World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects...

World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically and internationally now and in the future?

Transcript of World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects...

Page 1: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

World War IIUnit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can

understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically and internationally now and in the future?

Page 2: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 3: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Why did the TREATY OF VERSAILLES not prevent WW II?

Today in History :• Astronauts die in launch pad fire, 1967• Paris Peace Accords signed, 1973Interesting Fact?: There are only four words in the English language

which end in "-dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.

The Word and Event: (1940s)• Heebie-Jeebies - The jitters.• Walt Disney wins a 1943 Academy Award for his

animated short film Der Fuehrer's Face.

January 27


Page 4: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Why did the TREATY OF

VERSAILLES not prevent WW II?

WW I sets the stage.

(Thinking back to the GREAT POWERS GAME and WW I.)

1.Suppose you were a leader of a country on the winning side of

WW I. (US, Great Britain, France)

2.What do you want in the Treaty of Versailles at the end of WW I.

3.What about the Soviet Union that was an ally that suffered huge loss of lives and land but quit before the war was over?

Page 5: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Why did the TREATY OF

VERSAILLES not prevent WW II?

WW I the “War to End All Wars”?

Ultimately:1. The Treaty of Versailles did not

remove the M.A.I.N. causes for WW I.2. Germany suffers extreme economic

depression. The new democratic government is slow and inadequate in making improvements. As a result Germans turn to Adolf Hitler.

3. League of Nations is weak and ignore Germany’s military build up.

4. Russia wants to regain lost territory.5. Russia is left out and resents and

does not trust the Western Democracies.

Page 6: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Why did the TREATY OF

VERSAILLES not prevent WW II?

WW I the “War to End All Wars”?

Ultimately:1. Led by Benito Mussolini Italy felt it

had not gotten what it should have and wants to return to the glory of the Roman Empire.

2. The military gains control in Japan and unchallenged by the L.O.N. pushes to expand their dominance in Asia and the Pacific.

3. In the name of self determination Eastern Europe, including parts of Germany, is divided up into smaller countries leaving them small and defenseless.

Page 7: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

VIDEO “Over the Edge”WWII

Objective:•Was the US involvement and reactions to the events that led to WW II appropriate?

Page 8: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 9: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Evaluate the US governments reactions to events that lead to


Today in History :Challenger explodes, 1986Interesting Fact?: Someone on Earth reports seeing a UFO every

three minutes.The Word and Events (1940s):• Flat Tire - A dull, disappointing date• Marvel Comics introduces superhero Captain

America in March 1941.

January 28


Page 10: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Evaluate the US governments reactions to events that lead to WW II

Today in History :• King George III dies, 1820• Kansas enters the Union as a free state, 1861Interesting Fact?: Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus

every two weeks otherwise it will digest itself. The Word:• Soitently- Sure!• After approximately 14 years, carving at Mount

Rushmore concludes in October 1941.

January 29,


Page 11: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

VIDEO “Over the Edge”WWII

Objective:•Was the US involvement and reactions to the events that led to WW II appropriate?

Page 12: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Evaluate the US governments reactions to events that lead to WW II

Key EventsUS reaction

1931• Japan attacks China (Sets

up Puppet Government in Manchuria).

• US issues Stimson Doctrine.

1933• Hitler becomes “Der Fuhrer” of

Germany and makes anti-democracy speeches.

1935• Italy led by Benito Mussolini

invades Ethiopia• US Neutrality Act 1935

Page 13: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Evaluate the US governments reactions to events that lead to WW II

Key EventsUS reaction

1936• Germany and Italy supports a Fascist

rebellion in Spain.• Hitler rebuilds the German military

and occupies the Rhineland in defiance of the Treaty of Versailles.

• US Neutrality Act 19361937• Japan invades China and takes control

of most of the east coast.• US Neutrality Act 1937 (Roosevelt sells

arms to China anyway.)1938• Hitler uses the police and the military

against his own people (Jews).• Hitler takes Austria• Hitler takes Czechoslovakia• Munich Conference (appeasement)

Page 14: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Evaluate the US governments reactions to events that lead to WW II

Key EventsUS reaction

1939• Soviet Union and Germany

signed a non-aggression pact. (Secret deal divides Poland)

• St. Louis rejected• Hitler takes Poland• WW II Begins• Hitler attacks a neighboring,

neutral country. (Belgium)1940• United States partially

embargoed resources (oil and steel) to Japan in response to Japanese aggression in Asia and the Pacific

• FDR makes “Destroyers for Bases” deal with GB

Page 15: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Evaluate the US governments reactions to events that lead to WW II

Key EventsUS reaction

1941• Germany invades the Soviet

Union• US enacts Lend-Lease Act• USS Reuben James is sunk by

Germany while escorting ships to Great Britain.

• Japan takes Indochina. • United States completely

embargoed resources (oil) to Japan, and froze all Japanese assets in American entities.

Page 16: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Why did the US remain neutral for so long?


Stop trade with warring countries and stay out of the war.

America First Committee •Not our fight•WW I had not settled the problem•WW I had been connected to munitions makers (Nye Report)•US not prepared for war•War too costly in lives and money•Many people did not want to fight against their “homeland”

Page 17: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Why did the US remain neutral for so long?


Continue trade and support for Allies and

enter the war ourselves.

Fight for Freedom Committee •Stop aggression•Stop genocide•Historically we had more ties to the Allies•Economically we had more ties to the Allies•Future imbalance of world power would become a threat •Last major Democracy ready to fall•US ships had been attacked

Page 18: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Why did the US remain neutral for so long?

Internationalists And

Franklin Roosevelt

Committee to Defend America•Provide supplies and aid to the Allies BUT NOT fight directly.

•The US should become the “great arsenal of democracy.”

Page 19: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Evaluate the US governments reactions to events that lead to WW II

Pearl Harbor

1941• Dec. 7 Japan acts Pearl Harbor.• US enters WW II

Page 20: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect different ethnic groups?

Small Group Research Project

• You will choose your groups• 2-3 students per topic

• You will signup for a topic.• Topics are grouped by

ethnicity.• Topics are either Events in

the US or Heroes and Leaders involved in the War.

• We will be using the computers to day and tomorrow to compile


Page 21: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect different ethnic groups?

Small Group Research Project

• After you have signed up for a topic meet with your group

members to organize how you are going to get this project completed with limited class

time available• Who is going to be responsible

for information about your individuals or event?

• Who is going to research the background of the event or

relevant information about your ethnic group during the war?

• You should have your research completed by the end of class


Page 22: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 23: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Evaluate the US governments reactions to events that lead to WW II

Today in History :Adolf Hitler is named chancellor of Germany, 1933Interesting Fact?: Windmills always turn counter-clockwise. Except for

the windmills in Ireland. The Word and Events (1940s):• Stoolie – Someone who tattles on a friend• Diarist Anne Frank and her family go into hiding

in the "Achterhuis" on July 6, 1942, in Amsterdam

January 30


Page 24: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Research Project

1. Get your yellow Responsibility sheet from yesterday (On the front table)

2. Sign out, turn on, and log in on your computer.

Page 25: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect different ethnic groups?

Small Group Research Project

1. Finish filling out your own individual responsibility sheet.

2. Research and write a summary of information about your portion of the research topic include your source information.

3. By the end of class you need to save your information to the “W” student drive.

4. By the end of class you need to print and staple your information to your own responsibility sheet.



Page 26: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 27: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

What was the impact of WW II on the US?

Today in History :First Groundhog Day, 1887Interesting Fact?: Phil Simms was the first player to say the ‘I’m

Going to Disney World’ after winning the Super Bowl?

The Word and Events(1940s):• Carry a Torch - To have a crush on someone.• Band leader Alton Glenn Miller disappears while

enroute to Paris, France, December 15, 1944.

Feb 2


Page 28: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Evaluate the US governments reactions to events that lead to WW II

Pearl Harbor

1941• Dec. 7 Japan acts Pearl Harbor.• US enters WW II

Page 29: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Key people and events in WW II.

Benito MussoliniFascism


Page 30: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Key people and events in WW II.

Adolph HitlerNazism - Same as Fascism but

with a greater emphasis on racism.


Page 31: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Key people and events in WW II.

Hideki Tojo & Emperor Hirohito

Militarism – Same as Fascism but government led by a

group of military leaders and the EmperorJapan

Page 32: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Key people and events in WW II.

• United States

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Page 33: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Key people and events in WW II.

• Great Britain

Winston Churchill

Page 34: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Key people and events in WW II.

Joseph Stalin

“Stalinist” Communism – Hated Fascists and Nazis

but ultimately was basically the same.

Soviet Union

Page 35: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect different ethnic groups?

Small Group Research Project

1. Finish filling out your own individual responsibility sheet.

2. Research and write a summary of information about your portion of the research topic include your source information.

3. By the end of class you need to save your information to the “W” student drive.

4. By the end of class you need to print and staple your information to your own responsibility sheet.



Page 36: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect different ethnic groups?

Small Group Presentations

PowerPoint – Outline of information.

Notes – Typed text of what you are

going to say about each slide.

• Using your information about our topic create a

PowerPoint following the instruction sheet.

• Focus on summarizing/outlining the information for the slides.

• Include notes explaining the slides in the note section.

• At this point all back grounds must be white.

• Save to your student “W” drive.

(See Example)

Page 37: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 38: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

What was the impact of WW II on the US?

Today in History :Alberto Gonzales becomes first Hispanic U.S.

attorney general, 2005 Interesting Fact?: Mike Ditka is the only man to score a Super Bowl

touchdown and later be a head coach of a Super Bowl-winning team.

The Word and Events (1940s):• Cooking with gas – Doing something right.• Department stores begin selling Tupperware® in


Feb 3

Page 39: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect different ethnic groups?

Small Group Presentations

PowerPoint – Outline of information.

Notes – Typed text of what you are

going to say about each slide.

• Using your information about our topic create a

PowerPoint following the instruction sheet.

• Using the FOCUS questions outline the information for

the slides.• You should have one picture

per slide.• Include notes explaining

each slide in the note section.

• At this point all back grounds must be white.

• Print your PowerPoint with the notes/explanation at the bottom. (see the


Page 40: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect different ethnic groups?

Small Group Presentations

By the end of the period the following is

due:1.PowerPoint – Outline (bullet

points) of information.2.Notes – Typed text of what you are going to say about

each slide. Print a copy for me of the

PowerPoint/Notes. (After you print the

PowerPoint/Notes you can change the background and

download it on my flash drive.)

Page 41: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 42: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

What was the impact of WW II on the US?

Today in History :First U.S. president elected, 1789States meet to form Confederacy, 1861Ford buys Lincoln, 1922Interesting Fact?: 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents

daily. The Word and Events (1940s):• Charles Yeager becomes the first man to break

the sound barrier on October 14, 1947

February 4


Page 43: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect different ethnic groups?

Small Group Presentations

(15 minutes)

PowerPoint – Outline of information.

Notes – Typed text of what you are

going to say about each slide.

• FINISH your PowerPoint following the instruction

sheet.• Using the FOCUS questions

outline the information for the slides.

• You should have one picture per slide.

• Include notes explaining each slide in the note

section.• At this point all back grounds

must be white.• Print two copies of your

PowerPoint with the notes/explanation at the

bottom. (see the example).

Page 44: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect different ethnic groups?

Small Group Presentations

(During the Presentations

On a separate sheet of paper that you will turn in write the following information for each

presentation.1.Title (who or what is being talked about)2.Why is this person or topic so important?3.Interesting fact.

Page 45: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 46: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

What was the impact of WW II on the US?

Today in History :Beckwith convicted of killing Medgar Evers in

1963, 1994Interesting Fact?: When snakes are born with two heads, they fight

each other for food. The Word and Events (1940s):• Hi sugar, are you rationed? — Are you going

steady?• NASCAR® holds its first modified stock car race in

Daytona Beach, FL, in 1948.

February 5


Page 47: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

What was the impact of WW II on the US?

Today in History :Roosevelt announces "court-packing" plan, 1937Hitler to Mussolini: “Fight harder!”, 1941Interesting Fact?: A cow produces 200 times more gas a day than a

person. The Word and Events (1940s):• Horse feathers - an expletive expressing

frustration or disapproval; same usage as applesauce.

• George Orwell publishes Nineteen Eighty-Four in 1949.

February 6

Civics Projects Due March 30th


Page 48: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect different ethnic groups?

Small Group Presentations

You will receive 5 bonus points for

presenting your own PowerPoint.

If you choose to not present, someone else

can volunteer to present for you and

they will receive the 5 bonus points.

Page 49: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect different ethnic groups?

Small Group Presentations

For each group presenting you will be

taking notes to turn in about:

•Significance•Point of View


(5 points for notes for each presentation)

Page 50: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 51: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

World War II in Europe• 1941-42 - Germany controls most of

Europe. Italy controls much of Mediterranean Europe. Japan controls East Asia and the Pacific.

• 1942 - Stalingrad holds. Allies attack Italian forces in North Africa “Operation Torch”

• 1943 - Allies invade Italy.• 1944 - Allies invade France at

Normandy. (Operation Overlord)• May 1945 - Victory in Europe.

Page 52: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

World War II in the Pacific

• 1941- Japan attack Pearl Harbor• 1942- Doolittle raid on Tokyo.• 1942-1945- First – Battle of

Guadalcanal. Battle of Midway. US and Allies slowly push back Japan. (leap frog)

• 1945- US drops Atomic bombs at Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

• August 1945 - Japan surrenders.

Page 53: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

VIDEO “Civilians at War”WWII

Objective:When, if ever, is it justified to target civilians in war?

Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group.

Justified – just, right, valid, good, correct, ethical

Page 54: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 55: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

What was the impact of WW II on the US?

Today in History : • Daylight saving time instituted, 1942• McCarthy says communists are in State Department,

1950• America meets the Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show,

1964Interesting Fact?: A monkey was once tried and convicted for smoking a

cigarette in South Bend, Indiana. The Word and Events (1940s):• Hard Boiled - a tough, strong guy.• 1947: A Hollywood blacklist of alleged Communist

sympathizers includes 300 writers, directors and actors.

Feb 9


Page 56: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Past Assignments

• If you were absent or did not do an assignment from last week you need to make it up.

• If you were absent or did not get notes from last week you need to get notes from another student.

• We will be writing an essay later this week, probably Thursday, in class. You will be able to use your notes. Be sure to have your notes available from the Great Depression and WW II.

Page 57: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Civilians at War – Germany “blitz” attacks on British cities

• More than one million London houses were destroyed or damaged, and more than 40,000 civilians were killed, almost half of them in London.

Page 58: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Civilians at War – Great Britain and US bomb Germany

• Every major German city was bombed, and many were more than half-destroyed. German civilian deaths are estimated around 400,000.

Page 59: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Civilians at War – THE HOLOCAUST

• Jews under Nazi control lost all rights.

• Many European Jews were tortured.

• Six million Jews were killed (2/3 of the European Jews) in Concentration Camps and other war time actions.

Page 60: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect those who fought and the people they returned to?

“The Best Years of Our Lives.”

The story of three veterans returning home from WW II.Captain Fred Derry- Bombardier, former “soda jerk, was married just before being sent to war, and was from a poor family. Seaman Homer Parrish- Lost his hands in a fire during the war, returning to a girlfriend he had planned to marry, and was from a middle class family.Sergeant –Al Stephanson – Infantry soldier, former bank executive, married for twenty years, and was financially successful.

Page 61: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 62: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

What was the impact of WW II on the US?

Today in History : • The French and Indian War ends, 1763• Soviet and American spies swapped, 1962Interesting Fact?: Al Capone's business card said he was a used

furniture dealer. The Word and Events(1940s):• Flip your wig — to lose control of yourself• 1948: The bikini arrives on American beaches

Feb 10


Page 63: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Civilians at War - Italian Atrocities in Ethiopia

• Wide spread use of mustard gas

• Ethiopia estimates that over 670,000 were killed.

Page 64: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Civilians at War –Japanese Atrocities in China

• Nanjing Massacre – 300,000 killed

• “Comfort Women”

• Total - Over 15 Million Chinese killed.

Page 65: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Civilians at War – US “Fire” bombing of Tokyo

• Seven months of bombing.

• Combination of explosive and incendiary bombs.

• Over 100,000 killed in one night in Tokyo. Over 500,000 total.

Page 66: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Civilians at War - Its Da Bomb

• On August 2, 1939, just before World War II, Albert Einstein and several other scientists told Roosevelt of efforts in Nazi Germany to build an atomic bomb.

• Shortly thereafter the United States secretly started "The Manhattan Project” to produce an atomic bomb code named “Gadget”.

• First successful test July, 1945.

Page 67: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect those who fought and the people they returned to?

“The Best Years of Our Lives.”

The story of three veterans returning home from WW II.Captain Fred Derry- Bombardier, former “soda jerk, was married just before being sent to war, and was from a poor family. Seaman Homer Parrish- Lost his hands in a fire during the war, returning to a girlfriend he had planned to marry, and was from a middle class family.Sergeant –Al Stephanson – Infantry soldier, former bank executive, married for twenty years, and was financially successful.

Page 68: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 69: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

What was the impact of WW II on the US?

Today in History : Emma Goldman is arrested for lecturing and

distributing materials about birth control. 1916Interesting Fact?: Al Capone's business card said he was a used

furniture dealer. The Word and Events(1940s)• Drugstore Cowboy - a guy that hangs around on

a street corner trying to pick up girls.• 1943: "Amos 'n Andy" is cancelled after 15

years and 4,000 consecutive radio shows.

Feb 11


Page 70: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Civilians at War - Its Da Bomb

• On August 2, 1939, just before World War II, Albert Einstein and several other scientists told Roosevelt of efforts in Nazi Germany to build an atomic bomb.

• Shortly thereafter the United States secretly started "The Manhattan Project” to produce an atomic bomb code named “Gadget”.

• First successful test July, 1945.

Page 71: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.


• Some 90,000 to 100,000 persons are killed immediately; about 145,000 persons will perish from the bombing by the end of 1945.

Page 72: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

HiroshimaBefore After

Page 73: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Nagasaki• Leveled Area: 6.7 million

square metersDamaged Houses: 18,409CasualtiesKilled------73,884Injured-----74,909Total------148,793(Large numbers of people died in the following years from the effects of radioactive poisoning.)

Page 74: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect those who fought and the people they returned to?

“The Best Years of Our Lives.”

The story of three veterans returning home from WW II.Captain Fred Derry- Bombardier, former “soda jerk, was married just before being sent to war, and was from a poor family. Seaman Homer Parrish- Lost his hands in a fire during the war, returning to a girlfriend he had planned to marry, and was from a middle class family.Sergeant –Al Stephanson – Infantry soldier, former bank executive, married for twenty years, and was financially successful.

Page 75: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 76: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 77: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

What was the impact of WW II on the US?

Today in History : President Clinton acquitted, 1999Interesting Fact?: HIPPOPOTAMUS sweat is red. It acts as an

antiseptic and sun block. The Word (1940s)• Above my pay grade — Don’t ask me• 1941: Goods shipped to England include Spam,

a new kind of canned and processed meat.

Feb 12


Page 78: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect those who fought and the people they returned to?

US•US becomes world leader military •US becomes world economic leader•GI BILL (loans and education)•Baby BoomWorld•Cold War and Red Scare (45 years)

War Aftermath

Page 79: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect those who fought and the people they returned to?

US•Social Security•Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)•Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)•Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)•Food and Drug Administration (FDA)•Federal Housing Administration (FHA)•Fair Labor Standards Act (NLRB)World•World Wide depression was part of the foundations of WW II

Great Depression Aftermath

Page 80: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect those who fought and the people they returned to?

Prompt - “World War II had a greater impact than the Great Depression on American society.” Assess the validity of this statement. Will be graded for a separate assignment grade:1.Dissect the prompt to insure you cover all parts.2.Create a brief outline or graphic organizer on the bottom half of the front page.

Written Assessment

(open note)

Page 81: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect those who fought and the people they returned to?

Prompt - “World War II had a greater impact than the Great Depression on American society.” Assess the validity of this statement. •Think then and after.•Use your notes and personal knowledge to respond to the prompt. •Identify two or more social science perspectives to show change or impact on American society.

Remember:Use the rubric and five habits

of the mind (last page) to help guide your work.

Written Assessment

(open note)

Page 82: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 83: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

What was the impact of WW II on the US?

Today in History : First Medal of Honor action, 1861Interesting Fact?: A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in just one

night. The Word (1940s):• Mud — coffee• 1940: Nickel jukeboxes appear in taverns; 16

songs costs 50 cents, 3 minutes of silence is also available for 5 cents.

Feb 13


Page 84: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect those who fought and the people they returned to?

Prompt - “World War II had a greater impact than the Great Depression on American society.” Assess the validity of this statement. •Think then and after.•Use your notes and personal knowledge to respond to the prompt. •Identify two or more social science perspectives to show change or impact on American society.

Remember:Use the rubric and five habits

of the mind (last page) to help guide your work.


Written Assessment

(open note)

Page 85: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

Pass forward your essay and your Best Years worksheet.

On the Monday we are back from break we will have an


Page 86: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

How did events during WWII affect those who fought and the people they returned to?

Prompt - “World War II had a greater impact than the Great Depression on American society.” Assess the validity of this statement. •Use your notes and personal knowledge to respond to the prompt. •Identify two or more social science perspectives to show change or impact on American society.

Helpful Hints1.Dissect the prompt to insure you cover all parts.2.Create a brief outline or graphic organizer.3.Use the rubric and five habits of the mind (last page) to help guide your work.


Written Assessment

(open note)

Page 87: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.
Page 88: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.

What were the Causes

and Effects of WW II?

WW II Test

• All cell phones must remain put away while tests are out.

• You can NOT use your notes, video worksheets, or study guides.

• Use a #2 pencil

• Write your name on the appropriate line.

• For subject write – WW II Test A or Test B

• Do not write on the test sheets.

• When you are finished turn your answer sheet over and work on something else.

• Mind your own business at your desk.

Page 89: World War II Unit Objective: As responsible citizens, how can understanding the causes and effects of World War II help us make better decisions domestically.