Woodsmith - 015



Woodsmith Magazine - 015

Transcript of Woodsmith - 015

Page 1: Woodsmith - 015




Page 2: Woodsmith - 015


•(hi. time. TIwmost obvious reason I. thatthe through mortise on the chair wouldsimply not look right if the end. wererounded as with a slot mortise.But, the Olher reason is that, we were

working with oak. And this ii' a case ofallowing' the wood to tell you what tvpe ofjoint i~best. Il'hell wO"kingwilh oak, I lindit'. a I'('al hassle trying te> round over thetenons to iit a 810tmortise. Oak tend. tnsplinter and chip otTtoo easily. So. in thi>case it's really much easier to ch(li> themortise square and leave the corners of thetenon square,

CU"tNG DIAGRAMS~!uch ofwoodworking involve. ",,,king themost of what you've got, This was the guid­ing principle for building the ,toralre boxshown on page 14 of this issue.Right from the beginn;n!! 1 kne\\ that

the cutting diagram for this project \\'3<;going to be the toughest Jllll't to work nut.In fact, I spent hours trying to gel all ofth.pieces dimensioned and laid out so therewould be a minimum or" aste. The result isa cutting diagram that ismy pride and joyIthink working eut a cutting diagram for

each project is important. Whenever Ist.art to build something. one of the flrstconsiderations is the cutting diagram.Very often I fOldthat a few lillie changes inthe design make big changes in the amountof mat .. ;.1 needed, and especially in th.amount or waste.

\VI' try to show cutting diRll'rams foralmost every project. However. I mustadmit that th~y a.'(' .-eally jlh't guideline,(or the amount of material you'lI pl'Uoobl>'need. We show the board. that are neededbased on the sizes of dimension «oftwoodllumberThis might be a lillie misleading when

hardwood is used for the project. ~It)..thardwood is sold 'random width andlength.' (The exception iN hardwood soldthrough mail-order catalogs. wh ieh isalmost alway, cut to specified widths andlengths.) Although you may not be able tobuy boards at the exact dimenions shown,the cutting diagram should still be helpful- and at the Ic3Sl, a good starting point.

DAMAGED COPIESAhno!'t e\Tel')" \,·eek \\fe get letters fromreadel''' ",ying that their issu!! of Wood·$mitllwa" damaged in the mail. If you r~·ceive a t,()P)'that was damaged (or if SAlme·thing i< wrong with the printingl. just letUS know and wc'lI ;;end out a new copy(!ncJC)<;(:din an en,'elope to prowet it. Kocharlte.NEXT MAII.INC' July 6, 1981.


The two major projects in thi~ issue - theoak table and chair - have oppcsite prob­lems, The table is quite easy to build. butrequires. lot of wood. The chair on theother hand doesn't require much wood, butdoes involve some rather preeise joinc.·y.These are the two 'not enough' problems

we all face in woodworking: not enoughmoney to buy the wood. and nut enoughtime LOrio the joinery. But in the case ofthese two projects, neither of these prob­lems is 8S big as it seems,The total co." for the oak we used to

build the tablewasS70. This figure is baseden 8 eest of $2AOper board foot for FASred oak - the price we paid at a localhardwood lumber yard.Just fo.· comparison. clear Ponderosa

Pine costs about S2.80 per board foot.bringing the total cost of the table to about$80. (Of course, these prices will "aryacress the country. but some hardwoodslU'I!actually cheaper than clear pine.))'low we get to the mauer of'joinery. \Ve

chose mortise and tenon joiner), for both ofthebe projects, The beauty of .his joint isobvious on the chair, and this is one of thereasons we chose it.Apart ll'Ombe.ut~·. it does take quite a

bit of time to CUtall of these M& T joint'(especially on the chair). And, it's quite achallenge to get them to Ilt properly. Butthat, LOme, is the best part of woodwork­ing- taking the time to meet a challenge.And in this case, it's really; worth it.


Those of you who have been reading\I'oods",ith for awhile. hal'. probablynoticed that we've given quite a bit ofcoverage to the mortise and tenon. This .11started in lI'ood8milh Number Eight whenWe presented a fairly wide overview of themortise and tenon joint and how it's CUt.Since then we've tried to show a. number

of variations of the mortise and tenon andtheir applications, In almost every in·stance. we've shown this joint with a slotmortise. (A .Iot mortise has rounded ends.and the tenon is rounded to fit the mnrtise.)In mo<>tcases I think this npproaeh is

easier than making a square..cornered mar ..tise. H(l\\'e\'er, there are exceptions. Inthis isi'tuc\\'e"'e gi\'cn lhe sLepb)t ~lep (orcutting a square·cornered mortise byhand. (Although we do cheat a Htlll.'bit bysh'l\\ing the use of a drill prcS$ (0 get rid ofm():;! of the waste before the cheeks of themorti"" are pared squarf1 \\;th a chi",,!.)There are really t,,·o reasons \vc"'c

$\\'jtched to the =-quare-conlcred mOl1.isc

Talking Shop-_

ISSN 0164·4114

WOODSMITH Is published blmonlhly (Janua<y,Ma,ch. May. July, Seplember. _bet) byWOOdsmllhPublishing Company 1912 GlandAve, Des Moines, Iowa 50309,WOODSMTTHI. a I(~(fematkof the WoodsJT\llhPublishing CompanyCopyrlghl 1981 by WOOdsmlth Pubhshmg

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Administrative AsslstantConn~L. Lowe

Subscnplion ManagerLindaHl!!

ArtOtrectOlTed KreUeek

EditorDonald 8. Pesej>ke

May. 1981Number FIfteen


Conlnbultog EdiiOrAdOlph E. Peschke

Page 3: Woodsmith - 015



l-tan)' J"-"C~Jo!f'tlon't rt"aliz~ that a nail ha..;;,acuttonl( f~II(".,.1 a 'plittinll e<llle, 'f ~'oupJllet' th(· cutting (...110:4.'(l('rr),~.~the grain..It"ill h.l" 1""\'1'111 ""littmlC the wood.

r,,,'kit· A, 1V(!lIrr.<Blf,~i(t'f'.t''''YOII',I.g


Jr1II~,J H('llffrL«k Ha~•. P"",,,


J"JI" \\ • .110,,1,'07"'.I((f"' ... \ ''1:uun

, ha,,· """'ra' I<t- "f block." nuten"'.:m~ll'('.('Un, ..) ;tntl :-otr.u,.:::ht - (it!JX!IKlinJ!on the nallln' (.f th .. dampinll at hand,


:~( = ,

Th< "'Hr t ,...rt about bui hn~ the .1<"""l!'e'box fho\\ n in thl" .......ue 113.rel.t'j~nailinztOj(ether all of those hul,· drawers After'CUI all III<-P ''<l - for Ih,· drawers, I",..,fumblll1K ."Hlllel '1')1"jl'to ...t~iftht~·weret!'ulnJ.!' to fitT.-n '_"'t " k,ck out of" Ktchml!Ire tl')in~

to nailth. fir,1 llra".r IOlCeth"r.and thenMid. "What ,VOII 'w,'" " a nailinl! ,"xtUI't',·H. found • "i,'<~or:!, I ,c''''p ;rnrlmad. thefixtU"l' :.hu\\ n h(·h.,\'.

"hi!' flxtUl'l' it' :l4i1.4,:(1It' ;\\'('('111th~ ~mallrirawl·r •. h"I,'!n~ .11 tho pi •••• \\hil~Ih~~·'r,· h~ing laok,," tOl!cther. for thelllr':('r Ilra\\f·r~. !\.m'll~·ril' thi::- fi:\tur~dll"'l1 Ih,· <I·"tr·r .Iltl .rld a filler block to"1d.." It


(iary 1\'(Jb,,~("tdnr (; ,'r,,'('. \\ ..;,-.:ro",j"

\\Mon I ha,,· I .. IiII nail h"It-s,ll!athtr ,;.vm<'\~I')'fi"" """,1 ,Iu.,ticft 0\ er from sanding,Thi:-.(Iu~t 1:-.mlxl'cl with a rlrol) or two IIf"hit<· IIlu.· unti! I jt'(., a \'~I')'thick paste.The pa1'lt(· j .. forced Inlc, the nail holes,Slightly overfull, so 'I drtes almost levelwuh th ...1'Iurfucc.' Ant'T" ~')f){1final sandinglhl' nnil huh', ''UmI'J"tl'I~',Ir... ppear,

'to prevent 1"'" daml" fNm marnng thel-d~,-~(If b.arwl ... or a J'roj\-cr, we all u...cbI"",,", i........1bN .. (-eli til<- clampjaws andtht \\On,lJ1(."('l Hl)....ever, \\hen I'm work­mil'b) mr",·lf' """', (,.... hands to .h<r,rltheproji'rt.l'ut 'h,' blocko tn place, and tightenth~ .t..mps.To ",h'. this preblem, l drilled two bnlr>­

in each JU\\ of m~'P'PC clamps Then I cut"(O\'rralllll"4;ks (I(It'1"R1'wood and screwed ablock to l',wh jaw Thi, keeps m~' handsf,,\~vto do thl' n,'c(>...!'ar,Y a(Uu~ting .•.w'lhout hll"inl( tn w"r,'y about 'he block.'falling nfr.


Aft..r duCkinll IC""ral nyin~ we«Il"". Ict,:-cill,;(1 th'-lt It \r. a." ll)() dangerous to con­tinuo unless Ihe problem was eliminated. ,P~IC''(' • otril' IIf "llI-'lrc dt'Ctrician, tapeO\'('r thl' )'OJ"t. h.-a\ lnK a \'~r)'small openin~- ju-t PIl''''A'h ltr clearthe blade, It workstx'allt!fllily • nn more flying wedges,

A/,r I\, FI;m,rh(;" rj'i( ttl .•\' ('II' J r-rsl'!I

To I'\'mo\'l' ,11'11,"(..om "trod 'UTfares. I11". ~E"IO IN YOUIlIOEASa darnl' <lnlh ItIl,1cloth,·, iron or soldering f------.!.-------------1iron. 1'111""Ih.· ,'"m" cloth over the ct"1ll W. Invle you '0 sha•• YOU'_or1<rng ups.nd ""1'1~ thl' hut i",", :;1I'3m (rum lhe and recI1nlQU" "III 01"", ,.aders 01 lVood'c10th ~ III raUit ... lh4 (il)\'~ llf the'" (100 to $f'l"JIlh W.VIi 1)1),. nwwnumoc SS 'or a l!P, and0",.11.bnlll:injllh, rn b""k to I"\el "ith the $100< """.!or._11_ AllmaIenauncinal.ureal'<' suC,,·.,ue<l_1he ",_rty 01W__

I'lAlIrIhong Co Upon DeI"'l'f'1l you ~ Wood­smoIIIlIle ng!\11O use Ill.. male<la '" any mame<10< as long .. "0 ...."• your _ inVOlves a dr... "It or _ ro

e_ t do you, bes' and recessat}' wemake a new d••w'"9 0< build tl>eprOjeCt 0< l'Iland pIIologt"Pl' " (Any d'.","ItS 0< plio"," oub·mned can"", be ,.turned.)&rod your_SIO Woodsmllh TIps& Tech·

nlques 1912 Greod Ave Des MoIn~ Iowa!i0309

ror a ........nl ma.'- "roduttion job I had tomakp nUmefOlJ" 'A ~1~t'-~haPl>d cut-orf!".A(\~r .lrn,,·t "\,ery PO'" on the tahle ""'"th<<<·'Ill"" cut~.fr.,\(,uld nde aJonp:Iheblad,' and tht·n tin,!, down into the openinjt'in lh,· I.blt· in,,·rt (lhe meta1l)iate aroundthe blud.· •.The ".'<Il(e." ere caught by Ihe'I)innlng blad. lind hur'led out al terrifi."J~(·ci!".


iJr ROll"I H /)" ... kFIIw'11f'rr-uolt •..4. ";-!(JIllr

R,">our IIJl ~n .mall ""nrbn~ dk~....\'t;.lt(0) our local d~ntal .u"ply hou.~

,hQuld ...... ·ala ' ...n~t~ of .maIl ",lIdpo!",rrli,,," 1",,1 by the d.·nta! prof.",ion. The""......n,II1aJl4·r (tl~k!" arl' alr~3t1}·cut round.l'Clml~in a "anl't' of "m..1.Jl ~izc.8.and art'availahlt· in 'e,.;"1 gnl~ of garnet popt'r.AAndplIl",r, etc.

Alsu. th~ d"k. corn.· ,';th a hole punchedin lh" C(\ntl'r for th(_· 1)ln (,( 3 mandrel.(1)"nll'lo u.ually ""I' " Morgan·MaxfieidnlaJldn·1 'lo'llh a !'hMft Thi:o-\'Oork.' b(.·stin a hand JlIilltkr.l


DF"R ....~,rl'l.J't.i"

Re: ~our I 'P on small "",ding drumsIII-e eotu-r 1"0- a.' "nail ""ndinjt' drums.

I <imply nulIt'n the 1""1,,<1"nrl and slip a,uip of ",rndpal)('rCoremery doth) into thepin. A, the cotte" I"n 1$ til(htcned in thedrill chuck. th. ,i,I", of the pin. in tum.ti~hten .''11".. t th.· sandpaper, holdinp: it....l"(·un'l~'In I.IMl'(.·•


D FoxRtr('rStdr. {'t"n

KE':your upon rnaklnga small sanding diskfnr :-an(Jlnll lh~ bottom of routed lra)':­CI\',,,.I.,/I,'/' No, 13),

1'11'("olfi('nginl' valves (from ears. lawnmowers, 4,.'lC:,) 1\.... a ~all(lin)!' 1>3CI... \(t.er ex­tracung thl' valve frorn an old .nl.~ne, Iwind it tn the di"mN~r I nt'("', Then I cut.,.rnall circle of ,,,"d,l<lP"" ~nd II'luoit to th('!>r,ttComof tbe valve. (J I)refer emery clothb<o<-.u,,· ,t I""" muth IOlljI'Pr.)All \'00 han' to rio I- chuck the valve in a

JX,l'UIblr d<'<tn<' drill or a drill press "nd~'OUesn "kllli an.) sma11flat itrea.


__ T_~s&.Technigu_e_s__•

Page 4: Woodsmith - 015



A,\I,$1CING 'Af'£\

II,' ...'tWooo SflUNIl·WlDE



"'e started construction with the- table'stop, It consists of fourteen pieces of oakglued up in butcher blllck fashion to form •35- x :15"~Iuare. \\'tt cut lhe!'c pieces 21;~"wide and about :ll;"long to begin with, (Af,ter the boards ~Il'CI,lluedup the ends aretrimmed to as" with. Skil saw.)Once the piece. tor the 101'arc cut, we

layed them OUt and arrauged them Corgrain pattern. Since \,'E' were \\tot-king withahtrge number of narrow beards, we choseII) cut J!:I'OO"(!j; in th" edges anti join thebeards with splines.A. shown in I"j!, 1. V.wid. by'. deep

gnK'VCl< an, stopped about I' from eachend, When cutting these grooves, we SCIU,) the table saw as shown in Vig, 2, mark­in~ lh\' $tan 31\d stop points 011n piece ofma.king tape, The t\\'o end boarel. werecut first. with a groove on one edj!l' only,Then I(TO"V" Werecut on both edges of'theother 12 boards.

It's important when cutting thescl(l"()\lves to alw ays keep the same side of theboard townrd the fence, (\Ve always placedth. face, or tup .ide of each board againsttho r.nce.) AII'(I, It's.best to make a trial cutin a piece of serap just to make SUI'" thegroove i,the correct width for the It," ply,wood splines,The end of each groove curves up be·

C'dU"",,of the shape of the saw blade, Ratherthan cut the end. of .11the splines to matchthis curve, we ;.;imp[)'cut the splines n toWIor I short, allowinllZ" at each end where\h~curve is.

Now the boards for the top are ready tobe glued up, With this lIlany boards, it',ju.t aOOUl impo.sible to glue up all of lhemat once, \\'f glued th ese 00"''11. togetherprogressively, applying glue to the lodg<>b

t·ift~·years frcm now if SQmC01\~find$ thistable colteclin~ctUf.l in an attic, orsitting atthe back or a garage piled with old news­papers and magazines, he'll pl"()b"bly re­mark, "Bu.l', Lhey sure dQn't build tableslike rhis anvmorv,"This i. our ecntribution 10 the elIIS>' of

furniture thar. built 1,,13st, It's <olicloak,hea"" and sturdv, Bill I think It ha.s a eer­tain ~'armth ab<;ut it too, It's the kind eftable you mighl expect to find ill a countrykitchen,The table's LOp is thick anti solid, We

cI10S(' :;'4 red ook (:; 1. pronounced five­quarter, IS I'. "thick actual). And thoughthat much wood ;o;4l1nd:, expensive, t'ed oakeosts le~~than ('lear pine (at least aroundhere),


Page 5: Woodsmith - 015




oft wa boards and clamping them together. EO fiGURE Itthen loosening' the clamps, adding another

~board, etc. (For all of this gluing we used l.,. .• IEimer', Carpenter's Glue, the yellow , ltG~

"'Of< ekind.) r;.;';The 'pline< should force the top>,of th" ;:J ~ -:7£

board. flush. Then irs just a mailer of .. ,. ..... -~.making sure Lhe top doesn't cup, To pre- ,'/ 2', . ~/J.z'vent any cuppiJlt( we placed some waxed r"~,/ ~paper over the ends of Ihe OO3.. Is and used /'Jorgensell hand .CI'e"'Sto keep the surface ~,"';. • !

flat, Fig, 3.'IGUIU "~i ,>J~THE lEGS j .~.- --1 ./..

While the top wa> d~;ng,we \\ ent ahead -<:;.--::;;-.-.~ ~ 3/'/ "':!::[j ." ~ " '.and worked on the legs, Each lel1is glued

up from thr-ee pieces of stock. (!;ee Fig. ,I) :J --7j~_,..~, - '--~

,'to form a 21'," square leg. There's no special i

approach to doing this. ju;t apply the glue '-c GltOOYl 10.and clamp up the pieces with a> mall), (;- . '''"'

aunONdamps as you can find. '..,,- L.--(:--

,v.....After the glue i;dry, scrape off any ex- .. :.

cess, and run the edges over 8 jointer or 'OUI.::;; ho.. •~.through the table saw to square them up.

'I ( ...; r--li ~.Then the mortises canbe ehcpped out, fig. -5. (The mer.hod we used for cutting the ..,._ ~

Ij,j,~11~•.J-";'I.=ota --I".._ ...;mortises L-.; de~tribed onpage 12.)~~inaU)', :::.t. - v. COl"..the four corners otthe lcgl' and the bottom ~1-edges are: rounded O\'C.'with a router and a AGUila I~t',. quarter-round bit, \0\. PilOT HOU:

-c '~1ii;jr.~ -THE APRONS 5'..,",'0.- s:

Once the mortises art' dune, the tCll011S arc #

cut at the end of the aprons, Make sure the -J. ' r'''l..::distance betWL"'" the two shoulders of the ".' ~."tenons is exactlv the same on all four ~ ... --1 1,~7 ..I.."

aprons, Fig. 6. The bottom edj!e of theapron is rounded with. ,," quarter-round l'v'--";-~ /' lV."'J,hSCIt(W

bit. - '/'/Aner the tenons are cut. grooves are cut ~'4y;,tjin two of the aprons (see fig. i) to accept f~U'f IOl...- ll'> .'" .; MATERIALS LIST

the button tasteners, This method ofr

r -fastening is very hanIJ)' (UI'removing' and )]V

BUlTON _. ==:.ifG... A Top. finished lYI.,,35·3S

,,,atLaching the lOp. IThis table is \'0")" " TOPt i&o(hpie(~ I' J.~ •Yi. JC 21/,. 36,.;,heavy, if it need. to be moved u's much R 8 leg" finish.d ~ .j(;'" 2'10 - 28easier to remove the LOp.) !

').1'I logs, two pes.) I t II'.-!'r.-1M""However. there is another reason (or , legt, one pc. v~

u$ing these 'buttons.' A table top this wide ;s zF.' C Apron, finilhed '1'•• 3~. 2S~.,I,.'is bound to swell and shrink with changes Iin humidity throughout the year, The but- " CUTTING DIAGRAMtons can slide in the groove as the to!' :c..

1moves. thus pl'(:ventinl! an~' pressure that ..THREEao.... 05 I"'_, .5'....-·72

might cause splitting. In ..to,VttW l':2>,1u::izIZ2;::,J'" i


The ends oflhe table tOPtan now be cut off 'S" TWOIOAltDS 1~",·.)"".'6"to the 35·lcl1!(th, Then the top and bottom I B I 8 !;;;,;;.t, «121edges are rounded over with a Y"' quarter- AGUt. I. _'" COINERlOUNOround bit. TWOIOAADS '·.....-a3·i,' ,60'To finish this table we applied ['roll 8: La.• ,~~,....l;: 8, ,: ,faLambert Sanding Sealer H-40 to the le~ ';..0')1and lOp. Then we added twOcoat~of I' 8: L 1)' - .....I~Y TWOIOAROS l.•• 3',..-.60

varnish to the top only. iVal"i$h is nut C:::~=.J ;p e3really necessary on the legs.) ~-CO~NU

The entire table was rubbed OUlwith lOU"O-\v.-cORNEatoUNO

~'•• 31')' .60'pumice stone and rubbing <Iii 10 a satin

twoaGAtos1 1 tl C I c t'(/1sheen. (This [U\ishing procedure is discus-sed in detail in lI'oodsr>I;ill No. 1-1.)


Page 6: Woodsmith - 015


~~~~:~~~~~I can'l d,'IIY lhal ahemalinl!thebadl.I.\ .... II.. true thal)OO can't jom the

grain of each board makes sense, ( u,d"f"neboan!C.hurtgrain)\olh,,«I'I' ofProblems do ari.", ju.t because of the na- anQlh",·board (long jI1'llinlwith IIluI' onl)·.ture of wcod . . Itmoves: shrink" .• wells, lIuljoinin): "Igc to edge (lonl(gJ'III1l 10lonj!warps. IWi!>IA,lIndcups, Thi~ movement is J,'min) doe, produce a good glue joint, on,·caused by absorption or release of mois- ,hnl'. quit.. strong,lure.lnthcoldd8~'~wh en almost all wood However, whether vou u,,, d<l",·b.\\'8$ air dried, "o.,d continued to move for ,plill~'or ju,l IIbull joinl, Ihere·. no pointman~' years, BUI n"" oday" almost "II in even al'I'I)~ng the j!lup un Ie•• Ih,· .~I~I·'wood i- kiln dnM And Ih... reduce;; many of th. boards are square with Ih,· thl'of these problem- ((.cel. IItlV "e Jrel into an 8IVa thaI',Also, in IIx- old day. table lOp.; were f'rau~hl" llh dchat •.

made or \.'~I").\\ ide bc~ls. The-wider the 11"w ,I"~yoJI :cqtlart' UJl ,,,. ,.,Igf IIIboard. the greater chance of cupping. He~'> "hall do. I checkm)' labll' ~,\\.. In(Cupping is" h~n a boanl 'curb', fonning a mak,· ,un' th,· blade is ""'1>"ndicul"r to Ih,·Ll·l!bapedconcaveorconv~.an:h3ero."'it, tabh'. Then 1 rip 3 clean l,dg" nn th~widlb.) M.,.t hRnlwood ~old today is only boanl •. Ir ,t'. hardwood, I u~ n lO·tooth"""ilable in ,-cloth'ply nllrl'Owwidths. Thi. carbid('lil'l'l-d blade. Ifil'~ ,0f\w(KMI,I u'.is aotually an advanUl)!c. In facI, even If a hollow·ground planer blade. 'l'h:u'" il.,,~de board, are pur<h•••ori. they should Ix- You can, if you have a jointer. cI.'an Ih,·ripped do" n 10 I or S' in width. .." mario<off th. edge<. tr you dun'l h.v,'

JOINING THl BOARDS a jomler. you've jU>1:;aved you"",lf Iheco.-I of anoth~r pit'Ct'of equipm<'nt and 0'1('

To gel the \\;dth I1('(C 1'31')'for. table lOp. ""'I't' .t~l'.,~,-.ralboard. must be glut'<! logether. ~o" I'm ready to ¢U~up Ih,· boanl-.Mg. to edJr'" SI","dil14la !illi. extra time \\'en. not quite yet. 'J'Illi;"" here ",""'liceat th;" .tage will .....,·,·ho"," of \\Corklater. III imIM,I1"nl. I pl.ce the board. 011 a natSu, whoI'. 1/", b".1 ""1110 )0;" III. "urrac,'(lh., \(I1'0fthetable.awlnntl I",-h

boo,.d.llt lViII, """",.t Il'ilil .pli"Cl/I! th"IlI logelher wilh hand pre.'u~.Many book. de""ribe Ih~ 1I\1eof dowel. If Ihe joinl between the two boanl, i.

or splines whon joinill): boanl •• odge \0 tight. I'm half·way the' .... Next. I Rip thl'OOIW for a I"bl" lup, 1\',usually Mid that boan!. o"crand cheek tho joinl on Ih(·I~'I·now.l. or .plinl· •• I~,,~'\hcn Ibe joint. 110m .idt,. If thi&joint is lighl, I'm all Ih~Ihink that'. a linl,' mi.leadinlt. Th. real "lty Ih,'I'\'. If not, it probably rn"a... Ihalpuf'J"N' 0[ do" ~18or ~I'li~,i.- 10 gel tJko th,' I'll" blade i.nOI really ""I al !It.1.boal"li> nu.b across 11M>t"p. If you're nol I\'B nc,tl>ec<,"''1' 10""",1 tIM>blade andenremelr .a....,J'uI"hen a1illTlinglhedo,,"_1 np N'" edl!:c-. Ju>t take one boanI andhoi"". or the i!l'1O'·C. for tm, .pli""". you're place it on Ihe """" with th<.>'8C'e .,d.dOllnjusl defeaung the "hole pUI']J<""'. IhlS orne. No" rip a new t'<!I1:P.WhAI thIS

So knIt' (/0 r/f'" jOlJt tit, ~HlnL'f~ d~,in efi'l"Ct. is produce a bc\·(l)·rirJ Jflint,I just pUI ,orne ~luc on the edges and OneboanligbeveledlOtheright.lh,·oll",r

clamp Ihem tOI:,·lh.,· - " 1l00dold bun i. bcvek-d the ,"mc amounl to Ih" lun .joinl. Thi" simple joilll h", ""'ec:iVl.tJa lot of Thu•• the IWOe<lge<will be nu.h.

"<1'0" all the boarel" AlthouJ:h olherm"thocl. (If marking Ih~ h""nl. "lin b.·u<,'d. Ih., ,'a'llt?lll~r'$ uionll:le i••• l1mnl),t)n(' nrthtt ~hnl)I~:\t. M ~ho\\'n in tht· clrtt\\·ln~ nbo\'t'. '·"en through tht· '·']Il(u..iun .,rC'Uttlng nnel Jvlning. th(· bllaJ,I~ c.1l11t'a"'II~'l~'n:lunl~"C1to their propt'r ~Ut-'n('C

IJu 1ft> t Or'1'f1.tl!(f:tll( iJlflftrtU." 'hi' 9"lt"UJlII,,..,, (II Illr ("lid(J(tl r /x)(Jn!tl""n.'i"$ "P

ON ,1, ",.., bottnl ••Ie}.c" u, ,It~6tn,mf NI'.dfJtrH. tt~,

I Ill'...... yuU·,.., .Uppo>M to. HUI Ih,·....,:&1\\n~'"~mti lo be $Orne tlercet thill ,l(O\lr:­to\'fl'l1·th,nJC up. So 1 jwt rh(){Jl'it>thl' ht'l'It.. d" of cnch board, and mnk~ Ihlll ,,,I,'lh,·(al'''' (t.r [C)••) ::.ide.

Tht.'n· al,· 1))11>'l ,,"'f. \\'al~ to f!t'l ULat,lt, top;11Jsolutf"I~'...mooth and fini ..hed tu II('r(l"f~'Ion' ou (1In bu)- a 141l (If \'('1")' lHr'Jll. \('1")'.'IK 1151,... equipmem lhal \\ in do the Jobnlc"'~ . Or. you ran >pend),"'''' d"~loptngIh, ,kill. "",I craftsman-hip neee 01:11') 10(1(1It t,) hand. There really l.,;n'l a'l,) 143)'th,- a\t:ra~\' J{U~'in the a\'l'rd~t"..hf'l' canI(,'t ~(""I lV.ull- nn a labl,' 1<11'HIII"'II'~·!All you have 10do i."'1,1".... nil

lhut t'XIH'IlSI\'(' equipment nnfl )'l'U~ .,( ex­lH.'ri4.'Ilft' with one simple t(w,l: 1l.<t.lil'Jlt,,\,~I'm 11(,l s.:cung to :-ta," t11:\l ....mtKJlhln" andftlu",hulf ~ tahle top i~Pa....)· It':!>n<lt Hut ucan 1'1(" (IIInt' wuh just a (4:" tOCII.~.,xI it\\ holt. I()l .,f pauenee.


The fi",1 step in buildine:an)·lhm.:i.' ""I<'ct·inJ:Ih. "",Jd. \\'hile thls i.-th~ fin-I ,h'P inmHkmKa labl~ I<lP,it'. abo Ih,' fir-t prob­"·m.Th~ hullding of a tabl ...101linvoll'l'. join·

in): "'\'('ral board •. SU( the fini.hl~l IIrn·,11"'1,huu"l negate this p'"<lCe>'... the 101'shuuld look like it's one homn~.n.nuKJ,j'''<'l". lMlt ju.:-l a bunch of tM..,\m$ -tueklt~t·th~-r.

(){ ('OUt'-(". "-e're dealing with \l(J()(I. notI.l....ue IlI'll8JIII Each board i.!«lin!: tu becll«'°n-Ill. btlt matchlo)! tht· t.o8n:I'" ft,rjI1'lllnp;llkmand colur,hould ""dhlle" 'Ihn CI{')(I"·(' of raTe an(1 ~{tn"lti\ il~. AntiIhough .u Ihe board. can't 1", icl"nliculIlI'in., Ihey .hnuld at ",." I", ki"JnJr(.'(~u$in l',One(' Ih. hO.lI-d, arc ""Ieol<-<l,la)" 1111'111

uut In 1hI' ordcr lbey will Ix-juinecl. Then.JU" to "«'P lbinJ(>" ....ighl. I dra" u lal'l!cIn.ngl, «alll.tJ a •• rpenl<·r·, In.n~lel



Page 7: Woodsmith - 015


"'/IUI grtt tt,) 'I'lll st(lrl. "'Itl,}I would r(·t"flmmtnri all "(.'grit bt'lt

Coarser gril- would remove mon- ,,00<1but they \\ euld create l.l'1(l' M·ratC'ht-.. 10

Ihe ",lOll AnNJ-jmt belt loki·' morE"tim,·(lind )'ou'll hll'·' to chang.· Ih,· b..Its mon­often) btlt \'llu"re Jess. lik.ll\, to run intI'serious trUlit,le. .Al Ii....i, hold the ",n.I,·ral a -light angl..

10the l(I'8in "r IhI.' "'lIUIl.abool3l •• If;ouhold the ~nll(.-'r at 90 t() tht· ).'nlin (ar ....~:-..;the width). il will take hl1' more woorl.ra~ter. hut Yf)Umay \\'iflll UI' with Inr.r,>ripples or \\'.\'f>"; on the :o.UrfH"!· Holding it.t aboul 3<1 take. orr "nou~h w ..od wuhIe", chance IIr ......u,ing ril>pl" ••Hold th~ ",.nder liJthll) .Rndkt't'r.it mov­

Ing. Th~ billJ.!"'~t(Ianger is pu ..hlnj.! the san­der SOit til)')\ up ()IIone r·(IJ,!l·und f!0ugt'~ (lUlJI (Jeep scratchAfter tht' te'I' i~It.'\'t"lt'fl,turn thesl.'Kl\:r

to 1114)\'e,,·,th th(_'nain. ~l"l.lrl \\'Ith an ~)..~'"tIx>lt. )10,." It up anti b..rk. from Ollt·edg!! to th ... othl·r (a~ if ~'I'U\\ l're JrQninK)Slop e"~I'y "" oflen and ch~"k the SUrf.CI·\\;th a ton.'! rult.'r or frnminJ.tM\Uart' IfIh~,...arp an)' hilth ,put, Im:lrk Ihtm , h.n "X'"arul"lc)\\ tht r1)f)\'('nlt'nt orth~ --an..Cll~rO\'t"rthl·....·arl"~ to ta~,I'(Irfmore \\ oocl\\'h~n )·ou·,·< Kot th,· lahl.· tol' Oat.

change to n HI(I·grit or u 1:!1.·~"itbelt lu,1II.dout Ih,' marl<$left b)' th,· r'>aI'l'er~'1il.finally. u,,· Ihe Rl)I"k" 1/ .'1''''' 810(" 10·and out uU .. Ttllch"" lell b, Ihe bcl1 ...an.d~r I 11* ,,"cjlTit Canrct ·I"pt·r ror I'"o~l'lllion. Ir the '<;1',,1HI, ....ha; I.fl an)>\1;1'1mark, IiI probably \l'111tu•• " han,1'anding black \\ ilh 12()·~""1l;"n101 P"~~'I'to I!~t th~m u.Jt

SMOOTHING WITH HAND TOOLSIt _»la\ ~""t'ln like- .. C(nltnl,h~,ti(lll. 1,ut Ilhflik •\\'orkif'~ \\'ilh hut,,1 tlHll~i~nlUL'ht.."Ul"icrthall \\'ol'kin,r \\'ith l)(I\\l')" tool!-, ,-\~mcntion(."(1 carlit>r. it'~ 11(111I1u:-<le PO\\l'"thal mak"" Ihln~~ diffirull It'- ,"01111'01Ir....,11ha'·. bett,·r conI !'> ,1 '\llh h.,,)ojtool.-

A labl ..· till' ran tK> :olnlltllth"",l to nt'a.'perree!iQnwilh I1IW pl"m'. ".I.I.k 1.lalw. Th.·on~Iu..~.j", a II"c."4)rJ"a~11tt·,IIl4:)tl4)lnRI'(,I"'I1ja.k plan.,. It ,·0,,, ahom ~I;''>.\\'hen th.·I,lane iroJIb f'harp and lt~s~~'1JU"I n~ht.th('re'~ 11(1btttt·r it>'elin\!In tlw \\(.Itlrl Illr"tJOd\\ I)rkJn~),

\'ou cotn 1,1AOC'3 tahll) tup in Ie::-$ llrn,Ihan it wkl" with. Ix>It,.,u.d,·,·.Alln. ,·ou\\on't ha\', rltlUll...of l'\a"du..t all f'\"t_'r 'rh,',hoI' (and hOll"").After plamnlt th~ 101' '''Ih Ih.. ja,k

platl{>'. J :-flml'\lnll':- Jt00\ ,,·rIt '\-Ith a ~m(,.Ith"Inne (~·lIrIn 10111(1.bUI I u'"ally lin,llhi­unnt'Ce<';Kr)'if the jack ph"lL' IIInd the jlll"kplane ofl\'ralclr) ....\\'o-rkin.: I'nl)\'rl,\'.The final 'ttl' IS~n.M)thltlt tht' ...ur(aCt

"'Ih a hand II<'ral",rbl••I., (".... II·wd.. "'1I~u I~l. Th" httl. pi"". oi .1,'(,'1"ill work""OIK\Cl't'OJl t h'l t~lbletO~l, 1"~t\,lllJt'the ,,111n{'lean allcl ('I~'nl'••• I"t'ad~'r,u' the finh.h.

but nett So much that it'~Slollllmj{ all overthe pIat¥.Should !/fltl ~r'fNo1ltlr,~r:rr"s gl"r.ll1th

n tin'Jfp ("11,,1 ITho in.-truclions on Ih,' glue ooltiP' rv

commend lhut you do. 1dOli'\, I think thlll\\;ping at Ihi. point dilute th~ 111u<'andft)~ it int(, th(· wood - making it \'('1")'

difficult 10 ,and out later,1 lean' Ih" boards claml..~l up jU.'1 th.·

way lh~y an' ror at le•• t an hour. but usual­Iy overnigfn. Then I use (I r~lint scraper!lh" kind u'I.,1 for scrap ill): I'«inl orr thl'..id(! of 3 hf,u!'o"} to SO"aIl(' K\\3)o' the (In",1glue. Then you're ready to "m()()th tb"boards, mak,"~ them a I"hlt top.

SMOOTHING THt TOP:0:., thel'" Ih.,y sit. A hunch of hoards glul'(lIO!!'lth.,·, challen!l:inll you tu lran,r"rmIhem inlo a tahl. top. Roll up your ,Jee' (.anti H100d(' ~'our \\-eapctns.

The tOf,l:"!)'OU choo.."\¬ ..'"tin he po\\'e-rt.-fl h.\eleclricit~' or muscle, Thi! IXJ\\'er sour"-,,,"do•• n'l r"ally make much dirre,...nl'e. B',lh....'lluirt> a cK,·ntlclooch.\\n,'!! r... :d "ith th,· ta,k o( ,moothin~out a labl,·lup. mo.t PI~,lp«( think) \\'oold.h""", .k~·trictool-. II look, like a lot orwork HI i.l. and IhoS<'link l'Iecu'ic mOll"'"\\'hizz.illg a\\'3)' \\ill ~oml'\\'R)o'"lake thjnpmuch I... difficulL But. Ih., difficult,' h,·n·i. not Ih,· amount of phy.ical labor in­voh·ed. Ralh.r. it'; a malter of control.The po.,.."... of both ell",lnc and hand tool·ll!'oLo rem()\'C \\'ood. Ho\\ nluch \\'ood th,','remo,'e. unci whelhel'lh~)' remo"e it in Ih·,·I)roper pla('(l~.i~up to ~'Oll

SMOOTHING WITH IUeTRle TOOLSIf \'00 ch(lO..t ('ll"Clnc tf)11s \(,u need t""pi....., of "qUlpmenl: a b<.!t ·.ander and ..fini.h band~r.The choic~ of a Ix>lt"",nnN'I,Ilrett)' \\itt,· 0l'(~n. ("'{' I,J~{.(1St'CJ~"Rmoch,:1. 1Rut Ih,' filll..h ~ntl(!r i!"- a mo~ rliffi("ultcholt'\:, I "t.ulcl ret"Ornrn('rwi a R(~t rvll~/W{J BI'k' ()rhitaJ Sandt·r It·....e'\~wn....i\t·(about $7bl lind bUill f",' rommel"<'ial \I••••Hut il'~ ".,11 wOl~hth~ I'ri('" - ~"p.:eiallyon 3 pl'<ljl't:l like a tabl,· top.

If th4! t.,bl," tllp k \'f:I1' n;.\a)!h ~'(1Umol)'\tant lu rooj:h I,lane it IM·rore.t:u·tin"" lthIh~ belt F.",I~r. I\-e fourKI thaI one ..( thebe~ttool~ [(Ir "nl(Klthin~ 11l1'",t'r:o-urface:o' 1$.11I'0gll'I' S.~(r·r.I'la"'·r.'rhe S(I'" r·/)!a,rri' '\M~t1i!'-cu.s~l·(1 In

'\"()(J(ixIJ"tlt Xumber Tl·n. 'l'ool~ of tht·Trade. \\bt'n Ihi> pla""r IS mounted un ~raclial ann N\\'. it \\il) du ;tn t..·\C'\·Itt>ntji)l)flftaking orr tho high '1101' on a I:.rg<·nat~urfa('(' like u labl~ top.The bell .:tndfr i.,u,...d 1ll',I, ThouJth Ihe

.)urpo:;(· or a bt·lt f'.aI1der i~to tak(.· oiT '\'(JOeI.it.$ool the"Inotor that fit"":"the- ,,'ork, It',.the gnl on Ih,' b..lt. Your hall,1 i.:, not \1,,,1to p~ oQ\\n on thl' ~"\n('er (that jU:"!lm~ke~ tho mlltor tl'·el·h~atl. It', jU~1Ih,·I·,·to guidl' Ih~ 1>1'11in the ril(ht direction.

A.... th4' "'lamllS an' tlcl\t"OC"f1, an "·'t·nline of glu.· lIhouId_I' UI' bet"' ....n lh.·oo.nl-. (Thi. may Ix> ,. hne of bead, IIfglue.) Th"l'. good. You kllu\I lh~r~·.~n"uj(h gluc in thejoinl '" il·, nul ,lnrvl·tI.

Cl,AMl'$6 to. "'All



The hoanl. hav(' been rh"""n for w..m andeelor, the Mg.- an. cut -'lu,,",. anti I'mre"lIy to Illu~ them. lu)(.·th~r. Againpauenee, I !."'tI'\'erything ready. ju.t "' irI were go"'g to apply lho IIlue and clampthem up. Th.:n I ",,( tho glue .. ide. Rut I ~oah""d and t'blmp the 00anI, tOJl"th~r - It(1'1' run l(, (ht"('k thin~ out\\'ben clamping. Ius. 1"1'" clamp> (hal'

clamps 11'"d to bend too mueh), You n(·~denough damp" so they're 'I .. ced no mon­than Ii to " apart. AI,.... lhoy should t.:alternated, OtIC'on top, """t on the bouom,ete, Thi" \("00" to t!'CiUall~"the \\""3.rrtlng(cupping) .IIu,en b) I hi' clamp; themselves,Til(hlcn Ih. damp, until the gal' "',.

tween tht boards di:-.al'lK'ar:o-. :\()\ l'''.tight. nc,t too Ioo...:e~~I)".la~a Ir)nc- :o-t,'(·'ru1er nr a rraming ~uart· (1\ l'r the \\;.Ith elf

the tOIJ. '\'(.u rna~'find thl' tC),. i...<:\IJ'J,,'(I.Thi.<problem .hould I", ",I\'ed Ix>f"... th.·glue 1(..... Ull.

If )'OU'I\.' ~\lrE'the ('(JI.:'·s.",,·:;.quart:'. th.'nIhe prubl.m ,- u.<u"l1~ '\llh th. I"l'"clamp- l.oo·.n anclli~"'It'fl them tr;illg 10gel thE' h.1:\nJ~le"·el. If lhl!ll (lfJt:~n'l\\llrk tus.uall~· f":-olton JOr(1t"IIf'" h:lncl $(,I·t·\\·~I\CTo......' lht· ('n(l~ftCthe bejar,I:-1. 'rhis \'.;11 j!'t)lrid of Ih~ \\ 1lI'P. 3-< well ., I,ullthe oo.nl,{J~h (in linl' &Ct"'Q:S."; thtO t('I)',\\'b"n Ih.· ooan!' are finall,· fiu,;h and Ih.

lop i- f.......of warp. ( I,..",.n ·.lIlhe dam!"aud I'm rtlldyto glue. F~I'.hno.t aUJl;luingI U:--f1 F,.if/,A·{,l1 Tilt'hun<1 \1l" EI,,,.',,',,Carpenlt·" Glu. (both lIr Ih""" RI...• "y.l·I,,","~u...). I -prelld Ihl·ltlul·on on. ',I~.·of ,,~h boanl \\itha .mall ( ,..,pamt bru-h.The glu ..· ..hlluld go on in al' ("\'eJl coat. Itshould look kind (If glo,-y all alung Ih,·"dge. If Ih,· 1(1".appeal'l' rlull in a spot 01'Iwo. il 1I11'.n$ it ha. ""ak,·d in. Apply abtlk- bit m",."..-\"I'm putting the pill<'cl:<mp,back" I

plal,(~ :;t"I':o>u(,\'a,.'(e<l p;tJl"r f,\,er the jUlnlto makp 'SUr'\' the pipe (I')\'~n't touch an)' (Iflhe !l:lu~. Iflh" Ilil)(.>dne. \(I"eh ""m,' g""',t.herc ,,;11 1><••• hemical """'lion fOmlinl( "black !'o)))"l('h fln the Yo '" .. I.


Page 8: Woodsmith - 015


I't.. )I: lV,- ·'2



A Front L&gs(2) - l'/,.:It 2Y•• l:&8 8ockl.eg.(2) -1IYo.x2V •• 321/••C Sid. Roil. (2) 1'/,.xl Y,- 19D frontlBockRoils(21 - '11•• 2'10· 19E Sid,Stretme.rs(2) .. tY..x 1~.·14¥.F C..... Str.tch.t(11 - Y.xl'lo·lOG Chair8ock(8) y IY.. x 1'1'.·lOH PlywoodSlot 1,4.1S'/. -18I Uphoistoyfobric 22 x 25



(nu:n:'~ noway that building a chair en" beconsidered easy, Sturdy eonsuuetion andproper joinery Are certainly required.Beyond tbat, IIchair must IX' designed tooomrOl'labl:;accept the human anatomy.'Ihe chair shown here was designed as a

companion to the table shown earlier inthis issue. We tried to ne..ign • chair thatwas sturdy and sturdy looking, comfort·able for dining, and most,important, 3chairthat \\'8.$ made of ,,'Wd,Before jtetling into the actual construe­

tion orlhis chair, Ithink it'. appropriatelomention that the dimensions of this chaircan (and probably should be) altered,

For dining chairs two criteria are impor­tant. The first consideration is the heightof the scat from the floor. This distance isusually somewhere around 16- to 17", butcan be altered (01' II 'tailored' fit, In fact,this measurement can be taken directlvfrom the person who'. going w IX'doing thesitting, To do this, bend your knee slightlyand feel the crease on the back of the knee,)!CllSure fl'1l111the floor to this crease. Thisthen is the heil1:hlof the chair's seat fromIh~ floor (not includinl( any roam or "pad.ding on the seat).The second consideration Is the rela­

lionship between the seat and the chairback, Th. seat of tho ehair u~uall~'slopesdown toward the back of the chair any­where in the range of 0" to about 5', Theback is also angled. usually somewhere IX'.Iwe~ 5' and 20',Since both Ihe seat and th. back are

angled, the relationship between thesetwo (the net angle) determines the comfortof the chair, This angle (for a dining chair)should be between 9,';' and 100', The smal­ler angle (95 ) will feel comfcrtabte if you~it up strwllht, The larll:er angle (10(1') willreel comfortable if you tend to slouch 8liUle, It's reaU~'sort of a personal deeision,


All of what's been said above is just somuch theory When it gels down 10 actual­ly building a chair, lhin~ can change, Inract, during' the process of building thischair we I1:OOfed.The chair that's shown here has lh. seat

angled down 3t4' ann tbe back rest angled8t6". Thi, yields a net angle of9'Z' bel weenthe s•• t and back, This means YUII have to.11 well back in the chair, nnd sit up5tl".lijtht. I lind this. little uncomfortable,

However. We d"dded to perform a 'testsit' to s,!E'l some other opinions, The results:Two people like it (Connie and Linda), Oneliked il with reservations (Ted, because he


Page 9: Woodsmith - 015




Irq'14....12"'. --iC6t ,,0..~ MOCTI5.eCfNTtIID


It=o '

.,.,•17' •


._.., II•

• 6' • II,o",Ii

'H'OUOH IMOt"S'i o

I' •

'''~to•• OIGutt 1built It and d.1n·t want to start, all over

al<3lnl. ~nel I thoujZht til;: eeat should be~ng,-"(I to. 0 an~k Ilhu....maltinJtthe netan~I.·96'>.I "·\1,·,,,,1 1M results, and in fair and

impartial eI.'C•• innded"nod me th .. ";"l1('r.So, all o( the lira" 1J1~'"and m_urempnL<(or a.<.~mbhnl! Ih' -eat are h....~ on a ()anglr, II' hich 81"" make construction aIIUOddeal ~.'wr).


The 1i"'1 '11'1' " to nl' all the pieces towidth alld approximate IcnJtlh. Then lhe(un begin s, The"".'" I~m~rti ....and tenonjoint' in thi. chair. indueling three diff.·rent \·3rif1,li(Jr1.~on lhi!'! joint.The ol"laill'hr,to .ho,," the beauty oftbi'

joint. lIut 1:... 1look, .... n·t everythmz. A\\l-ci£l"C:lm(lr1I~ t("non JOint i:- one of [ht".lronlCl'Sl j01ll1< In ...-oo,lI.orkingCon.'lnlctlOn Ix')nll> by <uIUnI' tbe (ronl

and hack I"I!" 10 I,·",,'lh.THF.LH.- The (r"nl I.I!"art' I' Ionl(on

the ,,·hi.ilrshown. However. ir~touwant toalter Ih•• ""1 height twhich is 16'/.. , youmust .. lju.t the 1""!lIh o( 1M (runt leg. Ifyou "hanl" Ih,· (mnl leW', the back leg.must 1>1' changed by the earne amoumAI,,", when cUlling Ih. back leJ!11to lenj!th,mhor lh. top, HI I)' , "" shown in fig. 3.~1{'RTI~l'"IS I.~:{;l"l-'ir~lcut a notch in

both the front and back leg, 10 acceptthe· Jo;irtp rail. ";l't,.'"·iJt. 1. Then. insidethis nOlth, lhrouJlh mortises are laidoUI, drilled and chopped squa re. finally,~I{lPI){..t nwn,,.,,:- cut rK'ar the bottom o(Ihe Ie" fur lit" ,t ...."·h.,.,.. fig. 2."orr. St"l,·by·'lep instructions for

thoPI.in~out l~ moruse-,are givenonfo:tJ:l.' 12

'''''Lt.ll J(ORTIS[SSACK LEe La~'nj(out lite antd<-cImoru-e-, for tM back rest,t'ig 3J1,en''''rthan it 1001<.,.Since the top"fth~ bark Ipl(ha. beenmitered at 6'. it',~imply a matte r of plodnl!' a I,), square onIhe IOJlof Ihl' leg ano ",arlring a line dow nthe .ide oflhp leg. Then the through mer­tises arl' laid OUIand cut as shown."IU~RAILThor., art' actually two joints

th.l hold the .irle rail 10 the from and backll·J,rs. Rt.·ft.·rto "'ig. -t. "'ir>l. a notch iSC'Ulinthe ,id~rail to m.trh Ill;: notrh on the fromand b•• k Ie" •. This 111 elfee!. creates aholf,13jljoint. However. before thb notchi,rut, it's ""'1 10 rout tM edge. to thoirhalf roo...1.hal""" hleh we dielnn a rout e r",hIe "lilt a~· quartpr·roondb,LI

Aii.r tM notch'. cut, tho front k'J: i­~I In the notch and1M throuj!"hmor­use (" hi.h h... a1",ady been rut in the t~1i,used .. (Igu,de to mark out the stoppedmortise in th" >id~ rail, fig. ~.

STHt:r<'HI;K The final step ,at least atthis point) b tu rut the tenens at the end ofthe side ,tretchel'll to lit their rellpectivcmort I",,". All\O.n through mortise must Ix­CIll fo.. (h(' c...,... Mln-teh.r.

Page 10: Woodsmith - 015


I .(O'H(I 0' ',MlI'lAtl!


OfT.lleC\lr\"e start~ fj. rnlm lh(' t'hc.ulcler of theICI'IlJUO.,Uctu..il ri. (Th,' ,.,{It·rail \\;11 r~l onlhi.....v~...\\ iele nUL :-1)(,\,1Th~$SImp t('ml)liltt' i~th"'I1I)().:o:iliOOE'<l (In

lhe I!lued Ull block (ur Ih,' bark l'e.l.l>a.o;h(.\\'fl in lklHill·, TII('rUr'\c.oi..barnba\\'l-dtIlrough ~h:tJk.-."r~t m(lOtht.'(1c.lU\\"'tl with a,.".k,.,.h3\(· and ha.. 1 ,..,roper blade to •final t.bickne!'o'" .,i , .-\l~I.the COJ"l'lCrs orlbebaci;n"t'Br\' rouM,.1 "rrloa I' radill.-.\\ £IJ<;£j'n ~,", Tht'" art' .lotalo(t~n

,,<'<I,,e<! t~Mn, on th .. "hair, Six of IbemI,.. real but ruur ur th.'m lire fake I.e. Fig,x). 1'he (OUI' Cllkt'(1Ilt'k hultl the '!'ide rnil~ totho Ie!:". Th~.(, "rt' mll.tly (ord('('()ralionbut they abo >lIJlI,I.'m('nt th~ hftlf-Iapjoinl.







~If'l'~'such Q precise f'ill~ required fur thelen"n" .1may be hdpful tueut the-m .Iijlhl.Iy larl(.'r than needed and parethem 10 SI7."with R chisel. 'l'hi1> i:; a lilllf' (.lxt,,. hl\nlt'<f.rk, but will probably ray ..ffA. mentioned before, the h'non~al lh~

l.·ntJ~o( th,' "'1(1('stretcher» al"\' cut fil"1LtTh"!Ie &llfl !tn·tr~l"".,Jon~\\Ilh thl I(_~and Ih,' ,,,Il' raib- o;mpk'l(' the 1ra"",,'lhal mak" up tbe lell and riKhl."I, .. O(I~chair The "" (r.une> should be ,I ....a.~.b'l~ttu Inakt·~re the)' match. .WIl,'n tvcrylhinjr check- out, Ih.,.

rr.lm,', ran b,..partially as-embl .. I, lIu" ."or, I)nly Ih,' (nmt and back leg>.and Ih,' 1"0"oln'leh,'r 31"1'glued up at lhi, lim.', The'Siftt' rail i~1)10('(,'<1in posiuon (but not tcllll'tl)'" II", rrill11<'rail be "'Iu8 re,,1 UI' rlunn~r1'lmpi"~.AIl('r the glue i,dry, 1111,'<IJ:"" orIhi' (ran" hndudinJr the .,~1, or th., I.~"')~re ntUf)lltodover \\-ith a v..-qllart«'r-rowklbit un a rutlt4,."r.~I'," It·... ~impl~ a mauer or hookant::

th('....4· \\\0 frames t~thcr with th.. ti\C',UI'I.,rt' pit-e..,.; the Cront and back rails,tht· back r"')'It!'.,ano Lht' C'J"Q:-.:-. ~trt'l,,'ht'r.\,'tll'll cutlin)! lh(._, 1\'n"I1:-, t,n tht')'oj' Ii"t·

pi"'l'l'" n,.l(' that the lli"tan('t' 1"'1\\('('11:-.houl{I\·I~()rlh(' tenons i~cxltl'll)'tlu- ...arl1f.'on ~tll Ii",· Ilit,,(,(·,:o., that i~17*

JU"Sl \SI' U\(" l(.\11 Th,· tlimt'll.'I,IOU'"111 the tto'UULIi.are shown in ~'1~ 6. 1<n.o\,,(Orthe t"·.")r~:-.are eut, th(.·bottom ,..tilt·of th('N.· ,lIt't:"" ..houlct tM4 nlUrKkod 1)\(r,,'th a ,. 'IWlrt\'r·round hit

t ItfJSS~"i:.:1'("LR Llimt:Il ....](J,1..... for th(·u-n..1I1 on the cross ~tn·tt'llt'r an' JOohcl" n Infl).:. tl, n}tht The-e It'n~ln:-;arv \',Il " liltll'1fln),!' ~. t 11(.1)' I,mlnld(l ~t"'Jlll I - l)to)'untlthv Ii" ,'f lh(' mortises In tho :oidC'!-tl'·lt'h·('1':-0. Aft.·r the tenons an?"cut ttl ",izl", 1)4,\h,·,11.'1'" "r thi ...J1il't·t,,·are roulK1l'cI (,\',,1',

It \c h It.sn-- The back l·t.'~\" ,1)',-' }t('nll~'nll"\ 4"C1fIll a comfortable fit. In mof....l ch.ursthl." eurv« L4 ,i"Jle b)- ...team }'I('1l411'K th,'I t"t"'t \nolhl'r \\ 3)" of fttqn~ It 'll' tf' t .. ,}Ct­"'a" lh\ ("UMt". \\'eo (ho.;;t· lhL' :to"rondm..\ ,,"lifl(or t hl ...c.-haJr. Hv\\ tv,·r. In unter If.,t'-"\'t.,nllt,,.Iatt· thi .. CUI"\~. tht' O;)"k J't t~ml1.~t 1.,.·tn:ul\, ll~ lt1ujnj! up (CKlf I,it·t'\....IIf,j , J'i,l.",·k.c":l('h I)iece at IloU:--l I .- \\ltt ..•°rhl"l t hi' t t'J1Cln::o. au'" ('Ul. H:-o:-ih"" rlUI • 'i)t, j.TI ~II'I..\TI. f'''1< ('l'I<\'I .. Til .Im.,hf)'

thlnJ,:':oo.tht· toU,'\.'(" for tht· rrflllt .tlut '~ll'k81\f'ltJll)'l alKI lh~ hack re:-l.!'>,... ,O'_it It)· thl't-;f,ll1t·,\ '·In,.d~a lcml\)....tt·(ur lhliltun· ..•a"h,,\\ ,lIn I>(."tail .0\ b." ll~nj:' a ,••nl: :IItt.), 1)(

\\ IMN' .\t Of"" ,'IllI \\"t_' rlriJl("Ct a ....m:t 1h"rl tofit 0\' r a bract. ,.\t the l,ther t"l<I v. t' ("lItt"ItIlCJt~~ Unt' 1~ from lh.., hl,;,{1 anti the.,th('r I' I fJlJm th..o hmo, 'rhf'll anot' \\t·'''·41111"n (In a ,'Il'Cl' f,f 1-")!'otl'r boanl .In(1 th,'It·n\I,I;ttt· '''' ctll out.

I \\ISI,ct\ T('l'R\'''' To nlark th,' C\lI'...•III tl,,- i'.,111t:unl b(i\:k r-diL-;.th('IU'~t"'I°lx';l)'rl1,'J'II1)IIII' j~I)(,;.;;-ition(.-dun tIlt' ruil ~) Ihr'

Page 11: Woodsmith - 015


•Figure U shows how the wedges force "GURE. ~ wtOG1, RGUU.

the outside sections of the tenona~in~t r, SAHOFlUSH1I~~'/>WIT)1ItAll

the angled eheeksof'the mortise. The trick . 0? '. - -~.:: fl-rl'"I> to cut slots in the tenon so the wedges ! r r I--force the outside S>P.t:.i()nsout fat' enough to . ".'V. , Lfill the mortise, but without splitting. To l_t , w.do lhi" flrst drill. Y,' diameter hole about \::y;' fI'Omthe .houlder of the tenon, Then .,J. • j V,---use 3 back saw to saw down to the edges of "7 ~_) ~. -

1·..- T ,- 1the hole. DRill "I. "Ott- "1 .. '!I ,--The \\'edge~ we used COl' this: chair were

cut from some ","rap walnut (ju,'l for con- AGUlllO

,R::8~trast in <'0101'), To make them, rip a piece or~scrap v....thick, Ya'·wide, ::In(1 SC\'(,'I-a.1 inches

Ion)!,.Then sand one side of each end of this {£~\~~~l1ill on a stationary belt sander to get a ?

~taper as shown in rig. ~. Finally. cut 1I I~=length off the end of this strip. Thi. i.the ( IOPYffW ,.\\ed(l:e. One note of caution: once lh~ l:.:.. G~wedges are in place. it is extremely (iiI1i·cult, if not im~sible tu (l:etthem out. /7? .~Now the chair can be assembled. The

~side rail, are mounted tu the pa..tjall~'assembled frames with the fake tenons, ~y" /'

fKlUlilD. Then the two frames are joinc..-i , rtogether with the back rests, front and VOfiTA.' ~ :~back rails, and the cross st1'etch~,·. Glueeverything up, drive in the wedge>. andclamp it with pipe clamp'.

Wnen the glue i~dry. U$(;.belt sander to!':lntl the protruding tenons tlush with the(act' of the I~.

96.. r"THE SEAT / ,.

'I'hp seal is a very simple process, that does iii"" ~ :'1not require an)' sewing. Basically, it'~j\l~t ,

:'a pieee oi 0/"' pl~'w()()d\\ith a bUllchof .hal·low kerfs cut in it so it bends C:l$il~'tomatch the curve 011 the front and back nUL<.Belote the Iabrie and padding are added ',' " ..to the plywood. Lvbrackets are mounted to

hold the seat to the chairrails. Fjrst fasten IL,b''ll.kcts to the r,.ont and back rails, l"ig... <.

Il.Then put the plywood in po~iti"n andmark the hole tor the tOI)part of 1he 1.- SlOEVlfW FIONTvtlWbracket. This end "fthe bracket is fastenedto the seat with ~ machine screw aile! deu-ble nut .~bly shewn in Fil!. l:!. AGUI'E 11 ~. - ',-PlYWOOD nGU.' l' /'U""\ {'"OtUt.L I. MOO:-10\\ a layer of I' foam i. place" on theplywood. Oil top of the foam are layers of - - ~--- ~- .. - --i '"'11-"- --cotton balling. A. shown in Fig. II there - !- -are two extra IaY~l">of bau~ in the cen- - """ ~ MA~'ter of the $<>31.This. is ~.IU'" \\ hell the ,-

~ CEHftl.>HtXNUT,

seat is placed on the rails it will curve and -\;;)" COUNTER'OREth<:Cabricwlll buckle slightly. The "xtrd RAll


I~ DEfPIlly.,.. make the top of the scat look nat. 11,.. x SC.EWFinnlly, the fabric is added. (The fabric, 101ltAtKfT

foam padding and cotton ballin!?:should allbe available at most fabric stores.) \Ve FIGUlt 13 ,.used a chocolate brown velour to COVerthe ST'IPtt.

seat. The fabric is cut to approximate slze ;oJ ~ ,~!F': ?/and wraped tightly around Ihe plywood ,..-,.\;:_ n ~seat. and stapIL'(1inplaeewith a sraple gun.


To lini.h this chair. we applied threeIA",c,22-~coats o( \I'atro Danish oil. The oil was .

allowed to dry thoroughly Cabout twoweeks) and then we put on 3wash coat of I .~ '""'_,.\_r "Ih.-cut white ,hell ae 10 add a liule luster, ,•

Page 12: Woodsmith - 015




9 e,,1 (' Ilm{/ .Irip "' 11.>1)(/I() fit "·f.lgt·sla',,_ TOI1t'f l "~/,,(III belt tj(lt,drr, uud

rill ofI Itllll,h. fur II'N.I{/<~.AjI,.,. Joint i.IIl,ud lip, ..,,,"1 on flld JIII,'/' ",il" Mil.

8 f·;1,;..,I, up (Ill In'J,1,sr by tttfti1tg the"11,1<IIuk. at a "'ghl allglt.SIar( elll

abolll ~•• }"Olll ..",1 r/ ...~k. elli ...1 ,,·illal."i),'fl (l1I1(1,""li('ullll IlfaA-( OJlgltd tOut.



6 Cui tht t('null I() (IJ)/)~'O.r;'J/al(' siu,It'«,t; "!l il(J b,1()'!('ntizt Refil"t'r"ttiug

(e1l0t1(III 1)lllrr ,urll PII«A·t 81~rtRllOltlder- tu~hlllltdr,.diAtlJUrtt r~r(I';"'rel


3..\Furst tlf" bit ;,0( tltf IH"ftt I,it to "8r t"df'tll out tJ", I'HlrlilCf. l'~u II,~t"lfSid.

t"hrrk "ff,. .. (,, ali!I" tl'f I,i' ffo .",/,Uf 1", L"I,M-td. (11'9" (I" tt 1I(t'r 1",#


mort,,,,, aro· ho\\ n In t"il,'llJ""' I throuJ1:bI;below, Though I'm su .... there are puristswho would ,",i_t that the moruse be chop­ped 0111with morti,inJl ch;"'I~. I.l', (ace h,mOl1jl'ing ('hiM·I~are t·Xlx·n~j\·eaO(J lhpwhole profl·." of choppinll mortises byhand i..."C~' liln(' consuming

I much prvfer to drill out most of theW8.<t" in thl' nI<'rti",' first. Then u's just amatter of "'!uaring the COn1(''''' and clean­in",up tbe<~ks. Tn do thi,. We use regu­Iar old bull ,·hisels - th.y·..., cheap. andth.~' j!t't the Job done,

5 ~'/ifllhr mil f)'~"'ltJ """,/( 01/ lite "u'·sid, j',r. SInrt 1/11.•"IIar;"1I "I' Iht

flld.or Ihe IIwrti.r. rhoppillq 10/11/1 depU,.1'1,," I"'" Iii., "d~<lltek.III /ul/ deplh.

7J",iV' f"rt. w Ilf """11 '(1fit pl'Cristly IIItJ" ,I/uri ix,. Till " d"ll IIoleg about "'....

/."tlll/ ~/I",,/(/; r, CJllfl ,,~" lH,t'k $01(' 10 r"ts/lJt~ 1<1.,,;i(1111((tll"II ttl Illf d,.,'frd J,m,s_


2Mark I//~'''/91'' (flld <Ileeks)Q{ the""/11;11('. Tnt'" u" (lit o,'/~idrfac« ot

tl,r roll (1"1,,. ,,,ark all(Jthl-'rft.f't of'i,;e~ ~..10 tJ~(",t~,df.·f)1 th( ,.tld r"~J,.-.8.

1 /~a!J,uq tll,f tIlt III"rl,1t1 rllft'J.,;S de­I" 11"11 (tl' 11'/"" "" !I"" "~('.•\Iark ball,

('f.~,k~Ita f'"NI", r 1,,1tiC II)lIC/ •• \I(,ri' filII"II t', Ilff r I,,,r 'f (I 'I,,,r ',1113 "!ltd.

4 :;I"rt3Y/fUt-Jugllll Ih(1 ,,,o)1i.>f(,Of' th«,"M III, 1(1f" 111'~',17'lIi" i~flit' Nidr Ilt(,/

"';/1 l}l U9fl''tsf fhf ItJllltllt/f'r,If of till! (tll(lll.)1)."" d,u, " Ii, tr ,If ",/; ,,; (Jilt)", ~. (I,'/~,

SMCMADUiOf tlNOH--­__ ,..a::><;;:;;1

manship, while at tht' same time adding acla,h o( dl"<"MItIOIl.or C(IIIN', all o( this does carry a price.

In this ease. the prlet' i, time. A good dealo( tim" i~""Iuh"d because the mortise (orthi. joint must have "'Iunr"d comers, an,1the two end ch~I'1u<must be cut at a slightangle. AI~u, tJlt' u-non must be cut to fitprl"('i~(_'k'in the mClrtil"(_'. Then slots mustbecut 10ae""pt th~ ""1)10,, and finally lhewed!!., mu.t bo· rut That's a lot of work• , , but I think It', worth it.TI\I' .tt-I ....((Or1a~;nJlout and rut~inJ1:the

A "l'flW:tfJ rn(lrli~('anfl tenon joinl u. one orthf' :-.lr(Jn~,..t joint .. in woodworking, Infact. (,nft' thiN jtunt ~(.I(~together. it'tonearly Iml"):-·..iblto to J.t,-~tit apart, even if it'snut ~luI·(1.

Rut I\lrl\nJ..rth nJolt(·i~not what makeslhi~ je,iJll NJ :tlllk'alillL!_ It':-oquite a hand ..sorno joint - ;llm1)!".l to tIl,", }JlJilll of being abit f'(:l "hn\\ -(Iff. '1(.n.' alKi mflr(> furnitureif' ft'Ct'nt )'('~l",i...bc>iJl,t.!' buill \\itb exposedjojf1(·r). TIlt 'A (-d~"(tmornse and tenonoffl'n- an {·\l'(·IJl'l1t o,lportunit)' to demnn­'tllll,· I!o"d J0ln('l'Y and ........,ful craft~

Wedged Mortise and Tenon •STRONG, HANDSOME, AND A BITOF A SHOW-OFF------

Page 13: Woodsmith - 015

We all spend a lot or lime fighting endgrain. whether in joinery or finishing. endgrain presents obstacles that must be con­fronted, I finally gave up ... and decided ifI can't fij!'htit. 111join it. The result i~thi.end-grain box top,It may be of some consolation til know

that (hi> i" one project where j(O<l(loldwhite pine yields better results thanalmost ally hardwood. The box top shownher" was made from a piece of plain-cutwhite pine 2x4. T~ get tbe best ring pat­tern, select a 2,4 cut [rom, or near. thecenter of the tl'e". (Fortunately, the- isvery common, IThe box top consist" of 32 blocks, each

lV"square.ln order 10get these blocks cutand arranged In the bull's e~'e patten •. Ifollo\\'l'(l thls cUlting sequence.STEl't. l started with a piece of2x~ about

IS" long (for easier handling) WIth a 12'"clear section at one end. Since 2x"~come\\;th rounded edges. it must be squared upfirst. I woundupwith 8 piece 21.~"wide andabout 1 " thick,It's important to choose a blade thAL\\;11

gi\'e a nice smoot h cut because it's not wiseto do any sanding' after cutting. I chose aSe«rs hollow-ground planer blade.ST.~1·2.Set the tip fence exactJ~f1\,~,from

the inside of the blade. and lip off twupieces l~'""ide as shown in Fig, I. Thenturn each piece on edge and make a secondcut $0 it', IV, thick, :-low mark off 3\·lengths on each piece and number each sec­lion to keep them in order.

STt:r 3, Cut fOUT a·-long sections f.'omeaeb piece (~i.lding eight section> in all).These seeriens are 'opened' as shown inFig, z to produce 'book matched' pair".STEP' These eight sections are then

glued up, paying close attention to the end~n pauern, Looking' at the end of thisblock. the ring patterns should form aseries of four half-cil"I es. Fig. 3. If. during'gluinl\', the bloeks have slipped. you mustcarefully plane the surface. flat.STEP6 NvI'. four strip, can be rip(lt'<1off

the end of this block. Fig. ~. Eath .nipshould be about >I, 'Ion)::.'These strips 81'(tthen matched to form the bull'<eye patternand glued up in t\\'(, rows.Since I wanted to preserve the bull's e)'.

pattern all the way 0111to the edl\'e~. I builtthe lid first and then built the box to fil .0no trimming would be necessary The boxshown here is made of red gum and joinedwith locked rabbet joints.The lid and 00" were finu-heo with I' ~

Ib.-CUlwhile shellac. and then given a 003tof earnaubn furnitu .... wax.





.8 7 " 5 iv.)b~~~~E&i-~~~~~~~~~~,A- ~L---~2----4---~'----_f----.----~~


"GUlf 1


Page 14: Woodsmith - 015


I" Ion~, AJlA!rlbe* .lril" an' cUi 10the I"\\ltllh.1 n.-<Elthe (encel" "I.C ....""wlthi>m\n. ~" lhiclme$.<_Th"n, a1lhoolllllt's notr\("('1l' .. ~ , it'":, be~tto rounrl o\,t.·r one ed~of ..a<h slrip, Til;' roundl'fi over edj!e \\illhe 81 Ih. top of lhe dra" ,'r and make~ il alink' eMirr to slide lhl' dnlw".' back intnIh. box,

tu\ allhi> ends oftht, I"" "tI.PK-._ Th~n(our ,.:It \ ,. wwoc!'Ooart' CUl for the ".he1,.e....\1.... ,UI'\' there L' e""-'Lh 1 "be",,,,,nth•..e dad_, Thonrut R VI" b) VI" rablk-ton the back edge o(.U (our pi.'«'~ ror lbepi) \\ ttod back,No" for lh~ dr:lw'·..... I ",m<'" by rip·

pil1l(I",\\;de <trip. (rom n I)il~cof 1x~pine.

·.£s ....-...

4•• l~ .... lARGE DRAWERG ' ...n' & Socia

111.1.4V,H Sid••

I I '1•• 1·4Y,eo,.. 4 BottomL_~~==~===~===========~::'1/.... ", __S:.¥..c..:....._J


••• ' ., ; I 11:. • ~",,;(..:'.:l

I: •f i'f • Y.

.,I ~t1 t ~ . f-=,'-r t-\I;. KlwtS C

- ?~.


lOX SURROUNDA Top& 80110"'

"'... 51/•• 14I Sid..\-•• 5'••9~.

C Plywood Sock••1 .-14


'J,.1.2V.E Sid••

'I.X 1·4'/,F tollom

'1... 2' ... S~.




J\U duru-n-iens $,ho\\ nit' tht ~1(,terial!o Li:-.t~'rl' lla."e(l on using "J" J,l)'\\'(Wld f01"thec-Iril\\','r bot turns nnd :oicll'!'I,nnc-Ithe shelves.Th(, ('Ultm!! Diagram ,hnw> tbe layout forhUI""n!!"the ba-ic "1111 with IS smal! draw,\'N klltt fl double-w itle tin" f"'r-. It ,IOt·..n·,andud~ the opuon ,,( Il<loIanl!lb,· lon~r:r'i"f~ (or the tool txtr~,""~htl\'\n 1nt~ vrult'~.~lItf·.·111....00\ :-.ho\rn In thl' ("regn)und

flf thl'I,holu i:- a (anJ·it·r \"'r",ion mad@of ..ilia pl., fur Ihe box, h' birch Illy ..."OO for Ih~,.h(Jl\·(_,fo. I ....~1ru;oJlilt.'fUI' tht· CII"!4,\'er hc,t·lon\~ :llld :,l(les-, ann rloc}~\lIn ((lr the drs\\ l'r(nonl < and back.,. '11lo1ll~hIh.. wlil is a liltknltf'r. it ub\'iou.,;;,l,.· clO<'ilin'\ make j.!ooc.J u* ofn'll(hl~ a\ailabl., =1('1;,,1 .., (I JU'I WaIlleOto militi a (anc~1ll\t~)('"n.""tructlon C-If th :"lo I>t I fair" unit L.. l"\.'all)

ttlllll' .....iml'le. I :-.ltlrt(·(1 h)' ouilttin~ th~11.1:-'ll'·:ourroWltl.' A ,.lm"It· rnbbt>t juint i:­u:-.,'(I Lo jOin thE' fOllr l·ttt'I".·r~.

f"..,.l. I, deep by .. \Iide rabbet-, ar~

Ican't "'IV thaI bUIi<lmgIhlS"'ora". box I,t""') CUllin!! alllh, ... little ple«'5 is nottno bad, But a,,"'mblin~ Ih" .....bul~ piect',into" 1(1\ of little dr~\\ I''''' I~nd, 10get a bitu-diou».\\','\'e hada lot of "'I"",t. ror 8made-

•,f·\,(OO "lora~e 1,.,:\ likc> lhi.....The mt'taJallfl pla.lo,tX-~lordJ.:eunns ) ou -ee e\ ery­"hen: are niee, 00\ lhe>,re ,lill pIa'llC•..\mllt seems m<t'ot \l,OI_I",tlrkpr.-. dL'"'(.iainIhml!'- made of pla'lirII t lried 10d",ijll1lh .. b", to make .fIi,

t'u'nt u-e ofmaterials, RI14lll\ the same time(.'1.tnt,'UI) with n modular fl"'l'lJ(Tl so the box('flulelbe built to ~uit it "urit:ty of n~~.I\'hil..... ,,.., 011 Iht ~Uhjl-c:1 of d.,ijll1.

II("rnl1tme a few eommt·n~. I) As you can......from the Cutung l) .~ lhieeIora~cbo~m",ke~ ""'r)' ,·rr,C'u.nt u ...(I' of readil~'.'ailat,l .. material ... Thl.... I" nice the finottimt' around. a.... \\1.'1114.~In the future a.....m('1"(' boxes art' built.~)The", are Iwo .i1A" of drawers, The

."'011 one is quill' 8d'~IU"h' for brads, small"'rt'" s, etc, The Iltl)wl' <Ira" ers will hold,(IIr l·xllmr1....J(•• ) • N'n'" ,f.r twe dozenl.alL"i. tlr laJr serew-, etc31~In<e lhe Iarj:,' lira" •rs Ill\! e""''ll)

,loul>I,' thi>width o.lhe ~m"lIer ones, lhi'""~ I"," lIP buill ",lh "II -rnall drawers allhtrKI' onesor an~'combinauon with ont~·minor changes in thl' (\Ittinl< lJiap;ram andntl need (or extra malt.'t;nl"

II The dr.\\l''''' ,,'" 11.'i~ned so lb. bot­tom al..~ serves a... It h_tlMllc a....well 8Ji

PlY,' wlin),!'space for a lahPllfl Idpntif~· lh(>rrmtt nts of thl draw (>T

__ S_h_op Storage_B_ox _A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING------------------------

Page 15: Woodsmith - 015



"2 • 01..







1. ".,.. ;



• •



•• ~~

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B.,rore CI.. tIDI( .n~ pi",,; to length. I".nt ahe.. lanol npped lh.... plywood iorthe ''''''''l'r bull"m.' and .,,1.,. And CUIthe-hcl ve, .,.1 boIckto • ..." The l'uuinj! Dia-1(1'1U11 doe'n't .Ilow mU"h"a.'t., The layoutalto"'~Ih·(t,r kl·rfs. hut r.he~·~almv~tnflroom (or ~.'rrur.Onc(' aU01the .tril'" have been cu•. you

11111,(cut orrllu th,' Jli~~to length, lSome~JK)Clnl~t'I"UI~ for ("utting small piC-l'e"al~dc.cribt-d1l1 the "rticl,· abo'·.,)To a»,'mlol"lhe d,"UwcrsI found it much

~3,"'r tu U'C tht· 113ilinl(fixlure describedt,n )la)!1,.13. ThnuJth It takf."8 tJme to make'thi' fixture. It '''1'<' IIllIk~~naililll( the;('bttl~ rlra\\C"l"2Ia \\oolt" lot t>a....ier.

.-\J\O.,. nailing lbe draw.", together, I:'!oilJM1l-ddo" n lhl SJ41( ... on a di:,k sandermounted on the table "",.. 'f'hk.littl. bit ors:..ntlmg 1\(.'" onl) ..mc""theo.. out. ttwo ~id ..- tJ(the .1",,. r. hut .I~ ( ....~Ies the minimumcll'3l1UK't' ll(oa"""U') btt "l'<.'n the draw""",tTht: nIRl(l'n.'ii14)1L8 of the 4ira\\"t?'N and the~urroun41.1I(1\~ 110 ('I\'araru:~.hcllL.....tht'"•• nding takt1' c... " Iof thi'.lOn\~ final JIIul[J:tstiun. I u....*' '~l anel

~tl~k' 8dlll,·•• lab.·I, tn mark lb~ contcnt ..o(tht' dn.wt·r, Thl·"ela"'·1>,hould be 3vall,ahl<- ,..t uhn4"'it an~' ~{.ati()n(.\I'".\'store.

SI"'<1(IIJ>n'Cauti'm, .hould be pushed o~in, •• h,· bl'ICk andtaken when "orkinll with "'I')" guirled through thl' hl",I<',small pi'!(.'c:lon H table ~a\\. With thi-, :o.Pt·U)),Ih~1 t·Ul·rJt(I~tln'an' twu M1l'UI':-\\ l~w....to piece,;have ernluuh "'f);tl't' ht·kcepfinl(.'''I'''''tl'''I('(I. yet still tween lh. bladc und ,h~ 1"1'make aceurateeuu-. fence1<0 they "011" g••( tn'I'I>l,1Whenever wr- hu\,t· to cut a and thrown back.

Yohull' b\1nrh or ,.0Ut11 Illf>C{"~to The rule mfnliQnl'tl ..,~)\ l~ 1$the sam« Il'llj(\h. we u"'" th(' intended for thruujl'h (or cut,... -t -u p,h,," nin F'j!. I.There ,' oro ""win)!, In the e..... nf cut­a rule when U~ln~at table Ni\\ une a rabbet at thr· l·nlJ or athat ~'OU"h••uJ.Jnever U~ the pieee. both the miter ~~\llo!'tandm.t,·r~'1Iu\!l.ntlnp(t:IM.'Cat tM rip fenee can be ll~ In CIn-..amt tlmt' junction.If th~y ,. crv UM'<! t01:ltber. Tbe """ul' .ho,," in f"11." ~

tht' eut-eff I'iecp would be ,bow, thi> uperauon, Ho"trapped be·''' .....n the blad~ and ever, smce "P ,..·re cutting aIhe nl' f.""" \·c.; qUickly tbe rabbet un Ih. ,,"01v(\ cry smallhlarl~\\ DuMcatch th"'''''''' and pieee-. we ad,I.,1 an "X!PlIo!"nlh1"n" it bafk at )'UU - not renee to th~ mi« ..r ).'·n\l':'~tIl t'up·~","I port the piece aUlheway tu Ih,

III "nll'r tu solve Ihi. prob- blade.k-m WI' clamp • ";('[" uf 2,4 Also. \\'~ clamped a .trill flf-cral' 10Ih,·rip f'·lIce. The from 1', 1)lywood10 Ih,' nil ("I\e\' t<>,'Illlc of rh.. bleck .. placed in halo down 110.·elld "flhe work­line With the fnllll«ll!e of the piece, Since the pl~wourl i8hl,,~,·. Thl'n the CUl,of(I.nlllh pesirioned dirt·cII~ over thvi", ml'1l"'\lr(-<I (rom thl.' blads to blade. it ~f:r\ ('~ 8:-. .t bladelh,' block, 'I h.· workpiece is Iguani a.' \t.II,


Page 16: Woodsmith - 015


P~lmastcr:Addl'o..s Con'Ccl ion Requested

W IX: ~",ithPI. 'tT J '" '-"5I~.!!o 1A!Ol:JQ

IS~N: om 1-111-1

Second Cia&;Postuge PaidAt De.Moine$, IA

f"otl(J\\'ln~i..u li.':;;l of the ctln\t'nt6 of i>3ck Issues(1f "'000",,,,,1,, B1tt:k 1~"U('1iart' a\'llilable- for$2 eachNumber Ono: Tfi'!o!tle 'fabh-. (_"l;nt(,lnpont!")'I)l)uhl~"Outs Tables. TIl' Rack. ('0t,.Ik.ie ('f~linJ!'Rack. (~utling IJ0:8nl. fo-inJt~rt ·Ilun..,~.DrillPress t.iuirl,,>;oi., Tnpt'" .fig, (._'arpeuter's "j'rUtng14.'Number Two! ('ont~mr~"lraryChairs, TableSaw Teehniques: Box JoinL arul Stoppt.'<I Dado,Hanging t,nmp. Nru."i.'tI·P'Ull'l Ouor" Technique;~ht.rffi H,d(·I .ap. l\hakcr "OK RlIc~.Humber ThrM: ('&n\'A3 and Reci\\-(I(HI D,-t'kChair. ftt.-d\,v~JOtI(~ard('n Beneh, Deek Squ~.Kl':!i\\'ood Plant Tub, (°ed.r Plant Pilhll"l'. llilnj:"mK Planter, TiPEo f'ur OUldoor Fumaure. Nine\",uiatitlos On j'\Ltrnter llOXt>!O.Numb.,. fou,: Rilll-Tnl) Bread Box, Thrt>("A<Ij!I. l)niJinl' Jig>. Shol' &",,1. 1-.)' S;II" Tool~tllm~(.I.nux OiDrn\\·cl'1., R('j~RuiklinJr Ra·,;c.'I'I.,\ ('.'L.,p "''''or ~torln$lRouler Anll L~i~.Number fivo! I';xcl\k'ive r1an~""or .~ Ruult'J'Table. ~h""Your Own Tool' W....lg. CiJuul'-,

Knirv Holders, Letter Opc.tlcr. Recipe Box.JQlneT~/ Techniquex: Rabbt't ll{tdlJo Jeint ,Cluing·lip I..amilllllioll>:Tool,<of tho Tra,r..Number (Iovon: Shake)' OE>Jtign: ~I("Tnbw,ClUlillt Stand, f)rOI)-l.enr T3ble: Technique:Drop Leaf Joint, l\lountinjZ. Hmges. llathcma.­ties (if Taperinrc a Leg; ("·ir't'l~Sandin", Jj~.Number Twelve: Slam-Top \Vritin~ Desk.Oc'.~"'n.1 ClockFrame. RoundMirror, Cullin!!Th in T."."" By Hruvi. Horizolltal Boring .Iig.~Iathematjcs of Jll1ll..'l"'S.I\dju,,;,tabll' )lit('1" Jig,Co,'. CultiD)l On A Tabl. SowNumbor Thirteen. C'ont-empQrarr IlulchC.bint:t Step B:;.' $lt:,) Tu auildjn~Gl:t.ZNtDeors. llorUse 001,1Tl:l1on \\'ith Conecaled Hu.b­be" RolI·AroundShop Cart. Rout"" ,l.".lryBox. 01... CUtlingT<'cltniquI!>.Number Fourteen: Peml)roke Tablt·, nutlE-'r'~Tray Tab1e. Dr;t\\'inR' An Eli~c, ~lountinj.!Drop-Le.f Hillll'''''' How T. Sharpen A SeI1lfl'"al..-h"" Tunll"Ci C:mi:otel", rlniAAing TeMniqu("",HowTo ~!<"'nlButl"r', Tabl. HinRt",

Taper,Ii!!" Bow Saw. D... ,,'!nl' An Ellip"~. OvalFrame. Toy Trnin and R.'1C1' (..~.Numbor 51.: )lu!ollc130". Cookbook R(!~ipt-'Shelf. Candle Sconce. Spice Box. JoineryTcehmque..:- fUboot and Groove Joint. Threeltet'a""inJ{ Ji~.\\'ooden Chrisltna:s Ornomenl.&.(.'hrit-tlltag Oi~]}tayTree,Number S."en: J3ook'~lagazin~Case. "'ill'Cabinet. Miter and Spline Joinery. RouterTable Technique •. Book Rack, L•••• I.afBinder. \Va.-c;lc 8a..,k~l. Tips, &: Techniques,NUMber light: Joinery: ?tfortise & Tenon.Frome and Panel Constructton. \\'all~Hung(.Willet, frame and P.",nel Cuntemporar)' Cabi­n!". Panel Cullin)! Tethniqt1l-o:\.Number NinO! Project, .. \Vith \\'nodel' Hin~Adjustable '••"ht BIlIckel. Jewolry Box. LaplJe3k. S\\'eater Chest. Di::play Ca.~·:.1(1iJlt'1,)':l.o<kod MIl"r, Joinory. End Iloards, JoiJwry:PvalIel Spline, Ti~&: Tt"C"hniques.NumberTon: Ptc>jec~"""romSenl' \\'ood: ~k('ltK'k, \tWlit)· ltirror. Coin Tra~·.Belt Buekle.



control during the cut,

extra pr...caution we take i$ touse a hollow-ground planerblade for these small cut-oITs.The Leeth of this blade arc no!'set' so lh")' don't project OULfrom the bl.de and there's lesschance o(the blade catching tbecut·off piece,

When cULting rabbets 011thel>nctor small pieces. itls neces­sal')' to provide a method ofholding the workpiece in placewhile the cut j, made.W~ use tbe holding' fixture

shown in Fig. 2. A small notchis "ut (Jut of Que corner of apiece of scrap that matches thesize of ~heworkpiece. Theworkpiece j. placed in the fix­ture and pushed against a stopblock. This procedure keepsyour finl!ers well away fromthe blade. yet .1I0ws complete

thrown across Ih. room, One

Cuttingsmall pieces on a radialarm saw reuuires n ,lIghllydiff('r~nt approach than wasused on the table saw tpreviousT"ge'.Allhaugh a stop bl(l(lklorelld

block) can be us('d on a tablesaw for oeuing the length (orculting orr <JIIlI1i pieces, this isnot a I!OO'Ipractice on a radialarm AAW. A. shown ill lei!:. 1.we UW I)Illy a pencil line on thefence to g1luge thel(!njrth ufthecut·olT.Ifa stop block wen? clamped

to the fence. the small piececould ~asil~' he cnught by th..blade. especially when theblade carnage is moved backafter the cui.However, .' en if the block i.

not present. the cut ..off piececould still be caught and