WOOD - Southern Research · President-Elect: PAUL M. SMITH, Pennsylvania State University,...


Transcript of WOOD - Southern Research · President-Elect: PAUL M. SMITH, Pennsylvania State University,...

Page 1: WOOD - Southern Research · President-Elect: PAUL M. SMITH, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Vice President: DOUGLAS GARDNER, University of Maine, Orono, ME

Volume 37



(ISSN 0735-61 61)

January 2005


Number 1


Page 2: WOOD - Southern Research · President-Elect: PAUL M. SMITH, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Vice President: DOUGLAS GARDNER, University of Maine, Orono, ME

SOCIETY OF WOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2004-2005 Oflcers of the Society

President: AUDREY ZINK-SHARP, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061 Past President: DOUGLAS D. STOKKE, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 5001 1 President-Elect: PAUL M. SMITH, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Vice President: DOUGLAS GARDNER, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469 Executive Director: VICKI L. HERIAN, Society of Wood Science and Technology, One Gifford Pinchot

Drive, Madison, WI 53726-2398 Directors:

JEFF MORRELL, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 9733 1 J. DANIEL DOLAN, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164 ROBERT L. BEAUREGARD, Universitk Laval, Sainte-Foy, Quebec, Canada G1 K 7P4 JERRY WINANDY, U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI 53726

WOOD AND FIBER SCIENCE WOOD AND FIBER SCIENCE is published quarterly in January, April, July, and October by the Society of Wood Science and Technology, One Gifford Pinchot Dr., Madison, WI 53726-2398, in cooperation with the Forest Products Society.


Associate Editor D. EARL KLINE

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Page 3: WOOD - Southern Research · President-Elect: PAUL M. SMITH, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Vice President: DOUGLAS GARDNER, University of Maine, Orono, ME


Wood and Fiber Science is the official publication of the Society of Wood Science and Tech- nology, and accordingly publishes papers with both professional and technical content. Original papers of professional concern or research papers that add to basic understanding of wood and wood fiber or of the processing, marketing, and use of their products will be considered. Papers will be judged on the basis of their contribution of original data and ideas or interpretation or, in the case of reviews, on their currency and completeness. Any manuscript submitted must be unpublished research not being offered for publication elsewhere. Upon acceptance and publication by m o d and Fiber Science, a manuscript must not be published again in any form without written consent of both author and editor.

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Article: MANESS, THOMAS C., AND W. STUART DONALD. 1994. The effect of log rotation on value recovery in chip and sawmills. Wood Fiber Sci. 26(4):546-555.

Book: SINCLAIR, S. 1992. Forest products marketing. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY. 403 pp.

Chpater: LEATHAM, G. F., G. C. MYERS, T. H. WEGNER, AND R. A. BLANCHETTE. 1990. Energy savings in biomechanical pulping. Pages 17-25 in T. K. Kirk and H.-M. Chang, eds. Biotechnology in pulp and paper manufactures, applications, and fundamental investigations. Butterworths-Heinemann, Boston, MA.

Internet: SASSUS, F., M. FOURNIER, AND B. THIBAUT. 1995. Longitudinal growth strains and drying shrinkage in tension wood of poplars (Populus euroamericana cv 1214) IUFRO XX World Congress, Tampere, Finland http://www.metla.fi/conf/iufro95abs/ d5posl3.htm. (8 June 1998).

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Address all manuscripts and correspondence concerning editorial matters to the Editor, Geza Ifju, Department of Wood Science and Forest Products, Brooks Forest Products Center, Virginia Tech, Blacks- burg, VA 24061-0503. In US., use first class mail; from other countries, use air mail.

Page 4: WOOD - Southern Research · President-Elect: PAUL M. SMITH, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Vice President: DOUGLAS GARDNER, University of Maine, Orono, ME



Stephen S. Kelley Principal Scientist

National Biomergy Center National Renewable Energy Labomtory

1617 Colc Boulevard Golden. CO 80401

Thomas EUee Research h t Products Technologist


Leslie H. Groom? Project Leader, Research Porest Products Technologist

USDA-Forest Service Southem Research Station 2500 Shreveport Highway

Pinefle, LA 7 1360

(Received Octok 2003)

Loblolly pine wood between the ages of 5-35 was refined into medium density fiberboard furnish at steam pressures from 2 to 18 bar, The effect of age and processing conditions on the properties of the fibers was assessed by wet chemical analyses, Near In- Specb.llscopy (NIR) and powder X-ray diffraction 0). In g e d , the percentages of extractives and glucose increased, while the xylose, gatactms, and mannose cbxeased with increasing refining pressure. There were no consistent changes in chemical com- position of the refined fibm as a function of the age of the wood. The crystallinity of the refined fibers in- creased with both age and refining pressure. The spectroscopic and XRI) data were analyzed using multivariate statistical methods, indicating a strong relationship between the spectral patterns and refining M==.

Keywonis: Medium density fiberbard, (MDF), near infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, partial least squares.

INTRODUCTION (USDA 1999). The panel fbmkb is manufac- tured by subjecting wood chips to a thermome- Medium density fibaboard is a nonstructural chanid process, in which the is subjected

pael product, with densities Of 31-50 pounds to high and then to fibrs Per cubic foot 'ha' are unifom throughout the by sh-g the through a of

genedy with urea-formddehyde plates. Adhesives and waxes are added to the resins, and used in applicatim including fumi- fibem, which are subsequently pressed to speci- ture underlayment, molding and door skins fied thiChess and demitY.

tMembea of SWST. Recent studies have examined the impact of

processing conditions and location within the

Page 5: WOOD - Southern Research · President-Elect: PAUL M. SMITH, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Vice President: DOUGLAS GARDNER, University of Maine, Orono, ME


tree from which the chips originated on the fun- damental material properties of the fibers. These results have also been compared to the properties of the furished boards. In a preliminary study, chips representing ju-

venile wood (rings 1-10) and mature wood (rings 20 and above) of a loblolly pine were processed at steam pressures of 4,8, and 12 bar. These fibers have been analyzed with scanning electron microscopy, atomic force rnicrcoscopy (Snell et al. 2001), Fourier transform infr-ared spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectros- copy (Rials et al. 2001). The microscopy experi- ments indicated an increase in surface roughness with refiner pressure, with juvenile wood fibers exhibiting a higher degree of roughness than ma- ture ones. Quantitative measures of roughness showed that surface roughness is greatest for both tissue types at the 8 bar pressure. These re- sults are interpreted as indicating the occurrence of different failure modes in juvenile and mature wood at differing pressures. Fiber lengths were also found to be maximized at 8 bar, with the fibers refined at 4 and 12 bar exhibiting about equal fiber lengths (Rials et al. 2001). This be- havior, in which the samples refined at 8 bar dif- fer markedly from the others, can also be observed through the determination of surface energy by inverse gas chromatography (Elder et al. 2002). Furthermore, these differences in sur- face level properties are consistent with the stiff- ness of panels made from these fibers, which were also found to be at a maximum at 8 bar (Rials et al. 2001).

The chemical composition and physical prop erties of wood and a variety of biomass materials have been measured with NIR spectro~opy (Hoffmeyer and Pedersen 1995; Kelley et al. 2004; Mcbllan et al. 199 1 ; Newman et al. 1 W; Raymond et al. 2001; S c W e c k et al. 1997; 'Ifygesen 1994; T h m and Meder 2001). These studies have shown that all of the individual wood components, lignin, extractives, and indi- vidual sugars can be measured with NIR. Physi- cal properties such as density, mechanical strength, and microfibril angle can also be mea- surrd with NIR (HofEcneyer and Pedersen 1995;

Kelley et al. 2004; T h u m and Meder 2001). ne bending and internal bond properties of MDF panels have also been correlated with NIR spectra (Rials et al. 2001). All of these results suggest that NIR should be useful for characteri- zation of these MDF fibers.

Changes in the crystallinity of cellulose (Segal et al. 1959; Hu and Hsieh 1996; Hindeleh and Johnson 1972; Bang et al. 1999) and wood pulps as a function of processing conditions (Ramos et al. 1999; Goswami et al, 1996) have been reported by several authors. In workdi- rectly related to the current paper, Ahtee et al. (1980, 1983) have used X-ray diffraction to de- tennine the crystallinity of thennomechanical pulps. Beating to various fheness levels seems to have little impact on the crystallinityv while as might be expected, it is reported that grinding in a ball mill for increasing lengths of time dramat- ically decreases the crystallinity.

Based on this body ofeprior work, the c m t study was undertaken to relate changes in the chemical composition and spectra of refined fibers to the refining conditions and the age of the original wood chips. The chemical composition of a subset of the fibers was meas- with standard wet chemical techniques. NIR spectra of these fibers were collected to investigate the potential for using NIR to measure the chemical composi- tion of MDF fibers and to see if the spectra could be related to processing conditions. XRD pattern were collected on a larger set of fibers to investi- gate the effects of the age of the wood chips and the ref in in^ conditions on the fibers.

Production of refined fibers

Loblolly pine was coIIectd from the Cmssett E x p e h n t a i Forest, and individual trees were divided into four age groups representing tissue from the pith to ring 8, rings 9- 16, 17-24, and 25 and above. The wood was chipped and pressure-refined at the BioComposites Center in Bangor, Wdes (Snefl et al. 2001; Rials et al. 2001). The refining conditions included pres-

Page 6: WOOD - Southern Research · President-Elect: PAUL M. SMITH, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Vice President: DOUGLAS GARDNER, University of Maine, Orono, ME

16 WOOD AND FIBER !Xll3IVa JANUARY 2005, V. 37(1)

suresof2,4,5,6,7, 8, 10, 12, 14,md 18.bar, providing a total of 40 samples foi evaluation.

All samples were milled using a Standard Wiley knife inill with a 2-mm meen (ASTM 1999). All samples were analyzed using ASTM standard methods for whole biomass analysis (ASTM 1999). NIST Pine Standard Reference Material # 8493 was used as a reference for the determination of extractives, lignin, and car'bo- hydrates. Analysis errors for softwood composi- tion using these traditional wet chemical analysis methods are 05% for lignin and ash, 1.M for glucose and extractives, and 1.5% for all other sugars (Milne et al. 1992).

NZR measurements

The NZR spectrometer used for method devel- opment was a Foss NIR Systems model 6500 Forage Analyzer with a sample transport module and a standard reflectance detector array that measures between 400-2500 nm. Natural prod- uct sample compartment cells in 114 cup size and ring cups (4-mm diameter) for small samples were used as sample holders in the transport module. This instrument has a maximum res01u- tion of 2 nm. The fiber samples were p u n d using a small coffee grinder to homogenize the sample and to minimize differences in particle size. Each sample was sub-sampled three times, and the sub-sample spectra were averaged; the samples were also run in duplicate and the dupli- cate spectr+ were averaged. This provided a thor- oughly representative spectrum that was used for the analysis.

XRD measurements

Powder X-ray difhetion measurements were taken on each sample, at 20 angles from 3 to 90",

points each, were averaged along the angle axis by a factor of 20 to produce a file with 425 points for each pattern. The PLS (partial least squares) models were constructed with these av- eraged data sets.

P U analysis

The spectra and XRD patterns were converted to an Unscranibler @ file (The Unscragibler 7.6, 2000). The reflectance spectra were converted to absorbance spectra in Unscramblw @. All the data sets were subjected to Mnlttiplicative Scat- tering Correction (MSC) using the Unscrambler algorithms Averaging the spectral data reduces the size of the matrix and s i g d m t l y reduces the time required to compute the projection to htent Structures (PIS) models without decreas- ing the quality of the models.

Given that 19 samples wen: subjected to wet chemical analysis, the NIR and PLS correlation models for the chemical composition were based on N1 cross validation, with one sample re- moved at a time (Gabrielssan et al. 2002; Martens and Naes 1991). The codation coeffi- cient and root mean square error of prediction are generated by the full cross-validation proce- dure. For the analyses of refining pressure and total crystallinity, 40 m q l e s were analyzed, and the data sets were randomly divided into two groups. One group was used to construct a cali- bration model, using full cross-validation., and this calibration model was used to @ct the properties of the second set of samples that were not included in the original model. The correla- tion coefficient and root mean square enw of prediction are from the vali,dation set.


Changes in chemical cornpoition

using a Rigaku Miniflex X-ray Powder Diffrac- The results of the wet chemical analysis are tometer, with Cu Ka radiation (1.54056 A) shown in Fig. la-lf. While it is well known that Crystallinity indices were calculated by I ( 2 2 O ) - the chemical composition of juvenile pinewood l ( I 8Q)n(220) (Segal et al. 1959). The complete and mature pinewood is diAFerent, there were no

patterns, containing more than 8,500 data- consistent changes in the chemical composition

Page 7: WOOD - Southern Research · President-Elect: PAUL M. SMITH, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Vice President: DOUGLAS GARDNER, University of Maine, Orono, ME

for the diflferent age classes. Thus, the four dif- ferent age classes at five different refining pres- sures were averaged to show trends in the chemical composition as a function of refining pressure. There is a sigmficant increase in the extractives content pig. la), and a less dramatic incraw in the glucose content (Fig. lb), with in- aeasing refining pressure. There is a corre- sponding deaease in the hemicellulose sugars, xylose (Fig. lc), galactose (Fig. Id), and man- nose (Fig. le) at the higher refining pressures. The lignin content remains the hesame as a func- tion of refining pressure, although there is a large amount of variation between the different s m - ples.

As expected, there are changes in the chemi- cal composition as a function of refining pres- sure. The higher refining pressures depress the glass transition temperature of the lignin and can initiate hydrolysis of labile carbohydrate bonds. The denease in the hemicellulose sugars starts above 8 bar, which corresponds to a temperature of 170°C. Below 8 bar, there is no significant change in the amount of hemicellulose sugars, and only minor changes in the extractive con- tcnf suggesting limited hydrolysis of the sugars at the lower pressures. The relationship between the total crys-

tallinity and refining pressure is shown in Fig. 241. T'here was a great deal of scatter in the crys- tallinity measured with XRD, but there is a gen- eral trend of increasing crystallinity with haeasing refining pressure. These results are consistent with increased refking pressure lead- ing to a decreaPe in the concentration of the amorphous cellulose and hemicelIuIose compo- nents, and thus a relative increase in the pys- tailinity of the fibers. The wet chemical analysis shows a clear loss in the hemicellulose sugars (Fig. Ic-le). Higher refining pressures are also known to decrease the relative amount of early- wood fibers and ray cells, which can also lead to an increase in the relative crystallinity (Nals et al. 2001). There wen= also differences in the crystallinity of the fibers based on the age of the original wood (Fig. 2b). Refined fibers from ma- ture wood, average age of 35 years, were more

crystalline than fibers from juvenile wood aver- age age 8 years. Fibers from the transition re- gion, average age 20 years, were also more crystalline than the fibers from juvenile wood. These trends are consistent with prior results ('%kg and Chiu 1990).

Representative NIR spectra of fibers refined at different pressures are: shorn in Fig. 3. As ex- pected, the absorbance in the visible region of the spectra increases, which is consistent with a thfkening of the fibers as the refining pressure increased. However, there are few, if any, obvi- ous changes in the overtone and combination re- gions of the near infrared spectrum that can be assigned to chemical changes in the samples.

The NIR spectra were also used to predict the chemical changes in the fibers. The nssults from these predictions are shown in Table 1. In gen- eral, there is a good corre1ation between the NIR spectra and the chemical composition of the fibers. The notable exception is the pow correla- tion between the NIR spectra and measured lignin content. In prior work, the cmrelation be- tween the measured lignin content and the NIR spectra has been reported to be very strong, gen- erally above 0.85 (Kelley et al. 2004; McLellan et at. 1991; Newman et al. 1994; Raymond et al. 200 1; Schimleck; et al. 1997).

In the case of these =fined fibers, the= are two possible explanations for the poor correla- tion between the NIR spectra and lignin content. Both explanations involve changes in the struc- ture lignin caused by the re-g pmxss. Changes in the lignin structure that make the lignin more heterogeneous g e n d y decrease the quality of the comlations since there are more chemical features in the NIR spectra that must be accommodatd in the PLS model. This trend has been seen though generally lower cor- relations between the measured and predicted lignin content in hardwoods versus softwoods. The second explanation involves the actual mea- sured lignin content used for the dbfation model. The lignin content measured by the tradi-

Page 8: WOOD - Southern Research · President-Elect: PAUL M. SMITH, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Vice President: DOUGLAS GARDNER, University of Maine, Orono, ME



Figure la.


Figure lc.

Figure lb.

8 12


Figure Id.

8 12


2 26 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20

Pressure Pressure

Figure le. Figure If. RG. 1. Chsnges in'chentical composition as a function of refining press= (a) e x d v e $ @) glucosz (c) xylasc, (dl

ealactose. (el mannose, Ifi lienin.

Page 9: WOOD - Southern Research · President-Elect: PAUL M. SMITH, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Vice President: DOUGLAS GARDNER, University of Maine, Orono, ME

-2 Ga O 2 4 B d 1Q t2 14 16 1b 2Q 0 5 10 I li 20

Figure 2a. Figure 2b. Refining hssune: (ban) Prwssum (barr)

/:Xi. 2. Chanpcs jn (a1 XRL) mz;l;furcd ct'y~at;ltUnirr tor 211 rrarnpics x+ a Ihniruaa ul rc fining prmsasr and (bj djt'f'crcncc In crysralltnity ~ v j . r " c n niatlirrc viMxl ipwttcr that^ 25 ycar;r) and *tnvcmR t~u(~ i j {Ic3$ 8 yc:r$) ZIIKI malure tilacxl md cm- riliw wcwd I Z V C ~ ~ C B ~ C Z!) 4can5 wfh rcfiforing prcrauw,

KT trardves r7 92 i4 19 2. f r f zxm 0.88 0.f32 .I kl iapla~sr. Q.95 IS. ldf; 4 Cral:i~t CI.78 0.W 4 Xylase 0.Q I fk 12 5 Iai;:nir~ 0.25 0.25 d

1200 IEiM) 2WO 2400 Jhzfining PWAW~: t1.W lkl l+ 7 - t;:q's~s.tallir,-* 0.22 IS. 1 5

- -- . - -- - - - - - Fmr XRT? Smcn-.:

YIR zpttctta cif ~ltittut~ u-umi refirted i~ 1, 8 . etrd 12efi ning Priifis.tn't= 11.91 0.1 3 5 C:rys~allinir)t rtt.C)$ 13,112 5

1ii3tjal wilt ciranicnl J I I L U I I C ~ S covers a very JIar- r u ~ nmge of values 126.2 tu 283. with c,nc sam- ple above 29.8)- 'l'hese Klason ljgnin a~~alyscs 11w:rl irt ttlis rfiidy :in: op~.irr~in:rl T4.r H srarsllard softwood lignil~, and rhc refining pmczss may geaemte non-saluble or soluble lipnii-t structulp;~ xviih crTx:cjrrirritrn r:hcrrtit::rl fc.:;tlr~ri;s, I ~ I ~ I r:r~rripfi- cite che wet chemicid andysjs.

Ttlt~lt: 1 irlsrb h11nrls.s ~lrc iewulls rli" a PtS 111c~lc1 Glr n:firtil~l+r Ifn:sa3frrc: itast:iJ in It#; VIR spxl'i'. Ttlcve 1s 3 sxr~ng relationship fr - 0.93) bew~een

I ~ K : r ~ l i ~ d t t i n ~ l mfioii~g pn:urifw wrul ihc wfiriir~g p l z s s u ~ prdiclert fiam the NIK spectra, Given 111c ~~11-dcfi~~cs! cl~a~bgch it; IIIC clwrrii~a11 ct~n- pusiliuia c w a I't~nctiun of refining prizssure (Rg. 1). it is not stllprisil~g tha &e K1K syectt-a alsn i ndiutc CIK cn;lclh 4 t l rufi~~ir~g piuhstrrt:. Tht: 1.1:- 121rionship between the rural crysmlltnrry and KlK spGlra is uisa sllowr~ in 'lhbbfe I , 3'he pmr cttrcx:la~ii~~~ I I C ~ ~ Y C C ~ I itit: NIR sp~t:Im : I I ~ ~ C I X : C ~ I ~

Page 10: WOOD - Southern Research · President-Elect: PAUL M. SMITH, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Vice President: DOUGLAS GARDNER, University of Maine, Orono, ME


cystalfinity was also somewhat surprising. Rior work has show a good m l a t i b n between NIR spectra and the microfibril angle of the cellulose crystallites (Kelley et al. 2004). h'limfibril angle of the cellulose c r y s ~ t e s and total crys- tallinity are different features but similar enough that we had antid- that fhe NER spectra would contain some i n f o d o n on the total e r y s w t y .

The regression coefficients for the PLS mod- els of refining pressure and crystallinity are shown in Fig. 4. Tbe regression coefficients for both the refining pressure and crystallinity are very similar, indicating that changes in the phys- ical and chemical fea;tuI.es observed with the NIR are very similar. These regression d- cients ate consistent with changes in carbohy-


Fro. 5. XRD patterns for juvenile and anature wood re- fined at 2 and 18 bar.

drate hydrogen bonding patterns, but it is impossible to assign these changes to specific PLS methods were used to correlate changes carbohvdrates. in the XRD patterns with the crystallinity index

and refining pressure, and these results are also

The crystallinity index of cellulose and wood fibers is commonly measured with XRD, and the XRD patterns for the d ined fibers in the current study are shown in Fig. 5. There are two major peaks ih the XRD patterns corresponding to the 101 and 002 crystal planes, at 17 and 22", re- spectively.

shown in Table 1. There is a high correlation be- tween changes in the XRD patterns and the total crystallinity, which is not surprising. However, there is also a strong relationship between changes in the XRD patterns and the refining pressure used in the preparation of the fibers. So while there is only a modest relationship be- tween the total crystallinity and refining pressure (Fig. 2a), a PLS analysis based on the raw XRD patterns is able to identify subtle shifts in the XRD patterns that we highly correlated with the refining pressure.

Again the PLS analysis also provides the re- gression coefficients that indicate the specific XRD features that are responsible for the corre- lations between the XRp patterns, and tot& crystallinity and refining pressure. The regres- sion coefficients are shown in Eg. 6, along with the averaged XRD patterns for all the fibers re- fined at 2 and 4 bar, and all the fibers refined at 14 and 18 bat, The regression coefficients for both the crystabity and the refining pressure

1200 1600 X K K ~ 24M show a clear shift in intensity to higher angles Wavelength (nm) for the 002 peak. There is also a less pronounced

~ m . 4. Repssion codficicnts from PLS &is b d shift in the regression coefficients of refining on NIR spectra for refininp; pressure and crystauinity. pressure to higher angles in tbe 101 peak,

Page 11: WOOD - Southern Research · President-Elect: PAUL M. SMITH, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Vice President: DOUGLAS GARDNER, University of Maine, Orono, ME


dicting the overall crystallinity of the refined fibers.

Support from USDA-Forest Service-Southem Research Station and the U.S. Department of En- ergy* Office of Industrial Technology Agenda 2020 prugmm, i s gratefully acknowledged.

FIG. 6. Regression coefficients from PLS models based on XRD patterns for refining pressure and cryshilinity.


A series of MDF fibers were prepared using different refining pressures and chips with dif- faent average age. The chemical c o ~ i t i o n and crystallinity of the refined fibers changed as a function of the refining pressure. Specifically, the extractive and glucose contents increased, while the mannose, xylose, and galactose con- centrations decreased with increased refining pressure. 'Ihe average crystallinity of the fibers also increased with increasing refining pressure. All of these changes were more pronounced above 8 bar refining pressure. The m d lignin content was highly variable and did not shown any trends as a function of refining pres- sun. Across all of the re-g pressures the crystallinity of the fibas generally increased with increasing age of the chips. The increase in crystaUinity was greatest moving from fibers prepared from the juvenile wood (8 years old) to transition wood (16-24 years old).

NIR and XRD analyses were conducted on the refined fibers. These data were subjected to PLS analysis to monitor the effects of refining pres- m, and changes in the chemical composition and crystdlinity of the fibers. Both analytical tools could predict changes in the fibers as a function of refining pressure. NIR was effective for predicting the chemical composition, except lignin content. Only XRD was effective for pre-

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