Word List #1 9/16-9/27

Word List #1 9/16-9/27


Word List #1 9/16-9/27. a dulation. (n.) extreme admiration or praise SYNONYMS: applause, commendation ANTONYMS: abuse, criticism The rugby player enjoyed the adulation of his fans. c lairvoyance. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Word List #1 9/16-9/27

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Word List #19/16-9/27

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adulation(n.) extreme admiration or praise

SYNONYMS: applause, commendationANTONYMS: abuse, criticism

The rugby player enjoyed the adulation of his fans.

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clairvoyance(n.) an ability to communicate with dead people, to

predict future events, or to know about things that you did not actually see happen or hear about

SYNONYMS: premonition, discernmentANTONYMS: ignorance, stupidity

I don’t believe in clairvoyance, but I can’t explain how he knew those things about my grandmother.

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conformist(n.) a person who conforms, especially

unquestioningly, to the usual practices or standards of a group, society, etc.

SYNONYMS: emulator, followerANTONYMS: individualist, nonconformist

Most teenagers are conformists because they experience a great deal of peer pressure.

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deleterious(adj.) damaging or harmful, often in a subtle or

unexpected way

SYNONYMS: destructive, hurtfulANTONYMS: helpful, assisting

The drug has no deleterious effects on patients.

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demagogue(n.) a leader who makes use of popular prejudices

and false claims and promises in order to gain power

SYNONYMS: agitator, fanaticANTONYMS: peacemaker, reconciler

That politician is just a demagogue who preys upon people’s fears and prejudices.

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ephemeral(adj.) lasting a very short time

SYNONYMS: fleeting, transitoryANTONYMS: enduring, permanent

Autumnal colors are always to be treasured, all the more so because they are so ephemeral.

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fortuitous(adj.) happening by chance; fortunate, lucky

SYNONYMS: random, serendipitousANTONYMS: calculated, deliberate

You could not have arrived at a more fortuitous time.

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hackneyed(adj.) lacking in freshness or originality; used

too often

SYNONYMS: corny, staleANTONYMS: fresh, original

It’s hackneyed, but true—the more you save, the more you earn.

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intrepid(adj.) feeling no fear; bold or brave

SYNONYMS: courageous, heroicANTONYMS: afraid, cowardly

He was an intrepid explorer who probed parts of the rain forest never previously attempted.

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mundane(adj.) dull, ordinary, commonplace

SYNONYMS: normal, humdrumANTONYMS: exciting, unusual

They lead a pretty mundane life.

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nonchalant(adj.) relaxed and calm in a way that shows that you

do not care or are not worried about anything

SYNONYMS: apathetic, dispassionateANTONYMS: caring, emotional

He was surprisingly nonchalant about winning the award.

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ostentatious(adj.) displaying wealth, knowledge, etc., in a way

that is meant to attract attention, admiration, or envy

SYNONYMS: flamboyant, gaudyANTONYMS: moderate, tasteful

Her boss wears an ostentatious diamond ring on his little finger.

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precocious(adj.) exhibiting mature qualities at an

unusually early age

SYNONYMS: cocky, brightANTONYMS: stupid, unintelligent

A precocious musician, he was giving concerts when he was seven.

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querulous(adj.) complaining in an annoyed way;

habitually whining

SYNONYMS: bearish, irritableANTONYMS: cheerful, easy-going

Their car trips were frequently spoiled by a couple of querulous passengers in the back.

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rancor(n.) an angry feeling or hatred or dislike for

someone who has treated you unfairly

SYNONYMS: animosity, grudgeANTONYMS: friendliness, kindness

She answered her accusers calmly and without rancor.

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revere(v.) to offer honor or respect to someone

SYNONYMS: adore, admireANTONYMS: denounce, despise

Michael Jordan is highly revered for his many achievements.

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scrutinize(v.) to examine closely and critically

SYNONYMS: analyze, dissectANTONYMS: ignore, overlook

I closely scrutinized my opponent’s every move.

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spurious(adj.) not genuine, sincere, or authentic; based

on false ideas or bad reasoning

SYNONYMS: bogus, phonyANTONYMS: genuine, true

It was a spurious Picasso painting that wouldn’t have fooled an art expert for a second.

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surreptitious(adj.) done, made, or acquired in a secret way

SYNONYMS: covert, hush-hushANTONYMS: honest, public

He bought the engagement ring in a surreptitious manner, so that his girlfriend would be surprised at his proposal.

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tenacious(adj.) persistent in seeking something valued or


SYNONYMS: relentless, stubbornANTONYMS: unreliable, weak

A tenacious coach, she adheres to her grueling practice schedule no matter what.