym. Please bring your contributions to the church.

Libby Dang requests your prayers for a co-worker who is battling cancer and fighting for her life. She has a young family and a husband who is unemployed. Pray for God’s

healing, comfort and provision for the family.

Barbara Taylor asks your prayers for Ed, a patient who has recently been diagnosed with brain cancer and has a life expectancy of two months unless he undergoes a surgery

that could leave him deaf and blind.

Please pray for Jean Lanier’s sister, Lisa Kendall, who is home recovering from multiple surgical procedures.

Please keep Eunice Gaskins in your prayers. She is at University Hospital recovering from knee surgery once

thought risky because of heart problems.

Truth and Reconciliation by Graham Burns

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Hebrews 12:2

Staff Scottye Holloway,

Lead Pastor Chelsea Mecaskey,

Office Manager

2706 Noble Road

Cleveland Heights, OH 44121 Office Phone: 216.381.5501

Office Fax: 216.381.5568

[email protected]


Church Office Summer Hours:

Mon-Thurs. 8:00-3:00

Fri: 8:00-11:00

Sat. Office Closed

Connection Groups Adult Small Groups These groups meet at various times throughout the week. For more information, please contact the office. Women’s Ministry ▪ Activities are held irregularly and will be announced at least a week prior to occurring. Men’s Groups ▪ Men’s Bible Study in the book of Romans~ Saturday mornings, 8AM. All men are encouraged to participate. ▪ Basketball meets on Thursdays at 7:30PM for a time of exercise and Bible study. Potter’s Shop, childcare for ages birth to 5 is offered Sunday mornings during worship service in the Education Wing. Youth Group: The schedule for those in Jr. High and Sr. High Youth Group is posted in the Sunday bulletin calendar and also on the church website. The youth meet to grow by learning together how to better live like Christ.

Visitors Welcome to Bethel Church of Cleveland Heights! We are so

glad you came to be with us.

Please fill out the prayer/info

insert in the bulletin so we

know you were here.

Through Saturday July 10th, 2010

Amount Rec’d YTD . . . . . . $121,700.11

Amount of Expenses YTD. . $122,748.20 Surplus/(Shortfall) . . . . . . ($2,048.09)

Last Week’s Giving . . . . . . . $3,287.81

Weekly budget . . . . . . . . . . . $4,298.00



10:15 am

2:00-5:00 pm

Worship Service

Latvian’s Worship



7:00 pm Deacons &

Deaconess joint








7:30 pm Men’s Basketball





8:30 am Men’s Bible Study



10:15 am

2:00-5:00 pm

Worship Service


Meeting to follow**

Latvian’s Worship

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning

its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that

you will not grow weary and lose heart. “

Hebrews 12:1-3