Working Group Meeting Day 2: Addressing drivers of ... › 2014 › ... · International policy...

REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project Working Group Meeting Day 2: Addressing drivers of deforestation ONF International 4 th Working Group Meeting Macapá, Brazil 20-21 August 2014

Transcript of Working Group Meeting Day 2: Addressing drivers of ... › 2014 › ... · International policy...

Page 1: Working Group Meeting Day 2: Addressing drivers of ... › 2014 › ... · International policy framework: UNFCCC decisions on drivers of deforestation in the context of REDD+ COP-13

REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project

Working Group Meeting Day 2: Addressing drivers of deforestation

ONF International 4th Working Group Meeting

Macapá, Brazil 20-21 August 2014

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Addressing drivers of deforestation / degradation




Caused by what activity? Caused by whom?


Increasing the understanding of deforestation and forest degradation

Identifying effective and appropriate actions for changing the situation

Important questions:

WG4 Day 1

WG4 Day 2

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International policy framework: UNFCCC decisions on drivers of deforestation in the context of REDD+

COP-13 in Bali, 2007 (decision 2/CP.13):

”Recognizing the complexity of the problem, different national circumstances and the multiple drivers of deforestation and forest degradation”

”Further encourages Parties to explore a range of actions, identify options and undertake efforts, including demonstration activities, to address the drivers of deforestation relevant to their national circumstances, with a view to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and thus enhancing forest carbon stocks due to sustainable management of forests”

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UNFCCC decisions on drivers of deforestation

COP-16 in Cancun, 2010 (decision 1/CP.16):

”Encourages all Parties to find effective ways to reduce the human pressure on forests that results in greenhouse gas emissions, including actions to address drivers of deforestation”

”Also requests developing country Parties, when developing and implementing their national strategies or action plans, to address, inter alia, the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, land tenure issues, forest governance issues, gender considerations and the safeguards (...) ensuring the full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders, inter alia indigenous peoples and local communities”

SBSTA is requested to: ”(a) Identify land use, land-use change and forestry activities in developing countries, in particular those that are linked to the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, identify the associated methodological issues to estimate emissions and removals resulting from these activities, and assess the potential contribution of these activities to the mitigation of climate change”

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UNFCCC decisions on drivers of deforestation

COP-19 in Warsaw, 2013 (decision 15/CP.19):

”Noting the complexity of the problem, different national circumstances and the multiple drivers of deforestation and forest degradation,

Also noting that livelihoods may be dependent on activities related to drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and that addressing these drivers may have an economic cost and implications for domestic resources,

1. Reaffims the importance of addressing drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in the context of the development and implementation of national strategies and action plans by developing country Parties, as referred to in decision 1/CP.16, paragraphs 72 and 76;

2. Recognizes that drivers of deforestation and forest degradation have many causes, and that actions to address these drivers are unique to countries’ national circumstanes, capacities and capabilities;

3. Encourages Parties, organizations and the private sector to take action to reduce the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation;

4. Also encourages all Parties, relevant organizations, and the private sector and other stakeholders, to continue their work to adress drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and to share the results of their work on this matter, including via the web platform on the UNFCCC website;

5. Further encourages developing country Parties to take note of the information from ongoing and existing work on addressing the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation by developing country Parties and relevant organizations and stakeholders.”

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Information sharing on REDD Web Platform


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Proximate (direct) and underlying causes



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Complexity of deforestation / degradation Effective responses to complex problems require combinations of actions

Types of activities that can be successful depend on many things:

Who are you?

What driver are you


Who are the agents you target?

What scale do you aim to impact?


Civil society / NGO


Private company

Underlying cause

Proximate cause

Direct agents

Indirect agents

Local community


National Regional


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Types of activities for addressing drivers presented in WG4:


Policies and measures Local initiatives

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REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project

Session 3: Policies and measures for

addressing drivers of deforestation

ONF International 4th Working Group Meeting

Macapá, Brazil 20-21 August 2014

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Session 3 – Policies and measures for addressing drivers of deforestation and forest degradation

Session 3: Addressing drivers of deforestation – Policies and measures

08h30-08h45 – Introduction to the session 08h45-09h30 – Land tenure in Amapá (Dr. Marcelo Moreira, PRODEMAC) 09h30-10h15 – Jurisdictional REDD+ (Paula Tassara, VCS) 10h15-10h30 – Coffee Break 10h30-12h00 – Country roundtable and discussion

This session will focus on policies that are being designed or implemented to help all interested parties in developing economic activities with the minimum impact possible on forests and the peoples that live there.

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REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project

Session 4: Local initiatives for

addressing drivers of deforestation

ONF International 4th Working Group Meeting

Macapá, Brazil 20-21 August 2014

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Session 4 – Local initiatives for addressing drivers of deforestation and forest degradation

This session will focus on local initiatives and best practices that are being implemented in the field and that have shown promising results in terms of decreasing the negative impact of economic development on forests and reducing deforestation/forest degradation:

Initiatives by the state

By civil society

By private entities

13h00-13h15 – Introduction to the session 13h15-14h00 – Addressing mining as a driver of deforestation (Prof. Marcelo Oliveira, UNIFAP) 14h00-14h45 – Analysis of local determinants of deforestation in northern Amapá (Vicente Guadalupe, UNIFAP) 14h45-15h00 – Coffee Break 15h00-16h30 – Country roundtable and discussion


Civil society

Private sector

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Questions for roundtable discussions:

What institutions in your country are responsible for introducing policies to address each of the drivers of deforestation/degradation and to enforce those policies?

Describe policies that have been developed at sub-national/national level that have produced promising results in addressing drivers of deforestation and/or degradation:

Is the policy addressing proximate and/or underlying drivers?

You may also share interesting examples you have heard about from abroad that you think may be relevant for the Guiana Shield context.

Describe local initiatives/projects that have promising results in addressing drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation:

Carried out by whom? (public sector, private sector, civil society)

Addressing which drivers? Which agents? Which geographical scale?

Regional perspective: What initiatives can we shape together to address drivers of

deforestation / forest degradation in the Guiana Shield? Is there space for further regional cooperation on policy development to address drivers of

deforestation/degradation (e.g. at transboundary areas)?

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Photo credit: ONF Guyane

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Questions for roundtable discussions

What institutions in your country are responsible for introducing policies to address each of the drivers of deforestation/degradation and to enforce those policies?

Describe policies that have been developed at sub-national/national level that have produced promising results in addressing drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation.

You may also share interesting examples you have heard about from abroad that you think may be relevant for the Guiana Shield context.

What are the current progresses and challenges on forest governance and land tenure definition in your country?

Is there space for further regional cooperation on policy development to address drivers of deforestation/degradation (e.g. at transboundary areas)?

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Questions for roundtable discussions

o Describe local public initiatives/projects that have produced promising results in addressing drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation.

o Describe local private initiatives/projects that have produced promising results in addressing drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation.

o Describe local civil society/NGO initiatives/projects that have produced promising results in addressing drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation.

o What initiatives can we shape together to address drivers of deforestation / degradation in the Guiana Shield?