World diabetes day -- T1D Education

World Diabetes Day November 14, 2013


Here is another T1D presentation that is both educational and fun for younger kids. It helps demystify T1D while also getting a few laughs in there. Good for any parent/caregiver or nurse who might want to share this material with a class or social club.

Transcript of World diabetes day -- T1D Education

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World Diabetes DayNovember 14, 2013

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World Diabetes Day is an annual event that helps raise awareness

November 14 is the birthday of a scientist whose research led to the discovery of insulin—that’s medicine for people with diabetes

Why does diabetes get its own day?

Did you know over 350 million people around the world have diabetes?

unite for diabetes

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Diabetes is actually a group of diseases Harry’s type is called Type 1 or Juvenile

Diabetes “Type 2” diabetes is much more common

than Type I but it’s very different from Type I

Over 26 million people in the U.S.A. have diabetes

Why do they call it Type 1 Diabetes?

Only 3 million people in the U.S. have Type 1 Diabetes.

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Harry has a special type of diabetes called Super Diabetes

This form of T1d is very rare, but allows him to do some really special things like Turn invisible Make smoke come out of his ears Swim underwater without needing to breathe

Harry’s special form of diabetes

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We don’t know why…but, scientists are getting more clues every day about why someone might get it

What we do know: It’s NOT Harry’s fault It’s NOT contagious It’s NOT usually hereditary It’s NOT very common

Why did Harry get Type I Diabetes?

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We don’t know why people get Type 1 Diabetes, but there’s strong evidence that those people either Travel in time leveraging their time machines Have super powers and often Come from a different planet

What else do we know aboutwho gets Diabetes?

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His pancreas stopped making insulin Insulin is like a key

It unlocks cells so that sugar can enter and be used for energy

When there is not enough insulin,sugar can’t pass into cells

Over time without insulin, the body will start to struggle with how to make energy

What happened that caused Harry to get Type I Diabetes?

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Very thirsty Very hungry Very, very tired Sad, frustrated, angry…but you aren’t sure


How you might feel without insulin

Excess sugar in the body also makes you have to pee a lot. It’s the body’s way of removing the sugar!

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Very, very able to leap over tall building Constantly wanting to shoot lasers out of

your eyes Suddenly turning green and wanting to

smash things

Other things you might feel without insulin

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Harry is doing the job of his pancreas! He needs to keep his blood sugar in a normal range He tests how much sugar is in his blood using a

meter and a small drop of blood. The number tells him Too much sugar (“too high”). He needs more insulin Not enough sugar (“too low”) ? He might need juice or

candy The perfect amount of sugar? Hooray!

Why does Harry have to go to Mrs. Bain to “test”

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Harry needs to take insulin whenever he eats or drinks carbohydrates (“carbs”)

Carbs turn into sugar in the body Harry is becoming very good at

“counting carbs”

Why does Harry need to know what he’s eating?

We use math to figure out how much insulin Harry needs when he eats

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What’s a carbohydrate?

So muchyummy stuff!

Harry can eat all these foods, he just needs insulin to cover it

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Exercise can act like insulin in the body; it helps convert sugar into energy

With lots of exercise, he might need less insulin or maybe more carbohydrates

It’s important that Harry tests more frequently when he exercises

Why does Harry test before gym or while playing sports?

There are many professional athletes who have Type I Diabetes and excel at their sport

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Now that you know so much about T1D, here’s more you should know

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Nick Jonashas T1D

member of the pop group the Jonas Brothers

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Sonia Sotomayorhas T1D

Supreme Court Justice of the United States of America

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Gary Hall Jr.Has T1D

A gold-medal winning Olympic swimmer

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YodaHas T1D

A very powerful Jedi Master

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Hagrid has T1D

A famous wizard and Hogwarts Game Keeper

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Harry Petriehas T1D

Harry is your friend and classmate!

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By learning more about Type I Diabetes, you’ve helped us celebrate World Diabetes Day

Now you know: Type I Diabetes is a disease The pancreas no longer works the way it should People with T1D need medicine to stay healthy People with T1D are our friends and neighbors …and one more thing

Thank you!

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People with T1D are NOT limited by their disease but can reach for their dreams and achieve them!