World Usability Day 2015 Megan Schwarz Lifelong Learning in UX.

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Learning is a process that leads to change, occurs as a result of experience and increases the potential for improved performances and future learning. Ambrose, et al, How Learning

Transcript of World Usability Day 2015 Megan Schwarz Lifelong Learning in UX.

World Usability Day 2015 Megan Schwarz Lifelong Learning in UX You sell your expertise, you have a limited repertoire. You sell your ignorance, its an unlimited repertoire. -Richard Learning is a process that leads to change, occurs as a result of experience and increases the potential for improved performances and future learning. Ambrose, et al, How Learning Zone of Proximal Development what I can do now what I can do with guidance what I cant do Vygotsky Where Do I Methods for Continuous Learning REFLECT UNLEARN RELEARN TEACH Methods for Continuous Learning REFLECT UNLEARN RELEARN TEACH Process of Metacognition ASSESS the task EVALUATE strengths & weaknesses PLAN APPLY strategies REFLECT and adjust if needed MONITOR performances BELIEFS about intelligence and learning Ambrose, et al, How Learning Assess the Task 1.Do I understand the task? 2.Do I know what methods need to be applied to complete the task successfully? 3.If not, do I know how to discover new methods for completing this task? ASSESS the Evaluate Strengths & Weaknesses 1.What does this task require of me? 2.Do I have the skills necessary to complete this task? 3.If not, how can I get the help I need in order to accomplish this task? EVALUATE strengths & Plan 1.How much time do I have to complete the task? 2.What should I start doing first? 3.Do I have everything I need to succeed? Monitor Performance & Apply Strategies 1.Are my methods working towards solving this problem? 2.Am I applying these methods correctly? 3.Are there any other methods I should be considering that would work better? MONITOR performances APPLY Reflect & Adjust if Needed 1.Is the cost of changing strategies part way through worth the gain? REFLECT and adjust if 1.Am I smart? 2.Is my intelligence gained or fixed? 3.Am I good at my job? 4.Am I a fast or slow learner? Beliefs About Intelligence & Learning ASSESS the task EVALUATE strengths & weaknesses PLAN APPLY strategies REFLECT and adjust if needed MONITOR performances BELIEFS about intelligence and Methods for Continuous Learning REFLECT UNLEARN RELEARN TEACH The kinds of nets we know how to weave determine the kinds of nets we cast. These nets in turn, determine the kinds of fish we catch." Eisner, Cognition & Curriculum Reconsidered The Danger of the Knowledge Structure Prior knowledge can be incorrect, insufficient, inactive or inappropriate (even in expert knowledge Knowledge I Dont Know Methods for Continuous Learning REFLECT UNLEARN RELEARN TEACH Go Back to the Learn From Outsiders Architecture Writing Education Design Engineering Try New Methodologies Learn from each other Draw from other fields Collaborate with non-UX team members Adapt an existing method or make up your own Great Think Take a Class Continuous learning courses Free online classes (e.g. Coursera) Workshops, interactive sessions, Methods for Continuous Learning REFLECT UNLEARN RELEARN TEACH Give a Talk Putting together a talk is another kind of net, it will yield you new insight into your work and work Forces you to make the unconscious, conscious Mentor Unconscious Incompetent Conscious Incompetent Conscious Competent Unconscious Competent Stages of Look to be Methods for Continuous Learning REFLECT UNLEARN RELEARN TEACH Weve lost our tolerance for discomfort and vulnerability, but its where the juice happens. Brene Why? We have a strong desire to belong Self-esteem acts as a measuring stick for how we think we are fitting in Abrams, et al, The Social Psychology of Inclusion and Correlation Self-Esteem Learning = Vulnerability Embrace the Methods for Continuous Learning REFLECT UNLEARN RELEARN TEACH Stop striving to be an expert UX designer Start striving to be an expert