WordPressDC Computer-free Demo Jan 2015

@anthonydpaul Computer-free WordPress @anthonydpaul

Transcript of WordPressDC Computer-free Demo Jan 2015


Computer-free WordPress@anthonydpaul


Preparation● Purchase a web host

● Create a database and a database user

● Give SSH access to your host user

● Download an app for SSH access


App (iOS, free):ServerAuditor 1. (SSH in)

2. cd domains/tasteofhot.com/html

3. wget http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz

4. tar xfz latest.tar.gz

5. cd wordpress

6. cp -rpf * ../


Optional Commands1. cd ..

2. rm -rf ./wordpress

3. rm -f latest.tar.gz



Permissions:Host vs. Terminal1. cd domains/tasteofhot.com/html

2. find wp-content -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

3. find wp-content -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;


Native WP:theme browser


Native WP:plugin browser


Plugin:Child Theme Configurator


Native WP:file editor


App (iOS, free):WebInspector


App (iOS, free):PicLab

Native WP:media manager


Native WP:publisher

