World bipolar-day

World Bipolar Day

Transcript of World bipolar-day

World Bipolar Day

World Bipolar Day


So what?Why should I be concerned?”

An estimated 200 Millionafflicted. Faceless, all of them.


These are just numbers..Why should they matter to me?

“Bipolar disorder is responsible for the loss of more disability-adjusted life-years than all forms of cancer or major neurologic conditions such as epilepsy and Alzheimer disease, primarily because of its early onset and chronicity across the life span”Source:

An estimated 10% of bipolars succumb to suicide.

Imagine the economic devastation that families face. Every job lost steals a family of its bread winner.

Half of the patients go untreated, for many treatment is unaffordable…

Life expectancy is reduced by up to 12 years based on a global average.

Exactly! Despite this, bipolar and other mental illnesses never get the same attention in media as say,heart disease or diabetes.

Then how is it that it rarely gets discussed?

Okay, what is this illness about?

Bipolar disorder, is a serious mood disorder causing shifts between extreme elation and deep depression. It affects thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behavior ... and even how a person feels and behaves physically.

Is it easily curable and how is

it treated?

Bipolar disorder is a chronic condition and needs to be treated by a Psychiatrist. Medication might consist of mood stabilisers with anti depressants and anti psychotics. Treatment is often needed over a patient’s lifetime.

Are there any other ways of treating this condition? It does

sound quite serious..

Yoga, meditation, exercise and diet alteration do help in the recovery process.As of now however, these are not a replacement for medication.Psychotherapy and regular counseling helps in preventing relapses.

Is awareness of Bipolar Disorder

sufficient, considering its debilitating effect?

Just as you were unaware of what it was, very few know about it. Awareness needs to be spread far and wide and media can play a major role as can colleges and institutions.Companies too can chip in to support this cause.

I feel sad for their lot..

Wish I could help..

Everybody can help, in there own way. Spread the word. Be alert- if you notice any friend or colleague of yours behaving out of character, you could be of help by bringing it to someone’s notice. If nothing, be empathetic to those sad or disconnected. Show compassion.

30th of MARCH, 2015 is

World Bipolar Day 2015offers us an opportunity to highlight the enormity of the problem.An opportunity to..

..spread word about it.

..sit up and act. of help to someone if you can.

Is that it?

Are we to forget all about Bipolar Disorder after this day, as if it never existed?

Change unfolds over time and vigorous, continuous effort, on a mass scale is required to create real impact.

We, at Bipolar India,

have made a beginning in 2013.

Our community website now has a global footprint.Let us join hands to make a difference. Let’s Walk Together