Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1 Worship

Transcript of Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Page 1: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.


Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. YDate: 13/05/2012

Place: Houthalen, Belgium


Page 2: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Today we are going to discuss about:

. Worship. Types of Worship. Acceptable Worship. 5 Acts of Worship. Teaching


Page 3: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

What is Worship?Worship can be defined as an action motivated from our heart of reverence/devotion. Therefore Worship should not be done as a Traditional Activity.Who do we Worship?We worship our Father, who is the God of the Heaven & the Earth. He is also God of our forefathers Abraham, Issac, Jacob. Why do we Worship?In order to Praise our Almighty, Serve him, Glorify him and to thank him.


Page 4: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Therefore we should be clear cased about these points:

1. What is Worship?2. Why do we worship?3. Who do we worship?


Page 5: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.


Types of Worship:There are different types of worship that we can see in this world.

They can be classified on a high level as:. Vain Worship. Ignorant Worship. True Worship

Page 6: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Vain Worship:We can see some Biblical references for Vain Worship.Matthew 15:9 When you do not serve/worship God with your full heart, as the Israelites did, then it is termed as ‘Vain Worship’.2 John 9-11 If we run ahead and do not continue in teaching/doctrine of Christ, then such kind of a Worship is termed as ‘Vain Worship’.


Page 7: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Ignorant Worship:

In this world, we also see people worshipping an Altar, some worshipping Idols, in order to please God.

They do all these sort of activities thinking that it will please him. No, not at all and never.

They perform these type of worship without understanding what God expects from us.


Page 8: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

True Worship:

As when we scan through the bible, we will come across this verse:

John 4:21-24 God expects us to worship in Spirit & in Truth.

This type of Worship involves:Right Person Targeted: GODRight Attitude: SPIRITRight Way: IN TRUTH. 8Worship

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Acceptable Worship:

Therefore Bible clearly states that we should worship our father in heaven, in Spirit & in Truth.

Bible also says that Apostles worshipped on the First day of the week.Acts 20:7 First day of the week.


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5 Acts of Acceptable Worship:

An acceptable worship should consists of all these 5 acts:. Singing. Praying. Teaching. Lord’s Supper. Giving


Page 11: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

5 Acts of Acceptable Worship:

Therefore it is quite important the we should have all these sections/parts/acts in our worship.

Today we will further discuss about the point onTEACHING


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Acts 2:42 The first believers/disciples devoted themselves to the Apostle’s Teaching.

Teaching is an important part of the Worship

Teaching is a very powerful weapon, by which we can spread the word of the Lord, across the world, as he expects.


Page 13: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

TEACHING:[Contd]Matthew 28:18-20 Teach all Nations, with the word of the Lord.Many people take these verses just to Baptize

people in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

Later in the verse 20, Jesus insists on “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you”. Not many people do this.

But Teaching the word is very important.13Worship

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Lets go in details about Teaching:

Teaching- is a Part of our Worship/ServiceImportance of DoctrineWays to Preach the GospelResults of Teaching the Truth


Page 15: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Teaching- is a Part of our Worship/Service:Acts 2:42 Early disciples continue in the Doctrine,

preached by the Apostles.2 Timothy 2:2 Paul writes that we need to

say/teach in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.

Acts 7 When you have some time, please read through the entire chapter of Acts 7, where we can read about “STEPHEN”, a wonderful servant of God.


Page 16: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Teaching- is a Part of our Worship/Service [Contd]:

Acts 8:4 At the end of Chapter 7, there was huge trouble

which appeared for all the churches in Jerusalem. And except the apostles, all other people scattered away from Jerusalem in order to save their lives.

But we need to notice on what they did after they ran away from Jerusalem. Those who were scattered preached the word, wherever they went.


Page 17: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Teaching- is a Part of our Worship/Service [Contd]:

1 Peter 2:2 We have to crave for this milk of the word, the spiritual milk so that by it, you may grow up in your salvation.

We should always be craving for this milk in our spiritual life, as it will help us to correct our ways towards God, in case if we deviate from it.

It will also ensure that we end up with the right destination, the heaven.


Page 18: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Teaching- is a Part of our Worship/Service [Contd]:

Acts 5:39-42 Here we see another incident which happened to Peter and other apostles. At the end, Apostles were flogged/thrashed saying that they should not speak in the name of the Jesus, and let them Go. Apostles felt extremely happy, rejoicing because they had been counted worth of suffering disgrace for the name of Jesus Christ. Day after Day, in the temple courts, and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ. 18Worship

Page 19: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Teaching- is a Part of our Worship/Service [Contd]:

1 Timothy 4:6,11 Paul writes to Timothy that if you point these things out to the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, brought up in the truths of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed.

Also he states that Timothy has to Command and teach these things to the people.


Page 20: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Importance of Doctrine: Whose doctrine do we need to follow?2 John 9-11: Any one who runs ahead and does not

continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God;

There are many doctrines prevailing in this world.But Bible clearly specified that we should follow the doctrine of the Christ.When do we need to preach?2 Timothy 4:1-4 be prepared in season and out

season; We should be ready/prepared always.20Worship

Page 21: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Importance of Doctrine: What will the TRUTH DO?John 8:32 states that know the truth and the

truth will set you free.Free? From what?It will make us from our sins through baptism and will also guide/protect us from not doing/repeating it again.What is the Power of the Doctrine?Romans 1:16 Gospel – is the power of God for

the salvation of everyone who believes.21Worship

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Importance of Doctrine: Christ’s Doctrine is not the philosophy of this world1 Corinthians 1:21 God had made foolish the

wisdom of God. For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did no know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.

Therefore Christ’s Doctrine is not a Human Doctrine or a Philosophy.


Page 23: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Importance of Doctrine: Christ’s Doctrine is not a perverted Gospel:Galatians 1:6-8 Paul was stunned and astonished

that the Galatians quickly deserting the one who called them by Grace of Christ and were turning to a different gospel, which is really no Gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you to into confusion and are trying to pervert the Gospel of Christ.

Read verse 9 too.


Page 24: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Ways to Preach the Gospel:2 Timothy 4:1-4 We already saw that we should

always be prepared to preach the Gospel in season or out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage, with great patience and careful instruction.

For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears what to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.


Page 25: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Ways to Preach the Gospel:Whom do we need to teach?Matthew 28:18-20 States that Jesus Christ has

commanded us to preach the word or God, his Gospel to all creatures in this whole world.

Therefore let us take the responsibility in our hands and continue to work for the Lord. He will be really happy, to see us when he comes back.


Page 26: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Ways to Preach the Gospel:Encouraging one another:Hebrews 10:24,25 And let us consider how we

spur one another on towards love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us all encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

We can only encourage our selves one another, with the word of the Lord. This is another reason why we have the Teaching as a part of the Worship.


Page 27: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Ways to Preach the Gospel:Mediums used for Preaching/Teaching:2 Timothy 4:13 Paul writes to Timothy reminding

him about his scrolls and parchments, which contains his letters to the churches.

Now a days we also see different mediums which can be used to spread the Gospel like Television/Radio/Mails/Personal Contacts etc.

It is up to us to choose the best medium which we can in order to spread the word.


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Results of Teaching the Truth:2 Peter 1:5-11 Read from the bible.If we possess these qualities in increasing measure,

they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord.

Dears, be all the more eager to make you calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

This teaching will grow our spiritual maturity.28Worship

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Results of Teaching the Truth:Become a Teacher:Hebrews 5: 12-14 Read from the bible.By this time, we all are supposed to be preachers of

the word. But we all look like infants in


Page 30: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Results of Teaching the Truth:Serve as a faithful teacher:Ephesians 4:11-16 Read the bible versesChrist gave some to be apostles, prophets,

evangelists, pastors & teachers to prepare God’s people for work of his service.

To be come mature, attaining the whole measure of fulness of Christ.

No longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves and blown here and there by the wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.


Page 31: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Results of Teaching the Truth:Serve as a faithful teacher:Ephesians 4:11-16 Contd:Instead , speaking the truth in love, we will grow up

in all things, who is the head – Christ.

Be able to give answers:1 Peter 3:15 Always be prepared to give answer

to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.


Page 32: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Results of Teaching the Truth:Helps in growing faith in others:Romans 10:17 Faith comes from hearing the

message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.

Teaching helps in convincing other people, to understand the love of our Father towards everyone.


Page 33: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Results of Teaching the Truth:Helps to fix our eyes on Christ:Hebrews 12:1,2 The word teaches us more and

more about Jesus and also helps us to fix our eyes on Jesus and to let us run with perseverance the race set out for us.


Page 34: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

Conclusion:. Learnt about Worship. Types of Worship. Acceptable Worship. 5 Acts of Acceptable Worship

. Teaching. Singing. Praying. Lord’s Supper. Giving offering

. Teaching & its important Characteristics34Worship

Page 35: Worship Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Worship.

!!!! AMEN !!!!
