World Book Day - Bedtime Hour Luncheon Club Children and ...

Luncheon Club The ladies from the local Luncheon Club visited school at the end of March. They enjoyed being served tea and scones before being entertained by the children with music, singing and poems. Potato Book Characters We also had a competition for the best dressed potato book character. All of the children were very creative and the overall standard of entries was excellent. Well done to all who entered. World Book Day - Bedtime Hour Children and their families were invited to come back to school ready for bed and with their favourite book and teddy for World Book Day this year. The evening was wonderful and everyone enjoyed listening to and reading stories to each other. The highlight of the evening was Mrs Spooner sharing a special story with everyone, before we all departed for our own beds. Bishop’s Visit School has had a special visit from the Bishop of Durham. He answered lots of questions that the children had for him. Dolls House Delight KS1 children had a special visit to Patrick’s home in January, where his mum showed us her collection of wonderful dolls’ houses. Thanks again, Kate.

Transcript of World Book Day - Bedtime Hour Luncheon Club Children and ...

Luncheon Club

The ladies from the

local Luncheon Club

visited school at the

end of March. They

enjoyed being served

tea and scones before

being entertained by

the children with music,

singing and poems.

Potato Book Characters

We also had a competition for the best dressed

potato book character. All of the children were

very creative and the overall standard of entries

was excellent. Well done to all who entered.

World Book Day - Bedtime Hour

Children and their families were invited to come back to school ready

for bed and with their favourite book and teddy for World Book Day

this year.

The evening was wonderful and

everyone enjoyed listening to

and reading stories to each


The highlight of the evening was

Mrs Spooner sharing a special

story with everyone, before we

all departed for our own beds.

Bishop’s Visit

School has had a special

visit from the Bishop of

Durham. He answered

lots of questions that the

children had for him.

Doll’s House Delight

KS1 children had a special

visit to Patrick’s home in

January, where his mum

showed us her collection of

wonderful dolls’ houses.

Thanks again, Kate.

The day was a great success and 140

people popped in to vote for their

favourite sheep, buy a raffle ticket

and enjoy a cup of tea.

George and Brad’s Herdwick was the


We raised almost £800 and this

money will go towards improving our

Early Years outdoor space. Thank

you for your generous support.

Number 29 – April 2017

Welcome to the latest edition of our school newsletter. We have been

very busy this term and are all looking forward to the Easter holidays.

Easter Journey

Sue Peat hosted the whole school

for an Easter Journey recently.

The children learned about the

story of Easter and the

important symbols associated

with Easter time.

Red Nose Day

Children enjoyed lots of fun and games this year and we raised

£132. Thank you for your support.

Westgate Village Hall

hosted a sheep show with a

difference at the

weekend. Organised by the

Friends of the School,

instead of displaying real

sheep, children from

school and the wider

community were invited to

decorate a card one.

Toddler Group

We have been trying out a

toddler group on Friday

mornings. So much fun has been

had by pre-schoolers and

parents alike that the group will

be on every Friday during the

summer term. The fun starts at

9.15am and we hope to see you

and your toddler soon.

Sheep Show at Westgate