Words of Wisdom - Shining Sun Aromatherapy...is the cosmic consciousness. When you experience this...

~ Words of Wisdom ~ A quarterly newsletter from Wisdom of the Earth Summer 2012 Issue 48 Greetings to all who read this Summer Equinox 2012 newsletter. A time of quietness has arrived for WOTE since the Venus Transit. What do I mean? Well, so much has been happening Gaia-wise and human-wise and other species-wise that as every particular consciousness takes stock of what this all means to each, a stillness that is beautiful has arrived. And no matter what level of change we are experiencing, Divine Love is being felt, helping the rough spots, giving perseverance where necessary and, most important, allowing Faith to prevail...which is not only things hoped for, but the Evidence of things not SEEN as yet, but which are birthing nonetheless. Awakening is an understatement for what is appearing everywhere. It is happening, dear ones, and I for one am so happy that I have the opportunity to experience this grand event of Ascension out of duality to where there is only Divine Love. The Trees and Plants are very excited about this also. All other species are excited about Gaia raising Her vibration out of the 3rd dimension, spiraling upward quickly through the 4th and into the 5th. Let us stay in our hearts and close to Gaia, doing our own inner heart work so that we truly are an asset to this whole glorious process. Blessings, Barry Editorial: Taking Stock in Stillness Barry Kapp, Master Medicinal Aromatherapist and founder of Wisdom of the Earth, has studied aromatherapy interna- tionally, and shares his experiences, explorations, feelings and knowing via seminars, his books, and through his own medicinal aromatherapy practice. He has had many human mentors, but believes that his Tree, Plant and Animal friends have influenced him even more. A life-long student and practitioner of herbalogy, Barry was introduced to the wonder of the Natural World by his Mother and Father as a child, and his passion is still the same today. Formerly a dairy farmer, Barry grew his own crops and used herbs to treat his animals; they, in turn, taught him many truths about all beings’ true connections to Mother Earth. Choosing to Live in Truth…An Excerpt from a beautiful and profound Level 11 paper by Leila A., NY The Aquarian Age is upon us and the Piscean Age is no more. As we adjust to this Age and the new vibrations on Earth of truth, freedom and love the vibrations of greed, control and lies must crumble and transform and transmute into higher frequencies. As we are all witnesses to this great change, the opportunities for transformational healing and forgiveness run deep through all of us. The bridge, so to speak, that we can experience through nature and all her power, is coming through the essences and their pristine power to heal and uplift, to reconnect us to our truth and voice, to soften our hearts and open our minds so that we think with our hearts and feel with our minds. The entire universe is consciousness. We have been gifted to learn from, experience and live with the consciousness of the plant kingdom. They will usher us into our hearts and lift our energies into a greater awareness of love for all beings, for all species on this planet. All we have to do is listen to the messages they have for us. There is no end to anything, for the beginning and the end are one. The common thread through all living matter on Earth is the cosmic consciousness. When you experience this consciousness, you are in a unified state of being. We are timeless. We are ageless. We are beauty. We are love. The essences in their pure form are an expression of truth. The essences are and will continue to be a beautiful link to the truth inside all of us. As more and more individuals learn and work with the power of the medicine of plants in their purest form, consciousness will continue to expand and more and more people will choose to live in truth.

Transcript of Words of Wisdom - Shining Sun Aromatherapy...is the cosmic consciousness. When you experience this...

Page 1: Words of Wisdom - Shining Sun Aromatherapy...is the cosmic consciousness. When you experience this consciousness, you are in a unified state of being. We are timeless. We are ageless.

~ Words of Wisdom ~ A quarterly newsletter from Wisdom of the Earth

Summer 2012 Issue 48

Greetings to all who read this Summer Equinox 2012 newsletter. A time of quietness has arrived for WOTE

since the Venus Transit. What do I mean? Well, so much has been happening Gaia-wise and human-wise

and other species-wise that as every particular consciousness takes stock of what this all means to each, a

stillness that is beautiful has arrived. And no matter what level of change we are experiencing, Divine Love is

being felt, helping the rough spots, giving perseverance where necessary and, most important, allowing Faith

to prevail...which is not only things hoped for, but the Evidence of things not SEEN as yet, but which are

birthing nonetheless.

Awakening is an understatement for what is appearing everywhere. It is happening, dear

ones, and I for one am so happy that I have the opportunity to experience this grand event of

Ascension out of duality to where there is only Divine Love. The Trees and Plants are very

excited about this also. All other species are excited about Gaia raising Her vibration out of

the 3rd dimension, spiraling upward quickly through the 4th and into the 5th.

Let us stay in our hearts and close to Gaia, doing our own inner heart work so that we truly

are an asset to this whole glorious process. Blessings, Barry

Editorial: Taking Stock in Stillness

Barry Kapp, Master Medicinal Aromatherapist and founder of Wisdom of the Earth, has studied aromatherapy interna-tionally, and shares his experiences, explorations, feelings and knowing via seminars, his books, and through his own medicinal aromatherapy practice. He has had many human mentors, but believes that his Tree, Plant and Animal friends have influenced him even more. A life-long student and practitioner of herbalogy, Barry was introduced to the wonder of the Natural World by his Mother and Father as a child, and his passion is still the same today. Formerly a dairy farmer, Barry grew his own crops and used herbs to treat his animals; they, in turn, taught him many truths about

all beings’ true connections to Mother Earth.

Choosing to Live in Truth…An Excerpt from a beautiful and profound Level 11 paper by Leila A., NY

The Aquarian Age is upon us and the Piscean Age is no more. As we adjust to this Age and the new vibrations on Earth of

truth, freedom and love — the vibrations of greed, control and lies must crumble and transform and transmute into higher

frequencies. As we are all witnesses to this great change, the opportunities for transformational healing and forgiveness run

deep through all of us. The bridge, so to speak, that we can experience through nature and all her power, is coming through

the essences and their pristine power to heal and uplift, to reconnect us to our truth and voice, to soften our hearts and

open our minds so that we think with our hearts and feel with our minds.

The entire universe is consciousness. We have been gifted to learn from, experience and live with the consciousness of the

plant kingdom. They will usher us into our hearts and lift our energies into a greater awareness of love for all beings, for all

species on this planet. All we have to do is listen to the messages they have for us.

There is no end to anything, for the beginning and the end are one. The common thread through all living matter on Earth

is the cosmic consciousness. When you experience this consciousness, you are in a unified state of being. We are timeless.

We are ageless. We are beauty. We are love.

The essences in their pure form are an expression of truth. The essences are and will continue to be a beautiful link to the

truth inside all of us. As more and more individuals learn and work with the power of the medicine of plants in their purest

form, consciousness will continue to expand and more and more people will choose to live in truth.

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~ Words of Wisdom ~

Ed. Note: This is an excerpt from the beautiful Level 1 paper from our first Skype student! She took the class with me (Audre) over a period of several months, hour at a time. The experience exceeded my expectations, and I think, hers, as well. Enjoy some insights into Sandalwood’s ancient uses, and contemporary ones as well! Thank you, Florence!

It was both amazing and reassuring to me to discover that this small, parasitic evergreen tree had been

in existence and utilized for perfumery, health purposes and religious rituals for some 5,000 years.

In Egypt, she served to embalm the dead in the belief that, in this way, the soul would be released

during the funeral. In Burma, during a yearly cleansing ceremony, women sprinkled a blend of

sandalwood and rosewater on individuals in order to wash them of their sins of the year. Mentioned five

times in the Bible under the name of Aloes (Hebrew word for Sandalwood), she was considered to be a

gentle antiseptic and described as an “oil of gladness”...Highly regarded in the Vedic texts, the tree was

considered to be sacred and thought to “scent the whole of paradise with its fragrance.” Early Christians

used it for meditation, clairvoyance, and protection from negative emanations…

My personal adventure with Sandalwood is really at its inception...only as I pursued the readings for

this paper did I come across the sedative property of Sandalwood. The result was unbelievably positive.

Using only three drops of essence (one on the third eye, two on my chest), I was given three nights of

deep, undisturbed five hour sleep. This was an amazing gift! Also, several months ago, I came upon a

treatment for sore throats in a French article on aromatherapy. The suggestion was one drop of Sandal-

wood and one drop of Lavender in a quarter of a glass of warm water to be used as a gargle twice a day.

I have had close to 100% success with this treatment and would highly recommend it.

It is interesting to speculate on Sandalwood’s ability to open the sacral and third eye chakras. It puts

me in mind of the yogic belief that energy (Kundalini) rests in the hara (pelvis/second chakra) and rises

with meditation to the third eye (pineal gland) to move an individual towards enlightenment. In other

words, the fire has to start in the belly, where Sandalwood has one of its greatest actions, and end in an-

other domain of its known effectiveness, the traditional third eye. Worwood elegantly … speaks of San-

dalwood as a “fragrance that stretches out to the universe…” and “helps humanity to have strength of

conviction.” Would that there could be more use of her in the world at this challenging time in history!

Sandalwood — An Oil of Gladness

It was so difficult to choose just one essence to discuss. So many essences have brought me gifts. I thought about

Lavender, because its sweet smell brings me joy and its calming energy beings me peace... I thought of Carrot

Seed because it has held my hand over the last four months as I released so much anger, and in turn, helped me

to heal my acne and many facial scars. I thought of Champaca, because of its ability to assist me in releasing my

passions and creativity. Then it came to me, the essence that helped me to heal so many mental, emotional,

physical and spiritual issues — Thyme (linalool type). The first time I inhaled this bitter and pungent, yet refresh-

ing, essence, I knew that it was special. The sense I got from Thyme was that it provides a powerful protection

for living beings when it is appreciated.

Thyme is used as an antiseptic, an antispasmodic and a carminative (to expel gas). It also

decreases sluggish intestines, helps with urinary tract infections...is an expectorant, a diuretic,

a vermifuge (expels worms), and also a mild hypnotic (it has been used in pillows to repel

nightmares). Thyme is also a general stimulant, physical and mental, and a stimulant of

capillary circulation.

Ed. Note (Audre): Paula ended her Level 1 paper with the following, which was my favorite part of a very informative and

insightful paper: “One day I was told that ‘Time was of the essence.’ I believed this, and hurried my life away. Until one

day, I stopped to smell the flowers. What I found was that ‘Thyme is the Essence’”.

”Thyme is the Essence”!

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Summer 2012

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In Closing: Thriving Amid the Chaos

I had the opportunity to speak recently at the Santa Fe Wholistic Expo on the topic of “Using Essen-

tial Oils for Thriving Amid the Chaos”. The topic is very timely, and the audience seemed really

responsive to it, so I think I will share some of the key points in this issue of Words of Wisdom.

With all of the change and upheaval on the planet right now...whether it be job loss, forest fires, re-

lationship re-adjustments, loss of a parent or other loved one, or foreclosure on your home...many

people contact me asking “What oils are good for balancing me...to help me find my center

again?” Or, “What oils are good for calming? I feel really nervous and irritable.”

Perhaps you are feeling these strains too. While these re-

quests are understandable, I would challenge you to take a

different view of the upheaval many are experienc-

ing...whether personal or planetary or both. I would suggest

that you embrace the energies of change and uncertainty

as an unprecedented opportunity for significant personal

growth and evolution...a chance to take a huge leap for-

ward. In these times, I can’t recommend meditation

enough...we have that quiet center, that place of clarity

and wisdom in our minds and hearts...let the oils help take

you there to find the gift in the struggle or in the confusion.

Upheaval is a powerfully creative process; it disrupts our

patterns, our “consciousness markers”, our unquestioned choices. And out of the disruption, disarray

and discord can come new directions, new commitments and harmony.

Some essences that would support calming/centering/balancing are Wild Chamomile, Orange bi-

garade, Grand Fir and Geranium. Wild Chamomile soothes fears and calms the nerves. Orange

bigarade calls forth peace in turbulent times and allows us to face tumult with grace. Grand Fir

gives us a stabilizing anchor in the Earth and grounds and centers us. Geranium, always the Queen

of Balance & Harmony, helps us navigate unchartered territory successfully.

Some essences for meditation & manifestation are Frankincense, Pine Cone (Pinon or Ponderosa),

Sandalwood, Red Spruce and Hyssop. Frankincense passes the blood/brain barrier and helps us to

access our higher self and the angelic realm. The Pine Cone essences stimulate the pineal gland,

deepening and expanding the meditative process. Sandalwood (Yasi comes to mind), allows us to

go deeply into our hearts to find the wisdom there. The Spruces are all wonderful manifestors...the

Red helps you to manifest from your heart. Hyssop, that magical essence filled with ancient know-

ing, helps you to face the world and ask for what you want.

So, seeking calm and balance in the midst of turmoil is natural and desirable; we can also use the

energies of the turmoil as a springboard to spiritual growth and a more authentic life. On that

note...let me end with one of my favorite sayings: “You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes

every day — unless you are too busy; then you should sit for an hour!” —Old Zen Adage

Hoping to meet you in meditation...Audre

Audre Gutierrez is a Master Medicinal Aromatherapist and a partner in Wisdom of the Earth. She has studied in France with Dr. Malte Hozzel, and in the US with Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt, John Steele, Barry Kapp, and others. Audre consults with clients on using medicinal essences to bring more harmony, joy and health into their lives. She is also the editor of the WOTE Newsletter, Words of Wisdom. She left the corporate world in 2001, believing she could better utilize her healing gifts outside of that system. She shares her time between Sedona and Shining Sun Farm in Santa Fe, where she lives with her husband, Leonardo, and their wonderful menagerie of animals. Her personal aromatherapy practice in Santa Fe, Shining Sun Aromatherapy (www.ShiningSunAromatherapy.com), is housed there.

Page 4: Words of Wisdom - Shining Sun Aromatherapy...is the cosmic consciousness. When you experience this consciousness, you are in a unified state of being. We are timeless. We are ageless.

Wisdom of the Earth

2680 N. Page Springs Road

Cornville, AZ 86325

How to contact us:

Via Websites

www.WisdomOfTheEarth.com (Home of WOTE)

www.ShiningSunAromatherapy.com (Audre’s SF practice)

Call us:

Local (AZ): 928-649-9968

Local (NM): 505-438-0855 or 928-300-5090 (Audre’s


Fax us: 928-649-0351

Email us:

Audre: [email protected]

Barry: [email protected]

Cynthia: [email protected]

To place an order:

Please include the specific name of the essence (e.g.,

Basil, Holy), the size (e.g., 2 ml, 5 ml, 15 ml), the

quantity and the price. You can email, fax or call in

an order. We need the billing address of the card for

credit card processing. Also, we do not keep your

credit card number on file, so please have it ready.

To inquire about or schedule a consultation and/or


Consultation and transformational body and energy

work with Barry & Cynthia; call 928-649-9968

Consultation, Reiki and/or Medicine Wheel experi-

ence (the latter is only avail-

able in AZ) with Audre; call


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Please contact the teacher listed to confirm details. Registration: $475 tuition; $25 off for early registration (30

days before class); $25 off for couples/two family members.

7/13-15/12 Ardmore, PA Siddiqa Salter 484-542-5547

7/13-15/12 Cornville, AZ (@ WOTE) Marah Marlette 928-300-4674

7/20-22/12 LaGrange, IL Holly Kooy 708-352-8481

7/21-22/12 Tesuque, NM Sam Berne 505-984-2030

8/11-12/12 Santa Fe, NM Audre Gutierrez 505-438-0855

8/31-9/2/12 Cornville, AZ (@ WOTE) Dana & Sam Escobedo 928-202-8193

9/21-23/12 Simsbury, CT John Odlum 860-922-6846

9/21-23/12 LaGrange, IL Holly Kooy 708-352-8481

10/12-13/12 Santa Fe, NM Dana & Sam Escobedo 928-202-8193

11/10-11/12 Tesuque, NM Sam Berne 505-984-2030

11/16-18/12 Cornville, AZ (@ WOTE) Dana & Sam Escobedo 928-202-8193

11/16-18/12 LaGrange, IL Holly Kooy 708-352-8481

Level 1...though an introductory class...is a deep, life-changing exploration of the world of medicinal plant and tree essences focuses on the ancient, intimate relationship between humans and the natural world, and how so many of our illnesses — physical and emotional — stem from the separation and isolation that now exist. This weekend intensive shows participants how to heal that separation, and how to take responsibility for their own

health and well-being, through plant and tree essences.

There are many opportunities to go deep within via meditation, to observe and participate in application of the essences, and to learn about the healing properties of the oils and the issue of essence quality. Our students consistently report that they will never look at the plants and trees in the same way after Level 1. Once you have

received certification, you will enjoy a 20-22% discount on oils, with no minimum purchase required.

Upcoming Events @ Wisdom of the Earth (WOTE)

The January offering was affirming and expanding for all concerned, and our last offering for those who

wish to deeply and personally explore what ascension is, and how to step into our new consciousness as

spiritual beings on this planet, is on November 3-4. Plan now to be with us for this special time!

We will share with you many tools, techniques and essences for raising your vibration

and living from your heart with integrity, transparency and joy. At night, we will vector out under the stars, as ambassadors to the Universe, and learn how to join energies with our star ancestors. For many in the last class, this was a “coming home” unlike any

other. By day, we will explore the depths and wisdom of our hearts via meditation, in-

formation and the loving guidance of the essences.

Some sharings from January’s participants: “Thank you, Cynthia, Barry and Audre, for sharing your love and wisdom as we venture into the unlimited universe of expansiveness and experience that is available

and calling to us now.” (Linda) “I was honored to attend such a powerful and profound workshop. The vectoring experience reinforced the deep feeling of peace and love that abounds for us all, if we will only

trust and surrender to it. WOTH truly changed the way I look at the universe.” (Jody)

This offering is only for people who have been working with the Ascension energies and wish to continue their journey with a group dynamic and in the context of the essences. So, if you are interested, please call

us at 928-649-9968 to see if this is a good fit for you. Tuition is $333.

Wisdom of the Heart: Last Offering of 2012 is this November!

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Beloved Family,

These days there are so many contradictory voices. The news media has bamboozled us. I don’t believe much or any of what they tell us. Then we have the old paradigm in religion…lots of false information there, too. And then there is all

the New Age hoopla, channeled information and whatever else comes across our desks. How do we tell what is true and

what is false? How do we get to trust that voice from within that knows the truth and is giving us correct information?

A simple little technique that I like to use is to check in with my heart. First, I feel what it is like

when I say something that is true, like “I am sitting in this chair.” Then, I feel into what my heart is feeling. My heart usually skips a little beat--like a happy dance. Next, give your heart false in-

formation like “ I am flying in the sky right now.” Feel how that feels. There is usually a vast

emptiness within when I feel into a false thought.

Try it and see what happens within you. If you can make this a habit of feeling and trusting your

heart, when new information comes to you, you will know if it is true or not by the feeling of your heart. It is a really good tool to use when you think you are getting messages from “above” or if someone presents something to you or you

read something that is not quite right. As a culture we must wake up to the power that we have within our hearts. This

little technique can help give you clear messages and can help you sort through the enormous amount of erroneous infor-

mation that is out in our 3D world today.

Hoping your summer brings you deep peace and knowing within your heart.

So much love, Cynthia

Cyn’s Corner...Listening from the Heart

Cynthia Olivera de Kapp brings to Wisdom of the Earth many years of experience in the areas of movement education, energy healing and spiritual counseling. She is a certified Medicinal Aro-matherapist and integrates her love and knowledge of plant and tree medicine into her work. Cyn-thia has roots in the indigenous peoples of theTaino Nation and Corsica. Her channeling and past life regression work helps clients quickly come to a renewed and deeper understanding of their core issues. She leads ceremonies on Reclaiming The Feminine in her Star Lodge.

Thyme (White) linalool (Thymus vulgaris thymol) (Feminine energetics): The last deva of Thymes in our portfolio here at WOTE, She is another semi-soft (linalool)(calming) Thyme. All Thymes address taking the Thyme for our spiritual, emotional and physical nurturing and well-being. They tell me that They have inspired billions of humans through the ages to take Thyme for their remembrance as to who they really are and what is most important in this 3D existence.

She was in Lemuria in blessing and preparing humans to move on in their consciousness. Thyme helped these dear ancestors of many of us to prepare for the continent of Lemuria to sink approximately 65,000 years ago. She stood up in Atlantis and helped those working against the dark aims of dumbed down humans to stay steadfast before the total destruction came. The Sumerians loved Her, the Estonians praised Her, the Babylonians blessed Her, the Egyptians distilled Her.

Thyme linalool physically will work to help retard impetigo, asthma and gas includ-ing heart burn. Again, Thy/m/ol speaks of thy motivation and movement to remain vibrant in the eternal circle of love but Her energetics are feminine. Lin/al/ool could be added here to embrace the knowing that we can lend ourselves, al (all) of ourselves, to openly (overtly), happily bask in the Light of the Eternal circle of Divine Love.

Remember, I am only touching the personality of each of the Thyme Team in hopes you will explore for yourself more

the height, depth and width of Her gifts to each of us. Blessings to all, Barry

Introducing a Medicinal Angel—The Thyme Team (Continued from Page 4)

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The Beautiful Sound of Harmony...an excerpt from a wonderful Level 2 paper by Izumi (Japan)

When I learned at elementary school two atomic bombs were dropped in Japan, I was so scared of the wars and radiation that sometimes I could not sleep at night in fear. Right before I attended Level 1, To-hoku earthquake and tsunami occurred in Japan. Since then, we have been exposed to the danger of radiation. In Japan, many of us have lost the beautiful spirituality of our ancient ancestors, who were peace-loving and had strong connection with nature and spirit. Nature is more like something we have to deal with rather than something to be loved. But, as I have been on a conscious journey to remember who I am and to regain harmony inside, I realize that my missing key is to reunite with nature.

When I first visited Wisdom of the Earth (WOTE), I was already doing healing sessions with essential oils. But I did not know a lot about it. I just really needed to find Birch (Sweet) to make fragrance I could not find in Japan. I bought a bottle of Birch though an online shop in the US before I visited WOTE. I felt something wrong with it. I had never smelled it before, so I did not know what to expect. I just did not like the smell. On the airplane back to Japan, I read Wisdom of the Earth Speaks. I found Barry discussing Birch in the book. I was glad, as well as sad, that I instinctively or intuitively found that the Birch I bought was not 100% natural, but chemical synthesis. That experience turned on the connection between me & pure and natural essences, and my journey of reuniting with nature.

In the perception of linear time, we are evolving our consciousness by walking life from past, present to future. But “evolving” is actually “remembering” who we really are. REMEMBER means “to have a picture or idea in your mind of people, events, places, etc., from the past.” So, to me, future always reminds me of the past. Many new things that we are now finding, trying to adopt for our future — way of living, way of thinking, healing modalities, way of feeling — are actually things the people of the past (especially ancient people) already knew and did.

Essential essences help us trust that we have inner knowledge, that we can trust our heart and intuition, that we can connect with nature, and that we can remember who we are. That is taking us to our future...a future that is blessed with our ancestor’s love and inner knowledge.

Essential essences are the blood of the plants, and by touching the life force of the plant, we can receive their power of healing. Medicine men handed down the knowledge about the benefits of the plants and the usage

of each plant, and we have been utilizing this knowledge.

We, the modern people, have transformed this knowledge into chemical drugs by analyzing the ingredients and using the power of chemistry. And, today, we use a vast amount of drugs for the cure of various diseases...and that has created the state far away from the state of harmony. People rely on drugs too much, and we keep taking them just to get the feeling of assurance. Regrettably, it is a fact that the drugs are a

good money-making tool for some people.

Essential essences can free us from pains, suffering and anxieties. It is important to commit ourselves to the essential essences with the feelings of respect and trust...and they will release our pains and suffering. We can receive a great deal of infinite love and healing from them by doing so. The power of essential essences give hope to each one of us, just like lighting a candle, one by one, and they make

the beautiful sound of harmony heading into the future.

Our consciousness was asleep, but because of the precession of the equinoxes, which takes place every 26,000 years, the time of awakening has come. The aroma of essential essences reminds us of the forgotten memories and guides us how to live in harmony with Mother Earth at this time of awakening. It is sure that the transformation of human consciousness is one of the biggest factors that will change the environment of the planet. And, we are going to manifest the reality by each one of us creating his/her world. This means

that each one of us has the role and the responsibility to the world we create.

The lost memories of our history still remain in our heart. In the heart, we feel, experience, explore and con-tinue this journey to retain the forgotten memories through aromatherapy, and with the love of the Spirit of

Essential essences.

Remembering the Future...an excerpt from Ayumi’s deeply touching & insightful Level 2 paper

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Summer 2012

As the times are fast changing, Thyme came knocking at my heart’s door asking if I would speak about Her strength and love for us as humans in these amazing times of change that include joy, sickness, pain and love. As long as Gaia’s vibration still has an ounce of fear left on Her surface, we will potentially be faced with it. The Thyme Team is here with multiple abilities, from anti viral, anti bacterial, anti flu to aiding in fatigue, the blahs and overall asthenia. Anti infectious, anti parasitical, anti fungicidal, She addresses all these and more. Let’s speak briefly about the Thyme Sisters that we at WOTE carry in our medicine bag.

Thyme borneol (Thymus vulgaris) (Masculine energetics): This deva has a long history of helping human joint dis ease. Layering Frankincense before Thyme b., then Spruce, Red or Pine, Red and lastly, a Peppermint, Winter-green or Cornmint, is a wonderful protocol. Emotionally, She addresses mental blocks due to disconnects because the heart is not first and leading the reasoning mind. She speaks peace and love in a pungent way. Not as strong as the red or spike Thyme, She softens the aches and pains of our changing emotions and spiritual spiraling up-wards. She must be layered wherever you choose to place Her topically. Born/e/ol speaks to how all of us are born from the eternal circle of love. She loves being a part of our return.

Thyme geraniol (Thymus vulgaris geraniol) (Feminine energetics): Thyme g. is a very rare Sister simply because of the labor intensity and lack of knowledge of so many even in medicinal aromatherapy. She grows low to the ground and therefore actually can be cut with scissors. I find it interesting when you go on google how many sites talk about Her but few really have Her. Why? Because compared to other Thymes, extremely few farmers grow Her. She is high maintenance. Her specialties include great stimulus of the brain, heart and uterus.

She is also known for aiding healing of flesh-eating bacterial infections. She is, with thuyanol, the mildest of all the Thymes in the present world of medicinal aromatherapy. She has broad spectrum capabilities that go from helping to ease childbirth to helping with shingles. She can be put on neat for most people, otherwise, layer between two cool essences. She is an uplifter for all levels of fatigue, bar none. Gera/ni/ol speaks to having favor through grace and gratitude knowing that the IAM is always in the eternal circle of Divine Love. I truly am grateful for Her. She helped me more than once when I was hurting on all levels.

Thyme, Red (Thymus vulgaris thymol) (Masculine energetics): Thyme, Red is a HOT Sister. She will burn if used carelessly or mindlessly. Layer Her always between two yin/cool essences. Warts of all kinds, corns, fungi, viruses, staph, strep, flu, bacterial infections all run from Her. Makes great insecticide also. Little critters who live in your space and bite you do not like to be around. Gout, anemia, joint and muscle rheumatism She addresses as well. She will address all the same areas as all of the other Sisters but still is unique and not quite as broad spectrum as geraniol or thuyanol. She packs quite a punch for really chronic areas of asthenia. Thy/m/ol speaks of motivation and movement to remain vibrant in the eternal circle of love.

Thyme, Spike (Thymbra spicata) (Masculine energetics): This deva is very similar to Thyme, Red growing only in Turkey, so Her uniqueness is linked to the history of Turkey. When I traveled to Turkey I came back having pieces of the puzzle of my own life revealed. Turkey was like a turn key for me. Though all of the Thymes have anti depressant capabilities, this deva can help turn the key and open the door to the core issue of depression very quickly. Thym/bra/spica/ta speaks to the ability to take thyme to take off the bra that hinders self and higher self nurturing and allows you, (if you choose), to spike (pierce) the separation that you are work-ing on and enable you to reconnect with (ta) THE ALL.

Thyme thuyanol (thymus vulgaris thuyanol) (Feminine energetics): Such a friend She is to me. Being a Taurus with much susceptibility to upper respiratory distress, I have used Her for many years with success. She is also a rare one indeed. Another broad spectrum essence that works phenomenally with facilitating healing for otitis, rhino-pharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsil infections. Staph and strep does not like to be out of order when She is in your blood stream. She also addresses a wild range of emotional disorders from ADHD, depression, bi-polar (along with Tamarack and Spruce sitka). Thu/yan/ol speaks to the ability for Thu (yu)(you), to balance and harmonize your yang (masculine) energies, whether in a female or male physical body to the eternal circle of Divine Love. (Continued on Page 5)

The Thyme Team…..Taking Thyme for Thyself…….Self Love