Workshop massillon2d

Projet Erasmus + Maths is everywhere French workshop : Maths and architecture 18-22 May 2015 Finlande France Grèce Pologne République Tchèque Turquie

Transcript of Workshop massillon2d

Projet Erasmus + Maths is everywhereFrench workshop : Maths and architecture

18-22 May 2015

Finlande France Grèce Pologne République Tchèque Turquie

Objectives : - draw up a scale plan (1/20) of the room (here the canteen)

- discover an architect’s tool - using a measurement system based on the size of your body parts (hand’s width, arms’ length etc…)

Do you know Leonard de Vinci ? He is one of the greatest painters of all time. But he was not only a painter : sculptor, musician, engineer, inventor, anatomiste, geologist, cartographer,

botanist, writer, mathematician and architect, which is perfect for us


Linear perspective The Vitruvius Man

Why Vitruvius ?He is a roman architect who lived during the first century BC.

He said that 4 fingers are 1 palm ; 4 palms are 1 foot ; 6 palms are 1 cubit and 4 cubits are the height of a man.

Vitruvius used these measures to build monuments .

Not very far from us, a swiss-born french architect, Le Corbusier developed his own measurements system,

based on the height of a man with his arm raised.

Now you are going to work as architects and with a real architect’s tool called kutsch.Kutsch is a specialized ruler designed to facilitate the drafting and measuring or architectural drawings.

This Kutsch has been specially made for you by two architects, Kristo and Christine. The measurements system is based on the size of children proportions : hands, elbows and arms.-first measure is the arm’s width

-second measure is the cubit-third measure is the distance between thumbs and little fingers on hand’s width.

-At last, we know that 4 hands are 2 cubits.

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Plan A4

Plan A2

a solution plan A2